When Redditors Walked Away From A Friendship Without Saying A Word (AskReddit)

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serious word it what situation or issue caused you to walk away from a friendship without another word to your friend again she said I'm sorry but I have my own issues to worry about after I told her my father had just died unexpectedly my best mate in high school top bloke shirt off yeah back kind of fella we experienced everything together all the pre and post pubescent stuff first [ __ ] around with illegal stuff drugs drinks you name it at the time both of us were heavily involved in trafficking weed through our respective schools and due to my size I was a debt collector of sorts for kids who had stiffed the local dealers then through an unfortunate series of events I cleaned myself up and dropped anything that wasn't legal doubt though he was having too much fun doing his thing we still caught up as often but this time I was just on the piss not shooting the air or smoking dope he would always ask I would always decline this piss dog off to the point he cut contact with me one day really abruptly didn't feel the need to pursue a reason fast-forward about 10 years mee-mah rings me tells me that Delft had walked up at my folks asking to catch up and bury the hatchet as he was clear so she gave him me a dress and he was coming over the missus didn't know about doubt and was fast asleep anyway so I just left the door open a crack so I could hear his car pull up had a real bad feeling it though to the point where I grabbed the pacifier a length of thick regem I'd fashioned into a cudgel from my high school woodwork days that I usually keep near the door and slid it hidden from sight me other couch still dunno why moments later hear a car pull up I go outside to meet him and could immediately tell something was up firstly Doug was [ __ ] flying pupils like 5 cent pieces so much for being clean second instead of his crappy Holden we used to bomb around brought in he was driving some old Volvo now I know his family was the same as mine pretty much bogan welfare and he had holden lovers so it struck as odd as hell we used to make a few cars for insurance job back in the day - damn I haven't thought about that in years anyway after an awkward handshake I motioned him around the back to the shirt basically my mancave hit the Lights grab a beer and toss one over to him [ __ ] me he had had a rough time thin as a whip now couple of dodgy neck and facial tats he was pretty fidgety I guess from the gear he was obviously on he was rambling about his stint inside not surprising how his family had all moved back up north and how he was clean now I stopped him there and called him out basically said [ __ ] can't remember exactly what I said he insisted it was from cold medicine or something pfft the whole time he was looking around the shed but only at certain things expensive things power tools gym kit my gun safe in particular I didn't like where this was going so told him we can catch up later on the week or something I got a go to bed he was cool with that smiled patted me on the back and jumped back in his car after I walked him out I stick my head in to say see ya check the ignition of course there was no key couple of days later I note the gun safe had pry marks on the paint now this [ __ ] is locked up good solid steel anchored to the concrete it ain't opening unless I open it ah see Laura's pretty hardcore with that [ __ ] call up the cops tell him what's happened they come around and have a squiz I'll let em know I'm pretty sure I know who tried to open it gave them doubtful name left it at that haven't heard from the bloke in near 15 years frankly don't care if I do our daughter's went to preschool together and so we started socializing with playdates twice or three times a week for about a year the kids would play and we would drink coffee and chat when I had to take my husband for surgery she offered to watch my kid it was the very first time she'd ever watched her without me there I came back a few hours later to find my three-year-old sitting in a corner looking as if she'd been crying the ex-friend launched into this really detailed story about how my daughter had repeatedly tried to take a toy from her daughter and so she'd had to give her a timeout and my daughter was upset at the discipline got my kid in the car and asked what had happened she said that she and her friend had argued over a toy ex-friend had gotten right into her face and screamed at her so close that she had sprayed my daughter's face with spittle then ex-friend slapped her and slammed her into the wall I pulled over and felt the back of my kid's head there was a big lump on it so we turned around and drove straight to the police station the police interviewed me and my daughter I later found out that they sent officers to interview ex-friend and on the strength of their observations Child Protective Services was brought in she'd been beating her daughters fairly regularly with a belt there were lots of injuries in various stages of healing including a broken rib ex-friend got a suspended sentence and lost custody of her two children to her mother-in-law until she worked through an anger management and parenting program I don't know if she ever completed it here's the worst part I spent two or three hours a week with that woman for a year and I had no clue she abused her children none nothing she said if I raised red flags I never saw her threaten or physically discipline her kids