I Bought A Storage Unit UNTOUCHED For 15 Years! Can Be $175,000! I Bought an Abandoned Storage Unit

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this whole bag is full of nothing but money just one of these can be worth $175,000 welcome back it's rather hang with devious guises we just picked up the storage unit over a hundred miles away this one looks like it hasn't been touched in years and I'm super excited to get my hands on all of those boxes don't forget to like the video subscribe to you let's get on the road just got here just paid for our unit five hundred and fifty dollars for this one but it looked to be like loaded all the way from front to back with boxes and I saw a lot of dust two things I really like let's hope it pays off [Music] so this is actually a five by ten not a five by five so this a goes back far is a little bit of an understatement but I think we got a lot of stuff for five hundred fifty bucks so I guess let's push this door right here down and start with it Oh feels good to be back in the game what is this what is that that jewelry box already no it's not what's um I have no idea to you that's a thing a thing I don't like to send it off w my kiss you know I'll be alright with Marcus that is a 16 I like handle first oh here looks like trash let's get this basket of dirty clothes star trash pile we'll see what's in this tote alright yeah blankets and quilts ooh people really like our pins last time there's a lot of pins that's definitely a keeper um California pride hmm that's definitely a keeper put that over here what is that this is not cigar box I think there's some in here I know there's other stuff in here nothing interesting stuff but it's tough check this card you guys are lucky we got last time with cards but this is a graduation thing and this is well what is that an old baseball card 1944 huh I want to keep that see it before anything the rest of it though not so much set that aside here Little Mermaid I'm dressed of it clothes or blankets yeah the rest of it looks like blankets and stuff let's get into this boxes but I don't know what it is maybe justice oh they're VHS is like Elvis Presley a lot of new ones and this is one thing we have not tried at our auction yet these are some old ones look at that so maybe this is sealed maybe we'll give them a try and see if anyone's interested to be tested but usually just some like okay well this book all right I won't try to eat this suitcase up here down are you gonna be just closed oh one day over an open a suitcase and it's not gonna be just closed one day that day is just unfortunately not today so we do at least have a honey well Peter that's definitely in there so how much mine but at least it's something good all right kind of it's all right it's their good side so far the decent side of tracks aren't looking like very good equivalents of trash looks like it's probably up a little faster how good so look pull down the basket and we do see this kind of cool like western seem plate I guess I don't know a brand is that Western traveler so no no that's good and a but it doesn't look cool so I'm if looking after the keep pile that's for the dusty clothes that's going to the truth for ash pile so we moved a few more bags out the way there's a lot of clothes in here so far which is never a good thing but I've had a few more interesting things aside so check this out first this is a smurf Christmas plate which I thought was pretty cool in 1983 and it has a certificate of authenticity this where is it that something cool look at this I haven't got the check of it's real gold yet but it's lady Victoria it looks pretty freaking really nice but like I said I have to take it out and look at the back of the necklace clamp see it's real gold this how this is real we're doing all right guys you see that a Gucci watch but like I said we're gonna have to take it home where I have to look it up and stuff to see if we got a real one or not look at that came off the car Harley Davidson and we also got this watch that just put aside to Sierra something I don't think it's expensive though seared coventry yeah put this in there cuz I didn't know how old it was who remembers vintage Smokey the Bear maybe I'm told boys got things in that dad I'm not sure and then we also had a hospital pin I thought was interesting across with the rest of the pens and this full of more cassettes cuz that's we're just gonna try out see if people are interested in I'm in this time so they're really a toss-up so we brought one pair of gloves in that wasn't the best idea it's already got one glove not one here trying to set professional keeping up on this maybe that a little unorganized okay a whole bag we also got this I thought was interested a railroad spike it hasn't got a little train put on the top of it but something I never seen before so we found these two little pins set them aside because they look like they could be fancy really yeah this I always said this is kind of stuff aside because I don't know if there's more to the collection yeah a big collection really big money this just looked old and sometimes these old Raven tins like this can end up being silver it's the only reason I said on my side is to look at it more detail later on for the bit silver it's got silver weight it's not an all clear probably no interesting thing we've came across so far because this container looked really old already it doesn't have an actual date unless that certificate does what it calls what the certificate of authenticity here this is number 667 you can see that the numbers handwritten instead of type so again that kind of confirms it is a little older and all we have get out of here fortunately it's broken a little bit but look at that this the only broken piece I see right here it's missing that little thing and down here just says the American carousel by Tobin really yeah I don't really know what it's worth but it definitely looks interesting every time I see a CoA I just assumed that it might have some type of collector value but that's what we found so far all right so we got a lot more trash out the way but this is some interesting the youth town I found an old and ran book I don't really know if it has any value I just remember having to read Atlas Shrugged up in college that I was interesting an issue was a big author set that aside