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hey Ryan brought the shell he did okay this is the clue that we found in the first treasure chest that led us to the second treasure hunter you guys remember this one yeah and then here is the clue this is the clue that we found in the second treasure chest that let us know it's a it's like a shell the end or the beginning you may have thought this was the end but now the rules I will Bend the time is now to start anew with in this chest a brand new clue look start is underlined this image of a shell start beginning and then it has an underline at the beginning again and then this doesn't make any sense except the inside the chest there was this did you see that Rebecca [Music] this fell out it has engravings on it I want to see if there's anything else oh yeah it has stuff written all over it there's nothing else in there yeah so this are the same thing oh yeah do you see it yeah and this was inside the treasure chest but we didn't even make any connection like I didn't even realize that this had anything else in it this whole time all these days that just makes me think we really need to look at all the stuff in there closer oh wow does it say that oh I don't even know where the beginning is it has the letters or something okay the door we see some trash leading to some cold hard cash 11 vents from left to right here's the clue I chose to write out out-like outside the door we see some trash leading to some cold hard cash 11 vents from left to right here's the clue I chose to write in the last treasure hunt there was a clue in one of the vents that was the 11th vent from the one out there oh yeah like a whole bunch of vents out there and there's 11 events out there okay you remember trash I chose to write out which means I think it's outside okay I didn't James might be right there are more vents up there in the all right let's go the 11 vents from left to right here's the clue I chose to write out the door we see some trash leading to some cold hard cash you guys believe that this is leading us back to this house because this was found inside the treasure of the last house if we do find something here I will be blown away because that means it would have been here for I don't even know how many years and that means that we did the entire last treasure hunt we lived here for years and we never found it this whatever this is leading to and I don't even know what's here except for the fact that it says to come back to start anew and ahead underline start Nana I will be shocked if there's more to find one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven if the last return it really does lead us back to this house I will be so shocked that means that that means that somebody else could have found this this isn't even our house that means somebody else could have found this okay let's just let's just check if see cuz it might not even be at this house this clue says 11 vents from left to right so 11 vents from left to right 11 vents from left to right this door we see some trash leading to some cold hard cash store we see some trash is it in the vent or is it in the top [Music] trash isn't stationary that means oh there's what does that one do well I don't think that's anything yeah so the beginning of this I believe the beginning of this happens right after the cold hard cash line so that means that the clue starts with the word 11 vents from left to right here's a clue I chose to write out the door we see some trash leading to some cold hard cash wait so our I love adventure left to right but it doesn't necessarily stand that we need to look in the bin so just as we see some trash leading leading to some cold hard cash so trash leading to cash out the door that's true are you kidding me this was here the whole time we never moved newly bins I just saw this and I was like I just had the wind knocked out of me this is crazy you guys really yeah like when this house was built this house was built like during World War two it says it's this means was leading back to this house look look at that image right there yes it's the same symbol I already saw the nice I don't know we lived here we didn't even know I know what if it is a giant trick don't know hang on maybe we're just supposed to break it that's what we have to do it very carefully oh how we do okay I don't wanna make a mess here on the patio maybe look pig in the grass yeah let's put it in the dog nurses be very careful over there - Elly hope there's no spiders in here oh this is so old this would be like the perfect living space for spiders I think it's okay yeah Wow hey it looks like really old tape that's like coming off this has been preserved so there's no distance that's so weird so sugar cookies ingredients sugar cookies ingredients 2 and 3/4 cup all-purpose flour 1 teaspoon baking powder 1 cup butter softened 1 and 1/2 cups white sugar 1 egg 1 teaspoon vanilla extract stir flour baking soda and baking powder cream together butter and sugar until smooth beaten egg and vanilla blend together all ingredients to place an oven-safe tray and bake at 425 for 8 to 10 minutes you recognize this same setup from the first treasure hunt and we had to put it in the freezer and then it revealed the secret message do you remember yeah they have 425 for 8 to 10 I want to put in the freezer let's go put in the freezer big what oh I can't do so instead of freezing this what if we heat this it's just something to catch I don't think this is gonna fit oh I don't want to break it though well maybe we open it and just put in the paper this oven is a glass top oven what if we just set it on there it said it was underlined baked right it does it fits perfectly in this spot what if it shatters the glass or something so what is it just warming it it underlines bake at 425 out of 10 minutes or whatever I say thank you no I don't think it will melt it's made of metal and glass which are both heated below it's not even warm in here yet you don't bake sugar cookies at 425 it will absolutely