Grand Theft Auto V (Chaos Mod) & GeoGuessr | 2021-03-02

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hello hi sorry one second i'm just replying to someone very unprofessional um i'm late i am late look i'm one minute late all right i'm sorry i was just look something really important came up okay my dad sent me a riddle that he can't figure out and i'm trying to explain it hold on i'm almost there i think i just need to pre pre-read it okay it's tough to explain in text where the bartender took the two which made their fee 27 instead of 25 the guy saying the riddle is making you think that they gave nine each which equals 27 which is correct but he is putting the focus on thirty so you're thinking about three instead of two yes okay i got it very important you know all right how are you doing folks i didn't want to be too late so i was like i i just need to proofread it and i'm good to go you understand good good good okay you want to hear the riddle say i can't uh this will probably wait can i get i wonder can i get a visual off for you if you can if i can [Music] how can i do that uh bear with me and i'll i'll i'll put it up for you in one second we'll try and figure this out i hope i'm writing what i'm saying because i think i i i think i got it and like thank you for all the gift subs and subs coming in by the way guys when i was downstairs making my maka and trying to solve a riddle for my father foxy thank you for the the gifted songs uh xoxi jewel name for the stop boxing favorite the bits as well valley thank you for five subs juni thank you for the sub bella care bear carosis and pop lock thank you for the five jesus christ thank you very much for that uh lonnie thank you for the the bits you started a hype train without me it just goes to show that i i am the least important part of this community you guys don't just function on without me anyway oh god guys thank you for the support surfing thank you for the bits uh bella there you go with of the song right cat thank you for the five subs just kelly billy green gavin lilly askler pegasus sheld uh valley the gamer jewels deplexa or johnson lucille uh ellen emily thank you for the sub monkey thank you for the five subs uh grizz bay leaf erta maggie bacca uh omits ivy uh magic magicist sorry uh whitey sam brown andy uh case supplexer beth no name given lint tray not marcus uh caramel clad the lad one minute early on accentuate to eat it uh the down banks 113 be strong chihuahua choke miss mercy thank you for the 10 subs always so supportive thank you very much a chat charlie uh soy shark boy judging judgingly uh i'm a cesaro suplex against bag dash uh ickel sterling scottish so much thank you very much john rayne raza zithon uh ziton innocent ciplexa voxy uh derpycorn jazz thank you for the five jewel thief ian jen bug uh frozen cascade todd mickey emma uh up hills luco ciplexa king moxie melissa woman god pancake thank you for the five hi caves thank you for the bits no name given thank you for the bits as well uh princess peach josh starr tortured thank you very much folks you're you're very kind scrappy alexany uh meg she's they're just they're flying in thank you very much for the support you're very very kind i do appreciate it um let me try and get uh um he sent it to me on my phone so i don't know how do i do it um how do i look it up okay okay this is this is a different version of it i can't find the original but um okay so this this is this is kind of the riddle for a bit of context i was explaining to the the the people of the stream why i did the cardinal sin of being 60 seconds late for the stream everyone was up in arms um i have quotes here uh we have poplock saying i for one i'm leaving the community and i hate kevin no i was just kidding he's just seeing chad all the p and the reason i was 60 seconds late this sorry pop first name i thought of dude but i was just like excuse me i will not stand for this slander um i was solving a riddle that my dad sent me he sent me this riddle and was like can you solve this i can't figure it out so that's what i was doing that's why i was late um so what what the riddle was it's going to be even harder i actually saw that it might be a bit easier without the visual thing because he was writing it down i think it was distracting if more so so here's the riddle three men go into a hotel the man behind the desk says a room is thirty dollars so each man pays ten and goes to the room a while later the man behind the desk realized the room was only 25 so he sent the bell boy to the three guys rooms with five dollars you following on the way the bell boy couldn't figure out how to split the five evenly between the three men so he gave each man one dollar and kept the two dollars for himself this meant that the three men each paid nine dollars for the room which is a total of twenty seven dollars add the two dollars that the bell boy kept 29 where is the other dollar you get it even now i look up and everyone's like that's too many words you've already lost me everyone's just like what the [ __ ] robbed okay so 29 you mean 27 no i'm gonna read it again okay i wonder can i take i i might be able to take a screenshot here to to to bring this up on the screen sorry everyone who came for gta 5 it's a riddle stream now no i'm just kidding sorry if that that froze my stream there when i was taking a screenshot we'll start in gta in just a second i always like to give a few minutes for people to join anyway um so we will start in just a minute i just want to show these people the the riddle that i was solving before i started the stream for my papa okay this is the riddle so three men going to hotel the man behind the desk says room is 30 so each man pays 10 and goes to the room a while later the man behind the desk realized the room was only 25 so he sent the bell boy to the three guys room with five dollars on the way the bell boy couldn't figure out how to split five dollars evenly between three men so he gave each man a one dollar and kept the other two for himself this meant that the three men each paid nine dollars for the room which is 27 that is correct add the two dollars that the billboard kept that's 29 where's the dollar gone all right i i figured it out so yeah i know you can if i if i can do it then you can do it kevin ate the one dollar and what's even worse it was coins uh one dollar tax i'll i'll solve it for you let me catch up with the alerts then i'll tell you the answer to the riddle and as little mighty fine today thank you bella and then we'll get started he ate it obviously i've not seen anyone actually guess it correctly yet all right let me um let me catch up here and we'll get started bella miss collie i tranquil echola thank you for the bits uh heck attack hack attack thank you for the two subs pocket jello uh heck attack again thank you for the sub adam thank you for the tips as well congrats on the pregnancy and happy birthday thank you for noticing it they paid 28 no they didn't they paid they paid nine dollars each that's 27. the guy stole two summons 28 not 27. no no no no no no no no no the guy behind the desk took it i'm amazed i'm not seeing anyone go wait did i see someone get it you might have people may have gotten it i just uh they didn't pay nine dollars they did they did uh there's no missing dollar um yeah i see i see someone who got it the first person i saw i i'm i'm gonna call you out even though i'm sorry if someone else got it beforehand the chat is moving so fast uh yeah i think i i think yeah people are starting to get it yeah there you go um radioactive chinchilla thank you very much for 20 subs jesus christ thank you very much for that that's very very kind here uh pocket jello hack attack adam spectral who cares i'm awesome radioactive thank you very much for that that was way too much but thank you uh judging judgingly miss millie uh right you lonnie thank you for the tip as well um my desk is still my desk is doing okay it's somehow stable uh vadavi thank you for the five subs swanny boy a slightly dangerous unicorn wifey bree free extinguisher helen only thank you for the five uh man doctor who got uh lovey crazy finley peony wise jazz cyber mustard kate lino incept thank you for the five that's very kind lint trey thank you so much uh rose and stuff thank you for the 15 bucks really appreciate that and uh shout out to samantha as well it's her birthday i'm clapping because that's what we do here had birthdays size 99 pens myself laughing dino fez hawk ash delta just selfie beef man the crowd she's unknown gears katie thank you very much for the bits uh crazy and that thank you as well empty fairy thank you for the bits are you ready for jesus kevin nope so the first person i saw um where was it uh that i saw solve it was uh mrs pomelov there might have been someone before him but that was the first one i saw um let me just do a little tweet here i thank you for the followers guys i appreciate it let me just um drop a tweet and there we go i'm getting so much better at that it's like it's an actual skill i'm just hitting tweet i think jesus took the child the dollar i mean maybe okay so i i'll do it the same way i replied to to my father he's not he's not replied yet he's just online looking at it he's probably like so they paid 30 dollars right the guy realizes that they need to give back five the bell boy is confused he's like i can't divide this i'm gonna give him back three and pocket the two the total is 27 that they paid where the two dollars go it's they try and force your attention on 27 plus two that's 29 or is the missing dollar but it's the other way around it's 27 minus 2 because the bell boy stole it and it goes to 25. do you get it do you get it it's the other way around they're trying to get you to focus on the other side so it's two to twenty five not two to thirty you know okay so some people aren't getting it let me i say oh yes there we go we're getting a lot of people getting it some people are still not getting it i'm gonna read i tried to write my dad still looking at it i'm just gonna read it how i rated him but it was about pints so i said it's tough to explain a text but the bartender took the two which made their fee 27 instead of 25 the guy saying the riddle is making you think that they gave nine each which equals 27 which is correct but he's putting the focus on 30 so you're thinking about three instead of two is that getting it maybe this website has a better explanation hold on i don't want to leave everyone confused so um i okay he doesn't really explain it no he doesn't explain it any better than i do that's a surprise um the only oh he does have this line um you cannot add the two dollars the bell boy has to the 27 the men spent as this two actually comes out of the 27 the men's spend the other 25 going on the room i'd be a useless teacher wouldn't i they send all the kids doing and they'd be more confused by entirely okay some people are getting it yes i i taught people okay that's about it i'm sorry if i confuse people it's not the easiest to explain i'll try again after the chaos mod i don't want to delay anymore [Laughter] i'm sorry you came here for a good time a nice little distraction and all i've done is caused confusion but look i'm glad that i helped some people do you like my square by the way i'm in a box now instead of a rectangle yes i'm glad to see people are getting it no please don't maybe i'm better off just not talking about it anymore can we all just actively repress that [Laughter] all right okay let's see if the game will launch for me hold on give it a moment give it a moment no okay one second and second i hope the mod works right away uh it should do all right yeah gta 5 you could probably hear it there right is it not opening wha one second i'll i'll reset it just have my camera a while ago as well uh fit the screen and we'll move that it might have just moved thank you for the support okay by the way oh you're going to get me back for that riddle area i'm just thinking now it's like i confused you there's going to be some angry jesus is coming at me all right i'm gonna i'm gonna relaunch my game because it is not showing for you guys for some reason sorry about that you crashed it before it even started today we did it he did it uh todd oil cat but his bean has a smoke detector going it's not gone off once since where is it oh hey keep it close by me but it's not gone off once so that's a good sign anyway because it was going off for a while there so i'm glad to see that there's no sign of fire anymore um major malfunction finley timmy d party feminine man just logical arw it's working now anyway it's gaming the gamer time gaming time sure why not i'm just glad you can see it um so this mod folks if you're unfamiliar with it you probably you made me suffer with this riddle i'm sorry we'll never do riddles again brain hurty oh you're gonna take out all your anger on me um if you've not seen this before what the chaos mod is is every 30 seconds um how do you keep up with this chat i try i try my best um a chaos mod is where something random happens every 30 seconds but the trick is with the twitch plug-in it's not entirely random you get four choices uh the fourth one usually is random effect but the first three look i'm complicating it i'm making it into a [ __ ] riddle in itself you see oh god i'm blocking the effects trevor no no hold on trevor a second i gotta move this i'll move it where'd i put it will i put it up here that's probably out of the way um so those effects up the top right up there stop it michael um are the effects that are up for offer majority wins you can vote in chat by just putting in a number whatever number is next to it you want oil trails you put in one and it's uh majority wins so we'll see what happens here for example we get spawn random companion isn't it chaotic this is uh this is awkward did that did that work hold on i want to make sure this works need for speed lock all vehicles is what mexico looks like uh heyo w thank you for the tip and happy birthday to you enjoy the chaos i'll let you spawn jesus since it's your birthday um i'm covering the map you are correct let me move let's see yep okay mod is working that's a good sign hold on let me move this up i think it should be good up but there it's always hard to get it right okay there we go that should be good enough all right random companion let's go out into mexico but first wanna watch me get changed what clothes do i have outfit oh he closed the door why do you have to make it awkward i like that one okay shall we get started are we ready to go what uniform does yvonne oh it's a burger shot uniform i can get like cheap cheap fries and oh it's my therapist thank god wait hold on what the oh he's a random enemy and the other's a random companion can i just ow jesus christ stop it dude hold on i don't want to fight him oh okay he took a shot for me i want him to fight it out for my love why do you not care about him you're not very good at therapy i've seen this problem before a good old sucker punch to the head should solve it uh what the heavy katie ali yeti bob king uh remy zack space uh space lama faye miss mercy um thank you very much for the support oh it was you faye that did it great great i i am proud of you for solving the riddle fee toffee thank you for those subs again um okay i've seen a sub trevor okay perfect okay so what we were trying to do last time we're trying to complete some missions in the story very dramatic here all of a sudden um and we want to uh we want to get down to the doesn't matter i'm next to the hospital anyway we got to get down to the docks to uh can you move the follower goal oh that's a good point god damn sorry i'm all over the place today we should have never done that riddle it used all of our brain energy okay we'll put it down there sorry folks i'm all over the place um the follower goal uh for those who don't know it's just like a daily follower goal like per stream i like to have just a little goal even if we don't reach it it's kind of cool to see that already 190 200 202 people decided like hey i'd like to be part of this community it's kind of nice thank you for the followers guys i appreciate it all right let me try and get to is this this is barry it's barry we want to do this one for the heist um mini sub and i think we should take a taxi because right now you're making it kind of difficult for me to get a car because you put a force field around me god you really hated that riddle didn't you it is kind of nice not the one suffering for it though at least other people are suffering instead of me sir thanks for calling i'll be here taxi's on the way and the force field's gone so it's fine um miss mercy outpost jazz animal magnet great black uh voxy becky dodd thank you for the sub uncle zeb thank you as well there it is let's try and uh get to this heist marker we were just will you stop come on dude please i don't have long before they am i even old enough to get a taxi by myself