The Russian MrBeast clone

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before the video starts i'll be streaming on twitch one hour after this video goes live so 11 pm bst by the way this is the first stream in over six years that isn't a joke i'm sure we'll laugh or cry and probably play something that the algorithm likes forward slash parasitical now onto the video we all know who mr beast is the man who stopped global warming by planting trees the sole reason bitcoin is such a valuable commodity and so famous that children repeat his name for the chance to get 100 of the clout he has mr beast and now a successful entrepreneur in the fast food business [Music] and with huge success comes the clones toys and me who dropped off the face of the earth carter shera who seems to have learned his lesson and now takes part in wholesome videos where he finds ghosts in his house and morgs the damned who hasn't really done that much as of late apart from clickbaiting that he broke up with his girlfriend [Music] quick shill to those who aren't subscribed it's totally free youtube has a bug where people unsubscribe you from the channel that is a complete lie i just made up right now but all the other youtubers do it and it seems to be working so i i thought i'd try welcome back welcome oh it's been so it's been so long it's oh are you now you're probably wondering where am i the background is completely different and it's a bit boring i mean i've i've got the gromit mug over there i have the grommet mug now i know the background's a bit dead it is because i've just moved i needed to set up and get a video i've got my pc in that setup now what i was planning on doing is like a really clickbaity video saying oh this is my final video and it just be me moving house unfortunately schlatt had the exact same idea and i don't want to be called a schlatt clone i want to start 2021 without being called a clone of anyone all right you had the leafy era the pewdiepie era the video game donkey error i'm i'm not planting the seed all right i'm not i'm not doing it now the thing is with these mr beast clones they all pretty much end up fizzling out in the end because they simply can't compete with mr beast but what if i told you there was a channel that copied mr beast and not only that is incredibly successful and actually gets three quarters of the views that mr beast gets well my subscribers over the age of 18 because that's what the youtube analytics tell me there is a channel and his name is a4 i mean you can open up their social blade and like it's insane mr beast 1.9 mil subs in the last 30 days a4 700k even mr bress noticed how someone ripped off his content and is basically being rewarded for it so i called him out on twitter the largest channel in russia just takes my thumbnails and photoshops his face on mine [Music] they hate us because they ate us and you can see by these thumbnails like he just blatantly rips off the content he will try to recreate the thumbnail so it just looks like a mr breast video rule one of youtube no one should copy it's a shameless thing to do and you have no spine that's why i'm stealing this video idea from no [ __ ] he originally covered this and gave me the idea for it i'll leave a link to him down in the description definitely check him out although uh i will be honest he is natively russian so i can't promise you'll understand everything he says fazed [Music] also i do want to point out uh no [ __ ] yoinked my thumbnail talking about mr beast clones so i'm just going to join that back okay it's not stealing if he did it first i feel that people are going to draw parallels to me complaining about copying but then copying a youtuber for this video but remember guys the bigger youtuber always invented the idea first [Music] i did try to search up this a4 guy the problem is every time you do that it just comes up with a paper size so a4 real name vladbumaga is from belarus which uh i think it's near russia i don't i don't know i don't know geography is africa a country now i will give him credit because he really didn't have to but a4 actually acknowledged mr beast's roast and responded by uh coping and saying that yes he copies but he makes better videos so it's okay i'm gonna let uh no [ __ ] translate this bit because i don't i don't understand the spaghetti letters thumbnails it's such a little detail just look at the quality of the content that the americans have and the kind of quality i have my videos are 10 000 times better the thumbnail takes 10 minutes to make a video takes 4 to 10 hours to make without editing and without writing the script goodnight new video tomorrow and pay attention to the quality that's exactly what it said one thing i love is how in that statement how little attention he brings to the thumbnail like he can argue his content is better sure i mean you might have more production value you probably don't but okay let's give you benefit the doubt but a hundred percent you yoink from mr burger the one thing i see is that a4 has just missed a giant marketing opportunity because he could have combined his nine-year-olds with mr beast's nine-year-old so you could have literally