Can 3 Streamers Beat 1 Blindfolded Master?

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👍︎︎ 15 👤︎︎ u/blahs44 📅︎︎ Feb 05 2021 🗫︎ replies

No. I got 2100 and they cannot even beat me blindfolded. Accepting challenges. :-)

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Iwan_Karamasow 📅︎︎ Feb 05 2021 🗫︎ replies
this video is from part of a stream that i  did with ludwig atriac and stance as part   of their bros versus pros series where the  three of them will take on somebody in a   certain game i was blindfolded in all three of  these games lucy was helping me make the moves   and i'm going to take you through a  small highlight of all of the games   and then we will analyze them one by one and last  but not least if you want to check out any of   their channels links are in the description below  let's go what's our safe word yeah uh if we say if   we say hawkeye you blunder one piece all right so  let's see if they if they type hawkeye and discord   you have to plunder one piece yeah yeah  totally all right you guys uh can play a move   okay i'll play the game on the board and then i  will define myself and good luck we'll get going   let me tell you this is a i am near gm i think he  was like one win way one normal way or whatever   so you just got to play tight play nice and  tight but nice and tight he knows the boards   for nice and tight how would this help me  let's just pick tiles that sound similar yeah there's another idea okay stan let's do  an even board and then spam your bishop back   and forth so just to keep reading up much a  random move it all just goes so fast yeah yeah   yeah yeah i'll stall for you guys they call  me the support yeah that's a good idea i'll   have atrialk going bishop b5 atriox didn't take  my pawn back on d4 so he doesn't know openings   i mean no disrespect but that's a very bad move  god that's a that's a garbage move jesus uh bish   uh bishop on um f8 takes knight on a3 right that's  you said a3 yes okay so yeah bishop takes knight   just just confirming ludwig goes bishop f4 this  is what's pretty funny about the move bishop f4   is that uh white is already losing bishop on g4  takes knight on f3 the only thing we can do here   bishop takes knight bishop on g4 takes knight on  f3 correct done stands goes bishop e3 yeah that's   a that's a good move he already has a plan he  always got a plan well you start with a plan right   oh i just move all my pieces out and control the  center people are saying you just it just called   me garbage for that last move oh no all right  i definitely i had to deafen and the silence is   deafening uh okay yeah i don't really have many  moves rook g1 was a good move that's a good move   amazingly i'll take that dude [ __ ] put it on  twitter put on twitter castle yeah stanz goes h4   oh beautiful i have rook d8 king e4 f5 mate wow  rook d8 check he's gonna bring his king forward   okay and i'm gonna mate him with my f pawn and  he will be the first to lose four straight games   no what's the no gg oh he got me yeah that  was it don't move king forward he got me damn   he will be the first to lose four straight games  ah that was true hey that was true let's watch him   no ludwig is in a really bad spot because  i'm playing positions i'm very familiar with   and the board is like pretty open so  okay ludwig goes knight f1 knight f1   oh that's a good move he's just going defensive  oh wait no that's a terrible move never mind   oh wow that's actually such a bad move okay i have  um night knight uh f d4 see in ludwig's position   the second his knight moved away to f1 the bishop  on f3 lost the guard so i can play knight d4   hitting his queen and his bishop and if he takes  my knight i take with the knight hitting his   queen and his bishop when i take his bishop it's  check i take his rook and he gives me 100 subs   maybe not follow me on twitter  that's what ludwig's going to do   i will go to the grave begging  for this one favor i'm past a god   we don't i don't need his follow this man went  king d3 atrial fiber right right so now now   we're gonna make him pay okay um we're going to  play uh bishop oh no no no we're going to set   a trap we're going to play rook c3 check and he's  going to think he can push the rook up one square   he's going to think he can take my pawn he's  going to be like ah this guy missed the pawn   but then rook 8 c4 is made tell me if he  takes my phone he's going to get so hyped   exqueef me let me think i don't know why he did  that this feels like a free pawn at what point   would this be a bad thing if i take this he  brings the other rook down and i am checkmated you ready adriac goes king d2 ah he don't like  getting mated he don't like this okay i respect   this brother this is the line um pin takes  check move takes uh my queen will be here takes   take back take and that seems fine all right  a lot of it goes queen c3 all that thinking   so slide the queen one square over knight  takes f3 check or guys takes f3 check   oh he's gonna lose everything man so here i can  take this to the end game but for making me sit   there like a monkey i will play d5 to d4 and fork  ludwig's bishop on e3 and his queen on c3 d5 to d4 okay i will not beat him in the end  game i will take his soul atrial goes   bishop takes e5 yes that's what i  wanted thank you uh rook um e3 check   i needed that i need that see that  was the trap he can't take my pawn i can't block if i block i just lose both  and then i it's over i can't block there's   no counter play there's nothing i literally i  just i just literally lost oh there's nothing i   can do this is a move that i developed a while ago  and brought me a lot of places in the chess world   you have a