now wait are you seriously going all the way around as i was chasing you perfect's sake let me in oh self-driving taxi fantastic you love to see it technology you know oh no i just looked i didn't realize their voice went so small too you just spawned great for jesus but i have a plan okay take me down man go go go go go [Laughter] oh he's in the passenger seat did you see him he was in the passenger seat he he stuck up his middle finger at me can you wait i'm trying to catch up then you see him this little jesus he's sticking up his little finger at me perfect hold on finally my revenge on grief for jesus no stomp what i'm stomping i'm stomping i'm stomping them i am such an idiot what oh yes yes stomp on baby jesus yes i'm catholic all right there you go i did it can we keep him somebody said all right take me around the block again i just want a victory lap here because of what we did i'm grown up that's that's part of becoming a man you kind of beat up baby jesus [Laughter] oh blasphemy god damn the last time i went to church was like nine months ago and all the priests did was shame everyone who doesn't normally come to church so i don't i don't feel too good about what i just did i have a feeling he wouldn't like that oh god oh great arriving incognito i i cannot move for some reason hold on okay okay i'm moving allowing me to get into the car was was allowing me to move there we go i'll just park this taxi on top of him there we go all right i assume why can i not move what have you done to me i literally cannot move for some reason who are you you are an enemy with a rocket launcher no no no no no no no no why can i not punch him i don't understand okay danger close danger close you don't want to use that thing you will kill both of us off feck's sake now i'm stuck following this guy around the docks because if i let him get far away can i second maybe if i try it where is my gun i don't think finger guns are gonna work what have you done maybe i can back him into the water you gave me back my gun but jesus spawned with me i should have known that if i killed jesus he would rise again god damn it okay wait where's jesus hold on what's it retrieve the sub okay this is going to be very interesting trying to drive a sub trying to drive a sub well while you guys are trying to mess with me i don't know where jesus is and i've just realized you've made me a pacifist who was that that's not even is that someone from the mission what is where is he running to i'll go around he's calling the cops he said what where is it am i in the wrong place wait oh god damn it this is very weird for some reason what the hell was that oh it's raining vehicles i see these that scared me i i [ __ ] this up now wait what was that okay i i'm just overwhelmed here there's got to be a ladder here to get off right what the hell oh that's extreme great for jesus i see did he kill himself i'm actually kind of glad i i died there i just ruined that shoot the rope on the sub ah okay well i gotta do it in gta 2 camera now uh voxy great black uncle zam the becky dodd chap jazz uh trevor music gabs timmy buckin and hell hello thank you for the subs uh i can see jesus swimming there that's kind of neat can you see him what an angle all right hold on at least he's stuck in the water he climb up i've never been in this camera walking and it's just awful look at him when he was trying to hit me he hit the boat and he blew himself up okay well i put him out of his you know what no jesus you and i aren't so different after all we're both being screwed over by this mod i'm going to be the bigger man and not kill you he's going to be even pissed that i said i'm the bigger man isn't he like jesus wall lonnie thank you for the the tip toyota thank you for the sub next thank you very much for the five subs there as well it's super kind to you and thank you for all the subs in general guys here very much appreciated okay it should be easy to steal a sub when i am a ghost right is it these oh there we go yep this field's safe this feels right all right now that i have my submarine i can start my reality show hunting jesus hey everyone welcome back to this week's hunting jesus we're no way closer we killed baby jesus but we're worried it might have just been a regular baby anyway let's begin the hunt join me in the sub oh no you just spawned jealous jimmy how do i how do i submerge how do i submerge oh my god the ghost of michael's son it just appeared to kill me okay good good where is he is that him i can see like they don't despawn by the way for those of you that are new he's here somewhere wait where do i go what there's there's an earthquake okay [Laughter] [Music] perfect sake jesus i've never seen earthquake underwater before oh that was great alessandra blue jay thank you very much for the support there both very generous dandelion ellie thank you for the subs as well okay let's keep going we've got this we got this under control do not fear which the hell is that that is force field let's descend hold on wait i can't i'm stuck i don't i've got a gravity field and i just i can't get out of this corner wait what is that junk okay okay i think the junk was like in the way or something i i couldn't move let me just see where do i have to go okay it's not too far i think we can do this if we cooperate and that's possible i'm not being very stealthy here i'm taking the submarine on the surface thank you for the solves guys i appreciate it security consulting friend oh my god where's serotonin thank you very much for all the subs jesus christ i'm way behind but thank you serotonin thank you serotonin for making us all smile oh god this submarine's pretty neat he didn't even take a breath there didn't even momentarily pause on the phone as he did a kickflip in the sub and i wonder what this button does this is a picture of tony hawk on it yeah that's pretty nifty i don't know what they're talking about one second let me just i'm trying to catch up here on alerts whenever we get a chance uh gen bug thanks for the bits clad the lad sudden cat uh sweaty grape thank you for the tip as well oh god we got some obstacles maybe i should pay a little bit more attention trevor left the mission area well maybe give trevor a break for going to heaven all right i looked up between all the numbers i just see we're still angry about the riddle kevin i'm sorry i'm sure my dad still is i'm gonna see if my dad replied see what he said about this riddle let's see nope nope no reply oh oh that was kind of nice thank you for the vehicle oh no you're gonna put on low gravity aren't you and i don't even know what's gonna happen uh sweaty grapes said kevin you made my head hurt you need die now [Laughter] sorry i am never telling anyone a riddle ever ever again or maybe i should just start every chaos stream with a riddle you know just for the content oh no no no no no no there's a shark over there come on don't do anything just sink sync sync sync no sync sync sorry i was just really angry you know that was me just doing an angry sneeze stop dude stop it's it's constantly trying to fly away i'm hitting submerge in the sky and i think it's actually bringing me down do a riddle every stream how to how to tank a twitch channel just do riddles teleport random peds wait can i go into first person oh my god that's so cool there's someone drowning did you hear the screaming or is that just me i heard screaming for sure so i think you just sentence people to death by drowning there vehicles have no gravity will you stop jesus um nolan giving thank you for the tip as well you're very very kind thank you for the tip you're you're too big brain with the riddle i think you and i'm now like ah oh god i'm pale whenever i look at the white ocean you can just see a glaring back off my face wait what was that oh okay that wasn't uh that wasn't a woman screaming earlier that was just nature healing very briefly how was that my fault okay that had nothing to do with me he ran out in front of me oh god i'm starting to sound like the driver that hit me oh no i've oh you either died a traffic accident victim or you live long enough to see yourself become the aggressor thanks for the monkeys everyone they're sea monkeys off they go off they go that's just beautiful see nature's healing you can see them hopping above the waves [Laughter] oh no all right please let me get there no don't remove my vehicle please jesus christ i'm sorry about the riddle okay i won't tell you any more riddles thank you thank you at least we might be able to get through this come on come on no i [Music] i'm almost there the truck was wrecked [ __ ] feck all right then you want riddles what gets wetter the more it dies me because i'm stuck under water because you won't let me get past this patch half perfect second what is this what what was this good riddle thank you thank you i just came up with that one myself pretty proud of that riddle what was that i'm so confused what i'm talking about it's i know help my w keys stock is on but wait where am i okay no i'm just i'm not that far to be fair we can do this that that was bizarre set player into random vehicles see luckily there is only one man jesus christ the riddler but he's irish and more insane i don't think i'd be quite as effective against the world's greatest detective you know super squeeze thank you very much for the 10 subs earlier i'm sorry i'm so far behind i love the underwater in this game it's so nice having said that i would like to leave yeah it is neon lights to the submarine i didn't think that was even possible that actually looks pretty cool um i'm sorry i'm so far behind the alerts i'm trying to catch up um but thank you super squeeze for that i i really appreciate it there's wildlife again i can't believe i thought that was just screaming in general i it's kind of bad when my first thought goes to oh it's just human screaming somehow you're gonna manage to set me on fire oh my god oh no oh no no no no no no hold on oh for [ __ ] sake is first person easier in this mode you can't go into first person oh my god hold on i'll have to use the map okay it's this way and am i at that oh my god jesus super squeeze thank you for that again mcbecca nerdfighter alessandra kim juan cro rl sorry mate our 95 jesus christ literally i thought i just blew up but no it is actually literally our lord and savior jesus christ uh jonah taranisis saturn edible cookie thank you for the tip as well oh jesus i'm sorry to hear that sorry you're a bit ill but i'm i'm glad the streams and videos are a nice bit of a distraction you know i can relate to that i used to be quite ill when when i was a wee lad over 10 years ago now jesus um and it went on for about a 10 year period it wasn't like chronic but it was persistent and that's probably why i'm so into video games because i played so many video games like a distraction um when i was ill that was back in the days where like i felt really ill and my parents felt bad for me so they they'd let me rent a game for a week i have fond memories of playing like splinter cell and like batman arkham asylum and stuff like that um over those those days off school which were kind of like this sucks because i'm missing school i'm falling behind i'm excuse me sorry um thank you for the ride but i just need to i need to get back to my submarine thank you very much but at the same time i was like yay video games me like batman so it all worked out oh there's a woman screaming again even drivers just like hyperventilating at this point uh saturn's basically thank you for the two solves jram hindle say alright thank you for the five and two's being thank you for the five as well what was the teleporter waypoint i just wish wait i can't get back in the sub oh for [ __ ] sake i mean it makes sense because the sub is under water wait wait it's coming up come on let trevor the thing is i don't think you're supposed to be able to get out of the sub in this mission are you oh i'm in thank you second player no no dude you actually got an option to set player into closest vehicle you did it but i was mashing f to get into the submarine so because you teleported me out i or teleported me in i got back out oh can i get back in at least okay wait i can get back in yes okay i guess i guess because oh my god this whole this this picture like the whole screen right now the picture is just chaos the portrait mode with the submarine with the cargo with the ferris wheel i can't even see where i'm supposed to go i have made literally no progress this goal hold on all right okay look what the hell is that is that a boss you did spawn a bus okay that's fine it's just funny how i couldn't get back into the sob because it was locked because oh my god jesus christ what's it even gonna tell me what's what's it gonna do now what is the mission everything has just disappeared the game cannot figure out what to do sarah and this bean thank you very much for that sorry i'm still like trying to catch up around to handle beans tea i'm just waiting for this portrait mode to wear off we'll see x-rays john cat the cactus roxil uh farsenic uh serotonin thank you for those five subs again earlier very very kind of you as a next thank you for the tip as well um and thank you for the kind words congratulations congratulations and don't don't worry about me don't be donating to me if you need the money please jesus that is something i always say i super appreciate the kindness very very kind but you don't have to do it and i don't expect anyone to give anything and i genuinely mean that i'm not being like oh you don't have to but like like i genuinely mean it i would rather you keep it if you need it but thank you very much for the generosity now if you really want to give me a present you could let me get to the subjective you just spawned a hearse inside the water and i don't know if that's a sign like you're trying to like give me that you're like hey it's never gonna happen like you're gonna die in these waters um how can i kill myself because this is not going well i think i need to restart that section it's not working serotonin um thank you for the tip as well serotonin thank you for the the many gift subs there all right let's try this again no name given cheers thank you i just cheers you with coffee wait you ragdolled him but he's inside the submarine he's inside the submarine what oh for [ __ ] sake now i can't get in oh wait no he's getting in this time why could he knock it in earlier brains still hurt oh you're still angry i understand folks we're gonna have to cooperate here thank you for the followers by the way i appreciate it folks but oh my god okay that was hilarious but at the same time let's cooperate now stop saying no [Laughter] let's cooperate we'll get to the objective we hold the grudge we'll get to the objective together and then you can torture me on another section of the game it's like the stages of grief like you go through denial and right now i'm at acceptance i've accepted that there's a problem and there's negotiation okay i appreciate the money rain thank you very much that that ought to distract everyone from coming after me when it's literally raining money there's bigger stories right now than a submarine being stolen god i just love nature raining money and smashing into orcas by accident what a day why is it spinning out of control was that just me i love that it affects the voices now excuse me thank you for the tip chaos mod but you give 10 subs every time you die jesus that's a quick root of bankruptcy i can think of easier ways but that would be a fast way hindel david is solved uh in the dev blue jay thank you very much all right great now we got lag it's weird it doesn't seem to oh it is lagging hold on we just can't really see it you don't because we're underwater it's not his jewel thing to be fair i i can't surface though oh wait oh no agree for jesus no no no no no okay i'm going under water i'm going under water i'm going under water surely he can't like if he spawns on top of me here yeah there you go there you go he's just like ooh money he's distracted oh no he's heading to land that's what he's doing and i hit like the only thing in my way okay we should definitely cooperate here folks i think it would be the best for all of us if we just cooperated here what do you think hello all extreme creeper jesus will get you for that are you talking about the riddle i don't know if he's made it to land i hope he's not i'm drunk driving a submarine with the whales honestly pretty good life hindel chase this being blue jay indy lex thank you for the subs i'm still catching up but thank you for all the support everyone all right we're almost there please we can do this we just got to cooperate why are you voting for random i was just looking up and just seeing nothing can oh no all right i know this might seem ridiculous and maybe it's a bad idea but i'm attempting to fly to where i need to go um i'm already starting to think that it was in fact a bad idea because now