Bondi Rescue - Season 11 Episode 1 *FULL EPISODE*

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Bondi Beach where the city rolls into the city every year over three million beachgoers are kept safe by a group of elite professionals of Bondi lifeguards in a split second they can become the best friend a swimmer could ever ask for [Applause] this summer three new recruits 23 year old Jackson from the Sunshine Coast in Queensland very dangerous so the next time just in between the flags and you'll always be safe 24 year old Chris from Western Australia just locked it in for from finola voice and a new training 19 year old Ryan is already part of the family he's got a bloody good job out of it [Applause] [Music] this episode of Bombay rescue will his training kick in when Italian lifeguard Mario needs it most new recruit Chris faces his first [Applause] and Jethro brings back the jive with some unexpected dance partners we're gonna do I think running to work has its advantages it's a little bit slower so you get sort of taking the view and it's a pretty scenic area it's a good way to start in a day the best time to be down at Bondi is at 5:00 6:30 in the morning no one's around surfing is my connection to the ocean it's just me and the elements I'm so blessed to be able to get up nice and early before work and catch up new ways pretty much grew up on the beach the ocean everything that goes with it it's but a big spot in my life I think what we do is always for the safety of people and give us the time of day it's the respect that we're just trying to help we've all got to be working together because if we're not working together there's a chance we're gonna lose lights when I put that uniform on it's a feeling responsibility mixed with pride and there's an anticipation that today could be the day that I save somebody's life there's thousands upon thousands of people down at Bondi Beach they're in and out of the water non-stop and there's only 8 lifeguards working getting out the most rescues we've ever done on Bondi Beach on a hot summer's day is 235 rescues sometimes the ocean works in our favor goes quiet and we have an easy day but every three or four years we seem to get the perfect storm the festive season arrives with huge sir hot weather and that's exactly what we have today [Applause] [Music] 34 year-old Mario Marcella is in his second season at bondi originally from Italy he's been working hard to improve his skills this isn't quite on days on the ski by practice with Jesse's and other device before the summer season and was good for me because our switch done training is one thing but mario is yet to face a serious challenge on the jet ski 3:30 in the afternoon and backpackers roof is swallowing any swimmer who gets too close to its jaws I looked at it I saw two swimmers very quickly getting into trouble pretty close in and then a bit further out there are another two so that's where we had to make a decision on there by myself Paulie Mario in and then the IC had to come to the home as well [Music] Quinn tries to identify the swimmers in the most trouble the farthest to out grab those two first and then couple of God and girl in front of it when I got there they lived away pretty bad conditions and the water was moving so much the ways were bragging even in shallow water like pretty badly that was pretty odd I remember first one I got in it was a girl she hugging me so stretchy was so scared she was going fully I'm not riding a 400 kilo jetski amongst swimmers and waves takes special skill and raw nerves so I had to turn the round the waist stop bragging in front of me and I was on the side that beer was it straight through the best hit by a wave side on and the jetski will roll a badly timed pull of the accelerator and Mario could run over someone he's trying to rescue I quickly realized that it was too much for him to handle so I'd called u8z in and I went in as well because someone was going to drown in big seas at backpackers rip mario is trying to rescue four swimmers at once Quinn and Yahtzee vacuum up oh yeah and I will whistling it wasn't something planned it was just it was just an instinct because we were trying to get their attention Shanta like we're herding dogs but we were just trying to get the guys safe three Life Guards to rescue boards and one jetski yet the situation is quickly getting out of control [Applause] so get out tomorrow and they're all clamoring all over the ski there's three or four of them and it's happened before you know people just yeah so just but they'd he'd jump on their do danger of really tipping the sky over and the ski goes over in that environment it's not ideal this girl is hanging onto the back of the mat and I have to prise her fingers off the mat to get onto my board [Music] it's kind of organized chaos [Applause] all four swimmers are accounted for but they're not back to safety yet in that sort of state you've