Playing Skyrim as a pacifist is way funnier than it should be

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/General_Kenobi_77BBY 📅︎︎ Oct 02 2021 🗫︎ replies
hey there friends how's it going today we're going to be playing skyrim but as a pacifist i'm going to start a new game and see how far we can get without using violence for a change oh look another pacifist oh unfortunately no one else is a pacifist here all right i gotta make the most innocent or pathetic looking person ever okay i think i succeeded he looks pretty pathetic yeah that's great i like it well actually no i i don't i i absolutely hate it but it's succeeded in what i was trying to do his name is just scared he's not a pacifist out of honor or anything he's a pacifist out of cheer terror he's not on the list it's like he's not on the list is scared even a name to the block prisoner i'm scared like both my name and how i feel oh oh it's no fear all of a sudden just passing through sorry i'm a pacifist so if you don't mind i'll just be out of here i'm just walking away from this fight i'm sure they got it under control good job i was here trying to pull down the chain so that the gate would come down again and i'd be safe just what the hell is going on down here oh my god everyone hates me i bet it's because i look so weak they're just like i'll take the weak one you take the others [Music] i'm pretty agile at least they are pretty determined though they really want me dead for some reason use the lever come on lower the bridge lower the bridge yes the hell was that why is he screaming uh oh they're still coming i shouldn't have screamed it alerted the guards ah good spiders they'll protect me and as hagrid always says all you had to do was follow to spiders all right good we're out geez it feels more like a speedrun than a pacifist run but i'm happy to be out of there at least it didn't drag on a little dragon joke for you there all right quest complete there's like no one with me i just left them all behind please leave me alone i'm all skin and bone honestly if you'll do that for me the hell was that oh a logging thing i just assumed it was more people coming to kill me wait why can i take these why is he fine with this what why why are you okay with this some of the yarl's men came by and left this bounty letter a bounty i don't know if that's any good for me i mean let me take a look i guess all right killed the bandit leader let's go do that i'm not sure how we're going to but let's go do that money is money okay probably an absolutely terrible idea but i have arrived our place is called a retreat how fitting i will be retreating too oh sweet jesus there's so many people oh no i've been noticed oh okay let me just get the attention of the guy i'm chasing hey you yeah follow me i gotta bring you somewhere where something else can kill you because i am a pacifist oh no really blocking the exit get out of the way oh god they're so fast all right we're at the tour oh jesus okay wait are they afraid to come outside you guys quarantining in there ow jesus a campers okay this is a problem they're not coming outside what do i do just stand here looking sad i'm trying to piss off the people in this fort so that they might come down and follow me into the cave and have a big battle with them but i don't know if it'll work oh careful now yeah i know you're very intimidating come on keep following me the rest of them all at bose and they just were not interested in what i was offering come on this way i got a new home for you i don't think this is going to work mainly because even if he does fight him there's only one of them what okay well that failed even worse than i thought it would oh no he's weakened me this is even worse now oh wait the guy isn't here anymore because they're loading but the guy isn't coming in anyway for vex sake now i've just left someone outside waiting for me too yeah i don't think there's a way of doing this one okay so apparently there's a companion that i can get in riverwood maybe if i go there get the companion and he can do the killing then i'm still the pacifist i'm looking for an elf with a bow so this is kind of convenient it is you what's your problem with sven i don't even know who sven is maybe camilla needs a little help seeing sven for what he is okay i'm listening could you give her this letter and say it's from sven okay why do i have a feeling that's her that just walked right by you okay i can do that that's something a pacifist can do i hope i don't give anyone a paper cut though i said no hey sorry interrupting your argument but uh here's a letter i'm not speaking to him anymore okay great i lied to her and said that sven wrote her a nasty letter now will that guy be my friend i need you to help me kill a bandit i have a problem with violence but i have no problem with lying apparently please take this some gold i've saved up from working at the mill oh thank god i thought you