Teardown Mods Have Gone Too Far

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tear-down mods have officially gone too far or have they gone far enough that is the question i will be trying to answer today now it's been a little while since i've messed with tear-down mods but i feel like it's been that perfect amount of time where there's enough new content in the workshop to make uh i don't even know how to describe this video type of video and honestly i can't really tell if that's a good thing or a bad thing i guess we'll find out but with that being said if you do enjoy this teardown modding video please do leave a like on the video i'd very much appreciate it that and also if you are new to the channel or find yourself coming back on the regular and enjoy the content and you're not subscribed what the hell are you doing anyway thank you so much for the support of the videos recently i really do appreciate it and please enjoy the video okay great what do you want what i'm not allowed to piss in my own warehouse now you got to come in here you got to voice your opinion on every what is that that did a lot more damage than i thought it was gonna do at least the tv's still working he's in jail again what an idiot i gotta see that [ __ ] again that what that is we're doing that [ __ ] again ladies and gentlemen welcome back to tear down but i'm messing with mods again because it's been too long and there are so many good ones all right all right we got to witness this thing in full action as you could tell i have upgraded my asteroid spawner and it is something else it's no longer a meteor strike it is literally an asteroid and we are about to witness it all right let's put it there where is it there it is i got a new tool wheel as well all right stand back everyone oh my god ayo nice car it would be a shame if a meteor from outer space came to hit it like that yeah exactly like that actually that's like oh my look at the size of the hole holy [ __ ] all right surely i just rained hell on the [ __ ] factory i mean there's what else are we gonna do oh my god yo this i don't know my computer i'm so sorry holy [ __ ] that should be illegal what i was just able to do ah oh my god it's so laggy holy i feel like i'm in like this looks so weird oh my god actually destroyed okay wait have i ever taken down the factory building did i just never do that i feel like i haven't i never had the the the the the tools to do it but i guess i guess we're here a disrup hold on i don't remember downloading this one oh oh my god it is so laggy oh my hey yo this should be illegal i shouldn't be able to do this oh my god that is [ __ ] loud oh we did it oh my god i can't even remember if i did that before but we officially did it ladies and gentlemen all it took was abusing the game and modding it to like this is let me clean that up real quick hold on there we go problem solve lag gun what a fantastic tool that is the easy cleaner does my elevator still work nope so my plans for this video uh i really don't have any i downloaded a bunch of stuff i'm gonna mess with it that's just how it is if you don't like it eat my ass i don't care what else did i download here mr bean when did i oh no i downloaded a light switch it turns off every light source oh my god i feel like nosferatu incredible ultra grav gun oh there we go okay it wasn't working for oh my god okay all right all right too much power too much power too much power oh my god holy [ __ ] i didn't think i'd be able to pick that up okay okay lag too much lag clear it clear all the stuff i literally lost it where the [ __ ] is the the building is gone i have officially lost it but at least the tv still works am i right oh my god all right i gotta get out of here before i destroy more stuff all right this one's called boeing 737 oh my god this is like a thing wait a minute what what are you ah wait do i just like why is there a mod menu i've given that's incredible oh we're on an actual play are we flying hold on oh my god this is fantastic i feel like really small though and why is every seat here like first class what's going oh there's there's p what has tear down become oh oh no velma's what's going on up here how are we flying nobody's even flying the damn thing i know most planes are autopilot well this doesn't look secured at all i'll be honest this does not look safe at all wait if if i oh god wait oh my god what the [ __ ] excuse me ma'am could you please come with me plea are you stuck to the ground what what am i even playing anymore what is tear down at this point all right take your seat ma'am we're about to experience some turbulence and i need you to be safe buckle in it's about to get bumpy okay just gonna one second just put that there hope you don't mind all right i'm gonna stand here and watch oh oh my god it actually okay okay that's enough that's enough oh my god she's dead 100 she's dead this guy holding on for dear life there's someone in the bathroom oh lord okay sorry about this this is pretty disturbing i'm not gonna lie what i'm doing on this plane is something that