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oh yes oh yes we're back making portland's everybody but I can't stir it until I've had my beans top of the morning to you laddies my name is jacksepticeye welcome back to portal 2 anybody gonna say anything Cave if you're interested in an additional $60 test associate and let them know you could walk out of here with a hundred and twenty weighing down wow that sounds epic I would love to have science all over me wait am I actually supposed to be doing this I don't know what am I supposed to be doing where am I going there's the exit over there so I need to ramp from that over there I need this block so I okay alright watch this alright come on yeah yo alright now if I do this no go up thank you if I do oh yeah yeah yeah oh yeah for the brain is thick just like my juicy eyes high block oh god run run Oh scary I'll have to take a bean juice break oh good dirty bean water alright now we wait yes there's a thingy over here go this way blocky is this good yes this way blocky I put you there and then squirt bloosh spam love me a good squirt in the morning you know it's how I roll so if we mmm-hmm if I put say a thingy right there and then a thingy there could I beat the world's greatest superhero me been thinking so wait is that it it can't be that can't be it nope that's not it oh god oh god what stuck here now oh oh I mess it up I wasn't supposed to do that yet I get it I get it oh I get it but you dare and then put a sploosh eat out here Boing grrrrrr guys it's easy when you use your brain all right it's about time all of you started using your brains smarty dum-dums all right I need to fix this one cuz I I messed it all up cuz I'm not using my brain all right now that's it right I think so I think now that wait I kind of don't trust ya let's maybe put orange on that one okay here we go here we go blowing my hands for good luck okay too much some of you spit on them social this it [Music] so that's a complete reassembly new vitals spit shine on the old ones plus we're scooping out tumors frankly you want to be paying us that's a good service I don't know what we've gettin pulled apart in the first place is good getting put back together free of charge and getting the tumors pulled out it's pretty nice well they don't have tumors beard dirt that's what I spend my stipend on all forms must be filled out legibly and completely before eligible to receive payment of $60.00 that's a great price can you put a price on scientific improvement and scientific positivity in advancement yes and that price is $60 also says thank you for not loitering longer than 20 minutes in other words it's hurry the F up where am I going oh here all right I think I'll bring a chair with me I can't bring the chairs with me you know I'm not gonna bring a chair with me anyway that's kind of dumb also I missed a ton of the hideouts in the test chamber area I didn't even know those were in the game everyone's like oh I can't believe Jack missed them I didn't even know they existed there's a ton of areas in the earlier levels that have a guy called rat man and a bunch of his artwork and stuff I think he worked on the game but there's like little Easter eggs in the hidden areas everywhere I didn't know now I feel stinky I mean II hate feeling stinky you guys know this about me if there's one thing Jack hates it's stunk wait so what is in this have we been in there is that where we disease I can't yeah alright go go do your thing you know what loss you being a potato makes you far more attractive than you ever were before now the robot body was bangin okay got a big juicy ass on it but this potato I'd freak I'm just sayin oh we got a new one white gel what does the white gel do stains everything every teenager with a penis knows that nice nice you ain't crushing me I've been through this rodeo before alright I know what's up now what do we do next see the white gel allows you to shoot your shot kid nice oh good night danger keep out pump station gamma all right can I just I hand just and they did just oh oh whoa okay all right Carla the complainer says my new boss is a robot but did you know robots are smarter than you robots work harder than you robots are better than you volunteer for testing today robots are not better than me can robots do this didn't think so Oh got us you're all scared of birds now I don't blame you birds are terrifying you never know what a bird's thinking bird lands and your shoulder shits on it and what else No watch your step it's a little late now I almost fell and died but it's okay cuz I'm epic Oh coffee the bean counters told me we literally could not afford to buy seven dollars worth of moon rocks much less 70 million bottom anyway round them up mix them into a gel guess what ground up no caves dying so the white gel is ground up moon rocks basically moon dust in liquid form and then they pace it everywhere and it conducts portals it's great also I waited for him to finish so I could do this that never gets old wait is there like I mean I get that there's labs everywhere to test stuff ways is just like sitting here and hanging here like what oh god there's another one what are these why are these who are these who are you lots of questions to be answered here's what it looks like now I think I could see that voice coming out of him for sure doesn't look like JK Simmons but a few people do what does this one say no you're paradoxes one sense still to remain calm 3 scream that's how you make a jacksepticeye video Aperture Science let's work together Oh cuz it's a robot it was like why is this face wrong not wrong different [Music] wait for attendant but I don't wanna are you showing people