draw offer from ludwig um just  ignore it let him just sit there in suspense uh i offered a draw rookie two was a bad was it  was a bad decision 92 okay very nice um queen   uh takes h3 checkmate queen takes the  pawn all the way over there check me on h3 it's a legal move so i have to play it right   yeah it was atriak who played h3 ah okay  well it doesn't matter queen is three points   oh i fuse my boards oh that's really  funny yeah because position was so similar   did he [ __ ] up did he [ __ ] up this is how  we make our comeback boys let's go bang bang okay this is unironically winnable e4 c6 d4 d5  e5 c5 c3 knight c6 knight f3 takes takes bishop   g4 bishop e2 e6 bishop f4 takes takes queen b6 um  knight d2 queen d4 bishop e3 queen e5 short castle   bishop d6 g3 okay queen f6 a3 a b c d e f g yeah  [ __ ] i know that [ __ ] too h i j k oh this is   the hard part lmnop so you think you can flex me  too [ __ ] and then the queen and then queen c3   and then take on f3 and then d4 and then take  i don't know those seconds is too much for me   he played rook takes e6 i forgot oh my god he  sacked his rook well i mean i didn't that's not   a move that like you should remember ever okay  i [ __ ] him because of my roots my rook sack   was genius uh okay it was genius blood would go  does this really matter it doesn't really matter   but human h4 if you're wondering as bishop takes  g3 that better be a legal move bishop takes pawn   takes pawn on g3 yes that was stupid as [ __ ]  i'll just take the bishop is h rock just stalling   let's see ludwig just went f takes g3 queen  g2 mate oh right in front of the king oh mate   all right i can go now and uh we have  made one on the other board but he's   not moving so i guess he survived the  longest is that the price you know what   i'm taking this off it's rookie two  mate just pre-move it the game is over   it just there it is let's go let's go i feel like  a baby that just came out of the womb oh my god   okay and as i promise for this part of the video  i'm going to analyze all three of these games and   we're going to learn a few things so i'm going  to kick things off with stans uh stans played e4   and i responded with e5 all of them actually  played e4 uh and i tried to respond with a   different opening stance plays the move bishop  c4 this is known as the bishop's opening   the merit to playing bishop c4 before you play  knight to f3 some grandmasters choose to do this   is it can be useful to avoid the petrov  defense so for example white can play knight f3   but black can respawn knight f6 or stafford gambit  for those of you that watch eric rosen on youtube   but bishop c4 can also be combined with an early  queen move obviously and what's funny about this   game is that i use the advantageous move order  and i played the move c6 i did not play knight   c6 like standard the benefit of white having moved  the bishop instead of the knight is that i don't   need to go knight c6 defending my pawn so knight  f3 d5 bishop b3 looks like a mistake because of d   takes e4 but what i had forgotten about during  the game because it was blindfolded it was the   first few moves is d take c4 is already a huge  mistake and in the game he took back but he can   go for the fried lip and this is why it's so good  to have all these tactical patterns like known   he can go knight g5 he this is a this is a common  idea in the fried liver if you haven't seen my   fried liver video go check it out and i'm in big  trouble here i actually the only thing that i   can do in like for example i can't go knight  d5 blocking his bishop because he just takes   my pawn my knight is hanging and and i obviously i  can't take this because it's protected and f7 is a   really huge problem when he gets there he's going  to hit my queen in my rook so i have to go here   it's the only thing that i can play and then white  is just going to be slightly better forever uh and   i had realized that afterward but luckily you know  he allowed this to happen and now this forces him   to be a bit more defensive now that i'm a pawn  up the next phase of the game is to finish my   development so i play bishop g4 pinning his knight  to his king f6 was also good uh happy to make this   trade happy to make that trade damaging his pawn  structure could have also moved my knight to the   middle but decided to move it to the side and this  is of course a concept of danger levels castling   avoiding my bishop getting taken uh and i decided  to damage his structure once again i generally say   not to trade bishops for knights because of  how strong bishops can be uh but as far as this   game goes you know uh i thought that his pawn  structure now he's left with four pawn islands   two sets of double pawns and then isolated pawns  on the edge to his credit he does find this move   and now again i trade off his bishop and i  make it an end game i make it two rooks two   rooks and knight versus bishop here black  has a substantial advantage probably almost   already just completely winning mainly because  of the immobility of these pawns like they're   not going anywhere they are sitting ducks and  what i will do is i will probably trade one rook   uh maybe play a move like g6 which comes later and  then just use my knight like plant it on one of   these squares it's called an outpost square square  that you cannot be kicked out of and that you're   well protected on in your opponent's  territory and look immediately you know he   he was thinking oh i don't want to lose my bishop  but actually i have no desire to take his bishop   because what that'll do is he'll bring his pawn  closer and then he'll his pawns are now no longer   an island they join together and