were gonna offer me that meal and i was like it doesn't look very good follow me i need your help lead the way yay he'll go along with me i delivered one letter and in return i'm like hey let's travel like halfway across the map to kill this bandit merger is a fair price to ask for delivering a letter right god i'm never talking to my postman ever again all right here's where the big bad guy lives okay there they are go go on i'm fine i'll walk up to them i don't see the point though and i'm not going to take part in the fighting ow are you going to do anything it's all right fine jesus christ he's not the most competent follower is he all right i'm glad it was you the murder of the dog and not me youtube commenters hate that subscribe if you love dogs everyone all right here's another one here's a bandit don't come on you have a bow and arrow like come on why do i have to get hit for you to jump into action yay there you go see you're good when you want to be there you go i'll take the loose if you're cool with that i think i earned it all right that is the perfect shot for you to assassinate him look at that right through the gap no you've no interest whatsoever okay let me get hurt again oh why do you such a big axe now all right is that good enough for you where'd he go okay he's fighting the big guy i guess that'll work for me if you need me i'll be running around in circles so this one doesn't kill me in the meantime okay i found a nice spot where i can hide see we're at an impasse now right you don't know what to do i don't know what to do just wish my companion was here where the hell is he oh there you are you silly goose get up get up no oh how did you find me i thought i was in stealth mode behind those barrels all right run okay so will my companion ever get up or will we be stuck here for all eternity making awkward eye contact look at him he is not intimidated whatsoever for a guy called scared he's not very scared oh sweet jesus where is he there you are okay good up and at them yes yes get her first she's the weaker one look at her she's fleeing just because she's an arrow in the throat what a coward the guy says he stands up here hiding cowering okay now we're in a weird spot where they're cowering and we're cowering yes run i don't run too far because this is actually taking longer than it should yes good shot i would assume i kind of missed it now on to the last one yeah get him oh jesus he's so weak no oh no i meant to heal you why did i choose now to stop being a pacifist oh now i gotta wait i i assume he's just unconscious right he's not dead because he looks sort of dead all right we'll have to just agree to disagree i'll be out of your hair i'm so sorry god the weather is very fitting a lot of dark went down here i think i might just leave maybe i can make a friend in another city and i'll bring him back to be sacrificed here too we'll pay whatever it takes but we must have hate whatever it takes oh more swords never mind not the job for me it's just the inn alrighty and it's always a good place to go to make friends or just find quests in general any more bounties to be hunted down try holder the innkeeper at the bannered mayor okay i'll go to the other end why are you frightening away business oh wait 500 as a mercenary okay how much do i have i gotta be close right 25 all right that's depressing death is my what are you following me do i need to pay you you seem to be a little short on coins okay then stop following me yeah i don't know why you followed me out oh this is the other one okay hopefully they'll have work for me here i need to make a friend or make 500 gold to buy a friend one or the other i think you can go blade a blade with me you'll be dead in six seconds no no i i guarantee you it would be even less like i don't fight i guess i thought a woman wasn't strong enough to hurt him i didn't mean for him to die you're telling me the sad story about how you killed someone by accident someone decided this is the time they're going to start playing the cheery flute song 100 gold says i knock your hide to the ground oh no you're on brawl no i well i don't have any goals to lose now i think about it so that's a good bet why don't you come back when you actually have a hundred gold ah fact you caught me i don't know what about this says to you that i have 100 gold oh oliver the feeble jesus christ the base of your drum is shaking her food but yeah olivia the feeble do you want to fight with me i bet you 100 gold i'd win i don't know what they expect okay something about a tree being destroyed that doesn't really help me to be honest it's not really work unless the tree is paying are you married you look the type do i really look like the married type that is the nicest thing anyone's ever said to me but you know what her bringing up marriage material has given me an idea what if i get married become a mooch off my spouse and use the money to hire a mercenary