Sims 4 but I ruin my neighbors lives

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hey who locked the door let me in sorry I I just tend to read things that on screen I mean hey there friends how's it going my name is Kevin and today we're playing The Sims 4 we're going back to Jim Pickens and Turkey in an he'd go whatever this pack is called I'm unprofessional but yeah let's jump into the game whatever this game might be so we're quite low on money I think it might be a good idea to try and save up a bit of cash or maybe do some schemes to get some money maybe some thievery he might be a good idea so we don't have much furniture either honestly life isn't looking too great now for for either of our protagonists and we need to solve the issue of only having one bed but that's for another day I like her if this shower is well out front of the massive windows like for once I didn't do this this is just the way it was we still need to make that rug for some reason last time we accepted a job to make someone a rug even though we've no idea about rugs at all like not a mine making them you know how to make rugs and I've got some audience maybe we can help each other out I don't know why they think I can make rugs all that person has a bag on their head Turk can relate who told go there maybe this is like the village elder he's living and hiding and he's the only one who can teach Tory how to make a rug hello bag face please teach me your wisdom no back face come back come back okay and now Jim is gone what did the hell did he go oh he flew off to sleep on this packed bench all right if that's what you want to do that's what you want to do oh yes he made food great okay take one and behave just like you did in the online version put away the rest of it just pack it into a bag lunch for yourself toric go hunting Turk find food hunting is like wild burger and pack them all away take them take them stuff all those brokers in your pockets like a sir can you enter your pockets please just predict who's falling out of them builds have just been delivered to your mailbox you ol lot taxes what's that what weight you have 24 hours to pay before we shut your Attila T's off one by one I don't even use power anyway [Music] where's turki oh it's his turn on the bench I see hello I'm sad and I smell but I'd like to come inside oh I need to go tinkle just this is all over their front door right what's the most valuable thing in this house that I could try and steal they do say a child is priceless can I steal their child can I train steal a bed I can actually really use a bed to be honest if you wouldn't mind goddamn it you can steal beds all right you can fit like 50 burgers in your pockets you can fit a bed in there oh that looks expensive Jim go up and steal that why are you naked where was he what why is he naked in their house there are children here no no this isn't inappropriate really so I can be naked in your house but I can't be naked in your shower like honestly if I was watching this series I would think that I'm setting things up like I tell Jim to go naked and tell him to come upstairs but like I didn't I didn't do that he just showed up naked and I don't know why this is inappropriate please stop how am I supposed to know it's time to stop if you don't have a clock in the house huh she's like what do you mean we don't have a clock there's a club wait a second I like how he stopped but then immediately started cooking something else instead okay enough is enough I'm going to have to ask you to leave now meanwhile Turk just walked into a child's bedroom instead of playing Tetris what are you doing stop getting angry at me Jim doesn't deserve this he fainted at the mere sight of Jim doing something bad wait he got kicked out but I froze them I can't unfreeze them now oh no he's just walking back in great he doesn't care I thought that would actually kick me out but no I'm just gonna pick up my eggs and go back to cooking if that's okay and now I can get ice cubes for my drink too that's nice okay we did get kicked out it just didn't work properly because Turk was sleeping and there was still sort of my household inside so Jim was able to walk back in but then as soon as Tara got out it registered that both of them had left but now Jim is inside the house and I can see him in the kitchen steaming or something and I can't go into him because the house is empty great Jim Jim where is he I can see her frozen in there where are you okay I'm going home that that situation result we really have to solve this one bed situation but dem for now can you go sleep on the couch target or it's just like if you are happy I am happy soft to nap it's not even that it's a couch it's like upstairs in the Sun he must be boiling and there's no curtains or anything wait you're the talk of the town what I'm probably the talk of the town for the wrong reasons look at me a little profile picture I bet you'll be considered a visionary in no time well it helps when a self-portrait looks like a [ __ ] Picasso I know just the tricks you need to boost up you okay I'm fine yeah we'll join the painter career as a canvas creator like the rank 5 amazing why would they hire me I just got a 2 grand bonus for no reason teruki stop pursuing work as a freelance crafter he decided it was time for a new direction career-wise I think he just finally gave up and went look I just don't know what a rug is I'm sorry I can't make it for you with the painting skill but he's a level 5 painter and he's getting paid 35 an hour oh my god he just fell into a job everything good happens to turn it's just his positive attitude meanwhile Jim is working as a tough guy every single day of the week he has no days off in getting 9 bucks an hour Jim go ask her to become partners in crime he doesn't want he doesn't want to do crime it's the one thing he's passionate about no don't do good Tariq is going streaking Jim dared industry and now he's just going out in the rain with this umbrella mind you to go streaking and off he goes with his umbrella to street running around the docks naked but he's gonna have that