Bondi Rescue - Season 10 Episode 9 *FULL EPISODE*

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coming up is this even like real man's best friend and a beachgoers wounded manhood a desperate call for help barely conscious and she was like shaking Usher's really rigid the most confronting emergency of summer [Music] [Applause] they come in all shapes and sizes some blow up others are made of rubber no matter what they are non safety devices 50 lifeguards see a constant procession of beachgoers getting into strife with the cheap toys rain hail or shine lifeguards no toys in the water can cause trouble in any condition it was a gloomy day down at Bondi and I was one of those days where nothing was going to happen lifeguards have identified a man caught in a rip he's holding something in his right hand [Music] but notice there's a summer in the flags he wasn't a strong swimmer at all that's why we had to go down there straightaway it was holding like a frisbee or some sort yeah boys maybe [Applause] pretty she's gonna kill him that's always passing out icon of notice Eddie that dog the frisbee Hana started you're not getting in more than 30 yeah I mean generally down here at Bondi a life jacket or floaties the world class that is a flotation device but not a frisbee the patient is sung hoon Kim a physiotherapist on holiday from Korea it's his first time at Bondi a cheap frisbee could have made it his last end of the day and I got him back to shore and that's a good rescue from a that I'm happy safely back on land sung-hoon Kim hasn't given up on his frisbee [Music] right buddy I almost met see this here $2.00 team disappear the fetus's sang-hoon finally appreciates the limitations of his frisbee hey I trust him in the sea but he almost going to kill me so do not trust him in the sea it just in ground it's just true it okay like this [Music] [Music] all day every day lifeguards watch and wait because in a split-second everything can change when a member of the public Sprint's up to the tower it always sets off alarm bells Perris yes I'm gonna have an effete down there what is your squash down there they'll give us an update when they're ready to members of the public go to the woman's aid until lifeguards arrive not really conscious but he does he's done for pulse so which recovery the moment we'll just get the Kinnear by daddy so what was she doing when you saw her she was like shaking like she was really rigid see yeah yeah she was like really playing down on the teeth beach on the sand with the lifeguards is it your friend with no friends or family present lifeguards can't know if the woman has a pre-existing condition I've radioed the tower and requested an ambulance because we need the paramedics down eiated to establish what's happened 40 to 50 years old down the beach she's having some sort of a fit the fit can be an epileptic fit she'll be having a stroke some sort of brain aneurysm right to life and she came around the next step was to find out what had happened and then we sort of realized that she was motioning to her ears and we figured out she's deaf I changed things massively because we can't communicate with her none of his know sign language unable to communicate with a woman lifeguards are in the dark about her condition then Harries realizes it's not the first time he's seen her about a year ago actually I have dealt with the same lady having a fit down on the beach on it on a jam-packed day today the woman was found in the very same spot on the beach doesn't surprise me that it could happen two years later with the same lifeguard but it is a pretty you know it's pretty crazy coincidence last time the woman refused health now lifeguards are worried the same thing might happen a deaf woman has had a seizure in the middle of Bondi Beach please try to squeeze my hand for me it's the second time in two years last time the woman refused help lifeguards are concerned the same thing might happen again today it felt like when she actually woke up and she see me she she actually knew that I was the one that was caring for her last time she doesn't want anyone around her and I you know you I feel her pain when the paramedics arrived she actually got more agitated it's just some oxygen okay she just didn't want anything to do with them and obviously didn't want anything to do with us the main thing that we were trying to communicate was that the ambos needed to take her to get checked out that's the obligation lifeguards and paramedics face a difficult situation they can't leave her on her own but no one wants to force her into the ambulance method paper and pen helped us to get that message across to her we worked it out that she did not want to go to hospital as limited communication breaks down the woman heads towards the water you have to stop him you know you can't have a person going out into the ocean Octavian feared and been a hypoxic and drowning and you're doing everything you possibly can to preserve human life just like what are we gonna do now you know I personally didn't want to have to get the cops involved so we'll just fight let's let's just get her off the beach in the app let's just do it the woman refuses treatment paramedics and lifeguards are left with no choice [Music] [Applause] now I never questioned that we're we're doing the wrong thing I knew that it was better for us to get her off the beach as quickly as possible the whole part of of actually aiding this lady is for her survival and when it comes to people entering the water and especially someone that's ill or has a medical condition it's a dead set no no paramedics did a full assessment and then drove the woman home to her family the lady's brother come down a couple of days after and and he thanked the lifeguards for assisting her and helping her out and you know to have him come down and say that it means a lot to us [Music] plenty of young men and women aspire to wear the blue uniform on Bondi Beach last year newcomer Harrison completed his first year as a trainee lifeguard more confident that Harrison