Factorio Death World Speedrun Former WR 3:42:44

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this has lots of trees that's good it has resources it has oil it has building space i think so let's go this map will run oops uh okay so that will probably spawn that will spawn that i need for surely i hope that won't spawn otherwise i'm in trouble resource patches are not close but hey you can't get everything iron is particularly far away that one it will also cause problems okay let's go any coal rocks here that's a normal rock but there would be lots of coal rocks here no no call rocks oh well start iron is not great start r is actually all the patches are bad but oh well we have everything so where can we oh that base there did spawn but the very close one did not that's gonna check okay there's three spawners yeah we need to take care of that early actually i shouldn't have built there because i need oh i should do another burner before i go looking for coal rocks so let's get some grease let's build this here okay let's assume that there's coal rocks up here there is not wow really no cold rocks anywhere nope okay then we are subtly without coal rocks which means lots of tree shopping at least all the patches the iron coal is very close together therefore is like harder settings yeah it's a lot it's one of the presets map settings which contains a lot of bikers okay can i craft two burners three actually yeah get some rocks actually not that many normal rocks either okay well build to the right like here i'll start the base somewhere i think why do i mind that i want rocks okay it looks like the base down south didn't spawn it only looks like worm so we don't have that many races to deal with early normally in the fall certainly wouldn't worry about the base on the other side of the trees that did spawn but in the death world crease doesn't absorb as much pollution so it will still be polluted quite early ah thanks for good luck what's the uh odds of actually getting to rock it uh i don't know maybe uh sort of half good i mean not super good of course but i will play uh carefully and expand slower than normal so i hope i can survive we'll see uh if i can survive until i get mines i should be safe oh i know but that's a big if oops yeah that's good lots of iron yeah we're slightly short of stone or very short and stone okay let's find some more rocks and some more wood i actually don't need that much more stone you'll be impressed if i make the blue sides there was no stones i don't know stones here no there's no stones here okay there is a small filler there didn't even notice that one next to the lake that could be useful as we don't have very much iron there's actually bikers on the uh in the lake which is good because those can't get to me okay what do we need we need lots more coal i actually have a burner miner that was actually enough no okay let's put that later when we actually have there we have the science i do basically uh the same start as in default settings yeah iron is not big and it's mixed with cold so no did i i didn't yeah that's all the burners down let's get the power pen going okay we don't have enough coal for the fireplace yet uh where will we build it i will build it stone south somewhere i think actually coal is also fairly tiny do i have more coal no okay we'll have to do a lot of mixed mining okay we have enough coal fill some up i have enough of everything probably chop some wood here where the power plant goes uh yeah no not really there's a lot of trees here which is good uh let's put it right here [Music] thank you for subscription four five six seven okay let's go up here oh i wanted to suggest that you should grab some fish while you're at the lake oh yeah i guess yeah that's true i should have done that that would have been smart but i will have plenty of times i need to go to refuel before i'm going fighting i mean the pollution is actually surprisingly close to there now we need um would make here thank you michelle misha akpari thank you cetera oh said research that thank you wow i still do automation as first research and i will do mini science like really fast as soon as i got that mission yes go on thank you for subscription okay now we have plenty wood okay how do we do this we do itself i guess past all the patches leave some space turn towards there didn't really have enough belts switch wizards thank you for subscription okay i haven't set that one okay i didn't set the research there we have some of that running let's go refuel oh i thought that copper might be out with that now wait one two three four i only wanted to do three what let's do for them what we did for okay we need more belts the next one is terps i guess uh what okay yeah we're going to get this half laying up and then we're going to do science okay that was not the best density there who have no purples thank you for 500 bits and i have no iron that is decent density let's do like this there did i pick up the lab no i didn't okay now we're gonna do the mini science build hopefully before i die yeah i didn't do chests we have so little stuff should go here [Music] circus then we need one two three we're gonna make two of these hey how is pollution uh it's already included okay let's do like this so we can do some defenses at least okay we have turrets that's good uh next one is that one i think okay there we can spit yeah we have lots of stuff uh what's next it's actually more let's do a few thirds refuel stuff oh it's actually power that's next do the powerpoint first uh okay uh we get from here oh it's actually stone and shorter nevermind okay good uh i have coal i don't have any copper i want to craft turds now okay that's enough of two thirds bar is out that was expected okay a bit better power don't have many power poles oh i kind of need also need ah splitters we have 10 splitters i got the hopper we need two speakers really yeah we'll just have to fix that later let's do a few more turns and the two assemblers okay where will the attacks come they'll come here maybe that defense will last very long okay was that all my iron that was unfortunate i made too many gears i need to feed some to this build production here and i forgot that i'm supposed to do this first automate this crap before i expand miners okay we have 37 we need more oh i didn't feed didn't i just pick up stuff so i could feed there okay more okay no nothing here no belts again i got rid of everything um i kind of need two all right oops there was not right button okay that's good there's all the inserters i didn't make splitters did i overcross miners no here's on 27 oh this iron patch is tiny that is a problem okay um that one first that's the copper that comes next okay um where oh why did they go there no not on my coal and all my stone stupid biters bypassing everything okay oh wait ah that was actually correct okay i will be hard-pressed to do any stone now but hey can't get everything let's continue doing this okay we need grenades asap because we need to push that base now okay that was not enough iron okay good kind of expected them to attack here they didn't military seems to go very slow which is a bit worrying we have no iron should fill up here with iron okay we have no inserters let's go to copper set up some miners copper is also tiny uh this is too many i mean 15 here this is 16 right yeah like this otherwise not connected okay we have that we have that we need more iron to make inserters why is military not running did i did i not feed in circles here oh i never felt copper here that explains it that's a bit annoying that explains why i don't have grenades yet that was not what i wanted craft oh well let's research quite fast now okay we are a bit short on purples okay let's hope we don't get another big attack soon okay we need that heavy armor that i actually have made steel for yeah there goes power i was expecting it but i would make the time i'm actually going there right now to expand it uh what's actually next thing it's oh grenades right grenades grenades are kind of important okay we're not gonna set up all of this because there is like stuff in the way so we have to deal with 13 take some fish good idea i need to take fish now and as soon as we get the heavy armor i'm going to push that base hopefully i had plenty of grenades but i have stuff to set up grenades yep don't need those yeah yes i do need those okay that actually mines crap there okay let's do this better way ah there that will give me oops that one we can still have there with someone on it plenty of ammo and the copper good let's set up some green circuit automation okay that should be some defenses there they were quite a big attack come with me biters eat a turd and come with me i need my grenades to kill them bam no i killed myself with the grain oh well [ __ ] happens okay we have the heavy armor we're gonna take care of that base now i would want to set up green circuit production first maybe i can't do that now heavy armor good because we don't have enough grades anyway now this is nowhere near enough grenades uh okay we need to craft stuff oh i actually need uh fasten search chris and assemblers [Music] okay that's not enough but it will have to do okay okay fast inserters let's see if i have enough grenades by now so okay i really need passing circuit for this okay let's build everything with normal inserters and set everything up so i can just upgrade when i get uh that was one too short okay i don't know what to craft right now uh like chests okay um come on fast inserters give it to me it's not gonna be there let's be there let's be there okay yeah looks good ah those two okay let's go oh why did i pick up copper i don't want copper okay we have everything we just need more grenades let's empty a bit here uh let's hope that power survives until i get back a bit doubtful about that how is power by the way uh yet how much cold do i have okay hello bikers okay kill some purples okay 65 grenades that will have to be enough i need to take care of that base now okay after this we're gonna do coal so let's do 30 miners uh we're missing inserters here i see that now i shouldn't put those on there okay it's pollution no it's not spraying to second base yet i don't have grenades to take care of