in here you brainwashing them I think so robots don't sleep they can test and do your job volunteer for testing today ok it'll be nice so the test subjects will come through here test subject a waiting area interesting interesting warning please do not test if you are allergic to lunar sediment and or starch how would I know do not test if you were fulfill if you fulfilled your monthly test self election quota or if you are confident enough in your work performance to volunteer from the test self election process you're just trying to brain around me alright I'm guy can't be brain Don nothing in here cave you can't brain on those who don't have one then showed him don't stinky dying man ok what so disdain what we got going on up hey oh we got some we got some dust we should have a wall somewhere right ok alright I just do this and it just kind of sprays it everywhere nice nice and the more places you spray it the further it can go this is weird because before you start thinking okay there's a certain set of rules there's only white surfaces you can put portals on so they've clearly limited the player on what they can do because you can't just pour portions everywhere because that would break the game and then the games like are you sure about that I have reports all over the place bruh it's crazy this is this is mad science you shouldn't be allowed to have this power it's too much it's awesome though I I have to cover the entire room I'm sorry that's just the way it's gonna have to be because I am not comfortable having just certain parts of this room covered and not all of it it could freak me out I won't be able to sleep later and then everyone's gonna have to hear it about it the next day alright I think I've proven my point honestly alright let's get out of here so my stinky little ass has to get up there how now brown cow hmm and forcing it's very interesting put it everywhere put it all over all that all this stuff yeah put it put it everywhere there chief yeah good job good job good you all over that yep there you go yeah you got all splooge it everywhere all over the everything I love it just don't live with color it's just very nice you know I really like it is that enough for me to actually get across I have no idea this is explosion everywhere and I don't know if I'm comfortable with it early up high now I'm here and that's epic so I can shoot you down there hmm interesting very interesting okay I'm inside one of these right now so there's just test areas oh I thought it was going to be like a loch ness monster inside one of them I mean a boy can dream but a boy can also be disappointed [Music] see plotted seeking yes yes quite indeed yes so I need to come out of this and on to that we can make that happen we have the technology okay there's actually a portal on it nice and now I just shiro she yes indeed Eve what's up [Music] thirty years ago I will say this and I'm gonna say it on tape so everybody hears it a hundred times a day if I die before you people can pour me into a computer what Carol and to run this place so we got two very important things just there number one the best monologue in the entire game that was the voice line that I said I was waiting for that everyone repeats and everyone loves if you've ever heard burn your house down with lemons or any of that jargon from that monologue now you know what game it's from and everyone who's played the game absolutely loves that line but also he said that we're going to put somebody's brain into a computer and if carrot if he dies Carolyn takes over now GLaDOS keeps talking about why she knows Carolyn okay I'm not gonna put two and two together for you but I it's pretty obvious right now right yes okay if you haven't figured it out then I just feel bad for you honestly like what's that brain do and being a stink like that oh oh whoa that's good let's go all the way up there I want to be all the way at the top yeah is there anything that I can miss here though I don't want to miss stuff I like seeing the stuff let's just see if we get into this room oh that's interesting that's very interesting what's in here nothing no epic should I keep going up I think so yes yes yes I think I will okay all right there's a thing can I wait what's through this gap oh I thought it was an actual gap in the wall that I could go see something well I guess not foolish me game egg on my face I get it whatever I'm still epic you're not stinky hole right should I get on the elevator but can't do that okay whatever I think what I have to do is go up there and then fall down and hit this not sure I need a way of oh yeah can this work yes indeedy yes it can I use my brain like a smart man all right now though same thing again same thing again all the same thing again buddy well Shh that's okay maybe I should come out on that one yeah that's better Oh or maybe not that's whatever guys what am I even looking at when I come out oh so I should shoot blue you know excellent no if my brain could think I'd be unstoppable where we going no dad man [Music] yeah let's blow it up break some rules I really like that GLaDOS gets said it I like the Gladys gets a lot of personality in this game she already had a bunch of personality originally but I really like that to kind of take some effort to to round her out to make you empathize with her a bit more so I need to fall down through there and then come out up there I think I can do that let's go here okay maybe not let's go over let's go over this way nice nice nice nice let's do that and then this I know the same talk about fair play Alliance and then we do mmm you there that's not gonna go out there is it oh it is if I go there then it goes there but