How Did The "Weird Kid" From Your School Turn Out? (r/AskReddit)

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what became of the weird kid he went to school with I had a classmate nicknamed bucket he got this name cause he was running around with a bucket on his head a few times once he was getting mugged on the street few guys surrounded him with a knife demanding to hand over his phone he started laughing took out his phone and smashed it on the ground continued laughing like a maniac muggers baffled by what they saw they just walked away edit I totally missed the point of this thread I just read weird kid from school and shared this story he is actually doing pretty good studying physics at our country's best science university though he is still really weird he went to MIT and now works at a tech company he was always really smart but so awkward he once ran out of a classroom and hid behind some bushes because he got an answer wrong in class in eleventh grade he started going to the same gym as me and became a regular still weird just has big arms now he was the school's Hache one bully today he runs a successful beauty shop partnered with a guy he used to pick on from those days can't make this up I was actually friends with him due to his association with some team mates I had anyway in high school he was super awkward he was the only kid that had a rolling backpack he hung out with a crowd that would adjust their sleep schedule so that they could talk online to Japanese kids and he would dress up in formal wear everyday for school like full suite and tie he is now a successful local politician who is well on his way to becoming a successful state and/or national politician I'm glad for him some say he still walks the halls super fast carrying all his books instead of using a backpack or walker there was a kid who used to wear capes to school last I saw he became a Scientologist when I was in college I got an unexpected call from an FBI agent who wanted to ask me some questions about weird kid I was like holy [ __ ] this is it he actually became a terrorist FBI agent met me and asked me some basic questions turned out weird kid didn't do anything wrong he was just applying for a job with the FBI and needed a background check didn't think to tell me that he listed me as a reference pretty sure he got the job he was a super awkward death metal fan who actually printed out a contract with the devil and signed it with his own blood when he didn't know what to say he would make pig noises and would sprint out of the room from what I can tell by looking at his fossa book page he is now a happy and well-adjusted woman who likes sundresses turned out that he had been prescribed the wrong medication the entire duration of school and last I saw he seemed like a fairly regular guy trying to score a little weed he murdered his own mom a bit before graduation he got sentenced 20 to life and is now in jail it turns out she had an undiagnosed genetic disorder and had a stroke at the age of 20 I'm the weird kid you went to school with and I hated all of you so I disappeared off the face of the earth and no one knows who or where I am the kid who went around pissing inside computers and musical instruments from what I've seen on FAFSA book he's now the trashiest piece of trailer trash I've ever seen the weird trenchcoat kid jumped off a bridge a few years later but lived broke a hundred bones or so I heard not sure what happened to him since then turns out he had Asperger's which in hindsight was really obvious he now works at a pizza joint and is married according to fessor book he's really into steampunk he's doing just fine and has a family now I met him years later and he said the reason he acted out was he was abused by his foster parents makes perfect sense now and I'm glad he is doing well dude named cameryn in my class when I was in school with him he and I always got along fine but he had some pretty weird things going on he would flat-out stare at girls and readjusted his pants a little more conspicuously than was necessary he dropped out of school senior year because people were making fun of him and he has suicidal thoughts a few weeks ago I saw him at a restaurant in town with another girl from the class behind us he had lost a ton of weight and was wearing contacts instead of ridiculously thick glasses had a pretty sweet beard and a nice haircut and outfit I almost didn't recognize him but he said hello to me and it clicked when I heard his kind of honky voice we talked for a minute or so and I asked him if he wanted to go get a beer sometime so we could catch up on old times his mother died of a heart attack and his sister committed suicide so he decided that he was gonna get better he started going to the gym and got an associates at the local college he started working at the bank and became a loan officer and seems to be making good money doing it he really turned his life around one is Ania Payton that worships Odin and is a cook at a German restaurant in our hometown he's also a Civil War reenactors on the Confederate side another started a Christian goth Club at our high school created a similar one at college then died in a motorcycle accident he masturbated in the bathroom came back to class and wiped his load all over the school bully bully beat him up and got expelled the weird kid needed help of some kind and switched to special ed classes we honor his bravery he now plays the bagpipes in full Scottish outfit as a Belgian that's still pretty weird I think and really annoying when you live in a small village like ours damn I hate that sound we all got on reddit slash toads films the last I heard he threw up on his first day working at a Nestle's factory because he ate too many fruit pastels he was