RIP AND TEAR | DOOM Eternal - Part 1

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tons of people got it early, id rather watch someone else though

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/PsychosisCreamFloat 📅︎︎ Mar 19 2020 🗫︎ replies
ladies my name is jacksepticeye and welcome to doom eternal I am so excited to play this game I got to play a little bit of it a while back I did a video on it I got to play a few hours of the game and just mess around and see what the enemies were and see how the game played and see how it improved over doom 2016 and I have been super excited for this game ever since then I can't get it out of my head I couldn't stop thinking about playing it and I was finally out and I'm very very excited thank you to the doom team and Bethesda for sending me a code early for the game so I can actually play it ahead of the launch window so I can get content out for you guys immediately when it launches but I am ready to hey I have coffee I'm ready to go I'm fueled up Oh baby she's not looking so good [ __ ] yeah [Music] oh don't worry doomsayers ready baby nearly 60% of our planet has been consumed by the invaders all the music is going to be the best part of this whole [ __ ] day is so badass [Music] oh hell yeah do a tour what yeah oh man I am fully erect and ready to eject it's gonna be [ __ ] awesome let me at him let me at him let me [ __ ] him off let me [ __ ] him up not today baby not today baby thank you thank you very much I might have to change my my sensitivity a bit this feels a little high oh my god let me through I've know how to glory kill baby the [ __ ] game if it's so good already so thankfully I've played some of the game already I did play this section before so I know I know how it operates I love that the chainsaw is just important now that you don't actually have to take out the chainsaw and then use it such a good addition it keeps the gameplay flowing god yes so I played doom 2016 but I never finished it I assume stuff was going on at the same time and I just didn't have time to finish it I got pretty far I got more than halfway through the game but I just did not finish it but I absolutely loved it it was so good the music the gameplay what I played of this is such it's night and day better than what dooms 2016 was and doom 2016 was already amazing ok I'm going for my dinky baths cuz I got it I'm jackaboy gotta get my sticky bombs alright I know how to use these we're good we Gucci we're going to say no I'm not Ryu chief I have no idea what I'm doing oh mama Oh baby what's up what's up way too high who wants to go what you both want to go love it move it give me that iron [ __ ] this is all this place was going to be it's just me yelling profanities and enemies and I am here for it so [ __ ] porn so I talked about this in the preview video I did of this that depending on where you look at the enemy will do like different animations like if you're at the back of an enemy ready to do a kill you'll do a different animation if you look at their feet you'll do a different one we look at their penis you'll do one no-no PG content here today this is all Full Tilt with this game this is the game that the algorithm hates all right give me a sec we're late I just adjust my sensitivity Oh what's this codex entry atop my teeth Rawls the hell priests oversaw the invasion of the mortal world the thrall slave Titan of the underworld carried the priests temples into the wake of battle providing the priests with vigil of Hell's advance from a strategically impervious emplacement from their temple perch the priests would emanate a powerful psionic influence imposing greater coordination among the chaotic forces of hell and increasing their battle effectiveness the thrall possessing superior resilience proved indestructible by conventional how do I move this oh wait I have to look at this okay the thrall possessing superior resilience proved indestructible by conventional weapons warding all attempts by arc defensive forces only by severing the priests psychokinetic tether could the Titan be neutralized an act that could only be accomplished by an infiltration of the temple itself pass for they come in on giants that's pretty cool [Music] does it whoa I turn them into Jam I'll take that don't lose your Kate or don't lose your crown King oh my god yes [ __ ] him up there are two help reasons remaining he fire away what's up dudes tonight here no they don't care that is awesome I if any of you have watched my content for any length of time you know how much I love giant monsters and scale in video games and this really sells it like the environments alone are so much better than what doom 2016 had also I think that it's just called doom 2016 but they just called the doom again I almost fell off out of an embarrassing but even though I didn't finish the game I said a huge respect for June 2016 for it reinvigorating this type of game this just one and gone type of gameplay right we got a new one the kakko demon hunters of this sloth lengths the khaka demon lurks the bottomless and murky depths of Hell in search of easy prey an aimless wanderer the Kokua demon is mostly devoid of cognitive ability sensory awareness and otherwise commonly occurring impulses driven only by a singular desire to feed the Kaka demon is likely to appear wherever there is flesh to be consumed bringing with it an insatiable propensity for hunger God the writing is so good it is said that the Cacodemons bears some resemblance to the cycloptic Titans of ancient hell lower leading Sentinel scholars to believe that the Forgotten Titans may yet live on and some embodied form yeah so the Cacodemons are those little floaty boys that were shooting it and then you can shove a grenade down the mouth protips at the long range option to the shotgun I don't want full auto should I just upgrade this wait can I know you gotta do that okay got it mean full autos pretty good as well I just don't really care okay now I'm on I mean these are my explody boys and this is full auto okay got it I'm trying to look at the the icons in the bottom so I know which one I have the questions good what's up boys oh god I felt whoops oh man can I go back up did I miss anything hurry 9 Oh baby how you like them apples what's up I like I like how like doom 2016 controlled really well it was very fast-paced it was very fluid but this one just takes it another step further this one it feels like link old quake if any of you played old quake hey the Iraq no try you can shoot his gun in the back I have listened to the soundtrack to June 2016 probably more than any