BODIES FOUND In River So I Went Magnet Fishing There! Magnet Fishing Finds

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guys we're out here at the ini ock bridge so i was reading a story on facebook about how there was a body dumped into this river and it's not happened one time it's happened lots of times over the years and the police said this is a prime place that people like dump stuff whether it's bodies whether it's evidence what not everyone else probably thinks you know that's a little bit crazy my mind goes what if i brought my 1000 pound magnet to that river and chucked it off right by the side of the river what could we find let's see we can get first one we're going to do we're just going to kind of gently toss it right off the edge into the water that's pretty deep down there look at that so if anyone tossed anything right off the side we'd find it you ready first toss of the day punk by the way dead fish oh always nice stuff can't finish you know there could be all right it's still sinking and it's not all right let's slowly pull it slowly drag it across the bottom you think we're gonna pull anything out of it yeah i hope so let's get like let's start with a fish hook i'll start like used gun well yeah of course i'm trying to drag it for as long as i can all right let's see oh great it's one of those rivers tom joy look what we got is there anything on the bottom well we got a clunk of seaweed lovely to what i'd love to find out here gross got a clunk of seaweed and absolutely nothing else so did you know science fact of the day seaweed is magnetic second time around let's get a little bit air in there and let's give it some distance should i try like a little loopy throw i just stepped on a fish head not even joking all right now we have a lot more distance to pull it over you ready yeah all right you know usually i would be so grossed out by the water in here look at my hands already but 108 degree heat this stuff feels good is it water cold or warm oh it's cold it's gross but it's cold oh it's heavy make sure like when you're when you're pulling it give it a chance to sink to the bottom that's what i'm doing that's why i'm pulling it so slowly what do you think we're gonna pull out this time a knife get off you see that fly on my dragonfly on it get off my line it's heavy i feel like i'm gonna have 80 pounds of seaweed oh my god it's really heavy if that's all seaweed that is a4 what if we catch a fish you know imagine it oh my god god look at that jeez i pulled out a whole bush that's a whole tree i got somebody's lawn look oh it is oh you broke it did i break it he broke the line but we got a bobber down there do we oh my god look at this all right so look step one let's get all the seaweed off first step here gee this is i think this is worse than the potomac river back in virginia this is horrible okay we got somebody's fishing hook and we just pulled off their line we got a hook it's not even a hook look it's just the part that attacks the hook attaches to the hook i think the hook broke on the line broke so well we're getting a lot of seaweed on his eyes i think we switched sides of the dock let's try over there [Music] all right so we're at the other side of the dock now let's try the same thing first thing first i'm just going to gently toss it over the edge just in case somebody dropped something or intentionally threw something in here we'll probably pull it up you ready look at it sinking and sinking and sinking just imagine like we said there's a fish that has a hook stuck in his mouth from a line he broke and he gets caught on a magnet and we catch a real fish magnificent that would be the best all right you ready pull it gently yeah hey get out of here dragonfly gently every time i pull i let it go a little bit so that it can touch the bottom closer too all right you ready i think it's just about at the end we have more seaweed probably maybe not no no seaweed i think there's thing on the bottom now hopefully come on come on come on there's what is that a piece of rock a piece of rock whoa that's just definitely what we're looking for all right second time let's get some distance on this thing you ready i just took my shoe right off you see that it's stuck ew that's definitely fish guts my slides are sticky now gross all right you ready all right all right we're gonna slowly pull it and let it drag across the edge of the whole river back to the duck oh it's definitely it's got onto something i don't know if it's seaweed or metal but it's definitely stuck on something it's so hot look to your left guys see the fire over there why do you see the smoke smoke down there that was the fire they got started this morning yep you know it's like normal weather in california you have a chance of wildfires and if you could see it there's one back this way too that's just lovely all right i'm gonna pull let it sink pull it let it sink and just repeat the process until it gets all the way over to the dock what do you think we'll have this time anything uh i want a knife still i want a gun well yes it got to be even better but just for the i want i'm asking for something simple all right let's see oh let's talk there's something right here it's like every time i pull it away it falls back to it there's something like really heavy right here look if i let it go it sticks right back to it whatever it is must be heavy huh let's pull up and see what we got come on nothing on the top at least this side seems to be seaweed-free just a little bit of seaweed not much something on the bottom is it all right we got it just fell off what is that a bottle cap yes you know what corona virus if this was fallout we just found one bottle cap that's equivalent to a dollar so we're doing good so we move back to the other side because it seems like it's closer to the bridge moved a little bit further down this time let's see if we have any luck there you ready it slowly oh that's stuck no oh i'm stuck on something heavy okay it's moving again i don't know if it's dragging it or it lost the magnetic attraction or we just see we fell off a lot of possibilities all right let's pull it right to the shore gosh it's got some weight to it right now i think we're gonna pull a whole tree out of here you ready come on yeah oh oh yeah i lost it i lost it yes brought up some dirt with it let's see there's anything on this bottom what do we got oh what is is that a bb there's like little things on the side you see this it's a bb [Music] so a bb a bottle cap and part of a fishing hook you know what we're killing it out here okay we're gonna switch it up instead of throwing it towards the deeper side let's take it back this way or throw it towards the shoreline so maybe somebody came right on the edge there and pull something in there i don't know your guess is as good as mine you ready right i like how the rope needs to are falling science is cool all right what do you think we got besides seaweed see all the seaweed down here brought to the surface oh look at all the seaweed that we threw off it last time it all got brought to the surface because of this rope or a magnet oh that seaweed we have an entire forest for the tree holy crap i can barely move that seaweed that's a whole voice that's not a tree that's not a bush that's a forest come on you oh my god look at this it's turning my hand pink pinker it's pretty hot you know oh dang it's got a lot of weight to it oh look at that okay we lost some all right step one get out of here seaweed we don't want you get ours on the bottom nothing on the bottom all we catch a seaweed this is at home i gotta do this back in virginia i want to get seaweed all day i'm so glad to be recording this outro right now guys so guess what the heat i guess shut off our camera we tried to go to the car set in the car and let it in front of the vent for like 20 minutes i couldn't get it to cut back on finally a little over two hours later when i opened it up it cut back on i thought for sure my setup was fried i was so scared you don't even know but anyway it's hard to record these videos it's 110 degrees out the sun just doesn't like video cameras or technology it roasts them but all in all we got seaweed we got a fish hook we got a bottle cap and a little piece of a hook thing that's about it we didn't get nothing but you know what i have an idea when it comes to the magnet fishing that i don't think i've seen anyone else do before i'm not going to say what that is until i work all the technicalities and figure out how to do it but i have a really cool idea that should be coming in the near future if it works out the way i think it's going to work out so if you enjoyed the video leave it a thumbs up subscribe if you're new and until next time peace out [Music] you
Channel: Treasure Hunting With Jebus
Views: 22,140
Rating: 4.8492322 out of 5
Keywords: magnet fishing finds, magnet fishing finds body, magnet fishing finds bomb, magnet fishing finds gold, magnet fishing finds grenade, magnet fishing finds gun, magnet fishing finds safe, magnet fishing finds treasure, magnet fishing finds videos, best magnet fishing finds, magnet fishing, magnet fishing best finds, magnet fishing for guns, magnet fishing gun, magnet fishing jackpot, magnet fishing usa, magnet fishing videos, treasure hunting with jebus
Id: Zj3CQUQhoD0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 47sec (647 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 17 2020
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