umbrella I hope there's no train still active okay in all this this is okay this is an old railway bridge right now it's fine alright keep going tower Godspeed young man Godspeed alright with that money boost from turn we can get a bed I'd love if they could get bunk beds is that possible I'll be so adorable just the two of them or maybe I can get just a dog bed for TOEIC like this little egg oh I was thinking this would be a good turkey bed but it's for toddlers only it doesn't work for adults they grow up so fast I think one of these Murphy beds would be cool but like it's they're all double beds I want single beds they're buddies you know to be fair I don't think they'd mind bunking together we can do that look at that that's just lovely that's actually quite nice and that'll transform into a bed it is a bookcase and it's got a little couch and the bed behind it God that is lovely and now we need something for the painting because he actually does know how to paint Ellie he really has to learn that all right we'll pull it over there next to the insect farm I'm not quite sure what I have that to be honest all right a punching bag even though I think Turk would feel guilty about violence even against bags I just need to find a fecking spot for it now is the problem this can be his workout room this is actually a cool house like built out of shipping containers to be fair it it's very quirky oh my god I need electricity to put the bed down I don't even use power anyway all right I am refusing to pay those bills I'm not affecting paying those taxes so we just need to make money elsewhere and buy tons of solar panels I think because otherwise I have no power and I can't use my bed voting's their clothes free love receive the most votes what is free love what does that mean prostitution is free now totally have to sell body when free love reigns you can gain influence through a romance interactions okay that should be easy okay Turk hurry we don't have much water yeah go play in the rain that'll help your hygiene that was playing in the rain he took one step outside Oh Anna can relate Turk is very very relatable oh my god please Turk once someone please think of the children is underwear practicing is punching all right let's head out I want to see can I steal solar panels would be amazing but I don't think it's gonna happen we'll go to this crane building where we murdered someone last time well to be fair we didn't murder them they killed themselves and actually that that is true for once oh there's a fire static why do bad things follow us like that wasn't me I'm going to take this random child with us this time how good is cooking even though the last time we arrived here they were also cooking and they immediately got set on fire so we'll keep an eye on that I like her Turk didn't even get dressed by the way he just showed up with his socks and sandals think we can't steal the wind turbine anyway yeah I imagine that would be kind of hard to smuggle to be fair Oh their mid painting I don't like it scrap it is like I don't think that was yours to throw away let's do a painting it might be a good idea paint from reference yes this will get us some cash for a solar panel is just like I said earlier Picasso what's he even eating where did you get this and why aren't you eating the tons of burgers that are in your pockets oh yeah because there you left your pants at home that's why oh man I left my burgers and my other pants I just realized that they gave me a career award of an easel even though I never progressed in this career they just gave me a job I'm not qualified for but I still got the career award but I already bought an easel for pecks sake this is inappropriate I'm gonna have to ask you to stop even though it's your own house and I'm after scrapping your painting and now I'm painting this also this is a kid I found there was me so confused congratulations Jim just finished painting a masterpiece oh yes that's what I'm talking about this on the other hand is spec and terrifying why have they merged Jim is lost in her hair okay no matter where I pause this it's just getting scarier oh my god what the hell is going on critically assess yeah go ahead what do you think that picture of you I mean technically he's the actual painter here he's employed as a painter so we should respect his opinion oh my god it's worth three grand and a half gallery wants to buy it put it in your inventory that we can't sell that it's worth too much emotionally we have 24 hours to pay here bills before he watered shut up I don't care I'm still not selling my painting for that and no they're painting another there we go this one's a bit more raunchy this model oh yeah go for it whoo with her Jim is painting right there oh he won't mind oh and I think she actually doesn't mind our notary does okay they're trying to kick him out all right fine hurt but I'll be back come back how did you get so dirty what were you doing he was perfectly clean oh my god it's another masterpiece I can't bring myself to sell them okay this isn't a good way to earn money yes I just might the juice machine she's too busy recycling what is this entrepreneurs table you can sell stuff oh my god I can just become a fence just selling stolen property come on Turk I got a new scheme huh yeah the only problem is I have 48 dollars so I can't even afford the table maybe I can sell some of the stuff I've stolen is it in the household inventory he's putting all these things yes okay here's everything I stole him picture perfect add lighting which is great since we have that painting to put up this painting storage rack we could sell a study of the human form no why would we want that one with pictures of Turk none of my furniture is gonna fit this house because everything is just stolen her head just mix and match there we go now that is motivation that is noise oh my god this is worth even more 3644 and to think he posted to his only fans for just $5.99 a month why is he telling a story to the clock he's too healthy with friends apparently put bed down okay I have power quick pull it down and leave it to Helmut