other video game soundtrack because it sounds [ __ ] incredible but yeah oops whatever no time oh my bad I need I need some dinguses thank wingus where's dingus here he is so yeah any of you who I mean you might have seen my other video already so chainsaw means you get ammo back those other glory kills that I do means that you get health back this this gives you help so it's like a balancing act between both of those stick and put a bomb eat [ __ ] or eat your own stuff really so I said it's a constant balancing act between gettin ammo and getting help which just keeps the gameplay moving which is genius sub [ __ ] oh god no field so if you like my sensitivity is a little too high that's fine we'll deal with hey machine gun we just search around and grab all the things oh you dumb ass all right cool any armor lying around that would be Trey nice now ah dooms later time you're making us look bad Oh baby heavy cat I'm not too much of a fan of this I don't use this that much some enemies are weak or to it than others but um but I I just I'm a sucker for shotguns in in software games I mean it's the best thing it's why it's after our known force what they're best at we'll use it a little bit dinging named Saba morning give me those itsy bitsy spider 'he's getting them toes those are not your toes let's just say the head are the the knees of the torso shoot that cannon off he doesn't need that you just need that he's a stinky [ __ ] olmec Gordon gave me those gentle tones as a heavy metal head myself this music is just dare I say music to my ears none that I should I should have finished mom give me ammo we're talking no care baby I got [ __ ] demons to kill and places to be and I look good doing it at the same time what's up Cortana damn she think though [Music] there's just walking through lads it's awesome you know this is bad man you got pentagrams and demon symbology all over your walls you know shit's long wait I should go back up here just to see if there's anything elect I don't know if I eat blue I dropped my boost yet and what my boost my Wu Shi Wu ji there's a question right let me get that hi did you guys know we have a 50% off sale on your face no what about a hundred percent off there you go now you like stuff everywhere should I eat take the time to figure out how to get those maybe yellow access but even is a yellow axis I like this machine gun when I get there they rocket upgrade for it it's really badass then huh me and lava do not go together very well do I need the yellow axes to get into that I want to keep things moving but I also do want to miss stone the lets players curse falling up there don't think I can get there yet oh wait hold on a little a little second there by oh nice wait that doesn't get me in ah a little demon toy a little em hell yeah that's good enough hold on here a minute laughs hold on here a minute is a bunch of Secrets they could data-entry although several hundred thousand were safely evacuated out of orbit in the mass exodus following the invasion the expected odds of survival is considered unlikely too bad you hate to see it for many of these lifeboats carrying cryogenically frozen passengers religious iconography and communes are now commonplace amongst survivors I mean yeah if hell rises up and takes over the earth then obviously religious communes are gonna take over with a collective perception of events taking on a biblical nature man II seek authority from a higher power to rationalize the sudden destruction of the world believing these events represent a form of divine punishment yeah that is how it goes I don't need yellow access to get in there I got it all nice all right anything else to get ooh oh yeah look at that Big Mac what's up they have you you look cool I know what what's up [ __ ] what are you doing my phone [ __ ] you that's why oh hey Nate I've been practicing I've been playing a lot of apex legends and a lot of Call of Duty warzone I'm a [ __ ] gamer look at that bad boy hell yeah so he's carrying one of the hell priest things on his back stop and the name of the Doom Slayer he's [ __ ] far away lights okay that starts to get really fun when they came to what Bethesda came to my house with the game for my own private enjoyment they were talking about the the traversal because that was something that they really worked hard on to make sure that it felt fluid and it felt like they kept moving and it really pays off I'm excited for all of you to play this game and if you can't play the game hey you know you can wait maybe back hold on there are Jiminy Cricket lads I don't want to miss anything I want to make sure they were given a good let's play you know over here all right all right break it up effects oh wait I was supposed to come this way hahaha that was the way forward wait now that I miss something over there I have faked it sure to be granted [Music] Oh what's up what's up what's up have that and these on one of them I keep forgetting to take a memorable hello hello oh good sufficient soon Jimenez to Surrey step tomorrow shut up they shoot her I miss anything well Big Bertha what's up oh hello well I would like more health than peace yes yes yes healthy healthy a healthy doomsayer is a healthy mind cleanliness is next to manager leanness [Applause] thank you for the toss pourcel the tall phone Thanks you take out this going every now and then well why would you when you have a shotgun this looks like your mama's at what I'm a [ __ ] 14 yes nice I'm basically predator at this point I have a thing on my arm that comes out a big spike and now I have a rocket launcher on my shoulder I am predator stick that on there me got some grades going oh yeah so you shove them in his mouth [Music] okay run gone do it again try it again do it again that didn't work let it work hold on hold on can you pin somebody there you go haha give it an eyeball let medo be one septic man around here alright son of my Beach what I just do oh there's a pole there oh don't you see that everybody gets one you get one I basically call me the Oprah of do the who I'll take that head thank you you don't need it where you're going oh wait we're already in hell nice nice I love the sticky grenades I'm not bouncing around and just firing them all over the place see that flick you don't deserve life dirty bastard there's another one frizzy pretty go give me that Tennant a v-neck senate 94m I need more help will do thank you another one goddammit reveries Jaden back away not today disco lady thank you I'm gonna take this now wait get rid of it get rid of it you don't need it you don't need it Enki CP rinky-dinky