Can I Beat the "Extremely Unfair" Elden Ring Mod?

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so there's this elden ring mod called the ascended mod that seeks to make the game extremely hard and outright unfair through a series of changes and overhauls to the game in fact the mod creator boasts that only the top five percent of players can beat it so naturally i decided to not only try it but i downloaded the hell mode version of the mod 2. there are a lot of changes and i'll cover them all in the video but the basics are that the enemies and bosses do way more damage have way more health and every single attack they do inflicts extra strong status effects oh yeah there's also extra bosses and enemies within the boss arenas themselves now i don't consider myself especially good at this game i'm decent but i'm not let's beat the game just by rolling good and that's the idea behind this video can someone like me beat a mod that markets itself as unfair let's find out but first this video is sponsored by naraka bladepoint a melee focus battle royale with rolling and rolling now before they even reached out to me i played this game myself last year and that's because i had a grappling hook if you know anything about my tastes in games a grappling hook paired with a double jump is all i need to try your game it shares many similarities with other battle rails like 60 players and a constantly shrinking safe zone but what sets soraka apart is the emphasis on melee and movement this is a battle royale with a parry move i parried a repair holy [ __ ] he's a gamer i paid 20 bucks for this game last year but it's free on xbox game pass free on steam and epic until the 22nd and 50 off until the 29th this promotion is also coinciding with two big additions first there's a brand new map hollow roth this map has some unique features like randomly appearing extreme weather and all sorts of weird traps to send you flying the second edition is a new pve mode where you can fight enemies and bosses in co-op style levels if any of this looks interesting to you give it a shot and click the link in the description so first off this mod changes all of the starting classes the gear you start with as well as the stat distribution is totally different but there are still basic archetypes like strength build or intelligence build i decided to go with archmage for the simple reason that i figured it would be the strongest magic is incredibly powerful in fromsoft games and alden ring is no exception in the base game you can trivialize a lot of the bosses with spells going with magic for a mod that brags about being unfair seemed like the way to go the keepsakes you can choose are also different so i went with the godfrey icon as it boosts the damage of charge spells and with that i was in the game the first thing i did was take stock of my character and what i started with i noticed that all of my armor had special effects like extra scarlet rot resistance or extra fp every single armor piece in the game have been modified with similar effects and some of them are very substantial with the benefits they provide so you'll see my fashion shift quite a bit throughout the video the next thing i noticed was that my weapon had an elemental effect on it without me applying it myself every weapon in the game behave like this although it only applies when the weapon is in your right hand i think this little boost was added to help offset the giant health bars of enemies and bosses regardless this wouldn't affect me much since i planned to rely on magic additionally i started the game with a bunch of boluses to cure status effects all four slots of talismans unlocked and five starting spells together this all made me a bit nervous if the mod crater was being this nice by providing all these advantages at the start that could only mean that they figured these were necessary to give players a fighting chance against an otherwise cruel experience that assumption seemed to be correct as i was instantly backstabbed and poisoned by a second grafted scion the moment i stepped into the boss arena fantastic but hey no worries i decided to go through the tutorial cave to get back into the swing of things i was greeted by crossbow enemies shooting triple projectiles at me but what i would soon discover was that it wasn't just these enemies just about every enemy projectile in the game was tripled faster and had more aggressive tracking this made certain portions of the game interesting but good news the tripling property on projectiles applied to me the player as well for example glintstone pebble fired off three pebbles and that meant potentially three times the damage if i could land them all the good news doesn't stop there though because just after this i realized my fp was regenerating on its own whenever my staff was equipped i would regenerate 12fp every two seconds this was a new property added to every staff and seal in the game i also noticed that i could abuse this effect by rapidly equipping and unequipping my staff using the d-pad to regenerate fp about twice as fast this is what being optimal looks like i was now ready for the soldier of godric i scanned the room expecting another grafted sigh on the pop out but actually no it was just the one guy and despite being one of the hardest bosses in the base game he went down almost instantly maybe this mod wouldn't be so bad and there's two tree sentinels alright i decided to jump up on the ruins nearby to cheese them with magic i then made a horrifying realization their health regenerates constantly it's not slow either the 180 damage i dealt was fully