I Survived Hardcore Minecraft For 1000 Days And This Is What Happened

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what's going on minecraft fans my name's Luke inaudible and in this video I'm gonna be surviving 1,000 days in hardcore minecraft if you haven't seen the first one two hundred and three hundred days make sure to click the card on screen to watch those now but surviving to 1000 days is going to take a while so grab your snacks charge your phone and get comfy because now it's time for day 301 so now we're back in my main camp for day 301 in hardcore minecraft no stalling though we have a lot to do especially if I want to make it to 1,000 days and the very first thing I wanted to do was to go back to the end to get a second elektra in my 300 days playthrough pretty much everyone called me out for not putting mending on my alight rasayana fix that right now but of course remember this isn't normal minecraft this is hardcore if I die it's over so even though I really wanted that Ally truck I spent all of day 302 tunnelling to get one yeah this is a little awkward but I wasn't recording for the real day 303 so I already had that alight drew luckily I took this screenshot to post on Twitter for day 303 it's our only evidence day 304 was mostly just me on a horse but by the end of the night I was back home and right before bed I spent a little bit of time updating the treasure room I know it might seem a little anticlimactic but that Elektra is just gonna sit in a chest for a little bit I've got some work to do before I can make it am ending a light drop and that work involves this desert town there's gonna be a lot of exploiting my basic idea to maximize profits in this town was views this sand to make glass to sell the villagers to get a ton of emeralds and because this town's in the desert I have a massive amount of sand for unlimited profit potential of course that's gonna take a lot of work but the two auto furnaces I built on day 307 should help and the town's pretty unsafe there's no wall so I feel totally naked I had to run back to the main camp on day 308 and my Turtles hatch yes and because they spawned here they'll think this depressing a little piece of sand is their home Beach and I can breed them anyway I was mostly just here for supplies and stayed for the turtle breeding I mean who wouldn't date 309 I'm back in the desert making living spaces that are totally up to code but at night all production stopped when I found a zombie villager and once i lured him into my house I got to the business of curing it took a while it was almost the next morning when he turned back into a villager he almost immediately started going through my house though so I dealt with him day 3:10 was essentially just spent making a massive sugarcane farm in the desert and production on that sugar cane farm continued today from your letter by the end of the night the desert was looking pretty fertile day 312 I'm finally starting to make some profit selling off my class pains to these cartographers in the town but of course if I want the real profits to begin I have to set up an involuntary breeder just know that this is not how you want to construct one and I learned that the hard way that night had decided to explore some nearby caves not only did I find an abandoned mineshaft but I also found a zombie spawner so needless to say I also spent all of pi day down in the mines Dave 3:15 was spent consolidating my servants into one Factory there aren't that many of them it didn't take that long that night I did a drive-by and a pillager captain to get the bad omen effect and now it's raid time on day 316 of course I would never bring turmoil to the desert town I'm in that first town that I found it I don't care about anymore there's one single villager in this town and as long as he doesn't die I'll win the race so I'll keep him safe the rave lasted well into the night of day 3:17 but because it was a level 1 raid it wasn't that hard I got the victory when you defeat a ring you become the hero of the village that's what that icon in the top right of my screen indicates when you're the hero of the village you get discounts in the store so every glass pane I sell to these cartographers makes me more profit my hero status lasts for about two or three days so of course that's all I'm gonna be doing by day 3:20 I wasn't a hero anymore so it was back to shoveling and you know that was it I shoveled all day I was just going back to the pillage around post on day 3:21 when I fell in a hole I was fine I was nicely worried about warthog I got a mount but it took all night horses and caves just don't go together well we're back to business on day 3 - - just trying to get another rate this time we're testing our luck with a level 2 raid so it should be a little bit more difficult the raid was almost over on day 3 23 however my diamond helmet broke and the damage really started an up most of the damage came from the vex and I didn't want to push my luck here so I ran away for the time being I was able to go back home and make a resupply which was much needed then I realized I only had 4 diamonds to my name and couldn't even make a helmet so I decided to hit the mines and somehow just by mining I became the hero over the village that's weird but I'll take it and now with my upgraded public image I went straight back to profiting good I mean can you blame me look at those amps I don't know if you notice but this cat's been following me for a few days I can't stop him day 326 the exchange rates for the cartographers are getting absolutely horrible they're charging me way more now even though I'm the hero I'm fairly certain it's because I'm selling the mountains of glass I should probably calm down here for a couple days and I did I built the wall in the desert but I wasn't recording I made it out of sandstone I thought it was fitting there's still a lot more to do all of day 328 I spent lighting up the wall wasn't recording again on day 329 all I did was line the wall with cacti I thought it would help keep zombies away it doesn't still gotta find ways to keep myself busy so on day 330 I built a farm I mean how am I gonna be a big fat cat glass tycoon if I can't control the local food production day 331 I went back to the abandoned mineshaft I had nothing else to do it was a fairly productive day that ended with a bunny suicide I'm still waiting for the markets to restabilized on day 332 but I found diamond so there's that and after a long day of mining and day 333 I realized on the way back that I walked over some diamonds day 334 I spent all day just trying to grab a second horse it's harder than it looks this one's not as good as warthog but he'll do and if he dies I won't be sad day 335 I'm setting up farms for beets potatoes and carrots at this point I have never successfully made a villager breeder and I read that multiple types of food can help and at night I checked that the price of glass was back to normal so it's time for more profits but first I got to get my poll numbers up so it's time to start a war this war took several days mostly because I had to run away several times I took so long the rate was no longer active but the Raiders didn't despawn so I still had to kill them so even after killing all the Raiders it took so long that I wasn't even a hero yeah no profits for me today just back to shoveling I'm still shoveling on day 341 but I'm telling you I'm gonna turn this sand into emeralds and at night I lit up the surrounding area as you can see there's tons of zombies in these parts it should be the last day of profits for a little bit I'm getting very close to my goal which I'll talk about tomorrow oh look it's tomorrow time to set up this beacon this is what I needed all of those emeralds for to set up a beacon at max power and there it is my first beacon it's beautiful the beacon allows you to choose from a variety of powers that all just make life easier hey it's just kind of pretty to look at especially at night unfortunately the beacons power can't reach me down in the mine but that doesn't matter cuz I already started finding some diamonds I actually found tons of diamonds today 45 of them but now I've got a new project I'm gonna make this Reed town a little more defensible it's gonna be very ugly but also very deadly like your mom it's actually a fairly simple contraption stemming from the highest point in the town in theory with the flick of this lever I'll drop LaVon pillagers but I'm terrible with redstone so it doesn't work it just dropped buckets of lava I don't know why I finally got it to work on day 347 but I think I'm gonna need more lava I also spent some time terraforming the land so there's literally only one way up to my position oh and of course I'm putting a lava trap on the only way it's definitely not perfect but I'm getting somewhere again this whole system's totally ugly but there's only one villager living in this town and he's stuck in his house by my order I also had to completely change the way the lavas delivered on day 350 I think a piston system will work a little better and by the end of this day I have to resort to using dirt but I think it's done so bright and early on day 351 I went back over to L town to resupply for war and it took all night but eventually I did get the bad omen effect the traps work okay honestly the best part is I can stand above the pillagers and shoot them with my bow now the stairway lava trap is by far the most deadly and it's super helpful when pillagers spawn inside my wall but it's not perfect sometimes pillagers spawn inside my house and there's not much I can do about that but still after two days I beat the raid and ate some cake even though I'm a hero now day 354 was mostly just chores I'm gonna feed these carrots to my villagers they've got plenty of food plenty of beds but they're still not breeding I don't know why I added doors I tried everything to make this thing work oh well I'm sure I'll get it eventually back to bloodshed I spent all of day 356 just trying to get a level 3 rigs but first I've got to build something in the main camp that's very important it took all day but I built a giant totem I'm getting a large amount of totem of undying from all these raids I'm doing so I'll need a proper place to store them and now I have a new goal to fill this chest to the brim with totems the next two days were spent on a level 3 raid that I completed without much incident I didn't get as many totems this time mostly because they were incinerated but that's fine at least I won the raid even with my level 3 discount though I couldn't make that much profit because I didn't have enough cartographers to sell my glass to I figured I could do something with this glass surplus and started construction on an aquarium by the next day the aquarium was getting there but all I have is salmon I need something more exotic a short trip to the ocean will fix that I didn't get back until the next day but now I have a bustling aquarium and the best part is you can walk along the inside of it to get a nice view of the fish I think warthog likes it anyway back to business with some more raids like most raids this one took two days and the lava did most of the work this is also the day I took the screenshot for the 300 days world tour which is why you see a beacon in there now today is day 365 which means we've made it one year in hardcore minecraft and I celebrated with a cake served on a diamond platter this will be a relic for all time day 366 I didn't do much during the day but at night I went out looking for zombie villagers I need more cartographers or librarian I'm getting desperate the breeder isn't working not much going on on day 3 67 but after some fishing I got an idea yep I'll be making an afk fish farm I'm giving up on getting a mending book from a villager I have no idea how this works I totally looked it up on Google I was lusting for that mending book so hard I fished for all of day 369 don't worry there'll be other 69 I kept it going all of day 370 just for good measure I wasn't recording for the first part of day 371 but I put a glass enclosure around the fish farm and I just let it go I'm pretty sure I went bowling with my dad tours and Mader while this was happening still going on 374 yeah still bullying on 375 probably driving home on day 376 nope false alarm Oh another day day 378 I got to check the loot though and I got one mending book yes so finally I completed my goal of getting an Electra with mending I was also able to get a bow with mending but it was on severely low health I'll just fix it up with a farm no problem that's probably the last of the fish farming I'll do though it didn't feel honorable and as you can see all of day 379 was spent mining obsidian and that was pretty much it I also got a nice shot of my vases skyline now I'm gonna be putting that obsidian to good use and started construction on another highway every block in the nether is eight blocks in the real world so I can really travel with this thing sure it's dangerous business making one of these things but when it's done it'll be totally worth it I was down in the nether for a total of three days and mind until my pickaxe was just about to give out but after a short resupply I was back in business on day 384 I really wouldn't recommend doing this without no light rum there were many times where I fell but the Electra saved me I mined for all of day 386 and all of day 387 now this highway goes 2,000 blocks or 16,000 blocks in the real world I needed a little break from mining so day 388 I decided to go back to conflict day 389 I did the raid and I hardly had to think my traps are very effective and now because my pickaxes have mending I can fix them by selling glass panes to the cartographers so not only do I profit but I fix my tools day 390 I did some more work on that zombie spawner I found a while ago and at night I found a zombie villager I had plans to turn him into a librarian until a creeper killed it to cheer myself up I just worked on the wall all day 391 and day 392 I went back to the desert outpost to start a conflict that never needed to happen in the first place with my wall and traps the raids are very easy the only difficult part is trying not to burn all the items I need I never came close to dying but only got two totems because the rest were burned in lava and would you look at it's time for another raid honestly I was just having a lot of fun burning all these guys of course I'd laid waste to the pillar drusen gained five more totems of undying the chest is