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im not saying this ironically but this video was a masterpiece. i loved how you arranged everything, it looks like you put a lot of effort in and it paid off :)

👍︎︎ 22 👤︎︎ u/filthyblake 📅︎︎ May 05 2017 🗫︎ replies

The entire concept of this calling and answering trend is pure fucking cancer!

It's giving me fucking cancer just thinking about it because of how cancerous this trend is!

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/xXMisterDiscoXx 📅︎︎ May 04 2017 🗫︎ replies

After listening to Durv's "excited" elementary school kid voice for over a minute, I had to mute the dork every time he made a peep in the video or else I would have done boss baby mad. I don't even want to go watch the stupid movie now after seeing what it has done to all the bored, smartphone-wielding children out there--thinking/lying that they can ACTUALLY call an animated character...

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/editdr-stupid 📅︎︎ May 04 2017 🗫︎ replies

does pyro nut wenn he seas his sub Count

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/rick_04 📅︎︎ May 05 2017 🗫︎ replies

The editing on this is hilarious, also lmao at using Death Grips.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ May 05 2017 🗫︎ replies

What is the song that starts playing at 12:14?

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Deiku 📅︎︎ May 05 2017 🗫︎ replies

I would really like to meet a person who ironically enjoys watching these videos.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/ParryDotter 📅︎︎ May 05 2017 🗫︎ replies

Nicely edited video, good job Niall!

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/Cassereddit 📅︎︎ May 05 2017 🗫︎ replies