bought the east and the west together and had this huge collab but no you're just going to say you make better videos than the mustache man apparently as well he was nominated for forbes 30 under 30 but he didn't even win i don't i don't know who else is there is that there's like a super russian mr beast now one thing i want to point out as well is that mr beast is not the only victim here he has copied other youtubers he is stooped solo as to copy morgs you copied the man who copied mr beast what is that was that even mean i don't know what that means and he ends up getting double the views you've actually made me feel sympathy for morgs there's another youtuber as well just dustin uh he charmed into claiming that a4 basically yoinked all of his content as well so it's easy to call people a copy sure the thumbnails look similar show the titles the same but i want to dissect a4's content and see does he actually copy mr beast and more importantly does he actually make better videos than mr beast no this is a deserted island with zero inhabitants and we're gonna spend 24 hours straight here you ever go to the grocery store with your mama and they gotta take all the bags at once all right boys the boats are gone they're not coming back until tomorrow we have no cell service we're on a deserted island please do not let anyone die so in this video mr brest and co are actually on a deserted island i did some research and it looks like they went to the cape lookout shoals which is on the coast of north carolina so for such a brave expedition how does a4 compare it so from the intro alone you can gather that the majority of the video is just a green screen and the thing is they didn't even go to an island to live on they just rented out a studio and then colored the background up a bit again i don't want to be picky but this guy's entire case was yes i copy but i make better videos [Music] nope they're over there like i said earlier treasure chest full of money we're gonna find a spot to bury all this money but i don't know where so now they've upgraded from a green screen to an actual set not sure if it's as good as an actual uninhabited abandoned island but uh no there's actually nothing like there's nothing i could say that it's just it's not like mario and princess beach another great comparison here is setting up somewhere to sleep for the night mr beast's group know that you know it's gonna get dark it's going to get cold there is no actual society there i meant civilization they need to set up tents to sleep but in a force video not so much no dude we're keeping big tent industry in business we just keep on buying so many tips do we have a player gun i doubt it no no so the main difference if you could gather mr beast's group actually tries to adapt to the surroundings but in a four's video they're never in any actual danger because it's just a set so with mr beast's video they're getting food and supplies i mean there's some more mundane stuff in the video sure but you know it is actually real meanwhile in a4s video they just shoot the raft and they add in some cgi of it actually deflating in a4's video he actually manages to get hold of a gopro which makes it somehow even more unbearable it's like this weird mix of someone that looks like ninja doing a logan paul vlog from 2017. our hands on the steering wheel please what if there is a child on the other end of of of of the [ __ ] engine and [ __ ] on a desert island i may die but don't forget to like and subscribe on the video another great point is that in mr beast's video stuff actually happens but in a fours video it's kind of more like a scuffed saturday morning cartoon show i wanted to look at another video that a4 joint last to leave the revolving door wins 10 000 and again a4 perfectly emulated this thumbnail minus jake the viking could you imagine like a4 just actually gets a ripped guy for the thumbnail i cried when jake [ __ ] left we built a revolving door last one to keep revolving wins twenty thousand dollars unless it's chandler if chandler wins this challenge he gets fifty thousand dollars in straight cash okay very generous twenty thousand dollar prize paul with fifty thousand if chandler wins surely a4 or as i like to call him alpha beast will just crush that pathetic goal now don't don't laugh that's a thousand in probably his native currency 1 000 rubles in dollars hello you come on to my show you'll get 13 for bus tickets all right well you know what the money isn't that great but let's see what the challenges are surely he just crushes mr beast you roll perfect basketball the video idea the main concept they yoinked all the minigames from it as well and somehow made it even more mundane chris basically like sacrificed himself to make sure he scored the goal he got a grand but he lost out on the twenty thousand dollars these guys basically have no risk and they they get a pair of headphones and maybe an iphone and one thing i've noticed as well is how a4's videos are basically three times as long as any mr beast video now obviously i get it all right it's gaming the system you know longer videos get more watch time get promoted more do better but like