ten set 10 piece porcelain nativity set and usually nativity scenes are worth good money so we set that aside this looks like a Christmas ornament just a regular one but the fact is in this weird protective case kind of made me want to set it aside or do more research on but it's there then this another pen again just the case it might not be worth anything to be honest with you and we also found these two pictures which every Nia of an Aleph and unfortunately the trunks down I know everyone else the trunk of elephants don't be fun usually and this I kept cuz it's from 1968 actually and it has Kennedy on the front of it and there's a lot of Kennedy collector so this is a what fifty seven-year-old Newsweek magazine and it still has like the postcard and everything in it I don't know if it really has value but figure it's all that can be collected out there it's definitely worth setting aside all right so we also came across this the vos lèvres dirtiness Crate and Barrel set but as you can see never been taken out of there I don't know if it's very valuable but if anything it's a brand new de we can always sell really easily so definitely kept that on it does so we gotta find a way to bust the locks to see what's in there it cost me my knife unfortunately but I busted the locks in this one [Music] is it at least like a vintage Hornets t-that a high-school team is at the real team Charlotte Hornets uh official fan sports wait I don't know if it's old or not what soul does it yeah that and well unfortunately nothing else but so it is the next day no joke we planned on continuing recording but every box we pulled out for about 15 in a row was dirty clothes and baskets put in a box or kitchen stuff like food items that have expired over 10 years ago so at least I know what hasn't been touched but we had to take two trips to the dump already so we had to come back the next day but we set aside quite a bit of Awesome looking stuff or at least good looking stuff that we're gonna show you now so let's go do it alright so he's talking about seven more boxes left in the unit that are uncertain hoping it's not stuff but I'll be starting to get to the back we started to find pretty cool thing so let me show you I don't know if this is valuable as well my favorite movies and I was a kid that grinch VHS and it's still sealed I've never seen a sealed one so I thought that was cool came across this Betty Crocker recipe thing and obviously the Internet's kind of outdated but people collect this stuff I did not know that so I don't know how much this one in particular value is but it has a lot of recipe cards in there and I figured it'd be something cool to keep this whole tote it's full of different CDs which they did very well for us in our last auction we used to not know what to do with these things but people enjoy buying them last time so this is all CDs so we found a jar money so that's always good but it's really really gross look at that I don't know if somebody ate that and puked it out or what happened but it doesn't look good but it's still money and this I wish I was in better condition but it's kind of beat up but you know what these cars are kind of always beat up when you see them anyway so it's a metal talka old car and it is one of the metal ones it has the number on the bottom five two zero three zero it doesn't have a date but I always heard the metal ones are the ones you look out for they're the ones that are worth money and this one's definitely metal there was a second one I don't know where I put it now well we'll get to it this is what I'm super excited about right here did you guys know just one of these can be worth one hundred and seventy five thousand dollars and I have not searched this yet this is a collective set of toy our Toyota Hot Wheels from 1969 is on the case so I think we'll look stupid plane wasn't having that but we have this old thing and again one of these cars we went to $175,000 and some logic to them are worth thousands of dollars I have not searched this yet but listen it definitely have cars in it I'm just hoping it's not an old vintage case with modern cars but let's just take a look in there but we'll search them in more detail later on because we're gonna do a lot of research and no it does not look like it does it no these are metal cars these are actually all metal if I can get it out of here yeah this is an older race car from doesn't say but it has definitely hot wheels and it's metal so if a metal you know they're older let's see if I can see the date on another one like this freaking Ford one here it just does not want to come out but it's a start ski and Hutch red car so when we get home we'll do a lot of research on these and see we can find any of the really expensive ones maybe when we do a recap eventually we'll let you guys know but look at that they're all old vintage Hot Wheels every single one of them like this old green sucker here number 64 it's old they're definitely old but like I said we'll search these when we get home because there's a lot of them in here that takes a long time and if we're lucky one of these could possibly pay for the unit plus make a lot of money so we don't know yet but that was the thing I was most excited about me go through I also caught kept this here it says Jade collection so I was assuming if it says Jade it's Jade Navy but stuff in here has been in here for so long that it might not even be able back then but it might be now well look at this it's like a little jewelry box there's like the stuff in the back of this unit has definitely not been touched in probably at least 10 or 15 years it's been back there the dust was like so thick it was disgusting gotta venture to Mickey Mouse hat and then we found this a golden treasury of legendary folk songs and it's just a record but the way it was cased in something like this it just it seemed interesting there's like three four five records in there maybe haven't had a chance to research anything yet but the fact that was in a nice case like that figured we set it aside this now I don't have know if had any value but it looked like it could have been like Native American made stuff Omo so I just thought it was interesting so we set it aside there's no maker marks on this on this there's something that says Nicholas on it made in America so maybe came from somewhere