one of these kids that you might mistake for special ed at first glance very awkward presence bitter Valona runs through halls like an an in character it's not until you talk to him that you realize that this guy's actually off the charts intelligence he basically stuck to his routine until graduation after which he spent his ecology as traveling through Europe becoming a worldly and distinguished individual picking up a hot German girlfriend along the and eventually securing a job at NASA yeah joke's on the rest of us I was friends with him because he liked DBZ and we used to talk about it loads but he always used to shout out [ __ ] in the middle of class like when he was getting yelled at he'd laugh and say things like you really think you can defeat me I was cringy as hell but I laughed loads and he ran around doing [ __ ] Naruto hand signs it was funny oh [ __ ] turns out he killed himself suicide note jutsu there were 22 kids in my graduating class there really wasn't a weird kid in the stereotypical sense if anything I was the weird kid because I wasn't a farmer his mom told my dad he was an accountant when in fact he works as a maintenance man at the apartment complex that I live in she's the most prominent freeman on the land activists in my hometown edit better known as sovereign citizens in the you sir I'm in Canada started dating some 15 year old chick and shot her parents when they opposed to 20 something-year-old weirdo dating their daughter luckily the wounds were not fatal and luckily he's in prison I was the weird kid in elementary and much of high school because of where our and I never saw anyone outside of the school and played video games all day every day by the time I was halfway through high school I had friends sure but my social skills were so underdeveloped I had erratic behavior that pushed people away this behavior haunted me until I was in the very early twenties he ended up rather successful actually took a high-level executive job at an insurance company he's been pretty successful in about everything but romance poor dude has had his heart broken twice I still go and hang out with him every once in a while nice guy wish I had talked to him more in high school it was probably me I was a painfully nerdy girl one of those kids with no social skills so is obsessed with pleasing the adults and is terrified of everything all the time especially getting told off bad haircut second and clothes no confidence no social skills makes herself an easy target for being picked on I got really but her in defensive as high school went on because of the sheer extent of the bullying I got out it is gay and that only made everything worse went pretty nuts cutting on myself and writing meaningful lyrics on my bag stoked around being at ugly little loner a lot of the time I'm 32 now I got 100% better once I left my hometown and went to uni took me a long time to sort myself out but being away from my toxic family and the endless bullying and harassment at school let me heal and become the funny kind person that I always wanted to be oh and I figured out at 29 that I'm trans so I'm not a girl anymore so the weird awkward girl is now a short happy guy who never speaks to anyone from school ever one of the weird kids turned out to be a reasonably successful dota /hs streamer editor Renault he joined school midterm and since day one sim Bhullar started stealing his stuff beating him and all that crap he left school like a week after he joined people said he left because he brought his hamster to school and bully no marrow you know throw it off the window it was the last time I saw the bully as well I think he got expelled I don't wanna say who it is I think he tried hard to forget all that [ __ ] and I don't want to remind him of it editor in O reloaded the side streaming it seems he graduated in psychology and has a GF now so I'm glad things got better I had class with this girl in fifth grade who was a complete mess really she was such a slob my teacher gave her a special desk with three walls to contain all her trash and she wasn't very hygienic Ivor turns out she's this super sexy dancer that lives in Denver now talk about a 180 there were several of them in my school and they all hung out together I just know what happened to two of them they are both still weird but one is doing much better than the other one one is studying to become a paramedic and I think he will be absolutely phenomenal at it he may be a bit eccentric and I honestly don't like him much but hot damn he has the personality for it the other one goes to my University she's the one who wears once's with a hooded ears around canvas wears a supernatural backpack with Anna man cartoon keychains spends her day drawing / writing supernatural porn she has shown me shudder she actually got in trouble for writing a supernatural erotica for a class assignment then reading it to the class in a way I feel bad for her because she just desperately wants to be liked but I honestly don't think she'll go very far in her life [Music]
Channel: ToadFilms
Views: 96,244
Rating: 4.8989034 out of 5
Keywords: weird kid, weird kid school, weird kid reddit, What's The weird kid from your school doing today, turn out, weird, kid, reddit, askreddit, askreddit funny, top posts, top posts of r/, r/, r/askreddit, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, top posts of all time, askreddit question, askreddit top posts, ask reddit, askreddit reading, subreddit, reddit stories, best of r/askreddit, funny reddit, best reddit posts, best of reddit, Updoot Reddit, TZ Reddit
Id: 7kZ_3k6lVPQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 37sec (697 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 13 2019
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