Can 3 Players Survive a DEATH WORLD in Factorio?

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factorio is a difficult game factorio with a death world is yet an even more difficult game recently i had the opportunity to try a death world survival again with two of my friends my friend troupen is really good at factorio i mean like he's at another level at this game have you seen this guy sound of sizzling beacon inside our factory is nice artillery strains looks beautiful but even more beautiful are artilleries in work at this point you're not creating gameplay but rather art art i'm lucky to have good friends here on youtube so when my friends introduced me to him it was only a matter of time before we played factorio together troupen a veteran pvl a first time beginner and me a modest journeyman of about 50 hours playing factorio with two other players is more like sharing a brain with two other people than playing a game and it's an engulfing experience flooded with learning [Laughter] yeah right there trooping you seem to be freaking out over there everybody get to work stop milling about yeah i'm going for the for some stone okay i'm gonna take the ship we got off to the standard traditional start in factorio remember it's a death world with max enemy spawns so that means everywhere we turn is dangerous uh the pollutions touch that nest bottom right that's okay um ignore that ignore that pollution okay behold gentlemen science that's nice right you like that progress is real here we go okay nice you're doing great thanks yeah you're welcome there's more of that more of those compliments for you where that came from in a few minutes i had never played with trooping or pbl so this was a first encounter keep in mind good manners were everywhere to be seen good good good good splendid splendid keep working great job oh that's nice that's so good yeah i like that that's great i'll allow it great job you're doing great go great job i'll really like that great yeah you like see this this is nice oh nice oh that's fantastic good with that our labors were dispersed on playing factorio at three different player levels at once we had never met or even spoken to one another before this as i said i never really thought about how multiplayer factorio would be distinct from single player factorio i just thought it meant more but to be quite honest with you it felt more like sharing a body with two other people like a giant with three heads it's like a three-legged race but worse and that's nothing against my friends but just to say that it's hard to think together and we were getting seriously carried by troupen oh wow you made an automatic oven creator yes i did trooping you're a genius thank you you're welcome no i just i wish i had done this thing before i didn't i've never even seen this god i'm an idiot no you're not yeah oh thank you so much okay let's keep going yeah oh hell again not an idiot okay we got a big attack coming up on the on the south east run run run run nice oh that was good oh yeah victory screech however to my own credit troopan had never played a death world before this so i knew some of the early game strategies so now we're gonna just need an ass load of iron and now we're gonna do automatic power creation so we don't have to keep going back there by hand and refueling that garbage that's very smart thanks keep complimenting me you're doing great don't pressure me okay i'm just learning i'm learning no it's okay just don't pressure me i don't i don't handle pressure well we survived the first few attacks and we recovered oh that's so nice wow i didn't even ever think of this this is really nice wowzers that is so good that's a great idea i'm learning a lot from watching you right now it's very nice how about like right here for our uh for our smelting setup and we kind of like proceed uh west west right yeah i i think it's good and we'll i'll bring over the ovens or we're yep you see there's uh yeah we already have one yep in the lower right we've got a little attack going let's set it up near the uh the cliff because we can use the cliff for natural cover right you see you see what i'm getting at yeah that's smart of me right yes that's big brain move oh thank you so much then we divided up the roles on the team since pbl was the newest player he was in charge of manning the defenses in walls and placing ovens instead of walls and rearming our turrets before the enemy attack pvl do you want to build some turrets at the power and then we'll finish off the smelting yes all right we're about to hit the big uh infestation on the left side of the map and a few more don't worry about that don't ignore that um oh the pollution is just spreading it right now no it's not okay there's an attack oh yeah sorry i panicked okay it was nice it held up pretty well though nice job cliff did pretty well trooping was the master architect yes like that kind um yes exactly and let's just say i was taking notes how do i delete all items like my pistols i don't use these anymore i did have some experience though and trouban and i traded blueprint ideas for our smelting setup which a few of my subscribers wanted to send me blueprints after some of the last death world videos okay let's see all right i've got i'm almost ready with the thing down here you're gonna like it if anything the experience convinced me that everyone needs a clear role when you play factorio multiplayer it's like managing a company pbl i have some i i need to have a word with you i i don't think you're doing a very good job you we're gonna need more power yeah or else you're fired i'm gonna fire you from the factory yeah you're gonna need to find another job there's a lot we need to see at this factory or else uh you're gonna be terminated i'm gonna have to start complimenting more okay that would be that would be a good start oh this is amazing wow oh thank you so much yes that is going very fast wow i've never made a factory this great guys i just want to compliment you both okay this is looking good thank you would it be possible about your amazing leadership thank you so much oh gosh i didn't even expect you to compliment me right there promotion you're doing a good job buddy thank you i appreciate your compliments yeah you're welcome there's more coming there's more coming soon just keep doing a good job okay or else this happened to me in my other death world playthrough i was like oh i'm done like i did it everything's fine it wasn't fine i'm currently using furnaces as walls that counts no that i mean that does work yeah it's it's a little janky but it works it's better than nothing and if you don't know what to do just ask your team or the best person on your team what they want you to do and then do that i'm going to start filling out the claws here in this utility area good stuff good can you build more more steam power because we are low on power so we have more boilers and steam engines do that what can i do what you can do i i don't know all right you're doing great i keep building more miners here like i said playing factorio multiplayer is worthwhile professional experience you could list on a