I Joined A Japanese Host Club (And Failed)

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post clubs are an interesting phenomenon only found inside of Japan so popular in fact that it spawned many references in pop culture with sometimes even whole animes being dedicated to host clubs but I want to find out more I want to know exactly how it is to be a host so today in this video knowing nothing about hosts I'm gonna attempt to become a host and learn all the tricks of the trade learning how to be a host chatting with customers and drinking more alcohol than any one person should all in the hopes to learn what it truly means to be a host can I smell your clothes in Japan facial like a shitty Santa Claus hat why do I look like a twelve-year-old now I love wearing a suit I'll take any excuse to wear a suit but this is not one of them I am honestly [ __ ] myself right now the thought of having to talk to customers and trying to impress these people I don't know and being filmed at the same time oh god I'm gonna say something horrible on I am I most definitely am god I feel like I'm at like some budget casting couch okay so what in Shinjuku now we're about to go and meet the host and get a hair makeup done and I've never had this and done in my life so I hope this goes okay anyway let's go in at mayhem well konnichiwa nobody must oh yes he's the number one host at the club that we're gonna be working at tonight they're so proud of him in fact that they use his face as an advertisement outside the club and he's been generous enough to take me under his wing and teach me how to be a pro host starting with makeup so what's like the aim what of what like are we going for wouldn't have been there make me good luck does he get makeup done outside of work oh okay so like what made him one of the color host thought oh not thought I have to respect that did you get any really bad experiences working as a host [Music] [Music] like when so much is like someone else's YouTube channel sir how did he become a host is it like a training how do I become a professional do I have good enough Lux to be a host does he thank you breaking my heart do you watch much YouTube oh really okay also what are some things that I should know if I'm gonna be a host like what what are some things that I need to be aware of oh I see so you just let them do the work don't worry the host name can you suggest the name for me any names you think Thais Oh asked me what my favourite Japanese food was and being the illiterate Japanese person that I am I panicked and said the only one that I knew ramen and guess what he put my host name for almond Carter okay okay do you hang out with hosts out like outside of work do you hang out with the people you work with oh wow okay so it is most of your free time spending with customers how'd you know when you've done a good job at the customer obviously other than getting a ton of money so if I get a thank you today that's like when they heard what's your favorite customer to interact with [Music] yeah I knew I knew he was gonna say that what are some questions that I should never ask a customer so if I became a host how much money can I expect to make [Applause] per night I'm in the wrong job so what do you spend your money on as a host how does he make money that if he's the one buying the drinks and gifts okay okay you just constantly spending laughs oh yeah so you know on a good night how much money would you make if you're allowed to tell me I was gonna say yeah you know it's big because if you were shocked there's a trend do customers ever you know want to become more than a customer is that ever something you have to deal with how do you deal with that if they do do you know any other hosts that have became you know more than a customer with their client you know I think David any of their customers do you know y'all married wow that's common so do some customers just like hope that you will marry them eventually is that like something that you think is happening if let's say I was doing a really good job tonight and I was at someone asked to marry me how do I turn them down in a host like way how do I not embarrass myself because I'm terrible at doing that I end up always somehow embarrassing myself so how do i how do I avoid doing that here [Music] do I look cheap do I look like I cost like a little amount of money I I don't know I feel I feel like I should be expensive looking at us easier he's trolling me yeah what about me looks cheap now he has to actually insult me and he feels bad Thanks oh the one thing I can't change when we were walking to the host club is Tizer about his daily routine and it's pretty intense Taizo is often out late with customers in the evening so he also wakes up late and immediately starts working the moment Iser wakes up he is immediately texting customers asking how their day is and maybe if they'd like to come and see him later obviously as a paying customer it's all to solidify his number one host standing he needs to make sure that his customers don't feel like customers when 6 p.m. hits Tysoe gets his hair and makeup done without fail he then goes to the host club and meets customers where he immediately starts drinking he'll be working until 1:00 a.m. when the host club shuts but unfortunately