i'm over that warehouse i'm going to power through here and uh oh my three is going up instead of forward can i a meteor shower are you serious i'm flying a submarine in a meteor shower how's your day going i'm hoping that i can get the momentum okay yeah gravity's coming back into action fast oh no okay that was that was kind of my fault that was kind of my fault i'm willing to accept partial blame there but like really small like one percent at most autopilot oh that works for me thank you very much are they wait are they oh no oh no there's no waypoint so i can't autopilot it it is simply driving out over the horizon perfect's sake all right it's not going to last too long one second one second one second i'm just trying to catch up here as well as we go and i'm so sorry i'm going so slow at them moving forward just thank you for the 20 subs i just saw it coming in there again ah sea monster perfect sick for god's sake i am convinced the reason this one comes up so much is that new people might be like oh i want to see a monster they kill this guy rip him limb from limb you know but it's just a monster truck all right this is the one what was that did i get hit by a meteor i think i legitimately got hit by a meteorite whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa what's all this i'll tell you what it is it is impossible i think this submarine is faulty oh okay it's fair enough rock still near the tip space getting there for the five stops sir don't and thank you for the 10 again uh scully thank you for the 10 as well jesus uh bob king the communist pop clock now you for the biz oh my god i wish i could steer it with this if only i got that teleport to waypoint one earlier maybe you would have teleported me to the waypoint or if we didn't just destroy the truck with doomsday there's so many chances we could have completed this but it's just um what what i'm walking on sunshine dandelion ellie thank you very much for the the two subs what was that okay this is it this is it folks we got this thank you for the companion she can point the way i can't think of any uh disney song like a moana one or something you know like the one where they journey across the sea or whatever you know what i'll substitute it under the oh no oh that sc oh life would be better if i was wetter take it from me oh okay somehow we didn't lose that there hell of a jump hell of a jump not to fear we can do this oh no the truck is stuck why but i was i i just realized you spawned jesus as well by the way but i don't understand how did that's nothing to do with me if the truck is stuck or not oh god super hot sweet bejesus i don't i'm on lsd and jesus is hunting me sounds like a hell of a movie script oh god this is something else i'll tell you that okay is jesus gonna be out here on his bike looking for me because he might just be blocking me from finishing not to fear jesus is here that is why i'm in fear i can feel that jesus is near man was he around the corner i can only hope that for some reason he went into the water and lost his bike normally i would never want someone to lose their bike a time lapse i think legitimately this is the amount of time that has passed outside and the amount of time we've been on this mission like i'm pretty sure this time lapse is real if we're just filming this in real life from outside okay we can do this folks oh my god why do you keep getting the gravity ones it's just keeps clicking in i'm trying to still make progress but it's not really working what if i if i hold even what he's talking about is just such a fever dream with this on miss mercy thank you very much for 30 subs christ almighty thank you very much um i'm just i'm almost caught up and i'm still a little behind uh thank you very much for that miss mercy christ almighty i look at the chat i just see a message me hate gravity me remove i can't pass it this is the longest we've been stuck on anything in so long i think since that mission we did um this man has softened it off since that mission we did you know in the desert where we were at that airstrip and it was near impossible yeah miss mercy's name is kind of ironic right now given that i'm getting no mercy uh serotonin thank you very much for the bits i'll perfect sing you said uh i need the money but we'll give it to you just despite you therapy then you're the bits all right here's all of my wrench money [Laughter] for fake sake um his dreams are too stressful thank you for the tip please stop forcing us to donate god damn i should have said nothing all right we're flying along now thank you everyone this is working great ah i see well good thing i did the turn already there's a horse down there i could see the hearse underneath me for a second you disable left or right movement but i just got around the corner thank christ why do i keep saying his name he's gonna spawn again um christopher thank you for the five subs uh moving forward just thank you for the 20 as well um cynics thank you for the donation as well you're very kind thank you very much for that anyway i hope we don't kill you too much i hope so too no no no no no no no no no no he was like that's just you beat his way out of the sub oh that was so majestic that was awesome it was so fluid [Laughter] i never i never tried that i don't know if i ever really drove the submarines other than the the heist itself and honestly i don't even remember this heist that well that was just so majestic i love that oops all right there's a blimp it's common underwater you just gotta avoid them don't make eye contact uh trying to get up there we go oh honestly maybe we could do a heist with the blimp instead that would be pretty epic amazing they didn't do any mission with the blimp they didn't did they i'm pretty sure they did in fact if i remembering right the blimp was like a pre-order bonus or something like that i might be remembering it wrong but i i think that was the case i was sad that was a weird noise this just made okay we're almost here revive deadpads i swear if jesus has respawned over at that boat i'm gonna be upset come on we're almost there oh no no no no no no no i just looked at the effects i try not to look at the effects but every now and again i do by accident and i just saw that a tank might be spawning and that one just looks like something you pick no no you picked a nice one okay all right i'm sorry for judging you i apologize i'm headed to the hoop this is great this is good news under the sea under the sea ah aries bartek mr harkstein thank you very much for the sub no more nice no more nice more nice until i get back here when i get into that ring then no no no no no this isn't jumpy it said jumpy vehicles what if you were talking to someone and they just got eaten up into the sky to the point where you couldn't even see them anymore would you go on nice jump or would you be like holy [ __ ] this person's just been ascended to heaven please just end let me crash down into the water and survive no i went too high i flew too close to the sun why did you show me the monster truck oh you sent me into a random vehicle i see that makes literally no sense why didn't it put me all the way up there for god's sake um and ccc thank you very much for the three gifted subs and miss mercy thank you again for the the 30 subs christ almighty this is it this is it flying cars flying cars flying cars i'll fly there i'll fly there i'll fly the submarine to safety come on i'm ready look at this i'm ready for takeoff we did flights [Laughter] oh god i really thought we were going to fly i was ready to go up and for like a millisecond i was like they did it but no it was it's just a little fancy kickflip that's all serotonin thank you for those again beyblades out the blimp wait no go up i want to see the blimp oh the [ __ ] truck i keep forgetting about this truck i i haven't even seen it well if i help you when we want to not when you want us to oh i see i see well in good news i'm caught up with the alert so thank you for all the support folks yeah honestly seriously thank you for the the support where am i oh i'm a little bit out this time a beef man give this man a break yes beef man i love beef men southern cat jewel thief thank you very much hey guys thank you for all the solves i'm sorry if i missed some it's super overwhelming um what is that oh that's my son that's just jealous jimmy's body i cr encrypted him on bf sub hell of a name okay folks come on this is it right peace is never an option well it is now look think of this as a ceasefire not as peace but a ceasefire we can go back to war once i reach land in the submarine all vehicles aren't vulnerable wise apparently making the vehicle invulnerable made the truck get stuck that wasn't even your fault i won't even blame you on that one that was just bizarre okay this is it this is the one i can actually feel this one i can feel it in my bones bella thank you for the bits i still don't understand the riddle and i'm upset okay i understand no no it said don't look behind and i looked behind because i just saw look behind and i've gotten that one before where i had to look behind her i would explode oh that's sad never should have ordered that that riddle should i um figure nr5 thank you for the tip pancake the polite thank you for the bits irene i caitlyn thank you for the four selves as well and fitz thank you for the tip i like how you donated five dollars to say can i borrow five dollars no finish mission yes finish mission we finish mission now we do are those mercenaries we're just talking about these mercenaries they must have heard us i mean we have said it three bazillion times right next to them so it would make sense if they finally had enough you really just tried to explore all vehicles i thought we had a cease fire i thought we had a cease fire and you're really just trying to explore all nearby vehicles that is cold y'all that is cold i love you you can see my complexion change so much when i go underwater and then when i go back up and the ocean reflects on me no we wouldn't dare oh i must have been a glitch so or something what the hell is that oh it's a monster truck again gonna be very confused when they go looking for this submarine and they find like a hearse two monster trucks the body of jesus christ himself in a blimp under maybe we should forget about this submarine these waters seem cursed the curse of the black pearl i can hear a helicopter and i don't know if it's after me or not but i i it is after me okay underwater we go ah there's an angry alien somewhere now as well i can only hope that the alien can't swim that is my one dream that the alien cannot swim oh maybe the alien and i aren't uh too different after all i'll settle into daytime that would be hilarious that was so good oh teleport players a few meters that's fine i'm just delighted it didn't spawn me on land if i knew that one was coming i definitely would have no no no no no don't get stuck guys we're right there i i know there's one like what about rapid fire i know there's a teleporter waypoint and you might be you might be helping me there but i'm scared it'll screw me over i i see a lot of you voting for it and i i definitely appreciate the kindness but i don't know if it's going to work or not i take it back you guys are the best good choice good choice i i guess you people were just willing to take the risk on killing me whereas i was a bit more hesitant and i'm not sure what that says but i'm just happy it worked good job everyone good job you're welcome you ask a lot okay how about i repay you with a riddle no i know i'm not foolish enough for that god's sake it's weird that they even have failed conditions like the truck was destroyed because how the hell would it be destroyed oh god this might upset some people this is the console experience apparently all right i'm here it's just down the road los santos marine all right let's do it folks the console experience that that's fake is it okay the teleport was fake but the trauma you inflicted on me from doing it was not fake that was real the only reason i realized it's fake because the new teleports and crashes are so convincing um but the uh the teleport when i looked at the effects and teleport to waypoint oh no that was from the last one actually okay now oh no i think i'd rather start again wait i can't jump to my desk because jumping is is up now i see christopher thank you for those songs earlier miss colley thank you for the bits play barry's mission next what is barry's mission i can try it if we ever get this one done that is what did that no that game didn't crash did it what why did my game minimize by itself what okay that is new it didn't crash at least it wasn't a crash you didn't do it you didn't do it i'm glad you didn't because jesus floyd was abandoned i'm sure he will get over it okay this is great we don't have to go too far we have to go 0.5 half a mile oh and i'm drunk that's that's fine i'm only driving a truck what's the worst that could happen please tell me this is this has got to be the only this has got to be the only thing i got to do for this mission right please stop please stop please stop please stop please sorry sorry sorry i'm drunk i don't know why i think that justifies it fake fake yes okay fake fake fake okay we're almost there almost there all right all right no please no no no no no no we got this we got this folks hold on even their voices are so fat when you're drunk come on come on come on come on come on come on i'm trying but i'm drunk oh come on what did you spawn get out of the truck what you said spawn random vehicle but what spawned it's definitely not okay here oh sorry i'm drunk i know again that doesn't excuse my behavior we're running away where are you running to what where is he running to what oh jesus christ that's fine you know what at least i don't have to drive that submarine anymore okay it's okay the reason this took me so long a while ago was because i was drunk when i'm not drunk i'm actually a marginally better driver you'd be surprised that i'm not much of a better driver like you think the difference would be more noticeable um but it's imaginably better oh my god i think this is the the following hangover from the previous sesh miss mercy thank you for the bits and thank you for the kind words there enjoy your lunch all right let me see if i can do a nice jimmy's still here beckon jimmy is still here thanks for the heat vision if only that clicked in and like 30 seconds earlier i forgot jimmy would be there amateur mistake rookie rookie wait what are those heat signatures the hell are those animals maybe in the water that's strange if you turn okay what do i use that was totally my bad how did i forget he would be waiting for me okay spinning pads perfect yes okay i just got to get there before this wears off and i can mow down jimmy like you wouldn't believe well okay thank you for the tip and thank you for the kind words thank you for the kind words and the guilty message all right how are you still 360 me you call of duty montager oh that's the vehicle that spawned earlier it was a bike that's why i couldn't see it okay this time i oh my god oh the gangrel name of the bits the heat signs in the water was the dance troop oh [ __ ] was it you might be right actually or was it was it that direction or that direction i think it was behind us i'm not sure you could be right i don't know man kurt absol connor thank you for the support got it melon please be fake no that was real oh god damn it okay do not fear we can skip to that section again oh my god we did it stop celebrating no you don't understand oh man guys thank you for the the follows by the way i was just looking up at the back it's just encouraging to see that people are like i i this is a massive lag it it really was it was a bit more than just lag wasn't it but it's just uh it's cool to see um so many people decide to follow along the channel and join our little community we win is this what you take as a win are we even now i tell you one riddle you put me through an hour of torment is that is that equal are we equal now [Laughter] or is it just you win you know i'm happy to say i lost if it means you'll let me drive that [ __ ] truck to where i need to go at least we can skip the um the submarine section never equal you never you've never taken out sorry enough anger on me is that what you're saying one more hour oh no megan thank you for the bits please stop stealing my lunch money jesus christ i'm a horrible person uh no shut up shut up shut up shut up shop just just go we gotta get a taxi before these people realize combinations that will drive me absolutely insane oh that's handy wait what where's the okay i thought it was just a taxi but no excuse me sorry i would like taxi who are you oh your companion great have you ever been in a submarine please stay where you are it's getting uncomfortably closed kevin thank you for the solvent just saying we won brianna thank you for the 10 subs that's very very