getting pretty full now day 396 I've made some really quick profits at the desert town before going back to what I love to do most one thing I'm really trying to do here is get the efficiency of this pillager spawn around I want to find a way to get bad omen more effectively one thing that really helped was putting little half slabs around the whole thing so any pillagers that spawned would almost instantly see me and come towards me so by sunset on day 397 I was already started on another level three raid this time I had some issues the villagers boards really spawning where I needed them to I also had some trouble with the VEX here my totem saved me thankfully it was a rough night but the lava mopped him up and I got the victory day three ninety nine I installed a landing pan at the trap control room now if I'm in a pinch or there's vex on me or anything that can happen during a raid I can easily land at the top of the traps and by nighttime I was back to making more blood money Wow it's day four hundred I have nothing planned sounds like a perfect excuse to do another ring I spent all of day 400 just trying to kill one Pillinger captain but couldn't do it I got one on day 401 but again even after an entire day of killing villagers I only got two Battlement ooh I'm starting to kill so many pillagers these ominous banners are really starting to clog up my chests but hey I still need more totems so we're right back at the raid didn't end until nighttime on day 403 but I netted six totems and as you can see the chest is getting pretty filled up and what did you think was gonna happen on day 404 this was a very interesting day I got Battlement three insanely quickly then went right over to raid town and completed the raid within the day day 405 was a little less interesting it's just footage of me buying stuff at El Town and putting banners up back to rating on day 406 I'm really starting to get the hang of it that one took two days but at this point I'm five totems away from getting a full chest I'm excited and with my hyped levels at an all-time high you got to know I went straight back to raiding and by nighttime on the next day I flew away with total victory you know the entire point of this series is to never die and I think I've done a pretty good job at securing that here I had more than enough totems so I decided to dive-bomb to use up one alright there's ten days to day 420 so I'm gonna start burning them trees right now after what feels like eons in conflict it might be a little fun to spend some time on vanity I'm building one swanky joint to spend a 420 in it's gonna take a whole 10 days so yeah the next couple of days I'll be working on the cool shack and today I'm working on the pool though on day 412 in the process of trying to create a fire feature I almost burned down more of the forest day 413 we're getting there this pool starting to look pretty classy and by nightfall I was pretty much done with the lavish quartz entryway day 414 I spent all day trying to get these four horses back to El Town it wasn't easy but I did it Dave for 15 I started converting one of these old villager houses into something very special it's a nice horse sized house in El Town for someone I care very dearly about day 416 I gathered some rose bushes with Warhawk I didn't tell him why and then I brought him over to his new house he's definitely earned it I think he really really likes it I don't know what I would do if warthog died so I'm retiring him he's gonna live here happily for the rest of his days he's living better than most of the villagers in this land he's even got a food dispenser and his groupies are always close by sure I'll miss him but I know he's happier here and I can always visit Dave for 17 I went back to the main camp for supplies and got the bright idea of breeding the cats it was a horrible mistake I just gave up trying to get them all back into the cage so now they'll just sit around the compound scaring away creepers and phantoms and I also started converting the dirt roads and El Town to granite I wasn't recording for day 4:18 but I built this awesome observation deck it's got a great view of El town I also tried to build an auto pumpkin farm I really doubt it's gonna work and tomorrow's day 420 so I gotta make sure to stock up on that white stuff as soon as I woke up on Dave 420 I started burning hella trees you don't understand I burnt down a whole ecosystem and of course I watched the Sun set for my Observatory and at night I went into the green room and started burning that sweet berry Kush I mean bush I meant to say bush well after all that I deserve to go straight to hell I got more tunneling to do I've already gone 16,000 blocks and I'm trying to get 16,000 more I guess I haven't really talked about why I'm making this nether highway in the first place I'm trying to find a woodland mansion and they're generally very far away and after four solid days of mining netherrack I was fairly close to the mansion there's also a jungle over here which is just awesome so I made a little jungle shack that'll work as my base of operations for a little bit I had to spend all of day 425 going back home though I've got a resupply before I can take on the mansion and had to spend all of day 426 going back got back at sunrise on day 427 and immediately started lighting up the roof of the mansion the mansion is full of pillagers and I want to make sure I have at least one safe place to go to I carved my way into this bedroom and this will be my safe zone of course the entire rest of the mansion is infested with pillagers the mansion is very large so clearing it is a very tedious process essentially just have to kill all the monsters and light up the rooms there's some really nice rooms in this thing if I was lazy I built a home here I'm personally a fan of the dungeon it looks real cozy anyway I was slow and methodical about the whole mansion clearing process like everything else I do in this series the biggest thing you got to watch out for are the Evoque kurz they'll spawn the VEX if you don't kill them quickly and in these tight passages you definitely don't want vex on you five day for twenty nine that was fairly certain I had killed all of the pillagers in the mansion there were a couple more mob spawning but I think that's just because of the dark spots so I spent the rest of the day lighting it up because everything the light touches is my property day 4:30 I realized there was a small swamp town right near the mansion so of course I spent all day locking the inhabitants inside of their own houses I had the horse my way back home on day 431 though I need more supplies and I've been meaning to name my new primary horse I'm gonna call him Mongoose I also got an achievement for rubbing myself up against the honey block it was pretty easy of course all of day 433 was spent going back to the mansion however most of my time is gonna be spent in the swamp town I'm making a massive villager breeder just to test some theories that I have I'm thinking the reason my desert breeder isn't working is because the height of the ceiling and I'm testing that theory here and after three days of hard labor I consolidated all of the villagers in the swamp town I went back home real quick to grab some carrots to feed him I spend most of day 438 traveling through the nether so when I got back to the villagers they were too tired to breed yes I've done it a child it was definitely the size of the roof holding me back I'm pretty sure the children have to be able to jump on the beds for the villagers to breed and now that I'm done experimenting on the swamp people I can go back home the only footage I have for day 441 is some AFK fish farming just a little bit day 4 42 I started chopping spruce trees for a new project yep that's all I did all day I'm gonna need some large wood all of that wood is gonna be used on this massive road project I'm gonna try to connect my main compound to the desert town the old road was truly abysmal and I've been ashamed of it for many moons this road will be much thicker and in turn more beautiful however that also means it's gonna take up more resources so I'm already back to chopping I'm still chopping on day 445 but day 446 I'm doing the of chopping it hush you can already tell this road is gonna look pretty nice I wasn't recording for the first part of day 447 but now I have another dog I was also able to get the road all the way to a birch forest so now I'm gonna start making the road out of birch trees at night I bred this new dog with the dog I don't talk about maybe eventually I'll have a dog army day 448 I started on the birch section of the road if I can get through this forest I'll be at the edge of the desert which is what I wanted in the first place still not there yet but tonight I've decided to sleep in the birch [ __ ] oh time save more the same on day 449 just placing some birch wood and by day 450 I've touched down at the desert though honestly I'm getting a little tired of building roads I think for now this is good it's a nice road that goes all the way to the desert outpost this was all really just an excuse to get more shots of my bases skyline my electra is just about to break though and on day 451 I tried to heal it though I'm telling you this mob farmers just super slow I may have fish farmed I didn't want to but I had to I mean in theory I could sit here for a thousand days and just afk fish but I'm sure you guys want to see some action that means it's time for some action-packed mining I still don't have mending on my armor so I have to use diamonds to fix it it's quite the drag by the end of the day I got 21 diamonds not bad day for 54 I built an auto furnace I'm gonna convert all the cobblestone I'm getting from mining to nice smooth stone I actually built two auto furnaces I think they look kind of nice later I stood in the rain thinking about all the people I've killed doing some more mining on the next day nothing interesting happened what more do you want from me oh look more mining how exhilarating still mining but at least I got diamonds on day 457 alright the mining needs to stop I probably have enough diamonds at this point yep I played hardcore minecraft on Christmas isn't my life sad of course I was still mining but I found a zombie spawner and this one should be near my main compound i surfaced and found out that it's really not that far away to 300 block stops I'm gonna convert that zombie spawner into a zombie farm but first I have to burn down some trees obviously hey I also found a nice use for my andesite it might take a few days to make a Preppers zombie farm but it'll probably be better than my mob farm day 461 I built a ladder straight down to the zombie farm which should help with maintenance and now it's time to get to the business of converting this thing I did most of the carving on day 462 I know you got to make a big room around the zombie spawner for it to work though I really should have consulted Google before I started on this thing I thought I knew what I was doing but I totally didn't yeah three days later in this whole thing is still pretty useless oh well it'll still be here I can always figure it out somehow it's gonna be a big day today I'm tearing down the walls of course I'll be replacing the walls the cobblestone wall has served me well keeping out zombies creepers everything but it is a little bit ugly especially for someone like me who's been in the game almost 500 days now there's a lot of water in place this might take a while this just shows you how important that outer wall is I mean that creeper could have got in if it wasn't for it I almost got there by the time the Sun went down but you don't want to be messing with the wall after dark so I went to that this should be the last day of wall renovation I'm excited I finished by the time the Sun went down and I gotta say it looks a lot nicer over here Dave 467 I redid my storage shed I need these ocean monument blocks I decided to redo the whole thing in courts I got a ton for making in the nether highway and honestly I think the courts looks a lot nicer next to the mine day 468 I took mongoose out to the ocean and in the middle of the ocean I built a conduit with a shack on top of it I still need to tried it which means I need to kill drowned and the conduits gonna help with that however this is the Java version of Minecraft where Trident are notoriously hard to get I didn't get a trident but I got to watch the Sun Rise on day 469 there's another pillager outpost near my ocean connection I burned it down at some point I tried to make a pillager farm all day it's not gonna work I was fighting drowned all night and got a craving for that sweet sweet dolphin meat day 470 I tried to name the meat it dropped raw dolphin but that's illegal oh well I ate it anyway it tasted delicious day 4 71 I went looking for a horse Mongoose is Gooden all but he's not that fast I found a pretty fast one and knew just what to name him Dave for 72 I got another fast one it's time to start the breeding and who knows maybe with enough inbreeding I can get a horse to rival warthog day 473 I'm placing a lot of dirt it's time to make the compound bigger I'm not kidding that was all I did all day 474 was spent putting a wall around my newly constructed land of course now we got a lot more land and I'm gonna fill it with weird stuff Dave 475 I bought some puffer fish from the wandering trader they were 5 emeralds at peace but money's of no concern maybe almost died putting them in the aquarium but I also have a double chest full of totems I would've been fine day 476 I'm finally dismantling that old road to the desert gross that was pretty much it I've been meaning to expand the cartographers but I'll get to it later more nether tunneling on day 477 why mind your own business there's a town about a thousand blocks away from the main compound I found it in the first hundred days and I'm building a tunnel in the nether to it and I'm already there like I said it wasn't too far away the plan is to ducked villagers from here and bring them to my main compound then I'll breed them and then the profits begin I got my first villager on day 480 a humble farmer now I don't have to go all the way to L town if I want to get some pumpkin pot so I named him uber eats day 481 I got myself a stonemason I can sell any excess smooth stone to him for emeralds other than that I did some walking around the base wondering what to do next well if you don't know what to do you can always do some mining it's minecraft I also checked on that fresh