GOLDMINE JACKPOT! You Have To See It To Believe It! Storage Unit Finds Worth BIG CASH MONEY

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hey whoa see the first thing i see hundred dollars oh whoa you see that [Music] so here we are back again our 300 i've been called the country unit because we have to drive two and a half hours through mountains and farms to get here if you've not seen the first part make sure you check that out first or else you're not gonna know we got to this point but for now let's get back in it [Music] now let's start pulling out some of these boxes we didn't get to last time first things first i'm not going to doubt my ear glass it says cups every single thing we've opened so far they've identified correctly so you know what these are cups i don't want to look at cups this big box here oh this sounds interesting what is that oh they're all labeled right so this is d212-2 yeah where do you keep your d212 that's juice in a box all right this guy's here oh white diamonds empty dang it well that sucks what else do we have in here more these are personal pictures they'll go with the pile they're already getting back they got a lot that's for sure uh what is that i don't know either there are a million fish in the sea but me i'm a mermaid so mer babe somebody like mermaids yeah i'd say stuff looks like a lot more paperwork and pictures and things like that here there's photo albums down here yeah photo albums little miniature pictures like this just a lot more personal stuff but again we'll make sure they get back next box out you want a dirty rag yep oh what about some staples no no what about ooh what about some rings no you can't have those those are wrong let's see what they say on them absolutely nothing but there's the ring if anyone see it close up it's kind of cool looking and yeah this one has no writing it's just costume jewelry nice got tape measure um staple gun all right what's this the can of a day all right yeah the volcano day there's the rules the runes is it the runes it's the runes i know what runes are cause i play runescape is that like the satanic star all right nice and life is an echo what you put out comes back with the star again all right kind of a weird once in the vanilla envelope before i go one lone envelope with a letter in and i'll just give it back because i'm gonna assume it's personal weird skinny box it looks like and it's exactly what it looks like let's say kitchen stuff george foreman a like really old looking blender strainer mixer typical kitchen stuff that i don't want to look at and i'm going to assume you don't want to look at either so let's put that over here that's enough don't fall please a biggie all right that is what i kind of want to get to it looks like i got to go through all these boxes don't i yeah that looks interesting but let's get this first come here come here this one's unlabeled actually it's like the first one i've seen with a regular chip what do you think's in here it's all the rolls of purple tape they stored it because they couldn't use the purple tape on it it's ah kitchen crap isn't it that's really not money no what's this this coffee cup coffee cup oh rainforest cafe all right nobody had a chocolate volcano that was a thing when you're young all right this goes over here let's kitchen trip don't want to look at it right now let's pull out this one right here oh come here i'm not gonna lie sounds like kitchen stuff i heard the wrap all right hold on let's see let's see whoa whoa okay so this is a lot higher than it looks let's see what's in this first all right let's see well let's see a coin first and foremost this is harvey's something casino used by player only one dollar gaming tokens making sure it wasn't silver or nothing emergency technician pin i see rings here too let me see if there's any markings in this i don't see any so probably costume jewelry but i'm seeing oh school ring please be 10k gold be 10k gold please i see the name i can't read it hold on a second don't let this fall let me pull out my phone really quick uh i don't see a marking no all i see is their name so it might not be gold but we'll see if it's not gold i'll probably just give it back to be honest keep it for now um more random tokens this one's got two pistols on it like two revolvers it says good luck token i'm keeping this it's too good so we got more just random jewelry looks like it looks like mostly costume now but we'll definitely go into it in more detail make sure there's no gold or silver or anything big name hidden in there that's an in yasha watch cool like i said definitely we'll go into it in more detail once we get it home to make sure there's no gold or nothing good like that let's get this closed and also right here i see the old school fast playstation 2 and it's at the adapter with it too what is that huh it looks like this is the connected to the internet huh this is weird why have i never seen a playstation 2 with that on it but whatever the old school fat models which you know i did not know spiked in price recently they're like 60 dollars now if they work they used to be like 10 15 bucks so that's good money if they work i have a fat one in a skinny one because playstation 2 is on my favorite consoles here's an old look at that now that's old school little tool schedule satchel whatever you want to call it and a bunch of school paper thing like that you know what this makes me gain a little respect for them because when i was in elementary school if you know how to make that s you were one of the good kids you were the cool one you know what every cool kid knew how to make that ass yes i still know how to do it by heart you know like my mind i still know how to do it all the way back then i was like second grade too i'm 27 now it's weird stuff that sticks in your head so i'm gonna start grabbing some boxes off