for hosts that's not where the work ends ties oh and his poor liver must contain you won after 1 a.m. and continue to see customers drink with them date with them and converse with them and he does this every single day until 6 a.m. 7 days a week no breaks let's go make some money come up it hello nice to meet you I'm by the British Oh awesome do you work as a host as well sometimes ok sometimes because we know people no way is he how old you think I am oh ok no clubs close 23 thank you I know young language I feel like he looks yeah he looks younger than him that's crazy yeah I like him wallet is so much nicer than me sir what a new customer comes in to the host club all the hosts are greeted and say hello to the new customer and then at the end of it the customer picks which host they want to talk to so hopefully we'll be able to take part in that I doubt we'll get picks but hopefully is there any advice that you can give me to be a good host anything I should do for sure great oh no unless your key targeted from once you're done you imagine it up do you make me do you did you not say I'll do that I could be number one easy there hook if not easy not easy so typically in a host club how many hosts would work in one night we fall then really busy the vice president informed me that the typical type of customer to come to a host club is also a female night worker they told me many customers were cat so plans as they're called in Japan I'll let you google that one that also means for host that in a typical week often Friday and Saturday are the most quiet days and that often sunday is the busiest day I'm so nervous could you give us a tour Oh awesome what's cover tool this is uh it's a reader okay not so good just for three months oh okay yeah what's going on here oh yeah well you put them on the miniskirt the host club likes to mark up the prices just a little bit a normal draught beer in Japan can cost as much as 500 yen it'll cost you 3,000 yen here that's about 30 US dollars but maybe you'll not to be a person maybe you're a cocktail person a typical cocktail in Japan might cost you 500 yen in a host club 4000 yen ah but maybe you want some cheap shots in this host club shots are only sold in sets of five costing three thousand yen each but maybe it's a special occasion you want champagne normally champagne might cost you eight hundred nine hundred yen in this host club the cheapest bottle of champagne is ten thousand yen and you're probably thinking well what is the most expensive one well that'll set you back ten thousand dollars not yen dollars but if you spend this much on champagne you do get a cool little champagne call featuring all the available hosts so I assume that sometimes customers will just come in and buy things not necessarily if they want to but to just have their hosts be at a higher rank as I believe the host system like the rank system is everything if there's a $10,000 $10,000 dream really the vice president was nice enough to show me the fanciest drink they had which cost a whopping four million yen that is $40,000 before tax forty thousand dollars and he's just holding it in front of me like that he's just holding $40,000 in front of me like it is nothing it looks like a crazy art piece and even has shot glasses built into the drink that's insane I also asked how many people buy that ridiculously expensive thing and he said ten percent that is insane so one host made like over a million dollars from being a host that's crazy I think I want to be a host now I heard there's numbers right right so when I learned Japanese I should come back okay okay I'll be back in like ten years so this is the host meeting that they have once a week and we're just gonna sit on it and hopefully find out some cool details that we can on use to progress as an expert host that's me I'm the host yeah anything they don't want them they tell us this is a mosaic my face damn once a week all the hosts will have a meeting like this they also have a meeting of 1:00 a.m. when closing the store in this particular meeting they're discussing their sales in comparison to other host clubs all these hosts here and other hosts compete in the Emperor's Cup 67 hosts will be competing in it and whichever host finishes last place will be punished the punishment will be training under the waterfall in the meeting the vice president also explains that hosts are typically required to stay until 1:00 a.m. that is unless they find a really good customer and they want to continue their date with them konnichiwa Boca mall namaha corner Getty solution this YouTube is a host name Oh Rahman corner so they're gonna show me how to be a house okay I'm comfy I'll sit in the corner I see I see okay I've already failed at being a host 1/4 or 1/5 times own malawach nice it was profound nobody the co-star was good so what are you up Hancock a game okay do that oh here I keep the new body - yeah somewhat of information would say gently yeah like a single or double okay oh wait dad was like you are young some more well now a bit too far oh oh no no providing the team it looks like you're really the site you are love you all so sure it's them and then turn it and okay we go anti-clockwise okay my name asteroids you can go have this window I don't know I don't know if