L.A. Noire is a lot more funny if you only choose doubt

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hahaha yes Kevin plays this game just like i do! I'm always doubting everyone, driving down the sidewalk, leaving my partner behind, knocking people over, etc.

one thing he should try that I love is just going down the road and commandeering everyone's vehicles and then just leaving them in the middle of the road. another fun thing is if you shove someone down into an open car door they seem to die instantly. nothing quite like killing 35 people to solve one murder

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/alkutezio 📅︎︎ Oct 06 2021 🗫︎ replies
hey there friends how's it going do you remember ellie in the war and how cole phelps could get unreasonably angry angel i'm not gonna waste any more time on this a dress dewey or my partner shoves her head in a car door i need you need to shut up now light bulb you keep lying to me and i'll send you and your baby to jail well we are going to see more of that because we are going to play ellen orr today and we are just going to be angry at people no matter what the case no phelps don't look down the barrel of the gun he's like i wonder what comes out of here okay great well my first clue i'm trying to get the pedestrians to move back from the crime scene but they don't seem to care he's completely unmovable our phelps is just the best mime i have ever seen all right can i go in here and get angry at someone hello is there anyone to interview yes you mr gage mr gage's first name everett hmm you seem pretty upset about this murder is it perhaps because we've just caught you in the act having a hard time believing that young lady you want to be taken to a police cell you're hardly any older than me talking to her like a child let's get moving ralph who even is ralph i just realized there's a button to call your partner but i don't have a partner yet hurry it up ralph who is ralph get moving ralph it's like the guy from red dead redemption all over again who's looking for gavin we have the murder weapon no murderer girl saw it all but she clammed up do you blame her you started getting angry for no reason wait why can't we go to the shoe store [ __ ] it let's go to the shoe store and get some shoes oh wait that's where we are okay never mind i thought we were at a jewelry store i'm not a pretty good detective am i all right um deal with the body i guess goodbye sorry i'm a cop i'm allowed to do that all right next location here i'll get to scream at some people i bet officer cole phelps he's already angry for no reason just introducing himself he's running i'm going to beat the [ __ ] out of him i hate physical exertion hello get back here [Music] i still opening fire adam i'm here i shot him in the head but he was fine probably best to fail the case though i'm not sure how i could have explained that one it was a bit more than a miss just a warning shot sorry restaurant goers i know that must have been scary jesus christ you see what you've done now people died to be fair i could have stopped you earlier i just wanted to prove a point that i could keep up to you the big cheesy smile you didn't do anything you're asking me to conduct the interview sir i am young phelps i don't know if that's a good idea so i am very angry i have like no evidence because i didn't collect anything all right let's just get angry you blew a man out of a socks over an empty grudge you son of a [ __ ] he's just screaming that's the way no one is responding well to this all right well that's the only question i had and i got it wrong so um enjoy your time on the streets i guess you disappoint me cold folks i don't know what you expected all right you see getting angry at me like that won't accomplish anything but i will go back in there and get angry at him and i hope it accomplishes something do you think i have sympathy for you the same strategy didn't work for some reason i've just got to keep my mouth shut and watch you run around in circles we're done yeah well maybe we will keep running around in circles it'll be like doctor strange this will go on for all eternity son of a [ __ ] i don't understand i keep calling him a son of a [ __ ] and nothing is nothing is working i've tried nothing and i'm all out of ideas all right sorry sarge this isn't the case for me i'll move on to something else phelps spakowski we got a report of a brand new packard abandoning an empty lot off second street between olive and grand i'm not a chief i'll bring as much anger as i can to the case and get you a confession come on buckowski move it i'm very bossy i love that i found a partner button optimistic call what do you mean optimistic there's a baseball bat near the scene of the crime it's like no i can't be involved all right well if the baseball bat means nothing i guess i'll go scream at this old man instead look at the big smile on his face we'll get rid of that no i didn't go anywhere near that car jesus christ it's like he's sucking on a lemon all right let's scream at him you went out to the car it was working on the tires that's all that was took oh really i can read your face better than i can read books anger time do you want my partner to pat you down i found the notebook in the glove compartment why is he so afraid of that the bad down try to keep up staphon now i'm just being mean to my partner i complain he's not keeping up and then i drive away without him i stop every few meters just to give him a little bit of hope no not today i'll see you there try to keep up just trash talking as i drive off careful yeah you tell them cole that was their fault wait how did you catch up oh god you air fast on foot there's someone working under this car and i'm just playing with his tools this is very uncomfortable all right time to get angry at the owner of this place what are you hiding dewey spill it just in general tell me everything a dress dewey it just goes from zero to a hundred so fast i love it at least it worked this time you don't care who gets in your way do you not really no i just want to release my anger before i go home otherwise i'll have to just go on and play league of legends and get angry people there god's name yeah thanks you warned me just in time we might get there quicker if you use a siren i prefer just running red lights [Music] can we try to spare the general population please that was mostly his fault come on he was in the