When Redditors Met Their School Bully As An Adult (AskReddit)

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what is your best met the high school bully as an adult story I ran into a high school classmate a while back I posted this before but it bears repeating a guy in high school just didn't like me and I him we got into a big damn fight he broke my nose and I knocked a couple of his teeth out off canvas no police were involved but about 10 years later I saw him sleeping on the street near where I worked I woke him up and asked him what was going on he told me about his life after high school he knocked up his girlfriend her parents made them get married divorced a year later he got into drugs and ended up alienating everyone I asked him if he was still using and he said no he couldn't bardos anyway I felt bad for him so I asked if he'd like to stay in my guesthouse a one-room cottage set up like an efficiently apartment for a while he took me up on it and got a night's sleep in an actual bed for the first time in years his words I bought him some clothes and fed him for about a month until I found him a job with a contractor I was doing some work for long story short it's been six years he now owns a contracting business as a wife and a new baby boy and just bought the house down the street from me my then fin Kaye took me out to dinner in my hometown where we had our first date to celebrate my new promotion I recognized our waitress right away as the girl who had been mean to me in 6th and 7th grade the only years we had classes together she didn't seem to recognize me I had gained a lot of weight and the restaurant was dark so I let it go and treated her like any other waitress when the bill came I asked my now husband how we should tip she was a great waitress and deserved a generous tip like we usually do but the urge to stiffer was there as payback I decided to take her generously and let the past go but I did leave a note next to the tip here's to believing that people they grow up after high school and I signed it class of 20s Terris cats to risk the next day I got on FAFSA book and she had sent me a message she said she had recognized me but looked happy so she said nothing and she treated me like any other customer then she apologized for anything she might have done to me in school it was a hard time for her and she didn't like to think about who she was then some bullets do grow up and I'm glad we both did the right thing I grew up in Northern California and every summer a bunch of people take to the water and go tubing down the Sacramento River a popular stop in place mid end of the route is beer-can Beach it was here that I ran into this guy that was terrible in high school as I was docking my tube me hey III I am in a clear oh I was awful to you I should faint niceness tone hey how's it going me through gritted teeth awesome him pause you [ __ ] hate me don't you me surprised at his astute observation yeah I really do then what would make you feel better and us to be cool me um if you let me shoot you in the face with this super soaker him okay me really him and then we will be cool me yeah will totally be cool and then he let me he let me shoot him in the face with a super soaker in a constant stream until it ran out of water it felt amazing he knew he deserved it he took his punishment we both laughed and hugged worth it when I was a kid I was fat I used to get picked on all the time by this kid at church named rusty he was about five years older than me and every couple of weeks he would beat me up I moved away when I was about 14 and thankfully I didn't have to deal with him anymore when I went to college I decided to get my act together and get healthy to that end I started taking mixed martial arts I did it for about two years and lost about 40 pounds when I graduated I moved back to where I was from and started looking for a new MMA gym I went to the most reputable one and who should be there but rusty it sounds too good to be true but I swear to God it happened he hadn't changed a bit the first thing he said to me was finally trying to learn to defend yourself I had called ahead and the instructor knew my deal and had arranged for me to come watch I left my deer in the car at the end of class they do free rolling jujitsu sparring rusty comes up to me having no knowledge that I'm the least bit experienced and starts begging the instructor to let him spa me so he can show me the ropes after all he's been in MMA for three months now and he never misses the UFC pay-per-view I went outside and changed long story short we sparred and I choked him out three times afterwards I signed up for classes he grabbed his bag left and never came back this is my favorite story out of everything that has happened in my life thus far I'm the only person I know that got to beat up my childhood bully as an adult sorry if this seems sparse I'm on mobile I was playing poker in Atlantic City about seven years ago and one of the guys that bullied me Chet sat at my table there's no way he recognized me I was actually playing on a No Limit Hold'em table while waiting for a seat to open in a two-way aisle again anyway I stated the let able just to take his money I played probably 95% of the parts he was in he was pretty drunk and wasn't very good I got close to $600 off of him in a little over an hour before he decided to quit I have no idea what he does for a living but I'm 100% sure he is a big loser when he plays cards I go into my mechanic to change my brakes the usual