THINGS SURE HAVE CHANGED | Night In The Woods - Part 1

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Loved this series when it came out years ago it would be great to see it again with the new modern man sèáñ machologchickennuggetman

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Noaztec_King 📅︎︎ Oct 26 2020 🗫︎ replies
*Whapoosh!* Top of the mornin' to ya laddies! My name is Jacksepticeye, and welcome to a game called Night in the Woods. Now, I'm just gonna say this right now, I have absolutely no idea what this game is about. I did see that it came out on Steam recently; It's brand new, But I just kind of glanced over it and didn't pass any remarks to it. But a lot of people have been asking me to play this I can't remember what I uploaded recently Might have been... Valhallah? That I uploaded But people really wanted to see me play this And it's had a lot of really good buzz around it And the more I kinda looked into it The more praise I have been seeing from people around it... So... And I... I mean I got a LOT of requests to play this So I'm really interested in it! I... I wanna know now what the big fuss is all about um... Why does it say "if" right beside Night In The Woods? I don't know... And I think the game got Kickstarted as well But... Don't quote me on that; I- I'm not sure So... Let's start game... I don't even know what type of game it is I know it's 2D and the art style looks really nice Have something in my eye... That's the problem with really long eyelashes You get... They all stick together... Oh. (Reading) In the year granddad died... - Ohhh... (Reading) ...We had the worst flood since 1998. Gregg got trapped on top of a dog house. The power was out for two days. Casey Hartley came by in his dad's boat And I laughed when I saw him. Granddad left me an apple crate of books He loved ghost stories And quoted them to (find) himself in the hospital bed . . . Hm.. (Reading) ... "They went looking for the gods and died in lonely places." *Clears throat* (Reading) ...On his last day he sat up suddenly and stared bug-eyed through the window. . . . (Reading) At the old trains rattling to somewhere else from somewhere else. He turned to my dad Eyes still wide "This house is haunted," he said and died. Wow... What a way to start things off. That was spooky... I like that! Not that the game is actually spooky... Um... And I don't know why but it rem--- It reminded me of Oxenfree when I looked up the game. That train is not even on any tracks! Um... Ok.. I don't know what voice to give you... Uh... 'Cause you're probably gonna talk a lot so that's probably the voice I'm gonna have to say the most MAE: *High pitched voice* Well, this is great MAE: I mean I didn't expect a party or anything MAE: But I figured *Someone* would be here, MAE: Welcome home Mae. Oh... Ok... MAE: Wow. When did they put this up? MAE: Possum spring has never looked more... MAE: ... Falsely advertised (Chuckles) You're cheerful. MAE: It must be such a relief to payphone companies that Possum Springs gets MAE: zero cell reception. MAE: It'd be cool to call my parents MAE: But some jerkhole took the time to actually rip it off. MAE: Who steals a phone? Uh... The Great Phone Stealer. MAE: Fiasco Fox you are too dreamy... (Laughs) Aww... Okay... I like this already! GARBO AND MALLOY!!! MALLOY: Welcome back to Garbo and Malloy! GARBO: What's in the news today, Malloy? MALLOY: Markets were up today! (Laughs) GARBO: WAAAAAAY UP! (Laughs) Gla... Cheer...!!! GARBO: I'm looking at a chart and it's pretty impressive! MALLOY: The economy added 15.000 jobs MALLOY: Mostly in the chart sector GARBO: Which is notoriously recession proof! (In voice) Or should I say recession WOOF! MALLOY: My my, Garbo, we've got a little political here! GARBO: Gotta get political every now and then (Laughs) What the fuck? Okay... Hello, sir! Nice beard. Can birds grow beards? Birds, beards... MAE: Excuse me, but where is everybody? REPAIR MAN: It's 10:45. It's closed. REPAIR MAN: Not a lot of folks getting off the last bus to Possum Springs these days. REPAIR MAN: Just you. Oh. Ooh! Dialog options. "So are you the janitor or something?..." "Isn't there supposed to be someone at the desk?..." Yeah, this one. REPAIR MAN: Closed. MAE: Why are the lights on? Why is the TV on? REPAIR MAN: I get spooked when I'm here by my lonesome. MAE: Oh. Well - Thanks. Can I leave? An - Can I get past you? C'mon dude! MAE: Uh... can I squeeze past you? REPAIR MAN: Nope. Just broke the damn thing. MAE: When do you think it might be done? REPAIR MAN: Right after you go and grab me a Fiascola from the machine. MAE: Am I paying for this? REPAIR MAN: I always rig it when I'm here after hours. MAE: Nice. Free as in free? REPAIR MAN: Free as in no one's here to say otherwise. Okay! Cool. A free, foxy Fiascola coming right up! MAE: What the? MAE: They have Lime Fiasco and he wants a Fiascola? MAE: That's just a waste. (Laughs) Don't judge a man's... ...beverage needs! Cola is a good, safe choice. MAE: Okay, just gotta grab it. Oh...! I actually had to do that! Alrighty... I like the shirt as well... NO MEANS NO! MAE: Here you go. MAE: One FREEASSCOLA. Oh... Free-ass-cola instead of Fiascola. (Laughs) Nice one dude...! REPAIR MAN: Yummers. REPAIR MAN: So what are you doing here? MAE: I live here. MAE: Well, Lived here. REPAIR MAN: Huh. Strange. MAE: When do you think that door's gonna be finished? REPAIR MAN: Now. REPAIR MAN: Goodbye. (Laughs) MAE: Uh. Bye. (Laughs Again) Man, this game is charming! I really like this! *Clears Throat* Art style is very, very nice - *Clears Throat Again* Excuse me. "BUS STAT?" MAE: I'm not walking back out to the highway. MAE: Probably get hit by a car or something. MAE: Hey where did that janitor go? MAE: Did he walk? Probably. You don't know... MAE: Well I'm right outside town. MAE: Mom and dad nowhere to be found. MAE: Dark and cold. MAE: Guess I'm walking. MAE: Alone. (Laughs) MAE: This bus station is maybe the newest thing in Possum Springs. MAE: Guess they got state funding or something. MAE: It makes a good first or last impression I suppose. MAE: If not for the abandoned glass factory back there. MAE: Not getting rid of that anytime soon. This is neat. MAE: Wow. MAE: I didn't realize how much I missed the sound of that train. MAE: I used to hear it in my bed at night MAE: During the winter when the leaves were down. That's cool! Man, it's pretty! MAE: Well, I guess