kind to you thank you very much all right there we go vehicles explode on impact oh no don't even touch the [ __ ] vehicle oh don't careful wait wait how do i change where i want to go all right my my friend is in that's what i was waiting oh okay wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait here we go yep yes no hang up hang up and then mini sub yes go go go go go go go get there we go phew jesus all right this this part is easier we made this we made this harder than it needed to be last time oh my god what even is this i'm flying on this mound of trash that i have assembled that's my new vehicle why do i need a sub when i can just fly trash into the to the heist that can be my escape okay let's go straight up there we simply knock this man out there we go we shoot down the sub we jump off oh i thought it was gonna land on the sub there we get into the submarine come on come on come on get in and now we either drive there or [Laughter] we either drive there or we fail about four times in a row can i get under that i don't think i can and we get to um where we just get to skip and we're back to where we were oh my god i can't believe i got crushed by a ferris wheel radioactive chinchilla thank you for the tip and saying get back in the sub riddle boy oh for [ __ ] sake come on ball thank you for the tip as well all right i don't know whether to just suicide you know what no i want suicide i'll try and make it let's see it's up to you folks you can either let me drive there or you can just make me fail so that i'll be able to skip it whichever you prefer i'm fine with either i allow myself to skip things if they're literally impossible like the in the previous stream we'd i see what route you're going anyway why is there a monster truck there's another question um like the last time we streamed there was a part where literally any anything was active and it would just say trevor's cover is blown so we skipped that but other than that we've not skipped anything um other than when it crashed and i've already completed parts you know so mostly we've done it without skipping at all actually uh helpful uh lockhart thank you for the bits as well chat woke up today and chills death do i get a vote [Laughter] do you want to get a vote people christine and froggy juice thank you for the subs okay we've got this do not fear what are you gonna do teleport everything to player add max upgrades or remove current vehicle i think anything other than two would would fail me right now oh yep that's a fail okay i should be able to skip it now right come on come on yes skip perfect good job everyone i like i'm saying good job for making me fail so fast three times in a row so i can skip it but either way you would have done that like that was basically the exact same as me when i was actually needed to complete the mission you you behave no differently whatsoever okay thanks for the dance troupe i don't see them but that might just be because i'm on lsd honestly even if i did see them i'd say that's probably just the lsd come on come on come on and do a turn i'm so focused right now do a turn straight in no breaking allowed no no no no no no oh oh there's the dance troupe get out of the truck yep i'm out that's easy you're sure it'll be okay now if watch wrong i'll eat your sweet baits now get out of here i like how he ran away and the last time i pushed him down he ran away and i didn't understand is that mission passed please come up mission passed come on hurry he's gone he's gone okay all right i'm i'm in the vehicle again but it's passed that's the main thing good job everyone i don't know why i'm saying good job i you did teleport me to the waypoint the mission had literally one objective and you just tortured me on it for an hour and then just decided all right you're done now i just teleported me there all right contacts downtown cabco i'm gonna go to barry i don't know what mission that is but i'm going to go to barry of course cancel the taxi i just committed suicide what was that his hand was all messed up from the phone all right doesn't matter that's fine mr meow meow face thank you for the bits today we're going to do something a little bit different chat absolutely not yeah yeah imagine one day i just come on everyone cooperates only does nice effects when we blast through like 17 missions no problem i'll have one there in a couple of minutes okay i'll be the guy in quake fov uh right oh he's just around the corner i should have just drove there oh my god it looks like i'm driving i'm driving i'm walking much faster i'm gonna take a taxi anyway it's not even the taxi that's coming for me but will that do it same old war thank you for the stop game's loading come on what's happening don't have crashed come on did i save it please tell me i saved i i don't know if it auto saved oh no oh no okay good good good and now what should i do i should save it immediately oh my god okay scouting the port was that done i don't i'm not sure i'm gonna save over here oh my god all right thank you bouncing taxicab why did you bring me under here though you're not getting a tip it looks like i'm really small what is this signature sir for what uh the most important fight of all however no another most important point the aids no not another one animal welfare legalization here sign [ __ ] where's my pen where's my pen legalization what of things the foundation is right there to be fair as a right to consume medicinal plants legalize smoke yeah you [ __ ] kidding me i make a shitload of money all right the last thing i can handle is legalization now [ __ ] off take a drink no i think i already may have it all right give it here what is this mission this isn't a story mission is it so i'm not that bothered about this we just i want to see what it is is this the killer clown one yeah smoking on public transport for shame on you trevor that comes from not even the chaos mode oh jesus you obliterated all of them honestly this is just standard chaos mod stuff they're trying to make it like wacky but i'm just like nope this is normal this is normal everyday occurrence i don't think i'm going to be able to do this but i'll try destroy the vans to stop them regenerating okay play a ragged ultimate shot jesus christ i'm trying my best not to get shot knowing that if i do get shot i could very well die you know that's generally what bullets do but you know what i mean i'll fall over and then they'll just keep shooting me they're behind the wall they're behind the wall great i don't even know what effects you're activating because that that's what's happening thing means that i can't see what you're doing so far so good i got shot i'm kind of amazed it took me that long to actually get shot that shoot me a lot though stop it stop it hopefully that one's gone [Music] why are the clowns aiming for the people too i don't know if i even did this mission i've seen it before in like a cutscene or something i just realized my gun has all those effects too that's pretty cool i'm supposed to be a narcotics jesus what have you done or is this all part of the vision it's 2016 again yeah the killer clowns are back god we thought that was bad oh no sorry lady it's wrong place wrong time there i wasn't even trying to do that oh no oh good thing i had a powerful weapon for a change i think that may be one of the first times i've 1v1 jimmy and won i think maybe i might have punched him once before by accident return to battle but they're all over there wait what am i supposed to do one of them is just dancing that's kind of humiliating i was trying to kill him and he was just dancing in my direction oh well kill the clowns but you told me return to battle [Music] oh god they're all running at me is this a time thing or what is it i don't i don't think i can reach him okay there we go where's that where's that van come on die no fake oh see what i mean they're so convincing now like you genuinely cannot tell the difference okay i think we just have this car freaking help oh where is he gone he's gone around the corner but i don't think i can actually go over he spun to safety hmm that laughing is creepy as hell first person just became an fps this one's behind me now oh my god the effects look so cool trippy as hell though i gotta go this way if i fail that i fail it i'm not that concerned anyway it's not a story mission yeah i'm probably better off the clowns over on the city you know what good i feel like a clown myself so i'll fit right in pepperoni thank you for the tip wait no no no i oh god i clicked retry didn't i hold on let me just let me just fail this ls noir one is very fitting [ __ ] terrifying look at that come on come on kill me but no wonder it took them so long last time to kill me okay can i quit out of this i'm here fire thank you for the sub and i am doing well thank you despite what you see before you i'm doing great okay the hospital out of sort of mode he is drunk though whatever they they just gave him whiskey um all right what's the next i can't i can't go out of first person what's the next uh heist objective or do i just need to wait what's this oh i thought that was an f but it was just behind the thing do i just need to wait do i get an alert what do i do folks what do i do wait switch characters oh my god i got credits now john hanson vladimir lolo cherry little game kmark blue mountain cassie creative cabin uh timing freaking um meyer fire thank you for the subs i appreciate it and thank you for all the follows as well folks it means a lot to me i'll show you a wonderful ending to a game yeah so they're playing in the ice but then turns out all the characters just had hallucinations about killer clowns and uh he died game over wait i was so confused because you teleported me to a random location i was like i wasn't here when the credits oh wait i'm getting i'm getting a heist thing now hold on where is it wait i had a heist thing i definitely saw a hasting on my map oh here it is wait is that that's the cargo bob that's inside the military base will the taxi take me there um watch out for other helis in the air it might be easier if you take them out first don't tell me what to do i'm gonna be fine i'm very drunk the clowns were just a bad dream do your dreams have credits too mine do oh no there is a driver on the way but it's the one that wants to kill me unfortunately oh he's gonna show up to my dead body he's gonna take the money out he's still gonna take the fare isn't he we'll tell you what to do yeah you guys can tell me what to do because well i have no power over what you pick next so you do kind of get to pick the direction occasionally i can escape from your plans but it's uh it's far and few in between out right now out of my way thank you very much i appreciate you launching into the air like that i didn't die thank goodness is the taxi still coming the taxi's still coming up who are you talking to hey uncle t it's jizzle jimmy to the [ __ ] s so glad you are back my dad's been acting like a wacko i'm gonna stop breathing the head oh there's my taxi there we go i'm ready are you serious right where where where that's all i need to say where um oh there's a taxi up there that'll do literally opening the door and it just appeared it's like i blacked out or something all right this taxi will do not so fast i would like to take a taxi to the fort and you know what i'll give you a generous tip all right just go before they can do anything quick no don't ignite player off for fix sake run run crawl trevor crawl wait it got put out yes yes it seems to be a counter for when you get laid on fire just go in a vehicle no no no no no no no no for [ __ ] sake um taxi please any taxis on the the highway there i oh see any um i'll just call for another one i guess i i'd hope to get lucky there oh no don't quit save i don't have anything to save oh sweet for jesus downtown cab call we can do this we can do this we can we can do this high set up believe it or not of course and believe it or not it's like 17 calls in the last 10 minutes to this number all right this one is so confusing but i'm gonna try and just wait here for a cab i don't see any yet it's honestly so confusing i don't know if it comes across how confusing that one is um really killer clowns now i thought we were past this i thought we were past this there oh god oh god i've fallen over and i can't get up hold on there's a cab this way no don't give up on me i'm a generous tipper come here hold on all right go go go go go go that work giraffe thank you very much for the vibe it's very kind that's that's fine just give me your taxi and ah jesus christ crawl trevor [Laughter] oh my god brutal that poor taxi cab you got it at some point think that maybe they shouldn't keep sending me taxis like fool me once shame on you put me twice shame on me fool me like 20 times i don't know that's just like insurance fraud at this rate vehicle rain that's fine i need a car anyway you blew up the last one along with the oh oh i saw a helicopter spawn that is perfect oh wait was it blown up when i hit the ground hmm i'm not sure there's a car here anyway i'm not sure how sturdy they are that was actually pretty handy what the hell is that thing okay well the helicopter blew up what is that does that is that a water can it oh my god i guess we'll never know jesus just spawns behind me oh [ __ ] hell okay new plan we go over to the roadside where we can actually ramp our way in so that's like here and then i'll just get in the taxi turn around actually i think it's like here um should do it this this will be easy watch me do this watch me do this like that like that easy stay where you are i got a driver right around the corner all right thank you very much how many times are we going oh no no no no no no no no no what am i doing what am i doing what am i doing what am i doing what am i doing oh i tried to take cover and i fat fingered i panicked don't spawn me at the same hospital i can get better healthcare elsewhere and plus i won't get spawn killed teleporter waypoint thank you very much i appreciate that a lot thank you that that is very kind of you thanks now don't [ __ ] it up kevin don't [ __ ] it up they're giving you an opening do not mess it up right though all right give me a chance here folks i can do this i can do this just give give me one chance i'll do the ramp in one we'll get in the helicopter and then you can mess with me for a little bit and then eventually this actually no this is the airport not the four is this fake this is fake okay that's that's for the best hold on a do-over oh jesus i've panicked them all panicked them all panicked them all this car will be fast enough to get over it no no no no dude i have had a very rough day if you could just not that would just be great okay thank you okay i've done this not a million times but like 12 times before i can do this i just have to remember the root low gravity okay this i was going to say this might help but i don't think it will hold on police are trying to drive too i still have a dead body in my vehicle maybe they won't see me oh my god oh my god okay wait hold on hold on no don't kill me i don't deserve it honestly watch where you're merging all right all right all right all right all right all right hold on hold on a little gravity that's the dead body from earlier we'll go up and of course low gravity wears off hold on i'll get a run up hold on guys please just one chance and i've got this under control i'll just avoid the meteors do a little spin there and go straight up watch this i got this under control i don't think i gave myself enough of a run off but i'm just afraid if i leave it too long you'll kill me come on that'll do it just about please please topple yes okay on my way on my way just give me a chance folks just give me a chance just a little once enough yes yes yes yes yes right right don't get crushed by a meteor or the helicopter don't crush that either oh oh oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no i think i'm okay go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go yes michael will be flying the cargo bob why when we have an actual pilot okay i ignore that that's just covering my escape jesus christ sorry i didn't mean to say his name in vain every time i say his name in vain i get a reminder that he could come for me at any time okay please don't hit me with a meteor we already did some of the lessons last time they went horribly i don't know why i i don't even know if that was a checkpoint just to be completely open with you like that might not be a checkpoint we might have to redo the entire thing if i fail i think we should work together to reach the checkpoint and be happy drive thank you for the volume selves there as well uh flash access thank you for the fit springy points it's the uh it's the shade slayer thank you as well is that too loud okay come on come on i'm just praying you don't get anything to kill me because every time i look up in the chat i see like no mercy and