middle fee cashier offers me coffee I make small talk been going there forever they are an honest car repair shop believe it or not then I notice the guy hunched over a Honda I call out he turns squints his eyes goes - I call him out on his behavior he tells me he straightened up after mouthing off to the wrong person nearly cost him his life he showed me a shank wound three centimeters under his heart he's apparently happily finishing a course in auto repair and had just been hired at the garage he turns out to be a nice guy having sorted out his issues I routinely bring him Donuts when I bring the car in and he gets me rebates because dude I brought Donuts ours was extremely smart and very athletic he was an incredible wrestler and undefeated throughout high school I saw him at a party at a friend's house randomly and we caught eyes a few times and eventually we just approached each other and said hello exchanged bro hugs mind you we hardly talked the only time we really did was when I told him to stop picking on someone and told me he would kick my ass instead he was a lovely guy anyway he hadn't changed one bit he tried to pick fights with people throughout the night and kept looking at me while he was in yelling matches with people so I kept getting in between him and the other person telling them both to calm down this happened a few times until it started getting a little physical and he looked at me again so I stood up and he tried to push the guy one more time so I grabbed him by his shoulders and started pushing him back telling him to cool it and I thought what the [ __ ] am i doing he is an angry wrestler that can take me down once I got him back aways and told him to knock it off he just looked at me and said you know what I could do to that guy but I don't want to please stop me it was the saddest hold me back bro moment I have ever been a part of it was odd that he kept looking for me to stop his fights but I was glad I was that guy for a bit I am my own gym and have for a few years now I received a message one day from a familiar-looking name on the business fafsa book page from a women asking to come try us out we set it up she comes in for an introduction she's a very very large and out-of-shape woman at this point after about 5 minutes of working with it her it hits me that this lady used to be about half our current size and was an absolute be underscore in her heyday I decided not to bring it up to her as she appeared to be struggling in life and came to us in a time of need and I took it as I do with all of my clients as a cry for help not to mention I'm a grown man now and that seemed pretty silly and insignificant in life today months later during one of the I noticed her struggling real hard so I go over to offer some encouragement as I leaned down to say something to her I noticed she's crying faintly to herself she looks up at me and quietly says sorry for how nasty I was to you years ago and thank you for doing this for me turns out an old mutual friend told her about my place and she recognized me as the owner and came to me on purpose no not a story of revenge or retribution but she reached out to someone she was terrible to and today she's repurposed and I find it to be quite inspiring I've got to I was picked on a lot about 10 years ago I got a temporary job at Crozier it was just stocking shelves and I had another restaurant job lined up but needed something for about two months while I went through a lengthy hiring process there spoiler I wound up getting an even better job elsewhere and wound up never taking that so I go to get my check on my first payday at Kroger and find out the manager at the front is one of the guys who used to bully the [ __ ] out of me in high school he made small talk for a minute hey how you been good to see you he clearly remembered once everyone walked away he leaned in and said hey the prick attends arrow I'm really sorry for all the [ __ ] I did to you in school I was a stupid [ __ ] kid I smiled held out my hand thanked him and told him it's all in the past that was really cool the other is less cool but hilarious to me this girl was the prom queen basically the stereotypical mean girl dating the football player my opinion of her was always that she was just spoiled worthless and dumb I don't usually take joy in other people's misfortune that I felt saddened fruited unparalleled amounts the day I walked into Buffalo Wild Wings and saw her standing behind the counter this is maybe 10 years out of high school she looks exactly the same put on some weight maybe but hair still done the same still looks like she got if he trinket to do her mchupe so you can tell at a glance that she's never mentally moved past eighth grade I asked how she'd been tried to politely talk to her cuz hey I want people to do well she was a [ __ ] was like rule your Dupree Catanzaro I just raised my eyebrows at her and let it go long story short her boss was my roommate I asked him about her single mother just got kicked out of her mom's house he just hired her like two weeks earlier he confronted her about talking down to customers and wound up firing her felt like justice I was never really picked on in high school besides the fact that I was years behind everyone in growth late bloomer I guess you could say I was part of the cool people clique although I was generally nice to everyone I did let my popularity go to my head a few times and would treat a few guys in some of my classes like they were my minions or servants as I grew up as a