Most Messed Up Things People Have Eavesdropped (r/AskReddit)

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what is the most messed up thing you have eavesdropped I was listening to two of my kindergarten students talk about Christmas the day before break one ask do you believe in Santa the other replied yes but he doesn't come to my house because I'm in foster care an old Jewish couple was arguing at the grocery store about whether or not they should buy X brand of cookies even though Y brand was zero dollars fifty per the man said if he had married at if instead of his wife Edith would have let him get the nicer brand of cookies his wife replied she could have married Xavier and actually been wealthy and not living in a rat-infested apartment WTF sitting behind two teenagers on the train guy you let him come inside of you go well not all the way I finally understand teen pregnancy not the most [ __ ] up thing but it gave me a chuckle while sitting in a mall bathroom brief summary of what I / had two kids late teens saying in the men's room o trans like men being women and stuff I thought you was talking about translucent people invisible man [ __ ] nor did men becoming women so like dressing like them no actually becoming a man or woman chicks becoming dudes too how does that happen not just wearing different clothes the second kid then explains in the Volga / innocent way only a kid can the process what they can do that [ __ ] but they still can't hack the iPhone I gotta agree with kid hash won on that I was at Disney in high school and I heard a guy say to someone you're to Getty but ain't good enough to eat so put your shoes back on I'm 35 and still have no idea what that meant when the police showed up at my daughter tell me that my upstairs neighbor was dead I overheard the end say we are going to have to double back him then I heard my neighbor's double-bagged body being dragged down the narrow staircase because a stretcher wouldn't fit thunk thunk-thunk I was a waitress and I just took an order from a table of students that were all 18 plus one of them seemed pretty dim with the questions she was asking me but nothing too stupid one of her friends ordered duck Jo sir as I walked away I heard her ask her friends what a ductless and them start to explain how the hell do you get to be over 80 and not know what a [ __ ] duck is I was upstairs in the church organ loft looking through music on a quad weekday downstairs I heard a conversation going on so I peered over the loft railing and saw the pastor sitting in a pew talking with a young female she was telling him that she was strongly attracted to the church's deacon a single guy early 30s and wanted to know if he would introduce them I could tell that the pastor got flustered because he had eyes on the deacon to become a priest not to date women for her part the girl told the priest that she wanted to save the deacon from a boring life of celibacy I only had her so I didn't have to go to work my mother about my younger sister turns out that as I got old enough to need less supervision my mother realized that she'd suddenly be expected to actually make financial contributions like a normal person that clearly wasn't for her so accidentally got pregnant again took me a long time to realize what I'd actually heard my husband and I were at McDonald's we took our son to the play place to try to let him burn off energy so we could finish grocery shopping a mother was in there with her three kids one by one she would make each one of them sit down and was interrogating them where did your dad sit at the spring concert who did he sit by did he sit by Mason's mom did he talk to any of the other moms was he laughing and smiling when he talked to Carter's mom did you guys come right home afterwards she was writing it all down each child was not allowed to go play unless they answered her questions WTF worked at a summer camp for a few years I'm convinced kids don't realize you can hear them even when you're in the same room literally three feet away unless you're looking directly at them best conversation I ever heard was between two nine year olds kid one my brother is totally going through puberty and he's only 11 kid two lucky kid one I know he even has armpit hair kid - if I had armpit hair I'd shave it off and glue it on my face kid - that's that's a great idea me was once walking behind two really good-looking girls in the street and heard one say to the other I was so constipated yesterday I just wanted to get it out with an ice-cream scooper not [ __ ] up just sad around 2004 or 2005 I was at a meeting during a bathroom break I heard two men talking one of them had a brother who was killed in the 9 / 11 attack on the Pentagon shortly after the attack the brothers widow gave birth to their second child a year or so later the mother died of cancer the man speaking adopted his brothers kids he and his wife had never planned on having kids but they stepped up to raise them it was a big adjustment but he loved the kids and was doing the best he could for them dunno if this qualifies but it should I was photographer at a wedding and while the bride was getting ready I heard two bridesmaids mid-twenties talking one said to the other about how he had recently found out that beans probably as in the baked variety were not bits of potato as she had always thought their [ __ ] beans I am was traveling with a friend F through Honduras and in the hostel we were staying at we met this cool Aussie lesbian one morning they were chatting right next to me as I woke up but didn't immediately get up and start talking I realized they were talking about me my friend who I had known for a few years and had a ref WB thing within the past was telling her that she thought I was transgender I'm not it was really strange to hear someone tell an almost complete stranger her opinions about my own personal gender identity my dad's girlfriend is a special education teacher I heard her telling my dad about a student she had with dance syndrome the kid had pretty shitty parents and lived in the rough part of town anyways he never brushed his teeth and as a result his teeth were ah turd and he had to get them all pulled he was given pain medication but his mother ended up taking all the pills herself the boy would be in so much pain in class that he would have to be taken out of class because he couldn't stop yelling he yelled so much that the stitches in his mouth ultimately ripped as far as I know the boy still lives with his mother I don't know why nothing was done