the top pile now all right let's let's get it let's see what this is picture it says that doesn't look like pictures to me looks like an hdmi cable and another hdmi cable but under that it is most definitely optical so this will go back to their pile of stuff they're getting back which is well what is this huge at this point see this is why you got to make sure oh it's makeup so just grab it oh boy so i just got back from the hand store i already cut the other one off and burned and bought a new one this one's brand new before i show you what else we missed in that box though make sure you take two seconds to like the video please i just touched something i wish i never touched i'm scarred for life now please give us a like and help us out please didn't subscribe if you're new because we do this stuff all the time but look at what mess check that out it's a little just a watch but new in box with a little thingy here and it says on it valletta i think is the brand it says i see va then the hands blocking it ends in etta so something like that but that was cool missed the watch so let's go into the next box so i'm just gonna start grab it wherever i can like this come here come here what do you think it is let's see random random pure gear tablet case uh these things like i feel like i'm finding a lot of stuff that brings back the elementary school days but in a little baby bottle random let me grab another one this one's really epic i can't get the box look this side up fragile all right what if i open it the other way like a rebel i don't know you might break it what if it blows up and it's what's that jewelry about it's dreamland jewelry but you know what that kicked out get out get out what is that is that silver by any chance not marked but doesn't mean it's not uh this is crystal maybe that's why they said to open it this way or why it was fragile let's see what's in this paper though it's another cup with like pencils and stuff come on man this stuff could have been broken that sounds interesting that just came out a rock if this is a thing full of rocks i'm gonna scream how much did they put on there i should throw it but i'm not no i'm not those are like the things you get at the dollar tree those little rocks you put in like the bottom of a fishbowl or something this stuff is so random honestly what is this uh it looks like a medical bracelet doesn't it yeah and then a watch the mickey mouse there's that and some batteries all right anything else randomly hidden in here not that i see oh look here's one of these things little candy things that when you got in your basket you're like oh no one's gonna eat these they're gonna go in the trash got this wild turkey box all right wild city wild turkey belkin just the router box n150 i'm seeing cords i'm seeing router slash modem slash who knows i'm seeing computer speakers that's the wire box yeah this is that wire box oh look some oh some cd cases maybe some pc games or something bejeweled again the printer software and yeah there's nothing of value in this box unless these routers or some but i feel like they're gonna be old next box you know what it says way too much to read off we're just going to get into it well first i see a box in the box that's always interesting what's in here i don't even know what that could be oh it was a phone at one point nothing now let's see sand sand all right well look what i see oh this you switch the stone on it cool that's kind of interesting very a interesting bottle turkey all right that's on this one necklace bracelet combo maybe let's see what else there's the phone box oh what is that an easy punch yeah that this is a huge bag of sand right here like giant bag of sand and then we have a wireless camera kit ooh receivers hmm that might be interesting i kind of want to look into that and see what this is i got that xbox and again they wrote way too much stuff for me so we're just going to rip it open and see what it is what is all this is this their stash of mary jane you know it looks like seasoning seasonings let's see what's in this see if it's just oh no look i thought it was gonna be like a cup or something but it's a mermaid cool no brand or nothing oh yeah specific giftware all right so we probably have a bunch of mermaids here let's open another one up if this was a mermaid too i'm going to assume that everything wrapped it's probably a mermaid or something it's oh a wolf all right so maybe the collectibles vary let's open another one and see what this one is it's like collectible stuff all the way down in here this one [Music] look at those wolves that's pretty cool that let's open another one at least they look candles i'll put this one back and we'll open this one to see what this one is then we'll go to the next box this one is wolves it looks like oh that one's detailed look at nice that a nice looking wolf so oh look it's got the sculpture number and stuff on the bottom of that one so maybe this one's worth a little more but cool little collectible pieces this is the last box i gotta move before i can see what's in that case got addresses all over whoa see the first thing i see 200 200 bucks and it's actually in there so sterling's over on top oh come here let's see what's in this whatever's in here in it yeah these are sterling silver all right check that out took a little necklace the charm says 925 on it let me see if the necklace so i can't read the necklace it's too small but that's a good start first thing i open silver let's set that right here you can see a lot of different boxes yeah i'm going to go around jumping on the other side all right is it better over there make the lighting a little bit better look at all this that's going to be silver yep this is silver i don't know about these little guys here if they could be gold or not i don't know there's also necklaces stuck to it i don't want