healed within seconds and as i would soon learn every boss in the game was like this oh no the tree sentinel's health pool was also super inflated enemies and bosses now just had lots of help considering they would regen faster than i could hurt them i decided to run past in the church nearby i found 20 smithing stones all stackable items in the world had been multiplied by 20. i'm guessing this was a way of encouraging the use of more weapons and consumables i continued forward to the gate front ruins along the way i discovered that it wasn't just the tree sentinel that had been doubled the enemies were double too the mod crater was a little haphazard with it so it's not every enemy but most enemies in the game were doubled and that was something i just had to deal with now anyway i arrived at the sight of grace and met melina to unlock leveling and my horse my first priorities were leveling vigor and mines next i began clearing out the enemies nearby which led to a couple more discoveries first the spearmen nearly poisoned me with just two hits and that's the big thing every single enemy can now inflict status effects and the status effects themselves have been modified in some cases so you can't ignore them poison for example is now a super amped up version of scarlet rot if you don't address it immediately you're probably dead second some item locations have been swapped around i first noticed this when i found the lucerne in the carriage chest i'd say most items were in their normal spots but there was enough different that i was always checking in case something big got moved as i continued exploring i quickly found out that my horse would always die within a single hit when you get hit off your horse you're vulnerable for several seconds without the ability to move and this coupled with extra enemies and deadly status effects meant that trying to ride my horse near enemies would usually lead to death oh and here's something fun sometimes even non-attacks like a soldier blowing his horn would knock me off i don't think this is intentional but rather it's a side effect of giving every attack of every enemy a stass effect and one more thing i could no longer use my horse to ride through swamps it would just instantly die and i'd be left sitting there like an [ __ ] i wouldn't blame you if you found these changes irritating to deal with yourself but i actually liked how they made me approach situations differently certain overworld locations that i'd usually just run past on my horse required a bit more attention and horse combat itself was possible just very risky i also learned that enemies will spot you from farther away and will follow you for much longer here you can see a bear followed me well outside the forest and proceeded to punch me off a cliff legitimately good stuff all this might sound kind of terrifying and miserable but there's two important things to remember one enemy's dealing extra damage is only a problem if you get hit so just don't get hit i'm half joking but this is the true advantage of magic builds it allows you to keep your distance and generally be a lot safer than melee and two i was getting way more rooms than usual like if i had to guess it was probably around new game plus seven levels of runes or maybe even more within a matter of two hours without killing any bosses and just exploring the overworld i was already level 70. once i had increased my fp to 160 i finally had enough to cast cannon of jaima that's nearly quadruple the normal amount to cast it and other spell costs were also increased by similar amounts so i figured that this was maybe just the mod creator's way of nerfing magic but hold on while testing it here i noticed that it only took a fraction of the total cost to cast and that's when it hit me fully charging a spell not only increases its damage but for this mod it also reduces the cost this was huge i suddenly had a low cost magic nuke spell at first i thought this was a bizarre design choice but i thought about it and i think i see the idea the prohibitively high cost of spells essentially forced me to only charge spells and that's not always the best option in the heat of combat since it's much slower than casting normally however this system wasn't flawless as it made spells without the ability to charge them inherently worse options overall though i'd say this was at the very least interesting and changed which spells were worth using while at fort height i opened this chest expecting to find half of the dectus medallion to reach the altus plateau but instead i found smithing stones so apparently it had been moved interesting we'll come back to this later the next couple hours were spent just running around killing enemies with canon hyma and collecting upgrades like golden seeds and sacred tiers i even managed to get revenge on the tree sentinels after killing them i felt ready to take on margaret i ran into the room and saw two omen enemies just standing there at the entrance as i quietly watched the cutscene i processed the reality of needing to fight three enemies at once this seemed bad and bad it was getting chased around the arena by three guys was an inauspicious start to the fight this was coupled by margaret himself inflicting madness with his attacks which when procked would make me stand in place for three seconds and almost always lets me getting killed by a follow up the mod description hadn't lied this certainly felt unfair but if the game was going to play unfair i would too i noticed that the omens weren't aggroing on me immediately and if i walked to the side right when i entered i could avoid them entirely