HIDDEN In MONEY HOARDERS Storage Unit! Money Found In Storage Unit! Storage Unit Finds Found Money

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i hear money in there rolex that's all silver [Music] today we're heading back to that money hoarder unit we started going through stuff in the garage and let me tell you there was even more hidden money than you saw yesterday if we're just now getting to the back of the unit most of the time that's where the best stuff is so let's hope we can find even more money and just keep adding to that total and wait to the end of this video you'll see all the extra money we found too and it's a lot let's get on the road and let's go get [Music] it [Music] you know we have driven through new york city dallas san francisco los angeles toronto las vegas baltimore and i can't think of any other big cities we've driven to all of them there's nowhere that has traffic is bad i'm convinced it's just the worst all day every day no matter what time of the day there's traffic this is why i try to stay down south but this you didn't look too good to pass up [Music] so we finally made it back to our unit a lot less traffic today than there was yesterday let me tell you but if you didn't see part one go watch that first but we paid three hundred and twenty dollars for the unit we've already gone through a lot of it but there's still a lot of stuff and that a lot of stuff is in the back and a lot of times that's where the best stuff is so let's get back into it let's get it so before we get into it we did do a little bit of research last night we found out that all the prints along with the little statue that the little boy used in the bathroom were some artists of the last name maverick now some of his prints are worth a good amount of money like i saw a pack of five of them sell for 60 on ebay which is good for print but the originals now they're worth like a couple g's so if we can find one of those in here that would be nice because there's a lot more rolled up stuff and if it's all his stuff that could be money just in prints too so let's start pulling stuff out this box first these boxes are supposed to be wardrobe boxes but let's hope they're not or if they are let's hope they're good clothes did we find something like not this this yesterday yeah ultimate ears hey they're saucy versace nothing i was looking some of these up on ebay though versace cologne varies so much like i see one bottle there was like 14 bucks and the next one under it was like 117 i'm like what's the difference does it smell that different i guess so let's see what else we see in here macy's wires what's this little letter custom clothes didn't we find that out last night too and you say you found out that the guy that owned the unit basically ran or created a style clothing company uh i don't i don't know if it was a clothing company but a lot of the suitcases like all the women's clothes that we found yeah were um like handmade stuff that was sewn together i don't know by him or by someone else but he definitely had some kind of fashion business but also some raunchy pictures yeah so it makes it a little less creepy with all the pictures of the women with some of them now i hope that's your wife i really do yeah these are all towels knowing what they do for a living oh what's that i mean who knows what he had going on behind the scenes with models and stuff it's fancy this is the stuff like when you spray more than once you will clear out a room like hi joe dang man you get it done one spray we all got a friend like that like they do it for everything like you go to a sporting event they go over to your house to watch tv they put on like a pound of cologne like why we're watching tv dude he also did male models like pictures for real models yeah i did see some of those too but what is that for cycling progressive and shut up all right so the rest of it is all towels and clothes so let's just get this box out of here let's pull the next roll of posters here and see if it's more prints from the same guy um it looks like look right here you see that h maverick or something maverick so looking we got more prints from the same guy let's see what this one too look maverick his name is hulas h-u-l-i-s maverick i'm guessing that's pronounced tool-less but not sure more of those i'll probably end up just listing them as a couple lots on ebay and seeing what people are willing to pay for them because the prices vary but some of them are worth something like the wild west ones we found in the last video a set of those sold for 60 bucks just five of them so that's cool well that's disappointed empty easter box no it's completely empty but it's like taped shut something else might be in here look at that they literally re-taped the entire box after taking the computer out that's kind of strange it's like a blanket look is it all though oh this one is that christmas it is look a penguin a polar bear christmas blanket just in time for christmas let's pull out the big u-haul boxer here let's drag it out because i'm lazy all right these are supposed to be i think this is actually going to be wardrobe it looks like it has the hanging rack on it and stuff but let's get into it and see that's actually what's all in it see that yeah it looks like his wardrobe well let's check his brand because he had a lot of designer clothes change it this way this one is the designer's usually on the inside yeah i can't see it like some of these suits make sure he doesn't have like a burb area or something like that i'm not recognizing any of the names but then again that's not saying much italio mondo i didn't have a thing i see anything italy i say i feel like everything italy is high class like everything made in italy it's just expensive what is this one here made in china that's not good martin yeah nothing too flashy this one just looks like basic stuff but there are shoes down here too like these are kind of beat but stacey adams again [Music] decent brand and we got a pair of nikes that are also kind of beat and there's a pair of ah come here i'm sure um that looks shady look at that in a second another pair of stacy adams never good when you found a prescription bottle with no prescription label and it's got a bag in it did i open it i don't know if i should touch what's on it let me put it on the box or something like right here yeah just in case those are m's it is molly it just says m on it it's obviously not legal i don't think nobody carries legal prescriptions like this so i got a bad feeling about what those are this one says py2 and it's a brown pill and there's two white ones to say m all those in there say m2 there's one of these too that's probably something