like that but it's still cool looking little satchel thing we got a Ford for white power light just light what it's for and now people are for everyone either hate sin with passion or love them with the passion either which way their name stays relevant we got this really old look at this this is a precious moment Noah's Ark figure that's from 1988 so this is like 30 years old so that's kind of cool then I also kept this I don't know what it's Korean but look at the glasses inside though that looks pretty cool really little Asian art on each one so I thought it looked interesting we got that if I can close it this can I figure somebody would get a laugh out of it it's you know 42 awkward age between something something so there's one of those like gag gifts you get for selling when I turned 40 so somebody out there has to be turning 40 I think could we sell it easily this probably has no value but I had to keep it because I used to collect these little things that I was little it's a sticker it's a dollar but it's got Daffy Duck on it a Daffy Duck sticker so I had to keep it I know these used to come out the machine for a quarter back then now they're probably a dollar and one of the sliding ones but they're gonna be a might go in the back a light in motion ornament again I kept it because it's old looking not because it's most of the time with Christmas stuff you know it would just kind of get rid of it but that's old enough people bid by our old ones we listed before so that was good oh there's that sticker let me see it this sticker I was going on our van no shame in and Out Burger uh-huh if you hate California with everything in you that's cool I understand but you cannot hate in and out in and out in and out as godly no shame in my game I'll put it right on my face don't see what anyone says so yep look at this guy I think that's part out at coconut yeah definitely Monkey carved into a coconut I thought it was interesting that card interlinking no yeah I wouldn't had a bad a coconut covered it car goes with monkey don't be pretty bad but also found this spangled the bear is from McDonald's the year 2000 so technically by definition it's 20 years old which makes it vintage now so now that was pretty cool for sure we're also gonna check this out Cabbage Patch little figure I don't even open it but it had weight so I assumed it was still in there oh it's just a cup I thought it was like a figure what is just a Cabbage Patch cup from 1984 so I still I know Cabbage Patch dolls are something a lot of people collect so I figured if it says Cabbage Patch on it it's probably we're setting aside especially if it's from 84 so and it's still in the box you usually don't find stuff like that in the box stuff also got three goodies these are little Lego figures they have a $0.99 price to anyone abut they were bought freaking it's 1998 on it so 22 years ago there were 99 cents which means they could be worth a lot now there's actually three of them I just don't know where I said him yet because you got really messy really bad I was getting really mad yesterday that was really gross there was like dead bug carcasses and busted food we got an old Garfield a cup here for McDonald's actually Garfield another name that's pretty collectible so it's time to say I want to say and let's see what I'll take a pull out of here is this I'm assuming it's just some reproduction thing but just in the rare case that it's actually something I set it aside but cuz look this is the only mark on it it's not like it's printed and on there anywhere you can tell this was actually put into the statute the only reason I thought just maybe you can get lucky and this might be worth something but there's a copyright symbol so I doubt it's worth it's not all or anything like that but it could be a particular artist which could give it some value but what else do we got in here this you don't know what these are these are all the little stickers they used to come in chewing gum pack so thus from 1975 it's a whole collection of different stickers and stuff they used to come in to us packs way back then and you can see like there's the Hulk in here talk again in 1975 when as a whole collection yeah I knew that it still wasn't sure of his name but there's a whole lot of them in here it's not just superhero know if you have some weird looking things like this I don't know what that is no idea that's in there and well there's even some cards look comic book heroes checklist sir 1974 and it's like they go together and you collect them all I try to build the whole thing it's a good marketing strategy by the company so there's a whole collection of that a lot of the stuff you'll see on our live auction to Saturday but anything I thought was collectible a cool-looking we set aside so we also kept this box because well everything kind of like interesting for one this is an Olympic plate from 1984 and I saw all I think I was like it's gonna be somebody's medal but now I want in that lucky but it is an Olympic plate total edition 25000 have been made so there's kind of a lot of them but hey it's number 3704 and it's still the Olympics people like the Olympics I don't really watch it I can't watch it it's boring to me but it's there we got a bear I kept this because there were some of the characters I recognized like I saw Taz in there these stars is Looney Toon tag on on he's from 1998 so this is 23 years old houses who else did I recognize in here they run some more characters I know I saw one here we go the red fish blue fish guy I'll feed about him that Peter Pan yeah yeah Peter Pan and I can't tell et that was Peter Pan DT I think I see Tigger that Pepe Le Pew hmm that pimp looks like Pepe dick you trying to there's any other recognizable characters in a little thing from the machine and toy store no it isn't like that there's a real skunk press here better not spray me alright it talks and yeah well there's another Tigger that's it but I just saw a lot of recognizable characters in another dirt hole so I figured somebody would probably like them instead of just getting rid of him alright so let's go through a few more things before we pack up this first part of this video so I found here a Snow White dopey puppet from where's his date on his tag it was old I know I found the date I don't know where the date said okay but fiftieth anniversary