i i feel like it's a commentary video from 2017 remember when i used to make those videos like milking it to 10 minutes repeating myself 20 times and one thing that's funny to point out like i said earlier a4's cope is that he makes better videos than mr beast that's why he's allowed to copy him because he builds on the foundations but the problem is a4 is copying mr beast videos from 2019 in 2021 and if you go back to a4's videos in 2019 he has nowhere near the amount of charisma or like extrovertedness he has now is extrovertedness a word uh i'm not reading all that i'm gonna take that as yes i'm in the middle of some calibration once there was an explosion oh my god how how do i survive that must have been the pre-order bonus anyways i must find civilization and see if the infection spread here too excuse me sir i've just fell onto your planet have you seen any uh strange going ons recently don't you look like a certain copyrighted character no no no i i think you're mistaken i was based off the drawings of a mentally ill person no nothing really out of the ordinary this planet was used for farming oh my god are you okay just what what was that you took wait is this a [ __ ] sponsor they're nords vpn and capsule form ever since i uh escaped the ship i've had this weird feeling i i needed to waste time on the ship so i downloaded a bunch of films illegally instead of using nordvpn's region unlock and now i i think i think i have a virus what corn do you think it's infectious no i i don't i don't think so i i just keep seeing everyone as a pop-up window for some reason so uh what what do the pills actually do i'll show you with the power of region unlock i can teleport to nearly any country here i am in japan to watch the premiere of squeaky girl anime show now i'm in pewdiepie's house wait wait what why am i here let me just put a video up on his channel real quick [ __ ] yourself [Music] and now i just moved to america to show the benefits of nordvpn to everyone excuse me sir have you seen my card white oh my god it even has a watermark look at that subtle off-white coloring you know you just said that all out loud right if you go to the link in description you can get a two-year plan with 70 off and a whole month for free i still don't really understand what you're selling oh you don't okay let me demonstrate you see that my gun was a cyber attack and his chest was his privacy completely annihilated but look at this how did you put this vest on me you see with nord his body and privacy is completely unharmed it was easy i saw from your browsing history where you go to get your coffee knocked you out and slipped the vest on you wow what a amazing product now guys unfortunately i do have to make a concession a4 did do one thing better than mr beast i i know guys i know i know i know if you look at the mr beast hide and seek video in comparison mr beast does not at any point tape chandler to the roof i am reporting the thumbnail for false advertising meanwhile a4 as courageous and honest and true as he is actually does spray paint himself white like in the thumbnail my name is connor i'm the android sent by cyberlife i looked for you at the station but nobody knew where you were i'm sorry but russian mr beast wins this round now like i said earlier a4 has many victims and another one i want to bring up is morgs morgues did a video kicking a football into a goal and if it hits any prizes they're yours and then a4 shamelessly nabbed that idea yes that's the one i wanted that's the one i was aiming for imagine being that hyped over at mcdonald's i too wish i was 11 again ipad lamborghini no thank you i'll take my chicken nugget share box i like the prizes a4 has by the way uh sunglasses a snapback and a a jar of nutella i think there was some buckwheat there as well we don't need we don't need the lamborghini we don't need us it exceeds budget you did indeed hit all four boxes but if we played like that video would be five minutes not 22. so we hit the secret box which you know was a very small bucks harder to hit than the others so what is his reward money a lambret it's not a lamborghini stop ass it's not a lamborghini what the [ __ ] that's not cool amigo maybe even a cameo in a mr beast video [Applause] i looked the word up there was no results i i all i could find was this video [Music] it's like a bit but i promise you that's the only video i could find in it and i didn't mess with the quality that's the original it's probably from like 2005 or something even using the [ __ ] and we have no idea what it means he did a bit more looking into like russian slang and that and apparently it's just like a word for when you slap someone so yeah apparently the award in an a4 video is physical violence [Music] i like how they hype up this jar of nutella like it is the last jar on earth or probably in russia you make more money than morgues man like come on you can skim out on some better stuff than this like when jill goes to mcdonald's at least she hypes it up she is the hype man for that channel there's also another idea that he junked off morgz morgs had this plan where he'd spend the day in a school and then a4 did the exact same