World's Largest Man vs World's Largest Rice Krispy!!!

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[Music] hey can i get to buy that thanks welcome to demolition ranch this is my friend robert oberst hey dude hi bud how you doing doing good good to see you i'm glad to be here i invited you out for this video in particular because how many of these can we eat yeah a certain amount of time yeah i was gonna say no offense but you look at a guy who likes food most certainly especially these these are my size too so we have giant rice krispie treats and we just have always wondered how much rice crispy like they're very airy kind of food as you guys know and but like if you have a bunch of them and they're giant can they stop a bullet but they're sticky too there are so you got the marshmallow yeah that's true what do you think i mean let's say we start off with a 22 you think it's going through these no way i think the 22 is gonna be like right here maybe in ten two three four five six seven eight nine that's like 12-ish yeah okay i'm saying i'm saying stops in basically we're gonna prove that we can make bulletproof vests out of rice crisp retreats pretty much what every video on demos ranch is is trying to prove dumb things to make bulletproof vests out of see these are already plate carrier size and that's right punch plus you're like hiking along in the middle of the apocalypse you get a little you want to put oh gosh i thought he would just be nice about it but you're like hiking along in the middle of the apocalypse right you get a little hungry you just that's true take a bite of your blood lots of energy in there right you could survive a long time on rice krispie treats i'm just saying it's good for two reasons bullet stopping and energy and your friends could punch you yeah that actually that did absorb your punch pretty well you didn't want to do it hard too i was like one of us is going to get hurt are you saying that wasn't full power no no definitely not i don't want to punch full power i'll hurt my hand this is what the internet wants to see that's the scariest thing you've ever seen i was like i'm dead i'm dead robert weighs 400 pounds just so you know i'm not really educated on how to do it well too oh yeah that was good did you rip it yeah it worked that felt good it felt like a horse just kicked me in the chest sounded good all right let's shoot it will you grab the mozanagon let's just start with the mozanagon it looks like a little tiny baby gun in your hands it feels pretty small crazy it'll do the trick though it actually is a baby gun that's a that's a mozanagon clone it's a 22. so you thought i'd go through what'd you say well i'm thinking about 12. should i do it here or should i button this i think right here is great i think it's going through six it's so tiny it's definitely made for children to shoot perfect shot right in your punch hole uh-huh up yep out out was that three four five six oh seven eight nine dang ten eleven holy cow videos over twelve 12. dude you're right oh right on it would go through 12. so it stopped in the 13th is it in there i don't see it on the table so it should be there you see maybe the marshmallow is such a powerful deterrent that it like disintegrated the bullet on the way through very possible i think that's probably what happened just just evaporated it's like a it's like one of those re-entry spaceships that they just kind of burn up in the atmosphere exactly exactly that's science guys right can't argue with it guys this is the part of the show where i realized we made a grave mistake and didn't buy enough because think about it if a 22 went through 12 and we only have like 22 or three here a nine probably is going to go through everything but we actually have a lot more like double this much we have over 40 now we're gonna shoot a nine millimeter out of this maxim and we're shooting some hollow points what's your prediction on this one obie it's a hollow point so it's throwing me off you know that's tricky that's that's the that's the catcher i'm saying stops it goes through the 15th and then it stops 15. yeah all right well i'm gonna um i'm gonna prices write you and i'm gonna go 16. all right all right nine millimeter going straight down the middle one two three four five six seven eight nine holes getting a little bigger so maybe that's good 10 11 12 13 14 15. dang it 16. oh there it is oh you got it right dead right again 17. so it went right through the 16th and stopped in the 17. oh look it didn't open up oh wow that's why it opened up a little maybe it's just too soft yeah i think it's just too soft so it started opening so i wonder a full metal jacket probably go a lot further oh yeah all the way all the way i think i don't know but i do know if if our third bullet we fire at this goes all the way the video is a huge flop and oh gold no it won't we'll just let's let's try it okay this is a subsonic round but it's full metal it's actually not full metal jacket it's a copper all copper bullet so it won't expand at all has a very pointy point let's see i think it's going i'm going to like get down on me i think it goes 21. 