Bondi Rescue - Season 11 Episode 4 *FULL EPISODE*

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coming out on bondi rescue and on the way the Annandale beer after pack up time and a man is reported missing he went in the water here but the search goes from bad to worse by tracking all of us Hanna okay a young surfer is slashed on his Achilles tendon the worst Pinchot ever seen and a new addition to the rescue team plays a major part time and hopes to prove he's a diamond in the rough [Music] in the summertime [Music] Bondi people come from far and wide to play amongst the waves big and small but for some beachgoers the thrill of the surf just isn't enough flat rock what rock is just disastrous when the tide is just right swimmers can slide along the smooth moss on flat rock - hi the surges take unwary swimmers past the moss and onto barnacles - words to describe flat rock cheese grater some reason that appeals to a lot of people so they go you know what let's jump on this cheese batter and roll along it then we'll go see the lifeguards here so been attacked right oh no most of the cuts we see do come from flat rocks but at least 40% also comes serious in chops at the south end a surfer desperately waves for attention on the shoreline Finch ops a deep cuts caused by fiberglass surfboard fence but you can say something from a distance and realize how bad it is not even up close you know it's time to get the gloves out I looked at him and I was like you were right Annie yeah yeah I'm fine I'm fine I think he just didn't realize how serious is cowboys and I think I was more worried than him seventeen-year-old Joel is unable to see the deep cut in the back of his fort from somebody else's house somebody was like dropping down away for like I don't really see him till a second sometimes like dive under them but like you know your foot goes up the back he's just oblivious to the injury that he had on his foot Joel may be suffering shock lifeguards need him off his foot so they can dress the laceration a picture is taken for when paramedics arrived we could show the paramedics straight away well the car look like and how about it really was lifeguards I concerned that Jake may have done permanent damage to his Achilles tendon something shops are pretty easy you know you can probably get them fixed at your local GP but um yeah this one's a little bit more serious than that it's a pretty good cut Harrison shows paramedics a photo of the now bandaged wound in any pain at the moment I know like it like it's tingly and stuff that's like Joel has taken a hospital where doctors will assess the extent of his injury before surgery that definitely takes the gold medal for cuts that I've seen around here [Music] pack up lifeguards unroasted on until 7:00 p.m. but in summer the Sun sets closer to 8:30 and swimmers take to the water at their own risk the hardest thing for us at the end of the day is actually turning your back on the water we know that when we pack up the beach and we've lost all the equipment away that there are still people swimming just as lifeguards are about to close the last door our report comes in male who went for a swim an hour ago do it he stuff on the beach where were you sitting yeah the man was last seen entering the water so we went and have a look through his clothing with her permission and all of his stuff was still here his money he's borrowing his wallet his keys so clearly he hadn't left the beach that's when at the time were worried to us that he's still in the water is he a good swimmer do you know three days okay so you don't know how well he swims no okay and this search started to get a little bit more serious we're gonna get you to take a sweep along the beach someone comes up to you that's why I'm you can't leave until you found them so what I wanted to do was get in the Rhino and find this guy last man is mammoth as the search is underway on the shoreline singlets and maxi scan the water praying they haven't missed someone Maxie and I were sort of looking out the back of the flags and something just wasn't right Maxie and I looked at each other and we were like is he going on huh yeah cause it's back of the old flight they'll say it's after pack up time and a swimmer has been missing for over an hour then lifeguards spot commotion a hundred and fifty meters from shore a swimmer goes to the man's aid only for the tables to quickly turn lifeguards a still a long way off [Music] in moments there could be two drowned swimmers I got a call from the tower that there's two guys going under where the flags were which was right in front of me and I just pinned it we just scramble to grab whatever we can we grabbed a few boards meaningless bow friend down I couldn't see person although he was going under and drowning yeah put my head down and just got out there as quick as I could is backed up quickly by maxi I just wanted to go as fast as I can and at one stage I felt like was forever to get to the guy please just them they'll both down up and down up and down and then in that case it's a pervy example sometimes the recipes do get in trouble as well Chapo keeps track of the location go boys if