about this it makes me angry first day of high school in a new town in a new province and I'm just trying to convince myself there will be normal people very first thing I walk past I will do coke or mushrooms but not both I was fixing a woman's computer when she got the phone call that her mother had suddenly died she went from powerful executive assistant to fragile little girl in three seconds it was heartbreaking my brother breaking up with his girlfriend I learned from their conversation that they used condoms for six even though she was pretty allergic I picked up the house phone to find a conversation already in progress and that's how my stepdad was having an affair with his brother's wife sat on a bus home from work a couple of years back an attractive young lady blonde in her twenties and dressed in smart business gear got on and took a seat if he'd seen the state of the bus usually you'd understand why she caught my attention anyway she picks up the phone and starts having a full conversation the biggest 180 on a first impression I've ever had starts talking about her two kids who got taken into care because her and her ex couldn't stop beating each other up the cracker of a quote was I'm not even sure they'll let me keep the one inside me yet all this was a soundtrack to a silent bus not really eavesdropping when it's so in-your-face but shocking all the same as this fairly normal 20-something revealed openly her mental HomeLife certain regions of San Francisco can be best described as suburbs with metropolitan delusions many of the so-called apartments that you'll find in those areas are little more than basements or garages that have been converted into living spaces often by employing some rather creative geometry I lived in one of these units in laws as they are called for about two and a half years and during the latter half of that time a two thin wall made me the unwitting witness to both the beginning and the end of a marriage the people in question Mary and Aaron were a tall redheaded woman and a short Asian fellow both of whom were supposedly devout Mormons their marriage announcement website which my girlfriend discovered by googling our neighbors shortly after they'd moved in offered a fairy tale-like retelling of their meeting in their courtship which seemed to have taken only a handful of months it was also revealed that neither of the newlyweds had ever lived on their own before that neither of them were employed and that their rent was being paid via a joint effort by their parents still they were in love a fact which they proved time and time again with their obnoxiously loud sex this is of the disturbing part that I feel a certain compulsion to explain the sound of this aforementioned lover making it would always begin with a long slow moan being offered by the young woman then growing volume as her husband found his voice before long his grunting noises would be the only ones audible and anyone who happened to overhear would find themselves wondering if he was enjoying himself crying or trying not to throw up each session would end with Mary asking a muffled question err and responding with harsh laughter and then the tell-tale whine of their shower turning on in a way that routine was the first sign of trouble it wasn't long before our and took to criticizing Mary about everything under the Sun often time shouting in heavily accented English your family isn't refined I once heard him say you think a fun time is going for a walk no class theater fine dining that's class speaking personally I doubted if the fellow would know glass if it bit him Mary initially argued back but as the week's progressed she became quieter and quieter up until the day when the two of them started discussing baby names the sex stopped after that and Ahrens rants got longer and louder he made it very clear that he looked at Mary as being a possession and a worthless one my girlfriend actually tried to connect with the young woman on more than one occasion even going as far as to offer her refuge in our apartment nothing ever came of it though and by the time that their son was born all of the couple's affection was gone from the other side of the wall Aaron would squawk about Mary's appearance about their screaming infant about being pressured into finding a job or about anything else that entered his mind the noise got to be so bad that other people in the neighborhood actually complained to our landlord Aaron blamed his wife of course things went well and truly to hell shortly after that the sounds of slaps and blows landing would prompt my girlfriend and me to call the police and Mayer is barely stifled sobs became something of a soundtrack for our entryway Aaron would explode at and then apologized always with some excuse or another that made his wife out to be the real delay Mormon literature about being a dutiful spouse got mistakenly delivered to my mailbox on a few occasions during this time and I often contemplated switching it out with pamphlets from the local women's shelter to be honest the only thing that stopped me was the fear that it would result in another beating for Mary throughout it all the ever worsening story was audible to me from only a few feet away I don't know how the relationship finally ended because I moved to Louisiana before it reached its conclusion my girlfriend has a pretty good idea of what happened though upon returning home from work one evening she was greeted by the sight of several police cars on our street Mary was speaking to two officers her son held in her arms with a look of the find strength on her face her abuser was nowhere in sight again I wasn't there to see this but I fully believe the description just as I've chosen to believe that are and never went back to that apartment good riddance if you ask me [Music]
Channel: ToadFilms
Views: 271,545
Rating: 4.8957558 out of 5
Keywords: unsettling, things, unsettling things, messed up, messed up things, eavesdropped, eavesdrop, unsettling things eavesdropped, reddit, askreddit, askreddit funny, top posts, top posts of r/, r/, r/askreddit, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, top posts of all time, askreddit question, askreddit top posts, ask reddit, askreddit reading, subreddit, reddit stories, best of r/askreddit, funny reddit, best reddit posts, best of reddit, Updoot Reddit, TZ Reddit
Id: cOAJyAOaW60
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 6sec (786 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 11 2019
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