burn them okay that means that this recipe is completely made up and it's supposed to be baked at 425 425 start that's gonna be so hot that will break the glass you're worried about the glass breaking I guarantee 425 will break good what if we took the glass off and just put back in you insist [Applause] hang on oh it's very hot on the bottom yeah okay I'm afraid it's gonna get too hot Becker it's like blowing the words are disappearing no I'm not even kidding hang on it's getting hot the words are disappearing it's not fair white you have matches right yeah there are not Chester what if we use the matches instead I'm really afraid of burning this flame under it then actually boiling it in the oven because I don't want it that thing right there is so hot is it there is heat coming from the bottom and the top and I don't want to disturb burst into fire I just realized something do you remember the first treasure hunt we had to kill to reveal the clue now this time we have to heat to reveal the clue it's like the flip-flop it's like opposite go ahead hold it over stone with it burn that's gonna work I think I see words starting I do whoa what what you do Shu down stairs ceiling time well spent southeast bedroom broken vent there is more for you to do what about the other shoe downstairs ceiling time well-spent southeast bedroom broken vent oh yeah yeah I don't think it means other drawer but it but that's where this where we find the first shoe so it makes sense why you would want to look here for the second shoe what about the other shoe downstairs ceiling time well spent duster ceiling southeast not Northeast it's in the ceiling so it's either that or that's gotta be yes there is something in there it might just be the vent that I'm seeing but I do think that there's something up there too big oh this will this will probably work oh maybe the garage has a screwdriver yeah let's go check storage room right here it might have something we found the song piece of metal it's too thick I found a screw using a screw and screw another screw I'm getting this one anyway the second one that means really have one screw left that we needed but that one's too totally covered in paint okay he was twist it art can it not be twisted we still need to take it off that one will this help yes okay we just got the last screw off right maybe we have to pull this whole thing out this will come off if this is unpitched there is I think there is another shoe in there I just need to get these these other nails and the screws undone here oh so much here Becca have you this oh do we have to does it have to be shattered it's not opening maybe here I don't want to break it in here let's go outside yeah so crazy the shoe the nuts in the shoe and now the shoot nuts these shoes in the nuts or something's in the nut it sounds like money or B there's something okay you're gonna break [Music] [Applause] so it's bull you meant money in dollars what's inside here the last time to break it in a box yes we did somewhere else you know what else we did right here I remember I'm guessing this is a shoe the shoe also the note okay dirty laundry all around there is something to be found so bubbie break the back you will find the clue you lack cars now so they if it was it probably would be dirty and we've done it before we've broken a wall in the back you will find the clue you like I know I think I know where it's at wait okay come with me wait a minute dirty laundry all around there is something to be found southern a cubby break the back you will find the clue you what I think this piece right here this that's a false wall here the whole time you know we never would have messed it's just barely up and they'll go down oh yeah there's a big difference you can see there's a we never notice at the whole time that I cannot believe that secret compartment was there this quick let's go in the other room okay just so dusty if the clue what there's like spindles here the clue one zero zero four two zero zero five three zero zero six jackpot what the heck this is so weird Morse code and Braille 1 for 2.5 3.5 to 3 4 5 jackpot oh wait a minute there was this - what is this this note wasn't said here [Applause] [Music] gonna be labor-intensive I can tell you've gotta figure it out though yeah okay figure it out really come here take a look so here is what we have to read it's a combination of Morse code and Braille creating one word so we've got one two three four letters one two letters one two three letters so there's multiple letters this is a phrase or a sentence or something but these is a planing what's real and what's Morse code Morse code on so the key is along the outside a key is along the outside edge exactly okay so then this four dials you've got this one that turns the inner dial now this one turns the outside dial and then this one turns the this dial right here and then it has eight inner dials okay so I think if we have I think we have to get everything lined up properly for that for this to unlock I needed to say for this this clue okay guys check it out so this is Morse code for L this is Braille for oh this is Morse code for oh this is Braille for K so I figured out the word first word is look the next word is to the and and I'm just kind of working on the rest so I'm making progress okay yeah so if I see an O then I'm like okay maybe there's maybe there's another oh oh let's see that there was another oh right there there's another oh right there a a there's an e there's another e there's another e so yeah I'm just trying to kind of piece it together as quick as possible and that stuff that processes faster so there's a Morse code a Braille B Morse code B Braille exactly so I gotta figure out what this phrase is and I don't know how it coincides with this but somehow it does and I just have to figure it out I finished decoding it it says look to the beam of sunlight a bell oh maybe it is supposed to be a you play the ball will never burn bright look to the beam of sunlight a bulb will never burn bright check