Breaking Points That Made People End Their Friendships (r/AskReddit)

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people who nope right out of a friendship what was your breaking point with that friend she threatened to kill herself and trick me into thinking she actually did so I was about to call her cops but before I could they were called on me because she told them that I was trying to kill myself she completely lied and reversed the situation because she knew I was gonna call the suicide hotline no police or whatever on her since it was the fourth time so she turned it around on me in order to get their attention on me they ended up checking my arms for self-harm asking me if I took pills and I was 13 he told my mother to go [ __ ] herself when she told him he couldn't bring over his grinde dates to bang in our spare bedroom she got insanely pissed I didn't do sir semi-retired parents as Realtors to buy my new house her parents lived 70 miles from where we were looking to buy I was in a party with my friends when he started to make [ __ ] up about me to make me look bad in front of the girl he liked he didn't get the girl and I stopped talking to him after that conversation during a history class in high school the dick back said we broke into two houses this weekend and got some cool [ __ ] come with us next time dude when her boyfriend that we became friends with through their relationship posted in a friend group chat about struggling with depression and that he had to redo a year of college in response she wrote a long essay about what a lazy sack of [ __ ] he was that would never amount to anything because he didn't try hard enough this was one of many of the crazy nightmarish things she did like call him 70 plus times in an hour my other friend and I realized that we actually liked him a lot more and that she was an abusive shitheel and dropped her he's now one of my longest lasting best friends so it was the right choice we never did anything / talked unless I instigated it I decided to stop and figured if they wanted to hang out they would be in touch that was about a year and a half ago it makes me sad didn't come with me to the hospital after breaking two bones in my foot playing trampoline basketball together he left me there alone to go smoke weed because his mum was out of town he was 25 and still living at home I had to drive myself find parking and walk to her and be alone with a broken foot came home from a work trip that lasted a few days he was my roommate and was taking care of my cat for me he got angry slammed my cat into a wall and broke its leg no matter how long I've known him how many times I felt burned by him in my life and how many times I've been forgiving he hurt my little buddy she became a nice addict accused and abused the [ __ ] out of me for apparently stealing her adidas jumper she left it at my place I left it on the front porch in a plastic bag for her to pick up it sat there for weeks she never came to get it still accused me of stealing it and basically ended our friendship of six years don't do math kids I had a friend who I was beginning to realize was a bit toxic she'd call me up and never really have anything to say so I do the talking which I found hard going when we were in company she'd publicly ridicule me for the littlest of things I stayed friends with her I think because we'd been friends for so long rather than because I liked her or that she even liked me it was a friendship of convenience one day she asked me to be her plus-one to a homeless show after she won a free entry to a competition I'd given up my day to go to this thing on the other side of town even though I didn't really want to go but my friend didn't want to be alone so I went for her we watched the show it was kinda boring and not my style but it was an interesting diversion every audience member had been given a lucky daughter get the priceless $1000 voucher in a department store as we took our seats my friend turns to me and says you'd better give me your ticket if they call your number I thought she was joking and so I staggered a little then I thought to myself this is a moot point because I never win anything at the end of the show they draw the ticket they called my I go up and they asked for my details and say they'll be in touch once they've made the voucher up in my name I go back to my friend and she says I'd split it with you 5050 but I can't afford that so how about I give you 250 dollars I couldn't believe it she was serious it was dumb luck that she won a ticket to the show at all and then dumb luck that I won the door prize how could she say she couldn't afford it it cost her nothing it was all game anyway it took a week or two for the department store to contact me to say they had my voucher I quietly traveled back to the other side of town and collected my prize and never spoke to my friend again toxic friendship over I have never missed her constant negativity no matter what came home one one day looking drained and unhappy after spending the afternoon with her my mom said to me you always look this way after spending time with friend and I was like I always feel this way after spending time with her huge eye-opener cut the cord that day I always asked my best friend to hang out and she always claimed to be busy easy enough to believe one day I asked and as usual she says no working 15 minutes later she texts saying I'm here confused I said oh did you take off work her reply Oh wrong person haha had her indeed would you want to be friends with a lying thieving drug addict a cheater well neither did he I realized that none of them considered me a friend and were just keeping me around because they thought it was funny and sad ditched all of them made some actual friends she was always angry at someone often for something she did she didn't get along with people and she was proud of being difficult eventually I realized while I loved her when we were children I no longer cared for the person she had grown into met this girl through a mutual friend and she was awesome at first fast forward and I'm studying for the bar exam this summer and she calls me late at night my sleep is precious at this point and wants me to pick her up at a bar and mediate between her and the cops because she punched her boyfriend and he hit her back I go without thinking twice several months pass of her talking [ __ ] and saying she's done with him and she invites me to the bar and I show up and she's there with that same guy it just put me in a weird position and I'd never do that to someone else also she thinks the earth is flat [ __ ] that when I realized I was just there to be the third wheel and make them look better we were