i don't know if 25 gold will get me to the city i need to get to to get married but i'm going to try it rift in 20 gold that's nearly all my money but yes take me there hold there oh no you're not gonna let me in are you okay good the speech thing worked jesus christ that could have been bad i have five gold he wanted 76 to let me in and i don't think i'm gonna get pacifist on your ass would have intimidated him i'm stealing stuff from the temple as well just to make a little bit of money just anything with value cast iron pot yeah that's good yeah brilliant cheese wheels perfect i'm going to reek of cheese when i try and get out of here i hope they don't notice all disease is cured i had diseases pretty sure there's no one in here wait that was close just gonna close this [Music] i wasn't stealing anything i was praying i'm just self-conscious about it all right i think i've stolen like everything in here the person i want to speak to isn't here though i need to find him don't talk to me dude i have no interest in whatever you're selling i hardly even have money plus stealing is wrong come to laugh at the grave tender that would be a bit weird of me i'm just looking for the dude who does marriages i don't suppose he's down here is he great now i'm grave robbing it's just anything to make a buck this one still has gold on it oh my god they all have money on them this is fantastic steel skull hey five bucks is five bucks oh god she was really close there oh here you are sorry i know you're doing something but i gotta talk to you we also perform wedding ceremonies yes that's what i want to hear a person who is looking for a spouse simply wears an amulet of mara okay fantastic it's 200 do you accept charity like the charity being me of course i'd be more than happy to add a donation to our charity box no it's the other way around i'm sorry but even mara's temple needs coin fekor can you really put a price on love my skill in battle is unmatched oh do you want to be my friend ah why do you all want money to be my friend okay he has some cool stuff but he doesn't have the amulet that i need god damn it all right what are you willing to buy um yeah i'll sell my clothes i'm fine with that i'm not gonna be using these weapons anyway all right that got me 93 goals not quite enough i've got an idea if i can't sell her stolen goods i'll go steal something from bad people then she'll buy them and well there's only one place i know where there's bad people i'm back oh they cleaned up the bodies i was hoping i could loot them all right i'll look for something else oh that's something else yeah that's great great stuff good yes that'll probably pay for in itself more gold perfect take these loose arrows so this is why he had guards at the entrance to protect himself from people like me help yep that's fine he can't even drown his sorrows now and he realizes he's been robbed of all of his belongings he's back there sitting just contemplating everything that has happened cabbages yeah why not the leg of a goat yeah i'm sure she'll buy that don't notice me oh look at that chest that's gonna have something good don't notice me come on search the chest there's a bear trap down there a treasure map oh fantastic all right hopefully i'll see you later there's someone there no no it must have been the wind goodbye yes look at that sunny day the world's on my side let's take a look at this treasure map first maybe i can skip the marriage step all together what the hell is this that looks like the fort up there that i i robbed but it looks like it's up a hill you have to go i i'm not sure wait no wr whiterun that's where i came from oh i might be able to find this yeah look the stable even lines up it's perfect okay so it looks like you go across from the stable up the hill you pass some weird mill hey is that just actually that could be the mill right in front of me yeah the x is the mill okay i see so let's go over to this mill and try and get a better idea it could just be up there you know it kind of does look like it yeah that rock looks like it i'm glad they can do like a photorealistic drawing of the rock because if that were me it would look nothing like it but i guess that'd be good because that would mean no one would get my treasure all right is it around here somewhere i don't see any treasure i'm not supposed to dig am i oh wait treasure i hope it's as good as the treasure he had inside his actual cave ooh armor amethyst gold soul gem silver and copper and onyx circlet wow i'm going to pawn this immediately hey i've got a lot of useless shite are you interested oh no you don't have enough money for this finest cuts fresh from the wilds i don't suppose you're interested in the lake of a ghost that has been in my backpack for a few days everything's for sale jesus christ screaming at me i'm right next to you but i'm a gaming youtuber so i guess i'm kind of used to that i feel like i'm getting ripped