to lose them let me see it let me look for the clasp on this that one i don't see nothing on but doesn't mean it's not silver so maybe there'll be some gold in this box let's see what this is gotcha all right this is some jewelry again but nothing that i'm saying that looks significant i'll just set it aside what about this one little things stuff like that come on what's this nothing this is personal pictures they'll be back let's see avon boxes is there stuff in them you think probably super light if it is maybe like earrings or something like that oh yeah they're in there right i just shot it all over the place let's see if it has markings on it these are all silver this could be cool right here look at the stone first that's super nice can you see it all right i don't know if they're silver yeah it's like really small so i'm just gonna leave the avon stuff in the box hold it like right here i'll try let's open this next what is that black hills gold and silver hmm look at the little leaf that's pretty nice let's set that one over here what's in here goodness what is that tiny ring what the what is this that looks like a bolt all right jewelry that avon oh windsor oh just cotton i'm looking for like jewelry boxes that are not avon i mean avon could definitely be mine too i'm not definitely not counting it out if don't anyone get that what does that say kirk's folly open open oh look a brooch all right what's this one ooh i like the look of that whoa is it a necklace it is that's kind of cool bailey banks and biddle okay all right what does this say chest of drawers 75 bucks all right let's see let's see what look at these joy boxes oh hold on in one under this wooden oh wow there's quite a few in here oh wow look at this little one too and there's two over here let's check the little one is this even a jewelry box it is and it's full of jewelry let's check the ring is there any working oh it has writing in it but i can't read it i can't tell i really can't 925 is silver nice sweet so wait the rest of it's like necklaces and whatnot let's pull up this one i guess oh look at this thick boy i mean it might be a costume though i'm not sure [Music] yeah we have to check this stuff in like a lot of detail once we get out of here some pictures in here too we'll get out this one some more jewelry oh watch the cross come on just say gold on it oh come out come out come out come out come out can you see it uh i don't see a marking right now but maybe gold and some other random stuff in here what is this coin jeez i don't know what that is but it seems better days that's for sure and this one oh whoa you see that ring galore let's just pull one of these out like this there's no way that's gold that's gold it's like a million dollars i'm trying to put in the light no it doesn't say nothing on it let's just pick one at random double heart that one says something i don't know what to say i can't it's not bright enough i'm gonna come over this light really quick i can't read it we need more light like it's not that i can't i can see the lettering but it's just too freaking dark look how many rings are in there though if just two or so of these are gold that could pay for like a lot of this and they have writing in it i just can't read what it says because it's too dark in here but this box could very very easily be profit on the entire unit just on its own so i'm a happy man right now so i finally got this out what do you think it is i'm gonna say a camera that was my guess too let's see hey your guess is correct ding ding ding ding ding ding a minolta x570 camera and it's got an extra lens right here is it capped no it's not a couch doesn't even fit it literally right there why can't you just do that all right nice lens for it is that another lens underneath ah take this out without damaging nothing oh it's a big boy underneath look at this it's like a freaking rifle scope and stuff that's a big lens that's in there look at the size of that wow there's like a whole kit i mean look at this you got this big lens i don't know what this is exactly oh you know how to open it there it is oh wow look at this this is old school right here and then you got a flash right here and then over here what is in this little one huh i don't need no charging wires or yeah wires and stuff like that no actually these are like different cap for the lens maybe to give it like different effects like a fisheye a wide something like that you know what i mean yeah maybe that's what these are but this is a whole camera can this could be like a vintage kit that could be worth money because it's complete like i don't see anything missing so hopefully that's worth something next box says bathroom i like these because a lot of people keep jewelry boxes and hey look everything's in there they left a hundred dollars in there right yeah boom dang it it's not then they'll get their cards back but look somebody's passport we'll get that back and just like we thought look watch some rings some 22 bullets in here all right nice i always knew that in the bathroom you never know when you're taking a really bad dump and it won't come out and you've got to let off some steam start shooting some shots in the bathroom i don't judge hey look there's a knife so keep that oh look at that oh it's all pennies but still jar money jar money can't complain about free money and i just knocked down the water that's all right ain't gonna hurt it can't hurt it might help let's see if there's anything else in here i think a bunch of ooh look hard should i go through some of these really quick yeah no nothing usually it's consistent if you find something in one there's probably gonna be something in all of them if you find nothing in one there's usually gonna be nothing nine out of ten times yeah i'll open one more let's pick this blue one because it looks sealed did i just open