person I realized how much of a [ __ ] tool I was and felt terrible about it for years it just so happens that two of the main guys I picked on Begay and are now life partners with each other I instantly recognized them coming at her expensive place I was taking my girlfriend out to eat for our anniversary they didn't make reservations and there was at least our weight we had just been seated but I instantly knew this was my time to say I was sorry so after a few minutes of explaining to my girlfriend why I needed to do this I called them over told them to take our seats and how sorry I was for being a dick bag to them in high school wish them luck and paid for their dinner in desert me and my girlfriend decided to get some fast food and go for a picnic two weeks later I got a message from both of them saying that that was the nicest thing anyone has ever done for them and they forgive me for all the times I treated them like [ __ ] I live in the deep south where being gay is heavily unaccepted two months after that I got a wedding invite one of the coolest weddings I have ever been to and so glad that's how it all played out this one is a classic this girl used to torment me all through high school and middle school really went out of her way to tear me down whenever we had a class together she would make her extreme dislike for me apparent and of course other kids followed I couldn't open my mouth without some kind of ridicule of course I was miserable and my dad would try to cheer me up don't worry kiddo one day she'll be working at a McDonald's and serving new fries he actually referred to her as McDonald's for years a couple years after graduating high school I went to a hadees' with my dad and there was McDonald's behind the counter so I go up to place my order and before I finish she says you don't remember me do you oh I remember you Oh so would you like fries with that why yes yes I would way to go that called it nine years in advance I had a grade eleven history teacher who picked on me insulted me in front of the class and gave me shitty grades he told me he would never send his own children to public school with such morons fast forward five years or so I'm almost finished my first degree and have made all A's in university so far shitty teacher comes into the physiotherapy clinic I'm working at my cow or car deals with him and I tell her the story when he comes back to book his next step my cow Orca started talking about me as if she didn't know he had been my teacher bragged about how she loved mentoring students who are doing so well in school and how successful I had been at work so far he never returned for his second apps Kendall was the little a shad bully his older brother Adrian was my friend Kendall made my life in high-schooler living hell lots of teasing and staff he beat the crap out of me in the gym lockers one winter took my clothes and left me to walk home naked but Adria and I joined the army together years later adrian was in my unit different platoon and was killed in Iraq I volunteered to fight with his body back home for his family Kendall never showed up not even to the funeral I heard that he was shacked up with some coke [ __ ] downtown so I went over there kicked in the door dragged Kendall out by his hair and pushed him kicked and dragged him for two and a half miles to the cemetery where I had buried his brother that morning berating him on how ha of a person he was Kendall was a bloody mess by the time we got to his brother's grave I beat the ungodly [ __ ] out of him right on the freshly turned dirt then I left him there a year later on the anniversary of Adrian's death I returned to his grave Kendall was waiting on me he was cleaned up and sober and apologized to me incessantly after lunch he asked me to take him down to the recruiters office to join up and make his brother proud this was one of the greatest moments in my life just a generic high school reunion story the two to three most athletic kids had gained weight and gotten some chick pregnant I think one was still with the mother who had gained even more weight and one pay child support the hot girl that every guy wanted to bang had gotten married and had three kids was still smoking hot but had gotten super religious to the point that it was creepy I ran into somebody in high school that I used to pick on regularly when we were in first second grade we recognized each other and I walked up to him we exchanged a few words since I hadn't seen him in close to ten years and then didn't talk again but right before we parted ways I apologized for the way I treated him as a child I couldn't stress how sorry I was for being a piece of [ __ ] to him for no other reason than I felt like it I still occasionally think about him and where he's at in life
Channel: ToadFilms
Views: 1,621,740
Rating: 4.9316273 out of 5
Keywords: when redditors, when redditors meet their bully, meet their bully, bully as an adult, adult, high school bully, school bully, reddit, askreddit, askreddit funny, top posts, top posts of r/, r/, r/askreddit, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, top posts of all time, askreddit question, askreddit top posts, ask reddit, askreddit reading, subreddit, reddit stories, best of r/askreddit, funny reddit, best reddit posts, best of reddit, emkay, ToadFilms, GioFilms
Id: 5iM10NKgOqc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 54sec (1014 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 20 2019
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