new horse i bred he's not too fast might have to send him to the leather factory I got more diamonds day 483 and that was about it day 484 I'm trying to turn this villager into a mending librarian ah I'm and a book yes I was about to drop my entire life savings on mending books but when I came back he was selling bane of arthropods I would have murdered him but the dogs were watching I just waited until it got dark and then I gave him I got another mending librarian the next day but the books were gonna cost me cuz I killed that first guy you know I don't really need this emerald gate do I yep I'd much rather have seven mending books started off day 486 by putting more banners on the tree of murder I also updated my storage to have a quartz floor it looks nice oh and just if you're wondering it's not Christmas anymore that was only a couple days I've also been meaning to redo my conduit I've never liked how it juts out of the water I actually wanted to put it completely above water I also installed another conduit near the swamp it doesn't look pretty just functional I did some cave exploring day 488 nothing bad happened I went back to the desert town on day 49 I got to make some money I forgot that this horse was here well he's useless at night I went to the nearby ocean looking for drowned and puffer fish I was pretty efficient during the day I made money and then at night I went looking for drown day 491 I kind of realized horse breeding sucks so I took the best one and just named him chief I also put all my puffer fish in the tank they killed the other fish this is now definitely my favorite thing day 490 do I got another villager at the base and turned him into a Fletcher for unlimited arrows right here I also put quartz underneath the chests in my storage room because I care what you all think of me day 493 I'm clearing out some land for a villager breeder near the compound I'm ambitious it's large but that's how it's got a beat I learned that the hard way and I was almost finished with construction on day 494 it looks pretty good for a glorified prison you know I could have left it boxy but I took a whole nother day to put the roof on well not the whole day I had a little time at the end to change my horse road to diary forget the villagers I'm finishing this tomorrow the next I used every single last block of diorite that I had and it turned out perfect I couldn't go all the way but at least the part around my camp looks good I spent all day 497 putting villagers inside of the breeder I only got two of them it was hard work getting him to listen to me but at least I got to ride the minecart track through the nether but with enough shoving anything's possible in day four 98 I got two more this is probably the last day I'm gonna be grabbing villagers there's plenty of them it's just kind of annoying and it was another big day today I got three more villagers for a total of seven and this is only the beginning oh look it's day 500 we're halfway there the first thing I did was build a monument to my survival and hardcore minecraft for all this time I call it the eternal flame and it will burn until I'm dead which hopefully won't happen after that I did some farming gotta make those villagers procreate by the time I handed out the rations the villagers were tired and probably won't get to breeding today but they'll have the carrots in their inventory so they'll be ready thanks to all the new villagers on my land now there's tons of cats that spawn all the time there's an achievement for having all thirteen different types of cats and I'll get there eventually I swear I also spent some time making chief a staple out of bricks it's not as nice as warthogs but it'll do day 502 I expanded the villager breeder with more beds I want to get this thing popping I doubt I'll even use all these guys but it's nice to have a good stock I also got my iron golem out of the chicken coop many chickens died in the process day 503 I was back in the mine mostly just trying to get some XP to enchant my shovel with mending and all my other stuff I've got seven mending books now I needed level 33 and got level 31 I don't want to FK fish but I might have to I didn't give up though more mining on day 504 and I got to level 33 with some clean coal I still gotta put mending on my ex and my pants but I'll get there day 505 I went back to the desert to make some money get some XP and fix my shovel all together oh and I finally got around to expanding the desert villager breeder I'm fairly certain extending the sealing two blocks was all I had to do the entire time all right now we're getting somewhere we've got some children in the desert I'm gonna fill this room with cartographers and turn this entire desert into emeralds oh and if you're wondering I'm still killing ground at night I haven't found that trident yet j5o said that I almost had some children escaped good thing they fear me because they ran back in my glass supply is still vastly higher than the glass demand in this town there's only five adult cartographers I can sell to and I make way more glass than that won't be a problem for too much longer though soon they'll start breeding with their own children do you like beets no well too bad now five adults in the breeder and they pretty much seemed to breed on their own I'd call that a success I also put mending on my eggs it only costs three levels I thought it would be way more and of course I added more puffer fish I'm sorry but it's gonna be 32 levels to enchant my boots with mending so all I did was fish farm for 10 days yeah it felt dishonorable but once I put mending on my god tear boots yeah I forgot about it hello sheep are you losing your wolf do you mind if I borrow it I spent all day putting beds in the breeder it doesn't look like we need more but we need more the real trick is layering the beds that's how you can really back them in there I'm still in an unending quest for XP though got to put mending on my pants and Tim day 5:21 marks the start of operation move the animals they're so loud and I'm up by him every day I got to move them it took all day just to move the sheep tomorrow I'm gonna do cows and pigs the cows moved over pretty easily I only had to silence one or two dissenters there were a lot more pigs though and of course they didn't want to cooperate oh that's nice sweet silence later I tried to breed the llamas they ten bills of hay and didn't do anything this is why I hate them 5:23 was mostly spent organizing I have a ton of garbage on my land gonna finish up operation dead silence with the chickens and llamas today the llamas don't accept my authority I had to drag him in and at night I started making this big happy family bigger and happier I slept amongst the villagers that night it's quite comfortable I rode chief back over to the desert town on day 525 it was a long day of profits everyone was tired and of course I didn't get the Trident at night I finally am able to sell enough glass to these cartographers and it's a viable strategy for XP fixing my tools and money and without fast these villagers breed it's only gonna get better I went back home at night using the spruce road and I really got to light up this section it's about time I give this zombie farm another try I really underestimated the amount of digging that needs to take place to make one of these things work I got the basic structure done by the end of the day but I'm gonna need some specialty items one of the things is ice and I happen to know where to find some here my ocean Shack Tim really can't handle much of this so I'm gonna grab as much as I can yeah that was all I did all day I took the ocean canal to save some Rockets the ice is so the zombies slide into the trap it's genius the rest of the day was spent messing with bubbles pretty fun the bubble elevator will push the zombies up about 20 blocks and then they'll fall into this room for an easy one hit kill it's working even better than expected there so many of them this is gonna be some really easy XP clearing some more trees on day 531 I need a better entrance to the zombie spawner in hopes of getting a trident I tried to make it a drowned farm but later I found out that that doesn't work on Java you can only get Trident from naturally spawned round of course I didn't know this so I spent two days pointlessly farming drought but I didn't put a cleric down their hill by rotten flesh for emeralds and I get tons of rotten flesh from this thing day 534 I started building a Java tried in farm when I realized this thing was just gonna be too much work you know maybe if I go to 2,000 days I can make this happen I'm back in glass town today I seem to be going well at night I didn't fight ground but I made a little port which will make ocean access a little bit easier I'm coming for that trident the trident SAR pretty rare you can only get one from a drone that has one in its hand and even then it's only about a 7% chance but I'm not gonna let a bunch of pixels in a game rated e 10 + beat me so I'm still going for that trident it didn't help that on night 537 I didn't find a single drowned not one in the whole ocean I killed four drowned with Trident Sunday 538 but still nothing day 539 I killed a couple with Dryden's but again no look I didn't even do anything in the light times of day 540 just stood there thinking angry thoughts joke's on me though I haven't slept in a while so the phantoms came out and you can't hunt drowned when you got phantoms on you I didn't even start recording until the nighttime of day 5 41 but it didn't matter cuz I didn't find it tried it I sailed the ocean blue on day 542 but I couldn't think of another rhyme and didn't find its ride a 543 I never even left the boat I didn't find a single drowned carrying a trident find a 544 Hope was running pretty thin but at least I can go outside during the daytime but finally at night I killed this drowned and he dropped his trident however I didn't pick it up immediately and started to panic I got it and you can't even fathom my happiness things really low on health though so I'm going straight back home to fix it though in my absolute excitement I put mending on the Trident before any other enchantments so I had to wife the Trident clean with a wet stone reefs ting a mending book I enchanted it what another mending looked on it and then fixed it with the zombie spawner also got some achievements day 546 I built an afk fish farm inside of the zombie spawner now I can get XP and loot while waiting to get more XP and blue it's very efficient so that's what I did all of day 547 I would afk fish until the zombies spawned and then I would quickly go kill all the zombies I got mending on Timothy so I can fix him down here too the last thing on my mending list was Diamond pants and I decided to just make a new pair cost me about 30 levels to upgrade the old ones sweet why does it look like I'm about to fight the ender dragon because I am on day 549 it's an achievement to risa min the ender dragon so that's what I'm doing today I'm also looking for some XP it took all day but being as powerful as I am it really wasn't that difficult kinda lame you don't get as much XP as the first time though you don't get a second dragon egg either it's a ripoff I decided not to waste any time and went straight to the end on day 550 there's an achievement for levitating up 50 blocks and I got that today I wasn't too scared I had feather falling boots I also got myself a third a light rum it's pretty easy when you already have one on you know I'm not gonna forget that dragon head no getting back wiped out both Electra's so it's time to fix them in the zombie fish farmer I put a clock down here it helps me to tell how long I've been whacking the water by the end of day 552 I had two fully charged mending alight rus' so I took the first two lights I ever got and hung it on the wall but now I'm back in the nether for another project it's time to kill some things yep I made it back to the nether fortress to kill wither skeletons I need their skulls wither skeleton skulls are a pretty rare drop though there's only a 2.5 percent chance that I'll get one however they'll spawn more frequently with more surface area of nether brick so that's what I'm doing when I'm not killing them nether fortresses cover a ton of area so I can really increase my efficiency the more nether brick I place down but again that skull is rare even after four days I only got one though I got lucky day 557 I got another and I was incredibly lucky on day 558 I got three skills I really don't deserve this I need nine though so I've got to keep killing and day 559 I didn't get a single one I got one on day 560 though for a total of six I was down here for a while but there's a lot of work so time went pretty quickly and by 562 this one sprawling nether fortress was reduced to a horizontal plane of nether brick I'm a little more exposed with the flat ground but I'll take more wither skeletons any day because on day 5 63 I finally got my last skull that's 9 now I'm taking the minecart track to the birch Shack because it's time to fight the wither I killed this thing for the first time on day 300 and honestly it was pretty easy I came very prepared so I set out with the goal of killing the wither three times in a single day I need those nether stars and with my smite 4 sword even three withers went down pretty easy I'm quite amazed in myself that I killed three withers and still have daylight those three withers gave me three more beacons for an incredibly chunky quad beacon I spent all of day 565 and 40 I was trying to get the channeling enchantment on my Trident well that was a waste of 40 levels what's nice about this new beacon though is in the shallow caves around my compound I get all five of those effects which makes going through these caves very easy so if I go too deep I'll lose them can't be cocky here you know it was definitely a pain to get this thing but it was totally worth it but I'm already going back to the nether on day 567 it's time to max out that beacon I have to kill two more withers which means I need six more skulls it's gonna be a grunt what I'm trying to look on the bright side I need more XP to get channeling on my Trident didn't I can get here so I spent some more days down in the nether yes even 569 by day five seventy I had five skulls just looking for that last one and on day five seventy one with this solitary wither skeleton I got my final skull time to kill his dad so on day 572 I only had to kill the wither two times it was pretty easy so now I've got