Bondi Rescue - Season 11 Episode 5 *FULL EPISODE*

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coming up on Bondi rescue a surprise visit gives lifeguards a little more manpower than they can handle it with a soft moment a colorful local held down for his own safety lifeguards share the heartache like a bomber at all hands on deck for a mass rescue I think he's calling Yui but then has a new problem is that if chocolate and singlets gets uninvited company on the way to a rescue [Music] [Music] [Applause] Bondi Beach a kilometre long stage where life is an all-day show from tragic to comic playful to disturbing performers come from all over the world but Bondi has a resident ensemble cast as well Cora is an amateur amuse Oh who has immortalized the lifeguards in song silky and bushy room wanted for a double act multiculturalism great big fans of the Brazilian fashion in bikini fashion that's pretty important to out especially as you get older that's pretty important for us what more having said that my mum was one of the first type of Sundays yeah he used to cry about it and Mick who rarely speaks preferring instead to let his speedos do the talking he's got the same undies on all he does is she's come down and run left to the beach all day every day yeah we're quite familiar with Nick he's sporting a different hairstyle every day and you know he's not the kind of guy you can miss easily and make family happy when he wears his tighty whities King you should get out there to tear what I'm decent run a few laps with him today a new act has hit the stage in town from Las Vegas Australia's very own man power of the world's number one all-male dance review there in Bondi for a photoshoot but want to meet another bunch of blokes who are also famous for taking their shirts off just for very different reasons myself and Jeff are over in the tower wasn't much going on we got a knock on the door eight big dudes with their shirts oh I've turned out to be man tower manpower yeah it was a soft moment Jeffro isn't rushing to lay down the welcome mat it's a pretty small room right when there's like ten enormous blokes in there it fills up a lot of space and every time I turn around a little bit on our right right up in my grill man and I was just like fired I felt like a little fourteen-year-old boy next time we're actually gonna be recruiting to some God at one point I even said dick shirt off and I was thinking my not even nearly seeing Jethro's our knees at the wall of rippling man flesh mouse breaks the tension instantly one of the mantle guys just stripped in his underwear just fold it down to curb boxers right now and put it on in this classic please get there in time care box who's on patrol with Harrison isn't expecting any visitors I thought that he would just like we get and not handle it very well [Applause] two boxes our newest member back in the day Kerr box could've easily been a manpower guy like I remember when I was young like down down brawny growing up he was Buffy a long hair he was a Lord and 2016 he's not making manpower that's for sure overwhelming having like 10 off nerd dudes in the tower but um it was all good you know the clear box got stitched up and he enjoyed it and the boys a really good bikes they tended out the legend so it was all good Bondi stage is never short of performers but lifeguards focus their attention on life's real dramas it was a really steamy hot day you just know hot day something's going to happen so I headed down to the northern end of the beach and in the corner of my eye I see a guy fitting and he's literally I said him falling I had to get back up just remember that boredom cop now Mick the job at notorious for his white Speedos is having a seizure at the North End [Applause] we're lucky we've got an ambulance parked across the road by myself Oh so we're gonna try and see if we can get those guys to attend I was in there earlier having a coffee and then yeah we're really like because they're attending they're right here hello budding here you feeling the ambulance we got the paramedics down and then it just pretty much snowball from there so next we're gonna get the supply water behind him see how we go Mick well known for avoiding human contact is about to find himself surrounded by half a dozen people as soon as he regains consciousness I knew is gonna be a hypoxia when he woke up its lack of oxygen to the brain and our year or hell was going to break loose [Music] Micke a local identity known for avoiding contact with people has had a seizure at North Bondi I knew that he was gonna be hypoxic coming out of that fear and I knew I was gonna break loose and it did Mick is disoriented from hypoxia a lack of oxygen to the brain he needs to be examined by doctors lifeguards restrain me while paramedics administer a sedative to my offices we were struggling to keep him down [Music] upsetting to see someone