Possible Murder Weapon Found Magnet Fishing! (Police Arrive Fast!)

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oh my gosh did you see that oh my gosh look at this oh my gosh it's an uzi we've got the gopro tied to the magnet so we're going to turn this on roll it in the canal over here and hopefully we can see something in the bottom this this no yeah this this water is very muddy but it's going to be the first cast of the day so it will be hopefully a little bit clearer so let's throw it out see what we can find turn this gopro on this is for rory he's like a four-year-old boy his mom sent me a video of him guess where his magnet fishing in the blow-up pool in his backyard that is commitment rory we're gonna throw this in turn the gopro on and uh see what we can see in these canals this is for you mate we've got the gopro we've got the magnet let's cast it in and see what's in this bottom of this canal oh i've got something for sure all right let's reel her in what do you reckon dennis are we getting something tonight yeah let's bring it up there's the gopro that's a good sign what have we got attached what is that [Laughter] we got a chair you see that it's just full of mud just trying to pull is that a chair or a ladder oh i lost him hang on i'll have to get all this stuff off go back down again because it's just not sticking look at all this stuff down here oh my gosh there's loads let's drop him down there we go i think i've got him in a good position now oh no it's on the leg that's the spot i want in the middle oh look at that dennis what's that underneath it is that a box i've got him oh no it's just the back of the chair i thought that was a box of some kind all right first cast well if this is down here dennis we're going to get loads more look at it all crazy amount of stuff on here it's smelly and it's dirty and we've just begun all right dennis you're up mate what are you hoping for today don't ask me come on man don't say a weapon again say a weapon he always wants a weapon that's some old stuff an old lock would be cool i'd like that from this area this is where you can see all these old houses and they used to bring little boats here unload them into these houses so you know locks and stuff are common and keys and it would be cool to find a lock or a key today an old one we'll get ramonda fix it up there we go look at all this stuff yeah there's plenty of stuff down here nice one bro okay we're gonna get a workout today and maybe even ramon will join us later so we'll see what do you got oh you got a you've got a rope all the way here have a look at this what is on the end of that dennis look at the length of it just keeps going is it a metal rope or what yeah it's metal it's metal no no no oh look it's still coming look at all that rubbish man oh my gosh spring here spring in there it's all that fabric of some kind i don't know what it is that looks like a hairbrush look at all this stuff in this canal this is an awesome canal it's filthy so it's disgusting but that's good for us huh we'll make it clean gladly what is it it's a pipe or something i'm not like a clay pipe oh it's not clay it's not clear uh yeah it does have a marking on there what does that say a-n-u i don't know what it is man it could be a pipe of some kind yeah it's bad for your health dennis don't do it yeah round two we're turning the gopro on got the magnet he's going in the canal [Music] we got on here lots of just rusty pieces of metal there look at that oh and i've got some type of hook here oh look it's a grappling hook dennis it's been down there for a while that's an old grappling hook someone's probably used it for magnet fishing or off a boat yeah look at that it's all just rusted away it's tiny cool fine man awesome i got something big here bro here we go let's see what we got oh it's a giant pole look at that that weighs a ton i think it looks like off the forklift you know look at the size of that thing weighs a ton oh look at that thing that is a big chunky piece of iron down there it does look like the forks off a forklift too all right let's go again i think we're gonna get loads here man [Music] man look at that it looks like a postcard out there beautiful oh look who it is speaking of beautiful it's the one and only ramon how you going bro good to see you what's happening you ready for some magnet fishing yeah already oh good stuff it's been happening yeah i was just busy with uh creating uh new statues and new statues ramon's an artist he makes all these uh like sculptures out of bits of metal there's parts that you usually throw away yeah i take them with me clean it and yeah place it in one of my skill sets so what are you making them what's the sculpture yeah you got one oh he's got one here let's see what you've been up to then huh yeah i make things like this how cool is that so this is all just rusty parts of used metal that you've turned into this cool so old park bike parts screws everything and you can turn the slides on can i hold him what a cool thing look at that yeah that's a masterpiece look at all these little bits internally in there look at this one all the screws oh you got another one shucking look at it how cool are these things got to drop a thumbs up for ramon on those awesome bro they are so cool look at this one with a mohawk i didn't even see that oh legendary [Music] try over here dennis all right you don't want to get that caught on the bridge there all right remind you're up as well mate you got something a bike lock what a surprise start the day right mate you gotta start the day right it's really