it for the first time no there's not gonna be nothing in these okay one more one more one more because i'm a gambler right please come on okay yeah there's gonna be nothing in these but this one feels thick last one uh dang it okay now i believe there's nothing in them because i've seen it all for my own eyes all right uh some wax melters hey how you doing oh 10k gold look at that 10k gold earrings right there cool thank you very much appreciate it uh that thing and also we have an oh this or one point held everyone's life in memory the playstation 2 memory card keep it up put this down here though look look happy anniversary is that jewelry or is it like inappropriate things because yeah that'd be a weird size oh yes it is boom oh dang it he went to jared and didn't leave it in there oh look i see more let's check out there's a lot of jewelry in here after look there what is this one it's bigger is it jared did you go to jared again yeah it looks like the same box he went to jared and the heck ah stop doing this to me man maybe they're in one of those jewelry boxes though you know one of those jewelry boxes could have the jared around uh they even sell costume jewelry jared don't think so polls for 60 bucks let's see what's in that one earrings well i just fell off in there oh you got it cool so um overall glasses i can tell by feeling it hey there's a bunch of like loose stuff at the bottom that we have to check out hey look a gem it looks like something you would collect on like an old school video game but yeah there's batteries there could be jewelry who knows what at the bottom of that box we'll definitely check it out in more detail next little box here hey i love finding candles ooh it smells really good too smelling some other people smell my vision smells good what is this another jewelry i got a golden spoon a golden spoon please be real gold that'd be nice it doesn't say nothing but look it's like a bald eagle on it kind of cool maybe that could be gold or something probably gold plated souvenir what's this nothing on the bottom looks like the same boxes that watch earlier i can't get into it they taped it shut oh there it is but there's no watching this one just the box unfortunately oh look another one yes these are the best ones the blue water ones are my favorite these plastic just stuck on it but i love the smell of the water ones all the blue ones smell good they do sunglasses and just some really random crap other than that next box what do you think we have this time more jewelry sure it's been nice so far no this looks like bathroom junk cups uh a bunch of little tiny cups come on that literally is like full of tiny cups besides this what do we got that was like a cartoon sound effect or something being crappy that is just utter crap so let me set this here you did that i'm gonna set that here you think i damaged the paper cups no all right i want to grab this box you're just breaking everything i know stop you stop clock [Music] uh mermaids and dolphins and what is this heating pad thing yep this is all this stuff salt hey look some controllers these are the cheap ones are these mad cats um there's some cheap ps2 controllers i used to always buy the cheap ones because i was a rager that was great controllers as a kid uh oh what's in here you think a little pink bag inside the box hey come back got me excited hey stop dropping it it's running from me um all right like a crystal that's kind of cool go back in your bag whoa now that is cool i can't even get it to come out do i have to press something that's pretty sick i pull it no it like clicks in there somehow oh look right here now that is so nice it'll literally look it has the lock on the handle so like you can't pull it out unless you press that button right then it comes right out that's one of the nicest knives i found that just comes off i don't know that's cool that's really cool what else do we got in this thing all right nice star uh it looks like a bunch of candles and candle equipment the salt used in making candles what is this like candlesticks yep candlesticks and it's a bunch of random look a bunch of like gemstone rocks cool we know you guys always like these every time we find them that looks just like a runescape red topaz right get more of there down here see bubble wrap nothing i'm not seeing much else in there but oh wait a second what is this sounds like gems or rocks let's pull a couple up oh they're rude sweet let's see if i can cast a vera teleport um they're not the right kind of runes dang it i need law runes to teleport out of here i don't know what kind of rooms these are these are not rooms for me other than that i don't know this box seemed kind of strange with like the star the sand and the ruins and stuff like they're gonna like summon some demon with this box i don't know in the sword too maybe that's you that's like that's the sword used to kill the demon that this stuff summons i figured it out so i just took a peek in this box right here and i'm about to open it up next time you have to come back guys don't forget to subscribe like it if you're new see you next one
Channel: Treasure Hunting With Jebus
Views: 42,106
Rating: 4.9489069 out of 5
Keywords: storage unit finds, storage unit finds 2021, storage unit finds car, storage unit finds guns, storage unit finds money, storage unit finds mrbeast, storage unit finds pokemon cards, storage unit finds reddit, storage unit finds shoes, storage unit finds videos, storage unit auction finds, storage unit business, storage unit wars, storage auction, storage wars episodes, real storage auction, self storage, found money, how to make money, treasure hunting with jebus
Id: kVg-OEqMdEE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 21sec (1761 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 08 2021
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