whoa that was a new one I'm trying to see all of the kill animations he oh the little guys are so weak they can't do anything against them okay bye where to now lights I wanna get in one of those do you think they'll let me do that later in the game I was able to hop into one of them and [ __ ] everything up I hope so I'll take that you don't need it oh he just showed off take that okay [ __ ] there you go whoa look at that what's going on over there maybe let's head over and find out I want that health or that her weight quite the wall that is back into the exact same place let me go go although you're the [ __ ] dunes there I'm pretty sure you can survive against a little bit of fire am I wrong I don't think I am wait I should be using you guys like an ammo and stuff but I really doesn't look [ __ ] the mob as this one formation of the arc following the total collapse of international civilization nations and boundaries as we know them have ceased to exist a handful of remaining bureaucrats government officials and military leaders have managed to survive by use of protective bunkers kept secret to the greater population convening under the flag of Allied nations this governing body represents all that remains of the rule of law forming what would essentially become a single world government okay not great military bases in communication with the a.n have made efforts to regroup and centralize their areas of command establishing fortified safe havens for survivors stockpiling food and scavenging for supplies this kind of sounds like it's happening the world right now only proprietary military use of communications remain functional enabling military entities under command of Allied nations to coordinate in humanitarian aid and defense operations by 21:51 the formation of the arc has taken highest priority and is considered to be in all practical terms the last hope for Humanity Thank You arc dear the subject of greater scrutiny for Eric scientists on earth these held growth formations have appeared all over the planet taking hold wherever hell has made its presence known forming chaotic seemingly random structural patterns the propagation of hell growth has taken root at an alarming rate exhibiting a cellular reproduction cycle that arc scientists fear may become impossible to contain the resultant environmental effect is extremely hostile to terrestrial life producing atmospheric bio contagions and a multitude of organic hazards wherever these nest-like formations emerge they are protected by swathe of defensive tendrils long thorn tentacles that demonstrate keen awareness of the surroundings fully capable of disemboweling anything that it deems to be potential threat to the nest we [ __ ] last long did you [ __ ] excuse me I'm inserting this hole in the ground excellent Oh ha idiots what you want to go you want you want to go [ __ ] you want today [ __ ] nips who else wants to go he just showed up that's an easy way of killing them they show off you just shove a grenade down their mouth and pop your auntie good at it stands a chance against Jackie boy if anything I'm missing some spring cleaning hello I want to get all of the secrets that you have lying about it's just fun what's going on in here are you guys having a party you didn't invite me first the bed a belly - boo - boo boo baby no really but see the eyeballs are the groin of the head if you have a giant eyeball you just make yourself easier to - bouncy pad bouncy pads this is what I mean by it it's like old quake cuz I like all these bouncy pads and places that you can go and traversal and [ __ ] where you go guys okay I found him take that you're on tentacle to you you should know how dangerous it is dad sorry guys if you have hell roaming around your household just call 1-800 Decker boy I'll come over I'll clean it right out I will talk [ __ ] up in the name of the good at least I haven't used my grenades yet it just gave me needs and I didn't even use them I think that's everything here I want my boost gimme me boost have some grenades well that did it he vanished he's too scared he knows what's up all grouped together just like that okay lo mo come here I need a sacrifice it's very nice of you to do that hi Shu Andrew lads or the music the musics kicked in in which means it's time to kick some ass I am just going to shoot you until you die have you ever tried that tactic before but you haven't nice so badass come over here I want to mess you up what do I do get aboard the Citadel location on your okay should I go through this thank you my scans indicate there was a lift at the center of this facility okay that makes sense that's so cool oh that musics awesome hey Mick can you release the album on Spotify like as soon as the game comes out that'll be awesome first trouble I don't need that yes he'll priests so cool oh I don't need to enter into it I saw a making of the music for this game and there's a lot of like heavy metal stuff going on in the background but the doom 2016 soundtrack didn't have much vocals in it so for this one he got together a bunch of heavy metal vocalists from a bunch of known bands and got them into a heavy metal choir I have never heard a heavy metal choir before that point and it sounds so cool I can't wait to hear it in the game powerful practitioners of arcane magics the priests have warped their powers to suit their insidious purpose dirty bastards harnessing the dark forces of hellish psycho man C to prepare earth for the final blood ritual stinky [ __ ] by blood where the hell priests bound to the Derek ritual which now consumed earth and so long as even one of them lives the consumption of Earth's would continue allowing hell unfettered rule of the mortal world only by destroying the priests can the blood rich will be stopped and earth save Rupert true I'll do it I'll do it to save humanity don't call me a hero this sounds very Nordic it sounds like God of War give me that man she is by all accounts indestructible is that bad for me some think it's probably bad for me have a head to the Great Britain from the souls of the non-believers you will not see your Abed [ __ ] now huh okay come on maker I'm a I'm a mess them up later on also I have the doom helmet hold on one sec I'm very excited see I played the entire game like this that'd be pretty cool and it sounds amazing but this came with the collector's edition of the game and it's so awesome I'm so hyped that it's a full fledged helmet that I can actually put on and wear I am gonna go outside in this and everyone's gonna look at me weird cheat code play with cheat codes through mission select