way of the road this weird bumpy road full of speed ramps um i've gotten myself stuck i can't get up the final steps yes but the momentum solves everything in life yes we did it that shortcut was definitely a long cut all right we're here ready to be angry at some people in the cutscene you could just see that car getting shunted out of the way i was just sledding myself into this place i i don't even know why i'm here and to interrogate someone there's a suspect living here i don't know what floor i'll just bother everyone i guess what is your name anna rodriguez is gabriel delgado here ms rodriguez no why are there two meals out if she's saying that she's alone why did he steal the car anna i was just gonna confront her directly wait you actually just admitted it why would you do that the customer insulted him i want to scream at you anyway gabriel's been in trouble before he left you here alone to answer for him and you expect me to believe that his motive was honor i just got a confession pretty much and i'm just yelling for no reason all right well that was the only evidence i have i guess i'll now it was fun screaming at you i'll see you later when i find some more evidence isn't he the cop they've been talking about on the radio no that's not me sorry i'm really angry they're talking about me getting accommodation i just push them all down coming stefan okay partner oh you could hear me all the way from the next room oh well i'm going back to the car okay that was your own fault it was your fault that was your fault your fault your fault you're dragging your feet i'm not sure that'll hold up in court hey officer i'm back for more evidence [Applause] sake crime scene contaminated all right i'm missing some evidence here that i don't understand oh the flag yeah i saw that on their table earlier i guess that's the evidence i needed i mean did i really need to come back and check to make sure one was missing all right let's go back i guess try to keep up you're walking by the way the attitude why is the word abbreviation so long but a shower thought there i guess you're just trying to distract me so i don't hurt you which is fair all right i'm trapping you in there you go keep an eye on my car for me okay all right i've gone inside sorry oh that was an accident actually for once oh okay that one was kind of an accident as well even though it looked intentional the blood everywhere oh man never try and make small talk with me again you're terrible at it it made me angry like everything else all right i found some more evidence you see here is the flag all right i'm gonna confront you about this i haven't seen him for at least three nights that's just not good enough anna i'm about to start screaming again anna do you want to go to jail he's so angry oh my god all right well that's another question that i got wrong just by screaming we're not getting anywhere here are we i'd like to ask my partner for advice but i left him behind where actually is he is he coming towards me maybe really slowly diplomatic license plates oh i got him now all right perfect see i don't need my partner oh and here are the wheels oh god i'm gonna go in there and i'm gonna scream so loud we found a license plate matching our stolen vehicle in the shed he's being nice now he's playing good cop and bad cop because i keep abandoning my partner i know nothing of these car parts well even so i'm still gonna scream at you if your baby is born in prison anna she's come back to this again you will see your son or daughter through a metal grate for half an hour a week jesus christ almighty as soon as we corner gabriel we'll be oh jesus when did you get here all right well we're gonna go find the the dude now i'm not sure how we got that info out of it just by screaming but hey it worked oh no this guy up front is waiting to confront me uh i know you missed it but me and him of history let me deal with this get out of the way this poor guy you keep an eye on the car everything's still good all right thank you all right i'll meet you there he even got to open the door that time he had a slight hope that i wasn't going to abandon him hey get off this road why do pedestrians keep going on this road [Laughter] for a game that's near impossible to ramp things in that was a really impressive ramp uh the car is gone did i wait i think i married the wrong place oh yes i did i thought this was just the mission goal not that i had marked it yeah so we want to go to that one okay if my partner hitchhikes he might actually beat me there wait oh he just pulled up sorry partner wrong place we gotta go again oh you think that's funny driving off and leaving me behind i do find it funny actually you know what it might even be funnier the second time all right go go go go go yep how does he keep falling for this oh weird wall oh sorry i'm starting to think all these debts are not worth solving this crime like i'm trying to solve a crime of missing tires i've killed about 10 people no harm done yeah to us he is a sociopath quick they're getting away wait how did you get in the car again all right which car am i after the red one why did he have to be in the red car everyone knows the red cars go faster getting away sorry he traded paint with me i needed to take them out but this guy's doing it now too did you not see what i did to the last guy [Music] oh sweet jesus christ all right i'll just drive on top here then we ran out of roads so i figured why not okay that somehow worked oh i can't wait to get angry at you all right i hope i don't have to interrogate the guy because you know it won't go well that detective phelps is not a bad haul thank you i did it by getting angry an angry man like that there's only one guy who can solve this case someone who thinks just like him called phelps calloway i need you all right see you later it's a new partner he's not used to my antics now boys no no this guy is familiar with my antics he's not going to be happy to see me rolling up oh bit of money that's mine rni says a deidra mauler of 130 north bonnie bray was reported missing this morning by her husband okay great let's go interrogate the family over here rusty he looks to see me driving off in the opposite direction probably best for him he didn't jump in the car damn police i am the police and i don't care the only thing i care about is my car is kind of out of order from well crashing into you get out of the way your car's mine