that so we can't fasten start finish just do bullet damage now actually that's the steel axe first don't want to blow away all these trees so i guess i will have to like go around bikes are taking treats oh there's a big attack okay let's take care of that attack way first bam there's so many worms everywhere okay i don't have fish on a hotkey why is that basement time okay that should um make me safe for a little bit where's the next base there is are the bases up north yes they are but are pollution spreading that far oh it's burning super for the pollution i need defenses first i need power okay let's put up some defenses here and now i got rid of all my hype that i wanted to make some ad hoc wall here okay coal will be a huge issue because cold patch is super tiny and i don't have more code come on okay i don't have any speakers or any green circuits uh all right uh will that be in the way as it will so let's go here i should have done quite a lot of undergrounds i don't have enough belt that is a problem uh so let's go pick up stuff like belt yeah at least this is running nicely now 10 miners left i only put down like 20 on coal yeah um that is gonna be a huge issue but uh we're just gonna live with it i didn't pick up i hate myself when i do this i went all the way up here to to pick up belt but i didn't pick up belt and i didn't set up any defenses here don't want this to die 10 ammo there's some ammo actually not that lots of ammo i need my second uh iron line so we are going to start crafting things to that we are going to do bullet damage those were crafted really okay this looks good we have our auto method do i need any defenses here for power maybe maybe not i can't craft anything so let's craft labs because that i will need later okay we need iron okay let's do the call buffer uh this is not far enough stuff we need to have it here maybe there this is miss best gold missing belt why it's the cool belt shouldn't be missing okay let's get some inserters 400 inserters okay that was like quite a lot it's the iron i need to crack more miners now we're gonna mine the [ __ ] out of everything hmm okay i think that's enough for now we're gonna let rest later order grenades here come on come on this cold belt here is annoying what's that max uh cold on that side good okay uh maybe i should go like this um like this why did that not register okay that one needs to go now and we're gonna do stone a lot earlier than we usually do right now eight list amount we want then we need more injectors more chests maybe hello nero hello i have your steel axe i have my stilax still actually great i hope i did walls yep hello waltz hello hello can't you hear me can't you hear me oh wait hold on i cannot hear you now you can hear me yes i was on push to talk which i usually um don't use when i'm streaming myself and i forgot that i had that on i had that done since when i'm in someone else's stream i always have that one and i was last in the event thingy how are you doing do you have your steel axe with you to protect you from all the biters oh yes stilax is fine i don't have 18 fish 18 fish yeah that's fine i mean we have pushed the base and i think i will be safe for a while now uh maybe maybe not hopefully uh what did i want to pick up belt seminar belt i have so much crap in inventory it doesn't look like your research is going anywhere no it's maybe out of something probably cover ah do you think i felt right it's actually researching it's just that this is such a slow research oh i never set up grenades again i was supposed to move the grenades i forgot i did see you die yeah no i didn't die ah okay you teleported i thought you tried teleported okay uh grenades need more assemblers okay we had assemblers okay we still need grenades but we need more stone actually more stone more grenades more defenses so why do you need more stone you need more walls yeah i don't have i need half of it this is actually too much so i don't need this much but i have added so many miners so i need more walls okay um now we're actually out of stuff to research uh we are supposed to do labs now i actually supposed to do labs before but i think i kind of screwed up the order a bit uh that we have we have everything except they're saying that you some of your stone is mining coal yeah i don't think you're filtering it that should be filtered there's filter there okay it should be filtered yeah pitta once enough we're going to be seeing a green mamba ah no no green mamba um the right most lane they're saying has to call on it as well you didn't filter it what that's not supposed to happen why does that lane have cold yeah i see there's coal here okay uh there's something wrong there let's go fix it how can that lane have coal on it i think oh they're actually okay some of those are actually mining coal yeah i need to like clear out code from here oh good you need some coal yep i have way more gears than i need though no one said ever okay let's continue building this crap i'm trying to craft stuff that i don't need we are approaching 50 minutes and we don't have the laps up what counts you never said you could why is my inventory such a complete mess i do you think i have enough stone furnaces i think i do oh power's getting attacked okay we need to go defend how why they must have run like past is i really think that uh losing that base didn't break a belt they only killed they did kill two belts that means the belt here is broken did i fix it i might have fixed it okay stupid bikers don't run past all my stuff okay i'm actually getting very close to this lake here with my labs built um i never said the film landfill you're actually taking tips from auntie's last run no i'm not maybe you should yeah this is not the best split in the world but it's not super bad considering we have done [Music] more stuff yes split okay uh research sorry on the floor you can pick up uh at the end of the load yeah i i noticed it i was a bit annoyed by it but that's about it so yeah you're on world record pace that doesn't say very much though okay let's finish this one buffer next to the other buffer so much mixed mining here uh automation two finished now let's do military signs okay that damage chest not those what do we need to craft we probably need to craft those at some point so let's do that why is there so much iron ore here that i need to mine didn't disconnect and oh i did disconnect them something the copper disconnected now uh can't be happy there's all this iron ore extra iron yeah it's super low density though so it won't last very long no was that it oh it was it they actually survived death world makes you jumpy yep it does we are gonna defend here okay we don't have that much um stuff to defend you can with pick up the dead miners dead miners and there's one didn't mine already oh there's one dead miner okay ah why do i have this much crap in my inventory so let's first go refill the most important stuff which is grenades that should clear up some space do i even have miners no i don't so let's just put a bit okay crafting greens there and um working for soil that needs to be there okay now faster servers that's annoying oil this is the copper all the iron is running that's good let's get this next iron line uh so yeah grenades more grenades or three z's thank you for the subscription for four months oh thank you okay so how are we going to fit this in here like this that works no splitters because no iron because no nothing you have so much copper ore in your inventory i know i'm supposed to i'm thinking every time i go by here that i should put it away i have so much crap everywhere uh one two three one two three here okay i didn't craft that one processing good then we can do lab speed so how does this compare to the worst map race uh this is a lot more the attacks are a lot bigger here so um i mean i would say this is harder okay death world is harder than antis man yes it is yes because um the evolution change yeah now the the pollution absorption the pollution spreads a lot further and uh yeah that causes it to be a lot more difficult i think you left two level one assemblies for red sides you know you leave only one usually no i live i should leave two okay and i didn't do that one so that's why there is iron in here okay i did do lots of those i have no greens greens what was i wanted to pick up okay you can throw your pistol somewhere and your grid sign somewhere yeah i can that's true pissed i have two pistols i should do this first i should also connect okay we have lab speed uh i want to do something be first but i don't remember what oh flammables flammables so you're doing plastic got it yep are you going to go with flame turrets oh yes not very many though like four maybe during the entire run four yep death world strats yep therefore struts really need to dump trash okay there is actually not a good spot for trashes let's put it there um so what do we actually need to craft we need to pick up the steel from here craft those you have 12 red science packs doing nothing in your inventory okay now we can do plastic because ah okay i need can release it but in the ammunition uh military science uh waltzed power getting attacked again ah that's not good uh i don't know choice i need to go there i need to defend like right away every time something gets attacked and i need ammunition to actually set up the fences and now i need to rebuild for power plants it has quite a lot of ammunition that's good i didn't upgrade blue inserts for gears need to do that these came from the other side yep they did okay uh do i have steel so i can craft uh my pumpkin yeah you're leaving that radar unprotected they're gonna target that radar right now they they no no no they will go to uh towards uh seven eight nine ten okay let's uh go take care of this biker base uh do i need more fish probably will we put the steel into the military sign so you get started yeah i also need to okay that should be enough of everything i should also connect military science which means i need more red inserters hello uh this was kind of a lot of bikers yeah i really need to push this base now good thing you're right there yeah because i mean the attacks are so big i mean they just run over everything instantly my turds never have time