Bondi Rescue Season 10 Episode 1

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it's one of australia's favourite playgrounds one of the world's most iconic beaches but taking the plunge at Bondi doesn't come without risks protecting beachgoers from danger is an elite team of lifeguards it's a place which never fails to surprise if that you say everything out of the water here the difference between life and death can be a matter of seconds this season there are three brand-new lifeguards 19 year old trainee Jethro who's finding trouble in unlikely places on staff at thousand overly 21 year old trainee Glick who's proving a hit with the visitors and bond eyes first-ever Italian lifeguard belizean Mario my fella from rome tonight a shark in the bay p for lifeguards make a mistake which could prove disastrous where did they go and Mario sets out to prove he can cut it beyond the shores of the Mediterranean baby in the Sun a new season Dawn's at Bondi for the lifeguards it's a chance to unite the team ahead of summer term works everything for us guys here at work it's important that we get it right otherwise you know there could be some consequences we are a team down here and if we don't work together as a team now things can go wrong and that's why we're driven to help people the guys you know there may be some tough guys in there that don't like to admit it but every lifeguard prides themselves on helping people down here this year we've got three new guys coming into it he also singlets he's coming back after not being here for about 13 years this is one of the rare times in a season when the entire team comes together their shared goal is to make sure no lives are lost at bondi this summer I love Ben lifeguard down here from that's unreal it's most probably one of the busiest beaches in the world and I'd have to say that would have to be one of the best lifeguard teams in the Lord as well a 3.5 meter great white was spotted 50 meters from shore shark sightings on the Australian East Coast are at record levels with more people using the water during hot weather over Christmas and school holidays mean says an increased chance of an attack it's not just the media who are worried wife guard Trent thousand aka singlets is working at Bondi for the first time in 13 years I've come into work coming to the tower and set a loader you know the team & Co box was just about to run me through a familiarization with all of the equipment before singlets has a chance to get reacquainted with the job New South Wales Police helicopter polaire one appears over North Bondi if we notice a helicopter circling around as it was there's only a couple of possibility to the you know body in the water or someone needs to be rescued or a shark shark the last shark attack at dawn by was in February 2009 when local surfer glenn orgias lost his left hand did you like did you feel like in a party Alawis pretty calm I'll screamed up sleeve yeah that was fun first thing happened and then I just yeah you just do your best in that situation so to get in it definitely liked having that area right doesn't knock at the door with bit answered it was a place rescue officer well you just go up is a bullsháá Paul there have spotted a six-foot bull shark bull sharks are known to attack people they are pretty fierce animals hence bullsháá while new recruit Mario closes the beach curr box has the most challenging task with john shore store we gotta go try something here our first gay women and Bobby went on the second ski and singlets stay in the tower and Mario did the round two but people know that the beach was closed temporarily cousin sharpen the bay the beach is closed these are sharp please do not going to ward off thank you hey guys come back let me jump on the skis you know as no point of just a zooming around in circles we try to have a bit of a search pattern where with two skis you know 20 meters apart from each other go back and forth across the bay until we hopefully like his wife let me get out there we saw this huge a ball it was massive and the idea is to try to scare that big group of fish out to sea so obviously hopefully the shark or take off as well wish to go that way as I was in the chat in the change rooms like getting my radio and everything I seen the boys going on the ski so I was like she'd I better turn on my radio and head across then when I walked in from our overflow who's this guy in the tower you know he's he's kinda looks like an actor to tell you the truth yeah well try to do it well Jesse gave me that look of what's going on here we hadn't worked together yet so it was quite an interesting exchange of looks like made I'm singlets I've only been here for two minutes so go check out hi yeah just wait me here what's going on out there I haven't even got me giron yet I just ran across st. singlet in here and um yeah that's it on lifeguards have a limited window to spot the shark whip it takes an unusual approach it's kinda it's murky water too so it's hard to say today visibility's not believe my eyes I know you itching to go in the water bar and so sorry go eat ah not sure oh yeah the beach is broad quiet enter it in the tower lifeguards face an additional problem when the media got hold of a saw it was was crazy like I've never actually been in the towel when something like that's happened yes have like a radio in one hand of life saver one and then the telephone in the other hand of people wanting to know is there a shark in the water can you call back in about an hour we've just got something going on in the beach to a busy sweetheart so maybe start with the windows free yeah it was crazy 30 minutes have passed since polio sighted the shark now turboxs and Maxie circle over a 50 metre wide school of salmon I told him actually just a trial around the outside of the bait ball and sure enough i just went know why there it is lifeguards are looking for a shark spotted near the shoreline taught them actually just a trial around the outside of the bait ball and sure enough I just met know why there it is that's on fire up there is a shark in the bay and it's not that far out and see people turn to me it was quite big you had to be 8 feet you know this is long as they are usually you had a good death grip on Maxie ah this is just a boy doesn't we do on a shock ours is blood underneath this right here the Rockies order when I have box say we right above the shark I just thinking this is insane I came out yeah famous person probably have to pay for school Wow straight underneath him I was like wow you know this is this is real I'm sorry miss can't really sing lifeguards spend the next 13 minutes pushing the Sharks food sauce a large school of salmon out to sea then the rescue chopper does a final pass back to business voice let's get the flags up and it's all good you can go back in the water I got sorry for how many just one as white as a defendant after 13 years away singlets first day back at Bondi has been an eye-opener he's been a ball about 15 minutes to be better citing the Sharks right in the deep end welcome to 19 following on from the shark alarm I remember thinking straight after it wow you know like it's just