does not disable progression I wonder what cheat codes they have games don't have cheat codes we will need a replacement launcher the flame belch is now ready for your approval nice this is the thing that I used on enemies we'll see we're to do a training so just the same way that when you when you hit people with a chainsaw you get ammo when you do a finishing move you get health when you use the flame belch you get armor so there's a lot to take in and I'm gonna accidentally use this a lot get a lot of armor by doing that if you hit them afterwards again I'm gonna do that a lot by accident cuz I'm a person who when I play first person shooters I'm always clicking are to make sure that I'm reloaded I over reload and everything so you're gonna see me flame midair half the time it says it recharges though okay so it's not a cooldown got it send a little crystal tutorial visit the Sentinel crystal selection screen use the Sentinel crystal to permanently upgrade your health armors um what should I get um quick draw belch loot magnet napalm bells belch armor boost I love I just love the word belch as long as you're in max health all health pickups contribute to blood punch okay armor for blood as long as you're at max armor all armor pickups flame belch takes less and cooldown okay so this gives me more armor this gives me more health okay when selecting an upgrade this section shows your currently upgraded capacities for health armor and ammo and how sector of great okay unlocking two linked upgrades also gives you a bonus upgrade uh so the middle one okay so I kind of want more health I think that's always good just eat [ __ ] not to slow things down Thank You Vega he sounds like Pathfinder in Apex he was ready to ride on a zip line I am this is so cool looking [Music] and through the Stargate I also love those particle effects that come off things like the sushi it's like old tech demos that used to always see about how particle effects would interact with stuff hey this is where I started my playthrough when you guys saw my video it's so badass and loved it he's stained-glass windows I thought I could break them for me my doom sir let me on top should be just walk straight off and die quick those particle effects it's so cool oh you lads oh sorry that type of traversal it's only starting we're gonna see a lot more of that soon all right exalt eeeh what treachery comes from our darkest selves driven by greed and want for I have been deceived by the I'm gonna say the dag because it sounds like how some Irish accents would say dawg look at the dag they came north with high the priest says allies to our cause against the con maker and her unscrupulous methods their silvery tongues wagging that they laid a plan for us and sowed the seed of desire for hasty triumph they claimed knowledge of the maker source of power in the demon realm a vast foundry of souls where the innocent are put to the fire for the essence because it's so many words in the foundries destruction our victory is assured they told us and the fools that we were that I am believe their lies on their word we sent the doom Slayer and thus night sentinels to destroy the foundry and the priests cast gate for their egress as the last veteran entered the demon's Empire our final hope of reclaiming our two the tank chose the path and left him stranded they were trapped lost in the eternal void by the action of the traitors how could I not see their intention am i blinded by grief for the loss of the tarasana bod of my people we have fled again with barely a legion of the night sentinels left to protect us the dag are gone returned to their mistress may the race forgive my failure it's okay don't worry about it I'm sure things will pick up later on hi it's me Jules er oh damn I missed right in your school bone I can't get up to you though oh man I was too eager eyes too early right in your eyeball I got an achievement that says damn it to keep breaking II suppose come back where you going what I didn't even get to kill him that is unfair these guys suck what I suck harder but music is awesome eat [ __ ] hello hope we got before this war with secret hi dad I know you're not that same one but I'm just gonna pretend that you are ooh the Infinity Gauntlet does we get blood punch yes this is an extra strong punch I get a bear that builds up as I'm doing damage and then later on when I punch with it it do that what that blood punch do though this mine is my bear fold oh it's above my health and armor as like one punch out [ __ ] hey Killian literally I'm gonna get the one up though whoa I just went through it anyway I saved you guys I'm a hero I save going through that place on your own wait is there a place that I can get damaged Oh ruins enhance your abilities or enable new abilities oh yeah performed Ori kills faster launched into a glory killed from much further away this one is helpful actually they're all helpful any speed boosts after performing a glory kill greatly increased movement control while in the air that comes in useful very much later when I get my boost increase how long ah there's the one if that one first it increases how long they stay in that staggered state so even if I don't get the glory kill on them I'll still have a room of a window to keep them down while I fight other guys and then I can put that in there cool thank you can I I think I might have missed my opportunity for oh whoa what's going on down here I need ammo thank you appreciate it you're a hero if you remember this day forever I'm not like clockwork lads [Music] whoa I love these secret don't mind if I already did Oh God Jesus they did not see you Walker okay come over this nice I'll put his head okay I don't wanna go there through there yet I don't need help should be getting armor all right we might have missed the one up but it's not it's not that big a deal I'm not here to be a completionist I'm just here to be a chainsaw I know if you know this I'm going Apple so that's inconvenient for you get me that septic guy [ __ ] okay should be a jumpy lad somewhere think or maybe he shows up after if you're wondering how I know it's cuz that video I did played a lot of this section already I mean you know you've seen the video of course you have cuz you're a huge jacksepticeye fat don't be cold knee open wide okay that didn't work I call that armor for alive what up you wanna [ __ ] go I guess he did use my other gun for a while too bad that I'm not using it the shotgun is the best you don't need other things when you have a shotgun in all life complete all the encounters in a mission to earn weapon points the