to like deal with them okay before i do that i need to set up engine protection i need like engines okay this goes here still comes here this goes here so still comes here oops and this goes no like that and this comes here okay more of those that carpool is misplaced engines are for flamers yep that is correct uh i don't know where to put this this might be off so i might need to remove them later okay i should limit all chests and stuff which i haven't done okay hello oh that was a different attack that's a bit worrying where's okay there might just be a small attack let's say it's just a small attack uh let's go for mining productivity we can at least start that okay now we should continue crafting i need more pump yaks what there's a biker uh how much fish did i have 18 okay good um yes it will have to be enough let's do the lap round bam try to avoid getting hit by all the worms uh with the void i mean not being hit exactly some oil here this was not the oil i intended to take and it's very tiny so we'll skip that i don't want to go here and defend it okay uh we're uh we are being attacked from the south oh there's actually worm okay i don't need to fight that now i mean it takes so many grenades to kill these bases okay that's the 20 engines i need now we just need flamers uh i think i can do flamers now okay let's get all the walls 300 balls i need [ __ ] ton of steel [ __ ] ton of pipe okay i need to dump trash what is trash that's trash that trash that's trash damaged miners i don't want uh yeah i have enough steel i have pipe i can take some gears i'd never upgrade inserters here so let's do that let's take the ammo you talked about upcoming inserts i talked about upgrading searches i did talk about it i just never did it so there is a lot low and gears here now but okay do i need to add like defenses somewhere here maybe will i be attacked from the north yes i will so let's put some random thirds here that might okay uh so let's do one two three four good and those i have power poles i have pipe i have underground uh kind of need where is the oil you want to get the right left i mean left right hard to keep cracking there are no chests check once you to protect the steel buffer buffer yeah that's almost covering it so it will be fine uh how is power by the way power it should be like borderline okay so we need to craft so i have this tiny filler patch here do i need to push anything now maybe maybe not so if i go here i will hit this big forest which is annoying uh can i go through it i need to go like north of this forest actually but i don't want to run through it because that will take like forever and i hope this oil patcher is super big do i have more oil somewhere i have to the south and i have to the right side this looks like it's super big right super big i mean it's not big enough despite being very many sports so that means you might need more than four flamers probably not okay i can't start forest fire here that would be nice or not everywhere with that one spot you need problem is i can't probably not have to to that side i need one here as well okay yep this is an interesting strategy guys that first building wall thinking about plane turrets and trees yeah i don't want to start the forest fire but hey you could grenade that forest i could i mean it's uh i will only burn these trees in that case so it's not a big issue why don't i have red stuff here promise i'm going to burn i mean they are going to attack here and i'm going to burn this pipe i just know it that's how this works it's always like chop the tree the tree whatever whatever okay that's the oil defense i that's basically all the flamers we're gonna do i think i don't at least don't oh oh forrest power poles will burn yeah i know that's why i did a double power connection so many of these iron miners are running out already did you say there was a filler patch somewhere yeah there is a tiny one here uh that i can connect if i are having problems with it okay uh we are going to make some tanks right here hope everything was still connected there's five tanks um and this goes okay it goes here okay i should stop producing oh what is wrong here uh this is wrong that explains it oh well i stopped overproducing walls that's good totally planned uh gears is that not limited yes it is limited okay four one two three okay good now we can do some oil it's a third without a mission why i'm not researching anything damn it i should have research mining productivity by now that means i have like a [ __ ] ton of science buffered here now actually we're still alive which is fairly good and i will i'm not that far away from actually getting mines so i think we are kind of safe i mean we are and we are only like 20 minutes or so behind uh default setting which is very okay yeah i can't do it like that you'll need power oh yeah the power um that was something i was supposed to do now power uh so am i going to continue department out here yes i am was it's too hard otherwise oh we see a base of the south you'll probably want to visit something yeah someday i'm gonna take care of that but not before they you know destroy the power oh i mean i have turrets here can i even make a flamethrower to burn all this forest to have some turrets some ammunition so we are going to make a castle here okay we're gonna actually gonna did that cover almost all of it yeah okay good almost uh everything is good enough do we want to have those as burners yes we do okay um yeah that radar might die you're correct in that okay did i do cam plants not all of them need a few more plastic does it feel like this is off by one why why is this off by one that looks right is this off by one no it's not something is off by one i don't know what this pipe it might be never mind i'm not gonna care about that now so let's uh we need some chests and some inserters okay that one miners are almost done that's good uh oil is a bit low uh any more oil you said yeah so i probably need to connect the patch on the right side but if i do some flip uh this this one pipe is off by one that's super annoying i won't have space for it why it shouldn't be off by one okay anyway uh that's almost uh this goes here like that i think okay we can split plastic there or oil uh mining productivity done uh now we need to do um more science i have no splitters wow okay okay there's a problem okay gears are still a problem uh okay this is gonna be red circuits over here this is green circuits for the red circuits what is death world death world is a setting in uh factorio when you set a new map up it means spiders are a lot more aggressive there are a lot more of them yep i was being less technical dude the more aggressive needs more pollution spread yeah pollution spreads a lot more a lot further um absorbed a lot less okay we still need a [ __ ] ton of assemblers but we don't have any gears so yeah i'm just gonna run on the belt and pick up all the gears sulfur is done blue science this goes here no here so we need some copper wire for all our red circuits i don't have any belt in my inventory you might wonder you were thinking about gears yep okay modules maybe maybe i should set the recipe so this actually starts we have i have one turret i need a few okay i can't craft hurts luckily you're close to the engines if you want to take them yep okay modules pro module okay that's red circuits when they get power uh hand feed some greens in there so it's not enough greens oh i actually placed this correctly i wouldn't say that's luck i would say that skill okay i could use some more assemblers uh let's first do results on the ground and those are not december 2's but yeah uh sunflower okay this is off by one underground is backwards for red buffer will fill with sulfur what oh it is that's really stupid because i need like those to buffer right now okay let's continue what we were doing we were getting water this water is very close to where i want it yeah those are three lengths of water which we use for power and a lot of other stuff and also sulphurs okay i do want like yes we're gonna set up okay there's sulfur uh yeah explosives i don't even have the recipe for battery i don't have a recipe for just what set it now some more undergrounds okay we'll okay i will just connect it now because otherwise i will just forget it so we'll let batteries buffer for a bit while we build this crap here it's all about the crap guys crap who put rocks here okay we are gonna do oh we need the modules first then we're gonna do the explosives why is there a green circuit there um i don't really care hey maybe i should pick up some inserters maybe like a hundred and speed modules because we need to speed more than that oil if we are going to get to mine uh to uh like rocket with 1300 didn't i set the raspier that's what doesn't have recipe set okay now we actually need to no we actually don't need to remove those two last two sizes yep thank you and that carpal got misplaced why is there enough greens here doesn't make sense there shouldn't be enough grease okay ah that was all wrong okay research uh explosives now explosives okay uh power is getting attacked ah my turn okay it's oh no they're killing the belt okay i need to go there damn it what do i actually need to craft more okay it's only iron can we get some ammo 200 wanted to split blue science but i guess i can't hello bikers i'm just gonna hit you in the face um one of those uh turrets i have okay let's remove the repair the belt before everything dies okay make wall okay explosive we can set the explosive recipe now uh so minds i guess because i should have 150 military signs left in the labs okay that's uh why is there so little sulphur okay petroleum is low yeah petroleum is low now do you want to connect the oil on the right like you said yeah it's not oil yet that is the problem okay military's on the wrong side of the belt okay that's uh blue science uh blue sides on our color belt oh never mind it was military blue science is supposed to be there yeah because you're not gonna have any more military leave no i have done all the military that i'm supposed to okay here i really need turrets because if that bastard dies i will be very sad land mines are done yeah that's all the military science that i'll ever do so yeah