in effect this allowed me to fight market one-on-one i just had to make sure i stayed within the back half of the arena to avoid getting the omen's attention this made the fight a lot more cramped than normal but hey i'll take it then began the slow process of me fighting a supercharged market after not having played elden ring for a couple months the daggers he threw while luckily not tripled were faster than normal so dodging them consistently was tricky i also had to contend with his ability to temporarily lower my max hp by around 30 which he did every time he hit me all this was on top of my decision to continue using the canon of hyma as my only damage source glintstone pebble wasn't going to cut it when he had 10 times his normal health relying on the spell was an issue due to how slow it was it was time for spirit summons first i tried irelia aka the jellyfish splitting aggro this way was definitely the key since it was the only way i could reliably land my spell i would cast back off a bit to allow irelia to take back aggro and then cast again if i was feeling greedy sometimes i would go for two attacks in a row this worked decently as spirit summons also had constant health regen just like bosses i did eventually switch to the wolves though as they seem to survive longer than irelia the moment my spirit summons died the fight was basically unwinnable and to keep that from happening i needed to pull aggro off my wolves as soon as it went back to them and as a final wrinkle of difficulty i noticed my 2400 damage per cast was turning into 1200 damage per cast around the halfway point of the fight i guess this is something that was just added but every boss in the game seems to take only 50 damage from all damage sources when it gets to half health not sure why exactly this was added but sure why not and after a dozen tries and some patience i eventually won one boss down and a bunch more to go next up stormville castle the first major hurdle was the dark room you get locked in this time it had two nights i didn't have an answer for how aggressive they were and i made the fun discovery that frostbite in addition to its normal properties now also functions like scarlet rot excellent on attempt number two i managed to algorithm from outside and i killed them through the wall again if the mob wants to be unfair i'll be unfair too up ahead i found rajir so this is a good time to mention that all of the npcs are wearing different armor than normal some of them make more sense than others but it was always fun to find a new npc and see how they were changed kenneth height has shorts now i made my way to the very bottom of the castle where i killed a magic scare up that dropped a rancor call i tested it out on some enemies and i thought it might be a solid option for later as i continued through the castle i found that the grafted scion that's usually patrolling the bottom of this room just wasn't there this seemed very strange for the mod obsessed with difficulty to remove an enemy instead of doubling it i sure hope this isn't foreshadowing something anyway time for godric oh so yeah godric has two grafted scions right at the entrance to the fight and unlike the omens for margaret i couldn't avoid aggroing them by staying to the side naturally my first instinct was to try running away it's a pretty large room with lots of tombstones and i thought that i could get the science stuck on the greys while maneuvering my way along the edges this occasionally worked but it wasn't consistent whatsoever and more often than not they'd get free and chase me also godric himself was especially bad due to his air blast attack just like other projectiles for this mod it moved faster and had much more aggressive tracking this made it nearly impossible to dodge as it would actually loop back around to hit me even if i avoided it on top of this godric seemed to inflict some sort of invisible sass effect that would drain my health when he hit me it was similar to the others but nothing would pop up on my screen so i couldn't cure it this all seems kind of ridiculous so what's the plan well i realized i could take advantage of the increased aggro range enemies had by getting the attention of the grafted silence before entering the boss room then with the cannon of hyma i could kill them through the fog wall that was big but godric was still pretty imposing even by himself so i decided to take a detour back into the overworld to get stronger my max health was relatively low i hadn't upgraded my weapon much and i wanted better spells i figured i could fix all that in caleb my first stop would be the giant screaming dragon this is the classic destination for easy runes and with how many runes everything else was dropping i was expecting a lot to drop from this guy so i'll just take this teleporter over here and i'll be set to ride over oh okay yeah turns out the mod creator thought it would be too easy to skip the rest of caled and opted to instead spawn me in the air so i die from falling damage to top it off the trap chest that teleports you to the mines and kaylid was also removed no teleporting allowed i had to just run through caleb the old-fashioned way this was very funny to me because yes this kind of sucked caleb was filled with extra enemies with increased aggro range and i couldn't even ride my horse through the swamp not to mention riding past enemies i took my time riding around clearing enemies from a distance and getting loads of runes as long as i approached fights from far back i would usually be fine unless of course i caught scarlet rot i also made sure to grab the meteorite