in public her daughters were very quiet and well-behaved maybe a little too eager to please adults but nothing really remarkable she never left marks invisible places John has enlightened me to the white man's plight and to the threat of the Jew I cannot abide my brother bedding at you without intervening if you continue to see that woman I will kill both of you probably the darkest part of my life this was my best friend of 11 years a surrogate brother and integral part of my childhood and he'd threatened to kill me and an innocent woman because of her religion there were no classic warning signs no slippery slope at least that I saw he just started hanging out with some punk kid and a few weeks later his head was shaved and he was a big fan of eugenics I haven't talked to him since Chris if you're reading I'm sorry I wasn't a strong enough friend to get you out tether I'm sorry I couldn't keep you from whatever made you so hateful I hope you've come past your anger and I hope you're happy I still think of you after you're the reason I survived as long as I have growing up I didn't have many close friends I was a bit of a social outcast a bit of a loner and it wasn't until after college when I truly met friends whom I cared about like family the sad part is is I cared about them like family but it seemed like they didn't feel the same way about me flash forward about ten years I've had these friends for a long time and I considered them my very best friends my dad became suddenly oh I contact my friends give them the heads-up that my dad wasn't doing well they said whatever you need we are there for you man my dad quickly gets worse and eventually passes away I of course give my friends their heads up tell them he passed I get them so sorry man and the like I then pass word about the dates and times for the funeral and wake they didn't show up I can understand if they had work or no car and I had a couple of friends whom honestly and wholeheartedly couldn't make it I also had friends who did but these close friends couldn't even have bothered to at least call to say they couldn't go or apologize for not going this single action by them killed a 10-year long friendship the sad part is they went out of their way when another friend's mother passed away years ago but for my dad nothing one of my best friend's girlfriend that I had known for three years very good friend with both of them had this crazy thought that I was in love with her and tried to steal her from him he believed her and so did a lot of my other very good friends I told them if that what you think of me as a person after all these years then [ __ ] off this was during a party after we graduated [ __ ] her for manipulating my friends I thought that I loved her we had been friends with benefits for two years she initiated the kissing and I had taken her as she got out of the car that I drove her 40 miles just to get home in I ran out to give her a goodbye hug which she graciously accepted then she proceeded to tell our mutual best friend that I came at her she was genuinely scared and she didn't know if she should press charges or not cooked I thought he was going to rape me end quote I wish that was the actual end but there was one more time that she called a couple weeks later she told me she was stranded far away from her apartment and she needed some help while I was furious that she had done this [ __ ] to me I decided to help my friends and I picked her up I didn't talk to her at all and they're my real best friends suggested hey why don't we get something to eat first because he didn't know what had happened between the chick and I everyone loved the idea except me we went to a restaurant and I literally pretended to have an important phone call and walked around the neighborhood too sick to my stomach to be near the table until my best friend called me and said we should get going we dropped the chick off but before we did she said hey I just want to be honest with you and she then told me that the reason she was stranded was because she had went to a person's house to have sex with them and she needed a ride home I told the driving friend let's get out of here I never spoke to her again even though she tried to text and FASS about me many times found out that a couple of friends of mine had a secret hobby they were keeping behind my back they were basically pretending to be interested in depressed insecure girls who were depressed and overweight with acne so they would send them nudes and then turn around and embarrass and humiliate them [ __ ] that like that's just [ __ ] cruel it wasn't limited to just overweight and secure girls but that was their main target because it was more fun to pick on people with low self-esteem for them in a pretty laid-back and easygoing guy I will do favors for friends and go out of my way to help I had one friend who would take advantage of those trays it'll let it go for it a while but if the taking never stops and favors are never returned he'll walk away without ever looking back the last straw for me was when a friend asked if I wanted to come over after day party we had for a friend he said he would drive and I could leave my car there and get it in the morning as it was right on the way to work so I said sure and went with on the way home he stopped to fill up and demanded gas money since he drove he didn't ask he demanded I pay half I just got out close the door and walked away when your best friend of 12 years decides to tell some random girl he was [ __ ] a pretty deep