Bondi Rescue - Season 11 Episode 8 *FULL EPISODE*

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[Music] coming up on Bondi rescue 50 degrees inside and no way out there's a child locked in the car this could go pear-shaped pretty quickly a Good Samaritan goes to a mother and daughter even those who can barely swim himself he saved that girl's life is that your bag caught red-handed hip out of email one of the lifeguards is chasing him now if we could get someone error and what has Harrison spotted in the water [Music] [Music] very thin sunshine rushes in a new morning at Bondi for many swimmers a dip at Bondi is a daily ritual for others it's their first time at Australia's most famous Beach [Music] the experience of lifeguards varies to [Music] from veterans down through two chinese writes off a little bit Adrenaline's kicking in there are also bond dyes future lifeguards no matter what level of experience vigilance is key because just where and how trouble strikes is never certain dream is reassuring barely a few snips from shore the tourist is being swept out to sea wholly on under again there's a teen in a plural Ariadne mom mid rescue the young surfer suddenly abandons the man and heads back to shore [Music] maxie finally reaches the man who's worn out from fighting the rip confused and tired the man chooses an unconventional position [Music] you know I just wanted to have a bit of a relaxing ride in look up the stars how I spaced in Mississippi a very unconventional record [Music] the question remains what caused the young surfer to try and rescue the men then suddenly abandon him a surfer was trying to help me he got stung pretty bad by Blue Bottle so he ditched him Watson and the kid did a good job today was this young surfers first attempt at a rescue I asked the guy he's driving so I just gave him my board and and then I was done like three times good effort my future lifeguards right here sunshine warm water carefree vibes everything is just perfect until you get back to your town and find someone has stolen your belongings and we saw what he was doing walking around bags and then within another 20 seconds he'd pick the bag up lifeguards can't jump to any conclusions so Cory makes a polite approach yeah when I am just had someone just sort of complain that you're going stalking people's bags at your back yeah I just just wanted I just one make sure just cuz someone else brought it to our attention to so two towels okay it is three like the way it was entering starting to get a little bit hesitant with with his answers and I just knew too well that is just straight up line car keys he said was your car because you know is your Commodore hecho [Music] lifeguards have no special authority to arrest the man Harry's calls police [Music] [Music] the man drops the bag and says he will come back with his friend amateur detectives Corey and Jethro aren't falling for the trick we're letting him go cuz he's adding he may be one of the lifeguards he's chasing him now on to Campbell parade and then all of a sudden just turned you know he's started folding right and he's turned on me like as if he was gonna go you're not honest but might you can run as far as you want as long as you want so I'll run you down I'll just take running behind you sure enough the faith overweight and unfit runs out of stamina he's like you're harassing me so man just walking with you local undercover police arrive on the same okay understand that that guy's face was priceless was like just Saturn's like to secure a conviction police collect evidence one hour later a man approaches the tower shirtless and unable to locate his belongings missing a bag surfin fun to look for and went missing my family phones his description matches the bag stolen an hour earlier Jake got all of his belongings back the thief got a conviction and a fine not much happens on Bondi without lifeguards knowing about it from the flags to the toddler pool the entire beach is monitored by lifeguards in the tower but while lifeguards focus on the surf and the sand they also face emergencies off the beach as well we got someone fairly panicked at the back of the lifeguards hell they said there's a child locked in the car in the car park you know pretty critical situation this could go pear-shaped pretty quickly a two-year-old girl has been accidentally locked in a car by her grandmother you really sympathize with her she's probably bought a grant to hold it down in the beach to have an ice cream I'll have a swim or something like that and honest mistake somehow she's locked the the car door and then put the keys in and slammed the outside temperature is creeping towards 30 degrees inside the car it will be closer to 50 degrees you hear stories of young children passing away from heat exhaustion or heat stroke and stuff like that at these temperatures a two-year-old can die in less than 10 minutes she's already been in the car for 15 two-year-old Emily has been accidentally locked in the car by her grandmother she's been inside for 15 minutes the girl when the car was physically distressed that the heat was building in the car but a second and she had to get out of that car you can say the young girl there and she's crying she's upset she's sweaty it's terrifying you know a decision was made for us really we had to smash the window straightaway [Music] after 15 long minutes fresh air finally floods into the car you know that's it's only a simple accident grandma would have been really relieved [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] all of these situations take our attention away from the water but we also have a duty of care to the people of Bondi to our visitors and especially a port baby there's no one more vulnerable than a young child trapped in a car helpless as long as that doesn't take ourselves away from now you know our core duty which is making sure people are safe in the water 1:00 p.m. on a busy week day as the tide runs out Bondi strips start to claim their first victims with only four lifeguards on duty maintaining control is key I was on the beach that day and there were so many ribs there was heaps more groups and lifeguards about 100 metres away I just saw poor people in trouble and two people in a lot of trouble with multiple people needing help one lifeguard won't be enough for the job it appears as though one person in the group may be helping the others as I approach the marver and daughter of screaming Dino quickly grabs a woman and her daughter the man not a strong swimmer himself has quite possibly saved two lives in a kudos to him thumbs are Pete he saved those girls lives Cory gives him a lift back to shore [Applause] I can say he did a good job and you know that's pretty cool that he wanted to go I'm hoping on it [Music] good work before thank but you went out sakes and people