21. yep this is cool i'm like as tall as you now okay let me get my hips down into it 12 13 14 15 16. dude no it's right there what where's the bullet it's in here it's rare no it's not it's not it's got to be there there it is so there is our oh it's warm feel that that's our full metal jack not pulling i keep trying to say full metal jacket it is a solid copper bullet a little bit less than the hollow point because it's subsonic video videos might be saved okay next we're shooting at 50 ae the same round that a desert eagle shoots but we don't have a desert eagle this is an automag five oh yeah chambered in 58 this is like a power sized gun yeah it's a hollow point this is a gun that's made for you look at that you even make that gun look small which is kind of funny that has like a seven inch barrel on it and it looks normal in your hand it feels small here especially yeah his pinky's hanging off the bottom of a 50 ae look at that i have a feeling this could go through our entire stack even hollow point yeah that's a big powerful round out of a long barrel yeah i think it could all right time will tell let's see jeez that thing's loud all right dude look at that one two three four we should just like go over here and see where we are oh it's still through dang it let's see nope not the end it didn't nope nope they're falling nope nope nope oh my gosh oh here we go there's two holes down there oh and this one it's in here it's got to be there there it is it just fell out they should make bulletproof vests out of marshmallow someone needs to lick all that off of there yeah yeah bullet tooth tony from uh from uh what is that is that snatch snatch yeah good movie yeah it doesn't taste good so we stopped in 33. we have bigger guns we can nice we can get through this next up double lot buck 12 gauge high brass this is probably not gonna go very far but it should do a lot of damage that's kind of it'll look cool it should look cool i'm going to shoot from the hip see if i can aim right oh nice perfect shot all right so how many do you think that one went through they stayed together pretty well i think i think the the good question is do you think that went further than our first nine the hollow point nine no i don't think so less so less than 12. yeah the first 12.9 was 17. oh 17 yeah i think it went less than 12 though i think it went less than our 22. find out yeah i see how they're splitting up so much all right so we're at four five six seven eight nine ten eleven okay i was wrong a little bit thirteen fourteen yeah there's slowing down there's less coming through there's only like three coming through there right now you can see the difference between the first hole and that hole yeah 15 16. that looks like single hole i think that that's about where they were yeah i have a gun that actually will look really good with you shooting him okay it's big just like you it's powerful just like you and uh it could really be pretty it can really hurt me just like you try this one oh that one should work 500 magnum i'm never gonna touch that gun again i don't know where that's been i'll take it on the carry-on with me let's fly home all right 500 magnum a very powerful round and we have a 28 inch barreled gun here this is the extra length of the barrels that make it shoot further it speeds it makes it faster so yes further oh wow so yeah this is magnum research big effing revolver it's called the bfr i didn't make that up i don't know i think it stands for biggest finest revolver and uh we're gonna shoot a 500 magnum out of it it's so very front heavy like your sight radius is like two feet right so here we go this let's get her in there all right you got this hold on tight oh yeah i'm gonna slap my own face oh that was a perfect shot that felt good it honestly didn't have the kick i was expecting yeah i think uh normally with like a a big gun like that i don't like shooting them because you can't like hit what you want but with the length of the barrel it seems like it's way easier well and it being a lot heavier gun it doesn't make it kick as much because it absorbs some of that that should be my personal character yeah you should definitely for sure put this in your truck or like have this on your hips pull out my long sleeves i can use it as a cane or something what are you guessing all the way man i don't know it didn't i didn't see that cinder block move and that was a solid shot right in the middle right so i don't know oh dude dude look at that so it's like pulling it all through oh there's like paper in that and oh yeah it's all just it's mushed crazy oh wow oh yeah wait is that is that it that's some bullet oh that's buckshot buckshot i think i mean this wasn't here during the bug shot all this stuff coming through right wow hold it all together oh look at that what is it i saw a copper yeah just pieces of jacket that probably is from that bullet we lost the biggest bullet we've fired so far how is that possible i don't know i have no idea yeah i think it just broke all the copper off and the lead just sort of started dissipating as it went through yeah long story short 500 magnum made it i mean we got like eight to spare yeah so it's getting there the 500 mag didn't go all the way through that's pretty crazy i was kind of thinking it would for sure all right we got bigger guns though we can we can try