the men go under lifeguards will use the megaphone to direct a yatesy and maxi to the last known location daddy's got him yeah when I got there now pretty much holding each other up I looked over and Matty was coming out which is good to say the rescuer was swimming with his girlfriend when he saw the drowning victim in trouble he has without doubt saved a life the guy that swam over to him you know he's a hero because it kind of gave us a bit of time to get there so he didn't see not looking for accolades the mystery man swims back to shore you know he put his own life in danger to help this guy and that's probably one of the most selfless things he could do as a human being AJ is visiting Bondi for the first time mammoth the missing man is still nowhere to be seen that guy was pretty lucky if there's not enough surrounding he would have been on the bottom still he would have been dead yeah we're packed up with nothing on the base that's fluke right head that buggy with the board on it and the guy was holding on to him he could have been a dead hero you know up at the tower chapo thinks he solved the mystery of mammoth the bald guy with the gray shorts is back at his Tower in the end Mamet wasn't missing he'd just gone for a walk but ironically the false alarm he sparked is what kept lifeguards back late and saved another man from drowning you know things like that really play on your mind and you really sort of start to reflect on them and think you know everything kinda happens for a reason down here sometimes the end of the day we say this guy's life we also found mammoth there's a good ending [Music] early mornings at Bondi for those that can't make it down themselves local photographer Eugene 10 helps out this is how I start my day every day to come down the beach and take some photos it's a great way to start a day to all the people down here really positive at that time of day you know Luther it's beautiful beautiful light every morning Eugene uploads photos to the website aqua bumps for people to get their bond I fix from anywhere in the world fun nice a huge part of my life I'm a mad surf I'll spend my life in the ocean if I'm not down here working I'm down here with my kids so I'm literally down here a few times a day a regular fixture on Bondi huge can also be another set of eyes for lifeguards on the beach I guess it's that element of is that now what's gonna happen so I always come back [Music] mid-afternoon and rough surf is making it difficult for lifeguards to track swimmers bobbing between waves I was put on the South corner and it was very strong reach that day I remember and the girls were out to me and and told me that her brother was in trouble [Music] finally just pointed get to the ocean and I couldn't really even sleep despite the confusion the 8c follows the woman on the way down to hell yeah Yeah right in the dark corner lifeguards consisting trouble in backpackers rip but the situation remains unclear I went down there with chapo quickly and when we got there Yates he was in on essential arenas either gone into actually got out 20 quicker than I thought because I was packing at this stage in the real a man the brother of the woman on the beach clings to a surfboard he's been rescued by bondi resident photographer Eugene if Eugene wasn't there we would have been diving to forget him my Tama got to him that we've been sucking to this Bank you know I was sucking up sort of over the top of us and that got I was in big trouble the man is on the verge of losing consciousness I picked him up and he was just a dead weight you just floppies legs weren't doing anything it will be close to impossible the Yangtze to get a dead weight swimmer to shore in the crashing surf that could I Harry Daisy and straight down at their Dead Sea and Quinn race through raging whitewater at the southern end of bond I know I hold them up there where local photographer Eugene has saved a drowning swimmer if Eugene wasn't there we would have been diving to forget him the man is gray and weak from a lack of oxygen someone good i Harry's his pocket hardly hold on to you James board let alone get up on the board Yates he gets to a sandbank where he can lift the man on to the boy was that over lost in him he looks like he's still drowning God he's got on the board he's pretty much a dead weight you know as far as oh I could've known him I to stop breathing on the way in he was that bad Pradeep is on holiday from the poor barely conscious he needs immediate medical attention [Music] lifeguard Quinn is a qualified paramedic you know I want to be confident with anyone on the stand but just that little bit more when someone like Queen he's there when you saw his face in the end he was the green those eyes you know like when you're close to death and your face changes in your eyes change you know that it was absolutely on his last breath did you take on if he's condition deteriorates and definitely check the hospital the color the green in his face you can tell that he's been without oxygen for a little while so he's got a deficit there and putting the oxygen on him was just to try and get him breathing probably again and get