yes there we go I have a bed today is a good day okay here we go here's my table what could Jim pick and sell down by the docks it sounds so dodgy okay so you put the stuff up here I've got some fish I've got my birth certificate can I sell that the goddamnit stupid game right stuck the table there we go I've got a doll a single fish and a jungle machete alright who's ready to buy a god dammit I pointed the table the wrong way so it's pointing towards my house you lady you look like you could do with a sturgeon fish mate and what no hold on social distancing what are you doing what was she doing just slurping all over my neck is this because the whole neighborhood thing like romance is in I'll give you a kiss if you buy something for me how's that for romance it's not technically prostitution if you're buying something else from me and I just happen to kiss you anyway look here's pictures of the jungle knife in action please buy her food come on someone behind my stuff I set up this whole table I made this banner and taped it on and everything please put a lot of effort into this there are like oh my god that's adorable did your child do this no I did okay shouting right into her face now we're also selling hearing aids oh she bought the jungle machete screaming does work wait why are you doing push-ups naked how can I get to know you better you shouldn't be doing that stuff I wouldn't a public parking lot doing naked push-ups like oh my god child don't run freeze stop right there wicked why is there so many naked peoples stop you violated the law you next a kid is [ __ ] scared for life and now you will be to a welcome home Turkey I've been selling my goodies at this table okay you're missing work you should you should go to work Jim this this isn't really working out too because no one wants the fish Jim swiped an object while he was at work and he got promoted great he uploaded a petty thief well it's kind of fitting he stole some they're like god you're good at what you do even if you stole from us it's giant criminal enterprise okay we need more cash or something because let's go back over there and steal more wait they're here I'll for FEX sake all right get recycling then look tombstones yeah recycle those it's like it's been a lovely night hasn't it just doing a bit of cooking it's lovely night for it but his grimy up gravestones probably bodies and everything gone into that the thing is one of them is his mom's gravestone it's turned into a cube she died right there well she's dead don't know who painted this but it looks like it might be expensive attempt to swipe target caused a distraction there we go distracted oh he got the paint engrave they're great partners in crime even if Tariq doesn't want to admit it I can't sell paintings here you talk damn it I swiped the wrong thing then I just want to steal stuff and then sell it okay let's sell this to collector a collector once they're painting it yep it's a Jim pick its original he signed it down the bottom corner to be honest if we got like some mass-produced paintings like say I don't know something while we locked a load of people in the basement they painted a load of paintings and Jim signed them they'd be worth loads Jim has got a reputation you know okay that's sold now can i buy some solar panels so I can actually have some power power production rating to wonder what else can we get we can get a wind turbine up on the roof that might be a good call I do live down by the docks there we go I don't know if it's fly to the right way or not but oh well and really get some more solar panels as well not a bad days work I think and I can get a household power generator it's bad for the environment but a if it helps me who cares I mean this is the guy who bombed the whole neighborhood because they slightly pissed him off you know what I think that's enough for one day I think we succeeded in having a lot of energy items to the house we can have our own power and I no longer have to pay bills I'm just refusing to pay my taxes as well I'm not sure if that's gonna come back and bite me I probably will but we're gonna leave it there I hope you guys enjoyed I've been enjoying this expansion so much I think it's actually one of my favorites for Sims for if not a my a my favorite entirely on sims 4 I really really like what they've done with it it's really cool and I think the soft reboot was a good idea even though I know a few characters will be missed but if you missed the last episode we basically little soft reboot and every embalmed everything you kind of need to go watch it if you haven't already to get me get the context here but I hope you guys enjoyed the video I appreciate watching it has always folks and if you want to see more of me I post every day as well as a stream on Twitch like five times a week the links in the description for that and other than that I guess I'll just say I hope to see you next time so yeah that's about it bye for now share as patrons doctors Donnelly eccentric Elliott battle ELISA Lozano Emma Crawford epic mousy Irish Weiner Esther sokolova Ethan peasant Evan Webb AF lady akuto FD lump Felicia Rhodes fluffy laser old friend of Kirsten Gabriel Morel Galen Hays general havoc gingy ginge planet Becky goddamn / growl plain Kartik Oh have Co Heinrich 420 how a thief infinity Freud gaming Isaac OE & Jerry van doors Sessler
Channel: Call Me Kevin
Views: 791,430
Rating: 4.9784999 out of 5
Keywords: kevin, callmekevin, kevin1811, funny, moments, gameplay, lets, play, game, cmk, clips, sims 4, sims, jim pickens, lets play, sims 4 gameplay, sims 4 let's play, sims 4 commentary, sims 4 death, sims 4 reaper, grim reaper mod, sims 4 mods, sims 4 story, sims 4 best mods, sims pets, sims vampire, expansion, simes deluxe edition, expansion packs, battle royale, sims 4 island living, sims 4 zombies, sims 4 turg, sims 4 babies, sims 4 lockdown, sims 4 eco living, sims 4 eco lifestyle
Id: 5FYRgkVj8tI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 40sec (1000 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 30 2020
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