Surprising Results With Full Oxygen Tanks...

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[Music] so [Music] rachel turn off the lights when you walk out of the room no we don't have vegan burgers this is america i like big butts and i cannot lie a few more minutes guys money doesn't grow in trees come on hey dave that's a beautiful bmw you call me the only thing i love more than corvettes america my zoysia grass is going to be popping which kind of bear is the most condescending berry a pan duh close the door you're letting all the air out louise your tomatoes are almost ready for picking hey junior you take out the trash thanks bud see you sport thing i can't believe about it is the torque hey junior i used to hate facial hair but then it grew on me no junior is not playing soccer we're not raising no pansies in this house rachel rachel come here time you learn how to change the tire yeah i can stand at these puppies all day smell of america you'll see burnout today's video i want to say thank you to our channel sponsor simply safe a lot of you guys are probably like me and you like putting things off and maybe you've been putting off getting home security for your house well don't wait any longer because simply safe is awesome it's super easy you literally order it online it is delivered to your door and then you install it in under an hour it's incredibly reliable and effective home security and you can totally customize it to whatever your needs in your home are this is your home base station it's kind of the brain of the whole system and then these are a bunch of devices this is your keypad which controls everything this is a video camera you can get as many of these as you need in your house smoke detectors these are window and door sensors this is a glass break sensor motion detector freeze sensor water sensor panic button video doorbell for your front door and then also a smart door lock for your front door i was first interested in simply safe because i wanted to make sure my house is safe if someone breaks a window this thing will let me know or if someone opens a door in the middle of the night this thing starts giving you a countdown and it says if you don't put the pin in right now i'm about to freak out then i get out of bed i'm like what is that i'm like where's he yes and also while i'm doing that don't be safe is calling the authorities to let them know something bad is happening in my house super easy not only to install by yourself but also to set it all up hook it all up to here and easy to check and make sure that everything is installed correctly and working correctly for more information go to demo ranch it is linked in the description below thank you to simplisafe for sponsoring this episode of demolition ranch welcome to demolition ranch on our list of sketchy things this video is up there in the past we have shot some compressed tanks before we shot scuba tanks with jacob and jordan we shot nitrous tanks nitrous bottles although cletus mcfarland both of those though are non-flammable air is not flammable that's all it's in a scuba tank nitrous is not flammable it just ups your compression in your engine today we're going to shoot oxygen tanks pure oxygen in these tanks oxygen that's a man with his head on fire i think compressed oxygen in here we have three tanks we've gone ahead and tied that one to a pole because i'm worried if we do puncture the tank first i want to see how these tanks bulletproof turns out scuba tanks and nos nitrous tanks are very bulletproof we eventually got through them but it took a lot i assume these are probably the same they got a whole lot of pressure in they also keep bolts from getting in i want to see if we can get through this and then number two if it explodes or shoots fire i don't know i don't know what's gonna happen very nervous while we're possibly letting off a bomb on my ranch so we have we have my fire truck over here ready for action and we also are going to only shoot them when they're tied to a pole so i mean my fear is like my property is all wooded my fear is it goes boom and takes off like a rocket through the trees lighting everything on fire for like for like a mile it goes like into my neighbor's property through his lights the next neighbors it's just burning a streak a path of destruction if you will we're gonna stop that from happening hopefully unless i shoot right into one of the straps rips it off bust the tank i burned down half of texas let's not do that we're gonna be shooting from up on this hill i was scared with the freaking nitrous video and the compressed air video the ones that i knew it wouldn't explode with fire just explode this one might explode with fire and might just explode i don't know i have no idea what it'll do which is why we're doing it because i want to know you guys probably want to know and i'm willing to put myself at risk for us all to find out what will happen if we shoot compressed pure oxygen we're going to start off small something i don't think will explode a 22 long rifle out of my baby mosin nagant um i've never shot this thing far so i have no idea if it's this accurate we're like 50 yards holy cow that seemed to hit really hard we'll go look at it here's our hit right here