i immediately  just saw that like i don't even have to play   this slowly when he goes here it's a concept  called continuity you hear me say that a lot   he forgets that he's not defending the square  anymore and then here again you always need to   look at the forcing moves so i understand that my  plan was to go here but the position has changed   and after i look at a forcing move i have knight  to b2 and this is not shown in the highlights   but i remember when i when he played rook d1 i  was like oh great i can take take it i'm not gonna   get tunnel vision and take this pawn i have a new  opportunity and that's immediately what happens i   pick up his bishop uh this is another kind of good  concept to just think about you're under attack   you don't always have to move you can lock in your  piece and this was a good move that he played but   yeah sadly here he has to go backwards and when  he goes backwards my rook gets in defended by the   knight and i i mean there's there's there's  nothing there everything is gonna get taken   it's gonna be easier to take everything because  his pawns again are so immobile from from how   the game went so he had a chance in the opening  and then after that you know it was about more   strategic play i made the right trades for example  uh to damage his structure making sure he couldn't   take anything of mine and i punished this one  mistake and unfortunately you know his his two big   mistakes of the entire game were losing a bishop  and ultimately getting mated and sometimes that's   just what happens sometimes you make a bad trade  sometimes you make a bad pawn break in this case   he just he walked his king forward at the end and  then f5 mate and i was able to uh i was able to   seal the deal now ludwig ludwig began with e4  i played c6 which is the karo khan defense he   plays the advance variation and here there's two  main lines bishop f5 and c5 bishop five is the   professional variation a lot of grandmasters play  this and c5 is kind of trying to break the center   and even if he takes me you know trying to  destabilize these pawns so play something like   knight c6 the general rule of thumb is that when  the knight comes to f3 you will pin it and that   is uh this is also in my car con course uh link in  the description small plug i recommend the move c5   now he plays c3 this is already good for black  i'm not saying it's winning or anything no i'm   definitely not saying that but this is really  good for black because after take take and pin   there is going to be a big fight for this pawn and  you'll notice white doesn't have an e or a c pawn   to support it it's not an isolated pawn because  it's next to a friend but for the rest of the   game i'm gonna make moves like queen b6 knight h6  knight f5 or knight e7 knight f5 to pressure this   pawn of course i will move my pawn up and that's  exactly what i do and what's funny is that when   he plays bishop f4 it looks like a very natural  developing move but that bishop move that one   bishop move does nothing about both of these pawns  in fact when the bishop comes out to f4 uh it it   it weakens the b2 square so the best thing for him  to do here is not to give me d4 it is to give me   b2 and there's actually even some positions where  taking on b2 can be dangerous because white goes   like this and then tries to play rook b1 and you  know if oh i apologize and if black does this   thinking oh it's guarded you know white castles  and suddenly your lack of development does not   make up for the fact that you're up two pawns like  actually it's very dangerous this position for   black you know like if you just play one more lazy  developing move but suddenly white is checking you   and this is unpleasant and then white is coming  in i'm gonna try to trap your queen or win your b7   pawn it's very dangerous for black to overextend  and i was hoping that he would you know kind of   come to that conclusion that it was worth giving  away b2 but a lot of people get scared they think   that their rook is trapped and i took on d4 and  e5 i actually want nothing to do with the b2 pawn   uh and then here again kind of like you want  to kind of keep it forward moving but it's   never too late to blunder and i realized  that you know when he played the move g3   which just seems like an innocent defensive  move i wanted to mate him he just played   you can't just naturally develop here you have  constantly got to be thinking how can they attack   me that is one thing i need to instill in all of  you all my viewers and here's this move which is   an x-ray of my queen to my bishop so i actually  have to play this move i have to wait on natural   development just for one more move and you're  saying why not take this pawn again you know i   i don't want to get too greedy like the more my  queen hangs out and provides itself as a target   it's it's going to be bad and you know what ends  up happening is that i i'm able to stabilize i'm   completely happy losing this uh ludwig plays a  natural mover a key one and now at this point   i played knight f5 i think it was better for me  to play the move d4 just going after his bishop   but i couldn't quite figure out ah it's kind  of funny in my head i thought knight e4 was a   good move here but i forgot that i could take i  forgot that the knight stops guarding the bishop   i mean in my defense i was playing three games uh  without seeing any of them so i played knight f5   now he retreats and again my idea with knight  f5 is that i'm thinking maybe i take and put   my bishop like this you know but he goes here and  i go wait a minute this bishop's got no guard now   so when i go takes he can defend it but this  move hits