Shooting an Elevator Cable, Under Max Load!!!

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AutoModerator 📅︎︎ Jul 29 2021 🗫︎ replies

Some data that I found that may help

Truck weight 8.500 to 9.000kg

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/juanea2395 📅︎︎ Jul 29 2021 🗫︎ replies
are you are you demolition ranch yeah man oh that's cool i used to be a huge fan of yours not anymore no you made this one elevator cable video that was it was real dumb you didn't even have any weight on the cable at all i mean yeah but like still a good video no it was pretty much worthless totally unrealistic in a waste of everyone's time there's no point in testing a cable that has no weight on it at all what do you mean you should have tested with a real elevator bro wait wait wait wait wait wait wait there's only one way to find out no no no you're right welcome to demolition ranch great video for you today but first i want to say thanks to our sponsor of this episode simply say simply safe is incredibly reliable and effective home security you order it online it is shipped directly to your door and then you you you you install it in your own home in under an hour using simple hand tools like a screwdriver or just double-sided tape a lot of people have been putting off getting 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safe alarm will go off and it'll notify the authorities of the event so they can make sure to come and stop whatever bad stuff is happening in your home visit demo ranch to learn more thank you simply save for sponsoring this episode of your favorite youtube channel welcome to demolition ranch last time we made an elevator cable video you guys freaked out like crazy because i didn't have tension on it listen do you know how hard it is to put tension on stuff it's not easy i don't have an elevator to actually shoot get off my back but we actually are going to put tension on it in this video so we have another elevator cable and as you can see that side is chained to a tree and this side we have hooked to the winch on my five ton so a typical elevator weighs around two thousand like five thousand pounds when loaded to capacity we'll say they're four thousand to ten thousand pounds so that cable if if it was just one cable would have ten thousand pounds hanging from it now usually elevators have multiple but we're gonna say worst case scenario we have a big completely full elevator with one cable so we're gonna have say ten thousand pounds of force on one cable my five ton has a eighteen thousand pound winch so we're gonna crank it up to full capacity we're gonna put 18 000 pounds of force on this cable so the theory is and i think you guys are right something that is taught is going to be easier to break so when we were shooting it when it was floppy it was going to absorb some of that energy and not cut it so think about it this way if you have a piece of paper and your friend is holding it like this and you karate chop it it's pretty easy to rip that piece of paper if you throw the paper up in the air and you karate chop it when it's not held taut it probably won't rip it'll probably just go with your hand i would be able to because i'm really good at karate chopping but like a normal person like you probably would not cut that paper in half unless it was tight taut so that's we're gonna do with this stand back we're gonna put a lot of tension on this thing real quick it's pretty tight already uh this truck weighs 20 000 pounds and that winch will eventually when it gets really tight we'll start pulling the truck forward because it pulls it so hard dragging the back wheel i have the emergency brake on on this truck and it it's dragging it so safe to say we got full power on that thing it is stretched to 18 000 pounds of force pulling that thing that is tight oh my gosh okay that's pretty tight now we are going to redo the test that we did before with the exact same calibers and see if we have similar results or if we cut this thing way easier first up nine millimeter out of a hellcat which is actually a very poor choice because we're shooting a tiny thing i mean it's an inch tall probably uh with a sub compact so we'll see how it goes uh last time we did a nine millimeter it did absolutely nothing oh my gosh the red dot totally covers up i can't see this thing at all because it's gray and it blends in with like the gray dirt behind it we're gonna paint this because it's invisible we don't want to get close because we're shooting steel and not really confident that i know where those bullets are gonna go so we're trying to be nice and safe and back far out here on the gun range okay that should make it a lot easier to see from a distance nine millimeter hopefully we can hit this thing that is so tiny can't tell if i'm hitting i think i'm hitting it but i don't know yeah that one for sure hit it all right let's go look this is hard to hit this thing here's our hit right here knock the paint off and left some pieces of lead on there that's not steel because it's really easy to bend but did not cut any of those little cables oh here's the other hits i knew i was hitting this thing so there's a hit there and a hit there where it knocked the paint off yeah nothing okay we hit three shots none of the nine millimeters did anything to it in the last video we went to a 45 acp so also i didn't tell you guys the other video i told you but this one the reason we're doing this is because in the movies the guys will go shoot an elevator cable with one bullet from a nine millimeter and it'll drop the entire elevator like they the matrix for instance they grab on and they go and everything falls we're just showing that that is not real life 45 acp a much bigger heavier bullet but for sure still not going to do anything right let's find out that is a hit let me go ahead and fire a couple more two hits in a row okay that's why 1911's are still popular today okay three hits in a row i like that [Music] chunks of lead that's lead from 45 this is the whole bullet looks like dude how crazy is that that's just straight up lead smashed into the cable there's the back of the 45 and here's the other one hit the cables look fine maybe a little bent there okay that one is bent hit hit hit nothing okay we're gonna repaint and step it up 45.70 government this is a big bad round capable of a lot of damage both to the target and to your shoulder so last time this one did not cut any cables but it bent them a little bit so this will be i think the first really telling test as to if this is different or not because if this cuts a cable it means that this tension is making a big difference which it's a crazy amount of tension that loop down there is just such a sharp loop and this is a really big thick strong cable all