demonic corruption meter attracts the points you've earned each mission has ten weapon points total okay oh wait I don't get it spend weapon points in the Arsenal tab in the dossier oh I can upgrade these I love that love that for me oh that's gonna get okay I don't have anything on this yet so oh I should get a precision bolt instead of I should turn this into a sniper rather than micro missiles because I have explosives on this but I need something that's precise because all the enemies have weak points so I need to be like oh you know sticky bomb reload speed is increased to keep my explosion sighs oh yeah he's dead versus all weapon upgrades to unlock access to a weapon mastery launched five sticky bombs before having to reload the mod oh I do say so I do declare nano and fuel and health all of it give me all you all right oh there's a there's a bonus thingy over here I can't get to that yet I don't have my boost I had my boost when I played this section before what do I not got it's now wait I have to go there ah that was a blood punch oh look it's you all alone can you feel bad wow this is so awesome looking it kind of looks like it looks like Greek Greek architecture hello nudies are they just not a thing maybe I get my boost over here I think I do actually as I remember being able to access that already the wolf our jente legends speak of Sentinel beasts loyal creatures that lived as companions of the hardened warriors often larger swifter and stronger than others of their kind these animals shared instincts with their masters and aided them in battle the night Sentinel has never shared publicly the origin of these creatures for only they stood worthy of them that's my stand just like in Joe Joe I don't know what the stands in Joe Joe actually are realizing they're probably using all of that terminology [Applause] all right whoop come on let me off there you go thank you please come on go faster I'd love to sit here and wait the doom Slayer doesn't wait he rushes into battle history of the Sentinels parent 1 in the days before man first spoke an immense shard of rock and metal was cast unto the world from the heavens Thunder and Cataclysm shook the land as the skies were torn asunder the cosmic spear cleft a hole through our mortal lands pole to pole from the cold wastes of the Umbra Plains to the fetid swamps of iron fang the womb of the world opened in the elemental rates the firstborn spilled forth they took to the skies fierce in their emancipation and their exultation they brought vitality to the land and all that felt their breath were awakened from eternal slumber fierce beasts and an unforgiving biosphere rose in the passing of their shadow as the wraiths call echoed across argent DeNooyer it is very norse sounding first came the ancestress feral creatures invigorated by the magic of the wraiths they grew to enormous Heights mighty behemoths who waged war from each other for years untold their battles tore the land asunder they undestroyed all creation caught in their wake the Wraith call continued to spread across the land and sued the argenta or argent or emerged from the steppes our soul stirred into the form by the power of their breath the titans towered over the wild blooded tribes but found them on cow this is like someone looked up a thesaurus and was like how many cool words can I put in here the secret of the sword was discovered and in the darkness of sweltering mountain forges we beat steel until it was strong enough to pierce bone and sever flesh is that the crucible because there's a sword in the trailer and I think that that's what the crucible is from the previous game thus we came to be born of rock and Fire lonely in birth but risen by the strength of our will by the blessedness of the first ones before sword and shield and took the hammer to the ancestral z-- we claim dominion of creation by right of blood and magic and the time of man came to be with ancestral beast driven back to their bleak valleys we rose we tilled the fertile land husbanded beasts of burden and built towering cities in the hallowed palace and the Obsidian throne we crowned king or maro the father the first of the line that shall reign and perpetuity we built the cathedral of reflection to worship the first ones and formed the order of the dag whose priests paid tribute to the race and appease their tempestuous hunger our sons and daughters chose a path of the sword or the path of the alchemists for each Duty honors the gods they should write a book about this have their like a doom novel I want to read that though our ways were righteous we were not without strife storms and great quakes casts our spires down barbaric tribes laid siege to our fields in search of great gifts mother Argenta had bestowed upon our world and the song of the Wraith call threatened to drive lesser men into madness we were not lesser men we defended that which the first ones gifted us our lands and right to the bounty held within we beat back the barbarian hordes and hardened our resolve we rose above the fire our bodies and souls tempered and an unbreakable will was shaped in the forge of battle what emerged was the heart of our Legion the order of the night sentinels [ __ ] yeah that's cool the lore of this is awesome big buddies do big battles there we go now I have my - oh where are we going dad oh no it's about to really kick off the Traverse is about to get awesome thank you I think I'm going back to where I was before anyway so I can do that - area after hey mama let me whisper in your ear [Music] the Golden Snitch 150 points to Gryffindor you know our loss besides their transgressions against the Covenant they are still of central blood what you interfere with now this bigger than you can imagine it is written it is their time to give penance if you continue you will bring down the heavens wrath you are but one man they are no longer your people for save I wonder if he'll say something at all they couldn't Master Chief first spoke it was like King Novik King neva ruled over Sentinel Prime for many years as its warrior patriarch ordained protector of the sovereign Sentinel whirls The Sentinel people defined by a legacy of war deemed only those of warrior castes be fit to rule or cased and in times of battle it is expected that the king led from the battlefield or fled the king led from the battlefield rather than from the safety of the throne ah ok makes sense as it is written in Sentinel law a king unfit for battle is likewise unfit to rule that that's good it is a thing that I mean modern cultures are like that it's like you should be prepared to go