staff and rock sling spell for later it was fun hopping from island island to avoid the swamp on my way there but the real challenge in caleb was celia as i needed to pass through here to reach the giant dragon it felt like i was in a war zone where i had to hide in the trenches to take cover the amount of projectiles that were just flying at all moments was wild nowhere was safe even the sight of grace nearby wasn't safe i would get attacked while sitting down i had to approach the town like a stealth mission by taking on just a couple enemies at a time i also made sure to grab the staff of loss and knight comet for later after a bit of invisibility and roof hopping i lit all three torches and continued deeper into caled i was finally at the giant dragon before killing him though i wanted to clear out fort farath i opened the chest at the top where half of the deck this medallion was supposed to be but just like the earlier fort it was also missing i was starting to get a little worried about not being able to find this next i grabbed a radagon sore seal this is a good time to mention that all talismans had been reworked for this mod and in most cases it was just a straight-up buff normally this talisman increases four stats by five points while increasing damage taken by fifteen percent but now it increases all stats by ten with no increase to damage whatsoever i equipped it immediately alright dragon time first i tried to bleed it like i usually would for a quicker kill but i think the mod crater made the dragon completely immune though even if it wasn't bleed wouldn't have done much as it was heavily nerfed to the point of doing nearly no damage luckily this change went both ways and any enemy inflicting bleed on me wasn't a big deal anyway i just kept hitting him with spells even with my high damage from the spells this took 15 minutes all that worked for a few hundred runes wow to all the mod makers out there take notes this in combination with bleed not working and the teleporter change made for a fantastic prank i was actually laughing a couple more highlights for caleb first while fighting this throwing knife beastman i realized his throwing eyes were consistently arcing over my head i believe this is due to the speed increase applied to projectiles and this meant that the occasional projectile with an arc could be mostly ignored second i grabbed lussa's staff for later it's the strongest staff in the game in terms of magic scaling but it consumes 50 more fp because of the increased cost of spells built into the mod i wanted to save it for later when i had more fpe i also didn't have the upgrade materials for it yet and that'll do it for caleb i was feeling pretty strong i now had just over 4000 hp which sounds impossible but it's not basically i figured out that the soft caps on stats have been more or less removed and that meant that i could level up my vigor to 99 without the per level increase in hp dropping off this couple with talismans and armor that increased my hp even further was enough to give me that end result of 4000 my chest piece alone gave me a 16 boost of total health i wasn't done yet though i upgraded my staff to plus 24 and i gave it the golden vowel ash of war the knowledgeable elder ring players out there will know that this normally is impossible this ash of war is for melee weapons only however this mod apparently removes weapon type restrictions for ashes of war meaning i could put any skill on any weapon or in this case a staff this golden valve skill increased my attack and defense by something like 10 another weird quirk i noticed is that time limits on buffs were removed or at the very least they were greatly extended to the point where i never noticed them wearing off this meant i could cast golden bow and be set until the next time i died it was time for godric again with my gross amount of hp upgraded weapon and new spells i took out the grafted scions at the door like usual summoned nefeli and walked in the first thing i did was summon the rotten stray in hopes of inflicting scarlet rot this did not work since the dog died pretty much immediately all good though since i had night comet this spell is incredible the speed was good the cost was good the damage was crazy i could not find another spell that excelled at all three categories as much as this one nephili went down beginning at phase two but i just kept my distance and tanked his fire attacks and before long godric was down as for my reward in addition to his great rune i also got the left half of the deck this medallion finally that mystery from hours ago had been solved and if godric dropped one half my guess was that ranala or radon would have the second half the real boss fight wasn't godric though he was getting to the divine tower to activate his rune okay uh got it this was easily my favorite section that got changed due to extra enemies and triple projectiles it's just very distinct from a normal play through my strategy to beat this was to make frequent use of the alcoves to the side when positioned correctly the giant archers would hit the wall but i could arc the cannon of hyma over the wall for the final section with three giants i watched them for a minute to figure out the rhythm and then chose the perfect time to run for it and it worked i made it i actually did the great rune and instead of getting plus five for every set it was plus 10. also because the quantity of consumables was increased across the board i had 250 run arcs to activate whenever i wanted time for lyria before heading straight to ray lucaria i made a quick stop at the academy crystal cave at the