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[Music] just when you thought it couldn't get greater when tear-down seemed to have met its limit by asteroids striking a building and ruining everyone's life destroy the whole thing oh my god oh my god oh my god i have made it even better what is this this is too much power for a lad to have ah it does so much damage so quickly i love it ah just call me the property brother because i'm here to renovate your life this is stupid how is it even better than the minigun i had this is like oh it's like when you put a bunch of like sunflower seeds into your mouth and you're trying to spit them out as a kid like pitiful now this that's a minigun what's the point of having one if it doesn't rip a hole in space and time also improvise jetpack the bullets go forever they actually shredded the building what i'm gonna turn everything into swiss cheese do you like your new aerodynamic house look we can't afford air conditioning but we can't afford holes in your building there you go consider your air conditioned did you were you did you were you peeping some of the mods that i installed i saw you looking when i was switching to through to the minigun i know that you saw that i have a lightsaber nice oh i can throw it i didn't realize that i love this game this is the best game why didn't darth vader just do this why the hell every time somebody comes up they're like oops block block stab throw the damn thing out of lightning [Music] oh my god this is everything i ever wanted this is so cool oh my god jedi you're so strong well mine's red so i'm a sith who cares they're even stronger that's so dope oh my bye i'm making the whole level disappear it's so clean now oh my god that's so cool wait can i make that there we go make the lightsaber go away that's doh okay we want the building to go away though there we go the whole thing is off its foundation oh my god i don't burn into a jigsaw puzzle that's so cool guys remember when the barn was here a bite [Laughter] oh i've always loved dumb physics in games this is the best so amazon are going to deliver you stuff in the future it goes so much further than i think every time come back down now is it oh here it comes here it comes here comes oh johnny oh bassy here she comes fully intact man the new range rover is unstoppable you know they were off-roading all terrain before now they're all surfaces and modes of transport and skies and it's probably fine okay this is cool but i installed other stuff i have an air strike oh oh god i just called it an ac130 we're going to duty now [ __ ] oh man wait can i can i use other stuff change ammo type oh yeah oh yeah we want that let's go napalm don't mind if i burn everything to hell oh and a water cannon just i gotta i gotta clean up after what i did wait can i see myself is that me no there's a hole in the roof [Laughter] i killed myself way man i i need a different map this abomination has looked at us for far too long i also got a blowtorch that's called inferno blowtorch i already know what the difference is oh right click i figured it out i know what it does it also blasts things away i'll do nicely i need to open up a hole in the roof it's uh it's getting too crowded in here there you go let the smoke out i want to write i love you in bombs hi i'm jacksepticeye you're watching disney channel coming in from downtown i like seeing the bombs come in so if i fire and then nice thank you ac 130 you can go now because i have a black hole how does this work [Music] what is happening oh oh lord is it getting bigger wait it vanished what is going on oh my god is this just gonna keep going oh oh i may have done too much oh no i'm kind of scared at what i created this is way more than i thought hold on i didn't just asteroid strike this as well i just break my damn game here she comes nice and now i have a nice little cleanup crew perfect there are three asteroids i want to make like a big black hole that's going to swallow the entire map maybe i should put a black hole in a building yeah pull it right here wait that's yeah what happens if i put black holes in different places do they fight against each other does the black hole with more mass win it sucks at everything like even the flaps over there are going wild that's dope not as spectacular as i had hoped not as spectacular as you know like like sis powers thief are stronger than a black hole oh it's got an rpg you know tried and true it's just a good explosive to have instead of these stupid pipe bombs i think i'm finally going to be able to do it i'm finally going to be able to destroy this monument of hideousness oh yeah if i put my back against the wall can i just spray forever like i can't okay i can back up there hold on i need to test this theory out [Music] hello internet welcome nice spray and pray boy spray and pray i am astonished that this game is able to keep up with all of this like i am putting it to its absolute limits and the game is just like yeah whatever yeah that's that's gone yeah bye nice i also put structural integrity mod on so now everything that collapses actually breaks and crumbles i think i don't know if i used it right now black hole oh i started sucking up all this stuff oh nevermind never mind there she goes you collapsed but i