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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AutoModerator 📅︎︎ Jun 22 2022 🗫︎ replies
oh i'm a man hmm oh i'm hunting again this is gonna take forever no no no no i'll be obvious i'll keep it to within the the office you ever heard there's a little tiny remote on this uh map in the projector room it's banned not that i tried to immediately become that or anything but it's you can't do it oh yeah it's banned in tournaments no here i go i am in the office somewhere i'm not outside here's some cash guys someone take it there's some cash okay i don't know what that was it was weird oh that's so weird i rubber banded and when i came back here they were gone are you are you all right what's up with your connection i don't know when i go when i pass anything with like physics in it my whole game freezes then i teleport back and then back to where i was weird you do own internet right yeah okay i don't know why it's looking it's like a horror movie [Music] that is a really inconvenient time for this one what a long taunt is that oh come on let's talk about this one i mean yeah man where does that happen all right it's my next hey how's it going hey hey buddy how you doing where you going did you do this did i do what [Laughter] i'm coming [Laughter] i think your footsteps might give you away a little bit there oh can you hear them hey [Music] all right you got this oh did that fire that fire yeah it did on my screen it didn't wait where'd you go did you trigger that no not intentionally i wish i could trigger something for you come back [Laughter] [Laughter] oh no i [ __ ] lag crap i lost you that's right you did you're not gonna go through doors it's unfair i love that the thing you are still makes footsteps no shot zero percent chance that works i had my nade left oh way too dark stop john there is nothing to see are you pleased quickly farther away [Laughter] i wish you could be the laying down uh filing cabinet that'd be sweet give me rotation on all axes come on cowards they would never they're too scared yeah oh god oh what do i even do what are you doing oh it happened again what is your display i spawned a purple oh i wish i wish this like actually did what it was supposed to as we do it oh yeah me too so uh is this the plan oh well i can't [Laughter] the same place he won't know uh yeah uh what did you guys do uh nothing or maybe if i kill one of you i can freeze the other one all right uh shoot him shoot him die ask us a riddle another correct answer oh yeah kill the tall one kill the tall one i assume you mean the one on top no wait don't no the opposite of that there's a phone over here watching us [Laughter] hurry mark i'll take a break for it all right oh thank you i was the tall one i'm sorry mark you were the small one uh you know it's not so bad really sir look look look at the purple thing look to your left look to your left oh didn't work oh oh i'm scared i don't like this game anymore oh god where'd you go i don't know i'm frozen what does the orb do by the way is your special animal type i got 49 hp for free whoa good for you oh yeah dude [Applause] [Laughter] what just happened hello no way why am i not allowed change that's funny because of what you are and saying hello [Laughter] god the times why do i still make footsteps hey how you doing that's a really unfortunate talk uh yeah yeah yeah yeah here can you hold this for me yeah sure uh you know what i forgot those explode when i throw them those are not disposable all right hey oh well this is isn't there usually one of these how how do you know why do you know this so well i play counter strike a lot yeah are you studying the [ __ ] phones on the table all right all right here you want you want a chance you got a minute thank you thank you guys sir thank you i really appreciate it thank you so much i really hope you don't taunt here in a second that'd be real oh god i can't i'm not allowed to change into anything else it won't let me oh well that's kind of a problem up there it goes i didn't see that i didn't see that come on man here you thirsty is that one you no no it's not oh no you uh here here uh hold holy [ __ ] [Laughter] are you wrecking the place hold that for me you're so aggressive all right never get me oh no what will i do lose oh no that's it your career's over no you should be devastated you should be devastated i am no i won you don't get it excuse me why is that happening oh christ oh i've right clicked that was my bad yeah can we like selectively is it pro strats to taunt right before the round starts so that people don't know you found me would you like some free hp please or ammo you may take our purple ball please shoot the window over there and allow me to leave thank you kind sir enjoy your free house both of you could leave no no we both get to leave that's how this works the other one's running away you should go get them see now i know which one is which oh guys there's an unstuck button oh [ __ ] [ __ ] is it right next to the conference f3 is unstuck ah oh right i knew that oops oh all this running around is making me tired no no nice fun that's a great pun rich win the only smart one what do you mean it's working he doesn't even know where this window is hey how's it going bob you see the mysterious did not be in the window as much what's happening there was one probably the one you'd expect this is the most uninteresting play oh i just i just want to say sorry the most uninspired oh you mean good you mean oh you're going to win the game but are you going to win at life yes taking the low hanging fruit like this or something maybe not now look not only am i winning i should come over to your house and sit on your chest yeah i don't know this map well enough i'm in the office but in an area you might not know look at i think you're late for a meeting but you with the super accurate he has 30 seconds i don't know where that is i think you're late for a go to the room with the table of with chairs around it i don't know where that is they're just projecting on me i don't know where that is upstairs i'm frozen you see bob this is this is what skill is all about uh-huh i'm broken winning easily by playing a prop that no one's ever gonna find because it's not interesting at all oh okay i can't wait to see your prop genius in the next round hey is this markerweight who is this i'm following you not me i'm uh i'm the hunter but all right what's up all right hey master at work let's all hide in the same place and see who does the best job all right i will we will all of us will we will all of us will fight in the same area oh god this is the only thing it would let me turn into no nope nope what if we what if we what are you wait what are you doing what the hell is this then oh god oh he [ __ ] me up am i uh bob what do you think of my skills now huh are you the one that's moving or the one that's not moving the bobby you don't even understand hey guys how's it going hey hey hey what's up so you have to as you discover who we are where we are you have to rate our hiding spots all right well since we're all here i want you guys to look at the graphs as you can see two pounds part three was really low this year oh my god my ears does that answer your question oh no one is that i thought one of you was that whoa [Music] what was that i was still