dopey puppet we also found what I thought I picked it up and thought it was a full cigar box because it had weight to it but it's actually full of vintage toy soldiers like they are all - they're not the New Age ones so I definitely thought that was interesting for sure and then we got this here white angel again I kept ornaments that were old because people buy the vintage ones the new ones are kind of just you're lucky if you get a dollar to flea market with the old ones people do like I kept the birthstone babe because it's November and I'm sure that will have someone from November in this world that wants this when we put it up for sale so you know people like identify with certain things like their birth stones and their birthday year like I'm a November I'm everything about me still going but I'm gonna buy everything that says it on there that's why those things are easy to sell and we also have this I thought was interesting a six piece porcelain nativity scene you know what I didn't even think to check a date on it I just know everything I've ever had it's a nativity sells really quickly and the whole sets in there so I thought that was interesting don't forget we also have a washer and dryer here too which I don't know how much they're worth other guys was cleaning out a union people told us he can get 200 apiece for him so hey if we get 300 for the $550 unit that's a good chunk of our money back right there and all the vintage toys I think we did good alright now that we're finally home and exhausted because this you know is a killer we got a lot more stuff some of the stuff you haven't seen so we got a lot here and we got a lot outside yes first thing this trash bag you but it was a box at the bottom of a box of trash it was full of nothing but money there's $2 bills in there but there's probably another three four there's three yeah snap another 35 45 bucks and money I mean there's a lot of quarters in there so I probably say have around $40 cash there which that's always good so I went through the Hot Wheels thing I looked up all the Hot Wheels it's mixed with Hot Wheels matchbox and some other older car company that forgot none of the Hot Wheels are no thousand dollar ones unfortunately but there are a few that are worth like 20 bucks here 15 bucks here so they're probably gonna be divvied up into lots on the live auction in this Saturday so if you want the vintage cars don't PM us come to the auction on Saturday we'll probably make a few Lots out of that when car a lot of this stuff is gonna be loaded up right now it's all over the place we're kind of just trying to go through it all but we got trying everyone I haven't shown you a vintage Santa Claus coke thing I know a lot of people love vintage Coke items so that's their this box is all cassette tapes this box is all cassette tape so we're gonna probably have a couple lots of those you see how people like them on the auction too because it's locked every time I find them I used to say I can't sell them and they're like salad I wanna I want to I want them so let's see who really wants them these toys I have not looked up either but they're very old fisher-price toys like this was bottom of it's made of wood and the top of its main applies things got there's literally just a string to pull your school bus like I said we haven't had a chance and look this stuff up but that's a whole fisher-price toy this again another really old fisher-price playing this time around so we got a few more stuff the animals around here we got some dwarf stuff you're trying to put it together right here this was in a box that we thought was trashed but with the top you know but there was a taco they're very old Glenn cut just the old pair of scissors basically like super vintage not this bottle we got this whole Los Angeles Kings banner really old but not in the greatest condition so I found the other few on because we had we had this big blue one these two little things a dump truck and the red trucks are three metal talkest we did find a security badge which is always cool quite a few watches here we got this one watches a Timex this one is [Applause] batery and this one is that stay still stay still another time max so we also have the Gucci one which are pretty sure it's fake but not on reason sure yet all that stuff again we'll have it way more organized before Saturday for the auction so we got beanie babies this day off on my auction that is kept ACCA's new well we know I don't think we show this on video so that's why I put it over here okay and then we have this little tea set over here and some Olympic stuff I found another one of the Lego things over there we have a vintage camera over there and just more vintage toys so all in all the washer and dryers give itself for about 300 bucks we're thinking from what we see and this stuff I think we'll be all right I don't think we're going to lose I thought we were gonna lose at first but I think there's just quite a lot of vintage stuff finishing which people like and they've really seen divider or know I have auctions so anything you see in this video that you're interested in make sure you come by this Saturday 2:00 p.m. Pacific time for the auction also forgot to mention if you want to know what's in the last seven boxes because there were seven more boxes in this unit head over baby G was his channel he made a video on those last seven boxes I'm not gonna spoil anything but you want to see that head over there but anyway thanks for watching leave the video a like subscribe if you're new until next time peace [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Treasure Hunting With Jebus
Views: 104,757
Rating: 4.8449316 out of 5
Keywords: i bought a storage unit, i bought a storage unit and found drugs, i bought a storage unit mrbeast, jelly i bought a storage unit, lunkerstv i bought a storage unit, i bought a drug dealers storage unit, i bought a millionaire's storage unit, i bought a navy seal storage unit, i bought an abandoned storage locker, i bought an abandoned storage unit, storage unit buying, abandoned storage unit finds, auction hunters, how to make money, opening mystery boxes
Id: 2aGSuV7siUY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 17sec (1577 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 23 2020
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