the strongest beacon type in the game a sextuple beacon and after setting it up properly I've got all of the beacon effects maxed out essentially I'm an unkillable God so long as I'm standing near my sweet sweet beacon I'm going back to abducting in day 573 I was attempting to get a librarian that would sell me the channeling enchantment but as you can see the villagers were not cooperating the first thing I did on day 574 was trying to get channeling on my Trident and I did it nice after spending all that time in the nether I decided to go out on an adventure I've only got a couple more achievements to knock off my list and to get them I've got to leave the safety of my compound so I'm just gonna go straight west across the sea looking for new biomes and new monsters to be more specific I'm looking for a couple of different biomes like ice spikes the badlands and a couple of other weird ones see I've already been to an ice biome I need to find an ice spikes by him which is far rarer there's also a mushroom biome that I'm insanely excited to find but nothing today I'm also looking for a couple different cat variants and on date 576 I chased down this one it kind of looks like my real-life cat just a little can't take him with me though I'm a rolling stone maybe I'll find another one that looks just like him one of the biomes I needed was a bamboo jungle and I found one here I've got a breed in Ocelot for another achievement but I don't think that's gonna work with all this danger out here oh look I found a panda I guess I can breed that I locked him in a dirt prison and then went back into the jungle to find him a mate I got one and then spent pretty much all day leading him with bamboo they're pretty slow pandas are fairly particular you've got to surround them with bamboo before they'll do any mating but once they have that they'll get raped to it I wish I could take one home but I'm just too far for that I have the coordinates so I could always come back I stayed in the jungle another day hoping to find ocelots but I only found zombies I also found a jungle temple at okay Lu and by dawn the next morning I found the Badlands it's a great biome the Badlands are another rare biome and obviously you can see why however I didn't stay long I've still got more to find day 580 I found a savanna town there nice but there's nothing new here but at night I found a Tundra and a stray which is basically like a snowy skeleton and it was also the last monster I needed to get there was also this abandoned snowy town which was creepy but also cool I'm still just a man in the wilderness on day 581 I've only got three more biomes to find before I found them all and I'm really not sure when I'll get a vacation like this again so I might as well have some fun with it while I'm here day 582 was pretty much just a whole lot of me and my thoughts I paddled all night and right it done I saw the mushroom biome it's a whole biome dedicated to mushrooms it's also the only place in Minecraft where you can find the mushroom and I've got to breed these for another achievement however for that I'll need wheat so I'll have to boat to an adjacent Island to get some the plan was to set up a very simple farm and then kill skeletons at night to get some easy wheat and pretty quickly I got over 40 bone meal and before the night was even over I was breeding mushrooms day 584 I was just trying to breed some polar bears it's not possible don't try it I thought it was just cuz I killed this one's child at night I found a sunken ship banned in the chest I found a diamond so there's that only thing I did all of day 585 was find a donkey I named him Hotei Don Quixote he's pretty slow though I'm faster on 4586 I found a snowy village that wasn't overrun with zombies ah the villagers here they're just so cute though earmuffs I also found the last cat I need Oh white gentleman with different colored eyes of course he can't come home with me I'm like 10,000 blocks away so we spent some quality time at night hissing at phantoms the only new thing I did day 587 was breed some foxes I was lucky they were close to each other day 588 I was mindlessly paddling when I dropped my sword in the ocean and I didn't notice it's fine I watched the clip back and found it but I wasted a whole day I have no idea why there's so many drowned in this particular area but where was this 20 days ago and nothing notable happened on day 590 but hey during the night time of day 591 I found the ice spikes biome you know it's kind of nice if you're in dice I was fairly certain that supposed to be the last biome but apparently I'm missing one anyway I think it's time to go back home I've had quite the adventure that's why I'm mining this obsidian I went straight west about 50,000 blocks which means I only have to fly east in the nether for about 7,000 it only took about a day 7,000 blocks within Electra's not too bad yeah by nighttime I was back at El Town and chillin in my food day 594 I've read some donkeys there's an achievement for breeding all of the animals but they count his horses well that was pointless so I just killed the whole family I also had to go grab chief from the end Shack when I killed the ender dragon the second time that responded me back at the main compound so I left him here all of day five ninety five was spent creating my new three-headed dragon totem I know you're jealous it took all day because the first couple versions just looked terrible I know this might sound a little crazy but I'm gonna do a raid at my main compound so I got to make sure my villagers are safe I spent all day working on a locking mechanism where if I flip this lever my villagers should be a little bit safer and after quite a lot of wiring and a 597 every villager Hut on my compound is hooked up to the same system day 598 I built this panic tower above the conduit if things get hairy I should be able to survive on the top of that thing I also burned down some trees just to open things up a bit at night I tested the panic tower and an unsuspecting zombie and it works perfectly the zombie was lured into the water and the conduit killed him I quickly got bad omen and started the raid on day 5 99 the beacon powers made such a difference this raid was the easiest one yet anyway on day 600 I got the achievement for hitting the villager with the bolt of lightning he volunteered I spent the rest of the day making tree houses which should help in future raids I did another raid on day 601 I was mostly just testing my limits with the vex with his beacon again as long as I'm standing near the beacon I'm virtually unkillable I've also started on a second double chest full of totems I got seven today day 602 I spent all day getting bad omen 3 to test out a level 3 raid in the compound even this level 3 raid wasn't a big deal especially with the treehouses I installed yep mopped it up pretty quickly and then went over a glass town to cash in on my hero status I spent all of day 604 making huge profits with the massive discount these villagers give me now I don't really need the money though so I decided to go back to my compound and fix up my map on day 605 all I did all day was extend the map it'll look nice when it's done see I was right I could stare at this thing all day one of the many achievements is the eat all of the food in the game including spider eyes I didn't even no beet soup was a thing but I had to eat it and probably never will again day 607 I went over to L town to buy some suspicious stew and when I slurped it down and blinded me what are you useful item and for some reason you can also eat dried kelp good thing I only have to do this once day 608 I got that kelp real crispy but it didn't help the taste much and I made sure the last piece of food I had to eat was my enchanted golden apple it's one of the rarest items in the game and it tasted delicious at night I put a butcher in the camp farming that kelp gave me an idea higher-level butchers will buy dried kelp blocks so I tried to make an auto kelp farm I couldn't get it to work and I gave up sowed a 6/10 I tried to make an auto bamboo farm I should have remembered that I'm terrible day six eleven I finally was able to breathe the llamas but as I've said before two llamas is enough and now I'm going back over to my mansion for the nearby jungle to breed some ocelots but of course it's gonna take a whole day I got to the jungle on day 613 and looked everywhere for ocelots but couldn't find one the jungle is dense they're very small this is gonna be harder than I thought at night I stole the bed of this child and slept very comfortable here's a pro Ocelot finding tip burn down the jungle and with the jungle a little more thinned out the ocelots are way easier to find this one's gonna be in this hole for a little bit but I gave him some salmon he'll be fine day 6:15 I got another Ocelot but the first one I found despawned oh I have a plan and it's gonna involve dragging this cat through 4000 blocks of hell it took all of day 616 to get him home and he really didn't cooperate so I have the perfect name for him I put him in the cat cage he is their Lord Oh running 4,000 blocks through the nether is so fun right it took an entire day of deforestation but I got myself another Ocelot and I spent all of day 6:19 yanking this cat through the nether and after eight days of pretty annoying work I was finally able to breed my two ocelots and got the achievement for breeding every animal I decided to just leave him in the hole until I can think of something more creative day 621 I'm going to attempt the Furious cocktail achievement it's an achievement for having every potion effect applied at the same time and I think I can do it today I really made sure I had everything before I started but I was still nervous I wouldn't get it but I did the invisibility potion is now my new favorite thing now I just have to find one last biome and I'll have all of the achievements day 622 I wanted to put looting 3 on my sword but it's gonna cost 37 levels so I think it's time for another rate but again as long as I stay near my beak and I'm essentially unkillable the raid was done by night time the next day there were no profits on day 6 24 though I was increasing my infrastructure to make more glass but of course that just means I'm gonna need more sans so day 625 I spent all day shoveling what's nice though is my shovel as mending so after a long day of shuffling I can fix it right back up the sugarcane farm has proved invaluable in this whole system though cartographers will initially level up by selling them paper man that's what sugarcane is for the alternative is buying very expensive maps so I saved a lot of emeralds I was no longer a hero on day 627 but my Electra needed some juice so I sold a little bit more glass I still leave two more levels before I can put looting three on my sword though so I'm gonna need this sand I was just on my way to start another raid when chief and I fell down a large hole everything appeared to be fine chief lived and I kept the lava but when I got back on him he was pushed into the lava and I didn't have enough time to react oh well at least I have something to take migration out on I'm gonna miss him he was a great horse but I'm mostly sad I have to use Mongoose now deysa is 29 I did a rape he didn't really care my depression I'm seeing the tree of murder like this kind of helped even though it was my fault the chief died I'm still profiteering on day 631 I think the only thing that'll make me feel better is another beacon and you know shoveling takes my mind off things day 632 I spent all day building another quad Otto furnace that makes eight of them though I can't even use it yet because I don't have access to enough fuel day 633 I flew back to the camp with bad omen 3 and started another raid the raid took two days but on day 634 I found out that if I stand below my conduit no amount of vex can kill me day 635 was 100% filled with shoveling I've gotta fill up that second quad Otto furnace and after another full day of shuffling on day 636 I wasn't even near my max level of sand so of course the next day I went straight back to shoveling it's exhilarating I'm still nowhere near full on sand but I've got enough to last me a while that's for sure day 638 I began construction on a second mega beacon on the other end of the compound I'm missing three emerald blocks but as fast as I can give him that shouldn't be too much of a problem I also had 53 enchanting levels so I tried to get an unbreaking 3 book for my electric but of course that's quite a lot of levels so now I have 2 electrodes with unbreaking 3 that means at full durability I could fly for 57 minutes uninterrupted day 639 I sold off some of my smooth stone to pay for the rest of that beacon so now that I have all the emerald blocks in place I just need 18 more wither skeleton skulls and have to kill the wither 6 more times shouldn't be too bad you got member though I've got a looting three sword now so instead of a 2.5 percent chance to drop a skull it's now a 5.5 and on the very first day being down in the nether I got three skulls tying my best day ever this looting three sword is the greatest thing I've ever made day 641 I got another three skulls I only got two skulls on day 642 but that's because I was mostly expanding the fortress and day 643 all I did was expand the fortress day 644 was a really great day got three skulls so we're back on track but then on day 645 a new record for skulls in one day I only got one skull day 646 but it's kind of cool to know that I have five withers in my hotbar and after a solid week in hell I got my eighteenth wither skeleton skull and now I can go back home I held him in my hands the whole way home I was proud I guess now it's time to vanquish the wither six times in one day I did it no problem I'm becoming more of a boss than he is so now I've got to sextuple beacons required about 4,500 emeralds to make not to mention twelve withers and all for a little bit more superpower coverage I think it's worth it now it's time to break in the new beacon with a level three raid and I used to talk to get bad omen 3 I only got bad omen due by the end of the day but I had a ton of fun throwing a trident in people the level 3 raids started on the early morning of day 651 90% of the compound is covered by beacon effects at this point but I've got 300 more days I could make it Andrei I finished up the raid on day 652 with ease Wow my second double chests of totems is getting pretty full I went to glass town later I'm not building the beacon anytime