that's like scientifically accurate but okay okay why you putting your hand do anymore I don't know my see what kind of me see I see I see okay my bit thick cool it's hey want to perform it you won't see the or do that your when you wow that was impressive I forgot something like that up some others you're not you're doing so I'm gonna attempt to make a drink now is that okay so ah two fingers from like yeah easy pro-gamer well do I mess up already this is really nerve-racking whoa and then I give it over won't you get me out of ten eight okay okay when a customer first enters the host club they have all-you-can-drink for 90 minutes for 3,000 yen that's roughly around 28 US dollars in this 90 minutes each host gets eight minutes to try and swoon the customer after the 90 minutes is up the customer will have to decide from the ten plus hosts she talk to which one will be her shimmy the shimmy system is in every single host club once the customer has chosen which host will be there shimmy the customer can never change hosts every time that customer comes back to the host club in spends money the shimmy will get all of the money regardless of which hosts the customer is buying drinks for it is often in a host club that not just one host is talking to one girl at any given time it is often the shimmy host and a support host even if the support is the one doing all the work all the flirting making sure the customers buying all the drinks all the profit will go to the shimmy this is the system that decides who is the number one host and every single host in this host club is competing for that coveted number one slot so everyone just jumping on the new customers I'll be done in like 10 seconds what do you mean there's no appealing points - how do you sell yourself in eight minutes what do you talk about the moment they come in like wow amazing Sugoi and so rule being the pro host that he is will show me how it's done and host the [ __ ] out of me always business calls Wow sparkly corner Oh oh wow ah me home listen I can explain I said Japanese because I don't know how to say anything else in Japanese except for the words you've had okay oh okay okay man you all day okay yeah very persistent you're gonna grow out your hair for me Wow thing like do you ever talk about yourself to them or is it you focus on them so if I'm correct the first time you come here it's thirty dollars or you can drink so what would stop some from just going around different host clothes and getting like that cheap deal I would do that okay so for every customer that you meet for the first time how often is it that they'll come back what's your favorite kind of customer so workers yeah yeah yeah this thing about it doesn't matter if they're you know a pain in the ass or whatever that personality's like is it just about money like if they're annoying can you put up with that and you're like all right that's okay we need a paycheck he wants if he wants to say yes I do do you ever get too drunk when you're working as hosts or do you ever like throw up from being too drunk yes how often do you end up puking my god so I'm gonna do a practice run now where we go into a real customer and try and be an actual host so let's go and do that I guess konnichiwa I've already messed that up hello suzi ramen Kona oh oh okay yeah of course we do how was your day tired okay well this host club is very exciting so I think you'll be fine and you won't get very tired so coaching what kind of guys are you into kind I'm very kind I'd say very where do I this is like just what it looks like when I date in real life just I have to ask if I can touch her is that what I should just do it wow that's a chatroom okay okay so okay Wow like a real date Wow so our unit give me money now yeah it is it is I mean okay how do I make it more natural it's very incriminating thing to have on you to you know transfer how do you keep your hair sighs Wow this shampoo is amazing what shampoo DS this is honestly the cringes thing I've ever done and that's like a ball set hi okay so Kampai Kampai you drink think I need it oh my god a reminder that alcohol is bad for you don't drink it it's just like vodka and water what the and now Oprah will actually show you how to do it [Music] [Applause] killing even I'm being charmed by him and I'm leaving this customer I think knowing the language might help like a little bit awkwardly just sitting there hoping I'm saying something right is it good more alcohol that's what I needed if I had two more drinks game over alcohol is bad oh my god okay where we go konnichiwa Oh first it down can I sit down oh thank you thank you come on squeeze right oh okay oh shoot sweet oh you look very good kidding how was your day today you just woke up what kind of things to do in your spare time for fun oh now I'm all quit what is what is your favorite drink you're very nice earrings very beautiful and your outfit is very cute as well do good circle no no it's true no need to be embarrassing yeah yo you're my first customer ever so I do but my arm allow me to explain the host is telling me to touch her and I'm awkward I don't want to do it what kind of guys you into oh okay like the opposite of me basically all of it okay alcohol is a significant risk factor for dementia thank you so much how