Shutting Off The Krays Hometown Magnet Fishing #72

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[Music] so [Music] right back out again today in london sporting the new merch as you can see and we've got the good finds back so help me son ethan we've got jim over there we've got a few people joining us but we'll wait to introduce them when they get here oh god first throw explosive no artillery round oh great [Music] right so my first throw i've only gone and pulled up that there we go a little shell so it looks like we'll be calling that in later but on the first throw i think today is going to be a good day brilliant all right so heath has just pulled up a mystery bag inside you can see london in your pockets priceless mastercard holder we've got somebody's visa and oyster card in there also in the bag we have this whatever it is i'm not quite sure what it is but um no and but that's it so yeah mystery items they've already started so it's jim and he's just found himself a slug there we go yeah got himself a bullet tip said it's gonna be a good day here mate so jim got one and now i'll go around there a bit i guess there we go another slug from a bullet bullet day and obviously found someone's karaoke machine obviously weren't very good at it so they thought they'd throw it in the water but yep karaoke machine there's jim look he's just pulled himself up an air rifle got a thing about eggs don't you mate yeah that's like an old school one that but yeah more things so he's jim once more and he's got another bullet tip they're coming out of here mate and they there we go another expensive d-lock as you can see it's been cut at the top so just found that oh canopy half a push chair so dan don't worry i'll bring it back mate when you're out in the garden it'll keep the sun off you first phone of the day an old spike so just found that pure media mobile card ready see it's got all different sd card slots inside of it remember if you live in london get a decent bike lock because these just ain't working well you can see that i've just got myself a guinness brewery keyring looks like a squash penny one and another bike lock we've got an old wheel myself an old kid's car a spanner about 15 mil and a spark plug bit of decorative fencing or something so i got myself a um copper doughnut so steve's arrived just explained that's that round i found early probably about 50 cal so it is literally just the tip from it so we're not explosive so that's another keeper so we've got another padlock got a fork got a pink shaft canister screwdriver part of the christmas tree [Music] we've got a yellow padlock with a chain welded on the back another padlock and a boss lock so there we go dan we found you another bra so you've don't worry we'll bring it back for you there we go so of all steve also been joined by this man look there he goes you all recognize him steve mr rusty nuts look there we go so i've been joined by him as well i'm sure you like and subscribe that's it give him a look he's had some interesting finds and now dan we've got your drawers to go with your bra as well mate you're doing well today mate says jimmy just pulled out another blackberry phone similar to the one i had last week there we go well that's probably one of the strangest things i've ever seen a banana wrapped in carton tape on a piece of metal so there we go you have a banana on a plate yeah i've also been joined by these two here john's adventure you'll recognise them and you all know that noisy one is i'm here with the beast guys he's on a road trip thank you for inviting us nigel no problems and he's he's not good with directions either there's jim and he's happy now he's pulled himself up an eight mil blank firing pistol your first one mate first one i'm happy he's happy there we go so london does it once more so paul got that nice little axe a bit of a public pay phone so we've got a bite though little digital reader for something and we've got a live shotgun shell got an award the warning triangle we've got a christmas tree all the remains of wood pulled it out a little mini clown bite type thing not as nice as next one but got that as well someone's been trying to warm up the canal it's a prayer i've got that jar that's got a load of paperwork and things in i'm not going to open it because that's going to be really smelly we go down we found your heel for your shoe mate we'll try and find the shoelace and put it back on for you got myself another apple air pod that's about the fourth one now so there's jim he's had his um little pistol earlier and now he's got himself a set of shotgun barrel the sawing off part doing well today and you mate and there we go we've got a pocket radio it's best thing from this bridge for us we've got an old paintbrush the yellow padlock second one today i'm exhausted there we go got on car exhaust i'm exhausted also got an old tape measure we're good yeah oh i just got that and somebody's locker key on the chain it's also got turtle on it so there we go turtle key [Music] oh end bonus there we go our core magnet fishing standing here in the pouring around as you can see but we don't care we just carry on yeah i have to hold it drenched but we don't care there it is look i'll call jim playing in the rain i tell you what maybe clara's on the water's coming over the edge you're trying to hurt yeah your air's growing you know it's going right down the you put some fertilizer on it this is fertilizer don't stand out there rusty you're back you go that's why he's not so rushed until we're standing which i'm sure a lot of you will recognize the world war one army class knife it's in pretty poor condition but it's the first one i've actually found but it is that's what the hoof pick so all rope and tangler whatever you want to call it but first class knife and he started again here he is jim's on the parking meters there we go mate wouldn't be the same without one would it no umbrella amazing one and steel toe cap boot and we've got an old weight as well so we've got a mirror for motorbike so kawasaki found another knife blade seems finding the blades but on the handles today somebody's lost them for some reason [Music] perfect dress for you dan she's gone oh come on guys i'm getting more working got it i've still got it ah oh god come on boys [Music] it's easy for it we almost went ah that's awesome cool that was too pretty all right all right so there we go we've pulled out a motorbike what do you say it was it apparently it's a honda zoomer that's definitely been in there a while but there we go we've got a self a zoomer never seen one before but that's a novel but it stinks of fuel on oil so good thing to get out of that excellent you got old honda you took one over the back corner man because the foot is out there we go there's the boys pulled out another motorbike that's the second honda now in a short space of time oh i'm tired there glenn i've never been to busy in my life i'm not coming with you again oh there we go at least mom wheeled there's a boys there we go all the troublemakers [Laughter] there we go this honda parking bay only yeah there we go yeah you have grenade seriously she's empty bomb it goes tight doesn't it it's not an ad no right okay all right let's get it showing and get it called in i've got a scraper let's get it filmed and get it in a bucket i don't know so my son's just gonna pulled up a grenade he had to do one better didn't he it's not inert so unfortunately we're gonna have to make a phone call there we go so we have a grenade well done i was getting a bucket of water there we go i thought it was empty at first i thought oh look at that got a hole in the bottom of it i put the bottoms off it and it's definitely not in there it's not empty is it's not empty now oh we won't put it under the bridge you know what that means blow me one ain't i'll tell them where the bucket is hello there yeah it is over the other side of the hill got it in a bucket of water just there looks like a mills number five [Music] all right yep about that now okay glenn you want your grandfather you left it the last bridge i've been waiting people asked about it all right i have a handbag um [Music] oh yeah there you go you can see there that the police are taping off the bridge and now stopping people coming at the football that way there's my bucket that i'm going to lose but it's alright because we cracked one i've got a new one now you see that's the towpath closed there bucket over there and road being closed off there so there we go it's all gone well what have you done what about that what have you done i may have found the boom you've just shut off london oh god let's get out before the hake starts there we go look and then people already said right okay so there we go i've lost my bucket he's playing with me bucket he's taping me buck it up he'll blow himself as well don't blow me back up yeah so there we go footpath closed pathway closed there we go stanley casinos five pound token that's another one now there's a 25 pound i found down here rudolph what he's trying to say is he's found a can of brew dog so brett looks like your dad's arrived the big juris almanzo who's great day in london good job steve with us today and sure we had peaky dippers earlier and johnson's adventures jim's here again but uh as you can see north fans doing it through style causing trouble shutting off part of london but um amazing finds the first port was awesome so um we'll catch you again on friday i hope you enjoy the video and thanks for subscribing see you later and don't forget to subscribe to rusty nuts there we go i'll catch you all again soon bye-bye oh [Applause] you
Channel: Northants magnet fishing
Views: 84,079
Rating: 4.9161425 out of 5
Keywords: magnet fishing, uk canal, uk river
Id: p9RfCeFnnnQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 13sec (1633 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 26 2020
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