bell see what that says I did i double-checked it really yeah - da da da is B dash dash dash is e yeah that's easy alright hello dot-dash-dot-dot Belle Belle look to the beam of sunlight and Belle will never burn bright I'm not really sure what that means there's a bunch of weird things here and I can't quite figure out I don't know if this is right but oh it's telling me how to read the message maybe Morse code in Braille and it has one two three four five six and it's showing me an image of Braille and then it's showing me one two three four five six and showing me it's telling me how to take the six and how they write about this way does that make sense okay which I already figured that out okay I think this is really just telling me how to read it really yeah I think so Jack Paar maybe it doesn't come apart yeah maybe it doesn't maybe the whole purpose of this is to help me learn how to decode this which I think I kind of already figured out but what's the bottom thing I think it's showing me because when I was looking at this first I went one two three four five six and that was wrong so I went one two three four five six which is the same as this I think this is just telling me how to read which is ultimately the same as what this is saying okay same thing so maybe this is the clue look to the beam of sunlight a bell will never burn bright I might be wrong I have no idea I'm just going to check I think that that might have been a misspelled word I think supposed to say bold instead of bell but there are some beams out here on the back patio these beams right here and if you look up I think if you look up to the beams then there's the sunlight maybe this these are the beams that it's talking about and it says a bulb will never burn bright maybe it's talking about one of these there's a bulb inside that one maybe one of them doesn't work oh there's a bulb right there I've never ever noticed that you have yeah I never noticed that my whole life we lived here I never even noticed this bulb and look it's right on the beam Beca there's a beam here and if you look up towards the beam of sunlight there's a bulb here that I've never even noticed because I don't think it works and I said the bulb will never burn Brae there is something in it do you think I'm right did you ever notice that before I never noticed that bulb I didn't notice that oh yeah she can't see she won't be able to reach it oh twist it twist it yeah that way twist it and don't drop it do this one to get the break wait bring in it does it unscrew only I don't throw it in the garbage can didn't break it's breaking that's like a serious serious book it isn't screwing hey Becky might really are you a nurse got it that was the perfectly protected place like that it would never nobody would even notice yeah you almost got it careful not to break it careful terrific all right Becca what does it say in a cupboard the room of wood in the floor up by the ceiling and near the door and cupboard this is a wooden floor it says in a cupboard the room of wooden floor up by the ceiling and near the door did you can [Music] [Music] they're good inserts of treasures bye Horatio oh yeah it was for sure all right so all we got was a book well where's the clue oh here's the name open up the first page are you kidding me [Music] 1914 this stuff is insert your treasure in 1907 is how old this is yeah so Becca look this is page number line number word number does that sound familiar yeah number line number word number Hey so go to page 48 there's something in it washer washer line 12 word for infinite infinite request infinite quest yeah I'm already ringing bells Corbin ok page 219 ok for you guys it's like we're gonna skip to the end of this clue done do you want to read it infinite quest beyond heavens book keeper extend find secret bound vessel do you guys have any ideas I think you know where we going we're going downstairs to where the book is because I think it's called infinite quest it's not it's called eternal quest my eternal and infinite have the same meaning we're looking for eternal quest the book which opens up the bookcase in Ryan's old room oh and somebody broke this read it oh there's something on it fight the rope and pull heavens keeper or whatever but it has said look to the heavens find the rope and pull so here's the book eternal quest if we open this up the Rope oh that is so freaky oh dear okay who wants to go up in there James volunteers boy specking you wanna help them in there we have to find the rope and pull all right you finna quest beyond heavens bookkeeper extend to find secret bound vessels so somewhere in here we have to find the rope and pull and I think if we find the rope and pull will find the secret bound vessel but you're gonna have to sell whatever you find you might think you might get real dirty can you say Oh Mike oh yeah it's the way a ginormous one a rope a baby okay all right I couldn't stand here and hold this open on my head James is just trying to squeeze in there I'll hold the flashlight I was not expecting there oh my goodness yeah yeah you can get out we could pull it yeah get up come on out James there's gonna be a lot of dust in there don't you get sick so come on out and we'll pull it [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] everybody's really bad everybody go upstairs go upstairs oh man that was so cool I did not even see that rope I was looking in there with a flashlight and everything and it wasn't until James wynia I pulled it that I actually saw it is there anything else in there yeah that's gotta be cuz they're more in the bag or in the rope I did look in the bag briefly okay and I did not see anything else yeah there's a whole bunch of money all wadded up in this we're gonna go look back down and see if there's more I wonder if maybe there's something bound inside there oh because the clue said bound did you look in here and and was that book the only thing in here I see glass do you see that yeah oh I do I told you there was more oh that's the bound vessel you