walking to a classroom and I just stopped walking and let them go they didn't even stalk High School was rough dude would give anyone the shirt off his back and was a wonderful and loyal friend to me for a few years but after me getting out of an abusive relationship he wouldn't stop strongly until that he's available within day one of me escaping it multiple times in a conversation he'd do it it all sort of fell apart when I was having a particularly rough night and asked him to let me vent a little and just decompress he did and all was fine until I went to leave he grabbed me into a tight hug and kept saying things like you know I'm here I'm a good guy I can treat you right if you'd consider me I'll always be here you know how I feel about you and all that after repeatedly and politely asking to be let go and get his face further from mine he kissed me it was maybe three days after I just got out of a two plus year abusive relationship that's the worst he's done that I couldn't get over it made plans months in advance with her and another friend to go see a movie and get dinner for my birthday she said she wasn't feeling well and couldn't come and then posted a ton of pics of her and her new gay best year pride the worst part was he was just an accessory and she was on to the next friend whose views and styles she'd emulate within a few months I sorta feel bad because she clearly has no personality of her own and is quickly bored of people when the shine wears off has to be lonely anyway the other girl I invited showed up and continues to do so I'm very fortunate that my ex friend brought me and my current best friend into each other's lives I've never had a friend who considers me their best friend and not just someone they fall back on when they have no one else I developed this test a few years ago ask yourself who is my worst friend if you have a no-contest super clear answer then pull that note cord this was in Central America he started doing all sorts of drugs got involved with criminals and drug lords it all went downhill within the space of one month the last time I saw him he was hanging out with a drug smuggler who offered me five K to bring heroin into the US his eyes lit up when he found out I was a Russ citizen he had a drinking problem and it started to become me babysitting him whenever he got drunk because he'd just be a liability and eventually after trying to talk with him about it and him not accepting it I just kind of stopped hanging around him she broke into her ex's apartment with the intention of forcing him into sex he pulled a gun on her asked her to leave in never returned she called the police and tried to play the victim I asked her what her thoughts were on a metal breaking into someone's home and raping someone she said that would be horrible and didn't slash couldn't understand when I said she tried exactly that she got angry at me and demanded an apology I didn't know what I'd done plus she had raging crazy pregnancy hormones I asked what it was for and she told me I knew what I'd done and she wouldn't speak to me again until I apologized at the time I was crushed but as the days and weeks passed I began to see how toxic she was I found new hobbies life moved on in hindsight I'm glad she ended our friendship life is a lot better without her by the way I'm pretty she she was angry because I didn't get excited enough over a six thousand dollar crib she was thinking about buying for the baby I just couldn't get excited about a six thousand dollar piece of furniture that would be used for two or three years at most the moment I realized he wasn't a cool guy that had bad moments but a horrible sociopath that seemed cool when it sweeted him he had been great when he wanted me to resign the lease after months of being at each other's throats he lost his job over a fit of rage destroyed the cash register at cetera then begged his few friends he did actually have for money slash food like literally we'd ask him to hang out and he would complain about being hungry poor no food like I don't mind helping him out but when he's constantly begging and not looking for a job then he came out with this grand plan that we should all move in together just in case he loses his job a Jian that he would have somebody to cover for him me and my sister both stopped talking to him LOM feyo one of my best friends since I was five and I used to always get into mischief together we ended up in the hospital together broke lost together everything half way through high school I began thinking about my future and participating in extracurriculars since I also had a job at this point to him I was a dirtbag for ditching the group and he consistently talked trash about me I didn't take it too personal since I knew he had some personal family matters he was going through but when he sat my girlfriend down and told her that she was changing me in bad ways and not letting me live my life even though she came after the job and extracurriculars I realized he was dead weight holding me back and was done I had a great friend that I met in school that got exponentially stranger as time went on at first we hung out just playing n64 watching TV and visiting other friends then he decided to become a wizard one day he shows up to my house with a massive tree branch I asked him WTF and he calmly explained that he was going to spray-paint this branch in my yard to make a wizard staff whatever then he shows up the next day with a copper pipe and says he wants to forgery I told him that I didn't have that kind of equipment and eventually I had to tell him to leave I think he got in trouble for casting spells on girls at school which involved Oregon oh and violent dancing they treated me like I was their therapist and dumped all their problems on me they would never take any advice I'd give them and wouldn't make any changes to improve their life I can't be friends with someone who wore in their misery and then dumped their misery on me I have my own issues to deal with [Music]
Channel: ToadFilms
Views: 616,322
Rating: 4.8521061 out of 5
Keywords: breaking points, breaking point, friendship, end, end of friendship, end their friendship, reddit, askreddit, askreddit funny, top posts, top posts of r/, r/, r/askreddit, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, top posts of all time, askreddit question, askreddit top posts, ask reddit, askreddit reading, subreddit, reddit stories, best of r/askreddit, funny reddit, best reddit posts, best of reddit, Updoot Reddit, TZ Reddit
Id: xnJsTZlEvIA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 30sec (810 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 13 2019
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