But Can a Mattress Stop a Bullet??!?!?!

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oh hello sir what what can i do for you welcome to kepster's comfy comforters yeah i'm looking for a mattress for my wife and i i have the perfect one right here for you i i think i think that's a twin oh is your wife a fat girl is she just stink neither well great this one is perfect for you look brand new plastic is still on it this right here nano technology ever heard of tesla invented by another guy that kind of looked like him ever heard of the wine test great way to test how good a mattress is normal spring normal spring mattress this would never stay up but but on this memory on the memory foam ho ho i think i think there's an earthquake that's that's what's happening on this memory on if that was a spring mattress it would have it would have got way worse than that so that's why this one's good have you ever heard of the princess and the pea well let me just show you check this out put it it's so soft put that there okay and then it would have squished a lot more on a regular mattress that's it barely squished watch and be amazed three easy payments of 4.99 uh so we got a deal welcome to demolition ranch does your backer right now maybe you need a new mattress and maybe you should get a memory foam pressure relief mattress and maybe you should just watch the most ranch because we're gonna shoot some today so we actually shot memory foam a while back we shot a bunch of memory foam pillows to see how they differed from regular pillows and we found out that memory foam was terrible terrible at stopping bullets like the bullets just whizzed right through like so many pillows so then i started wondering when you order these memory foam mattresses they come super compacted and rolled up for instance this is a twin mattress and it's six inches tall when it's all expanded but they knock all the air at them squeeze them down roll them up this one is actually a little bit bigger because when we pull it out of the box it started it wasn't taped upright so it started unrolling so you can see this one's already much larger than these so these front three are super densely packed really dense really hard so i wanted to see if you have super densely packed memory foam is it better at stopping bullets than our pillows which were just totally expanded memory foam and pretty much just let the bullets pass through them like they were air starting off in classic demolition ranch style with a walther p22 chambered and 22 long rifles so what we're not gonna be able to see is like exactly where the bullet stops all we're gonna know is does it go through the first does it go through the second and so on so let's see hmm dude okay oh wait did it not go in dude it bounced did it go through i can't tell there's no hole in the second one weird okay so that's actually pretty sad for this video that the 22 long rifle went straight through the first one i think i mean it definitely poked a hole here and it looks like dude i don't even know if it came out with any force at all there's like no dent here it did not dent the plastic are you still in there it is it's right there i can feel it all right we're doing surgery there she is 22 long rifle almost made it through one that is pretty dang weak so you can see it has this fabric here and then there's that memory foam inside it right there okay uh let's shoot it with a real caliber and hope we don't get exactly the same results and the nine millimeter goes through everything that'd be bad this is a glock 34 that has been modded by agency it's an agency glock and uh this was the one that we had i don't know if you can see it there's still blue glitter on it we did a torture test of this glock i called it the gucci glock which is a slang term for any glock that is like modded and fancy like this they call them gucci glocks and it was totally destroyed we torture tested it we busted cinder blocks on it we just did a bunch of mean stuff to it and it still was running pretty well so actually for the first time that video was i don't know a year ago and i hadn't cleaned it so uh yesterday i took it out and i tried to get all the glitter off i still you cannot get all the glitter off took it all apart cleaned it all oiled it all and we're gonna see uh if it runs i think it will that is a nine millimeter out of this glock 34. gucci glock and it's a full metal jacket to give it the best chance of penetrating cycle blocked back good to go oh it stopped oh no it didn't stop it definitely definitely went through that was where i pulled the 22 out that is where the nine millimeter came through this is where the nine millimeter entered and moment of truth stopped okay interesting so the whole reason i do stuff like this is because i'm always thinking about what will stop bullets so say i'm laying in bed and some bad guy gets through the first four layers of defense and all of a sudden he's in my room i need to roll over pull the gun out and then do i pull up the mattress to get me some cover or do i use the nightstand the lamp i don't know i i want to know and so that's the whole reason for this channel is so i can defend myself in my bedroom in the middle of night so the next round the next the next round is similar in size to the nine millimeter but is going way faster this is a 357 magnum out of this kiapa rhino so speed is how you get through stuff so we are gonna shoot a super fast 357 magnum through our memory foam mattresses just in case bad guy runs in we're the big old revolver oh yeah oh yeah so you might have noticed when i shot that 357 magnum it didn't rock up that's the beauty of this so what's interesting about this gun is the barrel is down here shooting out of the bottom of the cylinder usually the barrels on the top shooting out of that top spot on the cylinder so it has more leverage to kick back this one goes kind of straight back that's the beauty of the kiapa either way we went through the first one this oh dang this is the that's 357 right there so shredding our mattress went through came out went yeah that's nine did that not go through it didn't is the bullet here it really oh look at that dude still hot too holy cow so our nine millimeter went in and somehow our 3d7 did not and because this thing is more torn up it makes me wonder if this thing was flipping more and then obviously going slower so when it tears up like this it means it was going slower through here whereas this one poked right through or actually that was a nine pokes right through means it was probably going straight and fast this one was flipping slowing down popped out hit this did not cut the fabric and fell straight to the ground and it's still warm weird do militia um i need to apologize i lied to you that was a 38 special i was super confused because i was like i didn't think it would do that looked i looked at the box yeah i was shooting the wrong one 38 special this is a 357 magnum so this is a soft tip but