Teachers Reveal Their No Hope Students (r/AskReddit)

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teachers have read it what is something a student of yours has said that made you think wow there is no hope left for you worked at a school for a while had a fourth grader say that he didn't need school because he was going to have a wife and she would do everything same student while disrupting the entire class also said what are you going to do I know you can't hit me I once had a student who didn't know what the answer to 5x5 was this was in the preparatory year of a private medical university fear for the patient's if he ever graduates high school teacher here dude if you don't start coming to class and doing the work you'll fail out of school schools done laufen for me I'm gonna rap to pay the bills bro kid was an awful musician couldn't make a beat couldn't write a run to save his life I used to teach science in a public high school had to convince his sophomore that trees came from seeds blew his mind gave students a project to create and promote an invention to help the world let's see what they could come up with kid comes up and presents his product the foot pedal powered wheelchair Paris isn't in France that was like nine years ago and I haven't forgotten it I didn't teach but I tutored slash mentored for a few years heard one student say she didn't care about school didn't want to go to college because she will just go on welfare one sixth grader was expelled for behavior constantly was kicked out of class force dress code violations including we're in gang colors expelled at 13 couldn't multiply could barely read can't remember one specific thing he said to make me think he had no hope but it was pretty depressing it's not what they said it's what they didn't say I asked him to read out loud and he just stared at the paper I soon found out that he read it a kinda level as a fifth grader didn't want to put in the work himself instead just waited for someone to read it for him his comprehension was there but he wanted everything spoon-fed to him spend 15 minutes on a math lesson do examples handout worksheets do one on the worksheet with them he asks so you just want us to fill this in with random numbers speechless not a teacher but a kid in my class tried to explain to the teacher that he doesn't care about school because he'll just live on his parents money and told her that he can buy her because she's a poor ass during lunch duty at a high school had to ask a kid who had a bad rep to move be pulled over an extra chair to a table making it so you could not easily get around that area which was a very clear rule in the school for fire safety reasons he does but moves back i gently remind him again and say if I see it again I'd have to write him up he moves back for about five minutes then frustrated he can't hear his friends looks at me pulls his chair back to the table hands me his head and says I'm going to jail anyways took his it to get his name which I already knew said thanks for cooperating and then left him the [ __ ] alone he was in a fight a month later had to be taken down by three school cops and taken out of school in cuffs my wife had a student in third grade who refused to do any writing assignments my wife told him that she was going to call his parents to explain to them what was going on if he didn't start doing his work he said I don't care my mom said I don't have to do anything I don't want to do rules don't apply to me my wife called his mom and his mom told my wife that she meaning my wife just has to understand how her son is and if he doesn't want to do the work then he doesn't have to his behaviors all made sense after that and it was a very tough year he stopped doing all work and started harassing other kids probably partially due to boredom since he was doing nothing else by the end of the year as long as he was happy my wife couldn't get the mom on board there was this kid named Larenz who was one of those typical wallflower Catholic kids I grew up with his dad was in a Scout troop as a leader and was really meticulous like everything had to be just so in the late 70s most of the troop leaders had a relaxed dress code but Larenz is dad dressed like a 1940's scouting manual model complete with a brown uniform and wide brimmed hat everything was pleated in pressed his dad drove an old milligram roadster that was constantly breaking down they were upper-class and mum was not in the picture but the way Larenz his dad picked on him was brutal stand up straight leritz chin up be a good lad chest out chin up Larrin s-- don't go over there it's dirty over there Larenz stand straight and tall when i address you don't be rude wait until I have started eating before you start Larenz do I have to raise my voice Larenz buy high school Larenz just gave up he wasn't perfect enough so why bother he stared into space he attended school in person only just a blank and hollow shell his clothing didn't change it only became dirtier his hair got long he lost weight and his clothes just hang on him I think the only way to deal with his dad's control issues was passive resistance by his senior year in high school he flunked out not sure what happened to him after that I teach high school math / geometry one of my students said why do we even need math all I care about his money his classmates proceeded to laugh while teaching about a particular historical figure I try to wake this kid up did he sell drugs No then I don't give a [ __ ] I teach lots of 7 to 9 year olds and quite often ask them to spell their names for me just so I get it correct for them Rachel or a chill etc but you wouldn't believe just how many of these children don't have a clue I appreciate him maybe dyslexic and that so I don't expect all of them to know but just more surprised at such a high percentage I've got a class of 8th grade students and we just got a new student in his first week he proceeded to grab a female students butt with both hands I call him up to my desk and ask him if he knows what unwanted touching and sexual assault mean without emotion he says that yes does but he's new so he needs to make a name for himself I immediately sent him to the office the saddest part about this is that the response I got from administration is that the student were spoken to about the situation and I need to make sure