you're going to die but i'm hoping you will get ones that you cannot kill me with these ones don't look too bad i can probably get by with these stormy weather yep not great for flying but like that's fine okay now gently gently gently little drift to the finish a bit risky there but hold on hold on kevin kevin kevin i'm here i'm here i'm here i'm here mission passed mission passed yes trevor is also happy that's the second time today he's jumped for joy that was good that was good i'm surprised that worked i got very fortunate with the things oh dear oh my god okay wait what is this no i don't want to do yeah i don't want to do stunt things hold on i want to save the game that's what i want to do let's quite the view buy the book yes for that no more mr nice chat what because i just got some good rng for a change you're like all right that's it i'll show you okay um is it on to the heist now do we have everything because if we're ready for the heist i might give it a go i don't know if we can actually do the heist that i would be quite impressive i need you at this face-to-face what hmm i'd rather call i'm no good at text where are you going oh my w he's stuck i didn't even realize is this the heist this isn't the heist is it is it michael needs to fly i think we already did enough someone was saying it was optional oh my god that's blinding [Music] do we need to waste then they call it this poor cab company dude i don't know whether i'm making them rich through insurance or i'm ruining their lives probably the latter josh matt flash axes ninja fetch you up don't look behind that's fine i won't look behind what do okay does that okay the heist is ready the heist is ready we're going to go do the heist we're going to try anyway hey my man where are you going wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait hold on hold on hold on let me how do i choose destination how do i choose okay go go go go go go go go oh panic see son i can't even use a taxi uh thank you well thank you for the self as well wait where's the heist it said come here oh then now it's there okay wait hold on maybe it just it was loading some scene that's gonna happen up here okay okay okay okay all right get inside get inside where we're safe come on there you go you just hear the toilet flushing in the background hello trevor uh hi sorry i missed you too hello trevor oh he was hiding behind the pole hot lips where you been hiding no no no no i got a knot the size of a baseball in here all right needs a little uh loosening up all right oh massage me [ __ ] good good oh here's michael ah come to see what trevor's been up for the day where's the surrogate child who not the boy and the stars in his eyes and i like that what's not like that oh hey hey there uh you and him the old father-son issues gives me the [ __ ] creeps how's the leg rug attacks on you want to go no i'm good though hey i called you boys here to discuss oh good you could make it you're an ace in the hall honestly it'd be a good distraction the mayweather cats look at the gate you need to see just dancing monkeys it would be a good distraction while we you know tiptoe in and have me arrested hey it wasn't like that better not like you give a [ __ ] oh see i give a [ __ ] michael it's a position a [ __ ] viewpoint all right such a dramatic scene this poor monkey's not even dancing anymore oh god boredom lies that's what we got other people the small one just isn't dancing he's like oh guys this is serious let's just hold on a moment all right they're having a moment i don't like the eye contact that one's making with the other one's body very uncomfortable i still don't get the score oh no there's a zombie coming and i saw him out the window [ __ ] get out of here all right for fixing oh god are you supposed to keep these things small i'll perfect sake jesus is in here now as well you really invited everyone didn't you [Laughter] poor franklin's getting picked on here yes get jesus leave franklin alone get jesus slightly past him this reminds me the heist in san andreas where like everyone is in there even the janitors and some random people from the casino floor oh that was great oh look what's been going on outside oh that was fantastic okay can i change player i don't want to be in here why am i in a wetsuit okay michael died before it even began oh that was a great cutscene that was the best one in a while that's oh that's the one thing about today actually we haven't got much cutscenes and the cutscenes are some of my favorite parts it was just the heist setup can we please go before the zombies the monkeys um jesus himself uh all come downstairs and try and beat me up that's quite a distance what's with this wait we gotta go to sandy shores can i call a taxi repeatedly this is the first time i've seen it do we really have to drive the entire way we are never gonna make that of your life guys what are we gonna do like it's it's four miles all right now that is entertaining if you keep picking ones like that maybe we can make it but like we're never we're never going to make that oh sorry the cars are hilarious [Music] all right that's not gonna wait what about blimp wait that's not going to be fast is it why do i think a blimp is the fastest way to get there industries or incorporated if it's tp inc it'd be trevor phillips no no no no no no no you're mocking me nice is it so you're going to have to cooperate folks otherwise we're never going to be able to do this one i think for me i i i remember i'm getting vivid flashbacks to that drive we went on across that bridge and it took us like an hour and that was only like point eight of a mile so this is this is really gonna be a challenge um i don't think it's gonna be possible unless we we agree to cooperate like i know you're making me drunk and all that which is making it tough but at least it's not insta killing me the bridge enough said yeah i don't think we should really talk about that we should just refer to it as the bridge the bridge was [ __ ] awful oh no i don't know i don't know if doomsday will kill me or not no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no i don't know what the best strategy is here i'm still drunk by the way everyone i know it's doomsday i can't help it all right it is a serious serious issue i'll work on it it's just so accepted in ireland i didn't really think about it i thought getting drunk on doomsday might be accepted encouraged even you know it's a special day no franklin franklin don't leave franklin behind repair all vehicles oh thank you i'm not trying to leave franklin behind believe me i would never leave franklin behind i'm just so drunk i'm not thinking straight i guess why are there cops after me what have i done to this earth thing oh no franklin's just standing there in the middle of the highway franklin franklin franklin please franklin no no just get in dude come on come on come on come on come on oh my god i thought we had a chance i thought we had a chance until franklin was abandoned todd mickey thank you very much for the bits there all right i think i might attempt this drive until it allows me skip because this this is going to be impossible he was too slow i know i felt like if i got franklin back in maybe would have had enough momentum that people would have been like oh yeah that's grand i assume we can't take a different car can we wait we can okay wait hold on because that that car makes me fail so many missions because people just fly out the top there we go what if i get a helicopter i think there's usually helicopters here or is it here i think it's there actually i might try that i don't know if that's a good strat or not probably not but you know i'll give it a go all right take a right up here hop in a helicopter drive to safety okay all right guess we're going in the car after all oh my god this one is so brutal hold on hold on hold on i'd be so curious what would happen in this one in a plane because when it says full acceleration it means full acceleration i'm not even clicking w anymore it's just they're still just having a conversation at least i'm not on foot i guess there's a bright side to everything okay great great great the car is absolutely battered my company industries are incorporated i remember we were about a mile in when they were at this point of the conversation last time the car is on fire hold on everyone get out get out the car is following me as it is on fire trevor's out is franklin out i don't know if franklin's out of the car okay everyone just just be alert okay and we'll where's franklin where is he teleports a random mission what are you trying to do where is franklin what the oh my god that seemed very intentional it's like chad is actually in my game now and driving the vehicles where is he oh he's back there okay let me get in the car again all right i it's no don't talk about jesus what oh all right i guess we're going in a hearse then vehicle with more seats is needed now for sake all right what a fight he's just [ __ ] standing there he's just standing there that's great news hold on let me just collect franklin we'll go over to the helicopter we'll be there in a jiffy hop in thank you very much i appreciate it at least he's cooperating now oh no don't don't don't oh my god now jesus is driving you see you spoke about him and now he's spawned all right i don't know which way point he's gonna take me to he's having a little trouble with the old three-point turn here you're gonna you're gonna have to back it up jesus okay and now yep okay it seemed like jesus is intentionally knocking down okay he's taking me to the helicopter fantastic i think is he is he yes jesus good jesus good boy even when i'm praising him a bit of blasphemy oh there is no there's no helicopters god damn it okay look how about this folks i'm gonna mark here jesus will drive us the whole way we'll have a lovely chat just don't don't kill us jesus you turn this car around mister jesus come on jesus jesus that seemed intentional bouncy vehicles oh no you can't speak that way to jesus why is he so stuck all right jesus you've got about 10 more seconds to get us out of this otherwise i'm taking over where is he where is he trying to go is what i was about to say all right are you good i think the car is fact isn't it okay jesus i appreciate you you've got a future in the cab industry for sure your hospitality is on point but your skills just aren't there yet i'm gonna take my own car come on lads can we get god we must have gone point one maybe even point two of a mile by now no it's point one okay i was a bit too hopeful with the point two i think all right we'll try this until we get the skip thing and then we'll skip because if we fail we're just going to have to skip or we're never going to get there so i guess if you want to cooperate and let me get there we can try it as a group effort to see um but i'm not sure if it's going to be possible to be honest we'll give it a go [Music] oh [ __ ] what the hell was that what missionary on i i have no idea what happened there for those of you asking oh damn um i don't i we're on the highest mission okay we're going to skip the drive we're going to skip the drive because i don't think it's possible uh we're on the heist mission we're doing the merry weather oh my god more driving deploy grappling hook do we need the oh my god to pick up the submarine position the cargo bob got the blades look really cool press e okay am i close enough there we go you're hooked up again i don't know if okay i'm damaging this a lot come on turn there we go oh my god the timer slowed down that's nice how far do we have to go oh my god there is it there wait where uh wait i'm gonna i'm gonna get rid of this waypoint just in case we randomly get a teleporter waypoint and you wanna help me okay let's see if we can make it these traveling ones are so difficult vader thank you for the sub i hope you're doing all right except i know you're not right now i am doing well other than you know the issue of me dying constantly strawberry thank you for the bits as well susan thank you for the resub all right we got a long drive ahead of us folks i can only hope that we'll make it there oh my god the five-time timer speed oh so it's it's actually what is shooting what is who's shooting what yeah i don't know there was like a shooting noise it's all for sake okay that's fine we just turned the screen saver on their helicopter that's fine tis being thank you very much for the 10 solves you're very very kind thank you very much for that i can only hope that we'll make this i think we just have to go down here this might not be too bad folks if you if you want to just let me complete this part and we can move on with the heist but like you know it's up to you whatever you choose i guess i guess not oh god all right let's try that again please be a checkpoint right no oh no there was a checkpoint that's not too bad painful what is he talking about i'll do what i can what what was he on about i'm confused what have we oh no oh now i got it from the military base and i'm scared of my son i need to go on dr phil my son is jealous for some reason and he keeps lashing out at me with an m60 machine gun i don't know what to do dr phil oh the map looks so weird when this is on it looks like a game from the mid-2000s all of a sudden i think he's in the submarine i am pretty sure jimmy's in the submarine foxy name for the bits you gave us control over the mod it's like you gave us matches and we're disappointed that we set fire maybe you have a point maybe i am partially responsible lock all vehicles oh jesus christ release the submarine near the test site okay we're not going to have to drive this are we how do i release it oh no no no no e-e-e-e-e-e-e funny yes oh my god he's on the side of the helicopter did you see him just hanging on oh god can we get a few of them hold on no stop stop stop stop stop i wanna i wanna see my son well michael's son wait a guy's minor problem is it what is he's just hanging out over the side what is michael doing is he just supposed to follow me he's insulting me he's shooting at me it's him even michael's taking off he's confused oh no underwater bees wait can i actually get me underwater how do i dive oops how do i dive there we go they're underwater bees are you serious are you serious there are new species for god's sake all right i need to die how can i die i've got scuba gear on can someone kill me i can't believe i'm asking this now that i want to die i bet you won't i'm dying to bees but i've got the rebreather and i can't i can't do anything about it i can't drown i'm amazed that the game didn't realize my submarine's gone and they're like there's no waypoint or anything god's sake just being thank you for the subs again sorry katie thank you for the bits as well and good night oh cool i'm thankful you're gonna have to kill me it's the only way what have you got invert gravity that might work maybe it might work when i come crashing down to earth i think this could actually work or i might leave the mission area that would be even better noble knight thank you for the sub uh krautenberger thanks for the sub as well and once again thank you for all the followers we're almost at a thousand that is [ __ ] nuts it's crazy to see that so many people are joining us on twitch but i'm i'm so happy about it it's night logan name for joining in appreciate it have a good evening night morning whatever it might be okay oh he stood up on air wait what was that oh it's an angry alien get him catch him his chute failed i just heard someone screaming i'll catch you alien ah damn it hold on that actually looks pretty epic i like that it was like an actual mission where you're trying to catch on to someone who's falling whenever they shoot that's me [ __ ] thank you for the bits as well oh what ah according to all known laws of aquatics there's no way that bee should be able to swim its wings are too small to push its fat little body through the water the bee of course swims anyway i like it what are we looking for i thought we had to go to the ship and steal something what am i searching for i'm so confused oh you chose the other option okay all right oh dolphins i'm very confused down under water there's a nuclear weapon ah okay i i hardly remember this heist in general but let's say all right i did a ramp um i did the other version when i did the the heist in my story mode but i don't even really remember it i don't even remember getting the sub and you did have to get the sub either way right or did you maybe you didn't i okay is it here i was about to get out and swim but i'm in a submarine slippery vehicles i mean isn't the submarine always slippery jesus how deep is this minus 500 feet is it [ __ ] hell i can hardly see how deep are you pressure it's safe for the bottom of the ocean no that's bubbles what the hell how deep is oh my god you're launching an airstrike surely that won't affect me right i'm in the water okay well that's good