it probably will expand i don't know it's hitting something soft so it might not we're gonna shoot an actual 3d7 magnum through there not that 38 that's why it did less than the nine millimeter because it's a 38 special they're weak 357 magnum is what we're shooting now actual 357 magnum that's also a reason this thing didn't kick up much because i was shooting a 38 special last time three minutes magnet we're gonna go low this time okay much more powerful still did not raise up came back this ground right here is darker you can see it's darker there that's where the puddle of ranch was it's still greasy from that ranch video so long ago that's 327 magnum dude so didn't disrupt much because it's freaking booking it through there that's the 38 special much weaker round made a bigger hole because it's going slower catching more stuff entry right here 357 magnum whoa that's it tried to come out i don't know that it came out uh it doesn't i don't see anything on here we're gonna cut her open and see if we can figure this out yeah yep there's a bullet right there i can feel it dude being able to find these bullets insane we actually got super lucky the last like five videos in a row i haven't thought we were gonna actually find these bullets and they're always very easy to find somehow like if this thing was in the middle of this we'd never find it but they're stopping like right before leaving or stopping on the ground outside of it there she is three pieces of magnum hot and we lost our soft tip but the uh leaf the petals did not open up on that thing so we have not made it into the third mattress yet guess we should shoot something more powerful next up the 50 ae out of the poor man's desert eagle this is the auto mag 5 giant pistol just like a desert eagle it has a ported slide and ported barrel and shoots the giant 50 ae this one is a hollow point so it's going super fast is super heavy but it's probably gonna open up i'm gonna shoot high on this one place your predictions in the comments below do you think it made it through the second i'm gonna say yes oh man all right there's our 50 ae coming out of the second going into the third right here oh no coming out of the third going into the fourth and stopping in the fourth did not come out video was almost over we need content on this one pat this is 762 by 39 the round that an ak-47 shoots and this is a copper bullet it's gonna freaking go through everything for sure not good not good what hold up what didn't even go through this one we've got too many holes for me to figure out where it's going okay so i'm pretty sure pretty sure this one's it here and here and then nothing came out so maybe it's the bigger heavier bullets it can carry through this the lighter bullets are flipping and turning and stopping but that for sure stopped in the third one okay let's try a bigger faster but heavier bullet and see what my glasses are fogging see what happens wow just pull one of my mustache hairs out dang it i don't have enough mustache hairs to go around okay 458 socom look at this thing and that is an extreme penetrator round all brass i wanted something that's gonna go deep and penetrate hard you know what i mean i'm gonna shoot low on this one so that maybe i can figure out which hole is it oh my gosh this is this is zoomed in all the way can't see anything since i'm shooting at three yards oh my gosh i forgot the fireball that comes out of this gun oh gosh boom okay it looks like it might be slowing down though dude that could be a good sign okay maybe not and weird how crazy is that so all these rounds are acting more and more powerful but they can't get through this one i thought for sure after seeing what the 22 did that we were not going to stop anything but somehow i mean these things are dense like look at these they're dense i weigh 700 pounds and it barely even squishes it 458 silicon is pretty big i think there's only one thing else to try so i was thinking may we just do a 50 bmg that is a blue tip which is an incendiary round there's no way that this thing does not go through right there's just no way let's go see what happened i don't know where i don't remember where the holes were let's just assume these are all going through oh yeah that one's hot holy cow that's really hot in there okay that one's it that's it coming through sideways look at that ripped a huge wide hole going in sideways right there and a little baby hole coming out the back that's it crazy okay so it did go through yeah i hit the dirt right here and our 50 went boom right there into the dirt look there's even memory foam right there that's pretty crazy okay we made it through successfully i have one more thing i want to try so so i was thinking okay hear me out the muzzle break of a barrett shoots a very powerful blast out the side right the muzzle break is about right here all the way in the middle of this tightly rolled mattress so i want to see if we can blow out the sides of this thing it also may destroy my gun both of those things are equally likely so we're going to go ahead and fire it here i have another blue tip we also may just accidentally light this thing on fire okay but we got a string here on the trigger we're gonna go back behind cover because this is a little uh scary but it should be good really really good okay we got a string we're gonna get down low and pull it dude that was quiet okay definitely went through and i don't i don't think it blew out the sides okay so this is hot right here so it definitely came out there yeah went in there look at that little hole it was still going straight right there so went in straight came out sideways carried on that way somewhere uh this did not blow up i really thought we might get it to blow out the sides let's see what the muzzle break looks like hopefully there still is an end of the barrel on there [Applause] that's just going to stay in there that looks great hot very hot now let's open up the mattress see what it looks like in there there she is so hey we're gonna cut it all the way down so this it looks like muzzle break was here that was on one side and that was on one side blasted it but not enough to make it all the way through okay kind of interesting video uh turns out compressed memory foam definitely works way better than non-compressed memory foam uh anyway me and the bear just gonna you know rest up after a good day's work here thanks so much for watching this episode i love you and i'll see you next time [Music] [Music] it's quite simple there's only one rule in the demolition you don't tell mayor
Channel: DemolitionRanch
Views: 1,676,354
Rating: 4.9437351 out of 5
Keywords: demo, demolition, demoranch, demolitionranch, ranch, vet, vetranch, offtheranch, off, the, testing, test, matt, dr. matt, dr matt, dr, dr.
Id: w-CuKlj_a9g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 35sec (1055 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 23 2021
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