uh continue towards what's i guess because i have done like everything else get some steel i have green science slots okay we are making mines now we just need the bots to um okay we're gonna make bots then we're gonna first thing we're gonna outpost is uh secondary oil and protect that buffer yeah there's a third i think like here is free space so there might be something in the way here but i'm not sure do i even have any ammunition no should have some in here okay let's say that's all domination we'll ever need because gears are low uh we need a [ __ ] on more of assemblers okay how much ammo did we get not a lot that buffer red circuit buster is not protected by anything and it's very exposed so it's grab them advanced oil done okay continue towards bots okay i need to be on the inside here otherwise you can't drag that back lubricant um vector canyons well undergrounds kind of need to craft a [ __ ] ton of undergrounds and what time my short bone that's one refinery the wrong recipe so there should be iron in the buffer there's no iron in the buffer ah i hate this part of rum where i'm always super lonely okay there was a lot in that one which is strange okay uh iron is already suffering why is power suffering no yes don't have enough iron lakers engine done robotics okay need to have that powerful way out to the side otherwise yeah things [ __ ] up the blueprint uh bug one two three four okay uh research is progressing really fast i don't feel that i'm like done here that many there we need free blueprint i'm going to set up all the oil blue painting before i do it um okay and i haven't crafted my cam plants it's a lot of stuff i haven't crafted actually still construction bots are already done okay let's continue building this that we were supposed to build here cracking so okay that was fine then we're going to do some more cracking uh then we're going to set up the bottom production uh it has to be there uh why is there only one tank there there's supposed to be two okay craft another tank my pipe uh why is iron so super bad okay iron is super bad okay that that's just my defenses it's fine it's fine everything's fine oh i might not have uh limited pipes i might be overproducing pipes like crazy uh yeah but there's like no inserters in here because iron is dying horribly all of these limited i should put pro models in so much stuff to do again my inventory is a mess this will help a bit with iron consumption logistics 2 done i guess i will research car ok we had all this that one needs power it's only me where am i horribly behind in uh building compared to where research are [Music] it's only you no you are a little behind that's because you had to deal with biters yeah this was slightly in the way okay frames uh maybe this output belt is important did i pick up any red engines no i didn't uh bots stop crafting that and spit 142 bots yeah um oh cliff explosives we need tool belt i really need because my inventory is a mess all the time that one should limit this one where's all my steel oh that was not a lot of steam okay this will take like forever to craft obviously okay that recipe i kind of need first as well i have done that never mind okay we need not that much that much put that there grab all my stuff a robo port there uh upgrade upgrade upgrade upgrade don't know normally circus it looks at least like oil is somewhat coming okay i kind of need chests more than robots right now give me a chest okay uh six that was not enough okay a few more parts okay undergrounds and splitters are very low uh what else needs to be put in here what are bots complaining about inserters wow okay they are complaining that much about inserters now let's place this tank otherwise i run the risk of running out of stuff okay let's um set up the rest of them all okay this church actually needs to go now i have no instructors wow why no inserters science is eating them all isn't this limited yes it is but it's almost filling up okay steam engine assembler assembler give it to three or minus done yes miners are done oh i actually need five stacks minus never mind miners are not done okay you have some speed modules yep do i have uh done the car yes i have okay i just need iron okay um what we are going to do now is defend stuff and then i guess i need to connect that oil and then i need to i need to place rope boards all over the base to defend defense is pry one in uh this kind of game and i think i'm going to go connect the extra iron as well okay of course that didn't have range do we have radar coverage everywhere some more grenades really why is this one side loading here okay the laws of the iron is dead uh not good okay we need robot card we need another robot to get more robot coverage mines okay that was a lot of mines that's good we have mines producing we need setup cliff explosives i forgot set up cliff explosives which means i need to craft those um just what are bots complaining about uh underground pipe yeah they can have them all okay we need to craft more they can't actually not have that many i never researched it i don't research it uh okay at least plastic is working sulfur is in a bad shape but if i do like that and rebuild that will sulphur get more volume maybe maybe not okay what trio iron is probably prior okay i don't need it up there today i didn't add a remaining report cliff explosive finished yeah but you need to make those um good that should be cliff explosives producing so upgrade this because you have so much iron you're going to feed more iron in yeah i need to connect more iron uh i wonder watch this prior connect more iron or connect more oil uh what's prior to research have we done like everything i need yeah i think so that is like really something we don't need that as well so let's go put down the rover port here so we can are you gonna pick up those empty miners or you have miners you're gonna pick up the mt miners are you gonna have miners to take i have miners i think yeah i thought so they might be attacking soon here all these miners with mines will be in the way but who cares uh let's go connect to more iron uh do i have miners no i'm gonna take miners okay we can just pick up from here fun that there was one they're not connected how many mines do you think i can actually put down here how many do i have 19 20 yeah maybe i can get 20 mines in here 20 would be good you have belt 200 should be enough now i can't get that many hit down here we have row port okay i can't barely get any down here it's on the turret no biggie you can get more on the top right oh no oh no damn it i just got through and i blueprinted so many mines that i can't use the bots to defend okay i leave this completely undefended because i really need to go back before my entire base is destroyed which will happen super quickly okay it actually goes up never mind okay i need to go to gun first yep also your oil is getting attacked yep okay there is actually medium bites here now hey maybe it is that the bots don't actually have stuff okay oh red circuit buffer is getting attacked okay they have actually attacked here somewhere that is lucky yep yes okay it's mainly bots that are missing okay wait let's put all of those in there so i get more bots now oh i never did the bot speed hmm that could explain why the bots are so slow okay none of the oil is working now yeah i'm pretty sure they attacked your oil and disconnected it yep i think so too yeah the heavy oil is backing up i will fix that i'll just connect this one finish this iron because iron is so horrible okay we can just do it like this okay work a robot speed two we want okay let's go back here uh how far is it to actually connect rover network here too far that's one miner not connected which means i can't defend it properly unless we do like this and i need too many robots i will just place a bunch of mines there and hope for the best 2k fine okay and then i guess there's the only place they will attack top yeah they might run there and then kill that and then kill everything yeah okay let's connect more oil i don't want to blueprint all the smelting before the bots are done placing all the mines because yeah i will get more and more attacked what happened your solid fuel is not connected down look at the bottom power poles are missing i think on the attack what get all the blinkies down there yeah yeah uh yeah they are missing that that's fine i guess it might be fine i just don't want it using it like in a low power loop no that that would suck why do i have so many engines that makes no sense where can i put pick them up from okay never mind from your uh you were making engines for a long time in that initial build yeah you picked them up when you picked up the yeah true that's good then i can make some flamers i did want to make a car however can you make a car too if you have the iron yeah should be getting more iron in now that one is upgraded full lane as well that one is also great for lane worker robots be two done okay but um okay we need to like research stuff and uh okay let's say that the bots are done i need to go connect that oil do i have four pump yaks yes do we have no but it looks like everything is running power is holding why is that where are you getting attacked you're getting attacked somewhere mine was destroyed don't even know i want some bots right that's why i should have um okay we have we can make two bots i kind of need a bit more bots in this i hate this that i have to like pick up bots what is this short on steel is horrible okay good to know that's why i'm not getting any bots my steel horrible should be okay that's the those that are running okay am i done uh how will i drag power here that's not completely [ __ ] up everything this will completely [ __ ] up everything never mind i need to drag it here okay that worker is slightly in the way okay powerpoint looks a bit bad luckily that i can craft why is there belt ah let's not do that uh don't need five bots we'll have to do here yeah i should shouldn't i have i made a car yes i actually made two cars okay that was not very many extra mines in there yeah i should push it but now i've gotten rid of all my mind so i can't push it i will have to go back and get more minds then i can push it it should be quite big once i have the