not essentially into battle like into actual war or anything like that but you should be willing to stand up and take charge and take the fall and take responsibility and all those things that come with being a leader of a people because that's otherwise why do you have the job if you can't do that for millennia the Sentinel people have secured their civilization against the threat of invasion from beasts and human alike passing on the mantle of battle to each subsequent generation and refining the craft of war into an art of ultimate mastery even in times of peace the night sentinels remain vigilant developing new technologies of conquest each each the more capable of securing their dominion across the sovereign worlds I'm gonna say it again it is very norse feeling I feel like they got a lot of influence from Norse mythology for this to because that's why like Helheim is and going to Valhalla you can only go to Valhalla if you were killed in battle where was the other one that they went out through I think it's actually back out another door okay it's a fight in here first about you want to jump now akin - to this area and get across this Oh this is they put those guys in there as well to kind of give you like free pelt like these guys are to give you ammo and health and then the Cacodemons oh there's a second one does the Cacodemons are so easy to kill like that haha got him that's where you look the sticky bombs they're so useful threatening Oh God you got box we got a weapon point hell yeah can I do you want anything with it therefore weapon points I need oh I need six for this I don't really want them I guess I have to do the full auto if I want to get this quick recovery full auto mode recovery speed is increased by 50% but I'm no transform speed is increasing in speed in full auto mode increase oh that's pretty good because I'm not a fan of the the full auto shoddy anyway I want to go back through but if it helps me get like a speed increase than I Hall for this one okay I need to go from that other platform [Music] oh I don't have a boost I was relying too much of my goose to get there thank God that does not get rid of my one-up okay I did this one in the other video that I did where I was killing the Cacodemons really quick [Applause] [ __ ] didn't do it [ __ ] block him it's Oh baby I did but I'm gonna guy waiting encounter field you [ __ ] man I did that you saw it I had him killed but the animation took too long oh man I didn't perfectly the first time I did this in my other video what come on I did it Oh i activate my extra life now [ __ ] I did it but he he did a blood punch instead of actually taking him out because it took too long to trigger the animation got the animations are really [ __ ] me up Oh wrong thing okay I'll try again man I'm annoyed with myself now I did this first try when I did the video before oh there we go and there so easy after all that wait what do I get for finishing those anything back over here no do I just get peace and love and joy oh god what happened that's still consent oh well I did it anyway I've proven myself shouldn't on the first try though monoid thank you several module being more batteries will enable you to utilize the full function of enhancers oh yeah well plasma rifle baby yes this is why I want the focus shot for that cuz that's gonna come in real handy shotgun yes [Applause] come on come on there we go I only got one there we go there's two melted them by Tim Duncan you should be using that to get ammo actually thank you thank you very much leave I want the shotgun again Oh big boy big part close your mouth you want to catch flights I would like a mope Li's and shields who else is left who else wants to go I think these just take you out the other side yeah sort of like a pac-man type of team if you know what I mean oh don't hear that I wasn't getting man stinky I need to explode this not today not today I've seen enough hentai to know where this is going okay and I'm not having it a [ __ ] okay I'll have it a little bit just a small bit not too much though all right can I use this on this yes I can I do like that that it like turns certain weapons into other types of weapons [ __ ] yeah like it turns a machine gun into a sniper rifle noise so it's not like you get a sniper rifle later it just converts some weapons into other weapons that's really cool I feel like I could have punched that myself you like I'm pretty strong hmm I punched this wait there's something under hello this place is kind of scary knocking guys like there's [ __ ] everywhere it's history of the Sentinels Part two and then I like reading these so you gonna have to let me know if you guys enjoy hearing them as well or you just rather see unfiltered like raw gameplay but I like the lore of what's going on here in the time of grief when King attrex took the throne a blessing came to the people of our jente white porcelain beings world above our own brought gifts to denooyer observers to our great deeds admirers of our convictions they sought to make bond with our swords and bring lasting order to our world these were beings unlike any we had seen before sword and shield has no weight against them for the ethereal flesh of these luminous beings seemed unbound by mortality able to move through time and space they held sway sway over all dominions of the known and unknown dimensions though their ways we grew strong through their ways we grew stronger our society bolstered by their infinite wisdom and all-knowing power assuring our people safety for all time in this world and the next where are we sharpen the blade and mastered our magic I studied the blade that they bolstered the stole the soul and spirit death would no longer be the end for our people the ones we call the makers our new allies in this brutal world have given us the security in death we fought so hard to achieve in life we would find eternal peace and our minds would rest easy with the knowledge that those we fought alongside in the battle join us in the lands beyond the mortal plane the strength of our ways the purity of our essence would be maker law grant us passage to the great city in the clouds there are women and children warriors and Ken alike would welcome us we adopted the holy doctrines of the makers gifted in exchange with the chance to earn eternal rest for our immortal souls in blessed or deque the Covenant we held now under the embrace of our new gods fostered a peace we had never known for they were unlike the first ones whose presence offered no paradise from fear and the uncertainty of existence in a harsh and unforgiving world the