really got to come down because said they're hinderance not only to yield their dangering themself if I was in there with him a couple of seconds I could have turned nasty Mike from Liverpool in the UK is in Australia on a working holiday his very first time stirring at Bondi is very nearly his last I was just getting swept out just couldn't even swim back he was that problem he was concerned he turned around and was looking for his girlfriend and and then I looked at the sea and the I t's got it under control she a girlfriend coming in with my night he's alright there's nothing worse than feeling helpless like there's nothing we can do I couldn't breath in and then I saw an up a wave coming so you know I was struggling for a lot of there but we just got swept out really quick I was quite surprised how quick that I'm quite a strong swimmer I think but it's really hard to get back man it was just a nightmare the guy who was driving the jet ski he could have easily like been in jeopardy like gotten caught under one of the waves the jetski crashed over like it's not an easy job they put their lives in danger for us the backpackers holiday hasn't come to a tragic end mario is very happy they lose anyone is my best crazy a new day and more scorching weather the festive season rolls on with four swimmers and dangerous sir [Music] it really can't be going in for groups of people we don't have a whole heap of staff really we've got I reckon it release between 15 and 20 thousand at the moment get the coverage on the sand and people sort of making their way down to the beach to the crowds sort of not bubble birds improved significantly what about I'm concentrating as hard as I've ever had to concentrate him a lot at this stage where we're doing well let's just hope we don't tire 2 p.m. and chapeau patrols the middle set of flags after three hours in the Sun he wants a replacement 19-year old Ryan is bond eyes newest trainee this is my first season so you know I'm going into the unknown here couple of that older guys have been saying that it's one of the busiest seasons they've had in a while and I've just started just at the start of summer so throw me straight in the deep end Ryan as a family member in the service he is Maxie's cousin and the young trainee is determined not to let his old relative down he's 100 percent probably they want to look up to most for sure I don't want to be an idiot and stuff up escaping fly fly on either side it's really big I want to be able to do this myself I want to be you know responsible and all the guys to not have to worry about me they give me a job I'll be able to do that 100% to the dot Ryan's task is to move swimmers out of an area that will become more dangerous with the outgoing tide it should be a simple job in front here the conditions are started become too dangerous [Music] I want everyone to come back to the page for us no one listens to me on the PA just every time I do an announcement must go in one ear and go out the other [Music] we can tell that he's having a go on the megaphone but he's not really effective oh I don't know if it's a way he's delivering it and it's just not working I was starting to feel a bit pissed off that no one was listening to me [Music] it's radio back in and asked my opinion on what to say and and I can tell you eight sees a bit upset we need to get him to move that people across I'm getting frustrated with Ryan because I know how much it can sq8 yeah the question now is should a new trainee the in this situation to begin with you shouldn't have been down there for himself really you trainee Ryan isn't having any success moving a large crowd of swimmers perhaps Ryan needs a demonstration yeah he's down here to help you buddy just tell them to get out of the water and up in the flag can veteran lifeguard yatesy succeed where Ryan fails straight away the the changeover between Yates in Ryan's happened and Yates is on the megaphone and he has just moved that whole crowd Connor can't be nice it's been a guy [Music] it's more like phone and you know question a little bit disappointed with myself that I wasn't able to do what I was asked to do it I think Brian will learn so much from today's experience his muse who wants to be polite probably isn't but the frustrations of 15 or first-year lifeguard it's good for him working with a bunch of different guys [Music] Ryan's not the only new face on the beach 24-year old Chris Amory is also making his debut at Bondi but only why crime Chris has 9 seasons of lifeguarding under his belt from his days back home in Western Australia first season here it's been a bit of a change so far it's men we don't really get 25,000 people on a beach back home this is the another level altogether Chris knows he can't count on his resume to earn the respect of his new teammates the boys have never worked with you they don't really know you so you've got to show them that you're you know