magnet fishing 2 STOLEN BIKES with Manchester magnet men

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morning guys manchester magnet man back out again on a on the canal thought we'd we'll come back to the same place where me and jay went a couple of weeks ago try and get that bike out and uh yeah stay tuned if you haven't already like and subscribe hit that notification bell now lockdown's been eased we're we're going to be out now a bit more especially with the summer coming up so yeah stay tuned and enjoy the video see you later guys looks good this little scooter some metal hello of nikki craig's a beast that he's bought in the magnet store it was any good man everyone's buzzing about it but so it is so thank you oh hello craig's just pulled out uh what looks to be about was it gate frame something like that probably a mattress frame or something there's lee sorry guys the videos have been a bit slow uh i was currently moving out and the uh software and all that kind of stuff on the computer got packed up got all the internet installed and stuff now so the videos are coming thick and fast uh we've got a few and already recorded just need editing so i'm gonna get them sorted oh look i've got a magnet oh he's got a beast oh you know throwing using the grapple look got a little uh scooter bars we've done as well we've now got some walkie-talkies when we're down further down and we need help instead of shouting we can just radio through to each other we're gonna start moving and clearing covering quite a few bit of a bit of area on the canal today so hopefully we'll find something good stay tuned guys stay tuned ah okay he's got a bit of a sign it's gonna fall he's gonna fall he's gonna fall did that phonies beast not to go with his beast yet uh that moment craig knew he had somewhat [Laughter] heavy the end of it i think you're out on it wait a minute wait wait a minute recording so that's the first time i've seen electric movement let's see but i saw that lovely better squirtle all right let's go actually have a have a proper look at this just to show that is electric as the uh there's a voltage pack remote has been so popular this strips if you've got yeah first electric moped anyway or electric scooter could be the same size as one of them that you'd expect like an old lady to be on or an old bloke decent little fine now many more to go through the day definitely hi guys you may remember me as david for bad apple the bad apple currently back with the guys it's been a long time coming next week we'll get my cousin billy ray hill billy jones still work all this in here fly tipping at its finest if you go down the woods today you'll see a big surprise the boys the boys the boys hey i'm a real boy yeah help what's that then this one help then hello you're right where i'm gonna cup it very zoomed in this craig what very zoomed in oh oh you know plan it to yourself then what's happening magnet broke it's okay on the end of me magnet i shake myself a foot broke my magnet didn't realize it's a tin lid fortunately for that hey guys magnet's still okay happy days 200 good with the magnet there oh yeah found a an exhaust system with a bit of a catalyst converter on it it's been cut obviously polar beam tried to get robbed that's a dump it there got that often take that old got a platinum in that let's see how it goes either another magnet or a grapple hook over here put me out of battling with that for a while got it yeah guys one of them electric powered scooters skewer number two yeah looking been battling with that for a while with the beast but she came through not too bad not too shabby all right let's move the camera a bit hey so when people can start to see us hey what's lee up to huh [Music] [Music] probably still at home is god ultimately can buy it come on jay are you up mate wow oh foreign a catalyst converter there as well fake quit that all right so so far guys we got the motorbike up so far for one that means jay we're battling with the other week so now we've got all the manpower got all four of us out today we're gonna have that out who knows hey all right i don't leave haspel you got a light okay okay all right let's go let's go oh uh all right oh this way oh oh yeah once we get high and once i've tied it up so it's not going to drop anymore oh oh all right foreign three two three tie this off oh oh all right carefully holy okay [Music] right one two one guys sweats breaking out here get a glimpse of it sweating her back out it's hard you know what we're doing we tying him as we're lifting it so he's going slowly and slowly up little guy there watching us been watching us for a while now so yeah gonna have another little go at it oh got it last one there boys boys done it go on lads so honda so ptr 750 i think it is oh no 400 that 400. even it was free 400 the camera was turned off fortunately there was nothing in it so whoever's been robbed or thrown or whatever but yeah it's empty he's just gone and uh pulled out a bit of a mallet lump hammer you know you can tell i'm a bleeding nurse and dave's in the roofing game guy yeah hey it's a twatting stick you can't be getting the old shopping trolleys happy days that's the every little helps jay's just gonna pulled out an old screwdriver god knows how long is that for nim therefore never do that again in his life no told you never do that again in your life yeah oh security tag that's come off something that's come off an electronic or something now hasn't it come off electronic it's not a yeah it's a it's a sensor in it it's a security thing yeah but for the of that size it'll be off somewhere expensive you have them on air dries nowadays don't mean everything well yeah it's showing electronic how did you pronounce that word sir oh yeah last time i come out brought my bank card i was in my pocket magnet touched it and frazzled it so don't take your bank cards out here what you're best off doing with all your cars and car keys and stuff just keep them out the reach of the magnets because it'll only end in one way and that'll be yourself crying like i was just went shopping brought a massive shot put it all scanned it all bagged it all come to pay we're having it so let's just balance myself and tell her my card's broken yeah left it all there so i won't be doing that again google pay on my phone now so that'll save a few my ring trips yeah yeah oh canister and a tp everyone's a winner so guys cat jason cut me off there and i think he would have been a dead body here just put all poor little dog you know it if it was yours i'm sorry to say she's passed [Music] i couldn't believe it her eyes are still there it's got wood lice on it and stuff like that and all the bugs and snails and slugs and one lag you know you name it it's on