there's a rock that means i've got to be near the bottom somewhere i can the screen is [ __ ] vibrating from these air strikes okay okay we've got some rocks the tracker is going off here we go oh my god hold on michael we have a problem a blimp has spawned [ __ ] hell jesus christ it's like a jump scare all right down i'm i'm i'm losing track of the controls here the blimp confused me a lot okay down do i just drive into it i do oh my god hold on i'm getting really confused with these controls okay oh no i'm getting sleepy at the bottom of the ocean it's just so peaceful okay okay all right come on come on come on this is so dangerous [Music] why do they even want this he wants to sell it right so the government he doesn't even know what it is why did they let him plan this heist could be a seismic suppressor that combat earthquakes and tsunamis or no potentially it's like a fusion reactor running on sea water does he know like the good kind of nucleus so he does know or he highly suspects okay all right hold on how am i supposed to catch it if it's flying higher than my helicopter hold on is it coming back down pick up the submersible it's not submersed at the moment but it is submersible okay that's fine you just spawned a dog why would you do that all right fine fine i have to fight okay we're making progress here how do i how do i attach it e is it all right okay go go go go all right folks come on we can do this there's no need for anything harsh now we'll just fly to the airstrip ignore the blimp what is that hitting noise what okay spawned ufo that's fine what is that hitting noise where is franklin franklin was in here with me earlier as was my son and i don't know where they've gone i'm a little bit concerned is all come on we can do this we can do this together with teamwork teamwork in a dream oh no what what what i got the gravity field what happened did the what did the submersible just like it's the submarine sorry why am i being so technical just smack into me okay good there's a checkpoint there's a checkpoint submersible was destroyed i think we might just have to wait till gravity field wears off i don't think that's gonna work that's fine merlick's whisker don't come don't come on eileen thank you for the bits oh for fork's sake felix hollow mask thank you for the solves uh don't come on eileen said the first time seeing a chaos mod live nice to see chad has learned to be chaotic from kevin i don't know even i have my limits i i think the the chat has become the teacher at this point all right let's head out at least this yeah how did he find it with a [ __ ] app they really do have an app for everything don't they okay at least i can swap the franklin there might be another checkpoint whoa whoa whoa whoa where am i okay he's in the back now i understand wait what oh it was full acceleration trevor was left behind michael i gave you the shtick for like two seconds and you failed me it's it use the grappling hook what oh my god i'm getting oh my god no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no the full acceleration if it stayed on this would be great i could get back to sandy shores in a matter of seconds but it's not staying on okay high pitch oh great okay this should be fine michael and the chipmunks on a daring heist the voice just sounds awful rex thank you for the sub oh even that sound is nasty okay i think the boats like started flying last time what oh no flip all vehicles and wait it flipped all the boats but i think i'm okay wait why are you not just flying away is our helicopter dying i did the [ __ ] voices come on for god's sake oh no oh no give everyone an rpg it didn't give me one that doesn't seem very fair we good more choppers behind us oh no oh no i can't see them michael oh for [ __ ] sake what is he like oh come on firing missiles at us all right surely that's them gone right that's good come on come on guys don't don't let me die the hell you spawned the deadly ancient where all right uh michael you're going a little bit low switch to michael gladly please be a checkpoint please be a checkpoint oh no i just looked at the effects and i i don't like them at all i really really don't please don't ignite everyone please even if a boss spawns i'm like i don't know if i can get out of that there goes trevor god damn it okay retry retry stench figly thank you for the subs okay there's a checkpoint i'm happy with that slight miscalculation what slight miscalculation the fact that i put on chaos mod is that it cause i don't think that's slight i think that's a pretty huge miscalculation [Music] jesus christ you spawned a rhino i thought they were endangered but no i'm the one that's endangered all right we can do this at least it's not too fast i think this is doable all i need is a run and good luck i can't believe i thought the normal chaos mod was had like i played it it's actually going up on the channel tonight some chaos mod just me playing by myself with the um trying to do the fib heist and while it's difficult this is just a whole other level oh great i can't see it oh my god that was blinding but i think it's a fun one today some wacky stuff just happened by coincidence so i hope you'll enjoy the video today um i think we're close but i can't see even my hand in front of my face all right it looks closely by the map that's sandy shores below me isn't it okay that lightning is so blinding is that just me no not player swap we do not need a player swap right now can you calculate better [ __ ] no no no no no no no is that me flying away i don't know where i'm going come on bring me back fly low over the airstrip i don't know where i am i don't know if that light is me is it yes yes yes yes oh there i am flying all over the place nice reef spray bring me back to the good old days of gta you know we respray the vehicle the cops won't know what hit them okay i'm very lucky in that these these ones that are coming up it's not even giving you the chance to kill me so i i will not look a gift horse in the mouth i will try and do this as quick as i can while also not remember that's a nuclear weapon there eat released and now where do i do i just land anywhere yes yes going [ __ ] crazy oh and good to see you too i hope that's not too loud one second there i just wanna i just wanna minimize one moment so i can see the audio and make sure you're not getting blasted out of it after this the government won't care how long it's been they're gonna put you and everyone you ever knew on your kill list you i thought you would be smarter than this what'd i do stealing a super weapon to sell to the chinese god is angry i thought you said you spoke to him yeah i did kind of i mean he was all woozy and [ __ ] it doesn't matter all right it's done we've got it but we can put it back you drop it in the seed by the time they get a salvage operation together yeah so you want a drone circling your trailer we'll get you another score trevor the weather's gone nuts it's like his mood that he's going through listen to whatever this [ __ ] [ __ ] has to say okay catechist that me too oh man jesus that'll show us yeah honestly trevor that is a mood same right now same he got a free submarine you could sell that for good money and a free car we did a heist a weird heist but we did a heist all right let's just uh let's just save save save save yep save we did a [ __ ] heist i'm very proud but god it was a struggle and once again the setup was harder than the heist although we did get kind of lucky what is this okay oh god that was good that was good i feel like we did get a bit lucky all right you know what i think that's enough gta for today i might swap over and we might try some uh little nightmares i know i'm double saving but that was just so difficult we're going to try some little nightmares i think which is going to be going to be fun we've already got through um we've got through the school so we're moving on to the hospital in there and we've we've been playing this for like two hours so you know what you gotta you gotta take care of your mental sanity as well yoga all right we can do some yoga we got a hype train going i i appreciate that we can we can do some yoga uh if you've not seen this before this is just a hilarious mission with the chaos mod it's [ __ ] all over the place oh great i don't even see what's active so go nuts um you can use a lot of effects in here without actually failing what was that what sorry i didn't realize we were in a silent movie what's the noise what is happening michael's formed the sleeve the cut scene is just not happening all audio replaced with revvings of engine oh michael's up again there we go all right we got some people that we still don't have his wife yeah jack thank you very much for the 10 solves hi kids thank you for the five percent thank you for the five no chance thank you for the 25 subs jesus christ thank you very much folks uh clearly claire thank you for the son helpo you got jesus christ almighty thank you for the subs she's on the floor in the kitchen was she i didn't see her oh my god crow like thank you for the bits uh moonlight helpo uh chaos moss bella krolak again i hope i'm not missing anyone sorry if i did bella thank you for the bits please promise to never tell us any more riddles dr b's thank you for the bids as well um when you raid at the end of the stream you should raid an empty stream you'll make some random person's day i i try and raid small streamers a lot i think i do it a lot more than than the norm but i am hesitant to rate anyone with an extremely small channel not because i don't want to help them it's just because i think they might be quite overwhelmed and not really know how to handle that and some people might not want that at all you know um right let's try this after that okay we got speech back that's a good sign let me turn it off watching one of my kids take their first steps only an old version i resent it's actually good it's a nice way of unwinding isn't that far better than booze and nicotine what is that yeah you know what you're right getting shot is better than booze and nicotine sometimes i think i could use a drink and other times i just think i could i could use get shot oh it's snowing amazing are they not going to kill me i don't think they are that one's taking cover and just blind spraying i weep uncontrollably for hours perfect's sake hi caves thank you for the sobs jack thanks for the tense subs luna mary jack standalone ellie leech and sin cinder sorry thank you for the sub onto the next pause oh wow okay thank you you feel that even amanda is amazed at your generosity let it go come on mercenaries let us go my wife is crying i feel like i'm channeling [ __ ] right now fair play for being barefoot in the snow the silly man gets too green i thought they gave up on shooting me but no right back at it how many years of marriage this is going surprisingly well we might actually be able to complete yoga which is a very rare a rare occurrence what is that it's a tugboat there it is he says we've been we've been praying for this tugboat and it's finally here let it out you're turning red i love yoga i gotta start doing this in real life shared interest haley thank you for the sub we're doing it come on michael no you got this breathe you got this [Music] deep fried pick up your dog it didn't do anything i'm about to feel some emotions all right oh wait those ones don't those ones don't do anything let me relaunch it oh no i got rid of the tugboat i'm sorry i tried to just re-jig it because it was giving you boring ones i don't think michael's up to this he may surprise you oh no this may have been a mistake this may have been a mistake everything is flowing in me okay dance troupe that's fine our table's up on the wall they're they're frozen they're not dancing oh this is a weird image this is so [ __ ] cursed okay i'm at peace i thought you were going to do a gravity um concentration the gravity force field or gravity field whatever the hell it is they work yes but you did not you were keen for relaxing yoga [Music] obliterate all near my pants that looked like i exploded i really look like i exploded rather than them all right that's fine here we go we had a nice checkpoint there that's fine we can get through this can you wash that mat later it's going to smell all bloody and bloody breeze please make it all right now i might just explode just just out of spite oh this is my former yoga trainer see see how good i do under a new teacher good you were the problem after all you weren't giving me a chance he's just staring at me and the monkey is my previous previous yoga trainer he was very good important but he retired he's out of the business but he's just here to be proud of me this is this might actually work i think disabled left and right movement did he go for random lengthen here we go strength this is much more relaxing than a normal yoga not bad as a normal chaos yoga there we go thank you that was nice yeah right this is a bit awkward that he's just staring at me what about him is it downward dog what i'm glad we have hold on impotence mikhail what'd you say why did it set me to the closest vehicle and move the umbrella into the pool watch out be careful with michael's ghost you'll never see him coming oh wait you did jesus christ impressive what yoga is the answer michelle was that always there i don't think i was there why am i such a [ __ ] we are leaving and we are oh no don't say that in front of your son wait where is our son yogi ah jimmy was left behind what do you mean i don't understand what oh there goes so much for my companion should i force field time he's still here where's where's jealous jimmy okay i think i killed jimmy yeah jimmy died maybe i killed the other one too though i kind of just thank you for the sub [ __ ] thank you for the bits you should start doing yoga at least now and then [ __ ] your bad jokes both fuel and disappoint me i love it [Laughter] hayley thank you for the sub cinder thank you so lynch thank you for the bits as well and then delay lilly thank you for the bids jack thank you for the subs uh once again all right let's go come on james wait why does it sound like it's coming from there i don't know this is [ __ ] [ __ ] i don't know abby thank you for the sub oh gta 2 grace now that i'm indoors hold on i can use the map why does it look like he's going all over the place wait wait all right i'm kind of impressed that i managed to get myself out of there so easily i thought that would be harder wait i don't think we can get a taxi can we no we can't why is there a boss what who is in the boss wait oh no it sounded so close jimmy it's your evil twin i think he's on the bus oh wait no that's my companion that's why he's following me where is evil jimmy then please you're really creeping me out i think we may have escaped from jealous jimmy i'm so confused i thought he was on the bus but no it was my companion i think my companion was a little bit upset that i got a new yoga trainer and that it went so well all right oh [ __ ] speed limit come on oh no oh no okay flam guys kid flum keflam keflam dorm doobie come on come on don't do it don't do that full acceleration to me we can make this we can complete this quest it's a rarity but we can do it i think we've only completed it once have we or twice maybe i'm better off on my roof maybe i'm better off maybe i'm better off on my roof hold on i am on fire i might know that's just the ground no no no no no no no no i should have stayed on my roof i was worried it would catch fire i wasn't sure glad to land thank you for the bits uh pop like thank you for the pizza firstly slander me now [ __ ] in his shows i was complimenting [ __ ] i love bad jokes abby thank you for the sub as well and no problem that you couldn't make it to a few those kinds of threads um thank you for the bit this is the longer stream again it is kind of already i my normal stream's like two hours i think i'm gonna continue to do like two hour streams but if i have the time afterwards then i'd like to do a little bit extra sometimes afterwards um because i do really enjoy streaming i like hanging out with you guys but sometimes i just have to do other things to get a body like that i'm gonna do a quick swap i'm just glad it took jimmy with me i was worried about him in the other car i'm concerned about him you know i don't want to make him jealous or anything we've seen what happens when we make jimmy jealous he's more like a professional acquaintance like your burger dealer he's my dealer what exploded was it just the fact that everything came flying to me you can tell he really likes us because we've been torturing him all day and he's still here cheers thank you for the sole favorite thing with the sub all right we can do this i was tempted to skip it but i think we can actually do this we can get there we can get there and then we get the whole wait is it just stuck oh sorry jimmy hold on come on come with your papa kids off can't go on a simple