will definitely get me on a list yup and there we go i literally have what am i doing oh my god let's separate it holy [ __ ] oh it actually falls that is so well i mean it's it's like it's kind of morbid but it's like cool you know what i mean look i'm gonna do some flying i got a fly mod oh my god it's so loud out here hold on hold on holy jesus tear down is something else at this point i swear it it uh what have i done this is not this is not youtube friendly at all mayonnaise on an escalator i don't know why i downloaded this one i think i was just overly curious as to what it could be oh well i'll be damned this man is on an escalator all right train derailing and chase map now you got me at train derailing there's nothing more satisfying oh my god well maybe not nothing more hold on we're putting the fire truck in front of there oh my god i could actually i didn't i didn't think i'd you know i thought this well obviously it's on the map clearly i could drive it but i just oh no [Music] oh no [Music] oh i had i didn't think hello oh [ __ ] oh no no surely we just go head on with the train i mean what else would we do i don't think i'm gonna have time to and i'm stuck that's fantastic what can a train do against an asteroid strike huh we're about to find out right here got a calling at the right time and now i may have been a little too late oh lord oh [ __ ] oh my god it's separated holy [ __ ] okay we have to we have to nail the front car we just have to okay called it i called it that's gotta be it that's gotta be it that's gotta be it that's gotta be it that's gotta be it oh we just nailed the back of it [ __ ] call in more [ __ ] it all the asteroids hit the train don't care anymore game over oh my god how much faster can i make this thing go let's see how fast i can make it [Music] oh my god i did speed it up holy [ __ ] oh my god whoa hello sorry about that hold on i'm gonna put you back on the tracks one second oh boy no that might not be doable actually oh [ __ ] oh my god you have like a running engine and everything drive vehicle i can drive the train why did no one tell me this hold on we gotta we gotta sever some ties here there we go there you go there we go ah not on me not at me there we go there we go hold on whoa whoa whoa hey hey there hey hey there we go now we're talking all right we have to separate it but we got it now we're drunk oh [ __ ] oh no wrong way oh boy okay well that was a waste of time all right but what can a train do against omni man that's the real question here okay everyone wants to know and if you aren't familiar with omni man then what the hell are you doing should i get off the tracks no i'm omniman are you kidding me watch this [Music] holy sh get out of my oh i crashed the game all right well it was bound to happen eventually son of a [ __ ] tornado trailer park let's give it a run why not oh that it doesn't move is it just like a is it just like a a visual thing what what am i oh oh lord oh god whoa i speed up why am i how am i flying oh it's my mod [ __ ] such an idiot wait hold on is this yup yup okay now we know now we know turn up the spin control oh man oh oh god okay this is really fast actually oh it's actually picking things up okay just right through the sign holy [ __ ] i didn't think it would be like this oh my god oh goodbye bus you stupid idiot man i'm gonna be honest i feel like the last place that needs to get hit by a tornado is a trailer park you know tornado the one percent what the [ __ ] is up with this all right that was cool and all but i did perhaps download something that is basically the same except it's an actual weapon where i can just spawn them and it doesn't seem to do much now that i'm looking at it what's wrong with it well that one was much better i'll be honest right now oh lord okay i'm in it i'm sorry i didn't mean it get me on the bus get me in there please oh god bus come here oh [ __ ] we're picking things up oh god we're picking things up oh the truck is in the bus i got bus in my truck oh [ __ ] holy [ __ ] it's too intense take it away oh okay well it appears that the second you talk [ __ ] to the tornado it'll start doing things look at this the truck it actually got like wedged into the bus it's it's a literal banksy at this point man that really uh caused a ruckus it'd be a shame if i was to uh do it again oh wait oh sorry my bad here have a tornado oh i'm so glad i have the fly mod look at i can't wait to see all this just dissipate it's picking up it's gonna crash my game if it keeps picking up stuff how do i end it is there a way to end it oh my god i gotta i gotta see it stop and just go away because it's gonna throw everything oh and you thought battlefield 2042 was impressive oh the humanity another one okay no that's too much that is i spawned another one by accident i'm getting out of here helicopter taked it man we all coming up with so much stuff i don't even you know who comes up with this you know if this is what i think it is i may have just crashed the game i think the game may have just crashed nope we're good hey wait a