off here but i don't really have a choice i just gotta sell everything i got still short 15 gold hands off oh um yeah sure everything's for sale my friend you need visit no other shops today he forgot about that pretty quick didn't he all right at least it's open now i can just run up and steal that money that i need all right i need to make him nervous and make him follow me to another room look oh what could i be stealing in here he came back and running all right go go go go go go go go come on i can hear him running behind me okay gold mine fantastic don't look in your box everything's fine hey i made enough money to make you my friend you have chosen wisely thank you all right i hope this was worth it let's get going we got to visit an old friend well we're more fremies to be honest than anything honestly at this point i've taken everything from him his friends his belongings his treasure he probably doesn't even care anymore he wants to die go ahead get the job done please don't lose i put in a lot of effort into this no thank goodness all right great job now i gotta steal his stuff gold so yes look at all this this is brilliant we're one of the same kind you and i we're one in the same you and i yeah no we are nothing alike trust me okay i gotta go to whiterun and collect my bounty money i've done this on level one i have hardly moved an inch in my experience level you tried mercenary work it would not suit me trust me i'm not a man of violence it's kind of rich coming from a guy who just got like seven people killed since he escaped a death row what is this no i don't want to fight i just want to get my bounty sorry for knocking over all your stuff hi the bandit leader is dead the yarl is looking at me like are you serious you interrupted us for that 100 gold i invested way more than that into this endeavor hey what's the meaning of your interruption come no not the dragon i have no interest in talking about that i need to make money hey i'm back i hope uh he didn't realize i robbed you yet sell that bit of paper too mainly just i just don't want it in my inventory you're gonna have this treasure map too right that's gotta be valuable i'm beginning to think this guy is a gaming youtuber by the way the way his mouth is hanging like that it's the perfect thumbnail how may i help you yeah i'll buy that ambulance thank you very much i throw that on okay now mercenary i command you to marry me you're looking for marriage then yes won't lie i am and you oh what how what what do you see in him i thought i'd have to pay extra for this all right this is great hey marius good to see love blossoming even during these difficult times i wouldn't really call it love we just kind of decided we fit together perfectly she does all the heavy lifting and all the dangerous stuff and i do the cowardly stuff congratulations on your wedding thank you so much she doesn't seem very happy about it and i kind of understand why congratulations i thought i was so happy honestly you had more chance than i did is the marriage ceremony gonna happen or not he's walking away okay i'm just gonna sit and wait until he eventually decides to marry us congratulations on your wedding thank you i just wish it would happen sooner oh here we go he's given the all-rise signal and away he goes what is wrong with this guy the follower leaves for your wedding wait no we're here already all right are we ready to do this yes okay marry us fast who knew eloping took so long he looks so sad you just want to get married i do now and forever okay great can i have that 500 gold back now under the authority of mara the divine of love i declare this couple members fantastic wait they have a house already oh awesome are you married you look the type why yes i am wait does she live in the tavern i taught you at a house i've been scammed would you mind cooking something for me the bond of matrimony value 500 oh yeah i'll take your wedding ring okay that's the 500 back it all worked out you know what for a coward pacifist this all worked out quite well i gotta say well you know except for the people who died but thank you very much for watching if you're new consider subscribing we'd love to have you around and i hope to see you all tomorrow bye for now
Channel: Call Me Kevin
Views: 436,417
Rating: 4.9662399 out of 5
Keywords: Call Me Kevin, Call Me, CallMeKevin, CallMe, funny, funny moments, comedy, lets play, gameplay, gaming, can you beat skyrim, can you beat, skyrim pacifist, skyrim remastered, elder scrolls, skyrim special edition, elder scrolls v skyrim, can you, can you beat skyrim without, can you beat skyrim as a pacifist, skyrim challenge, skyrim pacifist build, skyrim challenge run, skyrim callmekevin, skyrim funny, skyrim funny moments
Id: irri2STCxIU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 26sec (1106 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 01 2021
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