did not even dent it it rang it really good though next up is a 357 magnum colt python eight inch barrel that thing's booking it possibly could go through and puncture our oxygen tank the only one way to find out ah kind of a far shot with a revolver whoa that was a hit no explosion 357 magnum a very very slight dent not much of one okay we're gonna have to go bigger next up a 44 magnum another revolver but the big bad 44. after seeing 387 i don't think this one is going to break that open either that's a big nope and another very super slight dent but nothing even close to getting through this we need something more powerful we don't have anything so that's the end of the episode thanks for watching next up the old winchester model 97 marked omaha police department it's a pretty sweet gun i haven't shot this one in a while i think jerry mitchell shot this one i think this was the one that was not shooting straight we're shooting a one ounce slug out of it by the way and i think for some reason this one was shooting off to the right i don't know if i'll be able to hit it with this thing today i'm gonna aim the left side of that thing and we'll see if we get lucky that went right off to the left side like looks like it missed it by like an inch and i was aiming left side so i'm gonna name right side this time and maybe jerry is just a bad shot oh yep okay that was a perfect hit let's go check it out dude look at that okay jerry was right it was shooting i just was thinking it was shooting right it actually was shooting left so i first aimed right here and it landed in the dirt back over there and then i aimed right here and it went like six inches left and almost a foot up but we nailed it dead on made a big dent in it really big but still did not penetrate our giant oxygen container let's do something faster i think it's time to move up to real rifles now next up the old demo ranch ar things chambered in 556 and we have a green tip very good at penetrating there's a decent chance this thing will blow up which is why we scooted way back here on the hill firing no splode okay i'm getting nervous every time now five five six definitely took a chunk out but these walls are usually pretty thick so i bet that's not even close to going through well we need something faster and heavier i think to make it through this freaking tank next up is this giant round this is a 338 lapua magnum out of this gun this is an armalite ar30 you guys haven't seen this one in a while i've actually had this since like the early days of demo ranch this was like one of the first really super powerful guns i got bolt action mag fed sniper rifle it's heavy this gun is super heavy but it's a really nice gun 338 is going fast it's really heavy i'm like 99 sure it will puncture this tank and i have no idea if it will set it on fire or not so i'm actually pretty nervous this one i think we might be about to get crazy all right 3 30 at the pula firing so i missed it looked like it went right so i'm gonna aim left yeah i think it went like a foot right and i was on it so this is a gun i have not shot a long time probably should have sided in all right i'm gonna aim on the left edge looks like there's a hole straight through it but no air came out these were full tanks is what we were told what the heck man that is a straight up hole all the way through this bottle you can see if it's in focus the inner edge there and no air came out which means some dude in the welding shop the old man was like yeah i'm not giving demolition ranch a full bottle of oxygen i know what he's gonna do i'm gonna get my empty one tell him it's full i know what you did old man i know it this is empty no air came out of this i actually are some like there's some smoke coming out probably because it just broke the metal but i watched the gopro there was no so i don't know we got a hole straight through it and nothing came out i guess we'll try 338 lapua on one of our other tanks we haven't used these we bought these things brand new we did buy them like two months ago because we didn't have a fire truck and i wanted to make sure we had a fire truck ready to go but like we haven't opened them they don't leak they're not supposed to leak i don't know super anticlimactic we'll try it again i just opened this thing up to look at it it was open it was like right in the middle so somebody opened this thing and then sold it to us real cool real cool okay this one's closed we're good okay so glad i get to relive this again the stress of possibly you know watching a huge fireball take off through the woods hopefully not though right like hopefully we're good and it just it just makes a puff of fire and we all go whoa that was awesome all right 338 lapua magnum going at a full oxygen tank whoa it did it [Music] it ripped off our straps and bent our giant poles that are cemented into the ground right now all right let's go investigate dude i shot something that was so much smaller than this it didn't go yeah hit right there look at that that noise oh that's water filling up what the heck so why is it like that dude i just watched the gopro and it the fireball coming out of that was crazy and then it looked like it got put out when it fell in the water so that's probably