I'm gonna hike through the woods. MAE: Through the woods is home. MAE: My bed. MAE: And my negligent parents. (Laughs) Oh... Nice! Please tell me the rest of the game is gonna keep up this humor, cause that's awesome! (Laughs) Okay... This is a little drearier than I thought. MAE: Ugh. This is some dark - dank nature. MAE: Dank nature and garbage. Fucking - 420 blaze it Ugh... All wet and gross. MAE: There used to be an old sawmill around here I think. MAE: I mean the park up there's called Sawmill Park. MAE: Looks like they lost a log load at some point. MAE: *Sigh* MAE: Gonna have to climb this I guess. Man, yeah your parents fucking suck... Well, it is called "Night In The Woods." Ooh... Can I break this or something? OH, JESUS!!! Oh, my bad! You okay? MAE: Oh my God. MAE: That was dangerous! MAE: I could have died! MAE: THAT WAS AMAZING! (Laughs) I love this little dude. MAE: I am not gonna die in this hole. See, I want to give individual voices to all the characters, cause I love doing that... But when it's the main character it's kinda hard to do a voice that's just non stop so... I usually just kinda default back to my own voice. Nice. Ey... What is those lights over there? Who wrote Murf On this tree? Who wrote love Retweets? (Laughs) Kinda reminds me of Limbo in a way MAE: Wow. I haven't been here in maybe 10 years. MAE: And apparently no one else has. Where have you been? Aw the music's cool. MAE: I don't know what they were going for here. MAE: Some sort of boat castle? MAE: Most of it's gone now. MAE: Just a thing for weird animals to eat and have babies in. (Laughs) Aw, I like this character. Ooh...! Can I get up? Oh, yeah! MAE: AHOY! You don't do anything else? I wanna sail the ship. MAE: Looks like the ladder's gone. MAE: If I could just get to the top of this thing... MAE: Ugh. Hup! Fear not! Hup! Aw, man! Thought I could do that... Oh...! She said... It said I wonder what kind of animals and dirt possu - er, have babies in here? MAE: Dirt possums. Night snakes. Mystery beasts of all shapes. Probably... Okay... Maybe I can do this then? Kinda looks like I can get up there, but not really. Hmm... HA!!! No. Maybe I need something else! Imma look around. MAE: Oh come on. MAE: Don't think I have the upper body strength to climb this... Okay... I guess I do need something else. Can I pick up anything? MAE: I remember Cathy Daminco's boyfriend took her here. MAE: To make out and then break up. MAE: And the next day Cathy pulled out Cindy Clark's nosering MAE: At the Fort Lucenne mall. MAE: This entire area is so full of romance. (Laughs) Okay... So... How do I get up here? These things have 2 and 3 on them MAE: Hey! You can still see Mr. Snorkles on this! Who wrote mr. Snorkles? MAE: I DEFINITELY remember barely reaching the top of this wheel. MAE: I definitely remember barely growing since then *Laughing* Aw... Poor you I wanna mess with this wheel YEAH Okay. So I can do that but I can't get any further. Hello? Unless there is like other buttons that I'm not aware of That do things Nope... Ha... Man... Fuckin' work AAHH... There we go! So... They said that you just gotta keep running and the third jump was... bigger And said physics or something Aw Cool... Also I know that the character *Cough* Is probably a girl An... But I'm not giving it the voice that suits that I apologize Again There's a lot of...There's a lot of dialog MAE: It's only been 2 years since I lived here. MAE: Not in this playground, Possum springs I mean. MAE: This is all getting jumbled. I should write it down. Aww... R.I.P. Granddad Your parents forgot you! *Laughing* Okay... Can I go back? MAE: Here's a powerline. Oh. Jesus that's probably not a good idea Boing, boing, boing... Is there anything secret back here? No Okay... Here we go... BOING, BOING, BOING, BOING It's actually making like guitar sounds Oh God Oh MOLLY: Hello Mae. MOLLY: Been awhile. MAE: Hey. What are you doing out here? MAE: Nothing better to do? MOLLY: I was out here doing my rounds and I saw you in the very off-limits playground. MAE: So? MOLLY: Get in the car, Mae. MAE: No MOLLY: You wanna spend your first night back in jail, Mae? MAE: No. *Laughing* Bless this mess. Is this my house? OY BACK! MAE: Hey! Remember me? DAD: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH! DAD: MAE! You gave me a heart attack! MAE: Good! DAD: What are you doing? DAD: OOOOOOOOH. I don't know if you are the dad or the mom yet DAD: Mae, Honey we though you were coming home tomorrow night MAE: You thought Wrong! DAD: How did you get here? MAE: I walked until I got arrested. MAE: By aunt mall cop. DAD: Oh. Did you say hi to Molly for me? Oh... that was a... That was a female officer My bad! It's hard to tell like... I don't know what voices to be doing MAE: No MAE: I say hi for no one! MAE: EFF the cops! MAE: I'm going to bed! MAE: Is my bed still here? MAE: Or are we waiting tomorrow night for that too? DAD: Aw Mae, so good to hear that voice again MAE: GOODNIGHT! Peace out I'm outie Okay... Imma just... Imma just explore a tiny little bit Okay, good house Good house. This is the house I remember Okay... Laters Ah... my little night light Aw thats cute No, I don't wanna go downstairs again MAE: There are a few things hanging around in here from the old country. MAE: This clock, the trunk in the storage room MAE: And whatever is buried under the house after the cement accident. Is this my room? MAE: Ugh! MAE: Since when is the crawlspace all jammed up? MAE: Wonder if dad could move them. Uu... This is a cool room! Wow... Can I go to bed? AAAAGH! So good. Agh going to sleep... Yeah, fuck yeah Oh that's a good sleep right there! Jesus that's loud This is cool. I'm having a good time playing this. This is cute. I'll... I'll get around to get making better voices... Eventualy... Ugh... Waking from my slumber Ah... I got my little booties on again Sweet Can I play guitar? That's a SICK dinosaur poster And Witchdagger Spooky Down we go for breakfast MAE: I was so cute then. We were all so cute then. MAE: Cuties, the lot of us. MAE: We could have a traveling show. The cute Borowskis. Or Borowskis MOM: Honey? MAE: Yeah? MOM: Come see me in the kitchen before you leave. MAE: Okay! Why? Oh... Mo... Mom or dad... I have no idea MAE: Hi Mom! MOM: Welcome home, sweetie! MAE: Thanks for not changing the locks! MOM: Sorry we mixed up the day you were coming back MOM: It was such a short notice! MAE: It's okay, mom. MOM: Mae honey? MAE: Yeah MOM: Is everything okay? MAE: What do you mean? MOM: Honey, did something happen? MAE: I just needed to come home. MOM: Well sweetie I think you can understand my worry... MOM: That's not usually something a collage sophomore just up and does... MAE: I know MOM: Honey, you can tell me if something happened. MAE: Mom. I'm fine. Really. MAE: Can we talk about this another time? MOM: Sure, honey. It's ok. MAE: Thanks, mom. MOM: I betcha your old friends will be happy to see you! MAE: You would't happen to know where Gregg is, would you? MOM: Oh yeah! Gregg's working at the snack falcon MOM: Up in town center west by the Clik Clak MAE: We have a Snack Falcon now? MOM: Oh yeah! It's so handy! MOM: You know, ever since the Food Donkey went out. MAE: The Food Donkey is gone? MOM: Oh yeah! Going for almost a year now! MAE: Wow... MAE: Where does everyone shop? MOM: Everyone goes out to the Ham Panther out by the highway now. What... What are these voices? MOM: But I see your little friend Gregg when I go into town. MAE: Wow the food Donkey's gone. We have a Snack Falcon. MOM: It's a whole new world sweety. MAE: Yes it is. MOM: Well, have a good time out there! MOM: Lots to explore! See what's changed! MAE: I will! MOM: Just watch out for all the construction. MAE: Well it wouldn't be fall in Possum Springs without loads of construction. MOM: It's so festive, honey. MAE: I'll be back later! MOM: Bye, sweetie! Bye mom *Kiss* smooches Mom is fucking adorable I want her to be my mom Part one... ... Home again The dialog is really well written KIDS: Kill, kill, kill... FBI freeze Jesus kids Can't you talk about anything better? MAE: Hey Mr. Twigmeyer! MR. TWIGMEYER: Mae? Zat you? MAE: Sure is! MR. TWIGMEYER: You home for a visit? MAE: No. I'm home for good! MR. TWIGMEYER: What, they not have collage anymore? Nope. It burned down *Laughing* I wanna say that MAE: Nope. It burned down MR. TWIGMEYER: Well I'm sure you burned it down. MAE: These allegations, Mr. Twigmeyer. MR. TWIGMEYER: I ain't allegatin' MR. TWIGMEYER: Just try not to burn my lawn down, you firebug. MAE: No promises Aw Run squirrel! Fear me! MAE: Selmers! SELMERS: What are you doing home? MAE: Dropped out! SELMERS: Wow! MAE: Yeah I guess. SELMERS: So. Like, you just don't go back? MAE: That's about it. SELMERS: Weird. Okay. Lots of characters, lots of voices MAE: Hello. GUY: Whatcher doin' on my porch? Nothin' MAE: Hey Mr. Chazokov! MR. CHAZOKOV: Hello Mae! My best worst student! MAE: Ha ha. Yeah. MAE: Liked the constellations. Hated school. MR. CHAZOKOV: Hey, don't knock school, school is vital for your future! MR. CHAZOKOV: What are you doing back in Possum Springs? MAE: I dropped out of school. *Laughing* MR. CHAZOKOV: Oh MR. CHAZOKOV: Well, if you're still interested in constellations MR. CHAZOKOV: Come by my... My roof down the hill later this week MR. CHAZOKOV: Should have my new telescope set up by then. MAE: Sure thing! *Laughing* 'School's important. Don't ever forget about school, don't knock school.' 'So why are you back?' -'I left school' Fucking brilliant I like the slant that's going on What are you kids doing? Fucking watching you, I got my eye on you *Singing* I got my eye on you MAE: Danny, right? DANNY: Yep! MAE: I think you were senior when I was a freshman? DANNY: Probably. MAE: How's it going? DANNY: Just lost my job. MAE: Oh no! DANNY: They say construction's always hiring DANNY: But it's not DANNY: In fact, it's often laying off guys named Dan. MAE: Hu... What are you gonna do? DANNY: I'm open to suggestions. Don't give up. MAE: I'm sure SOMEONE in the town is hiring DANNY: I've been out of work for a year before. DANNY: This time I only lasted 6 months before being laid off. DANNY: Do you know what that does to a resume? MAE: Not really. DANNY: I have a zombie resume. DANNY: It's dead but somehow it's still going all over the place. MAE: Oh. Well, see ya later good chattin' to ya I don't know why I give everyone like this kind of accent, like a... New Yorkey, Jersey Kind of fucking... I don't know... This kind of voice "Eigh, whatcha doin'... I'm walking here" That bird looks like the bird from Kurzgesagt That's what the fucking art style reminds me of Oh... Trolleyside News Pretzel*Pierogy MAE: Hey I just got back in town. MAE: And the one thing I missed most was- PRETZEL MAN: Hey! PRETZEL MAN: I remember you! MAE: Hello! PRETZEL MAN: THIEF! MAE: Oh come on. MAE: That was YEARS ago! PRETZEL MAN: Once a thIef, always a thIef. MAE: Alright you know what? Ugh... I'm gonna go by the look on her face MAE: This isn't even a restaurant. It's a crappy foodstand in a hole! PRETZEL MAN: This establishment has been in business for 50 years! MAE: 50 crappy years in a hole! MAE: You know what else has been been in a hole for 50 years? MAE: DEAD PEOPLE FROM THE 60S! *Laughing* (BEST JOKE EVER) PRETZEL MAN: No respect! No respect, this one! MAE: You can keep your hole pretzels! MAE: And your damp pierogies PRETZEL MAN: Yeah, yeah, yeah. Go jump in the river *Laughing* I'm fucking stealing one MAE: Delicious pretzels... Can I? Aw man... I can't... That fucking sucks... You know what else has been dead for 50 years pe... de... What's been in a hole... ...for 50 years? Dead people from the 60s thats fucking brilliant. MAE: Hey teens. TEENS: Hey. MAE: What are you guys doing? TEENS: Nothing. MAE: Cool! MAE: Cool that people still hang around down here. MAE: We used to do that when I was in high school. TEENS: Yeah. MAE: I wasn't in highschool that long ago ,you know. TEENS: How old are you? MAE: 20! TEENS: So you can't buy beer. MAE: ... No. TEENS: Do you have a car? MAE: ... No. *Laughing* TEENS: Hm... So... Does that make me... Does that make me effectively useless to you guys? I'm sorry... I don't have a car and I can't buy beer Oh God... My usefulness to society is all over the place. *Laughs* Aw... Poor Mae Ou... The Snack Falcon... HERE WE ARE! All the way down to visit my friend... ...Gregg GREGG: OH. MY. GOD. MAE: Hey Gregg! GREGG: What are you doing here? MAE: I'm back! GREGG: Like back as in today? MAE: Back as in back. GREGG: Too bad you didn't die at collage. Fuck you MAE: Too bad you didn't catch a flesh eating disease. GREGG: Too bad you didn't join a murder cult. MAE: Too bad you didn't lose all your limbs. MAE: In a freak soda machine accident. GREGG: God it's good to see you. Wait, wait, wait guys, guys I got one Um... Um.... Too bad you didn't die in a fire created by your mother smoking downstairs, fallen asleep... ... Lighting the house on fire and you all di... ... Too far? (just a little) Okay, okay, okay I got... I got a better one... Ugh... Okay Too bad you didn't get decapitated when you fell over on a rail way track and it drove over your head (Jack, no) No... Man I'm bad it this... Okay (I got one. Too bad you didn't lose all your subs when YouTube unsubbed people from channels. Too far?) GREGG: AAAAAAAAAAAGH!!! MAE: How's Angus? You two still a thing? GREGG: Hold on! Can I have a hug? MAE: What are you doing? GREGG: CHANGING THE MUSIC!!! Yeah! I wanna give him a voice that's kinda like *High pitched woofs* Kinda like... 