like me in pain and I felt like we were inflicting the paint or degree eventually Mick is sedated and can be transported to the ambulance for further medical care you don't know and you know mix a character that we see every day lifeguarding is emotionally taxing even more so when the lifeguards are dealing with someone they know I need to sit out there to get me breath it's very physical and it's in it's emotional too you know so I I'm a wreck fine you don't get it out of me much better that was full-on I don't really know me personally I only know him from seeing him run the beach every day and yeah emotionally it it does affect you a bit more than normal that's God to me for sure no it's just something that we're going to deal with down here you know which is going to get through the rest of the day now it's only ten o'clock in the morning so fingers crossed nothing else happens professional life guards patrol Bondi 365 days a year on weekends in the busy summer months volunteer lifesavers also patrol the beach the clubs are invaluable you can't say no to 40 extra lifesavers on a beach invaluable resource Chris is monitoring the north end when a problem develops further up the beach you know the change of tides is getting deeper Chris leaves volunteer lifesavers to manage the situation suddenly more and more people are in trouble [Music] tom is quickly overwhelmed I had probably three or four on the front of my board followed by a number of other people out in the water were able to help the temptation is to run in but Chris wisely manages the situation from sure we had to RC the puppies to help us out they live in ten boards at least you know if we had guys to step up guys we're training helping us out Tom prioritizes the worst swimmers eventually more firepower is needed with no border and I had to go a life savers board so I've got that and went on our walk avoid Tom risks being overwhelmed by panicked swimmers lifeguards and volunteers surf club members work side-by-side to stabilize the situation down there now they just all sort of went in it at once just when it feels like the situation is in hand lifeguards are alerted to a new emergency you put need is that a charm [Music] lifeguards and volunteer lifesavers are bringing a mass rescue under control when a new alert rings out in extreme and very rare circumstances the shark alarm will be used to clear swimmers from the water we know that as chain lifeguards that means mass rescue but general public think it's a shark none of them know it's mass rescue the alarm has been sounded by volunteer lifesavers the lifeguards who have duty of care at Bondi weren't given prior warning before you you guys do that you've got to tell us I know I know what you're trying to do but it does it just causes panic we've got under control now and I thanks to everyone that's involved but as soon as people start here in the shark alarm so I got surfers and everyone happy now so it's just it makes that it work there was really no need for it and half the people thought there's a shark the result is what matters and a combined effort by lifeguards and volunteers has saved dozens of lives with the change of tide it was enough pool where if you weren't a strong soon that would get pulled off and once people lose their footing they start panicking a little bit and when people really panic then you can do that and drowning in bathtubs so you've got to be right on top of it lifeguards core job is performing rescues but they also enforce rules no fiberglass surfboards at the north end of the beach no dogs no alcohol and no wind surface it's just too dangerous we get too many people in the bay here we just can't have a windsurf rowdy and it's out of control if that runs Starliner over it sliced in half volunteers to wreck the man to shore but he doesn't want to take no for an answer doesn't matter what you do people know what the inherent risk but he's not worried about anyone else he's part about his time at Bondi Francois hopes lifeguards will give him special treatment just for today cake on his birthday I was definitely blowing these candles out 10 minutes later and Francois tries another tack with lifeguards I just go out the back instead the back just for once and just one shots gonna take me 20 seconds yeah and said the back the whole time for one hour and come back in this thing every entry and exit point along the coast here it has a sign which is no kites it's not a guy quietly they come under the science it's extremely different yeah that's what people need to know I gave you another place to go I said you can enter an exit from the boat ramp at the northern end of the beach you know you can head out to sea and do your windsurfing yeah hairy's has been on the beach for too long to believe he's seen the last of Francois Murphy's Law you give him an they're always gonna take it Omar [Music] sneaking past lifeguards