I have more mass and I had more acceleration than this thing did so wouldn't the water slow down in the air and dissipate or is it special water would propulsion gel probably that alright let's jump to our death wow I almost messed it up but I'm a legend you guys were here to witness that TAS epic caution all right I already fell dude you don't got a caution me why this even if I come up through here oh I know because there's going to be a thing in here that I can shoot with a portal I know I get it I am so smart did I put the right portal I always under cut myself immediately I'm so clever wait did I do it right Yoshi oh no oh yes nailed it nice oh brain oh brain goodly mm-hmm that's me all right so we got Bush [ __ ] and it's doing a lot of stuff what if we just paint some of the room with this yeah yeah yeah put another portal here she's got some portals going because I pause going slippery epic I don't really know what to do oh nice okay good just get the white one through yeah good good good good going I'm going over there got it right so now we can do this watch no that's that's that's yeah you do this and he gets some oranges going uh-huh uh-huh you see that uh-huh yeah and then you do maybe something a little like this and you get some blues going huh huh yeah I know we're in for a treat now folks I need to get rid of these though actually let's just go through this wanna get rid of your portals just go through your handy-dandy trusty phase field here why boy [Music] all right whatever I'll just do this then like a Normie oh wow we actually that's that back I need another one ding ding all right let's let's do it folks just put it right here and then get rid of it hmm that didn't really work oh I know what will though I have a brain I do sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't but when it does oh it's over for you [ __ ] oh yeah look at that all right round two baby I'm ready I'm ready board my hands again oh yeah oh I can feel it I can feel it yeah baby that was tasty oh we gotta go again and just yeah nice hurry priapic be epic freak cause whatever whoa whoa whoa what is happening no cuz it's gone into Vitt Deuteronomy nice nice I love it and I'm a hard man to please Oh Lord Oh God this this way up yes please oh I am what is happening this is so disorienting Jesus the Li mo vomit I'm gonna do it how do I get up there I could just walk okay yes whatever how do we do it can I actually hello oh oh don't die dying would be bad dying would not be preferable right now I just want to get out let me get out oh god oh god alright well this works I'll just get out down here it's safer scary places and dangerous faces all right what we got in here bunch [ __ ] seems like it I can do it though I feel like I have the power and the technology oh we're gonna open up the spaceman hole but how do go over there yeah then I'm there oh yeah that sounds cool I love that maybe come out like you'd come out to there wash and then wash maybe stranger things have happened alright well this is a little scary just like a little bit not not a whole lot just a tiny smidgen I don't break my legs I don't realize oh I really like these legs they've they've fought well for me okay now I'm up here and that's also epic yes now I see it now I see it clear as a bright sunny day I don't think this is gonna be enough momentum but it is a momentous occasion for the lads lads Oh [Music] yeah I thought that is a thing that'll happen if AI become sentient and then you're just like this statement is false new mission refused this mission does a set of all sets contain itself so there's there's three different paradoxes this statement is false and if the statement is false that means that it's true it's true that you're saying that it's false but it can't be true and false at the same time would it break the AI or with the AI just go no that's a paradox those are not epic oh yeah oh yeah Wow look at this this time instead of looking away from the implosion like I did before I know I read the comments yeah some of you a real mean Oh a check then look at the implosion now my whole day is ruined alright okay sorry I'm looking at this one now I really like that the light just spills into the room it was a very sexual set piece that just happened hello who are you and why are you you come to help why do you go all the way down dude that's dope I'll happen to you yes please don't mind if I yes damn so absolutely cool-looking the art direction and they just the way everything is set up I've always been fascinated by stuff like this like you have an idea in your head what you want to do as a level designer right what is my hair doing you say it's being cool you have an idea as a level designer what you want the scene to look like but you put stuff down you mess with lights and everything do you just keep poking around you start shifting things you start moving pipes you start just putting things in tiny little different orientations to make it look exactly the way you want I mean probably yeah take me I was gonna sing more but whatever GLaDOS we don't we don't want you to die GLaDOS so you gonna fry yourself as another potato am I gonna have to eat you huh everything's on suspension whoa I keep talking about it about environmental storytelling but these these little moments that you see like you could just gloss over them but it's it's gonna hurt to not see that everything is suspended but why is it suspended also massive Oh God valve please make portal three so please make portal 3 I know you guys said that you were thinking about it they will talk about that another time I talked about in my half-life Alex series as well why they make half-life 2 further their