'Cause he looks like a dog GREGG: What? MAE: Angus! GREGG: What are you doing here??? MAE: I live here! GREGG: Since when!!! MAE: Since last night? Uh... 11 or so? GREGG: THAT'S AMAZING!!! GREGG: Come to band practice! MAE: Oh my God! The band is still a thing? GREGG: Sure MAE: When's practice? GREGG: NOW! MAE: When do you get off work? JACK: Please say now GREGG: NOW! *Laughing* Really? Gr... Ah... GREGG: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH!!! *Laughing* I like Gregg Gregg is AWESOME! Gregg is the coolest... Aw... Fucking band practice *Laughing* It's like just gets up on stage "Hey, we're the Fuck Nuggets, thanks for coming out. 1, 2, 3, 4 Like a fucking Scott Pilgrim type of thing.. MAE: Hi Angus! ANGUS: Hey. It's you. GREGG: IT'S MAE!!! ANGUS: It's Mae! GREGG: AAAAAAAAGH!!! Doesn't he seem like he'd have that voice, He's such a fucking ball of energy. That's who I'd be if I was in this game MAE: So the party barn went out, huh? ANGUS: Yeah, not sure how it ever stayed open MAE: Like how many parties are there, really? ANGUS: You need a lot of parties to keep a barn running. GREGG: I HAVE YOUR OLD BASE!!! MAE: Oh dude I don't think I even remember... ANGUS: Hey Bea. Uh. May's back. MAE: Wow. Hi. BEA: Yeah. Hi. GREGG: SHE'S TOTALLY BACK!!! BEA: Wait, What? MAE: Are you... Uh... Here for band practice? BEA: I play drums. MY HOMIE! FUCK YEAH! Stick it here Bea Stick it right here. Fuckin' drums for life... We... Us, us drum brothers and sisters and...Uh... ... And... Uh... And every person in between.We gotta fucking stick together. We gotta... Oh we gotta show these people. MAE: That's not drums. MAE: That's a computer Oh... You mean like E.D.M. drums Oh... ANGUS: It's fine. She also does your bass parts. BEA: Well, I understood them as the bass parts BEA: But I can turn them off. MAE: "Turn them off." On your computer. GREGG: MAE WE'RE TOTALLY GONNA PLAY A SONG! YOU TOTALLY HAVE TO PLAY BASS! MAE: I don't even remember! MAE: Those aren't even drums! *Laughing* Oh God! I actually have to play something Oh God Oh fuck yeah Oh Yeah Oh fuck yeah... Oh bringing back my fucking 16 year old days. I played drums and not base but fuck it close enough Base is the guit... is the fuckin' drums of the guitar world NO! Oh God... Agh, Fuck... AAAGH!!! FUCK! I... I HAVEN'T GOT A FINGER ON 2... AAAAGH! Can we fucking pause for a second? I should have... I didn't have all four fingers on these things Oh God Okay, here we go Much better, much better... *Laughing i guess?* I'm net the best at there types of games Agh! God I don't use this finger often I should just pick my ASS with it from now on... I still kinda remember bass guys... Aren't I fucking sick? Oh fuck yeah... Here we go... Oh best bass player Never mind... Ugh, God Okay I should just do this ONE! THREE! Okay, Got it this time. I said that last time Oh... Fucking Led Zeppelin It's been awhile since I played anything like this Oh God... Oh god that was a lot of stu... I hit the right buttons but just in the wrong order At the wrong timing... Oh God What's it say at the bottom of the screen? I haven't been able to look (It's lyrics) Is it lyrics? (Yeah) I really fucking hope it is... I can't sing them though... Ah.. it is ♫JUST NOT HEREEE♫ ♫OH NO♫ *Laughing* YES, YES... GREGG: Pretty good! BEA: Yeah, that was okay. MAE: Not bad considering I don't know this song! MAE: Holy crap. MAE: That was hard to do. ANGUS: You'll get back in practice. MAE: I hope. Geez. MAE: My wrist hurts. GREGG: That was great man. GREGG: Like just seeing you back GREGG: Playing my old horrible bass. BEA: Okay are we doing this diner thing? MAE: YEAAAAH!!!!!!!!!!!!! GREGG: WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! ANGUS: Yay. BEA: Hip hip. She... She reminds me of Raven in Teen Titans ANGUS: Mmmmmm... GREGG: Hell yeah. Did you you miss pizza, Mae? MAE: They have pizza at school. GREGG: Oh cool. Everybody grab a slice! Okay, grab the slice and bring it back Here we fucking go Munch that shizity shit on down ANGUS: This pizza isn't great. BEA: It's pretty horrible. GREGG: Dudes, haven't you heard of the pizza scale? Uh... MAE: The what? GREGG: There's a scale of pizza. GREGG: On one end there's the worst pizza. GREGG: But like everything right above that GREGG: Is still really good. BEA: What's at the other end of the scale? GREGG: It's pizza all the way up. That's fucking my logic. I don't think I can have bad pizza I can have pizza that's fucking awesome... ... And then I can have pizza that's good I d... I mi... My...My scale of pizza goes from good ... To fucking... Melting my testicles. That's how good pizza can get for me Just like stick on some pepperonis on my nipples, and I'm ready to pizza down, baby! MAE: Pizza good Okay I got this slice. *Laughing* *Imitating Angus's hand* Where's the pizza?? Where's the fucking pizza? BEA: I mean it's no Pastabilities MAE: Mmmm I missed Pastabilities MAE: I'm not touching those crusts. GREGG: SAAAAAAAAAAAME. MAE: We should have gone to Pastabilities. GREGG: THE DINER HAS AMBIENCE!!!!! ANGUS: The seats are comfy. BEA: But the... The food is terrible but BEA: It's got charm. I also sound like uh...I also sound like uh... What's his name? Jason Funderburker From "Over The Garden Wall" Is that the name of it? Yeah... If you haven't seen that... so fucking good "Oh my god... thanks for doing that" GREGG: You too fancy for the diner now? MAE: Guys. MAE: Please. MAE: I was raised in this diner. BEA: You and like a zillion rats. Fuckin sick joke Bea. MAE: So when are we gonna play out? *Snort* BEA: Mae. We don't play out. MAE: Oh. BEA: We have jobs, Mae. ANGUS: I work at the video outpost "Too"! BEA: I'm at the ol' pickaxe. I thought you were going to school? Isn't