put yourself at risk even got rescued yourself yeah what yeah what I got to do it why do you gotta wait what again what should he do what you got to do what's your name Barnabas Carrie I couldn't argue with with his line of thinking you know he saw a damsel in distress and they just went to help where are you from I'm from India in the south of India Pondicherry yeah but then I've been living here for the past 50 years 50 needs you're naughty I work pretty bye it's not just the lifeguards who are impressed Carrie sun's got to see their dad in action I think he's a hero calorie represents the good in people and yeah he's a good life Bondi in the afternoon it's arguably the most beautiful time of day it's certainly the busiest the last hour of beauty for lifeguards 6:00 to 7:00 p.m. is infamously known as the witching hour just as things were settling down you know it was home time and we were happy we were over it we had enough and Harrison was downstairs and I don't know how but he's just spotted these two people down south are there two heads flip it and their two heads off that back in that roof in that corner yeah yeah you guys better go down from the center of the beach Harrison trains to identify a commotion in the dark waters at South Bondi is was like I could see some mana was fie surface I don't know and keep second-guessing myself two heads off their back in that riff in that corner I'm gonna get another boy just grab another board I don't know how he did it we're all tired button spotted it's like little genius the distance from the tower to the South corner is 500 meters yeah with it boys in there ah no you're gonna just go there's only one Toby I've gotta straighten me out there the swimmers have drifted 200 meters offshore Harrison and Ryan dig deep for the paddle it was a really long pedal out I kicked them looking up and got like I was even hot y-yeah I had to put my head down this Cape has named Kate Kathleen you flying down then you know they're saying all these different people drowning and you've got to make a decision food do I need to go to first and does get the heart rate up [Music] just seems like people just peek when we're leaving okay lifeguards are leaving now and now it's a good time to drown yeah it is a little bit frustrating but I mean we're lifeguards I'm not gonna let someone drown even if we are off the clock I got this patient I did offer him the lift and I said oh you know we'll get away it was like yeah let's get away everything he was Pompton I'm sorry you got got more than he bargained for I think as they move into the impact zone Harrison and Ryan must avoid getting hit by a looming set a little bit of experience came into play on the way back in and Harrison nailed it like a seasoned veteran and Brian got smashed like a rookie in front of all the guys you want to impress them and all that and definitely one of the things not to do is I'm no stud with a patient that's the show with the only available buggy at South Bondi once it spots more people in trouble at the middle of the beach I looked down and spotted another group of about five people in the other room without backup lifeguards will be outnumbered Harrison and Ryan we're trying to get them on the radio and in the end it was just up to me and Jess almost all of the rescue equipment is packed away so lifeguards must improvise run downstairs take some boards off the racks and peanut I got back to shore I heard radio chatter non-stop and I just knew I said ride to screen right get on the buggy let's just go we've got to go back Packers [Music] Brian and Harrison have just finished a rescue at South Bondi when Jesse and whippin spot more swimmers in trouble in the middle of the beach almost all of the rescue equipment is packed away so lifeguards must improvise [Music] they came from one side me and Jess for coming sir in the end there's four lifeguards on boards which is pretty red but it was after closing time so there was something that we're all in the one spot after doing a massive paddle to South corner that has the guy throws postpaid out for this bird this guy got put my head on the board it was like ni'mal plays now most women come back tomorrow this is this very one heck of a finish to an we would had guaranteed multiple deaths right in if we'd gone when this bus had left so yeah I think the boys would really add what they take today and I think we're all pretty exhausted time for a nice cold beer in the shower I guess prepare the boys and their back and fall back for trying to pack all the gear up and in between doing rescues it's a part of the job is something they've learned to do when they do it very well so just when we think we're all done and dusted the boys of rescue - we've just rescued another five we're that close to a beer in the shower Jesse's on again [Music] Shana got like 300 mated further out am I obviously I come back myself you know it Ryan is ours like you're coming with me mate let's go [Music] in the fighting life Jessi struggles for a visual [Music] we had both pardon your so fire and actually for the same bloke I'd rescued about 15 minutes earlier that wanted to get a wave the men got dumped by Ryan earlier now on board with Jesse he gets a second chance at catching the wave at Bondi [Music] are you gonna stand up and absolutely stoked about it and yeah obviously can got harm from one dog with a smile on his face and someone's standing on the front of your board it's good for the boys that'll offer 10 after-hours rescues it has been 10 minutes life gots fun get to call it a day [Music] next time on bond I rescue the beach under attack [Applause] company demise little sign in here a drug overdose big 20 female get it out of consciousness I dislocated shoulder and a missing boy wife guards are hit by a perfect storm there's that real feeling of has something really bad going on here mouse struggles to hold the fort the first thing you think is could something have been missed and a visit from the world's most remarkable surfer that was pretty incredible when you think about someone who's completely blind at the ocean catching waves [Music]
Channel: Bondi Nation
Views: 1,317,897
Rating: 4.9203591 out of 5
Keywords: bondi nation, bondi rescue, bondi beach, bondi rescue full episodes, lifeguard rescues, real life rescues, drowning, resuscitation, bondi rescue episodes, bondi lifeguards, bondi beach lifeguards, real life heroes, life is better at the beach, beach life, beach lifeguard rescue, bondi rescue season 11 episode 8, bondi rescue season 11 episode 8 full episode, bondi rescue season 11, bondi rescue season 11 online, bondi rescue season 11 episodes
Id: Yjeso482Q30
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 9sec (1329 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 19 2019
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