just have to move it we don't wanna break that though let me see I can oh I think it's I think I might know where some wire cutters you know what is the stolen secret of love yeah it's close sure I could get it help I don't know if you can yes I don't want to break it though it's like long yeah I don't wanna break it though oh yeah it's a bottle of oh yeah you got the cork off can you pull it the rest of the way I think you can the cap pops off too good job dude I did not notice that could it slip off like this too - flute toots your flute we found a package in a shoot it's a pretty cool one - pretty cool one so cold hallelujah toot your flute we found a package in a shoot I think I know where it is pretty cool one - there's a vent that I saw because I saw it it was right there better package in the shoot it's a pretty cool one - is it right there is that cool oh that's a what here's the cold shoe but it doesn't look anything like the picture guys what if it's been cemented shut from when the treasure hunt was created there any other place that has a hole shoot it's locked no look at this room the strip is locked right here is there a chute behind any of these bushes do you know there's another way to get to inside here let's do the bedroom door in the basement no because no one wants to get in there so are you gonna go in there it's about time you get your hands dirty creepy place well then we need you to go in behind all these bushes to make sure there's no back there this is what the shoot looks like yeah we can't is this the other side of the shoe so is it behind that cardboard maybe it got covered up when they put in this shelving right careful there's open to the cardboard back here Terry I don't want you to get stepped on are you trying to move the cardboard I don't think can you move that cardboard this is where the shoe Allyson's solid in there whatever was back there is completely and covered now we might have to break the wall but I don't want to break a wall unless we know we're in the right spot we might have to break it from that side because it's gonna be very tricky to have to like get squeezed in there right the only hesitation I have is that that shoe doesn't look anything like the picture covered coal chute it looks exactly like that it's covered in cement so that means that down here yeah we can see half of it outside oh that is freaky Kenny it suits it's not focusing oh I see that package it's covered in spider webs guys I got it this was probably could here before the cement the queen was put in here before the snows here cuz look at this this net is pretty like newer and that is what matches the picture which is so interesting because then it was shut off and it could have never been found ever again but only because we had that map could be even no but it was in here okay so shifting it to the side probably unlock something else this thing is gorgeous quite heavy too so James figured out they this will be pushed this way and then what happens there's something I hear this that can happen sometimes alright let's open up the letter that is so cool it's a very beautiful box easy teetsi secret hid in a water spout if the rain came down it wouldn't wash it out it couldn't wash it out so there's something ANSI teensy secret hidden a water spout it's different you came down it couldn't wash it out nothing's underlined I think we just need to look at all of the water spouts okay are there any oh this is a gutter but it's not a water spout oh yeah here's the water spout what is that I've never I never noticed that either huh you've almost got it don't worry about that just keep going you better good is that it that's gotta be it no way is that it when we open it let me go in the house if there's a can opener oh maybe there is okay let's try I think it is working keep going wait it might have been open all the way open up the other side I got a little bit too ambitious and ended up breaking one half of the cam so they're opening up from the other end hoping that you can get it open right the first time this time open it up buddy is anything else in there [Music] whoa guys look at this yep there you go clove and pull that out it was this was with that around like thunder in our first treasure hunt we found that mirror yeah I remember that doesn't it say for me about a mirror as close it is also under stairs what not be crackin clue it's gotta be the other one because we would have noticed it in this one maybe we need to find I think okay James is gonna go take a look see if you can find something is there any further instruction I feel like we're kind of looking because we're not we did when in my pleasant window so look that symbols on here - wait a minute it's backwards we mirrored something okay I'm going to moved it around yeah it said something about mirrored a shadow mirrored glass pane of a shadow this is it the mitten this is a shadow box there's a mirrored glass pane inside so this clue literally told us exactly what we would find yes as you're looking at it here is backwards but when you look at it in the mirror the symbol is not backwards I wonder if we actually have to solve this message through the mirror and not this way and here's the keys this is the message I think we need to decode and I think this is the key that tells us how to decode it and the side with the dot on it is the ones that have a dot on the inside of these letters right but this side doesn't have not Senate so that's the ones that don't have dots so the first word the first letter is are the first letters are because this is the side with the dot okay then the next one doesn't have a dot and I think it's E because it's a closed yeah it's a closed triangle so our E and then open triangle no dog I read are you read cool and then and then another D read B oh oh oh oh is it in our our red door red door a red door so there's no where Red Door is we do know wherever it is okay where the next two words say that might give us more information under red door under under what one more word yep