that your dads store? Dad's store... Let's want to bring up school MAE: Isn't that your dad's store? BEA: Sure is. GREGG: I'm the lord of the Snack Falcons! MAE: Where's Casey? ANGUS: Um... GREGG: Oh yeah you wouldn't know, huh? GREGG: Casey's gone. MAE: "Gone"? Gone how? GREGG: Hopped a train I bet. MAE: Oh wow. He always talked about doing that. GREGG: Yeah... One day he was just gone. ANGUS: Made a clean break. Hasn't emailed or anything. MAE: Well, good for him I guess. GREGG: His parents put up missing person posters GREGG: But everyone knew what happened. MAE: Geez. Casey. I... Huh# BAE: Mmhmm BEA: And what exactly do you do, Mae? MAE: I was in collage? BEA: And why exactly are you not still there? Man screw school, didn't work out... Didn't work out. BEA: Huh. Imagine that. What do you mean? ANGUS: Well, we better get home dude. GREGG: Oh yeah Angus got a date with sword people online. MAE: Aw lucky. I wanna fucking have a date with sword people online... I wanna play fucking sword people online... Sounds awesome MAE: It's really great to be back GREGG: Dude we can hang out every day! ANGUS: Oh my God. BEA: Holy crap. MAE: What? ANGUS: Is that an arm? OH FUCK IT IS! Jesus! On the ground. BEA: That's an arm. GREGG: Nobody move. Let's poke it with a stick. GREGG: That would definitely fucking be me. MAE: I call first! Yay! poking things with sticks. ANGUS: Mae, this is like, tampering with evidence. BEA: Ugh. Am I going to have to start worrying BEA: About getting dismembered on my way home? GREGG: Shh I wanna watch this BEA: You don't need your ears to watch. GREGG: SHHHHHHHHHHH! Poke Poke, poke... Poke Poke it! That's a dead arm alright. Its not even responding or anything look. Imma make it do... I ma... Make it do like a gang symbol Or a peace sign Or a... Or a something... MAE: Whoa. What's that? GREGG: Some kind of mark. MAE: What? BEA: Is that a tattoo? ANGUS: That's a tattoo. MAE: What is it? GREGG: I think you just sleuthed out a clue, dude BEA: Oh for eff's sake you two. ANGUS: Here come the cops. MOLLY: Now whats going on here? GREGG: UH OH! Time to fucking bale dudes let's go! MAE: Hey aunt Molly! We found an arm! Oh right okay it's... It's aunt Molly again. MOLLY: Alright Mae, put the stick down and step away from the arm. MAE: Alright, alright! Don't taser me or anything. MOLLY: No promises. GREGG: Oh well, I think it's time Angus and I to get home. GREGG: See you tomorrow, Mae! MOLLY: Alright I don't want any of you walking home alone tonight MOLLY: Buddy system. Something bad's going on. BEA: I can drive Mae home, officer. MOLLY: Thank you Bea. MAE: Yeah thanks, Bea! Let's roll! Let's fucking roll, dudes. So cool looking! MAE: So... MAE: Working at the ol pickaxe? BEA: Yep. MAE: Are they training you to take over the business? BEA: "They?" MAE: Um... You parents? BEA: Hey look we're here. MAE: Oh my house actually isn't for a few blocks. BEA: Get out. MAE: Okay... Uh... Thanks for the ride. BEA: Go. Jesus... What a bitch You're just gonna dump me out on the street! Do I have to go threw the wood again... Oh no I'm back MAE: Hey dad DAD: Hey kitten. *Rowr*(OMG CUTENESS) DAD: Listen Mae I'm sorry about last night. DAD: I really thought you were coming home tonight. MAE: It's ok I guess... DAD: You know me. With the bad memory. MAE: Yeah I remember. MAE: I mean you do pretty well. DAD: Yeah I remember to eat and breathe. MAE: You're really good at like remembering how to walk. DAD: I'm a champ. MAE: Tell you what. MAE: How about we pretend I did come home tonight. MAE: And we just got back from the bus station. DAD: Start over? MAE: Yeah. DAD: Ok. MAE: Hey dad. DAD: Hey Mae. MAE: Thanks for picking me up. DAD: Welcome home, Mae. MAE: I'm gonna go to sleep I think. DAD: Well you've had a big day. DAD: Goodnight, kitten. MAE: Night dad Looooove yoooooou *Adorable laughter* *Adorable roar* Maybe I can talk to him again MAE: Oh wait I forgot to tell you. DAD: What? MAE: We found an arm on the ground today! DAD: Are we still pretending it's yesterday? MAE: No! we came out of the Clik Clak and there was an arm! DAD: Just like... An arm? DAD: What? MAE: Aunt Mall cop came and everything! DAD: Oh my God... That's really... Weird. MAE: I poked it with a stick! DAD: Okay, really Mae don't poke dead body parts with sticks. MAE: Too late! DAD: Wow... I'll have to email Molly. MAE: Alright goodnight for real now! *Kiss* Smooches I love that shit, it's just like " We found a dead body part, I poked it with a stick!" Can I not do anything else? MAE: Yeah... Dad put 'em here I bet MAE: Dad should move 'em MAE: It's only fair. Can I actually go down and get dad to move them? No, okay, got it! Up we go! *Cough* To sleepers! Oh yeah that is a fucking base that's there not a guitar. MAE: Bedtime? MAE: Yeah Ah... So good... Ah... Go to, go to sleepy sleep... Oh yeah Ah fuck yeah dude... Makes me feel all relaxed just looking at her Man... This is so good... I'm really fucking enjoying this *Singing* Morning's here the morning's here Wake the fuck up Mae! Time to ket to work! Get your little booty... Its time to go MAE: Wow. It's literally been 36 hours since I've been online. MAE: This shall not stand. What are we doin'? Oh sweet Jesus MAE: Ugh... Aaaagh... NOOOOO! MAE: What is wrong with you? MAE: Dammit! MAE: I bet Angus knows how to fix this. MAE: He's all computerie MAE: I think MAE: But I can't... Let him see this... MAE: Where does he work again? Can I... Can I do anything with this? No? Do... Do I... Oh escape, okay Right okay He works at... God I'm a bad friend I already forgot Sorry, Angus Can I like go this way? I wanna go to like the parents room Aha Oh it's a bird MAE: Ugh. I've never liked this bird MAE: It was pretty great when granddad gave that apple crate of old scary stories. MAE: Not sure how they ended up out here though. MAE: 'Death comes to Wigglesbury.' MAE: 'The fancy corpse.' MAE: 'Hellmole Stevenson' MAE: 'Necropuss, book of the first.' MAE: 'Ladyshark.' MAE: 'The stoat on Gallows Hill'. There's some sick ass stories sounds MOM: Hey Hon. MAE: Yeah? MOM: Come say hi. Who's here? Oh it's just you MAE: Morning mom. MOM: Nope I'm mom 24 hours a day MAE: Har Har Har. MOM: Also it's 4PM sweety MAE: Well I'm off to find Angus. MOM: Oh is he your little friend Gregg's boyfriend? MOM: Big guy? Kinda quiet? MAE: Yeah that's him. MAE: I need him to fix my laptop. MOM: Well he better sweetie you can't afford to bye a new one! MAE: Wait do you even know Angus? MOM: Do you? Uh... MAE: Um... Mom we are in a band together. Uh... Sorta. MOM: Oh, is the little band back togather? MAE: Yeah! We practiced last night! MAE: I don't think we're ever gonna play though.