I'm on Observation Duty

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AutoModerator 📅︎︎ Feb 07 2022 🗫︎ replies
hello everybody my name is markiplier and welcome to i'm on observation duty four four i don't know what three two and one are but this one is a horror game that got really good reviews on steam and it seems to be like an inspection kind of like looky loo thing hint do not seek the secret it will come to you i don't like that level phase i've never goes for transparent true intruders or not i've never played this game before i don't know what the level phases are one needs sharp eyes and good memories to serve oh no oh no i'm [ __ ] all right let's go to the city house oh what oh am i supposed to remember [ __ ] that happens nice what what do you mean attention employee anomalies have been previously cited in the monitored house pay extremely close attention to the surveillance camera footage file an anomaly report asap when you notice something has changed well i mean i noticed the tissues and lotion right there two bottles even well this one's hand sanitizer but i doubt that okay so i'm supposed to remember this i don't like that painting ah okay some kind of sauna has anything changed here there are three books on the bed two things on the wall the curtains are closed that painting was there before there's four magazines tissues a lot of tissues in this house the blinds are open oh how am i supposed to know anything something gonna jump out of me fan is spinning well this is making me extremely uncomfortable why do i feel like stomach is going to jump out at me oh i don't like this wait wasn't that different i said wait wait hang on okay kitchen wasn't the uh painting anomaly was that different report pending was that wrong was it wrong i thought that was different i might be wrong no no ah it was the same as it was before okay so yeah what are the types of anomalies we got abyss presence camera malfunction distortion door opening closing ghost intruder light anomaly disappears object movement okay so it will be the paintings doors objects literal ghosts literal intruders god it's quiet did that move object move was that always like that was that always like that nah oh god damn it kitchen wait sauna damn it okay i don't like it i don't know what's happening and i don't know how long i need to wait for something to happen [Music] wait wait wait wait wait painting anomaly wait was there a shelf here but that that i would have noticed that i would have noticed that no god damn it i did the uh a hallway i would have noticed that i would have noticed that that's definitely different there's a painting [Music] i got one oh anomaly fixed how in the world did i how did you do that how how did you do how did you do that how did you do that how would you fix an anomaly in this i thought this was like security footage didn't you say it was footage as in previously recorded is this live where am i she always sat there was that always there extra object was that always there i don't remember it maybe it's dark so oh did i hit the study i don't think i oh no what about why what happened what was that what happened what happened what happened what happened what happened what wait study uh noise is there like a noise anomaly what was what what happened oh i see wait uh abyss presents in the bedroom i guess maybe ghost maybe a ghost maybe an abyss maybe a ghost it might be i think that might be a ghost now that i'm starting to think it's a it's a ghost this ghost there's a ghost and there's a ghost in the bedroom fix it fix it yes thank you okay good anomaly fixed great all good all good oh good let's give me the heebies maybe even the jeebies strange oh my god okay living room there's a ghost there's a mumbly ghost there's a ghost hi okay thank you please purge it out of this reality thank you preach biggest preach huge preach i don't know oh well with the the blinds those blinds were closed before okay uh other those blinds were no they were open it was the bedroom ones that were closed i'm an idiot well i'm gonna let my guard down and relax sure hope nothing bad happens while i'm all vulnerable and whatnot oh wait wait whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa hey hang on study door opening this is an emergency morning we are receiving readings of multiple active anomalies in your area what do you mean please locate the anomalies and send reports asap what do you mean multiple i've been looking i haven't seen anything what are you talking about what what was that always like that was that always like that was it is was it always like that i don't know what do you mean there was a door that was all i saw what do you mean in the hallway painting anomaly what do you mean what are you talking is there something downstairs i can't see nothing anything no painting i don't know what you're talking about you said multiple anomalies and i don't know what you mean there's five wait in the living room there's uh uh extra object there was only four there before i remember distinctly there was four i counted them what do you mean oh god oh god what do you mean what do you mean what do you mean painting painting anomaly it's a painting anomaly it's a painting anomaly there's a painting anomaly there okay definitely that's gonna get god thank you you're just making me paranoid aren't you you're making me think that there's multiple but i have not seen multiple because i do not think there are multiple i thought there were only four there unless i miscounted