makers embrace was warm and guided us into an era of spiritual prosperity Wow so the reload time of this I need to increase actually can I now that I have it simple speed is increased present of all reload speed increase by 20% ok I need one more for that I will get that next and open the big hellish gate ah [ __ ] your boost is limited so in the bottom-left above my health and armor you see the blood punch and then you see the two boosts and I keep forgetting that I can't just do it after I leap off something it doesn't recharge that fast it would do so for me that's me no [ __ ] yes hello they kill you from here actually let's let's try you have a weak point on you Wow don't hide even we point as well [ __ ] sit still will ya got him got him the high blew his head off yeah sleep arepas [ __ ] straw oh Jesus who sings Mears top exploded [ __ ] Wow baby hello it's cooking it's my [ __ ] birthday boys thanks for coming out [ __ ] outta Dodge regroup back off jack off and regroup right up your arse great up mainstream [Applause] this music it's giving me life that works so much [ __ ] fun ain't your owner [ __ ] [ __ ] I didn't tell you I [ __ ] love these sticky bombs man got him [Music] [Music] now it is [Music] weapon point acquired okay let's go in here and do this yeah nice esta preloads now not a huge amount faster but good enough ammo though collect everything the bad men are gone whoa the straight-up crotch okay I tried to switch alright I'm switching to the city code I thought shotgun was on the right [ __ ] [Music] thank you when I played the the other version of the game the early one and this into like a an electric gun I don't know if I want to do that again I don't know if it was great didn't feel that helpful to me okay so these are the things that I need there you go whoa what happened what happened oh he didn't claim what the [ __ ] there you go oh man he didn't drink he felled him his death from downtown he throws up a brick thank you all of that ammo just for me you should have well yeah I can just equip them with one two and three as well oh I should get used to that here we go this is so cool stick stamp yeah doesn't hurt me though you deserve it comment down here trying to turn earth into hell it's already hell down here sometimes you don't need more note on C please for me I don't want it right oh we got some [ __ ] over here we got the [ __ ] I'll deal with the money right yes all that armor for a good boy who's less hello Oh got him these are more kickers used ie and not be a problem for me that leg is it a Tony do you like eating shits because that's what because what's happening dad didn't need to do that oh Sh put your [ __ ] heads I should have been chainsawing that I need the ammo there's that more right here I can't jump can't boost I'm all covered in goop some slimy soups you want goopes more flaming soups I got him alright hey nice a battery stick dinky bling stinkies everywhere in this game now see this is what I I need one of these only this shitty like arm kind of thing which I keep forgetting I have and not using grenades I need that everybody needs that it's a powerful powerful thing that almost didn't work out I lost momentum because I got caught in something I knew it I didn't um fast enough anyway yep it's eight if I chain stuff together it'll be better as well anyway so let's do that anymore Tom to Cleese Oh tentacles no you heard who was coming you got scared I get it not only am ia badass but I looked or doing it as well got it I don't care about your left or right brain all right I'll [ __ ] you up all the same Oh downtown baby [ __ ] all of you especially and especially you oh ho by not think you're probably immune to fire right the hell demon would it's like humans not being immune to water history of the Sentinels power three with machine an enchantment of the makers the argenta brought our newfound clarity to the desperate realms of the Imperium void we took flight with the support of our gods spreading the enlightened word of the con maker we discovered there was not one enemy but many worlds and people's unknown to the argenta were unveiled and we saw our own suffering reflected in their eyes our righteous Army strode into battle under the banner of the night sentinels and fought for the freedom of all peoples from the grasp of those who would exploit and prey upon them though he battled on soil not our own the blood we shared in foreign lands safeguarded argent DeNooyer and the sons and daughters that defended it through the strange peoples we liberated new alliances were formed and our beliefs became their own our army swelled as the argent had traversed the Stars with gleaming war fleets the Khan of the makers approached King Rowan on his throne he sensed his God restless by her disquiet manner the king and Khan spoke and the god reveals she had foreseen a schism in the blood of the argent ax a test would be required to identify its host among us she spoke of a holy right to be performed on the strongest of our warriors only those that proved worthy would be tested for the impurity could reside in only the most resilient of our Legion the divinity machine a great tribute to make erskyll Eris would help us to cleanse any impurities from our flock ensuring our continued prosperity in this world and in the maker realm that awaited in the afterlife the malicious one if not exhumed from our ranks would jeopardize our safe passage to the heavenly realm of or doc the Dark One was amongst them yet nor would he be for many generations only the mother of god through divination and make her site would determine when he stood before them the makers were truth and only their unclouded eyes could find the one who was marked the prophecy of the unholy was one written but through the ages the warned the warning grew faint until they owned only the Khan maker herself and the high priest of the order dag still whispered of he that would be that would one day come to threaten their way of life is that me hello am I am I the thing to threaten their way of light because it doesn't seem like they're all that great themselves you know they kind of seem like [ __ ] honestly my boosts were not ready yet thank you for coming closer and really oh god [ __ ] god damn it they kept [ __ ] hitting me I'm one healthy [ __ ] they've hit me so I quickly get back onto the platform I mean I know that that's what they do why did he not swallow that come on bull [ __ ] [ __ ] didn't want to lose my extra life hair I want to lose it in like boss fights or something stinky dammit man this is a slayer gate I don't have the key for