now oh no this car is out of juice too and my parent is catching up to me ron he's like this is why he doesn't want to partner with him this is how he behaves too slow rusty that was so fitting i'm here hi your mom's dead oh god i'm gonna have to scream at her aren't i double time rusty yeah i just want you to smoke twice as fast we're playing good cop bad cop you're gonna be the one that forces the child to endure second-hand smoking until she gives us some answers your mother is dead oh no i don't know if this is the best way of doing this oh she got over that fast and she's kind of smiling i think we've got the murderer so you were hanging around the school for quite a while what happened with your father no he's being such a dick but i do think she's the murderer so it's justified your mom and dad are happily married what are you saying of course they are they weren't happy were they michelle so hash you've been very brave very brave considering the stuff i've been saying oh great another person to scream at come on in you can't come in here interrogating her like she said my wife was found murdered this morning jesus christ he has no social skills whatsoever he just blurted it out you know anyone who wears a smallish men's shoe who had a major grudge against your wife even this he's getting angry about you come here making all these accusations what i i thought you were going to say something else are you just afraid of him screaming again in your case you have no alibi and a history of violence towards your wife that's not that's not true god damn it yeah well what i say goes you followed your wife and murdered her i have no evidence to back this up this is an outrage i didn't kill my wife your daughter is in the next room mueller so i'm giving you a break giving him a break we were just shouting at him and accusing him of everything hello detective oh you want to get screamed at i'm on my way i did see mr muller put something in the incinerator earlier this morning though i told you he was our guy now let's get this bumped downtown and into a cell look there he is now what what the hell is he doing oh god i didn't even get to scream at the lady what are you burning over there why would he do it immediately as i'm still out front oh this is the way i came in i'm familiar with this terrain you don't have a chance there we go he's incinerating a bloody shoe i can explain nope not listening you're going in she's crying with happiness because her dad is going away for the crime she committed i think phelps has some serious social issues like he finds this acceptable galloway homicide division badge number you're in the wrong car i guess you've just caught on and you're like i guess i'll drive myself all right we're chasing someone out jesus christ he's fast [ __ ] hell maybe he's just trying out for the track team he is on a running track after all i'm expecting the coach to turn around any second be like you two you've made the team you've done it for me in the middle of that high tense music and the chase someone's just telling a little joke which i appreciated by the way that was a good joke oh no he's going downhill the speedy boost he got jesus you move him up one you're right ow you're gonna help me dude ow no i don't like physical violence when the person is fighting back jesus christ rude yeah to get to me you gotta go through him ah jesus christ no defend yourself there you go i'm also helping i'm just missing i have poor depth perception there we go we did it yeah i don't even know what this whole chase was all about i just showed up and we were chasing this guy all right so that guy's getting arrested the other guy was arrested and i have to pick who did it i have no evidence i've just been screaming bowlers in two and the perverts in one get in there and get a conviction all right time to go scream your daughter says you're a violent man we have everything we need to send you to death row jesus christ give it your best shot i can take whatever you're throwing all right if you insist you learn to strangle with the rope in the army oh my god he's so direct if i had to i would use a triple braid why is he even entertaining these questions you're gonna die for this muller [Laughter] i'm not even bringing up the evidence i'm just trash talking all right well that got no results at all oops sorry about that that was a bit awkward right let's go scream at the other dude see if that'll get a result this place do you work have a name he's very angry he's just a one-trick pony he just tries getting angry with everyone and hope still confess you have no job and nowhere to live by the smell of things he's just personally attacking him now at this point i don't like you eli i think you're an evil man i think he got that much from the conversation that's the guy detective oh the janitor just walked in and pointed him out all right well that solved the case for us why didn't we just do that to begin with instead of the stupid interrogation with me personally insulting everyone and who let him out by the way he was in the interrogation room and someone decided hey let's just leave him go keep it on the road god damn it i can't he's not staying on the road what do you want me to do [Music] jesus christ yeah i saw it thanks all right well that's that case solved jesus christ phelps is an angry angry man but he gets the job done well there he goes into jail if it's anything like the last interrogation room he was held in he'll be out of there in two minutes you made the department look bad lad what how i don't understand why this keeps surprising you that i'm an angry dude like i get angry in every case and you keep getting surprised all right well we are going to end it there because i for one i'm tired of being screamed at it's not fair i hope you enjoyed if you did consider subscribing i would love to have you around thank you very much for watching and i hope to see you tomorrow bye for now
Channel: Call Me Kevin
Views: 470,593
Rating: 4.9801321 out of 5
Keywords: Call Me Kevin, Call Me, CallMeKevin, CallMe, funny, funny moments, comedy, lets play, gameplay, gaming, l.a noire, la noire, l.a noire funny, l.a noire funny moments, l.a noire doubt, l.a noire but only doubt, l.a noire angry
Id: cCRmS32llk8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 36sec (1116 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 05 2021
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