very illegal all right so i looked the two up the white ones are oxycodone which i mean if they're in that little bag i'm going to assume they were probably obtained illegally just guessing and the brown one says it's it identified as fan trying to pronounce that that word but it doesn't look like it's anything bad so i don't know if that gets you a buzz or something i don't know if people do pills i really don't but i just know if it comes in that bottle and it's in a baggie it's probably not legal when i started looking up the artist and seeing the prices for his original prints i remembered that i did see these yesterday so i'm still kind of psyched about those that the possibility if they had statues from the artist prints from the artist they might have originals based off the fact that they have so much designer clothes you know they got money so it's not like it's a money problem but i don't know let's see what's in this big box uh this one's another wardrobe i think look on the side here oh look that's just closed and they kind of beat up the camera didn't it yeah oh wow it's okay what is this again the designer clothes that's always the possibility because some clothes can be worth bank you just don't know like these brands like this i'm telling you my strategy is when something looks super ugly and you look at it you're like who would wear that in public it's usually worth money i don't know why but as of now we're just going to say there it's all it's in there's close and we'll just show you in the recap if anything's big money i legitimately just got super excited and super let down at the same time i moved the box and i saw these big frames and i was like oh my gosh and then i read the back where it said mirror hanging instructions and i was like oh but let's pull out this box ooh this box looks like it has more boxes in it there's a big mirror let's hope it survives the truck ride home let's see nothing here this one's definitely not closed luckily oh i thought that was a game system this is like a looks like a dvd player portable dvd player yeah that was usually style oh look a walmart gift card you know i forgot to mention the last video we did we found one and actually had 13 bucks on it so yeah we used it yeah we used it always use walmart you know um quotes by jim ron a business philosopher anything in there no what's that a couple photos another phone another phone um yeah a couple things like that there's more money in here i see a quarter a few quarters a couple of pennies wait till you guys see all the money total at the end of the video it's a lot what is this this guy traveled a lot too and i was going through all the paperwork i found a lot of hotel rooms that's what these all are it looks like the luxury it is look luxur so that's where we stayed at vegas a couple times i recognize that key um team player award for outstanding performance doesn't have a name on it so if somebody wants a team player award i got you let's get this out of here let's see what amazon goes gold is looks like cds that is something that cost only 30 bucks not that big but it is yeah i recognize this lottery ticket how much did you win here two and ten you lost why'd you keep it um lots of golf balls see all them yeah that's kind of strange there's another cologne bottle it's actually got a lot of it in there it's versace all right let's set this one aside as expected this unit is taking a long time to go through since we're going through everything in such detail because this one just seems like it has hidden stuff in it i'm not seeing much here what is that a speaker a sharper image speaker i'm assuming and there went this one's super light again but look at that they taped it up another blanket what is it open it looks like a cartoon or something brat brats i remember those things and they were big um oh wow look dvd cds change i hear money in there i feel it's right here but some change again some dvds what's these hawk optics they're in there oh what are those it doesn't look like hawk optic to me but they're there let's get in there what else is in this box um what's in here another one girl in bathroom oh it's the same thing the same artist now there's a boy in the girl there's also another thing in here it looks like again done by the same person like the same style of art so a lot of stuff by this guy let's move some few more things around like there's nothing else hidden down here like this uh motion break or whoa i see a watch it's a rolex no it's an element oh element court stainless steel could be worth a little something come here what's this that's nothing it wasn't oh look this guy i'm scared to look at that but i'm still good at i'm curious what are these certificate all right let's see if we see anything else down here looks like a bible maybe i see some more change down there holy bible nothing in it but a bible other than that that box is kind of random definitely one we have to search thoroughly when we do the recap you want a teddy bear sure how many teddy bears have i gotten out of units i don't know but for some reason every time i get you one you sell it to somebody at a yard sale feel offended or i take this stuffing out and wear it use it for [ __ ] shipping um this one is a what is this project lose weight all right i need to i should follow it billboard thing all right that'll go up here um these are what i'm most excited about i'm trying to save those just in case they're originals these i'm gonna assume oh boy what that last box is ripped on the side i love the boxes that i ripped down the side because you just know you can't move them already those are the best i'm gonna go on the limb and hope and assume these are more prints by the same guy get off oh yeah maverick boom so these could be worth a lot of money again i'm just going to set it up here then i'll band it back up in just a second but that could be a lot of money again also i keep avoiding this bad because it looks like junk but we will go through it once i get to the boxes you know what i mean boxes are more exciting than bags at least in my opinion let's see what's in this one what's it say nothing all right come on let's see what we got looks like with these pals this is all towels no let's see stacy adam's box i'm just going to throw these aside right now do you think the shoes are in there too stacey still looks like it looked heavy to me no oh god i don't even got to open it what do you think that is i wonder huh not even opening that um let's bag let's see this is like paper another one yes two well three technically we found one yesterday too let's see what's in this ew rice and this is right here hmm is there another one i don't know why'd you