*Laughing* MOM: Hm. MOM: Well, that sounds like fun, honey. MAE: Yeah I guess. MOM: You don't sound too happy about it. MAE: Eh. MAE: Well, I'm off to find Angus! MOM: Have a good time daughter! MAE: Thanks 24 hour mom. MOM: 7 days a week. Awww... They're so cute together MR. PENDERSON: Hey! You kid! MAE: Adult. MR. PENDERSON: So you're back, eh? MAE: Yes Mr. Penderson MR. PENDERSON: Didn't last long, eh? MAE: No, Mr. Penderson MR. PENDERSON: You get a job yet? *Laughing* MAE: Yes, I've been elected mayor. MR. PENDERSON: Hhmph. Couldn't do worse than the current one. MAE: And I've ordered your house to be bulldozed. MR. PENDERSON: What, finishing the job you started? MAE: I hope you enjoy living in the woods! MR. PENDERSON: Those eggs took the paint off the Vinyl siding. MAE: Scavenge food! Commune with the beasts, Mr. Penderson MR. PENDERSON: Watch yourself little miss. MAE: "Lil. Effing. Miss?" MR. PENDERSON: No one's forgotten who you are and what you did, you know. MR. PENDERSON: They may act like they have. MR. PENDERSON: But that's just small town polite right there. MAE: Is that what this is? MR. PENDERSON: Small town polite's all you got kid. MR. PENDERSON: So watch it. MAE: Well that was really interesting MAE: But I need to go listen to my cells die. *Laughing* Sorry Mr. Penderson I gotta go look at paint dry *Laughing* Ah... Funny fucking game. Okay down the street we go. Let's find Angus SELMERS: What's it like being back? MAE: Well, I just got home so MAE: Just like taking it all in. SELMERS: Feel like anything's changed? MAE: Yeah totally! MAE: Park Store's gone. MAE: Got a Snack Falcon now. MAE: Food donkey's gone. Got a ham MAE: Panther though. MAE: The Harleys are bigger now. Saw them running around before. SELMERS: Yeah, I babysit those little shits sometimes. MAE: Are they bad? They seem so nice. SELMERS: That's how they fool ya. You know they steal things. MAE: What? SELMERS: They steal things. MAE: Holy Crap I *was* fooled. *Laughing* Those little shit bags. See those pigeons right there. Don't they look like a Kurzgesagt. Look up in a nutshell or Kurzgesagt on YouTube. Amazing YouTube channel by the way. Very informative and very superbly narrated and animated. I think you would enjoy it a lot if - if you don't know what they are, or who they are by now. (They actually are really cool and yes the pigeon does look like that.) This is a cute little village. Okay, I don't want to go in there this time. Oh what's this? Photoshop, PS. Can I move the - okay there we go. Oh missing. *Reads missing person poster* Casey Hartley of Possum Springs age 19. Last seen at dusk on June 27th walking westward along the tracks behind the former Food Donkey. He was wearing a black hooded sweatshirt,... (Jack you're wearing a jacket.) Jeans,... And black canvas shoes. Ah *phew* Not me. (You're also not a cat.) If you have any information as to the location of CASEY HARTLEY at any time since his last known sighting. PLEASE contact the Possum Springs Police Department immediately. Ok firework for sale. Ti'm landscaping. Blah-Blah-Blah. Oh, a ball of wool. MAE: Ok, well that's just patronizing. Who would leave this here? *Laugh* Is it 'cause you're a cat? You don't want to play with a ball of wool? Okay, can't go up this way. MAE: My God! MAE: What kind of weather did I miss? MAE: This is nuts. MAE: Oh well, wasn't going to church anyway. The Fat Pocket *P*A*W*N* Hello? How are you doing? LORI: Hey killer. MAE: Ugh. Don't call me that. MAE: Who are you? LORI: Lori M. MAE: How do you even know about the killer thing? Lori: It was a big deal, even to us middle schoolers. (MAE: Yeah well. That was a long time ago.) (MAE: And what did the middle schoolers say?) What the hell did I do!? LORI: Why did you do it? MAE: I don't know. LORI: Did he have it coming? MAE: No. LORI: Our mothers told us not to talk to you. LORI: Because no one knew when you were gonna do it again. MAE: Yeah well, say hi to your mom for me. She sounds lovely. LORI: Oh, she's gone. MAE: Oh, uh, uh sorry. LORI: It's fine. MAE: Yeesh. ...See you later...... MAE: I think I have a great-great-uncle or something on this. MAE: Yep, there you go. Anselm Borowski. MAE: "Anselm?" MAE: Even in life, he was tragic. Angus where the freak do you work? The Video Outpost "Too" That was it. CLERK: Can I help you? MAE: I don't think so... O---kay! See you later! Where the fuck is Angus? Thought he is supposed to be working here. MAE: Too? MAE: Is that like two? MAE: Or like also? MAE: This is an error so bad even I wouldn't make it. OK so I guess he's not here. Oh Pastabilities! IMAGINE THE PASTABILITIES! God I'm hungry. Meow. Snack Falcon? Hello, anybody in here? Friends? I went out by accident but- Was Gregg wearing cups on his head? Gregg, buddy, come on! GREGG: Hey Mae. GREGG: Got cups on my ears. MAE: Why? GREGG: I was thinking about how they have beaches in Bright Harbor. GREGG: And then I was thinking about the ocean. GREGG: And then I put cups on my ears. GREGG: And it sounds like the ocean. MAE: Wow dude you took me on a journey. MAE: Speaking of... uh... nothing I guess... MAE: Do you know where I could find Angus? GREGG: At work! At the video store. GREGG: What do you want Angus for? MAE: Got computer problems. So much porn, so little time. MAE: Figured he might know a thing or two. GREGG: He's a hacker. MAE: Really? GREGG: I'm pretty sure he hacks. MAE: Wow. MAE: Cool dude! I'll catch you later. GREGG: Definitely! I'm so glad you're back!!! Dude you didn't freak out and go "Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaagh!!" This time. GREGG: So that arm, huh? MAE: Geez, yeah. What the hell. GREGG: What do you think happened? MAE: I don't know. MAE: How does an arm end up on the sidewalk? MAE: In *Possum Springs*? GREGG: I mean kinda cool, but creepy? GREGG: And like, two doors down from our apartment. MAE: You live in towny centry now? GREGG: Yeah we live next door! GREGG: Ha ha, man you have been away for a long time. MAE: I have. MAE: You up for hanging out later? MAE: So much to catch up on! GREGG: Naw, got dinner with the family. You said yesterday we can hang out EVERYDAY! You're not living out your standards, my good man! MAE: Is