do you get from foam off that one as well as I could have imagined it of going what do you think how bad was that out of ten yeah I didn't know how to get us at all though what can I do better next time all the time it's so awkward to look into her eyes like a cow get used to I'll get used to it next time will be rather I have a talent if it was that talent that was awful what are you if he's thing that was good have you seen worse than that I've set the bar the new record for bad right no no no don't clap for me call me strong very bad bad baka [Music] they're funny huh yeah yeah I knew you would sunday on all the same Dale hated for that I can do support that's way easier alright I just said that basically you know Wow yeah yeah all right round two let's let's do better I was told that I was going to be supporting this time I was lied to oh yes yes Oh a bar do not drink alcohol like this sir strong [Music] myself in situations like this yes combine no man should drink this much alcohol stope I think you'll be drunk before man maybe I don't know actually gonna die come on abyss one light equals one prayer for my liver Oh what's your time Oh depends how much you spend Oh rocker oh okay oh this was ring that is what my liver sounds yeah yeah of course now I'm a little tipsy here I might have made a very big mistake when he offered me the champagne that costs ten thousand US dollars I foolishly agreed and my producers on the side were [ __ ] themselves because they weren't sure if I just agreed to pay ten thousand dollars for a beverage [Applause] this is a champagne call all the hosts come around and chant something I have no idea what is happening and neither did the translators with me all I knew is that I was drinking the most expensive drink I had ever drank in my life and for those of you who are wondering it tasted exactly like normal champagne I did not expect them to make me down half a bottle of champagne but I was pretty sure that Thais Oh was dead set on getting me smash however I think that ties I forgot I'm from the UK and drinking is essentially a national sport so downing a drink is not although I will add that I do prefer to hold my own drink when drinking it and not being drip fed like a baby overall it was a pleasant experience and reminded me very much in university what about like the host club experience you like what do you like about this host in particular let's ask you can hope to marry to him someday Wow how do you hope that he proposes to you will you be mad if it's not a flash mob okay okay okay see I see I feel like this is his input not her eye if you buy me tequila I will drink it oh my god I was so I'm making Kaiser Sam money the one who's been great got kind enough to bring me here I'm gonna be making him money by getting her to buy tequila for me so I'm actually doing a support job really well it's been a really fun experience and you've all been so very kind to me I really appreciate it number one host I guess it's on well thank you I'm very excited to leave and get out of the car party music area I'm also not drink any more alcohol because anymore and I'll actually be drunk I probably looked on there and I what is this tea finally something would not alcohol in it oh my god hello hello closer me I make you youtube video I am a youtuber yes yes so normally my videos are me being an idiot of some sort like the joke is done we all main I know animation I do a lot of anime stuff as well the more like anything like what kinda animate do you like anime yeah Oh dragon boy like second boat song yeah yeah yeah nice to meet you she's subscribed we've got a subscriber boys my job is done a guy right now I'm leaving thank you so do you go to host clubs often no what do you like about those clubs I do like the money yeah yeah okay I understand why I'm getting flustered around Wow if I'm being a host what can I do to be better like us a house what do you think I look so unnatural when I smile though come pies are we done thank you so much what a customer leaves the host club it is complimentary that a host sends them off and the customer gets to choose their favorite host to do so and to nobody surprised I wasn't chosen once I was heartbroken that the only client you could speak English rejected me harder than when my parents found out I do YouTube for a living it happens it happens you know right should we go and pack up and go let's go let's go home let's go pack up village so we're done with the host club I don't really know what to think I was fed a lot of shots that's all I know I'm pretty sure I'm not made to be a host let me do it down the left big eyes should I be a host again but I'm pretty sure the answer's no anyway thank you so much for watching and I hope you enjoyed this video and I'm so sorry for being the worst host in Japan thank you bye I'm going home I do [Music] [Music]
Channel: CDawgVA
Views: 1,760,056
Rating: 4.9864779 out of 5
Keywords: Host Club, CDawgVA, Japan, CDawg, HostClub, Japan Host Club, Host Club Japan, Japanese Host Club, British, A Day In A Host Club, I Joined A Japanese Host Club For A Day
Id: tV8OhAc3Zyc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 11sec (1931 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 01 2020
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