both so again just not getting this   tunnel vision and then here again creating the  fork i don't know if taking the rook is better   but maybe this is the band okay it says this  is the best move uh this was ludwig obviously   trying to play some sort of blindfold trick on me  but sadly it didn't work uh and then this is where   i thought as you saw from the clip i thought this  was made i actually thought that his pawn was here   and i thought queen takes h3 was mate so i played  this and blundered my knight but then i just said   okay like i'm gonna bring my rook to the middle  uh and then here he tried to he tried to trick me   and well this is not a great blindfold  trick because i i know my queen's on h3   uh i of course did not know where this pawn was  but i do know that i have moved my queen to h3   but you know in general the rest of the game will  be decided with an infiltration there's two ways   to win winning positions trade all the pieces  or just go in a big attack i was gonna go in a   big attack and that's exactly what i did inched  forward with my queen and now the second that   his pawn move destabilizes the the king side i  sacrifice and then go for mate now that game was   won from a pawn structure change in the opening  that is how we won that game we we won that game   based on our opening knowledge the fact that he  didn't play the critical variation the testing   variation here which is to take he played like  this and that allows me to get exactly the kind   of structure that i want i love these pawns  as sitting ducks in this car con variation and   then you know taking on f3 uh you you're able  to make this trade because this bishop just   the loss of the knight kills white's defense in  the center if that makes sense this bishop is   not doing anything in fact that bishop stood  there the rest of the game and did nothing   and then it finally got taken right so that bishop  had a very useless existence throughout this game   it feels like and uh that now that you kind of see  that that's an opening experience sort of thing   now atrial etrag's got carlson in his name  so he's got to do the the carlson name proud   man he can't be um you know he can't be out  here making bad moves so atrial begins with   e4 and we have a very similar structure to the  ludwig game except my pawn is blocking my bishop   so this is the french defense advance variation  and atriox played knight a3 now knight a3 actually   is a move it is a theoretical move it does get  played but you have to in this position focus   on the development of your king side so bishop  e2 and castle there's also one very tricky line   here called the milner berry gambit to  trap first of all you play bishop d3 and   black thinks oh they stopped guarding their  pawn with their queen so i could go bam bam bam   but actually after white takes and black takes  there's a trap it's actually it is hidden i mean   sorry it is guarded not sorry it's guarded but  it's guarded in a hidden way there's bishop b5   check and there's queen takes queen so  it's a discovered attack so it is hidden   the best thing for black to do is to take and  play bishop d7 so that this is no longer a check   and white sometimes will just gambit this pawn  sometimes white will gambit well not not knight   d2 because then you would lose a bishop but for  example white will play like knight d2 like this   on on on move nine and then if take take or  something you get a structure similar looking   to the game that we just saw except you know  white hasn't lost both pawns and even if white   does find a way to lose both pawns white has a  lot of development here so we kind of seeing an   overlap in the pawn structure but he goes here i  took and then he played bishop b5 he didn't take   my pawn back and i was like why didn't he take  my pawn back so i immediately took because now   the bishop loses a guard but he finds the right  move he takes my my my knight check in between   moves but now i take his pawn so i'm two pawns  up in the opening the next phase of the game is   all about stabilizing i personally think that he  should have taken my my knight here i would have   welcomed this trade because i would have gotten an  open line of attack to his king but he should have   welcomed this trade because i've got a dark square  i've got a light squared bishop and i've got all   these pawns on light squares which means my dark  squares are are very weak and all he has to do is   like push one pawn i don't think i'm ever gonna  mate him so i took a big risk there and i thought   that he should have done it he didn't do it which  let me put my knight in the middle and then you're   down material so there's no way you want to trade  knights there's no way you want to find ways to   make me passive because my pawn advantage is here  once this starts coming in it's going to be bad   the more pieces you trade the worse it's going to  be so that's what i did i stabilized the position   here he missed the chance he should have  immediately gone after my pawn so something like   queen d2 uh and then i probably would have taken  but at least he gets rid of my very annoying pawn   just he shouldn't lose his bishop but he gave me a  move and that's all i needed once i got my c2 pawn   i was able to make progress first i'm trying to  get the queens off the board so now he doesn't   have that blockade um and then i i i made a  mistake here actually it's it's actually funny   like i forgot his rook was on a2 and then in this  position of course you need to guard your d3 pawn   like of course so you should play d3 and now  everything is guarded and i just totally forgot   that his rook was already on a2 and i hung the  