dangerous oh yeah when it sticks in your finger like that that's why you gotta wear gloves all right dennis give us your best throw mate come on oh have you got something all right you got something massive do you oh look at all that stuff on there look at all that stuff there's loads down there isn't there so just rusty metal everywhere this place is crazy look at that isn't that funny no good luck getting all that off mate yes some guy had a factory down there and apparently he was making guns we're going to go down over there and see what we can find i don't think it gets more picturesque than this so i'm going to do the full 360 tour for you guys watching um it's a bit of an intersection here look at these old classic dutch houses there's ramon and then look at this canal over here with all the autumn leaves turned orange and another one down there it goes all the way down there so hey what do you think you're doing disturbing the piece here and there's uh ramon over there you got something big here ramon yeah probably a bike down there right on this edge i don't feel like no i have something all right so you got the bike lock that's the start all right i'm gonna have a try down over here yeah what do you got over there dennis a what what have you got man it's crazy it's absolutely massive is it an engine from a car or something like a part of a car oh my gosh it's massive oh parking meter what a parking meter yeah oh it weighs in absolutely what is that it's huge that'll give you a workout dennis oh cool fine man there's obviously more down here yeah it weighs a lot i can't believe how much it weighs it feels happier if anyone at home knows what that is let us know it's a mystery item for the day something massive here something big really like the bike really and it feels like a bike oh look yeah it's heavier because you've got a baby seat on there i'll give you a hand you ready there we go hang on yeah look at that that's the front wheels come off and it's got a chain on there and see if we can drag it around this way there we go whoa there we go one rescued bike with a baby seat nice one ramon and here i was thinking we're going magnet fishing in amsterdam today and we're not gonna find a bike not gonna happen let's see how many more bikes are down here we'll do it on three all right one two ah nice cast oh here we go i got a coin oh look at this one's a cool one i'm pretty sure i found one of those before and it's a um and it's a polish coin someone said look at it it looks so cool it's got the two-headed eagle on it and it says 2011. russian okay there we go is dennis right with a russian or is bondi right with a polish let us know in the comments here we go yeah you're going along the edge are you yeah oh i got something oh my gosh did you see that oh my heart just stopped oh then oh my gosh look at this oh my gosh it's an uzi don't touch it don't touch it the magazine's still in it oh my gosh oh my gosh you're not supposed to touch it yeah oh you got it oh my gosh i don't know i don't think it's like the real one it's not a real one no no how do you know it's gonna look it's got a crab on there it's got to be real oh it's a real one oh yeah yeah it's a real one we just put it down oh there you go yeah we have to call the police now oh my gosh let's go have a look at this ramon has found an uzi look at that standing on a nine millimeter nine millimeter wow that is crazy bro look at you we're just looking down there just freaking saw that holy moly reeds operation many world but it's got a clip down there made by what does it say i don't want to ruin it no it's a plastic one man yeah you can keep that one get it yes it is why is a lot my gosh you sure that's not real it says read operation manual before use made in it's not a real world no no no oh my gosh this is like the i think if if someone pointed that at you when you yeah your heart would go and my gosh did you sit at the same time yeah i jumped off the bridge almost oh yeah i know when i saw it my heart literally fell out of my chest i was like oh gosh now you want to go magnet fishing again don't you he's just stopped for the day having a look at that foreign what do you guys think do you think it's real i don't think it's a real one no maybe it's built on so maybe it's what maybe it's uh rebuild rebuild don't have to check [Music] uh he goes in the bag so he's going to get checked out but you think he's not real right we don't think it's real yeah check it for sure because it's pretty heavy and it could definitely fool someone you know if you had if you had it pointed at their face okay he's going in the van super cool day today thanks for watching everyone we're gonna get cleaned up and have a shower what a paradise day it was today in these canals so until next time we'll see you again for another treasure hunting adventure you
Channel: Bondi Treasure Hunter
Views: 186,038
Rating: 4.9266229 out of 5
Keywords: Magnet Fishing, Magnet, fishing, magnet fishing video, magnet fishing finds, strongest magnet, gun found magnet fishing, magnet fishing america, magnet fishing usa, magnet fishing uk, magnet fishing amsterdam, bondi treasure hunter, found gun, river treasure, metal detecting, metal detector, neodymium magnet, best magnet fishing finds, crazy magnet, possible murder weapon found, cops called, gun found, river finds, magnet fishing magnet, bike found, police, found bikes
Id: EsP9xe6A_z8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 50sec (1070 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 05 2020
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