so our so red door under floor red door under so James you hop in here and unlock the patio there's the porch door right there so you're gonna have to jump in here and unlock that for us okay we have to go in under four who do you think it's just under this board grass shavings from lawn mowers being stored on you just the sport there's a box you see it inside so we got to go down in this creepy tiny room again yeah you don't catch anything on the way down there oh you see something here take this to mom doesn't make any sense unless wait what's this you think it's possible someone else found it already I don't know that would be really sad if they did looks like there's some stuff in here maybe there's been people surf shuffle or something I just have an idea the clue said under floor not underground wait because you're under the house the floor is technically above your head yeah under the floor so the floor is up the ground is below well I always thought it was interesting to the seven or four not underground no see I think this is the toilet actually I don't know [Music] guys we've been down looking inside of this basement for a long time I'm convinced that whatever was hidden here at one point has already been found and I don't know if this was the final treasure or not but I'm not seeing anything I'm looking everywhere for some said some sort of a clue or direction I'm not seeing anything we've been looking here down here for a long time it's really crowded and really uncomfortable down here yeah the Sun is going down Fitz it's like 8:30 so it's almost sunset and we're still not seeing anything so I don't want to pull out all the insulation but there is some wiring and holding up some of this insulation but I don't know if there's a reason for that that might be the only clue I don't know I'm just stumped guys I'd hate for this to be the dead end are you kidding me what my crazy wait a minute that is the symbol that's the treasure a symbol that we always see yeah but you can see that's a wood compartment right there I didn't even realize that it was taped in here do I need a screwdriver maybe yeah I don't like fitting in toisan yeah there's a compartment here but we in the house it's in the bedroom I think where we had the vent in the ceiling do you see something you can be all deployed thing up here it looks like I pinched it you hear clicking maybe there's two I need I need more hands maybe when you screw that back in [Music] oh my goodness I thought we were never gonna get that so the switch I thought that this would fall down when I remove this one but by pushing the switch then you have to pull it out to pull this out yeah anyway it's a pain oh okay let's get out of this dark dark dungeon yeah it's so uncomfortable look what we found goes I guess yeah somehow we have to get it open let's go back in the house we've got a box looks like a rectangular box with some sort of hole into the keyhole it looks like guys it's getting late I think mom figured it out did you have it look familiar let mom turn if you can figure it out over the top I feel like with these types of things you have to make it more worse before you can make it better no I can't finally oh okay I started to wonder if there wasn't some master at work oh my goodness that take wait here we go it might be different looks like money [Music] looks like money nothing else in there like it has six this time happy is the man that findeth wisdom and the man that getteth understanding wisdom wisdom okay okay where do we yes where you put it is it one tough one there you go that was it that was the only key see I was going to do whisper because I heard him I step on it out and it was just nothing words I'm like I don't live that I won't you take me Peter let us find where the we began a loft in the Attic aloft and the Attic at the end and where we began a loft in the attic above the fan we began the first clue of the last treasure hunt was in the Attic oh that's so much better than last time when you were [Music] oh it is I never noticed that before like another whole huge XP hey we could have had a whole nother room added into our house have you ever looked up here before no what is that what is that there's something covered how are we gonna get that out of here what if that's it what if that is the thing the first treasure was in the basement under the garage but if this is the next treasure above the house in the Attic because everything has been kind of a flip-flop almost like a mirror image that might be the treasure that might be honestly I don't know what else that could be wherever there's a - wait is that sturdy I don't know if I trust me no what's your what your right foot is on is that sturdy yeah okay that is HUGE oh yeah this little hole hi James guys stay down there it's dangerous up here okay is that oh whoa it's a chest it's a chest okay Becca I have the key I have the key let's look inside that's it there's the there's the keyhole right there in the front this is it Becca this is the treasure this is the final this is the final treasure what happened I dropped it are you kidding me you are you always always with the pranks just open it over Eddie you went in put it in my pocket so I don't actually drop it back I think this is the final treasure I cannot believe this was up here the whole time I never looked in this attic none of us did because this was here this is so much money okay Babu there's somebody here [Music]
Channel: The Beach House
Views: 681,869
Rating: 4.798224 out of 5
Keywords: epic treasure hunt, we found a treasure chest in our house, we found another treasure, we found a treasure chest, treasure chest, tresure, treasur, treshur, the beach house, treashur, real treasure hunt, fake, beach house, beach house treasure hunt, real treasure, treasure hunt, treasure, money, we found chest of cash
Id: 9bQzzFOMmlI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 40sec (4180 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 26 2020
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