from the get-go whoa what was that whoa what was that what is wait camera malfunction camera camera malfunction or flashing is flashing lights something else what is that okay it must be an abyss light anomaly light anomaly thank you okay i don't know why this is so stressful it's very stressful wait a minute whoa whoa whoa whoa there was no one on that tracks there was no one on those tracks there was no one there was not a oh you better back off oh you better back off that was subtle that was subtle i don't like that oh i don't like that why was there someone in that painting where they're gonna be walking closer and closer to me until they got me object movement object movement optic movement alpha check it to movement thank you okay guys if you see something let me know because i'm not seeing i'm not seeing anything oh whoa what is that what is that bedroom is there a noise anomaly other what's going on what does that sound what is that about what do you mean manny it's over i think what it meant too many i saw none what what do you mean i'm going to the country house i hate that what is that about okay thank you great warning yeah i know attention employee anomalies okay i get it i get it oh this seems tougher i don't like these things oh my god is that the amount of detail that i need to pay attention to know that those things have changed that's that's not fair maybe i should just like just in case if i don't find anything i should say like object movement because that's probably going to be the thing that really gets me this thing's just moving i have no idea i have no idea i have no idea i don't know oh my god okay well that clearly is not right good god thank you okay glad that that wasn't there wait a minute wait a minute door door dude that door was not open was it open was it open the whole time it might have been open that might have been open that might have been open okay what about in here extra object maybe either extra object or like moved object who knows damn it what about like uh object movement i feel like that wasn't always open but what do i know oh god hi okay cool painting anomaly great that's good thank you how about living room painting anomaly as well how many times has that been happening like a painting it's been just completely messed up but i just look glossed over it what is that in the back what's going on it's either what's with those shoes what are those shoes what am i seeing what am i seeing what have i got what do we got extra extra object was that always there maybe damn it i'm just gonna do painting anomaly just in case i'm missing something there's definitely something here wait a minute wait wait a minute wait a minute was that always no no no no no was it i don't know i knew it i knew it i knew it was that always like that wait wait kitchen kitchen kitchen uh object movement that was that was that something was different here no maybe it was the same i don't know but that painting also doesn't look right does that look great i don't know what about painting anomaly in the kitchen whoa what did i just what did i just see i s what what did i just there was something there do i report that there was something going on in here in the gallery distortion was a distortion was it always snowing here was it always it wasn't always snowing outside i know that's probably just a very natural occurrence and of course it would weather could change oh sh wait what's that was that shelf always like that object disappearance could also be a thing ah damn it goddamn what about outside one of these rocks maybe object movement and i'll try object disappearance next could be i feel like something's changed here i don't know why i keep thinking that something's changed here object let's try object disappearance because i haven't done that object movement my god i i get it oh hi hello how are you doing isn't it a little cold to be naked i get it malta i know multiple anomalies here i get that i understand is there something different about the paintings in the gallery maybe i don't know oh my god oh my god is there anything different about this place [Music] i have no idea there are anomalies here clearly extra object stop smiling at me like that with that smug smile whoa whoa oh god oh oh okay there's a freaking ghost in the window how did i not notice that how in the world did i not notice that okay well that's one i'm still very behind i'm sure what is is that what what kitchen abyss presence maybe i don't even know what abyss presence means what does that even mean i know i'm gonna oh my god how am i this bad how am i this bad living room extra object i feel like maybe that wasn't on the shelf before i don't know i it's like every time i come back to these things i see something new and i don't know if it's just because i've literally never seen it before or it's new wait a minute gallery movement that was on the left clearly that's obvious i'm only catching the obvious ones but at least it's something is that was there always something on the floor there library extra object either that or movement maybe i feel like i would have noticed that oh [ __ ] [ __ ] well i don't know if that sound pertains just to the location that i'm in like hey idiot there's something here hey markiplier specifically you the idiot known as markiplier you're an idiot i know i get that how about painting anomaly something going on in here something going on in here definitely not what else is here what an intruder oh my god i'm i lose i lose there's too many