thing a couple months later girls this man may or may not have actually just escaped from prison memes aside for people that don't know uh vlone is getting a lot of hate from what i've seen like i follow insta pages that dedicate themselves to just attacking flown i might be saying it wrong it might be v line but i don't care i went onto youtube to look at vlone and the first result is people that wear vlone be like nah for sure that's a [ __ ] no kisser somehow understood him less than the man speaking complete russian by the way now in these videos they're a lot more flexible because they're not really in school they've just hired like a teacher or like an actor to stand in as one so this is where both of them show off their comedy where they're trying to be funny foreign yes can i be sent out if you carry on you'll be in detention okay sorry mr nobles i don't know why but i actually enjoy the morgues videos now i i i can't believe i just said that every day i wake up the vlone hate cope has actually made me compliment a morgue's video it's weird as well with these morgs videos they've aged so poorly i mean the quality was kind of already at the mariana trench but it's like it's a guilty pleasure now but the sound effects they use in a morgue's video i now use ironically so i just i i just laugh at them how many sides does a dull decahedron have yes i call this besides not dinosaurs i weep for the next generation this guy actually plays a better role than anyone in morgan's family please whoever this man is he wasn't credited in the description give this man his own channel but he's just doing his job for me i don't even have to roast anyone now cyclitus it would do some client too iridocyclitis is it's like an ironic meme factory now i don't even want to i don't even can we just i don't want to go back to the a4 video i just want to watch morgues now iridocyclitis he definitely knew what he was doing millions [Music] i like how a4 is just chilling that he has more followers on tick tock than his friends and then he just falls asleep in his own video again and make amazing content mr beast copied you now one thing that this a4 gentleman is making me do is commend morgz yeah again morgs's videos actually have punishments for people that get the lower scores and then you actually see those punishments get acted out minnie morgues gets his hair dyed and jill gets dunked but in a four's video all they do is give the lowest scorer a high vis and a broom ah i get it because you're saying that a street sweeper is an underachiever so it's called consolidation you know the ironic thing is about that mindset is that technically the youtuber is the lowest profession because you need no grades whatsoever to become one so if you look at it that way technically being a street sweeper is actually better than being a youtuber now there's one more youtuber that a4 joint from that i wanted to look at just dustin he's another mr beast type but his videos are a bit more volatile which makes him a prime victim for a4 to join from he uploaded on the 3rd of october last year first to pull the sword from the stone wins 10k and a couple of months later a4 did the exact same title and the exact same thumbnail you're literally just ripping off tyler's merch like don't tell me that that is not odd future merch i i get it right all youtubers yoink up each other with merch designs all the time like one youtuber i don't know who it was patient zero they experimented with japanese text on a hoodie find youtuber merch now that does not have japanese text you can't one thing i like about the japanese merch from some youtubers is they run it through google translate so it doesn't even make sense so in this video dustin has a rule that if you can chip away at the concrete and fill up a container you'll get a bigger object to be able to scrape away more of the concrete up until you get the sword out a4 nabs this concept but somehow makes it worse in dustin's video they have actual pvc containers but in a4's video it's just a pringles can it's just shameless recycling of someone who knows that there is a gap in the western market in russia there's no overlap of russian audience in the west so he's taking complete advantage of that that is the video thank you all for watching i love russia i love america no i don't i do promise i'm going to get some decent backdrop here at some point there's going to be a really nice setup i'm also going to be looking at streaming soon link down in the description so you can follow me on that i should have like a schedule or something i like money i like money [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Pyrocynical
Views: 2,646,793
Rating: 4.9556499 out of 5
Keywords: MrBeast clones, MrBeast, funny, fun, family friendly, slime, trick, experiment, pranks, prank, video, new, vlog, pyrocynical, challenge, infinite lists, fortnite, 24 hours, last one wins, millionaire, billionaire, satire, a4, a4 mr beast, morgz, 24 hour challenge
Id: 9JzPuACpVzU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 39sec (1479 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 03 2021
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