resume more like running a company and assigning roles than actually playing a video game competitively or even cooperatively in the traditional sense i'm like i you know i at first i scratch my head and then i see the logic in your ways you're pretty smart you're pretty smart thank you i appreciate the compliment it forces you to synergize or you'll die from the pressure oh we got another attack coming for them ovens yep oh you oh my god jesus oh that's a lot don't die don't die try attempt not to die damn it's a lot trooping run as long as one of us stays alive that's the rule oh god go up go up to the electric oh they're going to destroy all the the uh the the power plant area has lots of turrets bring them up here bring them up here three people separately setting up three bases are many times weaker than three players coordinating one dominant strategy the dark deed is done oh god it's all and that's only on the base building side of things we just need a few more turrets and we will be fine i feel yeah yeah i think we'll be fine we need a set of more turrets that's great i'm good you're optimistic another attack oh oh no oh no oh we get a big attack pretty sad yeah it's all right we could come back from this one that was the wrong side hold up uh i'm out of ammo god damn it [Music] this is why death worlds are tough uh okay uh that was a big setback yeah it's also good to have guitarists on you just place a turret and put ammo inside oh yep there's here they come if they're trying to destroy our ovens no we spent so much time on this oh no not down there it's okay they won't get the whole thing we just need more turrets when it came to attacking other bases it made us many many times more powerful it seems like a very strong technique it's a good thing i stayed behind we were about to get attacked oh there's even i mean it's not cheating but it it's it's totally cheating at the same time that's so cool we can also take mines and put them on the enemy bases and they just explode i think a lot of damage we could leapfrog over each other's turret pushes to completely wipe out an enemy nest in mere minutes [Music] oh we're under attack uh i went on these excursions and gazed in wonderment i kept returning to the base to see troupen's designs and i would be amazed at all the blueprints i was looking at in front of me i was a bit sad though at the same time it was kind of like giving away the ending to a book i've always wanted to play factorio to learn and develop my own new blueprints independently of what i saw other people creating i don't like memorizing patterns i like deeper understanding and i tried to resist the urge to memorize troupen's designs but rather understand the underlying concepts he was using parallel production input and output but don't get it twisted if you want a good start on the factorio death world multiplayer or not a good amount of speed running and memorization is definitely involved guys there's a big ass raid in the north yeah okay let's turn it's over it's over you have to be willing to get your hands dirty with a messy start if you want to survive a death world we lost many of our constructions several times ultimately many iterations led to a sophisticated multi-layered defense consisting of one wall of turrets one wall of ovens and one wall of walls admittedly i may have given up too fast but even when hits the fan in your challenge and even if players start getting dropped from the game factorio accommodates anything that might go wrong really well and it's not over till it's over damn i thought it was all over right there it's been quite the ride i told you everything will be fine anyway you still have to expand out and you're not just limited to one area and we had our eyes on a few other areas just to our north yeah in the south right on the top left i think it's iron right above the um logistics research red stuff we got a little bit there we got 217 we got 1.8 million down here actually that's yeah i think that could have helped too all some holes up here to protect it and we started to lose track of some of the other things i think our smelting setup was good maybe we didn't need that much i don't know but like it now it's at full production so that's good it was going good until the spitters showed up yeah it's always when the spitters show up it's like day i think we made it to day 45-ish day we might be on day 50 right now like prometheus troopin brought us fire when we most needed it and we were saved but i was honestly overwhelmed by the display of the enemy this is a spectacle holy cow there's some serious war crimes being committed over here i'm convinced that the power rule applies here to fighting the biters those flame turrets brought us about 99 of the work we were attempting to do and our main turrets only very little else i was busy doing a post-mortem on the base when in reality oil is very very overpowered in factorio or at least a major power spike but that's not to say that once you discover oil it's all over in fact flamethrower turrets can be highly risky endeavors if a single pipe breaks it can be comparable to looking for a needle in a haystack to recover your piping network and restore oil circulation i've tried this on my own in a rampant death world single player since the hour play through and let me tell you it's far more manageable with three players who all can wage independent fire campaigns upon several different fighter nests not to mention that the concept of leap frogging works extremely well if you have someone to leapfrog with i'm still trying to replicate our progress from a three-player game because i think playing with other people genuinely made me a better player and more open to experimentation that's crazy i've been fixing the uh old turrets into flamethrowers oh wow you got all the uh oh that's fantastic oh yeah i'm seeing this i highly recommend playing factorio this way factorio's difficulty sealing can easily be scaled way way higher than the default settings and you can make it punishingly difficult so grab a few friends and give this challenge a try i actually ran out of recording space we attempted the challenge twice before we got this take and all things said and done it was about five hours at which point my head just starts to saturate and i can't really even take in any new information maybe i'll post another update if we manage to finish off the next hundred days can we launch a rocket you
Channel: ambiguousamphibian
Views: 326,002
Rating: 4.96732 out of 5
Keywords: factorio, factorio deathworld, death world, factorio death world, factorio gameplay, factorio death world tips, factorio world, factorio game, factorio 2021, ambiguousamphibian, ambiguous amphibian, ambiguous amphibian factorio, ambiguousamphibian factorio, factorio challenge, factorio challenge map, factorio challenge run, factorio death world run, factorio deathworld extreme, factorio tutorial, factorio review, factorio multiplayer, factorio lets play, trupen, pbl
Id: o1sykOezcKU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 5sec (845 seconds)
Published: Mon May 24 2021
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