I subscribed

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/StandardNoob 📅︎︎ May 05 2017 🗫︎ replies
[Sounds] What's up guys! Durv here now today What we're gonna be doing is calling up the Boss Baby. [Overlapped talking] So smash the like button! Want to win all the gift cards down below!? HEY GUYS! I've been trying to call the boss baby Before you watch this video make sure you're subscribed Make sure you have turned on your notifications JEFF( XD ) Alright so before we do start the video make sure to smash that like! If I spin this spinner on my nose for 5 seconds, You guys have to smash the like button. Deal, guys? Let's do this. I DON'T WANNA SEE THAT SHIT I'M NOT GAY LIKE YOU Nazi's hate him, Find out how this jew survived the gas chamber with this one simple trick! Who ever made that meme, I will find where you live, I will find all your social media, And I will individually, Ban each and everyone. Yeah I banned him.. I banned him. *retarded voice* It's quite a.. It's quite a heated intro Pyrocynical. *normal voice* So you may have heard of a film recently called "The Boss Baby". The film starts the titular character, The Boss Baby voiced by.. That guy.. That guy who he does Trump in saturday night live. I think and he shouted at his child Alec Bradwin: Hey I wanna tell you something okay. And I wanna leave message for you right now. And you don't even have that goddamned phone turned on! Now like all big children's films, You can't escape this on youtube. And it is absolutely everywhere. A bunch of channels saying thay calling The Boss Baby, And he answers or they found The Boss Baby We're going to be calling, T h e b o s s b a b y Now I don't like to name names on the Pyrocynical channel I like - I like to protect peoples identity, But it's Durv, alright? the main kid, The main problem with this trend is Durv. He's been probably made more videos than everyone else on YouTube, Put together. Durv: Wanna join my free gift card give away? Pyrocynical: Do you wanna join my free gift card giveaway? I got loads of giftcards. I got loads. The Boss Baby videos themselves are quite unimaginative. It's just them pretending to call The Boss Baby. Much like when all them GTA 5 Youtubers pretended to call Rockstar. Jeff: Hello and thank you for calling Rockstar Support. My name is Jeff. and Is this the first time you contacted about this issue? Sernandoe: Yes sir, The first time I called you guys about this. Pyrocynical: But I do have the GTA 5 Youtubers a pass because even though their content was below garbage, They did actually call Rockstar. So there was some truth in the title. These videos.. They're definitely not calling The Boss Baby. We are going to go ahead and call The Boss Baby There it is again for those people who think im lying. I'm being Legit It is right there. I'm not showing the number 'cause he told me to keep it as a secret. I'm not gonna show you the phone number, because It's probably my little brother putting on a funny voice. *freaks out intencely* Boss Baby: Hello. Durv: Hello is this The Boss Baby? Boss Baby: Yea it is, Who is this? Pyrocynical: This is coming from the child who owns numerous Bathing Ape clothing. And he has a supreme sticker at the back of his wall. You wanna.. You wanna believe him, He's probably he'll probably give you some giftcards. *laugh* Durv: This is Durv I'm a Youtuber and I'm recording this for YouTube right now. Boss Baby: Oh hi Durv, Can you get me a double expresso from uh... After? I really need it. *Laugh track* Pyrocynical: It kinda makes you think, Whats the point of making content on YouTube. When you can just call your mate at school. Durv also did another video: I FaceTime The Boss Baby, He answered OMG Durv: Hey What's up guys Durv here Now today, can we aim for 1 million likes? That is right. 1 million likes. Cause we just hit 1 million subscribers. Pyrocynical: Tell you what Durv, I'll give you a goal, If you set yourself on fire. Even now there are only Embers... and man sees not light But only endless nights. and amongs the living Aseen Cariers of the Ocursed dark sign. Durv: Come on dude Connecting *surpriced* *zommed in* Oh my god. Is this the boss baby? Boss Baby: Of course. Hi Durv. How ya doin? *Enya - Only Time Distored* Pyrocynical: Alright. I.. In... Isn't I got goosebumps from how angry I am right now. So he gets his mate to call him. FaceTime on an iPhone. And he holds his phone up to a PNG picture Of the Boss Baby. Pretending that's the Boss Baby. While putting on a funny voice Also I just wanted to make this apparent: Does this voice Of course Durv. Hi! How ya doing? Sound like the real boss baby? AND YOU DON'T EVEN HAVE THAT GODDAMN PHONE TURNED ON! I think the pitch is off. And possibly the country... I'm going through the comments as well and... The video has a million views. 44 thousand likes. And there are only 23 comments. And every single one is essentially jerking off Durv saying how he subscribed or just saying the word "Boss Baby" a 198 likes, Boss Baby I think I need a-I think I need a minute Oh god I Stunner my fucking giftcard But let's leave Durv alone, alright We- we can't bully small children. For more than 5 minutes on the Pyrocynical channel. So let's move on to another child bully. Calling the Boss Baby Brother. He answered. Oh my god I love how they always have an asterisk and then *OMG HE ANSWERED* or *HE ANSWERED OMG* That's where the views come from. You don't put that in the title, you won't break 10K. Want to win all the gift cards down below? All you have to do is drop a like, subscribe, turn notifications on, leave a comment and enjoy the video *HELLO GUYS* I've noticed all these channels have a very similar format Which is: promote a gift card at the start of the video To artificially inflate the numbers on their channel. This is worse than... trash Do you want to win a bunch of expired gift cards and a... a fire extinguisher that expired in 2007. All you have to do is drop a like,*EAR RAPE* subscribe,*EAR RAPE* turn notifications*EAR RAPE* on, And comment how much you enjoyed the video! But yeah, if you want to check out JeffTec, go check it out now, subscribe Like the video, you know, that kind of stuff D'YOU KNOW WHAT YOUTUBE IS And he just talks about his own youtube channel for 5 minutes. Again, stellar content as always Youtube... You never fail to impress me. hoi dere I think, honestly, they should just destroy Youtube.. And build it from the ground up. Do you remember the first video on Youtube? That guy in the zoo? Here we are... Here at the elephants. Cool thing about these guys, is they have really, really, really long trunks. Ever since that video, YouTube went Downhill I'll tell you what happened. It's been like one hour right now. I just came here to record. He sent me this text, he said Come outside your house, I'm waiting [indecipherable] Yeah I'm really scared guys, should I go outside my house? Nah, don't go outside your house, please don't, stay in there. I'm gonna go outside. This gotta be scary. So let's go outside guys. Okay guys I'm just outside of my house right now, And I'm gonna check the whole place, guys, alright? Alright, pal, tone it down a bit, you're just going outside. Unless you've got agrophobia, I really don't think you need to hype up leaving the house this much. Yo what the.. Is that Boss Baby? What? It's the (cardboard) Boss Baby! (DISAPPOINTMENT) You have insulted me for the last time! Yo this is scary guys! I think the only gratification I get from videos like this Is imagine someone seeing them when they're recording this video And how genuinely ridiculous they'd look. Hey, Abdul, what're you doin down there son? I found- I found the uh... the Boss Baby? What's up YouTube Ancraycray Gang It's ya boy [indecipherable] I can't tell who's content is worse at this point... Mine or... yeah it's probably mine Make sure ya'll smash the like button. Smash the like button. I heard if you smash the like button, you'll get a free ticket to watch the Boss Baby. So smash the like button and you will get a free ticket. Shut up. Alright, I know a lot of people do that meme. Like the video and you'll get this and that and the other. You are not giving out tickets to the Boss Baby. Like goals are misleading, but you are flat out lying. You're not the Baby. You sound like a grown man. Put the baby on the phone. I don't got time. Hurry up. Hurry up. My dudey. My dudey. Listen. Listen fella. This is the Boss Baby. You feel me? I'm the Boss. It's bad to talk to the Boss like that. Please respect my name. Imagine a world where Big Smoke wasn't fat, and he wasn't funny. Don't worry guys. There's a lot of fake videos flying around about people calling the Boss Baby. But today I will actually call the Boss Baby. Just to prove it to you, I got him saved on my phone here as a contact. Of course I can't... I can't show you the number but that is the real... the real Boss Baby... Well I'm actually gonna call the boss baby now and see if he answers. It's ringing guys, it's ringing! Be sure to like as well. Can we hit 50,000 likes? Let's see if we can get this video to, let's say 500 likes! Hello? Is- is- is that the real Boss Baby? Hey I wanna tell you something, okay? I am gonna get on a plane. And I am gonna come out there for the day. And I am gonna STRAIGHTEN YOUR ASS OUT! SO YOU'D BETTER BE READY! I thhhhink That wraps it up for today guys! Thank you all so much for watching. I really appreciate it. If you enjoyed, be sure to leave a like. Or a comment saying how much of an amazing individual I am. At this point, I think YouTube is starting to go downhill. Yeees. *sad music* Hey guys. I really need your help today. I've been trying to call the boss baby. He texted me saying st- What's up guys, my name is Stomedy. I've seen a lot of YouTubers calling the big baby. What's up guys. Durv here. Now today, can we aim for 1 million likes. That is right. 1 million likes. Cause we just hit 1 million subscribers. And go ahead and subscribe. Hey, Vsauce. Michael here.
Channel: Pyrocynical
Views: 4,997,119
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: calling, omg, baby, answered, calling boss baby, calling the boss baby, The Boss Baby, calling boss baby he answered, calling the boss baby and he answered, calling the boss baby he answered, calling The Boss Baby, calling the boss baby omg he actually answered, the boss baby, the boss baby cartoon, the boss baby phone call, CALLING THE BOSS BABY! *HE ANSWERED OMG*, pyrocynical
Id: d7pjDbqlaqU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 11sec (851 seconds)
Published: Thu May 04 2017
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