technology in half-life is like a tech demo for that but they said that they were making a portal 3 in VR but it was just it's way too much it makes you motion sick trying to like shoot portals as you're flying through portals and everything it would destroy your brain but I I just want a portent 3 I need this story to keep going I need this environment to exist more can them vitrification order do not look at torch or ingest or engage in conversation with any substances beyond this point what does vitrification mean what does vitrification mean okay Richard for ocation got it great got us it's great that you don't get destroyed going through these phase gates Oh we'll go back into the yes we're going back into the actual test chambers vitrification is the transformation of a substance into a glass that is to say a non crystalline amorphous solid got it okay turn stuff into glass are we I'm back Oh I love that I love that his first thing that he wanted to do is make boxes with turrets jeez what a dum-dum oh nice okay I'm coming wheatus wheat is the fetus about to be defeatist I kind of shrimp feeders wood feeders but it's a different type of fetus all right I'm very smart I portal goodly and I rhyme even better okay hi you want to come through here come through the phase game see what happens you're stuck aren't you well now I feel bad now I just committed murder come on come on there we go I mean it's better than the existence you're living okay this guy's on his side keep him on who say okay never mind [Music] I'm back [Music] [Music] he's too stupid to realize oh god my back the testing all right well your puzzles are not going to be very hard well I say yes I can't even get through the door that I already figured out Oh okay very difficult good job okay yeah he he b Gundam he big dum-dum and not in here not like me me being smartly okay we know where he is don't we I forgot about these it says chest on the wall well done I need a cute give me das cube actually no that should go there yeah I see you now I'm coming cube Lee don't even worry about it how did you make this did you just steal some anti-gravity from space did you just steal some no gravity okay no don't go that way okay okay that's no no that's bad you're supposed to be going through here yeah alright go again try it again it's not very hard good good very good proud of you it's getting oddly sexual oh wait yeah maybe this test myself Oh smaller tests jam them all together Wow it's got funnels bottomless pits three balls you're so smart Wheatley so very very smart I I'm not and whoosh there we go there we go easy easy peasy so you're not allowed actually safe I did it no I didn't I did it alright I need this oh I see I see well I don't want to be on that clear yeah dang cube Lee perfect can't you just keep doing more of that type of stuff and mess up his brain and kill him Shirley Gladys surely you have the power and the potential you've been in that body you know how to defeat it I know paradox but come on yes that's awesome look how cool that is that's so awesome all right we are going over there right don't look down Shrek I'm looking down all right that's cool that's cool this gets us back no problem hmm hmm are you helping with your block situation though is it I didn't I didn't help either this is the block closer the blocks closer and then you just do this and then the blocks gonna come to me got it nailed it fairly pretty simple really isn't it yeah no stay here Frank I can't all right whatever let's just go across like this handy-dandy easy no probably just fall off right probably just yeah probably just fall off easy look there you go I didn't think that would work oh my brain it does things that I II like all right come on faster time is money my way but now I have to get up there damn all right let's just do this all right you're back cool there you go lovely lovely disappointed no he can't keep doing it there's a diminishing returns to it it's like getting addicted to drugs sir you just said you're welcome Thanks thanks Siri okay well you keep looking for a way out and I'll give you enough time to do so because we're gonna end the episode here I know gamers very very sad news but I am all out of time because I got other stuff to do can't be testing all day alright I got a life outside to this am i shocking a lot of you I'm not just a youtuber I actually do other things like hang out and eat I know sorry blowing your mind my name is not even Jack whoa dropping that bombshell on you real quick sorry should have warned you but also like the video I thought I would work that that's your test your test right now is to like the video can you do that are you capable probably yeah you're smart you're smart you can do it and don't forget to subscribe if you want to see more of portal 2 coming up towards the ending maybe one two more episodes even who even knows but until then bye [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: jacksepticeye
Views: 1,581,502
Rating: 4.9781866 out of 5
Keywords: jacksepticeye, portal, portal game, portal series, portal gameplay, portal jacksepticeye, portals, portal walkthrough, portal playthrough, portal part 1, portal walkthrough part 1, portal full series, portal long play, portal full game, glados, funny moments, portal full walkthrough, half life, portal 2, portal 2 gameplay, portal 2 jacksepticeye, portal 2 walkthrough, portal 2 playthrough, lemons, burn house down, cave johnson voice lines, cave johnson, cave johsnon lemons
Id: gu1Q_x8xGKc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 14sec (2654 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 23 2020
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