and into the water Francois has worn out his welcome I hate being a stiff but every now and again we'll have a hero that'll wait for us to go back into the tower and go out there and yeah this fire on this day tried to do this as he reaches the south end Francois comes off his board that's worse respect you know he was told to stay way out past the waves and he just come straight in there now yeah no we got washed up on the rocks at the icebergs yeah we call it a day for him working as a lifeguard encounters with wildlife for common Yeates he picked up a hitchhiking fish on the way to a rescue Deena when Harry's got up close and personal with a rowdy Gong shark in the kids pool and Jessie met his match with a rat in the skateboard no one knows exactly when but the next animal encounter is never far away in the tower as a spots a pair of swimmers in trouble yeah go go surf and they've just had a call we just had a call from the Berg's it's two bikes it's just I'm screaming for an effort to help him say poison just gone down together so I jumped in the right oh and I knew I didn't have a lot of time this guy was in a really bad way and I had a fair bit of ground to cover so I I hit the gas and implored the the Rhino Jethro noticed me in my haste and joined in as well I just thought I'll go with him in the call came through yeah Jeff back him up and it was it was pedal to the metal like we were goin I pretty much had the Rhino going flatstick as fast as it could go and on the way down I encountered a flock of seagulls and dark I couldn't really break our enemy singlets has gone straight through the guts of a flock of seagulls at least one of them flew in the Rhino and hit me on the chest and landed in the seat so our Fannie's go see what's in Jethro I'm racing to arrest you in the south end when there's an unexpected problem singlets has gone straight through the guard to their flock of seagulls at least one of them flew in Toronto and hit me on the chest and I've got my eye on the patient down south as well and I couldn't stop and had the seagull in the passenger seat and the whole thing was just really weird for me so I just kept driving I got down to the patient and unloaded forward and the seagull had fallen out of the seat so I don't know where it had gone of that stage but like I said my priority was this patient cuz he was going under I think one of them's almost got washed in but one still clinging to the surface born he's gonna die Jethro breaches the first man singlets heads for the second man who has been saved by a circle he was kind of really relieved to see me a Colombian guy really out of breath look like he was probably on his last couple of strokes with both men safe singlets turns his attention back to the seagull go and it was locking there to human he was so rattled it was in the passenger seat I hit it and I was seen the passenger said he looked like he was about to cry I was just no this can't be real you know I especially you know we spent so much time on the pitch release egg I feel like our buddies you know we thought we'd better pay all due respects you know it was just sitting on the sand and we sort of cut it's like a little bit short we thought you know what we'll do the good thing and we'll bury it we'll give it a little ceremony in a couple of words and send him off to a better price and yeah definitely sort of buried him on the beach where else what do you want to be but as one Bondi resident is put to rest another one is back on his feet Mick the reclusive jogger who collapsed on the beach has come to thank the lifeguards we could speak like that it was very bizarre how much he was on to it and you what was really really coherent and really sharp that's the most we've ever heard Mick talked to us [Music] [Music] really nice to see that he'd come back not only to say hello and thanks for treating him but just to say that it was in a good place and he was well next time on Bondi rescue Bondi is 24-hour party people aren't the only ones experiencing New Year's Day headaches drugs alcohol and risk-takers overwhelm the lifeguards getting angry and it's not just the equipment which is a breaking point [Music]
Channel: Bondi Nation
Views: 1,641,169
Rating: 4.9233303 out of 5
Keywords: bondi nation, bondi rescue, bondi beach, bondi rescue full episodes, lifeguard rescues, real life rescues, drowning, resuscitation, bondi rescue episodes, bondi lifeguards, bondi beach lifeguards, real life heroes, life is better at the beach, beach life, beach lifeguard rescue, bondi rescue season 11, bondi rescue season 11 episode 5, bondi rescue season 11 episode 5 full episode, bondi rescue season 11 online, bondi rescue season 11 episode 5 online
Id: WZa8BbaQEHw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 5sec (1325 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 07 2019
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