could get his boy in time and he did this the training wheels are off Harrison has graduated into the big kids club and the pressure is far greater balls of China I can't I had to put that later I sang oh I didn't really know I'll bet now being like a fully fledged lifeguard boss go off I'm straight into Harper's office hopefully if you work hard the next hour viennese the afternoon I tell you what the ranks here it's like a stomping ground you always got to prove yourself cowboy but in the middle of the beach a man struggles to stay a flight he's running out of energy it's a life-saving rescue but Harrison gets an unexpected response and it's just like the blood Hoffa why oh it seems this big gasps of water just hit me in the face fully panicking but I'm hot ten days jumping off the bottom clam in the ladder from the UK Maddie is in Australia to watch the Cricket World Cup yeah when we got Maddie back to shore it was exhausted he had put in the hard yards to staff like before by Claire Harrison is worried Maddie is at risk of secondary drowning once I think they're on the sand I think that said that saved but sometimes it's not that maybe that's just the beginning [Music] in Australia to watch the cricket Maddy almost drowned at Bondi I kind of knew if Maddy had taken on a bit of water the danger there is secondary try honey that's the worst thing that could happen cause people could have a near drowning go home in that nod just not wake up because of the water on the line so it is very serious you're gonna get down [Music] water inhaled into the lungs can cause secondary drowning death can result minutes sometimes days later so check this oxygen saturation level and that was well under what it should be there's blood oxygen content is 87% and it should be around 98 so that's in our liver for concern no Vela hopefully giving it mocks again we should see an improvement but if that does not a propyl becoming an ambulance it's a hundred percent oxygen okay normally lifeguards aren't surprised to see Maddie so exhausted we started getting the full story what's been happening and turns out isn't slept for five days the poor boy okay okay I didn't see the last four days the boys are some of the thinner girls and sagging of this after 40 minutes of rest yatesy takes a final reading of Maddie's oxygen levels in the summer when you do you know there's still a lot of rescues your hardly get a thank you you know it's quite a nice to get a thank you but for this guy to come back again it makes you feel good it makes you feel like you you know how to get that work I think Harris is the part of a bloke that would walk into any word place and and be happy he has a future here as a lifeguard daresay he probably be my boss my name every season something happens at Bombay beyond the imagination of every lifeguard so you get your traditional things down here Bondi but sometimes you get the things that are just out there that you think would never ever happen whether it's the bomb that washed up on the shore oh the car that drove onto the sand there's always something out of the ordinary I love the times I just give up thunder hands up and go wow that's oh that's me done I can't you know seen it all dude and the next day there's something else paramedics are responding to a routine incident when H bursts in the man with him believes life as he knows it may be over local resident Paul has come to the tower with an injury no lifeguard has ever seen before I saw this guy come shuffling towards me and then next minute it's just gone I've just been bitten on a deep BP by a dog imagine he's poor he's poor girlfriend poor wife she won't be getting any love for a vid that's the worst thing that could've ever happened to a man yeah why what was going on he was very lucky that there was intensive care paramedics that are already in the Taliban had just treated a patient and they said it was the most horrific thing that they've ever seen there was no blood he wasn't that much in pain so there's only one thing I can think of that you would have been in shock to avoid any confusion the paramedic clarifies how serious the injury is the dog has torn the skin from the base down to the tip imagine and never return to working order again you'd be heartbroken Paul's mate doesn't help the situation doodle I reckon as a female for sure paramedics arrived to take Paul to hospital no one misses out on inspecting the injury themselves saying the pictures of the aftermath and after surgery and his bloody pride that's for sure weeks after a dog bit him in a very private place local resident Paul has returned to reveal or swim as I went to dive over him you must have thought there was a ball there and he's jumped up and hit me and I didn't want to look in the war what I saw I swam back in and I've looked and I've freaked out a bit luckily there was an ambulance here and you guys helped me out so is about a hundred three hundred marks like I said it was an accident he's a good boy lifeguards are given an opportunity to inspect the repair work performed by doctors thankful it wasn't worse and the doctors have restored everything to its former glory next time on Bondi rescue pick up your bottles each man takes out the trash race to find the next great rescue device but is it faster than a jet ski and parries caught between rocks and hard twice
Channel: Bondi Nation
Views: 1,091,145
Rating: 4.9202743 out of 5
Keywords: bondi nation, bondi rescue, bondi beach, bondi rescue full episodes, lifeguard rescues, real life rescues, drowning, resuscitation, bondi rescue episodes, bondi lifeguards, bondi beach lifeguards, real life heroes, life is better at the beach, beach life, beach lifeguard rescue, bondi rescue season 10, bondi rescue season 10 episode 9, bondi rescue season 10 online, bondi rescue season 10 episodes, bondi rescue season 10 episode 9 online
Id: 9NsvGf-eYEs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 46sec (1246 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 10 2019
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