there so i'm sorry for the owner but said he died he's going to be until he threw so anyway i think jason and er craig are on the way here now hello jesus you just moved on he's set by yourself yeah ghostbusters where are you so yeah jason and craig are on the way and it was rusty got it by the spokes didn't you yeah it felt like it just fell back in just shows how rusty is that was a wheel state completely rusted what's that other thing that you found there the wheels what's up that's like a barbecue that ain't it they're really expensive now this pair of wheels off a wheeler bin so if you're missing any oh it's a really big night we've been missing any wheels give us a call there you go there we go i found them they're not on brick look at that please just pulled out a bike for no brakes hey take that home now yeah next frame is some parts on it oh what's that what's the water snap there on the uh frame bit all right oh yeah and it snapped on it quite a bit there's a little bike frame oh it looks like craig's pulled the shopping trolley on the way way to us today he just pulled out on the way to us he's he's obviously walked down a canal to come on seals and he's he's seen a shopping trolley in a few other pits all right you found more stuff we've got to carry it all on my own there we go look at that he's pulled all these bits out here let's go and take a look how you doing craig everyone say it say hello to everyone hello everybody so yeah we're there craig just come and met us now did you say jason was about jason's on his way on his way parking up his van right cool so yeah i've got found let me just dip that now before you come in coming to us shopping trolley poles oh i've got a basket and everything else i'm carrying it there like a bleeding lemon in a fork it's a shopping trolley saw a few other things it might as well grab them as well all right well there you go then we've had that we've had a bit of fun here a few little bits and as you can see there craig there's a shop right over there as well so fish news ravi's news so yeah nowhere look what is pulled out again guys craig's head's got in the way he has pulled out a bicycle okay just got in the shot there jason's arrived yeah he said he couldn't get some toilet paper he's not what he said crazy no yeah dick all right so yeah we're gonna get dipping out and see what we can find i'm just gonna leave that one let's get dipping so where's the rest of the lawn mower as well hello hello what cake shopping trolley there shopping shopkins yeah they handle that then three chubby canisters jesus christ someone's had a good time four johnny then four chop canisters for those of you who don't know what these are in the states these are loaded up with air you put them into a balloon and you suck on the balloon and it gives you like a like a 10 second high it's one of these legal high things which they're just bloody crap they plague the streets you see them all over the floor everywhere didn't they stick drop back in yeah big stick and a scooter hey what i don't know what that is know what that is now something solid yeah a few bits show you around bit of crap here oh he's taking a trolley with him now all the ropes tangled so got all that moved let's say craig's found on his way down to us pedal bike another pedal bike a shopping trailer that someone's obviously found put the in it and then couldn't get rid of so they throw it back in and there's the mess here like craigslist found scooter pedal bike and a branch on a door mat a bit of carpet some food with a plug on board god knows what over there jason enjoying his little break they're having a quick drink and a and everything else you know what it is not got his gloves on at the minute who's that is that uh that's the river canal trust there picking up the litter yeah so checking all the all the uh events and stuff but these got over here i'm so big there late keep losing it what are you doing the other side over that side right now it's another shopping charlie however oh he can't move it lee's on summit here and it's a completely heavy he said oily as well oh why i say get up here guys so you can have it there we go you can see it there fake big whoa whoa you see that then guys so big that you can still see all the ripples look at it all the ripples in the water oil's coming up now as well okay it's gone jake got it got it quick oh it's coming it's rising whatever that is see all the bubbles on the video there guys i need to go tighter oh it's coming up that whatever that is see your oil on the water there guys now oh it's a motorbike mate it's a motorbike good lads good lads good lads come on that's it that's it all right ready all right okay get ready to catch up mate yeah ready all right three two [Music] smile and wait oh guys we have uh found why is it lee a cbr125 look at that bad boy belting belting boys good good good deed good little bite there yeah but as we all know guys once there's definitely two oh why plenty of motorbike videos we've got up to now guys so oh wow yeah little spot a little spot let's see what else we get hey just throw you up in the air a minute guys don't forget guys if you haven't already don't forget to like and subscribe hit that notification bell [Laughter] manchester magnet mem recovery of motorbikes stay tuned lots of other videos this isn't the first one could lee be on another bike no chick chicken wire there's a fish in that no it's not it look like a fish look at the state of that it's metal though in it not yeah guys just there just the last little fish yeah that's the end of an air rifle end of a cocking cockpit air rifle oh yes what what the was that okay you can see the old layer of the bottle drop it and see um so half a battery in the end i don't know what that is you've got gloves on oh yeah how'd you want jay as well hey you may remember me as i slept in your bed last night um oh she found that craig reaper they're a rebar excitement is endless but it could be an axe we thought the same mate looks like a stand off something oh look at that got a pink skewer electric one pull the weight in aren't we all right guys that's us all nice and cleaned up as you can see you've got the scrap man it's all piled up high we're going to get a good body out of us anyway that's for sure don't forget if you haven't liked and subscribed hit that subscribe button hit the notification bell got a lot more videos coming up stay tuned and take care guys [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Manchester Magnet Men
Views: 9,150
Rating: 4.9058824 out of 5
Id: u6YHyXfbeA4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 24sec (3804 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 30 2020
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