some circulation back for him a little bit tougher than weapons over there local surfers often step in to help lifeguards today Eugene has saved pradeep's life when I saw that he was in a real bad way like his eyes are rolling he's going under his head was really low on the water I could tell he just had no idea how to swim he looked to me you know seconds away from after five minutes of observation and he said he'd every Queen determines that Pradeep must go to hospital give you inhale it when you do that goes into your lungs that's where the problems are my job is to keep them alive until the ambulance gets there and then you know it's it's always a good see how many either saw in comedy on camera prayed you know they're not far away Pradeep remains at risk of further complications I just wanna listen to your breathing put the stethoscope on his lungs and he's probably heard water in his lungs which is instant hospital he must have been a bad way for them to take him straight away you ready to go the Nepalese guys should buy a lottery ticket it's very very lucky as close as you'll ever want to come to drowning [Music] Bondi attracts over 3 million visitors every year not every visit goes to plan which is when lifeguards step in but sometimes they help out in the most unexpected ways the area Saxon come to the tower and it's one of those men things you have a gut feeling when you know another man's in distress but we don't really speak about it you know generally when it means your distress a lady's involved so I knew I had to help him Saxon and his wife Paula live in Bondi Harry's thinks he may have the solution to their problem hello this is Harry's hair jewelry rescued from Bondi rescue how are you we need you badly they've always said it the Diamonds the lady's best friend and there's a reason for that isn't that in front of the North Bondi Surf Club Harry's goes in search of a ring but the first thing he finds is distraught wife Paula Paula's becoming quite disturbed you know thinking there's there's no chance in hell now that we're gonna find the ring she's devastated [Music] North Bondi Harry's is on a very different kind of rescue mission finding a lost wedding ring preserving human life so it's watching people out in the water but on this occasion we had a lot of lifeguards on these guys weren't my friends they're VIP guests to me I'll do anything I can to help him she's devastated hopefully we can find it and I wanted to take her mind away from the stress and inaction was occurring so you stay calm as I used to all the new kids I also gave Saxon a broom to sweep the sand to it really important when this trauma you give people jobs to take their mind away from the trauma after an hour of sifting sweeping and searching the amateur metal detectors make way for the real thing jewelry rescue now what was the made from gold platinum silver it's well you know Tony comes down with all his equipment and it was pretty much state-of-the-art equipment space age I'm calling it something from NASA off he went in he just did his job just like I do watching the water Tony uses a high-end metal and plastic detector and quickly has a strike really rich pants and pace bit of a false alarm but that goes with the territory we had a false alarm he's found a coin you know I think there might have been a little hope fading for Paula Tony makes another strike but this time Paula isn't getting her hopes up so quickly [Music] [Music] the joy was just amazing we're all so happy and to get that ring back it was really important you know that's 20 years of history between the bathroom they're been married and that's it's so special in the modern day so they're reunited with the diamond and it's a great story for me feeling really really lucky I learn from this lady the Mouser babe I'm so happy for my friends too you know for them to find the ring because it's made everyone happy you know it's not just about rescues and trading bluebottles it's about helping a friend out here we've done that well that ends well next time on bond I rescue a surprise visit gives lifeguards a little more manpower than they can handle it was a tough moment a local character has a seizure which takes a toll on lifeguards to obamawreck all hands on deck for a mass rescue I think he's calling Yui but then there's a new problem is that a chocolate and singlets gets uninvited company on the way to a rescue [Music]
Channel: Bondi Nation
Views: 2,060,785
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Keywords: bondi nation, bondi rescue, bondi beach, bondi rescue full episodes, lifeguard rescues, real life rescues, resuscitation, bondi rescue episodes, bondi lifeguards, bondi beach lifeguards, real life heroes, life is better at the beach, beach life, beach lifeguard rescue, bondi rescue season 11 episode 4, bondi rescue season 11, bondi rescue season 11 episode 4 online, bondi rescue season 11 episode 4 full episode, bondi rescue season 11 episodes, bondi rescue season 11 online
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 3sec (1323 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 05 2019
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