anomalies and i just can't deal i don't know how to deal so wait wasn't it wait outside extra object was oh my i'm doomed i'm doomed i'm doomed they're gonna eat my brains i'm doomed i'm doomed i am doomed i'm doomed i'm doomed i'm whoa hey that smiling face of yours looking good um that's strange thank you okay that's one outside extra object is there always five rocks over there i keep doing extra object outside i don't know why okay once i lose this i'm just gonna i should just start saying out loud okay painting or we got none something what is that what wait what what is that is that always wha what is that i don't even know it's a face of some kind was that always like that okay uh bench chairs sugar something passports beer sugar can uh let's just go extra object i guess yeah i'm doomed i'm doomed god damn it it's over you lose okay i only got seven that time i am terrible i'm terrible okay i know it's probably best for me to go back to the same place but i'm just i want to see them all okay the station okay what are we dealing with we got benches on the side we got a rack of uh brochures we got a painting of a dude we got another painting of a dude we got two things at the end of the hallway this yada yada okay we got laptop board screens windows fan i'm looking okay looking not a lot of light in this room but we got a laptop with thing on the screen we got three papers on that side with a book two papers on this side and a drink and a drink or a candle or whatever that is we got a painting of a naked lady we got some uh pictures of naked ladies we got three shampoo bottles i don't know if these are gonna change right away and i should have been looking we got another painting of a naked lady i'm noticing a theme here wet floor floor is not dry three soap dispensers two urinals hiding in the shadows and one slightly shiny thing there we gotta jail two toilets that's strange it's supposed to be like that it's supposed to be two toilets and another two bottles of water one bag another bottle over there and i can see a little bit of the thing there okay we have two paintings of the dude brochures the stairs yada yada it's all the same that was there yeah okay laptop two four things painting pictures thing three shampoo balls is there an extra i don't think that there's an extra object in here that's that's one way for me to know if if anything is not supposed to be here three soap bottles toilet naked lady two one two toilets bag whatever that is down there was that always like that down there hallway oh they're different corpse i don't know extra object let's keep keep that going light outside was it was it bright outside okay there oh that move that move that move that moved toilet object movement okay got that keep looking two one two one bag got it painting painting wait is that always like that i can't tell what that is but picture anomaly was there always that thing on there i don't know am i supposed to look at that my new detail probably yeah how about in the office picture anomaly pictures what am i looking at over there it's so dark i can't see it's a smudge maybe wouldn't oh no that what what that that is that a [Music] is that a is that a dude or an intruder there is someone standing there or that's a picture of a thing is that a picture is that a dude is that a dude intruder or was there a painting of a naked guy there that i didn't see because it's uh am i do i not playing without brightness oh god i don't know i don't wha toilet paper i can't see sir can i turn up the brightness oh my god i can see oh my god this whole time i've been like looking at nothing in the darkness that's too bright like that there we go oh was there always a painting there was there always a painting there i see i thought that was like a dude standing there oh i don't know if this automatically means i'm gonna be better at the game but what wait no no no no no wait was that always knocked over was this always open wait jail door open and closing was that always open maybe that's why it was weird to me but also everything was dark so i have no idea what about object movement i hear something i mean i heard something else besides that that came right as i said that i know that seems like a coincidence but i did not say something did move was it the bottle knocked over maybe there's an extra object in the toilet because i i don't know if that fire extinguisher was there or what i have no idea couldn't see it oh hi hello how are you i'm hoping corpse i don't know why i'm hoping that don't know why a dead body would be preferable thank you take that away please thank you great good has this moved again well i don't know what it said it fixed an anomaly for object movement here but i don't know what moved it just so happened that i got it let me just go ahead and send reports for all of them just in case oh oh oh that is i noticed that okay office picture anomaly i definitely noticed that i feel like i would have noticed that even if the brightness wasn't up but i notice it thank you okay oh whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa that locker room door opening was that always like that oh maybe i'm crazy i have like smudges on my screen i don't know what's what no what is is that what am i looking at what what am i looking at are you smiling at me what is that obvious presence right there what is that what is that what is that it's not a smile you better not be a smile you put your hell out of here oh no it's the shelf it's a little bit of light hitting the [ __ ] what is that that's dust on my screen as well i'm i literally i haven't dusted my monitor in years i'm i'm sorry oh chairs chairs object movement in the conference room why are you all looking at me chairs huh ain't no looking at me don't look at me thank you okay i really thought that was like teeth in the darkness i'm sorry wait soap object missing toilet object disappearance there were three i remember there being three let me count everything else that i counted there were two bottles one one bag apparently there was a bag there let me just make sure there isn't like an extra object in the jail just in case this was like that maybe there's no i don't think so this was here the paintings are there that third painting is definitely there um object disappearance maybe pen paper yeah i should check for object disappearances everywhere just in case because that's something that i believe that i would not notice there's a painting there is that smudge hey let me i don't know if there's a picture anomaly oh come on what what oh does that just mean it's two o'clock probably oh hello well that's different um [Music] uh other tha i don't know how to qualify that one that's a little odd oh my god wait what the hell is on that screen what the hell is on that screen wait what zoom in is that is that smile mouth is that smile mouth is that mouth up smile does that smile mouth is that always like that rotate i believe that's something weird okay was that always there what's that why do i keep saying things like that extra object i don't know oh hi okay toilet um door opening and closing i guess you could call it that hmm that's suspicious okay there was not a chair behind there jail extra object was there a chair behind that there might have been share behind that i was right i'm a genius i am so smart there's got to be some ghosts around here i ain't afraid of no ghosts god i know i know i know i know i know i know i know i can't see anything it's an i spy game i'm not cut out for i know i know i know i know i don't know what else to do i don't know oh what the hell is going on there whoa whoa whoa whoa uh uh what do you what do you i i don't even know how to it's moving i'll give it that it's uh it's a it's moving um i if that doesn't work i'll call it an other uh i'm going with other i can't explain what oh houston we got a problem of that oh thank you it's still it's you didn't it's still doing the it's still doing the i don't know how to explain this uh you know how his just growing exponentially it's just still doing that are you sure what did i just see out of that okay i didn't see anything um distortion does that mean there was an other anyway did did that get that [Music] oh okay that's what destroyed there was just another anomaly here what does that mean [Music] what do you mean other what what what was there what happened what i excuse me uh you okay what's what's in the box all right cool thanks i think that's the same wait there were more books on that shelf weren't there no goddammit conference room object disappearance wasn't there wasn't there more like right here am i crazy did this guy always have a cool stick i feel like he did i was right let me try a picture anomaly while i look at other things this is all the same ish okay nothing there i got quite a few i wonder how far away i am from dying now oh oh oh okay that's clear anomaly let me do some other ones in places too because i don't know it just seems like if there was an other here there might be others else um uh i don't know explain this we got i think it can only be called a camera malfunction here uh i don't know how cameras do this oh what what we i didn't even know that could happen was that the abyss was that the abyss was it that the abyss i'm gonna guess that was the abyss i'm just gonna guess that was the abyss and i sh i should have done something about the abyss okay everything is still the same everything is the same as it was so i should be able to remember this still three back there so these are all the same so long as i keep this in mind everything should be fine yeah i get it i get i'm just gonna do this one more time just because i'm actually interested in this oh okay start on me there okay hi you having fun there you having fun there mr chair i think i actually caught something moving on camera which is very interesting so you could stay on one and you would definitely see when something happens so that's good to know oh well that's not right that up there it's one o'clock yay this is not moved has it oh it just did uh fix it now fix it now it's there it's there's there fix it fix it fix it thank you i predicted you i knew you were going to do that before you even did it you fool you fool maybe disappear oh two o'clock okay i'm fine i'm fine i've been finding a few maybe not all of them but i've been oh what did i object movement object disappearance in the jail what i don't know now because i don't see it or it's there again i guess wait wasn't there something else in the hallway here wasn't there like something right there am i crazy no maybe maybe there was another chair there nah just in case i'm just doing object disappearances in all these just in case there's something gone no that's all good locker room object disappearance i should also do object movement but whatever there was a disappearance i did it i'm the best i would never have even known it was gone what was gone i don't know maybe something up there i wasn't really checking those okay now i'm gonna do movements