you can fit into the team quite well and innate you up to the same level as they are [Music] 6:55 p.m. and chris has just come off the jet ski lifeguards are calling it a day though thousands of beachgoers have other ideas this is still actually a nice steamer from getting off the jetski and he's seen any goes I've gotta run [Applause] as he looking sentro otherwise he's not doing through mine I've known you my whole life and the tone in his voice said to me that it was serious oh I'm in the chat what he needs guides gone and oh it's like it's the worst feeling because it disappears to like two seconds and two seconds is like a long time a mistake quite Chris now could cost the drowning man his life pulling up with backpackers and looking at seeing the guy treading water I knew Chris had to have the paddle of his life to get there started paddling as fast as I could I started thinking that this might be a recess so I started thinking the worst there are only so many times the man can fight his way back to the surface before he'll disappear you're obviously concerned about the patient knowing in your head their van they've got probably 30 seconds left of treading water before you're going to be pulling them off the bottom and seeing Chris get hit by waves and the conditions weren't weren't good your concern just goes up [Applause] right on pack up time and new recruits chris spots a man fighting for his life at the south end i started yelling at inmates sorted out you know keep your head up keep your head up [Music] he's going he's going [Music] he had nothing left he was starting to really struggle you know give it 8 10 seconds and he might have to come back as lucky we got him let me get as far as rescues god that was as close as you want to bei the few milliseconds and it's erase us and we're trying to get him on the board this was pretty hard cuz he had no idea how to live on the surfboard [Music] Chris notices the man is clutching sunglasses keeping them safe could have cost him his wife [Music] [Applause] some believable it's like five to seven and you know this is this is you know just unpack up another one on the day bus today please everyone out of the water everyone out of the water the lifeguards are going home there's so many people nearly drowned today so please just finish it up to the day and just stay out of this Southend please this one April and like I hate leo is a student from China we just said that we got have any type of the trance like we're against where our container yeah when I got him back in and everything was good I felt quite relieved I mean it's been ridiculous day one of my busiest yet Chris did really well came in straight off the skein and wetsuit and you know straight on to the next one so you know he's good [Music] cheering the silly season it's hard to tell if people start acting weirdly or weird people just stop turning up in bigger numbers what's going on in something's off salmon sauce it's not a flashmob what they're gonna you might home a classroom as your nude and then all of a sudden to seven foot drag queens appeared out of nowhere got a dune or two they do die I definitely needed backup they'd done anything [Applause] [Music] it's a flash mall [Music] [Music] big fan of taping the Java law so someone's dancing I'm dancing [Music] [Applause] initially juicer was attracted to the action now the action is attracted to Jethro I'm wearing more than I would normally wear intimidated to say the least it could be a case of opposites attract but Jethro actually shares something in common out of his new friends Barney's bit of a saying I haven't seen that many many drag queens in my time but once I started coming at me live I was a bit worried we wanted you to come and join in the dance so maybe we could do it together it's too much you boys don't know how you do it we're taking our heels and running we got four beers maybe that one in the my father maneuvers [Music] next time on Bondi rescue our there is trainee quick offers advice to Australia's most powerful men have a good years and just take it easy feeling the music Bondi style and two thrill-seekers take a gamble which could cost them their lives utilizing entirely [Music]
Channel: Bondi Nation
Views: 1,901,708
Rating: 4.9328532 out of 5
Keywords: bondi nation, bondi rescue, bondi beach, bondi rescue full episodes, lifeguard rescues, real life rescues, drowning, resuscitation, bondi rescue episodes, bondi lifeguards, bondi beach lifeguards, real life heroes, life is better at the beach, beach life, beach lifeguard rescue, bondi rescue season 11, bondi rescue season 11 episode 1, bondi rescue season 11 episodes, bondi rescue season 11 online, bondi rescue season 11 episode 1 full episode
Id: ImuCQQwgIC4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 48sec (1308 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 23 2019
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