car and i do want to connect this oil first this really sucks this amount of grease here okay research is progressing at the alarming rate compared to where i am okay um you wanna turn yeah okay that's good bots are okay i didn't give the bots enough of this okay i don't have any minds um if i get more petroleum i should get more mines you have some salt for an inventory you could put in there one well nevermind one yay they are missing two undergrounds a tank wow they destroyed the tank i hope it's not that one okay this road that was a lightweight one uh that shouldn't matter we just deleted okay the lighthole is actually filling up a bit which means that all this cracking here should run okay there is an issue with that okay they are missing um that explains the low petroleum that this one never got built okay give them some more um missing a camp plant why are they missing a camper they shouldn't be missing a campaign right now we've got destroyed the fighters yeah probably turret i don't care mines i do care but whatever actually let's do like this like that okay let's go speed molly the second oil and then when i come back to what should have defended everything so i can be safe maybe if you can take some minds that would be great you can do that yeah yeah it would be great but i don't have any money i need to kill that you need to kill that you can't you don't have mine to kill you have to go kill you guys yeah i know i know which is super annoying connected holds to power i never connect the pulse power that is a mistake i do way too often okay they're missing 150 minds still i just need more mines i guess i will um you're gonna attack it with with the turrets maybe no not with turrets you want to connect power pulse to the new power right yeah i did want to do that okay some stupid thing attacking there uh the power right power need power pulse uh because power is low yep okay let's go fix that by hand because okay i think i have bots no there's a lot no i don't have bots now because it's blueprinted a bunch of stuff okay uh they are getting mines that's okay i need yes not to like okay power is fine again uh i need to uh outpost we're iron is super far away um so let's go do that start dragging that back but i expansion baits right next to your new to your extra iron in the bottom left is that an expansion base that would suck no it's just an attack i think it's something that was only there temporarily research yeah i don't have anything useful research i rather let the research not run for a while now i think okay um that is some speed modules why are they attacking my stuff they're destroying mines why are destroying mines because bots keep replacing them how many mines 78 mines a few inserters okay let's go fight some bikers with grenades and a car we can start by taking this base up here because that is attacking me quite a lot ah great killed my car good thing you have another one yep there was a reason i built two cars but i all my fuel was in that car okay there's a very big base here it's not polluted yet i'm putting that one i'm polluting all of these bases all of those i need to probably need to push those two here or i'm just gonna say that um mines are good enough to defend everything famous last week okay i'm gonna try to go for this for through the car you have a little hole right there on the left a hole right there i'm left don't worry about it okay 29 minus okay we really need to get more mines but i can't get more mines okay those we need to give the boats uh anything else i need to give two boats yes lots of that okay let's crack stuff so we can go out posting okay that was a lot of belt at least that's good okay we need like get rid of your plastics get rid of your one red size one green side yeah i know there's a lot of stuff i need brush plastic is actually not really trash so you can put it in here let's use this as a precious damaged power poles damaged stuff boats can have those okay that was not about just never mind uh [Music] not sure why i get rid of this this one either was the one the other one you put in okay um those the bots can really have um why are you putting them in the chest it's not it's a regular chest it's not about not uh providing this yeah we can make it provide a chest um [Music] would i don't want let's go stop making speed modules it looks like they placed all their minds so you should be good to get some minds now yep that's why i want to uh wanted to um uh prepare to outpost probably is i need more bots and there's no bots there should be bots in this robot no okay never mind uh splitters and okay mice but i need to go back here and pick up more much there's nowhere near enough mice sorry you were there so yeah i mean the iron is so bad the copper is so bad the coal is holding one thing that's still holding let's put the rest in our okay i need more mines and i need bots i need 25 bots and i need about 7 800 mines okay i guess that's all the stuff we're gonna do there i really need to go to the bathroom that's super annoying 11. okay i'll let you say quick battle break bear back this bathroom break brought to you by steelx when you're playing on death world always bring your steel ex to kill the bikers steel axe available at antielites.com that's how you speed run a bathroom okay and that's do you speed run out was it the c-like side again yeah it was a new one new one yeah it's like that um okay what we have built we have miners we don't have mines we have explosives cliff explosives i probably need a few i was wondering uh where's the iron is here it's close to oil not super close i was wondering if i should pipe down oil there and defend by um defend with uh flame turds but i don't think i can do that okay we have so much uh extra red circuits that's good i guess okay that is so damaged and it's so critical so yeah that's one way to not repair it okay let's get rid of the engines maybe i should have made a secondary car i have that i have that power poles then it's just mines i need and i need like several hundred mines to pick up some engines just her car i have a car i have a car okay let's 200 mines let's say that that's enough for now and uh let's go a robo port i don't have a rope port i can't make a robot because i have no steel then i steal in here opting off cliff explosives you want some cliff explosives yeah do i really yes you really do oh i got rid of all my red circuits that's why i can't craft stupid group i have steam yeah i might uh you might be right that i need uh want some cliff explosive no i feel maybe that will uh survive i'm quite sure of it reaction science still science okay but you need to um clip explosives right there yeah [ __ ] explosives okay okay then let's take nine uh let's do the slow uh bass that i did before 24. wrong just go here um kind of need this robot here which is annoying because then i don't have one for iron patch here we go uh one two three four there's two uh one more okay it doesn't really it's not really in range i might this might get destroyed now but uh let's don't care and go outpost i'm researching random crap okay iron is right south of the oil basically right next to the lake yeah i should like really push a lot of biter bases here i understand what you meant about wanting active explosives i was persistent for a reason okay i should have placed those so that i killed the works one is enough right okay let's try to not die oh okay this is like really dangerous with this amount of medium biters i don't think there will be this many medium biters when i should push the bases okay um so okay help okay i don't want to push this base anymore i changed my mind too many medium fighters okay this will be fine i give up i'm not going to push the base do a tank you should get some fish right next to the water yeah fish i'll get more fish later i don't need fish now um mine this is gonna survive like 10 minutes nah this is gonna survive super long he did drag power down yes with a car yep i did write power down here i blow up my power poles so we can add this one a bit more safe like here good now of course there is stupid biters here i think oh they know uh no build stuff how many miners was this it was 101 [Music] you had four down already all right really okay let's go here is there more space here uh no okay nothing is connected okay maybe bots want power pulse [Music] do the bats have any mines yes they have lots of mines how many they are placed now 300 that's more than i have okay very good it will survive until i get back with more mines because i need to like go instantly back with more mines which kind of sucks read our radar radar radar radar radar radar that's actually very correct thanks shot we're good pace for sub 4 hours still which is actually the target today but uh if big biters show up then i don't know what will happen you need power armor too no research power armor yeah i'm happy to let it like not research for a while so because i'm way ahead in research i have basically done almost all there's like two free researches left that's not um purple science my concrete lab speed 3 maybe absolutely it's a good long one it's a good one to do all right it's only 250 signs at uh 35 speed so it's not too low i'm actually running a bit out of the grenades okay so how do i connect this i probably go north of everything yep let's do that or maybe not yeah let's do that now i said i would do it do i have iron yeah i should uh refill the grenade production make another hundred grads okay here comes bikers let's get through here luckily when being slower than default settings i have so much belt give a lot more resources yeah okay i need to get like copper in here okay good there's one two three three copper and there is two iron one copper right so one two three um okay i think that's the way i want to do it i don't really remember i really need another report now to get everything in range and also copy this you get some defenses up there yeah i think this goes here i'm not 100 sure but i think so what are the bots missing uh chests that's a bit annoying and also you never refueled your uh grenades just so you know i know okay now the bots can start build here i think they bots might be missed they should be like missing splitters and stuff but they're not