unsure if that was you bob and now i'm 100 sure what was me you don't know what i am wait don't be a coward take shots yeah come on coward all right well there goes the meeting oh great good morning everybody oh part of the projector landed on you well yeah you're gonna find us if you go around picking everybody up you were supposed to use your wits wade not your mind my witch tells me that one of you is a chair nope one of you one of you is not mark that is this chair nope and who am i i'm the winner whoa wait wait wait wait wait here you have to get all three you don't win on two oh i guess it's not sean uh eeny meeny miny [Music] wow wow well i'm a head out good meeting guys really cool it's not over beating's not over i i froze oh you're having some trouble with the day it's so sad it's freezes completely oh mark you can't go there that is the most boring uninspired change you could have made mark no not boring not uninspired it's original and wait no stop [Laughter] give me one good reason you know what i really thought i really thought that was gonna work i really thought it was too you know i i you know just because uh i actually want to say i had the best hiding spot because and i'll show you why because i moved this here so that this chair was already here and then when you came back i threw away the chair that was there into the pilot chairs and i took the place of this chair assuming that your object permanence was high enough that you would be able to understand that this chair was still here before and you already had dismissed it but you made a mistake you trusted my memory yeah exactly that's what i'm saying your flawed brain allowed was your downfall you saw nothing [Music] oh god wait wait wait wait don't you have to go to the other room in real life for about 26 seconds you're right hang on let me kill this can then i'll leave no never very nice at all oh man he jumped right into it hey i haunted more than once yeah i i've not been hunter yet who's the hunter [Laughter] what did knowing who the hunter is have to do with you not standing in the window it's a t-pose look we've all made mistakes where yeah bob i'm done i'm just doing some legos the star wars i was trying to just build like a tower you know like a little like a little leaning tower of a little tricky tower bob i want you to judge how inspired and creative um i am this time oh yes i feel like you'll really appreciate my genius for what it really is yep and if you uh if you were able to understand that um very very clever mark love it you should just kill me if you find him did you do that or was that the game i don't know we'll never know anyway my spot's so goddamn good yeah i already found them just for your other two hiders just to let you know no no no no no oh my god it looked right [Music] so i know what's going to happen next is he a chair in the meeting room you can't see through my genius how do you even remember what i was oh this is sparta bob that was largely luck i gotta say i'm really sorry you shot me twice how does that look i thought you bleeded you've done blooded the first time which sort of gives it away oh you [ __ ] is that where merrick's sending her wade marcus the chair wait is the t-pose yeah let's go to the meeting i think we should all go to the meeting no no no no there's no meeting adjourned either way just go one or the other jesus christ hey i didn't know the map either you're good wait don't worry thank you [Music] all right hey mark how you doing [Music] okay good i wasn't gonna let them win why not aha finally victory will be mine all right mark time for that big brain oh yeah who's screaming in agony oh if you find me the smartest man alive get to the chopper is that a come on is that a clue really did you not just see me nope i did not because you're not here okay good play in games with me sure sure yeah i don't don't oh i hear noise somewhere i love how you still make footsteps as you run by what what the t is ready [Laughter] all right guys i forgot to take the ticket oh hey see you later friend was there do i have a friend in here oh i do hey what's up friend oh friends am i detecting some friends is this a friend no i saw you from somewhere else oh hey listen all right oh yeah listening wade saw me from around here so wade's around here too okay and you can only kill one of us i'm pretty sure okay so you know you have to make your choice which one you're gonna kill really [Laughter] [Music] so where'd you go where did you go come back here who are you oh no why oh [ __ ] [Music] who was it no one nothing it wasn't me that's mine who's screaming hello oh no it was from what they called downtown wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute no wait ah it wasn't such a good spot everything was perfect and bob would have big nog i had to come barreling through like a bear [Laughter] knocking over and breathing you stuck is he t posing again maybe [ __ ] sake wait it is hold still yeah i hate that i die in a great spot when you're just a bald man running around hey i take offense to that you shoot man running around i am a bald man and i don't get to run really i'm gonna hunt you so hard in a minute you won't even know what hit you when i come hmm oh i can't be those oh come on stop lagging i need to move listen i didn't realize you were out yet oh i i didn't get a chance yet i keep freezing turn your bald ass around and you go back in that garage i'm sorry [Laughter] hey wait go i just want to live not i hate bald people [Laughter] be sick with their bald and their lack of hair you better shoot all the windows then all right who did i let go to stare at balderino down there i wasn't doing did you see the fire hydrant fire extinguisher i mean that thing hey uh fellow props did you know you can turn on your flashlight as a prop yes whoa what the [ __ ] that's awesome it makes a good sound too is that a global sound or nah no i don't know it sounds like it should be global no you didn't see it as a sneak i am camouflaged oh reassuring listen this can go one of two ways either you're lucky my sight only works based on movement flinch [Music] it wasn't my intention you guys are awfully quiet all of a sudden i don't sound quite on my end yeah sean he'll never suspect never never not in a million years no way don't you dare is this you no papers uh-uh you'll never catch me uh i might you'll never catch me i really could you'll never catch me now here we go [Laughter] that wasn't supposed to actually work wait i thought you actually lost them it's so slow the trash can so slow the trash can is slow yeah yeah you got 12 seconds you better find the file cabinet is that a good secret bobby pin in five seconds unfortunately i really need to go to the bathroom real quick ah okay you can wait to vote on the map till you get back to buy you 20 seconds if we don't vote it pick it pick where you guys want to go wherever it picks [Music] bye
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 2,844,526
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: markiplier, prop hunt, prop hunt funny moments, prop hunt markiplier, jacksepticeye, muyskerm, lordminion777, trash boys, trash gang
Id: tL8bpiaz590
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 14sec (1514 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 22 2022
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