those next up is my baby foul little baby gun chambered in 308 you like three is my ultimate zombie gun my ar-10 that's my baby the big zombies oh yeah just in case the big ones come out so this one's considered a pistol so it has a pistol length barrel but it's still going to be shooting that 308 super fast going all the way through what do you think i'm gonna say it's gonna be short by one dang i think it's going all the way through i would love if that happened though let's see giddy up all right it's going all the way through dude i didn't see the cinder block move no that is a dead center hit again nothing nope dude that stopped what the heck we started tracing it that's about right here was trying for it where it went it was going down so it started flipping down this thing was probably tumbling through here started angling down hit the bottom of that one hit the very bottom of that and then we saw a dent in the table so we were like well it's got to be somewhere around here and then we found it a basically unscathed 308 still nice and warm oh yeah but somehow stopped in like well that's probably 30 rice krispie treats which is pretty wild you guessed exactly right there's 12 left perfect so i am actually really really surprised that a 500 didn't go through and a 308 didn't go through i'm going to fortify my house with right it's just rice krispies just like pack the walls and rice crispies and then if you get hungry good to go right we have a bigger a bigger gun it looks small in his hands but it's larger we always have bigger guns so versus actually shot this gun before but before it was gold uh this is my barrett m107 and it's gold it's the boss gun like you get this gun you got everything so i think a 50 bmg is going to go through everything and kill that cinder block you think you think it's going to put the cinder block down yeah for sure what do you think i've got marshmallow face man dude i hope you're right because that'd be hilarious how crazy would it be if it didn't go through i'm not saying it's impossible it could stop all right send it i'm praying for marshmallow god let's do it [Music] oh you don't need ears for this one either it's it's hearing safe let's see what we got flash that was a uh incendiary round i just want to see that flash started going off that's a big old hole and it looks like it's coming up so hopefully it didn't go down into the table i mean it's just still going through no flashing yet you can tell where it flashes because it'll be all black oh okay so i saw a big flash though but it's still coming through right here at the bottom oh yeah still coming through oh dude that hole's getting big look at that oh yeah still going low all right now you're busting out the bottom of them oh look at that whole bottom piece is gone it's not flashing yet though looks like mice got into this all right still going through only these though it hasn't hit table yet oh it looks like oh it went through the table right there okay we're gonna shoot it again we're gonna bring it up this time but that's for sure gonna go through oh did we hit the dirt right here yep that's for sure where a 50 cal just busted through the dirt all right i'm gonna fire another one oh yeah he's getting serious now all right this time we're shooting an armor piercing round it's an armor-piercing incendiary so it should explode just like before but also should make it through that cinder block oh never seen anyone do that before reach over right yeah reach over like that like it takes a lot of strength to do that all right you ready can you move your triceps they're too big [Applause] you got it did you get covered in stuff too oh i got i got some blow back i got hit with everything ripped all this stuff apart over here too all right i think you went through it i love the 50. pretty sure it man you penetrated so hard just then there's our cinder block dude that incendiary blew up on the cinder block those 50s see how low that is whenever they start going through stuff they start tumbling and they end up yawing out they never go straight so you came in pretty centered and it still ducked down and was going down low i don't think that exploded at all until it hit cinder block on that one yeah it didn't look like it bulletproof vest made out of this good for up to 308 as long as you have like three feet on you serious question though we still get to eat all this right yeah we're gonna let this go away come on man we're not animals you have so much left um only 32 more to go man come on good keep it up thanks so much for watching this episode of demolition rant go check out robert oberso link in the description below i love you and i'll see you next time [Applause] [Music] ah [Music] it's quite simple there's only one rule in the demolition you don't tell mayor give it a good one come on yeah i've been working out
Channel: DemolitionRanch
Views: 2,945,775
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: demo, demolition, demoranch, demolitionranch, ranch, vet, vetranch, offtheranch, off, the, testing, test, matt, dr. matt, dr matt, dr, dr.
Id: DK0Nx1mXQVw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 2sec (1022 seconds)
Published: Fri May 07 2021
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