a good thing also why did it tear my strap or did it tear my strap what happened with the strap why did those yep so that strap ripped off where'd the other one did they both just tear off this one's missing the hook which means it it means you just bent it which also probably why this pole is bent right here two poles that bent no all three of them are bent that's why i wanted it tied to a pole so it didn't shoot a mile into the woods because that's some scary stuff holy cow you know what we should do now shoot a bigger tank with a bigger gun yeah buddy i tied it down real good i got like four straps on there so we can be totally sure that won't go places i was just walking back and saw this that's got to be from one of the pistol rounds like the back of one of the pistol rounds i bet little piece of copper it was sitting here well just sunk it was literally floating on top of the water somehow here's what i'm thinking hear me out 50 bmg with a red and silver tip the silver means it's incendiary the red means it's a tracer and it's also an armored piercing round so a red and silver tip is an armor-piercing incendiary tracer also known as an apit an a-pit round we're gonna shoot it out of this barrett straight down there into the big tank oh and hopefully uh it stays there tied to it i'm a little nervous all right literally here goes nothing oh my gosh we did see some fire it went out fairly quickly which is good pure oxygen burns big time but once it gets far enough away it's not like propane where it continues to burn we're learning a lot on science ranch and it stayed mostly tied to the pole but it definitely tried to get off that pole what the it took one of the poles out oh you know what this is doing ow super hot this is welding it's a freaking torch so it's blasting went out both sides already saw i can see it freaking oh so that's the uh this is the front right here with that oh this freaking perfect hole so it did the same thing 338 did about the same size hole so what it's doing it's going in there and lighting that on fire it's blasting out super hot oxygen which is enlarging that hole it's freaking like a torch and so it's opening up that hole same thing here this actually looks just like a torch blasted it there's like metal slag on the outside so it went through the back and then oxygen was leaking out here but not as much and so it was torching it as well and then it also torched this in half because this was right behind it so it torched this pipe in half and then started melting this one oh it did these pipes are full of concrete right now so it melted through that you can see this concrete in here and then broke it off once there was no metal around it it started melting through this and that's actually concrete right there that's the metal it was trying to get through this one it did the same to this ah these are freaking welded to them yeah it got through the metal there too it got it started into the metal here and just freaking melted these pipes in half is our concrete right there in the other end of the pipe that broke off you can see it started melting this now what's crazy is a torch would melt this no problem but a torch would take you know 10 seconds to do this this did this in like a half second like it started i mean you got to think it came out of a hole that was that big and torches are normally the size of a pin they're usually a little pinpoint that makes a nice cut this is this big blasting a torch on it for a half second and just melts that metal instantly which is pretty pretty crazy i'm still surprised though that this is such a perfect hole in the front that definitely went in as a 50 cal hole and then just slowly went as that fire was coming out which is wild it was also interesting to note that the fire went out once it got like this far away from the tank propane it would go out 15 feet and all burn up and explode that oxygen once it mixed with enough air it wasn't flammable anymore and did not burn but that's why when you're in a shop with a welder has oxygen tanks or in my vet clinic where we have oxygen tanks for the animals you'd be very careful with them because if that happened inside a building people are going to get hurt your building's going to be on fire for sure it was it was insane thank you guys so much for watching uh let me know we were kind of just up in the ante every time on these tanks we started with very non-flammable things which were still scary then we went to this let me know what you want to see us blow up next we can get crazier we didn't even use my fire truck today what's the point of having a fire truck we can't use it so holler at me comment below thanks for watching this episode of military i love you and i'll see you next time [Music] [Music] ah it's quite simple there's only one rule in the demolition you don't tell mayor you
Channel: DemolitionRanch
Views: 5,108,393
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: demo, demolition, demoranch, demolitionranch, ranch, vet, vetranch, offtheranch, off, the, testing, test, matt, dr. matt, dr matt, dr, dr.
Id: lAdAtaUfGPk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 14sec (1154 seconds)
Published: Fri May 28 2021
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