that a good thing or a bad thing? GREGG: ... GREGG: A friendly thing. GREGG: Is it 6 O'clock yet? See you later Gregg. Good looking out homie. Good chatting to ya. But I was... I just went that way, and he's not at work. Meow. Hello. Nice to see ya. Thanks for coming out. MAE: I just want my computer. I need the internet. MAE: It's more important than whatever's out there. Wait was I supposed to bring my computer with me? Ahh shit. Maybe I shouldn't let back in the house maybe that's why not triggering where Angus is. Let's check this again. Just to be sure. To be sure! To be sure! MAE: Where's Angus? CLERK: Oh he works dayshift? MAE: It is day? CLERK: I got here early? MAE: Wait. Why does everything you say sound like a question? CLERK: You do the same thing? CLERK: I just didn't comment on it? MAE: Really? CLERK: Yeah? MAE: Huh? MAE: Nightshift, huh? That's cool. CLERK: I'm at home with my baby during the day. CLERK: Until my mom gets back form work? MAE: Ew, babies. CLERK: Pretty cool job, though? CLERK: Get to watch movies, eat candy, meet cute guys? MAE: Ew, cute guys. CLERK: What's wrong with guys? MAE: I dunno. Cute guys are overrated. Gee. Thanks, Mae. It's not like I'm a cute guy or nothing. Just joking. But that I- That voice fits that deer lady perfectly. The whole like- Everything you said isn't a question? And drink my soylent, in my car. You know what mean? You get it? You feel me? I dunno. I imma go down into the tunnel. I wanna see what is down there. I wanna figure out how I- Change to day. Ooo, this man is fishing. What you fishing for? FISHERMAN: Pale white tunnel fish. FISHERMAN: Easy to catch and so delish. MAE: That's good. FISHERMAN: Oh god you were listening. Can I have a thing now? No? MAE: Delicious pretzels... I want one. I really want one, in real life too! I want it so baaad. Damn youths! They got no respect for nothing! No respect for nothing but themselves! Okay so, I- -guess I have to do something else what the hell? What? I shouldn't be in here. Why am I in here? Gregg and Angus, oh. RESIDENT: Mmmmmmyes? MAE: Uh. Hi, Angus? RESIDENT: Aaaaaaaaaangus, you say? MAE: Dude. It's Mae. RESIDENT: Tell me about yourself, Mabelynne. MAE: This isn't Angus. RESIDENT: Woooould you like it to be? Urgh, gross. MAE: Nope! Bye! MAE: What? There's no button? MAE: Hmm... There's gotta be some way to make this work... Can I find something? Can I like: "Find something?" And then, maybe like: "Use the button, maybe?" Let's call some other people. Okay, just same thing again. Okay. And it freaks out when I press it. RESIDENT: Hello. Hello?!? MAE: Hello. MAE: You're not Angus. RESIDENT: Who is this? Who are you? MAE: Mae uh Borowski. RESIDENT: What are you selling? MAE: Do you get a lot of people selling you stuff? RESIDENT: Hello? *Click* O-kay. *Click* RESIDENT: Maurice? MAE: Uhh... Mae. MAE: Angus? RESIDENT: Mae? MAE: Yeah! MAE: You're Angus. RESIDENT: And you ain't Maurice. MAE: Well I'm glad we sorted that out. *Click* MAE: Hello? Angus? RESIDENT: Are you searching, my child? MAE: Yeah! MAE: For Angus. RESIDENT: You can search all you like for your Angus. RESIDENT: Everyone has a different Angus. RESIDENT: For some, Angus is a happy marriage. RESIDENT: For some, a good career. RESIDENT: For some, a fancy Bar. (Car) MAE: Uh. My Angus is a guy named Angus. Lives here. RESIDENT: My child, no Angus will ever compare. RESIDENT: To the one true Angus, the Lord God above. MAE: Oooook. RESIDENT: Dear, have you encountered God this day? MAE: Look, my mom works at the church. MAE: I'm in the club by default. MAE: Hello? Hello. RESIDENT: Hello. MAE: Uhh I'm looking for Angus? MAE: Any idea where Angus lives? RESIDENT: I believe he is at number 2. RESIDENT: Written on the button I think. MAE: It looks... uh... broken. RESIDENT: I think the little guy he lives with kicked it in. MAE: Gregg? RESIDENT: Or something? MAE: How...? RESIDENT: Beats me, kid. I just live here. *Click* Well... Fuck. What am I supposed to do then? When I click this one and ran for a long time though. There we go. Ohhhhh. ANGUS: Hello? MAE: Aaaagh!!! ANGUS: Who is this? MAE: Uh, hi. MAE: Ah! MAE: Fuck! MAE: It's Mae. ANGUS: Mae? MAE: Yeah Mae. MAE: Aah! MAE: I just got electrocuted! ANGUS: Oh yeah it's fiddly. MAE: There's no button! ANGUS: Yeah you can like stick a screwdriver in and- ANGUS: Well it's too late now. ANGUS: Uh... come on up! "And you ain't Maurice!" ANGUS: Whoa! Come right in! MAE: Hey dude. ANGUS: Uh... ANGUS: Welcome to our apartment. ANGUS: I could have been in my underwear. MAE: Hey dude, don't wear pants on my account. MAE: Why was the door unlocked? ANGUS: Gregg always forgets to lock it. ANGUS: Gregg's at work if you're looking for Gregg. MAE: Uh I was actually looking for you. MAE: My laptop is messed up and I thought- ANGUS: What's wrong with it? MAE: Lots of things pop up when I turn it on. ANGUS: What kind of things? MAE: You know. Things. About things. Not for kids things. ANGUS: Why didn't you bring it with you? MAE: I forgot it. ANGUS: Mmmhmm. ANGUS: You know Mae you don't have to- ANGUS: You don't have to- ANGUS: You know Mae you don't like have to be embarrassed about- MAE: I'm not. ANGUS: I mean, everyone- MAE: I know. ANGUS: Hm... Let me see what I can do. Uh. You-you coming back? ANGUS: Ok, I got something for you. ANGUS: Plug this into any USB port and restart. ANGUS: Should clear you right up. ANGUS: It might delete some of your old files though. MAE: Wow, thanks dude! ANGUS: No problem. MAE: Goooonna head on home. MAE: See if your magic works. ANGUS: It's not magic. ANGUS: It's just ones and zeroes. ANGUS: And we're just atoms. ANGUS: And our perception of reality is just chemical reactions. ANGUS: Take those away and poof, there goes the universe. MAE: ... MAE: Whoa. ANGUS: Sorry. MAE: I gonna go. Yeah. Probably the best idea. MAE: Hey dad. MAE: Hey dadders. DAD: Why if it isn't the mayor of Possum Springs herself. DAD: What did you get up to today? MAE: Hang out with Angus a bit.You remember him? DAD: Oh yeah! I like Angus. He's smart. Also the name of beef. DAD: In the old days I used to work with his dad. DAD: I know they fell on some hard times after we all got laid off. MAE: Used to see him at the bar... MAE: Yeah. DAD: After I stopped drinking I didn't really see him as much. DAD: I wonder how he is. (MAE: He's probably fine, dad. Geez, gosh.) (MAE: WHATEVER!) (MAE: It's just a thing, okay?) MAE: Let's see if this Angus