they do not sit near each other no consequence for sexual assault equals you can be assured that something like this will happen again after months of learning about maps and cardinal directions in our grade 9 geography class is north always the way you are facing there is no helping you kid ok I need you guys to name some countries for me let's make a list I get a few examples and then Africa I proceed to explain the concept of a continent so wait Africa is a country inside of a country like Tasmania is a country but it's in Australia please keep in mind that this was a year 11th high school class two contenders here 17 year old girl who saw birds walking around outside her classroom and said look that bird has feet and so does that one also the 14 year old boy who asked me whether I'd ever noticed that dwayne johnson and the rock looked really really similar had my year to private student try to flip slash overturn his study table on me didn't work i slammed it down and scream at me to write out his homework because that's what his mum pays me for there's still hope but it made me so sad and angry as soon as he assumed I was of a lesser position than him just because I was being paid like yeah now by this is probably going to be buried but I like to reference this one from time to time I had a student who was a hoarder he was one of those kids that we all remember who had the backpack that was filled with everything for every class it looked like this kid carried around a small grocery cart on his back one day I'm walking him to his locker to look for an assignment that I knew that I had given him before and I smell this nasty smell big surprise it's his locker open it to find 89 cartons of chocolate milk stacked inside that's not all on the floor he had a pretty large mason jar filled with what looked like dead bugs I asked him why he had so much milk in his locker and he said stone-faced to dip the bugs and never sure what happened to this kid when he left but that was the most disturbing for me I'm a high schooler science teacher 11th grader says wait we don't live inside the earth I'm too late but for those of you sorting by knew maybe this will give you a chuckle I was covering cells and organelles and I was passing around a model of a cell that highlighted organelles what they looked like and where they were it gets to a girl and she takes a look at it and says what planet is this me what country did the United States gained independence from students of Hispanic me tynesha thats in ethnicity student nah it's a country in Africa me internally tynesha your [ __ ] 13 what the hell me externally okay well can someone help tynesha r answer the question other student France in a high school psychology class during the unit on drugs and their impact on the brain I'm having students read and discuss an article about the new ro science behind mixing drugs like xanax and codeine in lean some future frat house cumdumpster chimes in from the back of the room unexpectedly bragging loudly about how she loves getting turnt on a mixture of weed sands and Molly and how it has become her go-to form of intoxication for her and her older boyfriend before I can hit her with the standard hey psych class is not an episode of intervention type response I get this gem my boyfriend can't even get off if he's not on Molly do you think it causes brain damage I had an 11th grade student who failed third quarter and was at a 40% he knew his grade he told me both and asked so does that mean I pass with the D high school so like age 15 one of the bigger kids like six feet decided he'd opened the window and climb into the classroom in the process breaks a window and UNAM as he falls in headfirst and tried to brace the impact with his arm I asked a kid what he wanted to do when he grew up and his answer was I dunno something to do with MEMS that kid later made a YouTube channel called Toth films where he now applauds members and is actually doing pretty well I'm not a teacher but when I was in fifth grade there was a guy in my class whose parents were among the more affluent in town and that donated a lot of money to the school in every way they could they paid for the new computer lab and library renovation they practically owned the school and staff this guy could scream at teachers throw desks attack classmates and never get in trouble because his parents had that much power over them he sent me to the hospital with my first concussion when he spontaneously slammed my head into a locker I got three detentions because his parents decided the story was I had provoked him and then another three when I refused to apologize to him for said provocation there never was hope for him I didn't hear much because we moved to a different city to escape that school that I heard he dropped out of high school got his jet then died serving in Iraq because his parents influence couldn't get him a job outside their hometown most people would call him a hero for that but he wasn't I teach computer science in university I get a lot of freshmen that plucked the major because they heard it was a high paying major but don't actually like the subject but the worst was a recent student that asks if they could just do the assignments by hand they didn't want to use a computer they didn't really like using them people use computers too much I don't start doing that also thought computers could do too much and wanted people to stop using them wrap this is a programming course for computers in a major about making computers do things you are gonna need to use a computer needless to say I told them this wasn't probably the major for them [Music]
Channel: ToadFilms
Views: 269,325
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Keywords: teachers, teachers reveal, students, no hope students, no hope left, no hope, reddit, askreddit, askreddit funny, top posts, top posts of r/, r/, r/askreddit, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, top posts of all time, askreddit question, askreddit top posts, ask reddit, askreddit reading, subreddit, reddit stories, best of r/askreddit, funny reddit, best reddit posts, best of reddit, Updoot Reddit, TZ Reddit, school, teacher
Id: XH_lPwHX-pg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 3sec (783 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 12 2019
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