right can i hit it with a 45-70 from here that's the real test we're doing looked a little high wow i think that was high too it's so hard to tell maybe i'm going low maybe i should aim high we have not hit it yet yep i was going low every time so i aimed about an inch over we smacked it all the dust just flew off of that thing okay let's see what a 4570 did look at that okay so in the last video when we hit it with a 4570 it bent some of the wires a little bit but it did not break any looks like we broke one two three four five six at least seven this is scary i know it's probably not gonna explode but it just seems like it might explode but we broke seven of these small wires which is totally crazy which means you guys are right tension definitely made a difference on this so now we're gonna up it again in the last video we shot at 4570 didn't break any wires and then we went to a 300 win mag and it broke uh about this many wires honestly we threw in one mag so now we're going to shoot a three-in-one mag and see what it does with tension 300 win mag giant round it's really a giant case with a lot of powder shooting a normal sized bullet that's a 30 cal bullet but it just shoots it super fast we're shooting out of this falcore petra just like the last cable video and we will see what this extra tension does to it if anything we don't even know if it does anything i'm not sure oh scope is nice the problem is this scope is sighted in for far away and when you're shooting something up close the elevation is not the same as it was far away so i'm gonna i'm gonna try to hit this right over to the left of the last one okay that definitely missed it so at close range it means it should be shooting look i should yeah i need to go i think i need to go higher that touched it but i don't see it i think it just tipped it oh yeah it's low i see it all right i need to go extra high yup there it was that one was a solid hit definitely compromised our bullet went i'm gonna go let off tension this thing's scary i'm just like it's still got eighteen thousand pounds of tension on it i'm afraid it's gonna go and cut me in half [Music] all right tension is off it kind of rotated when i let the tension off the bullet came in right here so where did that other one hit like right over that's 45 70 knock those two loose but it came in right here it cut this whole thing in half this one right here mostly in half this one about half and half so the core it has one core in the middle so you can see this one right here in the middle and all the other ones wrap around that and so that core over here got hit lost a couple little fibers but the core is still strong so it looks like there are six cables wrapped around a single core so seven total let me see about how many we have left there's three complete cables this one is almost cut in half and the core is barely cut that took out 50 of our cables right there so i would say this thing is half as strong as it was before i'm gonna crank it up as tight as it'll go now it shouldn't break because that's still a very big cable but i'm kind of worried still if i get cut in half make sure to like uh subscribe and comment so that my family has enough money thanks [Applause] cable for sure is easier to hurt than a loose cable we're gonna actually shoot a part that hasn't been shot yet off to the left over here and i'm going all in we're going to use a 50 cal this is a 50 bmg black tip which is an armor piercing round so a 50 ap round going straight at our cable this is a barrett m82 and it packs a pretty good punch so the question is will it cut that in half or not i don't know we have it taught we went ahead and tightened it back up so it's a super tight cable let's see if it cuts firing i hit it but must have not hit it very bad looks like i hit the top let's go investigate real quick right there so i'm gonna aim a smidge lower i'm gonna turn my scope to smidge uh down in elevation just to go like one click as a smidge and then uh yeah we're gonna send it we hit it we need to hit better another ap round a little bit lower this time oh how did that not break so we got the center core that time mostly cut in half i think it spun a little i can't tell where the bullet went in but i mean it there's three cables left there that are not cut all right i'm gonna go crank it make sure we got full tension we're gonna try to shoot that in half okay that's as tight as we can get it i really want to break that thing uh we're gonna shoot an incendiary so this thing will explode when it hits i'm gonna hit it in that weak spot if that doesn't work we have another black tip to follow up and see if we can break it i just really want to see a cable snap under tension i mean i'm kind of nervous about it but i just gotta know i gotta know what it does all right 50 bmg incendiary coming in hot whoa that was it it just fell that flash is so crazy so i don't actually know what happened because in my scope i just saw this big boom and then when i looked up out of my scope i just saw it falling but it i was really hoping we would get some like it doesn't seem that happened here is uh one end of the cable this is a solid what is missing it's missing one right here oh it's right there that's it okay this is the other half cool there was just so much tension that i can't even get them close this right here hooked to this right here and now it's like two feet of missing cable in there just because we had stretched that rope cable the chain all as taut as they would go so class here's what we learned you guys were right because when we hit them with the 4570 the three in a win mag and the 50 bmg on a non-tensioned cable there was way less damage than when we actually had pulled 18 000 pounds of force and then it was much easier we didn't cut the other one half go watch the other video if you haven't because it's interesting now to compare the two we did not cut them in half we could have if we shot enough 50 cows but it would have taken forever but this one freaking crazy okay you haters are gonna be like hey matt you next time you gotta hang it straight up and down because the force is different shut up i'm doing my best here thanks so much for watching this episode of blizzard i love you and i'll see you next time [Music] [Music] it's quite simple there's only one rule in the demolition you don't tell mayor
Channel: DemolitionRanch
Views: 3,778,963
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: demo, demolition, demoranch, demolitionranch, ranch, vet, vetranch, offtheranch, off, the, testing, test, matt, dr. matt, dr matt, dr, dr.
Id: j5VOF04_mMg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 7sec (1027 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 29 2021
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