end of the cave the duo crystalline fight had been modified to a trio plus a godskin noble fortunately the godskin noble didn't have much health and went down quickly and the rest of the fight amounted to running laps around the room while using rock sling to break the remaining bosses for those of you who don't know if you hold a staff with a passive effect in your off hand you'll gain that effect even if you're not casting from it so in this case i was holding the meteorite staff in my left hand getting 30 damage boost to gravity magic while actually casting said magic from my plus 24 astrologer staff the staff of loss works the same way by providing a 30 boost in visibility magic and i could have paired this with night comment earlier however i didn't realize the staff have lost did this until a few hours later so that's where you're not seeing me use it yet anyway i beat these guys so i could get terra magicus a spell that would give me a 35 boost to magic after casting it and standing in the circle on to ray lucario now here's a real gamer moment you see me dodging back and forth until they finally get me there's no time to heal and no time to cure the frostbite that behaves like scarlet rot so i made the calculated decision to open the door throughout this entire animation i'm invulnerable but the neat part is that the timer on the frostbite is still ticking down and the animation is long enough that i survive do i immediately die after yes but the point is that i was almost cool on attempt number two i made it after taking out a few more mages i found the graven school talisman which provides a 15 boost to sorceries a very solid boost from its usual four percent the red wolf of radagon was up next and he was joined by the demi human queen who death blighted me right away the red wolf on the other hand had moves that caused poison and frostbite lots of sass affects the juggle in the end it wasn't too bad though and i took them both out with night comment on my fourth try fun fact extra bosses respawn in this mod so that meant i couldn't rest at the sight of grace in the boss room without immediately being forced to stand up due to my proximity to an enemy next i grab the radagon icon talisman which is one of the few talismans that appears to behave the same way as it does in the base game by increasing my casting speed maybe it's slightly faster but if it was i couldn't tell before tackling ranala i made a trip back outside to kill the earth tree avatar in eastern leone so i get the magic shrouding crack tear when you drink it you get a 20 boost to magic damage and just like golden vowel from earlier it appears to last much longer than its usual three minutes all right ranala ronala this fight was rough to begin the books that fly around the room now inflict sleep and just a single book was enough to do it is this a joke about how books are boring and put you to sleep maybe but the real issue is that getting sleep inflicted on me was bad it would stun me and drain half of my 400 total fp that might not sound too bad since i have constant fp regen but recovering all that takes a long time and running around dodging and waiting is not ideal since ronaldo has very high magic defense my only option for dealing damage was rock sling since it counts as a physical attack not magic so sleeping aside phase one wasn't too bad then i got the phase two [Music] so to recap two dragons two giants one bloodhound knight and one juiced up ranala with projectile tracking that's so aggressive that kamnazer you know the beam spell started orbiting me i tried so many times you don't understand and as a reminder i'd have to redo phase one each time which was especially slow when dealing with sleep there was simply no way to dodge all these attacks together i was constantly getting burned by dragons from off screen while giants stomped my frostbitten body to the ground so i started to brainstorm my first idea was incorporating poison or scarlet rot into the fight somehow unfortunately this didn't seem viable as the damage was low and it only lasted for about 10 seconds my second idea was to try using lutel the headless to split aggro as she had been pretty reliable on my other playthroughs she helped a bit but not nearly enough my third idea was to give up [ __ ] this fight technically renal is an optional boss fight as i only needed two great runes to reach the city for later and the second great room might as well be redone since he could be easier i ran back over to caleb fought my way into red main castle and spoke with jiren to begin the radon festival i'd need to either reach the altus plateau or progress ronnie's questline since i was still missing the other half of the ductus medallion i decided to do ronnie's questline karya manor was pretty straight forward so i'll skip over it then i talked to ronnie then blythe then blythe then celebus then selen then blithe and then boom the festival started i entered the battlefield expecting to see some nonsense like two radons though surprisingly it was just him in the normal fight i mean he nearly one shot me and was way tankier but yeah normal fight and this error move looks terrifying but it's mostly harmless radon dealt bleed damage and like i explained earlier this man i got a free pass on status effects for this fight in terms of my own damage it was back to night comment phase one wasn't too bad but phase two was a little trickier this one gravity magic attack was outright unavoidable due to the increased speed of projectiles and i just barely survived in the end it only took me two tries to get them my magic build was strong good news