minute wait up hold on i'm allowed to just oh my god i understood the assignment i don't know this helicopter looking mighty suss to me i'm so sorry that was a [ __ ] joke i apologize all right i'm getting in the truck surely i drive it into it right not to time this correctly or do i just gun it oh lord oh my god oh he's never gonna see it coming oh no there's two helicopters oh my god holy [ __ ] mission complete holy hell oh my god mr bean stop them you're [ __ ] useless oh never mind okay good work i guess i am getting a sports car stuck in this thing like right in the middle of it that's my goal nice [ __ ] work you idiot all right attempt number two gotta do it at the right time [ __ ] me oh i'm on it this is even better this is what i okay wait a minute what happens if i just use the disruptor on them oh my god you two oh my lord this thing is it should be in a government vault locked away because this that's just too much power right there i'm having oh no oh god what have i done oh i'm a menace oh jesus out of curiosity what happens if i call on the meteor right here will it go through all these buildings or the floors here oh my god the answer is yes holy [ __ ] this one's called miniature worlds and i'm not really sure what's gonna happen here or what type of mat oh my god they weren't lying it's literally just a tiny world oh my how big is this yo hey that's a big dog right there look at this dog you got a boat man that's giant this is like this is kind of an avengers level threat here hold on let me take care of this my apologies mr dog oh no now that's just bad okay oh my god i could be omni man in this oh yeah oh this is just fantastic this is great everything about this is just so messed up but i'm all for it why are there giant tools over there art is weird yeah you know that one scene i'm talking about if you've seen omniman you know exactly what the [ __ ] i'm talking about right now oh holy [ __ ] look at this building it's practically falling over hold on let me oops i meant to pick it up sorry about that can i drag it nope all right i don't think that's good oh there goes one all right really thought i'd be able to send the whole building up here maybe if i keep going [Music] come on you got it yes yes yes yes yes fly fly fly beautiful there it goes send it off to space and remind the other universes in galaxies what happened here it was an absolute disaster oh no oh god oh god this is gonna be bad oh it's like the tornado simulator the storm changers game we played oh my god holy [ __ ] absolute ruin oh my god okay all right gonna try and take out the big building here oh my god i'm getting out i'm getting out i'm getting out oh god it's still going it i didn't stop it i didn't stop it it's just gonna keep going oh lord i have done too much to this map i'm out of here think treadmill think it's a reference only a few of you will understand i'm sure but i'm sure you'll appreciate it well it's official teardown modding has gone too far i am too far gone it was a fantastic experience and i will probably be back again to do it uh probably again i don't know why that sentence was so redundant but we're leaving it in anyway if you did enjoy this video of me messing around with tear-down mods please do leave a like on this video i'd very much appreciate it teardown was a huge series for me and i would love to just keep doing it here and there because i've done the story missions as of now and probably won't revisit the story side of the game until uh their release i believe they're supposed to be a part two but with all that being said if you did enjoy the video as well or find yourself coming back on the regular and you aren't subscribed please do hit subscribe as well for more content like this all right all right i hit my target that's what i was oh my lord that's a big hole what's that thing doing at least the tv still works am i right oh yep all right we're good but yeah i feel like i accomplished a lot in this video i destroyed the treadmill a few times which is i just have a quota for that at this point that's just a thing people come to understand with this channel if you're new to it just just get used to it okay i seriously recommend checking out the rest of my teardown videos if you haven't seen them because they're there is an overarching story here i can guarantee it but yeah with all that being said hopefully you did enjoy and i hope you enjoy whatever i upload next because honestly i never have any idea what it's gonna be ever [Music] you
Channel: SMii7Y
Views: 2,754,311
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Teardown, Teardown gameplay, Teardown Sandbox, Teardown sandbox gameplay, teardown campaign, teardown walkthrough, teardown funny moments, teardown smii7y, smii7y, Commentary, Gameplay, Funny Moments, teardown game, teardown fire, teardown mods, teardown gameplay, teardown, teardown sandbox
Id: mhyvUDDka6E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 26sec (1226 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 06 2021
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