car journey without all of their stuff huh what you're the clown taking a plate of pizza and your guitar and stuff on a road trip oh oh i don't know if it's gonna be possible to get out hold on let me just oh no i can hear jealous jimmy hold on jimmy i gotta take care of your evil twin there we go um i'm just going to have to blow this up i think hold on there we go we'll restart that bit start again start again oh when i said we're going to play a little nightmare as i meant this that i'm going to have little nightmares we usually appreciate longer streams don't push yourself you already give us so much thank you very much for that i think um oh my god you're still following me all this time you've been following me everywhere i go maybe i should have never got a new yoga coach like he may not be the best actual teacher but he's dedicated it's true passion you know um oh we're minions now yay uh what was he gonna say i think i've found streaming a little it's getting like easier and easier for me because at the start i used to get a bit anxious about like keeping on top of alerts or if like tech issues happen and stuff like that but now it's just like i i just accept that is this just his car now all right i really want to make it to the cutscene if i can just to see is this just our car from the mission now or what um but yeah just relax a bit when it's come to it i try not to freak out about getting every single alert as much as i would like to it's just not possible and remaining sane and like sometimes tech issues happen it's it's live and i'm i'm an amateur so what can you do [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] oh well i guess we're not gonna find out if the car can make it there all right i'll try once more if that doesn't work i might give it a skip oh jesus thank you for all the the follows guys are you serious mom how can we can we have jesus no we have jesus at home i've got a jesus out there in the wild haunting me and i've got a jesus home as well let me see if i can knock out jesus oh no you teleported everything to me queen boo scars uh you know lexi lilo thank you for the songs oh my god brutal absolutely brutal oh you're not what oh that gun misfired watch out jimmy don't tell your mom about that she would be so pissed you know how she gets when i beat up jesus and your evil twin it's just panned out dead over there we gotta lose the cops and get there i don't know if that's possible but i'll give it a go wait where are the options gone what where are the options okay what huh okay they're back now that was weird jimmy's just sticking out his middle finger yeah that'll show him that'll show those coppers good going son at least i know the way that i have to go because i've done it 17 times uh it's just a useful skill to have yep my fault my fault i'm just looking at the map i thought i could make it when i looked back but i was incorrect oh no cop up ahead sorry about that son oh no everyone's getting out go well at least that means the cops might also be after getting out no there's still cops coming after me yes there we go come on come on come on come on come on come on oh this is just freaky it's creepy dude everyone's just staring wait okay good i lost them i just i realized the cop cab is there but then i also realized that there was no symbol on the map the the cop just disappeared somehow no i don't want to go mean you right have to hit is this where brother shot it oh no it's gonna wait hold on i have to get out because otherwise it'll say that i'm stuck and it'll just fail if i keep driving into it me sorry haha kevin go right [Laughter] oh tear the truck all right almost over harry i'll thank you for the bits i don't look behind i won't i won't that's fine okay yeah i thought it was something there we go ariel thank you for that i've been watching for years now absolutely addicted thank you for your hard work thank you very much that means a lot to me it's amazing when people actually stick with me for a long time because i always assume people will just get tired of me and my content after a while so it's pretty awesome when people actually are like no i i like this as a long-term thing not just a one-time video you know perfect sake okay come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on yes i brought some friends i hope you have enough for everyone oh no the cameras are still coming at me hey who's your old man every day for two years kayla thank you for that mr desanto thank you so much everyone really appreciate it thank you for following whether it's today or another day thank you very much i appreciate it a lot come on man what the [ __ ] jeffy what's happening it's in the building how did that happen hey let's bounce lights bounce we're bounced is he oh he's bouncing [Music] are you really blaming me for this jimmy oh my god i should have killed you you were the evil twin the jealous jimmy was just misunderstood oh my god it's vehicle rain and traffic magnet there are cars literally coming from every direction at me there's my old car [Music] i just got it no don't hit the dog no don't need the dog and then talk run no no at least there's a dance troop on the top of my cat oh no no no no no no no no no no that dumb truck's on fire i have never seen this many cars attacking me at once oh my god you see what you've done when will you learn when will you oh no i don't wait oh no this isn't even the chaos mod this is just he spiked me okay sorry monkey oh sorry monkey i got set on to extreme grief for jesus's car out of all the vehicles to be spawned to oh now what can we just oh that didn't sound like either of those characters okay i'm rushing home i'm rushing home as soon as the drugs kick in then it shouldn't be too bad out of the way out of the way out of the way everyone this is not a pedestrian lane this is a kevin lane i'm your opinion this is normal in europe oh is that yeah yeah it's fake fake fake okay i'm fine miss mercy thank you very much for the subs you've given far too much miss mercy thank you very much for that though you're oh the slurping um thank you so much for being so kind uh lonnie thank you very much for the tip as well and it's been a much needed distraction through some truly rough [ __ ] for the last four years jesus thank you for watching me for that love good lord fake please be fake please be fake please be fake please be fake please be fake thank goodness big death and fake crash in a row is a little bit cruel i'm gonna be honest with you that was a bit cruel as opposed to you know all the other torment you've put me through today come on just just kicked me out come on yes yes bandicoot thank you for the bits um thank you for the kind words as well jack thank you for the bits and the kind words as well morrigan thank you for the bits very kind too no aerial capital what is going on oh you spawned a bus and it is on top of me okay this little face that sums up my reaction oh can someone clip that just so i can get a screenshot of his face and he just kind of came up and looked so defeated uh rome infected storm miss mercy thank you again dandeline ellie that uh that boy morrigan sugarlaxy hopey dopey that's ferris wheel see if it wasn't weird enough wait i wonder what gta 2 work do you want to try one to be fair too would be funny as well go with your god go what you got what do you want to see what do you want to see huh oh i didn't do anything it was worth the shot second i'll recycle them to try and get you a good one because this cutscene isn't very long yes can we get one of these in time this cutscene isn't very long is the problem i've always wanted to see something wacky at this part but they always let you go so quick all right unfortunately i gotta kill the music here because i'll get struck for copyright but uh hold on i got you covered do not fear captain kevi's always got a plan there we go i always got backup music and it fits everything so don't you worry there you go i hope you're enjoying that jack thank you for the five gifted subs there's the alien hold on i'll try and catch him they missed the trick this is way more fitting for this there's that alien i can't catch up to him i'm really trying to catch up god he's hurtling to the floor though i just want to see him die the amount of pain he's caused me sometimes it'd just be like that you wake up in your garden to kevin mcleod music he just got off and then he fell over again because of the rank dollar jack thank you for the five stops again you've been way way too supportive but thank you very much for that sometimes that's just how your day starts you know uh shadow being affected storm thank you for the songs and once again guys thank you for all the followers jesus very kind std thank you for the sub [Music] i just want to see how his day goes he's just trying to recover you know all right he's starting to get his uh his composure back he's not hobbling all over the place anymore no man's sky god the sun looks so bizarre how did they even figure out these chaos mods lose the cops if you're like how would you even get the cops after you in this mission going back to your house which is literally up the street all right he's as good as dead i guess we will leave it there for now folks that has been a long a long session of gta chaos mod almost three hours um links are disabled what what do you mean oh someone trying to link the clip sorry about that i didn't think about that oh the mods have it thank you pop just saw puppet off there and thank you all mods in general by the way the the amount of effort the mods put in um is just so you just couldn't we couldn't even do what we do without the mods putting in so much work so shout out to the mods and everything they do on the channel that's fitting screen to ended on i think right and just michael died swap over i was initially going to do some little nightmares but i think we went on so long i don't know if we could do little nightmares um how long is the hospital section does anyone know what do you reckon because if it's if it's long i'm just like should we just wait um one hour fairly long not long it's long like an hour maybe we should leave it then for next time because that's um we could just do riddles how about that yeah it might be a bit too long for me because i gotta eat and stuff as well so i and knowing my skills it would take even longer but we might try and finish it on um on watch me call it thursday god my mind is fried riddles you don't want riddles think about last time it just made you angry yeah chess we could we could do like a game or two chess or something see how to see how it goes that might be fun that's something that's like we could do a few and then just quit out that would be good good idea good idea you don't want riddles it makes you angry remember what happened last time all right jesus counter thank you for the tip your final jesus count for today's stream was ten ten jesus i sorry congratulations thank you jesus counter what would we do without you um and say thank you for the bits and i will look at that in a while thank you very much for doing that sddd uh bandicoot uh elboydo falsetto gaming pink tribble thank you for the bits you're very kind equal thank you for the bits well very kind all right let's no you you do you really want riddles you're just going to be angry um oh geoguesser might be fun you know what that actually sounds good i'm going to do some geogester because i from my understanding there's like a multiplayer thing as well and if if you guys like geo guesser then i'll get like that premium account god i'm pale um and we can see uh we we can see maybe for another stream we can do some geocaching i'm gonna be really bad at this um but it would be nice to see the world you know we'll go on like a little bit of a holiday together okay let me um where is it edge why does this always forget what it was doing uh come on there we go bing and decide everyone wait i might have to do a fresh one because this is yeah one second let me just uh window capture window capture five geo guesser hold on bear with me bear with me all right how do i yeah i can stretch it like this okay there we go bear with me bear with me just think of bear noises hold on i'm almost back i just know how you are when things leave the screen you know sometimes you think they're they're dead hold on um let's just make the title honest bad at geo gesture that's pretty up front right to laugh at last time when i was playing chess and i was doing bad and so i was like you're so bad at chess not like my title is i'm bad at chess i don't know why you were surprised all right um wait we need an account to play oh my god are you serious one second let me go to um let me go to a full cam and let me uh google feud we should do that someday as well these kind of things are a good idea i like the idea of that um wait there's wait no no there's a battle royale geo gesture what okay i think you can do actual lobbies where we could play together all right we'll see we'll see how this goes if you is like this it's a good test at the end of the stream we can do some of this and if you guys like it we'll do some like battle royale or something all right we see uh ireland i island's gonna all look the same let me a second i'm gonna need some good music if we're playing geo guesses like some some stream beats okay let's let's do ireland because you're gonna realize that it's all the same oh wait you can only play one free game a day all right we'll do that another time then i'll get the premium account it's two quid i'll do that um let's let's try world and just see how we do single player challenge uh oh this is weird why is it cut off at the bottom is it almost like that asmr dead he's not this isn't sneaky snitch um honestly this kind of looks like ireland in itself um all right i i can move right yeah what does it say on the signs it's too sunny to be ireland i'm guessing the states from what i'm looking at already the fence oh this is definitely the states isn't it probably mid-america yeah this is going to be a hard one to get am i allowed like look for signs and stuff look at those yeah that is like the most american looking house ever the mailbox on the side we all i gotta find is courage of the cowardly dog's house and then we're golden it's the exact same environment except you know more grass um oh no i what are they growing oh they got the little parking spot here do they is that a parking spot iowa nebraska this this is going to be really hard like we could literally be everywhere uh or anywhere even in the states god that house is nice jesus um like i remember going across nevada and google maps just saying go straight for four hours then turn left and it was just like a complete straight road and then a right angle at the end um oh we've got a sign with some writing on it aisle weight limit our axle weight limit is it this is not helping at all maybe maybe even upstate new york really could it be that i'm tempted oh wait wait wait wait wait wait we might get us something on the sign uh we can't get an angle on it can we i don't suppose we can go in i was hoping it would say like church of cork ireland or whatever you know no i scroll to zoom really oh one second go back to that i don't know if it's is it censored it looks like it's can't read it [Music] it could be literally like 80 of america that's the thing this is like very vague all right oh wait wait wait wait wait wait license plates maybe i don't think that vehicle has a license plate second united states mail what oh is that his license plate inside do do americans not have to have a license plate what it's not new york then congrats we're in the u.s yes we saw that much we have confirmed at least because it's the u.s mail oh huh i don't know not in front sometimes i think license plates are censored but it didn't even look like it does make sense the sensor by the way that that does make sense but uh it didn't even like seem like it had them though uh where is bigfoot i don't know i'm convinced we'll find him all right we're just gonna have to take a wild stab in the dark folks um and i don't really know uh california it could be anywhere really i mean it could be northern california it could be anywhere i don't know the states well enough to pinpoint anything but judging off chat i don't know if there is any um i think i've seen a lot of ohios and stuff um wait how do i zoom in okay uh where is ohio again is iowa uh ohio's there okay we're gonna try ohio not ohio roads are too nice that's how i knew it was in ireland as well all right we're just gonna go with that because there's a lot of different options in chat let's see oh you know what it wasn't that bad north carolina i did see someone guess south carolina um that was pretty good actually i i'm glad i can use your help makes a lot easier because i i would be useless um okay all right remember it could be anywhere in the world it's somewhere in asia though honestly i thought it looks european when we