can't lift you for some reason oh oh i'm pushing myself into the ground come on yes stinky building spill is the worst one in the whole game it's hideous and i want it gone hey get down to fiddle and you get down the boy kick off your shoes and you told my flow dance in the kitchen in the morning this beat is my recital i think it's pretty vital to rock a rhyme that's right on time it's tricky tricky tricky tricky it's trick to rock [Music] i can't believe that didn't even work i can't believe this thing is still stunning nothing is gonna start i give up on it anyway i have a ton of mods one that i got last time that i didn't even try out is the boeing 747 like an actual flying plane with physics and all of that stuff what is happening are we flying oh my god that's the wing hold on i want to change the weather because i hate that it starts on sunrise every time i want to see sunshine wow where's my in-flight movie huh i asked for a movie in a bag of peanuts and i've been sitting down there i'm the only one on the plane why is it so hard tell me i'm actually quite lovely to fly with but if i don't get my nap you know you ever want to be on a plane and you're thinking about like opening the emergency exit i'll do it what are you thinking about this huh i'll kill us all oh lord oh lord oh god oh jesus what have i done what have i done oh jesus [Laughter] oh my god i didn't actually think that that would work i shouldn't have done that [Applause] that is so scary it's like looking at lost can i fire a wing off oh this drop oh my god the whole front of the plane is gone it's exactly like lost we have to go back hey how are you still flying oh nevermind [Music] did you hear that deep rumbly boom how is that still going i that alarm bell is not gonna save you i'm back how's everyone doing oh there are people on the flight throw the blood volume i don't want to know the blood volume that's creepy oh this looks like it's already getting ready to blast is this making noise he's sleeping you want to sleep their head exploded oh my god here oh no oh no have i have i have i ruined it i i took this guy's blood he took all of it wait where's the cockpit it should be here are you hiding the cockpit from me there is no cockpit it's all a lie there's no oh this is the back of the plane this is where my bags go settle settle settle settle settle i don't think there's any stopping this fire it has spread much further than i thought oh yeah put it in maybe in the cockpit oh wait there's a door oh thank god there's no one flying the plane and he's dead this is easy i know what i'm doing i know what to do i have had 17 years of like playing games how's that fire dude folks relax it's a natural it's just turbulence warm fiery turbulence well this plane has looked better oh something burst something burst are we going down i'm staying here the cockpit is safe it's pressurized that's where the pilots are are we okay dang light shut up oh i see what the problem is there's a hole in the plane i get it now oh this point back here is not as bad business classes where the real problem is happening but back here in the back of the plane you guys are chilling there's even still people who's alive is there someone in the toilet i'm coming in oh yeah there is and you are alive hooray i can your your evidence come out your evidence that i'm a good pilot you see everybody we're not doomed everybody's having a good time will you get sucked out if i just leave you here oh god i'm breaking your legs see you're fine oh never mind they disintegrated the wing is waving at us everybody wave back oh what happened what was that oh that's that's normal that's supposed oh we lost an engine that's less normal was that oh that was another engine oh no the engine's fine it's just the whole side of the plane that's gone [Laughter] that's bad i can't move [Music] oh oh i get kicked out [Music] oh oh i'm reliving it what the [ __ ] [Music] why does that keep happening oh it's okay i'm safe just don't touch it that fire's getting a little close huh a little closer it's getting a little toasty oh well this is nice i'm safe here oh maybe not quench it quench it no more no more fire please okay i can walk on it i that was just a one time thing i can walk in it easy can i go on ac130 from here where's the plane hello oh there you are i found it okay water cannon ah that'll solve it i think i'm helping okay we're fine as long as nobody does a single this is my nightmare you see i told you guys i could land it it's easy i'm an expert pilot the more holes it has the quicker it comes down simple science well thank you guys very much for watching this one if you ever need a pilot to get you from a to b to c to maybe even d just hit me up jacksepticeye is an expert uh official pilot with a real license it's just in a different drawer i don't have an off hand anyway thank you guys for watching please leave a like if you liked it and subscribe it's free you can always unsubscribe anytime you want so do it now
Channel: jacksepticeye
Views: 2,055,276
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jacksepticeye
Id: hluojGSE4L8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 20sec (1160 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 22 2021
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