and bad news good news i now had my second great room and could enter lindell bad news verdan didn't drop the other half of the deckness medallion that's okay though there's another way to reach the altus plateau i just had to go through the ruined strome precipice and take the elevator up however to reach this elevator i needed to defeat the magma worm at the ends for this mod though there were two at once this was kind of rough even with my magic finding openings was difficult and i died quite a few times eventually thanks to my spirit summon i separated them long enough to kill one and the second one followed soon after and uh there's a wall where the elevator is supposed to be wow the mod crater got me again i didn't realize these sorts of map edits were even possible after recovering from this surprise i remember that there's actually a third way to get to the plateau i could have the abductor enemy at the bottom of rey lucaria grab me and teleport me to volcano manor and from there i could access the rest of the zone so i made my way down only to find that the abductor wasn't there incredible that meant that getting the dectus medallion was my only option and if godric had the first half and radon didn't have the second half that meant ronald for sure had it back to ronaldo i had a new plan this time if i couldn't avoid ronaldo's attacks i just had to make myself as tanky as possible first i equipped the crimson burst crystal tear which you get from the weeping peninsula while experimenting with other crystal tears i found that it had been majorly buffed what used to be seven hp regen per second had turned into something like 50 hp per second and it lasted until i died second i activated radon's great rune for a 25 increase to hp fp and stamina this brought my total hp to a bit over 5000 lastly i would stack as much magic resistance as i could i stacked golden vowel with the magic fortification incantation and a spell proof dried liver this brought my total magic damage negation up to 68.955 so in effect i would take 69 nice percent less damage for ronald's magic attacks together i hope this would be enough and it was it was a complete mess of a fight but my tankiness worked and i got her and just as i thought i got the second half of the dectus medallion allowing me to finally reach the altus plateau i rode over to lindell where i found two draconic tree sentinels guarding the entrance i snuck behind them both and knight commented the one on the left funnily enough the tree center on the right didn't turn around so i just left him and continued inside i worked my way through the city and what was mostly uneventful given how strong i was at this point i was level 240 with 99 vigor mind and intelligence i did not farm whatsoever this was simply the result of me going to a side dungeon here and there and getting an unreasonable amount of runes look at godfrey look at his health bar look at that 10k damage per cast the only thing different about this fight compared to the base game was that there were a couple poison spear guys inside but they didn't matter and i got them first try now i was curious to see what the limit on this damage might be so i rode over to get the ritual sword talisman from after the demi human queen fight deluxe ruins normally this boosts damage by 10 when at max hp but now it boosts damage by 20 as long as i'm at least above 50 health i had so many different items for boosting damage and you can see the result morgot was up next and he was joined by moog this sounds interesting but i killed moog in one hit and then i killed morgot so fast that he barely had time to transform this was definitely too easy but after ranala i was fine with this as i sat down to talk with melina so she'd give me the rolled medallion to progress moog respawned right next to me attacked me and forced me to get up this was bad if i couldn't get the medallion the run was over i tried seeing if invisibility might stop him from aggroing but it did not was this the end nope because fortunately this isn't the only side of grace where melania will speak to you i went to the queen's bedchamber and got it there i took the medallion and rode up to the mountaintops of the giants but hang on the moment i arrived i heard stomping oh hello okay so yeah this whole area just has a roaming fire giants now i appreciate this and i also appreciate how you get them to walk off cliffs beautiful what is notoriously one of the hardest parts of most playthroughs was up next the real fire giant so he had a lot of health that's fine that's expected but what i didn't expect were the fire shenanigans fire attacks were a lot faster and the floating exploding fire orb now exploded like five times consecutively this was very high damage big fan of the you're dead now fireball move i kept going back and forth between making an attempt and going back into the overworld to look for more tools first i grabbed command azure i was curious if this would be any good in this mod and i was pleasantly surprised to see three beams at once i wasn't sure if it would actually do that since it's not really a projectile the fp cost was massive though so the next thing i got was the cerulean hidden tier from the ulcerated tree spirit near the volcano manor i went to test it out expecting to get infinite fp for 15 seconds but instead it did nothing my fp was being depleted like normal at least that's what i thought until i noticed my passive fp regeneration was now about three times faster so that was the new effects fp regen instead of infinite fp i concluded that comnazer wouldn't be useful here but this faster fp regen