landed it reminded me almost of uh like uh scandinavian style but now that i'm actually looking at it more yeah i see god those houses are cool aren't they japan yeah i i could see japan or south korea here but you're all saying japan look at the street signs i'll try there i don't know japanese so i'm not gonna be much use japan let's try and uh narrow it down a bit more oh what is this oh it's karaoke oh i'd love to do karaoke you know i can't believe i'm saying that but i think i want to just do anything oh big sign coming up ahead oh missed the sign we gotta go back around the block route 38 that doesn't really help me got a little sign there uh yeah i i'm trying to find like a neighborhood or something i think oh a few people saying china but i thought it looked more japanese style but what do i know about asia absolutely nothing say it again but a lot of people are saying uh japan hmm i don't see anything that could point out a specific neighborhood but are we happy with just going with japan thailand there's there's a lot of conflicting messages in the chat but i think i'm i'm on the side of guessing japan uh oh there's like a gas station down here maybe yeah i i don't know if we can narrow it down god that looks beautiful doesn't it jesus it's such a weird little spot all right i'm just gonna guess japan i can't seem to it's irish or irish english sorry all right let's go japan i'm just waiting until this brings up um a place that's like super common knowledge where it is and then i look to the map and i'm like um let's see people are saying hey kato is it i i'm not sure where that is unfortunately i'm not that ashamed that not knowing where that is i don't know anything about japan other than the fact i would like to go there uh hmm oh here north northern japan all right i'm gonna put it right there and we're just gonna give it a whirl oh well done jesus that was close ask our team yeah our team didn't live there for a while good job jesus christ god i think we know that i wouldn't be winning in a battle royale versus you guys in these things i might try and do that someday oh no not again people aren't even through this is this the same wait actually this this might not be america oh wait wait no this is huh is this like eastern europe whoa russia poland i was thinking eastern europe from the writing but ah this is a bit better this is very eastern european to me but what do i know about eastern europe other than it's east that's it cork you think so polish i'd love to go to poland i i've wanted to go to um is is a krakow or crack off i've heard polish people refer to it different ways i'm not sure but i'd like to um oh wait hold on polka all right i oh oh oh oh oh wait us that is definitely polish isn't it i i've known i and have known people i've polished friends and whatnot but i still don't know much about the language unfortunately but i think we're confirmed it's in poland god the place looks so nice it's like really strange at the same time though i just love the greenery around here um oh wait wait wait we got another road sign okay mix that does anyone know where that is north poland all right mix that like that's to be a small village it's not going to show up on a map is it i'm just seeing if anything sticks out but i assume it's gonna be excuse me way too small get regret grab bow sorry if anyone's polish i'm pushing it left and down us left and down like here sorry the chat is delayed so it's hard to follow then west go south it's south i seen it south and left oh no no no i don't want to guess there um oh wait austral that's where you're saying right oh oh all right hold on hold on wait wait hold on do i have to figure out where i was exactly i assume that's that's maximum points right let's try it no no [Music] oh wait hold on wait until the game resumes okay sorry sorry he was quick to anger there alright continue to the game is this wait do i if you have an ad block you have to disable i don't have one continue to the game yes 12 at 12 kilometers that's not bad we weren't in the right town because the signs were pointing onwards but that's still good i don't think we could have gotten better than that good job chat yes did you enjoy this location very much only because i got it right yes play next round as if it was me that did it okay what do we got oh this this is looking asian again or maybe actually not no no no no no this isn't asian is it i just looked at the trees oh oh that's nice little peaceful music the trees look kind of asian maybe it is asia [Music] all right hold on what what tree is that south america yeah i think you're right actually i yeah i'm thinking south america oh okay yeah yeah yeah here we go oh this movie star or whatever it is that's a spanish company isn't it hmm is it it could just be spain as well is it [Music] it could be in europe let's look uh oh venezuela avenue all right well uh that's pointing me towards south america it doesn't really guarantee it like they might have a venezuela avenue in fact in ireland for all i know but that's that's a sign literally uh all right i i think we could guess venezuela off that could we let's see hmm nothing nothing huge to point out where we are here but that that's a pretty good hint i think right it's most likely gonna be venezuela if they've got a venezuela avenue uh what's this sign say taxi satell don't see a number or any kind of name on the taxi cab uh flag was there where where the hell did he see a flag hold on did i go past them peru where did he see the flag god you're observant um flag where on the back of the car let's forward a bit more i do not see this at all but i am willing to take your your word for it here it's peru okay well i'll definitely take your word for it but i just cannot find this flag anywhere okay wait what where's my map hold on this doesn't seem fair what no wait machine broke you don't pay you don't get mad zoom out i can't it's great out oh god damn it wait all right folks we're gonna have to take a guess at where it was i remember refresh page but will i lose it i'll chance it i'll chance refreshing good call good call i couldn't remember even what side the americas were on um right do capital does it look like a capital i suppose you have a venezuela all right venezuela um what's the name of the country what why why am i blanking one second venezuela haven't you yet i could not remember uh venezuela avenue no did i see this on a sign a while ago we're gonna rock down to venezuela avenue uh i like that credit to bolshea i did not think of that comedic genius you see i do appreciate bosh's jokes okay i can't find the avenue but i'm willing to go for the capital what do you think it's right there really was it it's hard because i can't look obviously when i zoom in i'm looking like say here i need like an eye tracker but like if you see something over here i won't uh pick up on it i didn't see it between san miguel and oh really i like that that instruction thank you there's an avenue there i've gone way too hard on this but look we can only play one game anyway so may as well try and get it um there's an avenue there avenue what about oh my god gets i have a new republica oh wait the venezuela um am i near anything that am i nearly stationed well i'm trying to like pinpoint it exactly now i'm next to a park uh i'll wait but i might not be on that square hold on we'll look for a square or god this is actually quite a big park here big rectangle and anything else near it it's got a walkway in the middle it's near what do you think to choose it already look we only have one game relax we'll be fine we'll do this together um i'm actually liking here what do you think i'm hmm that's another one you know what i'm gonna go here i'm gonna guess that's where i'm gonna guess all right that was still really good less than a kilometer away 950 meters that is pretty decent pretty decent rib stay here the sub twixt mic uh loot dolly clueless candy lonnie thank you for the tip i'll just look down at the google car some countries are very unique google cars ah okay last round everyone oh god we got lots of signs at least all right folks what language this it's an anytime fitness what is this japanese again medical body cure please cure my body that looks japanese japanese yeah it does yeah it does look like it to me as well i'm glad i was somewhere near for once all right but where in japan oh look at that those trees look so nice those houses in general look really cool uh ozzy thank you for the sub lich thank you for the bits as well um dos thank you for the tip as well just wanted to say thanks for the raids and great stream in the last few weeks really made them fun my pleasure absolute fantastic musician and just creates such a good atmosphere you know definitely l.a [Music] i see some some guesses there oh wait hold on maybe the boss would be a good shout to look at narakatsu is that is that like the name of the boss like company or is that a place the river i should look that i can't look down god damn it um nara it's a city all right let's take a look uh where are we here we are nara it's not forgive me i know nothing about japan um oh nara what was it that it said narakatsu all right would it be like that's that's kind of the region i guess osaka i mean it doesn't look that built up it looks kind of outside of a city hmm maybe it isn't a sound what do you think go up look for the river that's a good point um i mean the problem is nothing on there either um north of tokyo really that's so far away though i thought we were kind of on to something i thought hmm narrow city yeah people are saying no to that one let's let's stick with nara i think um i'm thinking about just going for the the city i don't know if we can oh wait wait wait wait hold on what did it say again narakatsu what does what does that mean do you think is that a place or is that a word like is it city there's no river on the map i don't is that even a river it is a river isn't it it's not an off ramp it looks like a river to me yeah that's got to be a river yeah yeah that's that's river sure but it could be an overflow as well nara i don't see a river oh wait wait wait wait wait wait here no a little bit of a river down there there's a bit of an intersection i think i'm happy enough to go around here you know oh wait there's a river there okay maybe that's it and it does kind of make sense because there's like a mountainous region up here by the looks of it it's park i think it could be around here can it be hospital body cure hmm i think i might go around there what do you think look for the hospital that river's big ah true actually this one looks dried out it does actually look almost like an overflow or a trickle you know there are smaller parts of it but this looks too built up maybe i should look at the the ends of the river like that looks really built up whereas if you come out to about here i don't know if this is doable i think i might just go with the i think i might just go like here and see yeah i think i'm gonna go here you saw it nara yeah we saw nara but we're looking for the other we got the hospital here but i don't know if that even was a hospital that we passed earlier all right you know what i'm going to guess i'm going to guess here and there's a hospital there i've gone back and forth between my guesses um no we're going to commit that's good i think let's let's try it where was it 8.7 that's not bad we we never would have guessed this i think we got uh narakita what's that where okay so this is the kind of like mountainous region we were looking at i guess i never would have guessed that to be honest you can see actually the little river going here you need to zoom in quite far it just looks like a road from out out here but it looks really built up here i would not have gone in that far i know i put it on the center of the city but that was just to get like the the overall surrounds kind of be in the middle but jesus that was a tough one view summary jesus you did very well this one was number one really or no that's just the guess okay game breakdown um that's a good score it took 24 minutes what did we take the longest on uh this one round four that was the oh that wasn't was that peru oh there was really we spent the longest and i suppose i did kind of keep looking around i thought that was one that we might be able to get like right on 24 minutes and 5 000 people look we did well all right we take our time do you want us to do it right or do you want us to do it fast forward your name for the bits um thank you for the kind words there uh queen the geek high caves college kid tricks insanity um lonnie thank you for the tip yeah sorry i didn't use your actual tip to to to solve it uh abby uh chesmanian devil ribs twixt adverb strawberry guy eight guy mary dolan achalas medicat and sarah thank you for the subs guys thank you for all the followers i super super appreciate it you're very split on riddles now very very split unriddled some of you are like yes give me riddle now and i'll just like no i can't take it i think it's a bad idea i don't have any prepared anyway i'd have to find a i have to find a good one but i think we might um finish up the stream there now it's been a good three hours and 12 minutes so it's been it's been a fun little night i hope you've enjoyed i hope you've enjoyed the company i i've enjoyed your company play the cork map i think i will get the premium version of geo gesture and we might be able to do uh some sort of battle royale or something like that um hopefully like a timer i think a timer would be good because uh then it gives you more pressure and less time to like google things and whatnot i think it would be fun um right let me uh let me quit out of this i i'll have to buy a premium thing i never knew there was a premium geo guest it makes sense i just never thought about it that google feud thing would be very very fun as well i think i think that would be a good one i think we'd enjoy it um right shall we drop a um a raid on someone how about this okay uh what do do we have anyone else playing geo guests probably unlikely right um i don't see anyone there's me bad at you guesser that's me no i don't um oh god i panicked there for a second i was just like i know that's obviously like not against terms in terms of service if they're if they're on there surely but it kind of frightened me i was like oh that's a that's a bit racy [Laughter] all right i i don't know who to raid um let's see take care kevin thank you very much thank you all for joining the stream and guys thank you for all the follows as well um i really really appreciate it it's uh very kind of yeah let's see what do we got what do we got what do we got she's so many people playing gta 5 i want to get on that server um the no pixel one i was actually debating doing gta rp today but i couldn't even get in the queue that's how many people were trying to uh um trying to play at the time it's not i need to find some good um streams to raid uh we got here we got some we got a lot of people but i don't know who to raid i need to just go follow people and have like a list you know um it's too hard to pick there's too much all right i'm gonna go with the tried and true and raid someone that i'm familiar with rather than looking for someone new how about that make it make it easier for me uh anna's online i don't believe she is you're all saying anna but anna's not online guys i can see anyway she wait what she it's not showing up for me all right look i'm gonna raid the person that came up as soon as i looked over there because playing a very fitting game and also we haven't rated her in a while so it would be a good thing to do i think deserves the right really nice community you'll have a great time over there we're gonna rate uh see ya always a good time and it's online why is it showing is not online for me then she's not on my list i'm so confused but you're gonna have a good time all with avery's playing some hitman she blocked me i wouldn't be surprised uh and her title is the banana hitman makes a return so i think you'll have a good time over there i gabs thank you for the sub sarah medicat acula's thank you very much um guys have a good time over there be nice i don't need to say it because you're always too nice but you know yourself um i will see you again on thursday i got a video going up in two hours if you want to check out my channel below there's a youtube link there um but thank you so much for joining me thank you for all the follows and i hope to see you again on thursday so thanks and bye bye bye for now bye bye bye bye have a nice morning evening day whatever it is goodbye [Music] bye
Channel: CallMeKevin Stream Archives
Views: 471,339
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: CallMeKevin, Twitch, Stream, Archive
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 197min 37sec (11857 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 03 2021
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