soon but it's nice to have some spare cash day 653 I built another portal in glass town I'm gonna use this lava to burn my eat furnace is hot and long it's a little treacherous but I've killed the wither 12 times I shouldn't fear Pigman it's amazing I personally know 20 cartographers but I'm just now figuring out you can make bigger Maps yeah not for me today later I made a pyramid of hay just a whole day of nothing productive seeing how fast I can carve through blocks with a beacon makes me really want one down in the mind sometimes it works in caves but again not always day 656 I went through an abandoned mineshaft I'm mostly here for the tracks this saves me a lot of iron and no I'm not making an iron golem farm who do you think I am day 657 I made my cactus disposal system I'm gonna use it to get rid of these books and it won't burn down my house cuz it doesn't use lava I did a little bit of mining on day 650 82 I've got to keep my other auto furnaces full of cobble stuff my pickaxe was getting torn up so I mined in the nude for better healing even though I had no armor on nothing bad happened I'm pretty good about lighting my mind up I've got a week before day 666 so it's time to spruce up my nether hub I'm gonna keep most of the bottom part cobblestone there's historical value in it this is fairly dangerous but I'm making a shaft that goes all the way down to lava for easy access it's good fuel I was very careful about the whole procedure but if I'm being honest I have a lot of fire resistant armor so even if I fall in I'll probably live however even though I was fairly certain I wouldn't die any construction in the nether always makes me feel a little nervous by the end of the day I got the basic structure done it's not idiot proof but it'll work day 662 I finished up the whole system with some glass I have a pretty much unlimited supply you know it kind of looks like it belongs there and I can't wait to use all this lava and at night I mined up some grass blocks with Tim I'm gonna need them I'm gonna try my best to build a fairly normal looking house down here in the nether it'll even have a nice soft grass lawn it's got everything even some nice oceanfront views know if you know anything about real estate don't know it's all about location because even though the house is pretty nice most of my lawn is still on fire I did some more landscaping on day 665 grass will grow here it just takes a little longer dry climate I also installed a hopper system by the front gate so when I kill my neighbors all of the loop will drop into a convenient location day 666 I trapped a zombie pigmen he will be the butler see everything a normal house has and after some landscaping it's not looking too bad for a foreclosure I'm still working on the Hell Shack day 667 installing the blue sky I only did a little I didn't have too much ice and I wasn't sure if it was going to melt I got a lot more ice the next day Tim's a lot stronger now yep just find ice all day a skies worth forecast is looking like a wet day 669 I was just extending my storage room when I found a cave connected to it this thing is right under the monster spawner and could be why it's so slow it's already a little bit faster look at that and bread rations came in today so there was a lot of celebrating good night everyone sleep tight back at the fixer-upper and I planted some trees I don't know how I didn't think of this sooner hey it looks pretty good from certain angles spot after some birch trees grasses and flowers it's really become something though I will have to figure out some way to deal with the favor oh it's also got a menacing storage room that I never showed you is that profit I smell I made a lot of money but didn't record it for tax purposes stay 673 I'm back oh no setting up some shulker boxes it's time for another adventure however on the day I plan to leave it was thunderstorm to get some monster heads if you hit a creeper with lightning you'll become far more powerful by charged creeper and if that charged creeper explodes and kills a monster the monsters head will fall off it's dangerous business and I felt really uncomfortable the whole time now I have a skeleton skill this is nice I put it in my treasure room next to tours and Elbit on break this glass and I'll kill you time to adventure I went west before now I'm going east how convenient I built a room all I have to do is find one more biome then I'll have all of the achievements in the game problem is I don't know what that biome is so I might be out here for a while I found some more badlands on the morning of day 676 pretty close by and I was simply running around when I got the achievement for exploring all of the biomes I'm pretty sure I'd been to a badlands plant so before but whatever I built a little house to celebrate and I'm gonna mine up some badlands resources I mostly farm Terra Cotta there's tons of different colors it's a fun area the naturally spawning mine shafts are a nice touch I spent two days mining it I have the coordinates so I could always come back but I don't know when that's gonna be speaking of going back it's time to go home and after just a short bit of flying I was back in a friendly nether portal day 679 I'm installing my new terracotta floors I'm gonna DIY and save some money getting the pattern right can take a second but the floors do turn out nice I got lots of terracotta and I'm planning on using it the base floor I did black terracotta and it looks classy still just working on the floor day 680 there's a lot of rooms but by the end of the day I pretty much understood how to get the pattern right the front yard I did in green terracotta and it turned out better than I expected and it's finally time to get rid of this : red stone floor in the basement what was I thinking light blue terracotta works down here day 682 I was breeding my bees how do I still not know how these works I also shoveled up some clay I'm gonna have to make some of my own terracotta it's gonna be a bit before the cod is done cooking and honestly I'm kind of sick of flooring so it's time to make a volcano I need cobblestone I thought this might be a fun way to do it my mind and blasted a big chunk of cobblestone out of this mountain and then filled it up with lava I also put some lava flowing off this side for a nice effect I never knew how fun volcano scaping could be until I tried it I may have got a little carried away with the lava but I can live with what I've done here keep having these recurring nightmares about in my house burning down the entire thing is made of wood so I'm replacing with stone brick they're fire retardant it was not a simple renovation my house has some weird stuff in it and now I have to redo most of the lights and ladder systems messing with the windows though floor by floor is definitely gonna be the most tedious this house has some weird windows but I'll get them the next was a little easier because the upper rooms don't have much in them well at least they all have a nice view of the volcano and by the end of the night I got to my throne room which means that was his complete who needs insurance day 69 zero was just spent making everything look nicer like my new gold archway I'm also gonna layer in some smooth stone just to break up the stone a little it looks good but I think tomorrow I've got the perfect thing to finish it I'm gonna smooth out those corners and really bring out the blocky aesthetic of this massive Tower I think that'll do it I can say I'm proud to live there he's 692 I started construction of my new dolphin cage I'm gonna put this dolphin in it because I can so I spent the entire night dragging this dolphin back to my main compound and by the next morning I had captured a dolphin not sure what happened though he was fine one minute and then later I checked on him and he was dead well I guess we don't want to let his dolphin meat go to waste I'm back in the nether day 694 doing some more terraforming it looks nice but I don't think I can do anything about the hellish haze before day 695 I spent an hour in creative mode trying to figure out how to make a bamboo farm and most of my time was spent gathering the materials even though I got some practice it's complicated though by the end of day 696 I wasn't even close to done an auto bamboo farm could turn me easy auto profits if built correctly but for me the wiring is gonna be tough it's harder when you can't fly the tutorial I watched on YouTube looks way better it may be just a little bit ugly but it works the bamboo grows it gets harvested but those plantains are going to be an issue I'll have to switch out the glass panes for glass blocks because bamboo was getting caught but it's fine because I have tons of glass I still got some steps but it's functional making me bamboo day 699 I encased the structure in stone now that I have bamboo I also have scaffolding which should have made this easier if I knew how to use scaffolding I'll finish it tomorrow it's nice to look at it's day 700 and this is taking a lot more stone than I thought it's gonna take a while for my furnaces to produce though I've gotta find some way to spend the time I'm down for right it's been a little bit when I do raids at the main compound I definitely notice that villagers get caught up in this area I'm always looking to increase the efficiency of the raids and I think a trap here will be perfect the faster I can complete raids the faster I make profits and you know how much I love profits yep I love them so much I'm expanding to 12 Auto furnaces today it definitely seems like there's a lot of things to check off my list I've still got to make this bamboo farm and the creepers are not helping but at least by the end of the day the bamboo farms done and it's nice to look at day 704 it's time to move the cats because I'm getting rid of the cat cage to make room for a llama track it might take a bit though I never took shop in high school so in theory all I have to do is click this lever and then boom lava trap oh I went to bed excited to burn unfortunately I spent all of day 7:06 just trying to get bad omen 3 and couldn't do it however after a very lucky day seven oh seven I was all the way up to bad omen six before this I thought three was the max but apparently it goes up to six the traps worked exceptionally well I was able to burn whole waves of this ring with ease and in the early morning of day seven oh eight nine defeat at the level six rate it felt good the exchange rate was so good everyone sold out almost immediately my glass supplies are through the roof again I didn't start recording on the next day until profits were done but I got sixty-one blocks of emeralds that's like half a beacon so day 710 I started construction on a prepper house out here in glass town I didn't get much more than the frame done but I used a lot of different materials so that makes sense I need a house here the profits get absolutely insane when you have max here of the village but the best part of the day was finding a cat that looks like my camp then making him my friend through fish I mean I liked the house before but now it's home however midway through construction on day 712 the cat tried to play in the fireplace which obviously wasn't a good idea I stood there for a long time I couldn't believe what just happened hopefully some basement construction will take my mind off of it the house has to be quite lavish to make up for the cat that died in it the basement is the real reason I made this house in the first place you need some place to put all your items I'll pretty much only be using the top of the house to sleep but I'll sleep comfy the house was pretty much done on day 715 it's not bad for the head of a large glass conglomerate but a 7/16 I'm right back to getting bad omens 6 this time I definitely know that's the max but even mid level 6 raid you got to know I'm still perfecting my traps I wired it up so even those big Ravagers can fit inside of the traps now it's insanely helpful I finished up the raid on day 717 and started on my third double chest full of totems and by night time I was back in glass town just tending to my furnaces and I got another cat I'm gonna be really really careful with this one day 719 was again an entire day of profits I'm really at this because by the end of day 720 I had made almost three stacks of emerald blocks that's almost 2000 emeralds so yeah I felt like a hero and I'm finally being compensated for it I'm finally doing it I'm finally going to set up a mining beacon for too long I've wondered what it'll feel like to strip-mine with beacon powers on now I'm gonna find out well I don't have the vegans yet I've got to kill the wither a couple more times but before I do that I've got to kill his henchmen good thing I've got this looting three sword I'm also working on expanding the nether fortress and as you can tell day 723 that was going swell well this will be a true test of my ability to stay calm under pressure even though I had my ender chest water does nothing in the nether I even tried drinking milk I didn't think would work and it didn't well good thing I have this totem at any time I'm carrying about four totems on me though so I would have had more than enough time to wait out the fire I'm not hurt but I'm definitely scarred I definitely got a little too comfortable down here never want to get comfortable in hardcore minecraft so I built a trench it's simple but it helps a ton if I ever don't like what spawns in the fortress I can safely run down this trench 2d spawn everything then I run back in sometimes new skeleton spawn but despite how good I'm getting at this I still need 18 skills it's always gonna take a while but hey look at that day 727 I already had 18 skulls I'm gonna stay down here for one more though I got the last go on day 728 and then added it to my skull collection I'm gonna fight the wither six more times tomorrow so I took all day to make sure I had everything I needed well this is awkward I left the card at the other place I did it gilben six times only ever got hit right at the end of course I had white stuff problem the beacons don't work underground whatever I'll figure it out tomorrow it's time for my 2 year celebration cake I'm mining straight down day 731 I hope this works oh it works to get that beacon to work underground all I gotta do is dig a hole straight above it I may have misjudged the beacon placement a little bit it cuts through the mine I'm fine with it it's well worth it I mined a lot faster with this thing I spent the entirety of the next day