would be since it would allow me to rely less on fully charging night comet and go for quicker back to back casts instead and lastly i decided to stack my fire damage negation just like i did with the magic damage for ranala i used the flame fortification incantation fireproof dried liver and the flame drake talisman plus two together this brought me to 79 fire damage reduction even with all of that the fire still killed me just look at this [ __ ] i tried a few more times though and eventually after a lot of patience i got it fire giant down onto fair misula the godskin duo was up next and the main change to this fight was that they were both given enough hp to survive the whole time so i could no longer defeat one to fight the other by himself for a bit before the first was brought back i think this was poorly thought out because it actually made the fight easier they're most dangerous when they're individually at half health and enter phase two but they had so much hp that i only had to briefly deal with one of them being in phase two near the end of the fight basically their health bar at the bottom of the screen was a lot less than how much they had in total together night comet wins again rolling up to malaketh i saw that the draconic tree sentinel wasn't outside hmm i sure hope he's not inside the boss room oh hey right away i realized this guy had a large enough health bar that would be an issue on my second attempt i saw that this was another case of being able to kill the enemy from outside the boss room but i decided not to this time i felt strong enough that i wanted a challenge to prepare a bit more i switched over to lucette's staff giving me a noticeable boost to magic scaling i also ran over to the consecrated snow field to grab the grave and mass talisman from the tower there this gave me a 20 boost of sorcery and stacked with a 15 version from earlier and just to really be overkill i ran down the knockron so i could grab the mimic tier honestly i should have expected that one of course mimic tier was removed regardless i was ready to try malakat again it was pretty brutal still lutel would die right away and that prevented me from separating the two bosses i tried brute forcing it for a bit until i had an idea what if i just ignored the tree sentinel completely so i ran past it and focused only on malacath i kept it in my periphery though so i could stay away and because i had fully entered combat with it it only walked toward me instead of running i also put bloodhound step on my staff so i could more easily avoid malacath himself and that did the trick malakat down in the home stretch now godfrey was up next and he was joined by radon i like it put the two big strong guys together makes sense i was ready and then radon died in one hit back to one on one for the sake of variety i desperately wanted to try killing godfrey with comedizer unfortunately despite my best efforts he kept interrupting me and i could never finish him off with it i know it's almost as wide as my entire screen but i think a slightly longer fp bar would have made the difference after about 10 attempts i switched back to knight comet and beat him first try final boss here we go knowing that holy damage was the main threat i made sure to cast the lord's divine fortification which brought me up to 71 holy damage negation it was good i had this because ratagan almost killed me a few times but in the end night comment of course came out on top all that was left was album beast and it wasn't there it had been replaced by two other dragons i think this was probably bugged since placidusacs who was now labeled as elven beast by the health bar at the bottom had less than 20k health and went down in three hits that counted i beat the game i know this is anticlimactic for a mod that made such a big deal out of being hard and this is very likely a bug but it's also kind of fitting given how strong my character had become as a final challenge just for fun i made my way over to melania she has two revenants helping her they attack non-stop and are probably the hardest non-boss enemies in the game so it makes sense to throw them in here to sort of [ __ ] you i would argue trying to do this legit borders on impossible however revenants can teleport and their aggro range was so wide that they teleported onto me while i was outside of the boss room without me even trying to bait them so i got them stuck in the doorway killed them and fought melania one on one she seemed to have her healing ability removed but that nerf no longer made sense without her helpers predictably i'd beat her pretty easily she could have had a lot more health and it wouldn't have mattered i think this final fight encapsulates the difficulty of the entire mod with encounters jumping between impossible to very easy through a combination of cheese and bugs striking a good balance that feels somewhat reasonable is tough so that was the ascended mod for elden ring overall i had a fun time and the creator should be proud it wasn't the most consistent experience but there's a number of thoughtful ideas here that meaningfully changed the game and i'm excited to see what other mods people make down the line thank you very much for watching and have a good one [Music]
Channel: Iron Pineapple
Views: 4,665,769
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: elden ring, dark souls, mod, soulslike, souls like, iron pineapple, gameplay, challenge
Id: 2QimZYHtGZk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 12sec (1872 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 20 2022
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