and then i'll do extra objects oh there was apparently something moved there don't know what something was okay now i'm gonna do extra object all right extra object star from the jail i haven't found something in a while with my own eyes i've done my random checks and i've found things but that was a random check for extra object in the office which apparently there was i don't know i guess i should look at the things as i'm doing them okay i think i've done all of these i guess it's time just to go back over again and do object movement her object disappearance i don't remember oh picture anomaly in the conference room hi how you doing welcome my name is markiplier and welcome glad to have you here thank you those are easy it's the tiny things that are tough i feel like i've got a good read on everything in each room but i don't know three o'clock hey i'm doing good i haven't even gotten that warning yet that's great that's oh oh oh oh oh oh oh chairs oh no i'm getting the warning this is an emergency warning we are receiving my friend what about others can i do other checks please [Music] i don't know i'm not seeing anything there's like a whole slew of categories of of anomalies that i just i haven't even experienced yes i don't know what to mean how to find door door door door door door that door nah oh come on i'm gonna die oh object missing here definitely a lot of stuff happens in the conference room confidence room a confoundence room become flamsteen's room oh picture anomaly that's creepy how you doing good to see you damn might be some extra objects around here i'm not seeing them what was that i heard something locker room what did i hear i heard something oh that ain't good okay toilet picture anomaly ah fix it fix it fix it fix it thank you i gotta find more i'm not finding enough i'm doomed i'm gonna lose i'ma lose i'ma lose i'ma lose because i don't know what i'm doing after all this time staring at the same goddamn rooms i can't figure out what's going on i got another one i got another one let's just do object hi hello what are you doing here confidence room extra object you're in the wrong level you should be in that other place the other house thank you okay but these are all new anomalies i don't think those are any of the ones that i already had jail movement i thought you're always facing away maybe oh my god hi okay hallway uh i'm thinking of corpse i'm thinking i'm thinking corpse i'm thinking it oh four o'clock hey that's a new record for me good great i am swimming in anomalies i know i know i'm just flooded with anomalies i'm assuming that there can be more than one anomaly at a time no matter where you are i'm just gonna do others because i can't see anything else there was something there wait whoa hi door but also there was something here what was that literally that wasn't that wasn't that wasn't mine that what was that there was something right there i'm not crazy am i crazy i might be crazy i don't know it could be smudge maybe i shouldn't do blind guessing because it makes it so that i don't know what it did and if i don't know what it did then i couldn't possibly ever catch it again in the future so i'm really just doing myself a disservice probably guys i might be dumb wait isn't that did that move did that move i'm dumb okay guys i'm really dumb and i just i don't know what i'm doing i don't know why i'm doing it i don't know nothing i ain't got no clue and i'm gonna die there's probably like someone staring at me from a window somewhere around here right oh got an anomaly in the locker room of an extra object i wish i could have seen that i'm literally only blaming myself maybe oh the better strategy which there is time to do is to go to each room do all the object reports and then that way i will see what happens right that way i would know okay let's look for any obvious ones first oh my god obvious one [Music] hi you get out i know it's a locker room and that's kind of the purpose of that i made it to five somehow uh let me just go ahead and here i'll do all the object disappearance i'll do them all in the same room i'm not i didn't pick the jail did i what did i pick okay locker room well i guess we'll do it here then because anything else would be obvious any of these other things with an intruder the pictures they would be obvious am i wrong maybe and i should prioritize the ones that have more objects in them to do these types of scans and then the other ones not that how i don't know ooh 22 that's not bad okay i'm gonna leave it at that i actually played this for a lot longer than i thought it would oh it was close to the end ah damn it it doesn't matter kind of interesting game very interesting i'm actually surprised thank you everybody so much for watching if you want to try this for yourself link is in the description check out other scary games that i've done in my big scary games playlist and as always i will see you in the next video bye-bye [Music]
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 5,060,778
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: markiplier, scary games, horror games, indie horror, creepy, haunted house, jumpscare, scares, reactions, gameplay, gaming, playthrough, walkthrough, im on observation duty, observation duty, part 1, hide and seek, spot the difference, anomaly, alternate
Id: 2j9RcvNRywQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 59sec (2519 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 07 2022
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