mining because this is easily the most fun you can have while mining this was a single day of mining oh yeah day 733 I was back on the surface though starting on a little construction I called the head factory I still leave a zombie and creeper head and I'm hoping this building will help it's fairly large though I had to build it on the industrial side of the compound Oh while putting the roof on I had a small accident and lost both of the willing participants at least the explosion happened before I put the glass in that night I captured a zombie and two creepers is a whole building dedicated to it so it was pretty easy now I just have to wait for it to thunderstorm and I can collect my subjects heads day 736 I updated my pillager lava trap I made it just a little bit bigger so the Ravagers would fit in even better I also put the kill switch on a block of diamond just a flex oh you thought that only took a day huh you don't know how bad I am with redstone well you know what new traps new weave do some testing with a raid the new traps are great they're family sized the best part is now the Ravagers which normally take a lot of arrows to kill can be easily disposed of with my traps it doesn't matter what you kill the Raiders with just matters that you do it i freshened up my tools and made money all of day 7:40 a good one it's time for a new diamond sword on day 741 I had seventy three levels to blow so I made a perfect new diamond sword that'll work in raids and I think the best thing to test it on is a level 6 raid this sword has sharpness which allows me to do more damage to the flying vex in the raids well it does more damage to everything but the worst part about the rates are always the vex I can't believe I didn't make a sword like this sooner I was finished with the raid before the next morning just went back to making money day 744 a max raid will make you rich emeralds buy happiness remember that I'm in the nether day 745 just looking for some course I'm also running low on soul sand I've killed the wither too many times I needed that quartz because I'm building an auto sugarcane farm in the desert I learned how to do it with the bamboo farm converting it shouldn't be that tough and by the end of the day I think it works 9 to fix up some things the next day but now it definitely works it's not as colossal as the bamboo farm but it fits in good day 748 I expanded the walls in glass town this town is essentially my entire economy I've got to protect it especially now that I'm expanding the cartographers oh yeah a lot more room for a lot more profits day 750 I named my desert cat I'll be more careful with him this time I also built this little minecart track that goes from the villager breeder to my house it's lavish walking's for the paw I did some landscaping day 751 my workers cooked mountains of glass as you can see I had no plan hopefully this works out two trees is nice from the savanna now connecting the glass town to the main compound to the nether that should save on rockets I use a lot of them just getting over here I'm gonna make it look nice on the other end keeps the voices away i quickly ran out of stone though I did what I could I cooked up a bunch of stone day 754 I'm gonna need it I spent all of day 755 gathering stone it's very quick with my mining beacon I'm down here first stone but I'm on everything it's fun I'm laying down some stone today Pigman can't spawn on these half slabs so it's super safe I'm still working on paving that road all the way over the glass town but we'll get there you know between you and me this is all really just an excuse for me to mine with my beacon I'm making a mushroom dirt farm day 758 it serves a purpose I swear yes girl I also made a mushroom farm in case I ever need to make more mushrooms I'm deciding whether not to put mushrooms down in the hell Shack and I'm leaning against it that day I also cut down my jungle trees to try to get saplings I want more I heard from a friend that if you put cows on mushroom dirt it make some mushrooms and I'm gonna test that theory I mean I know where some mushrooms are but this will save me a trip through hell mushrooms aren't even useful to me right now I just want them I finished up that road paving all the way to the desert town on day 761 I also built a nice stairway down to the lava for prime access I'm still working on paving day 7 62 in my wildest dreams I'd love to pave this all the way to the mansion to make that route a little safer thing is I'm already out of stone so this is all I'm gonna do for now I just did some tinkering with redstone on day 763 your mom likes this one hooray it works I'm producing the largest hardcore minecraft fireworks show of all time you can catch it on day 1,000 cuz it's gonna take that long to set it up there's a lot of things I gotta do and one of them involves good old-fashioned spelunking there's a lot of caves under my compound and I've been meaning to light them up so that's what I did today but there definitely won't be a fireworks show if I can't handle this redstone oh I got it it's looking good another thing I've been meaning to do was expand the monster farmer got so much cobblestone I might as well it's on the industrial side of the camp it's fine oh it was so much easier with a beacon and one day I got everything in there including the cats you know there's uglier things to have on your land and it's a lot faster I get a lot of monster parts including gunpowder so I'll deal with the ugliness I spent all of day 768 picking flowers and then making bombs in my backyard I'm new at this but check it out they get intricate day 769 I'm building my seat for the firework show it's a diamond throne and if you sit on it you're at 69 height it's hard to blend these diamonds and emeralds my life is so difficult it's time to grab more of that valuable cobblestone on day 770 because yes I'm making the monster farmer bigger don't tell the IRS no I definitely don't have more than 10 employees I couldn't do the cats and finishing touches in one day but I finished it a fun day 772 you know now there's 12 cats in that thing I have an idea I want to test out on day 773 I don't know if it's going to work I'm gonna need a raid first so it's back to slapping I was thinking maybe if I put an iron golem between a wall he could bash pillagers on the other side but he didn't this is what being creative gets you nothing I get the raid golem died somber day next day I went down to glass town said hi to Binks and made 64 blocks of emeralds can't forget the sugarcane I need these for my homemade explosive devices and with ample supplies I can really get my arsenal going but now it's day 777 the luckiest day in the series and on my luckiest day I'm just trying to make some redstone work my first missile test was a success everything launched perfectly no luck involved a seven seven eight just covering up my ugly yet effective redstone well this is embarrassing I'm gonna need those emeralds back we'll do quartz stylish and affordable day 779 I found out about chiseled warts and I want more yeah I think I'm happy with that I'm also gonna be expanding the monster farm cuz you know why not I tried to build on top of what I already had I thought maybe it could work but it didn't monsters spawn up here but they died when they hit the ground technically that floor makes my mom farm slower don't get me wrong the monster farm is vast but I'm sure I can exploit these creatures even harder so yeah add a 782 is gonna be another day in the dark with nothing but meow is to keep me sane this top layer totally works against me so I lit the whole thing up and sealed it if you believe me it'll make it faster sure I wasted a bit of time but at least it has a nice roof now day 783 I was making an auto green die machine I think I think this will work I don't entirely understand cactuses to begin with I was also working on the zombie farm trying to install an auto kill feature I must have felt inspired I never got it working but that would have been nice I guess I'll just stick to building roads it's simple and you know I've been meaning to install the granite Nell town for a long time oh and I also checked on my sweet berry bush it's fire big day today gonna repopulate this town but first we have to extend the nether Highway won't take long I'm very powerful see it only took two days to get a paved road through the nether with a minecart wreck as you can see I have a very large stock of villagers that I can send other places and for some reason repopulating the reed town sounded like a good idea and that's pretty much all I did day 788 sense servants 2 at a time to the reed town who wants freedom I didn't want to pack it but there's a fair amount of villagers here now all right time to make this a good place to raise a family well this is a terrible start that I should have thought about thanks to my expert planning there's now a raid happening in the town there's no locks no defences it's gonna be bad I lost I can see them all cheering in the distance worst part is when I was going back home there was a captain down here and I can't him without thinking about it no time to mourn time for vengeance at the end of the raid I was the hero of the village but I don't feel like a hero I spent the night putting up torches being sad maybe I'll feel like a hero after some mining I'll be able to put another layer on the monster farm just gonna make sure I don't intersect with the bamboo farm I'm sort of uncomfortable without they this thing is starting to get I'm still going though the monsters don't fall from his high but I hit way harder so it's fine and I found a little time at night to fix the cactus bar you know eating nothing but pumpkin pie has really been good for me four layers 16 cats and we're gonna be testing it today I found out that if I stand on top of my house for a while and load the whole chunk a lot of monsters spawn in the spawner see I go down and there's just boards of them I don't know what the magic behind this is but it gives me an excuse to look out on my land which I'll always take I also got three and a half stacks of gunpowder I'm gonna make some bomb stay 795 all day I just farmed monsters it's super efficient and fun yeah the best part is definitely BASE jumping my massive house every single time with this new stock of gunpowder I made over 1400 rockets and we're only getting started this firework has diamonds in it whoo I had to test one and now I'm really excited the next day I mostly spent farming mortals and looking at my property and there's no sound on day 798 but I expanded my compound sugarcane farm I'm running out of paper this should help I can already tell day 799 is gonna be a great one I made a collection system for the sugarcane farm that was about it I don't have any huge plans for day 800 mostly just finishing up the farm on maybe putting another layer on the monster farm I have a problem it took two days but I got all of the kittens in oh that is thick yes the monster farm is so efficient it's really starting to get clogged up with a bunch of junk for now I just throw it into lava hopefully further down the line we can get a little more sophisticated though I will say with five layers of monster farmer I've got plenty of gunpowder so much so I made fireworks for two days straight it was magical day 805 I just realized I'm getting kind of close to level 100 so I kept farming I need the Gunpowder and mountains of XP is nice - day 806 I was away waiting for the monster just bond when I fell off the top of my house I guess it's a good thing I had my totem huh what happened I'm gonna take that as a sign to be more careful but there's no way I'm stuffing especially since I'm already level 90 on day 808 yeah nothing's gonna stop me I'm going straight to level 100 I'm up to 94 day 810 and after day Pete 11 I was at 98 so tomorrow's probably the big day and there it is level 100 it's quite the achievement even though it's not an achievement - doc I didn't do any celebrating I just made bombs all day day 8:14 I'm gonna put more villagers in ghost town I don't tell them why I call it ghost town guys you can't leave I swear it won't happen again I needed some more gold for fireworks in my nether condos be a good place to get it Oh chickens are used in fireworks too so they're relevant again I guess I'm not the best incenter though because day 816 I dumped 50 levels into this bow and I can't even put mending on it there was also pillagers in my sheep it wasn't a great day you can't put infinity and mending on the same bow it's the law I just don't agree with it so I completed this raid using only my infinity book because if I didn't I'd probably hate myself for it well good news is I got in my levels up the next day pretty quickly by selling glass and the only part of day 8:19 I recorded was the sunset so at least I got the best part the citizens are doing well there's more of them every single day I should be able to stack these beds even higher too so there should be more anyway it was a long day of profits and if I try hard enough tomorrow I might be able to get to level 69 I did it left their level 69 and proud I felt it was a good time to change up my house just a little bit yep I'm trimming it all out with emeralds it's gonna look good I only got three sides done today but if I stand here it looks like I did the whole house day 822 I'm doing another level 6 rain for some more money gotta finish up the house these are the problems you run into when you try to build a house literally made of money well now the r8 is finished and it seems I'm just about one rate away from three full double chests of totems and after a long day in glass town everyone was beat lots of profits and breeding my favorite part about this town is going to the nearby desert and seeing how much my glass industry has destroyed it and that shoveling is going to continue I'm completely out of sand I'm low on sand the furnaces are cold things are pretty much at a standstill here at glass down I flew home at night well one of my many homes got right to it in the morning I'm not going a single day without emeralds on my house right now my vertical mansion has about three and a half thousand emeralds on 20 floors of pure luxury but I'm right back in the trench day 827 I'm gonna need more heads and no this time it's not for another beacon I'm gonna make some special fireworks that you need heads for what day 8:28 I got distracted by this glow step but by now I'm pretty good at grabbing the skull so it shouldn't take too long to get a few and I'm