personal secret I have that only he and my immediate family know about she proceeded to spread it around needless to say my reputation was pretty much permanently tarnished so I had to move away so I joined the Army witnessed a gambling addiction swallow my friend's life up whole kids started innocently enough at 17 got a fake and went to one of those casinos that really couldn't give a [ __ ] what age you actually were as long as you don't win he lost every penny he had to his name up until that point had his fake taken from him that night too when he got pulled over on his way home he then swiped his brother's debit card one day and ran him dry on online casino his parents Bank his ID from the internet to prevent this in the future so in turn he goes out tells me he needs $100 for an emergency and goes out and buys a shitty laptop with it he then swipes his mom's credit card and runs a dollar sign for ktab on that again on an online casino fast forward about a year now I got over the whole laptop thing since I was working and didn't really care too much about $100 he tells me and a bunch of other people he's doing a fake adored er we are all about to go to college so it made sense to get in on this give him the money take the photos everything seemed smooth the kid takes the money about $1 5k of his friends money buys himself a fake then goes to the casino and loses it all after this I basically told him to go [ __ ] himself but got begged by both mine and his parents to stay in touch because he needed so thought now more than ever that same summer before college kid decides he wants to make another casino run asks me to chill one day long story short kid had the balls to ask me if I wanted to rob a [ __ ] house with him I got in a fight with the kid and from what I understand he actually still did it didn't get caught either worst part about it is from what I understand he robbed his grandparents since he knew where they kept their valuables I don't talk to this kid anymore but from what I understand he later took his tuition money for college or something along those lines and basically gambled all of it all I know now is that he's a college dropout and works at Burger King the part that keeps me up at night is that part of me thinks like old Dunmore like I cold just taken his keys so couldn't go to the casino or I cold told his parents who are extremely good people when and where he was heading when I knew I don't even know what to think of the kid anymore because he truly was a great friend at first but something just clicked one day and the kid just couldn't stop gambling I really thought he had hope when he went to college as his first two years he really did well but his junior year last year something went awfully wrong and it all fell apart I changed some of the info here because I didn't have the heart to completely put someone's life out there for [ __ ] karma that I hope someone out there reads this and maybe it helps them keep someone you thought would be your best friend forever when you were a kid one time when I was around 12 me my best friend my older cousin and my best friend's older brother were hanging out my cousin was good friends with my best friend's older brother so we were all hanging out playing basketball shooting the [ __ ] and my cousin mentioned to everyone that he had gotten a [ __ ] from a guy before I already knew this because I was that guy so my best friend and his older brother were curious and asked him who it was that's when he looked right at me he stared at me for a solid three seconds my best friend and his older brother knew at that point my cousin may as well have came out and said it all I remember is that they kept asking me and wouldn't drop it and I literally had no words to say about it I have never been so humiliated in my entire life before or since that moment I went inside and told my mom that I really wanted to go home and we left shortly afterwards I avoided my best friend like the plague and I moved out of state a few months later I was gonna move anyway due to something completely unrelated I couldn't look him in the eyes him knowing that about me after several failed attempts to cheer her up / comfort her during a mental breakdown I asked her what I could possibly do to help her and she essentially told me to figure it out it was a long-distance friendship and up to that point she had been showing more noticeable signs of mental instability and it was becoming a burden to talk to her because I became the scapegoat for her problems I couldn't deal with it anymore so I stopped talking to her about four years later she sent me a message saying she couldn't remember why we stopped talking but that she was sorry for whatever happened after going through some of her social media she seemed a lot happier / healthier so I welcomed her back into my laughs we don't talk often but I'm happy this story has a happier ending [Music]
Channel: ToadFilms
Views: 266,608
Rating: 4.9208508 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, askreddit, askreddit funny, top posts, top posts of r/, r/, r/askreddit, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, top posts of all time, askreddit question, askreddit top posts, ask reddit, askreddit reading, subreddit, reddit stories, best of r/askreddit, funny reddit, best reddit posts, best of reddit, emkay, ToadFilms, GioFilms
Id: fquKlnLCIb0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 15sec (1035 seconds)
Published: Wed May 06 2020
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