that yes you can go in and do special little arena rounds okay I'm coming over because I have a change hog that has your name written all over it okay make me look bad here dude [ __ ] wait wait this is where I have to go not back figuring out my my goose and what resources I have open left nerve please it's something that I still have to get used to I need to get used to the timing of everything motion sensors and artillery everywhere [Music] don't shoot me I want his hammer called you oughta leave me here I am where I belong say that your people will not bring your peace only make the burden you carry worse I still think this dude is voiced by TC Carson who does the original Kratos but I'm not sure and now you seek to defy the cone maker herself it is your peoples time now to give penance just as it was mine give me this snitch Gary here stinky hear me Slayer with his hardest laid to rest in his soul will be the peace and so will mine okay I love you bye-bye you got any secrets in here dude anything that I could have doesn't seem like it you do have a giant ass mech though which is pretty cool I would like that the betrayer after years of prolonged war against the demonic threat invading their world argent DeNooyer launched an offensive strike across dimensions sending their greatest warriors into the heart of Hell itself despite their training and their preparedness their honour was undone by deceit betrayal at the highest levels of command left Arjen or Argentine Yours bravest warriors cut off and scattered in the hellscape but of these last remaining Knights sentinels only one remained in hell by choice betrayer of the argenta it was commander Valen who relinquished the keys to the elemental Sepulcher in return for his son's resurrection haunted by demonic visions the image of his sons tortured existence plagued him without relent the whispers of demons pushing him toward madness in a moment of weakness he fell prey to the demons trickery stealing the fate of Argentine or and dooming the Kingdom to which he swore lifelong oath to protect fallen chose exile in the hellscape for his sacrilege sacrilege fair play to you lads respect oops I'm a little burdened the extraction point has been identified I will mark its location on your HUD thank you [ __ ] yeah oh I don't even need that one I go next I've already done this and now I can't remember oh wait a second Oh across and round and up and down eight years as LEDs sure all of the sharp huh I [ __ ] it up again but hey saved it cuz I'm a legend come on out boys who wants to fight who wants to go boys poster with the Irish muscle you Oh popped your thing up already everybody just stand around [Applause] I also have these bombs that I'm not using I also need to get some oh god there's a lot of them in here boom Marcie I knew was a birdie but I didn't know you invited all my friends twice I would have scented with just my very best friends woosh halt no matter emily's I need to be careful but I just okay I need you should be almost set yeah other than that power me up for a certain period of time yeah shut your [ __ ] mouth William nice give it to me fix our own [ __ ] point today give me that head [ __ ] intense focus nice I need armor that's not it [Applause] oh what a way to end it wow that was good that felt [ __ ] fun God have a lot of weapon points can I get anything I know I don't have to Oh a six out of ten to get a new weapon oh I think studied Jory's Oh baby six out of ten on the alright 610 on the weapon points that I could have gotten and 11 out of 15 on the exploration oh because that I didn't go through the Slayer gate and there was a secret combat encounter okay again I'm not here to complete absolutely everything and the Imperium key it I think I got it the first time I played this damn I can go back and get them anyway at a later date the power constraints need oh okay I'm going to leave this first episode of doom eternal here this game is absolutely amazing I haven't seen any completely new stuff yet this is all still kind of stuff that I've played before some of it is a little different which is good but I there's still so much more game to play and see that I haven't yet and I'm very very excited like that I'm gonna blow up my entire this game is absolutely amazing it flows well the combat scenarios are really good the way it's set up the way the encounters actually happened are very puzzle like and very sandbox II and I love that it keeps you like motivated it keeps your heart pumping and keeps the tension high it keeps the game moving you never just stand in one place and just shoot one thing with one weapon it one way it never gets too repetitive and even in in the repetition comes learning and mastery which is just so good so in that regard the gameplay is some of the best first-person shooter gameplay I have ever played in my entire life and then the sound design and the music and everything is just the icing on the cake visuals are [ __ ] awesome the art style is phenomenal this is just a really really damn good video game and I hope it keeps up this level of quality throughout the whole thing but I'm gonna leave this episode here I hopefully be doing an entire playthrough of this game so if you want to see it don't forget to leave a like on the video and don't forget to subscribe and ring bells and all that so you're notified whenever a new episode of this goes up I'll hopefully be uploading it every day we'll see what happens but I'm just really excited to be playing this because I've been itching ever since I got that hands-on demo within no other first-person shooter has come close to this sort of visceral fun bouncy all over the place kind of gameplay and I I just love this so I'm very excited to play more of it and I'll see you guys in the next one [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [ __ ] this [ __ ] Vegas sucks
Channel: jacksepticeye
Views: 3,489,352
Rating: 4.9505291 out of 5
Keywords: doom, doom eternal, doom eternal gameplay, doom eternal jacksepticeye, jacksepticeye doom eternal, doom eternal glory kills, doom eternal part 1, doom eternal full version, jacksepticeye, jacksepticeye doom, jacksepticeye doom gameplay, jacksepticeye doom part 1, jacksepticeye doom eternal part 1, doom eternal steam, doom eternal walkthrough, doom gameplay, doom eternal lore, doom eternal campaign, doom eternal walkthrough part 1, doom eternal gameplay part 1
Id: 6omqOrQloi4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 98min 56sec (5936 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 18 2020
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