stone furnaces i don't care that's not something they're actually supposed to have for real just though they need to have how many were they actually missing 16. good there we go bots two cliff explosives really i needed that much cliff expos no there's cliff explosives here so let's take some of my very few grenades let's see do i have any iron no axes thank you for the subscription yeah excellent thanks for skipping two months yay i have seven cliffs explosive in my inventory okay we're looking good they're missing mines oh mines is sister outpost okay we need this um so next is connecting copper copper comes from north it's not super far away uh that was wrong just okay so we are first gonna go back to the iron and add mines because otherwise that will be dead okay uh so there is nothing left right oh with that one which won't be able to research quite a bit while but did i have some solution for my car okay let's go back add mines so it can actually survive now it's not really four full lanes but that's fine uh now it's not this is where they need the cliff explosives yep there are more needing hip explosives [Music] somewhere the missing minds why did i take this way around okay let's get everything i need to outpost copper the circle thank you for the subscription yeah three months split oh split you are quite correct split we should split it was a bit late split it looks like now that the outpost feeds the steel we have a lot more of everything okay we needed robo port which means we need gears one here there's gears let's do two row ports okay oh it had a rope port i need red chest i need uh grabs on grab ton of belt i need bots bots should be done so it should be very easy to pick up frames now yeah i mean this is 25 watts maybe good uh handcrafted greens no undergrounds 42 is not enough yeah i need lots of mice more mice than i have what did they just destroy ah i hate when they do that well at least when you come back you'll have mines the bots don't actually have mines is this out of rope rage no the bots are really don't have any mines because you took them all yeah and gave them to iron what is this guy doing oil connection is also killed underground pipe okay uh does that mean mine sort of yeah it does mean that hmm that was bad what are they out of steel well you have plenty of steel now yeah i plan to steal now but no mines so let's while we go to copper we are going to handcraft that that's 400 seconds of crafting but it's enough mines 100 there's four for each craft 400. okay it's a good time this was a good time to catch it though yep it was a good time to catch it uh i have underground i have not power poles i have bots i have chest i've got okay power poles do you have your car yeah yeah i have my current inventory stage we upgraded all of them oh and that's more important so why is that last steel furnace not connected to power i asked blue printed the power ah got it ah cause yeah it was cracked up because i copy pasted half a lane oops i should still drag power even though i go back hard the fans were smelting yeah that might be a good idea actually especially that steel buffer i mean this one is doesn't have any clothes bite bits oh i should actually have done landfill here um and now i don't have any uh we have that in facebook stone but why why is that it's not grid it's not great why is it not grid that makes no sense 96 like 110 you can get another half lane on the left can't you uh perhaps let's see no not unless i move everything i will uh let's be happy with what i get control x the whole thing controls the whole thing yeah but it's fine i don't need that this much strictly true you're you're slower so you have plenty you'll be fine yeah and i hope i have a radar and i hope i have iron to make a radar okay i guess we have no radar um we have no power okay i can't put bots in until i have power so where's power broken there of course right at start well now you can get iron yeah and i can get iron to craft my stupid radar and actually uh a few uh landfill more mines and everything okay why is there so much cliffs everywhere i want to drive okay i didn't want to destroy that pipe so much trees so much crap uh what it was actually destroyed did i drive it over myself or what happened okay let's get uh some iron yeah there's not much coming to that lane but that's fine maybe i shouldn't have picked up that much okay let's get more mines because then i might not need to go back again and man come on why did it why do they do that you should have a double power connection to that so close oh well i didn't want that outpost anyway but you need to go fix the power connection to your yeah the mines are too close and where is pink oh no my red circuit buffer this sucks this is like really bad this is like bad for real thought i had like mines there come on they really like destroyed all the power here you should connect power back up power to through the yeah and maybe fix the belt uh they have destroyed all my blue science buffer and all my red circuit buffer sounds about right well there was only like a thousand uh red circuits in there and how much would the size i don't know lots okay uh maybe i shouldn't have placed that many minds well this is like setback where's my car did i leave my car here somewhere yeah i think you left it at the top i left at the top yeah did i get all the yeah the red circuit buffer really sucks actually and your big iron is also getting somewhat attacked i think it's fine they don't get through my minds but here i should do like a second line here yeah look there is nine circuits in there that was like 2k in there i would do a little more than what two lines what is do that biter think he's doing he should kill your car that's like not okay no no and i can't kill him because i now i don't have engines to make a new car so now i have to walk all the way walk of shame it's better to go get engines and i need to i can only walk there i can't walk i can't drive back so deaf world yeah it's fun i mean it doesn't mean i'm still on world record pace though which doesn't say it doesn't say very much as there has been no previous run so if i completely run it world record did you got your radar to place yeah i got my radar please good i will just help the bots a bit don't forget your landfill yep i will landfill stuff to get more copper this is actually quite easy dependable here oh is that all in range yes it is good okay i will just play some mines here just in case and always place mines around here because sometimes okay not where they're supposed to be miners um well sometimes the bikers follow the boats back to our bits for this stop 10 hours uh yes okay here we have this one good look how many miners we got in now just because of a bit of landfill i'm not sure that's what it'll be let's do like that to balance it a bit now that should be almost four lays good enough uh and i want uh the left no the right one to be prior and we're gonna give the boss the rest of these mines what oh they were placed mines among the miners as a safety precaution no stop killing my stuff only one thing that got destroyed good know what we haven't done like i should have done also the buffer here i haven't done the solid fuel buffer it's okay because you're not you know 2 hours and 40 minutes you're gonna be four hours yep i mean i'm not sure how much i lost about an hour of red circuit production that kind of sucks yeah you'll still be fine yeah i still be fine but quite a lot of research i lost so now i will be low on purple and blue science because i lost all my buffer blue signs as well yeah suggestion in the fut you should redesign it so the buffers are in the inside not the outside yeah okay this no now the iron is dead now in uh can i try to save it no i can't it's dead okay uh we need to go rebuild the entire arm patch this sucks do you want to finish connecting the copper first no it doesn't matter i need to go rebuilding complete iron patch uh i will try to get there before it's completely destroyed but i guess most of it is destroyed because i didn't expect the attack could come from that side i don't think i can get there in time before it's completely destroyed but i will try get land mines you need a room i have raw reports okay you need mines i did take mines i need fuel no i mean miners yeah i don't have miners i stopped the production i handcraft some take it from the uh i have no bots either but maybe i can save some okay there's oh they're still alive i thought that i thought the robot would be dead by now okay this is actually fine repair packs repair repair the report yeah i thought everything was fine okay okay uh okay pots um splitters to fix this that was not enough splitters okay uh there came an attack from the north because there was like no defenses here of course of course they attack here then okay they're fine we're fine given the repair pack during the repair pack yeah i did just did uh i don't know if they'll have enough to repair the robo port whatever i gave him 20 uh repair packs yeah but you have all the repair packs everywhere there's a ton of repairing did you take care of the rope first wow oh it did okay iron fix let's continue connecting the copper and not driving much work yeah that could have been much worse i agree i thought it would be completely destroyed because when they killed a roboport which i thought they would but i did place mines around there so around roadwork that's probably saved me but i had no mines to defend where the actual attack was coming from there's nothing to research right now that's why yeah there's nothing to research next research is this one or beacon ah this is beacons oh sorry i thought i would i hit that stupid cliffs oh good thing you have clip explosives yep i'm asking if explosive i don't need much more now okay that's all the copper okay let's um build some stuff nephrons you took away mines you know you're gonna attack get attacked from that direction but i placed born new mice it's fine okay when the red buffer dies i'll let you know then i will cry okay we need some more assemblers i don't have any pro modules at least the product buffer never died they didn't replace that chest why are they out of chest again probably okay i have very many prone motors that's good