like it used to be I've got that excitement back and I've totally made the right decision to come back to this job one thing singlets hasn't forgotten is that the next emergency at bondi can come in the blink of an eye so I was sitting down south corner with Maxie on the rider and I glanced across down to the next rip unnoticed three heads in the inner water so I said to Maxie we should probably go down and have a look at these three they didn't look like strong swimmers see which you can have to go in that one's pretty said you know Jesse jumped on and said that those two people out the back yes or just once in front of us oh yeah copy the one out of the back there yeah copy obviously you go for the person out the back first further out others while ago as lifeguards communicate that message becomes confused as he was heading out Jessie kept saying out the back out the back maxi Tolson depart what's sure just how many swimmers are in trouble or even if they have missed someone here are I got out to the patient and the patient was you know in a sort of I guess a real struggle and I could hear the megaphone from the beach which was Maxie saying singlets going out the back at the bar I'm thinking in the back of my head is someone actually going under or underwater out the back the break hey Maxie where he went out the back that he's trying to get the two on the inside where did they go I got out there and there was no one so my first reaction was they've gone under I don't have it now maxi don't get that person halfway out brah oh there was someone else back in it I don't know go down there chopper preparing for a possible drowning chapo and Jake raced down with a defibrillator an oxy vyver kit I think someone she's got under boys returning lifeguards singlets is worried he's mr. Schwimmer waiting for help were there three people in trouble or just too max and rescues one woman and learns it was just her and a friend who was now returned to short he just one I'd left be patient to go out and have a look for a patient that wasn't there this it is yeah all right hi everyone is finally safe but the women backpackers from Ireland are upset about what has happened as I return to the beach a group of her friends were on the on the shoreline and and came over to me and gave me a bit of a spray about leaving her out there I think there's just a bit of a communication breakdown and yeah things got a bit hated what would he call that a phony on the back if not her sisters with the person whole time yeah I pull something out the back yes the whole time he goes oh he's under helmet it wasn't that I spotted someone at the back there was two people in the in the rib and I just said on the radio go for the person out of the back and that's naturally what you do you want to go for the person at the back may he meant out the back at the back like behind the bird first person that was in like the one out of that that's pretty mean the one that what were you saying that Cygnus was at that program we're on the human we do make mistakes mistakes on both parts you know both from the tower and my judgment why instinct with the hang with the girl that I had but you know it's kind of like the boys from the beach can see better than you can if there's someone worse off further out you got a guy she needed to be rescued one hundred percent but the thing is seeing that's got to her first and it was just my miscommunication you know it's under squad that if everyone save everyone's happy everyone's good it's just you know lucky wasn't anything that the two major clear communication is key to keeping Bondi safe just plain clothes clothes clothes come on move over for italian-born lifeguard Mario Marella it's proving a challenge well yeah okay my megaphone skills are pretty much all the same short and la estrella mega time again a little bit it's good it's clear he's doing really good he's just needs to slow down obviously and I just keep studying the words the key words every years on the beach Senior Life Guards such as ker box I yet to witness Mario an action down at Bondi I was with bark standing on the beach next to the flags we're just watching the swimmers and the feeling that something was going on on my right and i turn my head that I see these guys in trouble bond eyes newest lifeguard Italian Mariama fella is faced with a serious rescue it's also an opportunity to prove himself to senior lifeguard Kerr box here we got up obviously tell soon as we jumped in the Rhino this is gonna be a serious one well that was only a small day it was quite close to shore you know we could see these two people were in serious trouble when I got the board how to make quickest decision because there was two person in the water I seen one at the boogie board I realized that the guy was in the most dangerous situation so I went straight into that guy others past those are cool put him on he start to say to me my wife my gosh my wife one let's take on chicken floor okay thanks if the woman can't swim and loses hold of the boogie board the situation could quickly become a tragedy so I soon as soon as I bought their men to the shore a spin around the Sun paddling as fast as a good for his wife if anyone's ever been stuck in a rip you know you get quite exhausted trying to fight against it and yeah it's just got brought back to shore by Mario he kind of collapses you know you could physically see he was drained Oh when I go back to the shore I start reassuming them and asking this boiling water the answer now which was good it's okay guys it's okay here for this so the moment today argh each other you know and they said to themselves yes when we still alive that was so good for me because I just just made me realize that we're here for this you know the man and new zealand tourists and his wife who's from Korea a grateful to the new lifeguard Mario from Italy my wife can't swim so I was panicking about her right our very first gay yeah I just my body's just got no energy left in it was intense yeah that's pretty good they were fight fight in trouble I was really impressed with the way Mario handled it you know he chose the right person to pick up first and you know he was quite impressive and I think he's gonna feel great here with us guys Thank You boss good good mother yeah next time on bondi rescue a mysterious illness battles the lifeguard or bring on with the day and the life-and-death emergency might they call it race off down as a no a woman is dragged from the water not breathing no pulse 07 25 30
Channel: Real Life Rescue
Views: 1,282,551
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hot lifeguard rescue, lifesavers, bondi lifeguards, resuscitation, beach rescue, Season 10, lifeguard rescues, real life rescues, Bondi Rescue (Award-Winning Work), Episode 1, Bondi Beach (Australian Suburb), bondi rescue, drowning, bondi rescue australia, real life heroes, surf lifesaving, bondi beach rescue, bondi rescue full episodes, near death experiences, bondi beach
Id: YSyMBMvpzdE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 48sec (1308 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 19 2015
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