pawn which is this is very bad now it actually   gives him very good chances so even the move f6  is fine the move the whole point of f6 is that   it's two things number one this pawn and bishop  combo is very annoying i want to trade it number   two every empire falls from two sides i don't know  i just made that up that sounds like a movie quote   but the point is here that i'm trying to put my  king on f7 so something like this and this trade   by moving my g pawn to the f file opens the g file  so i'm infiltrating on two fronts the c front and   the g front that was my idea in the end game you  need to infiltrate from both sides especially if   you have any sort of advantage and i tried to set  a trap here and just totally forgot about this   and in this position i had calculated that i would  take and if he took back i have this check and i'm   winning and that's exactly what happened so he had  to scan before he took does black have any checks   look how they can attack you king queen all your  most important pieces because if he had played   something like rookie 2 in this position he's just  winning this pawn back it's actually the crazy   thing rookie 2 in the game i thought rook c7 but  i think rookie 2 is even stronger and the point is   that once he gets this back oop that's a bad move  but once he goes here and gets this pawn back and   i can't take this because it's guarded he's only  going to be down a pawn in an end game of rook and   bishop i mean he actually atrial deserves a lot  of props because he he played me like very closely   he did end up losing the bishop and now we convert  this position with a combination of picking up the   last kind of bit of pawns and ultimately you  have to figure out what you're investing in   and i said okay i can throw this away but my  pawn my bishop and my rook are coming in and   the most important thing a long time ago i moved  my f-pawn and i did that so my back rank was clear   super important stop getting backrank mated make  sure your king has a balcony that they can stand   on for a smoke break and then later we'll talk to  the king about quitting smoking but for now the   king needs a balcony to take a smoke break on so  you need the back rank clear you know because if i   had a pawn on f7 uh this would have been made and  i would have never been able to play any of this   so i just focused on getting the king out here i'm  playing d2 and threading this of course bishop b3   probably is a little bit cleaner but i was trying  to be fancy so i sag the bishop i promote that's   called a deflection sacrifice and now okay i  had a slightly cleaner mate uh but uh this is   a legendary one this is kind of like the the walk  the walk of shame uh with uh queen and then rook   and then queen and then rook and then etc so  for instance the game ends with this and this   but just to show what this would look like  if white didn't have these pawns because they   actually got in the way uh this is the the this  sequence would be as follows it would be rook c2   so check check check check check and then mate so  king it would be check king e3 check here check   and that is what you do it's a very very famous  queen and rook technique kind of like zig zag   it's kind of like ladder mate not quite like  ladder mate but it's just one of the queen and   rook checkmate patterns and we were victorious  in this game as well but listen this one was   was a close one atriac deserves a lot of props  he definitely did the carlson name very proud   um it was a ton of fun to do  this match against these three   uh in general i think for blindfold games at  the exact same time i can do five i've never   done more than three but i think i could do five  i'd be willing to take that challenge let me know   if you made it this far in the video and you  enjoyed the content if you have any questions   about visualization i do have a video out about uh  visualizing squares and all this kind of stuff but   blindfold for me i don't know it comes kind of  naturally like i haven't done it that much but   people always ask like what do you see and it's i  don't know i see the i see the board it's nothing   nothing fancy i think it just comes from many  many tens of thousands of games over the course   of my life i played my first game of chess when  i was like you know six and i'm currently 25.   i've probably played close to a million chess  games from start to finish in my life online   and over the board so comes with experience you  know it's not something that you need to practice   necessarily for calculation or success in chess  but it is a fun skill you look like a genius if   you do it at a party you can impress somebody on  a date or maybe not maybe they'll think you're a   psychopath but on that note ladies and gentlemen  uh check out some of my other playlists i do have   a lot of things for beginners and intermediate  level players and i will see you in the next video
Channel: GothamChess
Views: 613,346
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Keywords: Gotham Chess gives lessons, Gothamchess lessons, gothamchess openings, gothamchess caro kann, gothamchess guide, gothamchess e4, gothamchess, gothamchess rating climb, blindfold chess, blindfold chess simul, magnus carlsen blindfold, hikaru blindfold, gmhikaru blindfold, ludwig, ludwig chess, ludwig 3 v 1, ludwig bros vs pros, bros vs pros, atrioc, ludwig among us, caro kann defense, french defense, french defense chess, daily dose of chess, ludwig vods, ludwig valorant
Id: LCrXhhlJzdo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 21sec (1641 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 05 2021
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