uh this is two up good okay okay i didn't pick up enough of this never mind i need those five okay this is new thing i've done here i don't have inserters i need uh long inserters i need normal inserters i need lots of stuff so much resource here now because the mall is barely running copper is a bit in bad shape though i actually have underground pipe no so let's grab some so what's new about this um that i'm gonna place these so that one needs to be there right here we're not gonna have them in the blueprint i'm not gonna use red belt as much just a tiny bit what oh oh that's because it's this one that goes here it was why did you place that speed modules uh red circuits that one i didn't pick up inserters i mean there was like two things i wanted to pick up and i picked up one of them uh is the input no no the input for the blues for blue circuits is the wrong location what yes it is you're correct thank you you're welcome that was a good catch i know that mistake what too well uh that was what my nemesis when building this build yeah one two three four and here uh one two three four five it didn't place because you have landmines on the bottom right one two three four five [Music] and one two three four five jumping from the 100 bits mine's top oil question mark my stop order yeah then that will be safe i promise also remember that worm i think he's gonna start shooting at your bots no oh it might be that's actually true stupid worm yeah radar would be a good idea as well thank you chad yeah radar would be a great idea and some gears to craft some of that and then we're going to connect all the belts and then we're going to be happy we're not happy about the state of this uh copper buffer here because all of that copper forgot turned into red circuits that could eat them yeah it looks like one of the belts didn't get upgraded to red in the on the copper lane because they're coming out it looks like they're coming no it's just um it looks like it's just um not enough ore you see this is fully moving it's not backing up i think okay okay so this goes here this goes here oh come on they i don't like this sound this can't this is not fine though no that is a problem why did they go here okay there oh look at that bugged biters they can do please wow look at that yeah you might want to destroy some cliffs yeah okay uh see i don't have game sounds i can't hear that okay that is the way that's supposed to connect and then we have these two we output this one here and we can actually go this one here if i had a splitter and now this one is okay it's supposed to be here actually two three like that so less red belts i do still need some red belt here but very few like there okay uh this should be running as soon as i get um sit in well the beeping stop that means the bots took care of it or it's all dead oh now i [ __ ] this up okay never mind i will just fix it later who put the chest there okay as it is going uh one of the copper inputs is for mixed oh yeah that one is side loading thank you how did they get through i don't use all the they use the corpses of all the other biters i heard the sound of worm here okay that my power pole needs to be there i see what oh the bots don't have underground well that's a problem i don't have undergrounds to give to the bots you might want to get them yeah nine okay they're missing underground belt as well is that not oh wonder why was it low on iron well at least now you can make a lot of undergrounds yep all the blues are wrong someone says no not all the blues are wrong why no i seem piped oh it looks good it looks good it's just the bots didn't have pipes chad says they were totally wrong totally wrong okay i don't like this sound where is it okay it's up here it will very soon start to shoot me up so that's i told you yeah i think some protection is in order here it's not that this buffer is very important there are other things i have that's more important uh wait no there is no such thing in my base i like how you're moving the miners the miners around the red buffer yep but that's because i that's very safe now now i just did not at all place this pipe here in the way of course i didn't you said you were gonna fix it later yep and i did fine let's make some sticks can bikers please cut it out they're safe how is mines here 300 still okay let's check up on top because if this runs out oh 97 that's not lot how many do i have here um 900 and they still have some steel so that's fine we are very fine we should be splitting things i should be splitting things oh wow okay where those are all live fighters yeah um that is scary on top right and bottom left yeah i mean uh this i didn't need that oil anyway but it is very close and pretty easy to save if i just craft a few more robots i mean i need like one robo port to save that okay i'll just get some steel and craft that so i can actually save it don't you have a steel line right there yeah i think uh so i don't know what seki wants he wants more distant minds for split for spitters at the blue buffer so they can't spit on the buffer yeah but this look at how many i actually placed the spitters could go out range those mines yeah but not for wave mines actually i think they're they're going to be attracted to these no they're not it's like not having inserters and other stuff is kind of annoying why is this one still if you would just pick up the inserters you'd have them yeah i i don't think i over produced uh steam against though i mean you know you could just take the mines out and then you can use them all from the but when the buyers kill him like 20 million times yep and he's doing that uh-oh uh [Music] okay whatever also you want to build a solid fuel buffer at some point yeah i did now i need another road board damn it mines are in the way for some pipes between the steam engines didn't i delete all the mines no i thought you did too good let's continue building this there's definitely nothing in the way here it was definitely correct not always these mines here to go don't let's go to there oh they're missing six okay why are missing six uh those i don't know i'll just give that there so they're crafted six differences okay this should be purple science producing so then we're gonna do some modules so i need a few more reds should be fine and we need a stack of blue circuits then we're gonna do some produce i have no idea what's happening i was gone for a bit yeah uh i'm just making proteus that i'm gonna feel too yellow after we set up yellow we're gonna fix the oil again yeah you need to even pump jacks to the bots yeah and i why don't i have a roll port i should have a road board okay it's reds why did that one just hang there so that everyone could kill him okay do we have this one yep come on good now that should fix itself you know the world report in the system leave another reporting system why because okay destroy the one they destroyed that remember yeah they did i did craft for pump yaks didn't i yep they're in the inventory they're they're here okay i just can't see them okay let's fetch some steel so that we can give that one to the bots red chest okay whatever they don't need that red chest they are just faking it why okay that's just some ball who needs walls okay what yeah you have um you didn't have belt on the on your blueprint on the bottom side oh i see i mean i don't like this beep beep beep beep all the time it's kind of annoying it's got your oil the one you just repaired there should be like billions of miles around it now there's no rubber port yes there should be it should be in range anyway there is no radar i can't whatever there was you just need to put in the written uh they probably have a blueprint of it because you put one there last time oh so they're missing radar no missing road modules okay uh this i have something here is off by one so this is super annoying to do um and now i'm gonna get the plastic in here somehow but the off by one error makes it so difficult okay this is the worst thing i ever made oh i mean this is so easy if i wasn't off by one now it's so hard completely unnecessary yeah i placed this one this one is off by one that's what's happening okay let's go get stuff 8 speed modules yeah okay okay i should have lots of plastic buffered by now yes i did you also have a 100 plus plastic in your trash chest that you need okay that's fine let's check the copper eight eight mines okay we need to go there there's like no getting round that we need to go there and let's get the yellow science running and then go there into the steel axe mobile deluxe mobile what your car okay or who needs a car cars are from noobs okay this road project is not at all in the way oh wait it is purple isn't flowing question mark uh purple uh is not connected to labs unfortunately but it is flowing into buffer chest and i guess that's good until the fighters come and say hi i thought those spots were biters for a second i mean um i have a lot of purple signs here now the belt is backwards somewhere belt is backwards somewhere before the underground at blue chips okay i'll take a look at that bent is backwards before blue ships okay let's fix that uh maybe i should have limited this just so much stuff i should have limited this run you mean why are we low on iron okay we can make so many bots because we have so much green circuits so let's make billions of bots okay oh i actually researched something no way you researched something oh yeah i did i did i promise you i did okay um hello biters there is like no defense here on this side that might be don't forget the underground okay why i i did have defenses here but not quite enough okay that was outside of report range i need more roblox some underground somewhere was broken it was here oh there it's broken before underground okay good okay that should be purple uh yellow science running so uh then it's just rocket science research next bit uh watch low on anything mine's speed modules while long speed modules you have to go top left the copper yeah i needed to go to copper oh that was probably in the pump x okay uh i don't like that they're missing underground belt um so let's go to copper and refill mines there before copper dies because if copper dies i'll get sad you need some miners to go with you no