running back home day 8:30 with nine should be enough yep day eight 31 I made some of the most expensive and luxurious fireworks the world has ever seen they took tons of gunpowder diamonds and wither skeleton skull heads but look at that it's a little creeper the next day I went back to the nether I don't have to farm I have an idea I laid down a minecart track in my nether trench now I don't have to run back and forth to reset the spawns in the nether fortress I can just ride the cart check the spawns and if there's wither skeletons I can them I left that same day like I said I'm not down there to farm I'm in ghost town day 833 I was moved to make a monument to the dead I was personally responsible for many villager deaths on this land and I feel this is a way I can atone it was fitting that I got to do some of the construction in the rain of course it's a work in progress I'm gonna spend a few days on it like you should with any monument especially one to the dead day 8:35 I went back to the old diamond mine in ghost town and I found some diamonds just laying around I donated them to the dead villager foundation which I of course run and now I will ask for a moment of silence for the dead villagers back to Labor Day 836 I have my mouth to feed it was pretty much just a day of light chores and bomb-making still just working day t37 what a life I also found a convenient way to store my diamond hoe today date 838 I rode rah dolphin over to the mansion through the nether this time I'm not going to the mansion at all just a nearby jungle I want to make a house for my ocelots that they'll feel cozy in and for that on the jungle wood this is my best connection for jungle wood and it takes a day to get here so I'm gonna grab as much as I can so I spent all of day 8:40 just grabbing some wood and I got back home a little quicker this time raw dolphins a fast horse now that I have a solid supply of jungle wood it's time to build a house for my a salats it's not much but they are small of course it's got a chicken dispenser in the basement I also put a big jungle tree on top of it I don't have one like this on my land hello sheep baa how are you Helen mom never feeling blue day 43 I have no idea what I am doing and even after a full day of experimenting on the lawn I'm still not very sure got it working day 8 44 though it's an auto incinerator just poop stuff right into lava automatically conveniently all of the redstone fits underground the only thing that's gonna show above ground is the chest date 8:45 I got my power 5 bow it cost me thirty three levels but I think it'll be worth it I also made a few more diamond shovels so I can increase my enterprise day 846 I continued on the pit of profits a lot of shoveling happened that day that was about it more shoveling on day 8 47 how entertaining and guess what day 8 48 that was more shoveling day 8 49 there was no shoveling I was just fixing up my shovels so I can do more shoveling shovel shovel shovel day 8 51 was the last day of shoveling I filled up every single one of my furnaces to the brim with sand all in all there's about 21,000 blocks in here now it's time to fill up the furnaces with lava and fill my buckets with emeralds of this means whoa well that was a fun little conflict and now I'm starting on light fourth totem chest I should have waited a day or two but furnaces are a little behind I just got restocked whatever I can waste a day of Mack's hero status I'm a rich man day 855 profits began and the only thing that stopped it was lag I didn't sleep at night just let that glass cook I got almost three stacks of emerald blocks before my hero status wore off and remember I wasted a day but really no days wasted when you spend it with family well I guess it's back to reading on date 857 again the trap does most the work I even burned totems at this point I don't care most of these raids I don't even have to move I mean they walk right into the thing needless to say I became a hero by force and went straight back to sling in that glass and if you were wondering Binks is fine he's not a lot inside there's fire there one more damn profits I swear at least for now I could have stayed in class town for a few more days but I've got some business to handle at the main compound I'm getting rid of the mining beacon at least for now I'll say this it takes a lot longer than you think beacons have a lot of emeralds and a beacons also take up a ton of area which is why I'm clearing land on day 860 yeah that's all I did all day filled up my dirt chests which of course will be used in the nether so all I did date 861 was set up beacons I want to have him in the four corners of my compound for maximum coverage yep I spent the whole day placing emerald blocks and when I was done there was a lot left over I'm gonna need 18 more wither skeleton skulls no so I better get started the whole process was easier and safer using this track I'm so glad I built it I'm averaging about four skulls per day now so it shouldn't take long for me to get to a team I'm sure there's ways I could increase the efficiency of this thing but I've come a long way so far but hey in five days I got enough skulls for six winners I'd say that's pretty good alright now it's time to pull the plug on uncle Wilbur I did it six times I don't know what you expected this time I even had daylight left it's been quite the journey but now I have four sextuple beacons in the four corners of my compound for the most part it's perfect beacon coverage some parts of the addition aren't covered but I can live with that I also put some colors on the beacons but I'm not sure these are gonna be the final ones especially since I noticed one of the beacons was crooked on day 869 the rest of the day was spent figuring out if I liked blue or dark blue I couldn't decide so on day eight 7d I made them all rainbow beacons I think I like this the best yep no base is complete without a quadruple rainbow perimeter I think I want to build something where I can look out on my land with a little bit of pride I mean you can see it it's beautiful so today I started construction on an observation deck slash monument to me scrap to the diorite design and went for a quartz look instead I think it looks a little more premium but I don't have much quartz so of course I gotta get some quartz this is a giant monument to myself and if you want to look at my base you have to look through my own eyes I also put a way to get on top of my head for a more unfiltered view the hardest part was getting it to look like it's been buried in this mountain for a long time it took a lot of scaffolding it also took a lot more courts than I thought I was back in the nether day 875 was i back in the nether I don't know looking at this house it's hard to tell I got more than enough courts to finish on date 876 and it turned out pretty good nice monument to me jutting out the side of this mountain but of course the real reason I built it was just to get a nice view of my land and after looking at my land from that vantage point I realize I have to cover up some imperfections well good thing I've gotten more dirt than I know what to do with even though I dunno what to do with it I can't lie to you this is all just an excuse to make more walls I also got a chance to properly light up my spruce road today I've been meaning to do that and after two days of placing dirt we've got a big chunk of more land which always feels good I fixed up the road to the zombie spawner as well even though I probably won't use it that much but I think tomorrow I'm gonna have to find a place for the bone or horse he keeps getting stuck in my fireworks I just made him a stable out of bone blocks I've killed quite a lot of things so I have quite a lot of bones and I think now is probably a good time as ever to seriously start making a dog army gonna do some more terraforming date 51 I really wish the grass would grow faster here eventually I'm gonna have to find some reason to stay down here for an extended period of time for this grass can grow day 882 I built a dog barracks which will house my dog army bred from the dog I don't talk about and after a jailbreak in the evening the dogs will be eating chicken I did more animal care the next day I need this wolf or something stupid but first I got to max out the tree of murder I want to make sure every square block of this thing has a banner on it well that's nice and menacing I also want to make it very clear that most of these days I find some time to make some rockets however the biggest bomb of all will be built on date 885 you bet jump making a TNT block to scale I told you to be stupid it actually started to look pretty good and take some form on day 886 but then I realize it'll obstruct the view with the fireworks show so it's gotta go so all of day 887 was just me dismantling my art every block hurt at least the dog platoons coming along good I spent date 888 tinkering with an auto melon farm in the camp the concept of an auto food farm by this point so I'm gonna try to make this one big and by the end of day 889 I had the first layer done but of course there's gonna be more once I got that concept down I was really able to slap together those layers date 890 I got two three and date 891 I got it up to five what's nice is with my design of this Auto melon farm in theory I could go all the way up to max build height with it but today I got up to seven levels and one more day should do it yep I finished it up on day eight 93 eight levels of auto melon farm complete forget being the melon King I am the knowing God and I'm grabbin some more people day 894 I got a librarian that'll sell me protection three so there's that if I buy two protection three books and put them together I make a protection for book though unfortunately if you put two protection four books together there's no such thing as protection five day 895 I tried to do something similar with a sharpness villager I'm not sure why but he went from selling me sharpness 3 to sharpness 1 what a cheapskate I did some mining day 896 it's been a while I'm mostly looking for iron I also wanted to check my melon production for one day that ain't bad day 897 was a tough one so we'll just move along yeah I definitely deserve to go to hell after murdering all of those turtles if you're wondering I'm going for the mushrooms my cows never transformed of course the only mushroom biome I know of his thousands of blocks away so it took a couple days to get there I thought I might get there de 1900 but it wasn't able to I'm close to them I finally made it to the mushrooms on day 901 but it's dark out so I'm gonna wait out the night in my cozy little shack I built all that time ago I'm gonna try to bring three back with me but if only to make it I'm fine with that shouldn't be too difficult just got a backpedal through the nether a couple thousand blocks there were one or two dangerous sections that I was worried about but everything was fine only took two days and I had my very own mushrooms now I just got to get rid of the phonies then I spent all of day 904 just trying to grow four mushrooms of similar height it took all day to get them perfect but it looked beautiful I gotta take a day here and fix up my tool digging through the nether is never nice on him oh and I always love being level 69 day 906 I made two stacks of TNT blocks no I don't have a permit I'm gonna restart that TNT block project I'm practiced at it now I got one side done by the end of the night it's magnificent oh and the dog army really seems to be coming together I'm almost done with the TNT block by the end of day 907 but doing the tops gonna be difficult well good thing my trusty sheep Errol is there to lend a hand day 908 I'm trying to make a melon man essentially a farm who will buy all of my melons the first guy I tried out only wanted pumpkins so I disposed of him so hey you gonna buy melons are you gonna end up dead and after some negotiating this townie will buy my melons that's some easy profits I felt day 909 was a good day to expand my map it wasn't that difficult I have to enchanted the light rose and basically unlimited Rockets by the end of the night I finished but I think I'm gonna do this bottom layer to again it didn't take long I mastered this game hundreds of days ago you see that right there that's a map I had some more time left in the day so I started on the very detailed top of the TNT block for some reason I think I'm never going to forget day 9/11 of course part of the day was spent working on my Legion of dogs I also built a dock on my land like any successful man I have many boats day 912 I'm starting on the cake factory I had this idea about a hundred days ago and today I'm making it real the idea is to have one building with everything you need to make a cake sugar eggs and white stuff no once I tried to wire up the redstone no things just wind fan but after another day of work I finished up the cake factory now it's got everything you know if I ever get to 2,000 days I'm gonna need quite a lot of cake to celebrate what the only thing sweeter than cake is a new nether update now there's new stuff for me in the nether to find and something even better than diamonds however today was just a marvelous day of exploring and I killed several nether pigs as you can see I was having a lot of fun day 915 you got to get under the lava if you want to find the new and powerful resource nether right I just drank a fire potion this ain't my first day and this definitely won't be my only day of mining this might take a while to find some nether I need a 917 I made four diamond enchanted pickaxes to bring down to the nether with me I mined all day and nothing but you know stuff that's better than diamonds should be a little hard to find still added a 918 and still nothing you know I really thought I'd find some by now this place looks pretty Hollow I'm on the surface though day 920 it's thunderstorm.a we're gonna get myself a creeper and zombie head right here and I think I just did it got the creeper head but no zombie heads oh well I really just wanted that creeper I'm gonna go back to mining but first I have to take a day and fix up my four diamond pickaxes it took two days but I did all of my other tools too but now it's back to mining industry the mine is getting so big that guests are now infecting it I'm almost positive I'm doing something wrong here oh well at least I get a thunderstorm break day 926 I'm going for more heads I got that creeper head and then trying to get a pig head but he survived I'll take a creeper head