fix works... MAE: Can't get any worse at least. MAE: I guess it could be on fire? MAE: Anyway. MAE: OMG it's fixed! Oh yes.The fucking pepperoni. Hurgh hurgh, sharkle! Fantastic Yums Demontower? Uhh chatter box? La danse du cercueil. Whatever. GREGG: Hey you get that porn off your laptop???? GREGG: I heard you broke it with sooo much porn. MAE: Ah dude ha you know it. GREGG: Rick Rekkage told me that before the internet they'd hide porn in a hollow log in the woods. MAE: Yeah that was a thing eight? GREGG: Be akward if you were hiking out to the porn. GREGG: And some dude was already there and your like "Sup dude?" GREGG: I guess were both here for the porn. MAE: I bet that happened. You know it did. I bet they became friends. GREGG: Porn log bros forever. GREGG: So dude you're coming to the party tomorrow night right???? MAE: What party????? GREGG: Up in the state forest! Lots of people home from school and stuff this weekend. GREGG: Cool people, the big fire, the snacks, the beers. Did you mean to write snacks or snakes? MAE: Girl you know I will. GREGG: Girl I'm so excited. GREGG: Woods are so fun at night. GREGG: I'm gonna get so wasted. GREGG: There are like, no laws in the woods. GREGG: Cool well you should ask Bea if she can drive us. MAE: What no I don't think she likes me. GREGG: Naw dude she's cool. She drives us all the time and let us borrow her car. GREGG: Stop by her store tomorrow and ask ok pleeeeeeeeeeease????? MAE: Ok whatever. GREGG: YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!! ANGUS: Iguess it turned out ok then? Your computer? MAE: Yea it did thanks!!!! ANGUS: I put something else on that drive! Do you remember "Demontower"? MAE: Oh wow, yeah I used to play that all the time like 10 years ago. ANGUS: I've been playing again. They've kept updating it. ANGUS: You know, you can grab your old save game from their server and start right where you left off. MAE: Oooo cool. ANGUS: You should check it out and we can talk Demontower sometime. It's really cool still! MAE: I am def doing this!!!!! Aw thanks Angus!!!! *Tips hat* M'Lady. -Away Message- Born to lose Country trash proud Drummer Skate and destroy Skate to create If it doesn't just say Skate to crate. Bound for glory Ooookay. I'll play some motherfucker Demontower. Ooh yeah. ~In the age of blood~ ~A pale one will rise~ ~ Wielding naught but a simple blade~ ~Who dares to climb the steps of... ~ Wait for it. Wait for it. ~Ancient doom spire~ ~DEMONTOWER~ part four - slaughter of the blood thief Let's fucking begin. Ooh yeah. Level one - the hole Dude it's fucking legit! Wait. How the fuck do I attack you? It's not working! Oooh. Oh that's my dodge. I thought that was a slash. Aaaah, I get it. Fuck ya! Niiice! Dude this is coool! Aaargh shit! Fuck! Fuck! Attack! ATTACK! Oh god they're fast! Attack! God I was spamming the fucking button and nothing was happening. O-kay Can I get some fucking health? God Jesus. Yessss! Give me those heart containers. It lightly reminds me of hyper light drifter. Very fucking cool game as well. Come on out, bro. Come on out, BRO! Come at me. Here we go. I got to wait for them to come at me. That's- that- that's my problem. Attack and dodge away and dodge away, yeah! Now I health back. This is actually really cool. Attack! Attack! Attack! Attack! Attack! Attack! Attackajack! Oo is it break through wall? No... Too good to be truth. Come at me blabbies. Come at me blabbies. Dude Demontower ROCKS. Demontower OWNS! what-what-what-what is the point though? what am I- what am I doing? Okay I almost explored the entire map. Is it really where I left over my old save file years ago? I don't think so. It looks like an OK in the middle. Yes! GOT THE MOTHER FUCKING KEY Y'ALL! You got some keys? You got some key for your niece? I don't think so. I don't think y'all got keys! And I think you're all as cool as miece with my keys! Where the fuck do I use it? Magic door. Did I do it? Oh god boss. I AM THE GREATEST! That has ever lived a Demontower. THE GREATEST! Ok, umm. What did you doing? Oh no are you like a merchant or something. Well- I am going a- uhh... log off fornow. I'll be back though. That was fun as fuck. Think it's time to get to bed though. MAE: Bedtime? Yyes. Aaaaahhh... Sweat! Okay! I'd like to leave this episode of Night In The Woods here. My God! I love this game. This is really cool. I had a fucking blast with this. The characters and the writing are just awesome! It doesn't feel like I've recording for an hour It feels so short. Wake up Mae! Time to start today! And I love this type of games. I love the type of... like a umm... I dunno. What will I call this? IDK it's like Life Is Strange kind of games, in a way. Kinda reminds me Undertale. And reminds me a lot of games. But I really like it. It's mainly for the dialogue along. The dialogue and the... ...the art style are really really good. I really like them so far. And I really like- the charactors that showing up, and- I don't know the story is so far Just since I'm back. I did something years ago, maybe killed someone? Possibly by accident? And somebody else lost some arm But since back with my friends, had a lot of fun by them. Umm. Let me know what you guys think Uhh. I have- have to dig up my repertoire of voices and keep it going. Think of the voice I gave some of them may be good. IDK but the voice I gave to Mae. Cause she, she always um... talks like this. But it's an easy voice to do. IDK. Anyway! Thank you guys so much for watching this episode. If you liked it, PUNCH the like button in the face. LIKE A BOSS! And, high fives all around. *Whapoosh!* *Whapoosh!* Thank you guys, I will see all you dudes! In the next video! *Outro: I'm everywhere by TeknoAXE* Dude, I want to see a Demontower online Demontower RULES!
Channel: jacksepticeye
Views: 7,425,874
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jacksepticeye, night in the woods, night in the woods game, gameplay, night in the woods walkthrough, playthrough, lets play, lon lets play, full game, full lets play, art style, music, characters, story, funny, comedy, humour, OST, PC, PC version, PS4, Steam, download link, voices, dialogue, jacksepticeye character voices, night in the woods jacksepticeye, plot, part 1
Id: 1-mfGV-t_z8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 12sec (4272 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 27 2017
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