probably not okay this is plenty of mines i should put even more steel in there do i have a car i have a car now i get annoyed about this off by one error here but we improvised it okay three fifteen steps movie still likes mobile stillax mobile the very fastest fastest test this feels so relaxing i mean i'm not panicking or anything and i mean when there's no like super good time to beat then it's not like more relaxing okay that should be more oh they were actually out of mines okay this was just in time i would say okay they can have all my minds i don't have any greens i can't do that of course there were one that had slipped through this was actually very good timing to get there relaxing yeah difficult uh speed run very relaxing okay this iron here is completely empty so this is not full can we do like this maybe we can how much is here 2.2 k probably enough don't know i see yellow science incoming what's next it's rocket field let's do some rocket field [Music] okay i mean they are attacking here quite a lot it's there and there those two attack points so we should have like [ __ ] ton of mines there all the mines there there's where they're needed most okay rocket fuel uh what do we need we need a pump i don't have steel but you do have an engine i do have an engine okay that was steel uh kind of a bit more steel than i needed than i wanted i mean we are not gonna stop producing mines ever oh they got through here oh wait i need to like kill all those mines now and i'm right next that's a medium spitter okay there have been medium speeds here for a while okay they are attacking here so let's remove all these mines that sounded logical right brilliant plan looking at the the size of that attack wave you might want a few more than two layers of mines yeah maybe yeah i i just crafted the billions of mines so i can't probably afford it uh we need that one okay so rocket fuel and then rcus i should be crafting all the stuff i need like beacons and uh okay i have no greens um and maybe some underground pipe first as i don't have any oh this was not right i didn't start at all at right foot how much is left here okay and it's quite a lot left so i will just leave the belt connected yeah i might as well do some more i do hope i have the port now yes i do okay we need to craft circuitry to set up the rcu production so we need uh y star speed motion okay okay i red circuits are horrible that's to be expected uh luckily this haven't screwed anything up yet that that belt that that was not being filtered out okay let's get some greens vulca lives wow there is no copper buffer here either okay all the copper buffers are empty good thing you saved copper but i need i need to starve copper more and mix build have to run slower there's no way around it you might want to research yep and that has prior in there good then it should get correct so that's what you'll get though started and these red circuits here running rock control unit research speed module two with two resources left that's not much okay um do i have space here now i should have space here to do like this should be space come on stop killing my stuff okay that's okay that's fine are those biters still stuck in there in the bottom probably okay processing units equal to zero read hand content let's change to pin module change to none and this goes each each not equal to rocket control units go this goes actually from volume you might finish before four hours ah that's that's the plan why don't i have any belt is your plan to not have a rocket fuel buffer so that you don't they can't destroy it yep that's not really the plan i just i mean the belt buffer is basically more than i need so it's just that it's not urgent to set it up and i wanted to set up this buffer so i can align to this buffer maybe if i had added power poles here before it would have been simpler let me do it again how many times you need to blueprint yep gear spelt i don't need like free don't i have like a provider just here somewhere okay here here we go bots do you want to defend these buffers nah these are not important oh wait there i'm just making sure you know because of those biters coming to the right yep okay it's annoying to not have belt yeah the copper here is starving how is power by the way power is bad i need more power is there space for more power here yes space for mobile here is lots of space for more power that's good okay uh bots are short on chests i mean good thing you have enough steam engines i'm just gonna get some belts and limit belts okay now all of these are running then it should be fine okay steel is actually not much buffer okay there's plenty buffered did you expand labs no that's why i'm handcrafting labs now always so much crash okay um reds is an issue there's not enough reds for purple i mean i could have used those two thousand red toys okay kill that one how is prod modules doing uh problems are done let's kill that one completely which means i can make some more okay that one is running that was running why no power here or the boss on the way or there is no power here or either yes no rover port range no rope range and i guess here is no defenses no they didn't have robot rage at those defenses oh and there's a gap the badges will slip through that gap i just know it how are okay copper is low for uh lds as well not much to do about that how is yellow size one frame left almost done uh that means we can um okay let's check down here there's no frames left kill that one okay it's probably not where stuff is getting destroyed okay you got big fighters now big space uh the problem is that they are like destroying all my bots how many bots four okay we need to go there with bots might want to bring some extra minds too yeah for the steel x-mobile to the stylox mobile uh we should start this start start start uh so we have that one that side okay i made so many minds uh rockstar 25 so we only have left set up concrete and for freeze but first we're gonna um get some frames we had a bunch of frames here so we can craft a bunch of bots like 100 watts okay there's not that many mines here because i placed so many mines all around the base to the stilax mobile where is it here is it yeah big biters big splitters is a problem because they like one shot bots mines you need two mines to kill big biters so mine should still be kind sort of fine no no no that was bad okay they actually managed to save this okay how many mines is here 126 left only okay let's hope that uh that's enough for the rest of the run not sure now when we get big biters will be interesting to see how many bites i actually have killed at the end of the run i would say a lot ugh no not all this melting is working fully but i think this is fine anyway to finish in time i think the red circle purple science is the bottleneck right now do i have 10 yes that was 10 right yeah concrete wow okay this one is actually full here how can we do this so that okay never mind i'm not going to spend time on it there is enough iron no there is not enough iron and that buffer is full which means i'm getting more than two lanes out of there oh iron here is backed up okay let's anyway start the concrete okay 10 everywhere so much trash i should expand labs i never expanded labs okay copper is suffering so much and i don't even think it helps to do iron but we're gonna do it anyway that was completely wrong now there will be a steal on the lane who cares okay where was my stuff let's fix the labs then do pro degrees we have plenty of time for face labs are actually all running good uh are there not prods in all labs there were two labs missing codes need more beacons uh probably need a few prods here oh they go through mine spines mites i have no minds well i think uh this is done it means i need to pick all of this crap up cash should have killed this one these are all running yep look how much resource there are i think yeah or is usually fine rocket fuel probably fine let's check our series almost done uh rocket fuel done as long as no buffer gets eaten yeah so um yellow science is stopped uh which means i need my proteus back from yellow yellowscience so we can make progress do i have some red circuits eight that's not enough i need twenty good okay purple science is done speak and speak and speakings that's the only thing left to craft okay uh i think everything is fine here we can pick up the last this okay 92 percent fine okay everything is fine everything is fine what any size bottlenecking except from yellow uh yellow we limit maybe i limited yellow too much this run oh i didn't do them be like this yeah you got it it's 99. good that i re-added those beacons just as research okay i should pick them up i should pick everything up yeah i saw bots taking landmine to the right so that steel is too much still um you have pipes yes it's only uh it's in this time now it's only that craft okay craft those afterwards get the prod freeze get the beacons i think all the components are done we're gonna launch a mine in space space mining power poles uh where where where where silo there just come on beacons craft where's my mine i wanted to launch mine okay looking good all will be done first the beacons are the rocket that's a good question i'm gonna get some more copper so i can craft either one more beacon two more beacons i think the copper wire that i also could have done yeah that would have been like smarter okay i actually don't have space for more biggest than this okay now we have plenty of stuff plenty of stuff plenty of stuff plenty of everything there's a beacon wall if they if the biters come yeah and i have like one grenade to defend we have 70 purple signs why i don't know now we're launching the mine in space there the mine is inserted rocket is launching yay world record now who's gonna beat you who's gonna beat me 342 i mean it's not impossible it's like an hour uh slower than uh default settings 42 so how much did you kill oh not that much like 10k medium biter 3000 oh a spit
Channel: Nefrums
Views: 161,352
Rating: 4.907104 out of 5
Keywords: twitch, games
Id: HBJpZxjKMpg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 222min 58sec (13378 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 31 2020
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