that's obviously very useful that's all the footages for this day just me wasting diamonds gonna try out some TNT mining day 928 made a safety line or everything will be good today was not a successful day but it was a fun day I think it's time time for war I'm almost certain that all of these dogs are hurting the efficiency of my monster spawner so it's time to put them to work all I have to do is punch any enemy and then the dog army will do the rest of the work it's quite intimidating I felt so safe that when the raid was starting I went to bed I regret to inform you though at the time I only had enough harddrive space for two minutes of dog army footage it was magnificent they fought bravely and together nothing could stop them but again like I said I didn't have harddrive space so I only have footage of the first round which they absolutely crushed you are all good boys this is also the first day I noticed some weird stuff with the compound my villagers they're gone obviously playing on the new nether update has caused some minor corruptions it's nothing we can't fix the game is just having a hard time I'm really not sure what happened the villagers are gone the wall is weird but I'll fix it I'm also gonna station the dog army and ghost town so nothing bad happens here again please press f to pay respects day 932 I finished up the top of the TNT block it's pretty useless but I liked looking at it today 933 I was having a good one just making a clown but at night I flew to Old Town in a panic I had no idea if the villagers a/d spawned and they didn't hog was good to enjoy retirement I slept in the cool Shack and a bit I guess I haven't shown you until today and now I'm in the end I'm here for vanity and you never forget it I grabbed two Electra's two dragon heads and some other stuff it was a good day well I wasn't recording but now the dog I don't talk about lives up here I always said I wish I had some property in the end so I brought it to me that's about it today checked my various farms and forgot that melon man no longer exists back to TNT mining day 937 and still getting nothing from it you know if grabbing TNT wasn't so easy for me I would have given up a long time ago and it's all thanks to my 20 brave cats living in the monster farm the search for another right is really starting to break my spirit I again used every single last block of TNT I had and nothing with a broken heart I went back to farming gunpowder but I can't do this tomorrow I'm gonna lose my mind maybe renovating the ocean Shack will take my mind off my problems I ain't keeping anything original this cobblestones got to go I also won't be sleeping on sand anymore it's still pretty bare but the frames up day 942 not sure how but after 942 days this was my first sunflower oh wow I actually came fairly close to dying for it but I did not die just grabbed another totem yeah it's a lot easier to do this in the daytime I had to run back to the main camp for a few things also bread my sunflowers I brought a whole wall back with me now I'll finally feel really just detailing day 944 it's the fun part these chairs serve no purpose but they make me smile I also put a little secret chest underneath the carpet even though no one plays on this world with me in the end it turned out to be a nice little ocean getaway I don't think I can call this a Shack any longer back in the main camp starting up a raid and hoping to make some dreams come true I'm attempting to catch any vocre he's kind of like their leader and also very slippery he spawns the vex and I hate to vex by the next morning I had an assorted trapped but not in the police I wanted him nothing a little water bucket can fix well that's just a nice addition to the compound it could take a few days for the raid to wear off but then he should be permanent so I'll just build something in camp for the next couple days I'm making a bubble elevator I used so many Rockets when I'm farming for gunpowder it seems counterintuitive would have been done a lot sooner but I changed out the cobblestone for glass I feel like the going up process is a lot better this way I can already tell it's so great for my monster farmer the raids gone today so this guy should be trapped here forever I wanted to test it though so I flew back to the main camp with a raid be vocre in my camp didn't count as part of the race so I was able to beat the raid without killing him if you're wondering no last down didn't get corrupted that would've been bad cuz I just made 2206 emeralds in two days I had to make a room of furnaces to keep up with demand and I put a large amount of the dog army in the nether guarding the lava next day I did a level six raid and one do you really need to see it I have 24 beacons you know what happens next give me my money I made hella profits on toilet-paper day 955 wow it's nice controlling the supply of everything later that day I took my emerald profits and put them on my house for now I just did the corners I'll get the windows later I'm doing another raid today and it looks like in the first round we're fighting my prisoner yeah that was fun while it lasted get out of my rooms no yes thank you thank you very much yes I know I'm hero I sold enough to get back to level 100 day 959 it was a long day and right about now I really deserve a ready wit who are you whatever I'm down I'm still expanding the cartographers though you can always use more money speaking of profits I'm still working on waged a 961 this one went fine none spawned in my mooshrooms I made so many profits the next day the game itself was chugging I leveled up a lot of new cartographers and this made the game constantly freeze more money more problems I just have too much money if only I believed in charity most days I just don't need all the money to myself your eyes do not deceive you it is time to make the entire house out of emeralds I've changed out the blocks this house several times now it's not an easy project for one day that's not bad we got most of the way up before we can finish it's back to reading I'm not completely out of emeralds but I know for a fact I'm gonna need more if I want to finish this house the problem is now I'm running out of glass there's literally too many cartographers they'd bought it all yes it's back to shoveling again the next day I was mostly just shoveling to reset class town but by the end of the night everything was back to normal not a hundred percent but I'll make good money I went back to Emerald house construction on day 969 it was a long day of construction but I got it done the scaffolding really helped you know looking back at day one I never thought my base would look like this but I'm glad it does my favorite part is at the top there's an emerald throne so it sort of feels like the whole house is a throne now I still got to do some touch-ups though there's no windows up here I'm gonna do green windows it's sort of a gamble but I think it'll look nice it took a whole day just to break all the glass I didn't even replace any but today we weren't finishing I'm excited placing the glass went a little faster in the green turned out sunl still not done gonna take out these oak floors they just reek of pour I wanted something darker with the emeralds and I think stripped dark oak works better I'm also gonna try to do something about those floor lights I think I can hide them a little better that night at thunderstorms so now it's time to get some heads I got two zombie heads and that completes my collection though I totally broke the one year cake in the process that's okay no one saw that I mounted that second zombie head in a creeper head I got on the wall all I did day 973 was make intricate carpets and all the layers of my upper house the creeper carpet took several tries it's big and colorful but still needs some more emeralds I don't mind gives me a chance to do a raid at the Emerald Tower sounds like a max boss if I've ever heard one I completed this level six raid with beads I'm quite notable I only made profits for a day got a quick 600 emeralds however this time not all the glass will be used for profit I'm building a bubble elevator to the max how you can go it's a big project but it'll save me countless take-off rockets and it took every bucket that I have but I got that water up there so now I have a quick and free method for getting to the maximum height in the game pretty useful from all the way up here with just one take-off rocket I can get all the way to glass town and today I'm gonna use it to get all the way to an old ocean monument yeah I remember this thing totally conquered it with a single cow anyway I was just grabbing some blocks I was back home the next morning I wanted to put a conduit on one of the floors in my house it's nice you can get real up close to the conduit and the room is totally self-contained day 981 I had some friends and one of my friends decided to stay forever there's just always been so many rooms in the house I've always wanted to fill them with something this is gonna be a skeleton room but it looks like I'm catching a drowned instead whatever problem is I couldn't get him up into the house and drown darn aggressive in the daytime so I'm gonna have to wait till night all right you hang out there I'm gonna go make your room I think you'll be happier here day 984 I tried to make a bread dispenser on top of a diamond block with a gold pressure plate couldn't get the pressure plate to work so I guess I'm just gonna have to use an oak button at night I was trying to catch a skeleton it was harder than I thought I tried to hit him all night and failed he was really close to my house all right I was definitely doing something wrong when I tried to mine nether right earlier you see I'm playing on a world that was created before nether right ever existed so if I want to find the stuff I've got to go to a part of the nether that I've never been to before it's still not gonna be easy to find nether right and it might take a few days but at least I have a chance now all that mining I did earlier was utterly pointless I'm gonna try another spot day 988 just flying far away from camp and making a random nether portal this time I brought TNT haha and there we have it my first nether right well ancient debris but we'll get there ancient debris the stuff that makes nether right cannot be blown up by TNT so it's an effective way to mine it I made it back to camp with 9 ancient debris which makes 9 nether right scrap then when combined with gold it's enough for two nether right ingots I made a sword and a pickaxe I think most of us probably would I blew a hundred levels on enchantments to make this sword its name is don't even come near me this thing has six enchantments I'm unstoppable man because I could hack and slash these pillagers super effectively I was able to complete the rain in one day it's some time later to try to get a mending villager but they weren't cooperating my new pickaxe doesn't have mending and my normal plug doesn't exist anymore I'll probably get one by 2,000 days because today I'm going camping camping is where you leave the house in the nude and survive in the wilderness for a while this looks like a nice spot to set up camp I got some stone tools some coal and I'll even be able to feed myself tonight with some fish there's nothing like the great outdoors huh day 993 I went on a killing spree I just did some casual exploring nearby even found some of my favorite flowers and thanks to some sheep who are tragically no longer living tonight I sleep under the stars you know I'm enjoying making you all nervous right now today I changed the house into more of a tree house it fits the aesthetic of the forest at night I'm still sleeping outside there's nothing like it still working on the tree house today looks pretty bad but at least no it has a nice little room at the top sort of fine tree house at night I started on a tree tunnel you'll see this dark oak forest is a really thick canopy and I had the idea of carving a tunnel through it at the end of the tunnel you're at the top of the canopy for a pretty nice view well at least it's a decent place to watch the sunset you know I think that's enough camping for me I got 21 blue orchids so I think it was worth it today I grabbed warthog and went back to the camp it's been a while since he's seen it I spent all day making him a throne of hay so we could watch the fireworks with me also he deserves it Binks didn't want to watch the fireworks show but I'm gonna make him for him I made a cat tree it is quite comfortable here we are day 999 it'd be something if I died today I spent the day making rockets and putting the final touches on the firework show can't have a firework show with a patchy lawn am i right and there it is the Sun is rising on date 1000 I made it 1000 days this place has really changed I spent all day capturing good screenshots because I'm proud it's not over though after a thousand days I'm still alive which means there's still more minecraft to play make sure to hit like on the video if you'll want to see me go to 2,000 days I'm sure you probably do but now it's time for the fireworks show just gotta make sure the dog I don't talk about concei I just want you all to know this is probably the happiest moment of my life the show was magnificent it started with the finale and it lasted about five minutes just a fountain of explosives it was also very loud I've turned the sound down and when it was finally over I felt ready for some more minecraft remember hit that like button if you want to see me go to 2,000 days but honestly I'll probably do it anyway also make sure to subscribe to my channel so you can stay up to date with any new Minecraft videos that I make like tours 200 days thank you all for watching please stay notable and I'll see you in the next video bye
Channel: Luke TheNotable
Views: 32,861,013
Rating: 4.9444399 out of 5
Keywords: luke thenotable, luke, the, notable, minecraft hardcore, hardcore mode, minecraft hardcore mode, hardcore mode minecraft, minecraft hardcore survival mode, luke thenotable meme, i survived hardcore minecraft for 1000 days and this is what happened, and this is what happened, and this happened, 100 drops, 100 days, 1000 days, 200 days, 300 days, 100 days hardcore, 100, 1000, luke thenotable minecraft, minecraft, lets play minecraft, luke thenotable tors
Id: LCiCy2yioqU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 90min 0sec (5400 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 18 2020
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