laugh because maybe i don't know i don't think it's that but i think it's something else but i'm not sure because i can't see the whole thing i'm scared now at this though it's not what i thought it was another one of these i found out yesterday i don't know what it is there's some lights in here and yeah not much else a butter bottle kind of strange other than that freaking more cologne and just random who knows what in that box this looks like a lot of crusty stuff let's get this big old amazon box out of here put it over here right there let me see personal pictures don't look don't look don't look personal stuff um i hear and see lots more money in there this is a full house that's all silver whoa look at that the money hoarder continues jeez i thought it looked like a burberry is it a burberry case i thought it was gonna be burberry glasses but thing full of money i'll take it too let's see what else we got nothing nothing nothing oh a razor i should not have done that i should not have dressed up blindly i don't know what i could have gotten this unit honestly that's a fun store you've never been in spencer um don't go to the back of the store the rest of it's nice let's see oh it's a glass merry christmas merry christmas more money come to me come to me now even more money what's that collect them all star trek oh look at that one yeah star trek another one another same thing no it's got something in it though i pull it up my hand i found a foot another star trek guys it's weird stuff in these units um nothing there a couple more pennies i'm going to grab and add to the rest of the chain nickel another penny just keep adding to it what's in these bags down here let's pull them up oh jeez i don't know what's in this one hello the front pocket there's some right here hold on there's a couple quarters two three quarters at least in this bag or this part of the bag and cologne and a belt what kind of belt is it perry ellis where's it all at there it is look at that find it all silver too look like all quarters let's get him in this nice look at that that's at least like what 10 bucks easy just to change right here any cash in this one all right just have me some bills too and you're gonna save all the change you might as well change the actual money to the bills here's how you celebrate once you have all this money found in the unit i'm gonna put this up here with the rest of the money try to keep it together but it's kind of filling up already because we took the jug home already it's got something in it oh razor a little bit i see 13 cents what's that some change in there but overall this box could very well be something else that has something else hidden in it because it's a lot of random just stuff everywhere but we got the money out we got the star trek stuff who knows what else is in there but you'll see at the recap now let's get the fun box everyone knows to buy storage units the best box is the one that's ripped awkwardly in the corner that you can't lift and you're pretty sure if you slide you're gonna rip the side off those are the best ones and the other corners oh yeah let's get it well first off i see more of these let's open it up really quick and check it out and see if it's the same guy which i'm assuming it is you see a little thing down there yeah look on the right yeah you're locked all right maverick again so a whole nother thing of this guy's prince which is pretty cool let's see what was that about the bracket let's go do it again careful grab the other side look at that oh well that looks like this figure should be sitting on it somewhere it looks like it should be a big figure yeah he's gonna make jeans let's see what brand of these this is kind of what i'm talking about like these are regular jeans but this is just paint wow they ruined them so they were just making their own style i saw a lot of jeans and shirts like that it's a jean jacket with no brown they ripped the tag up like it's ours they hate it there was actually a lot of the like the women's clothes and dresses that had no tags on it oh guys i see some interesting stuff here look at that so michael jackson set this somewhere i don't want to break it frames i guess that's a movie i hope yeah that all right hold on a second i'm gonna have to scoot some of this stuff down here this is signed who's that sun by gary cambridge maybe all right can you see me well here yeah okay i know we're kind of a little bit more in the unit than we have been i see a nameplate on this one make personal pictures under that folder though trying to get it out the way hold on one second the right backpack i've heard of them i don't really know what they think now just a name plate let's see what this is i don't know if these are personal or not i hate when i like don't know enough about the guy with that yeah i don't know what he looks like and i'm really bad with celebrities already careful there's glass this is signed isn't that uh yeah it's pvp yeah i don't know if it's his signature gq that so gq was like i guess the guy's nickname not his actual name or abbreviation or anything then another michael jackson oh it's broken it's just pictures though gosh i hate this light why do i feel like it didn't go off like this often i don't know but look this is just like we're saying michael jackson pictures and things like that if we find something signed by michael jackson and that would be nice but i'm not seeing it right now what's that um these look like personal pictures again so guys give me a second to get some of this stuff out of the way it's just a mess then i'll show you what's in there all right so we got the personal pictures out the way to say i'm excited it's a little bit of an understatement guys so look down here first first thing you see obviously this weird off-brand playstation 3 that i've never seen before i don't know what this is i mean obviously it's a ps3 but i've never seen one like this maybe it's like this you know the playstation 2 they made the original one and they made a slim version of it maybe it's a ps3 slim i was always an xbox guy at that point so i don't know but look at all these old toys i see in here that's what i'm psyched about like look at this the bubble wrap you can't really see nothing yeah i'm gonna pull them out so i i'm assuming because of this star wars i don't know watching first track we found the star trek things too yeah it's from 2004 so not quite as old as i thought it was going to be but look at that there's one let's pull it might be super comfortable yeah you never know and this guy this darth vader looks like darth vader yeah look huh i don't think no peter okay guys i'll tell you again i never watched star wars so no idea they'll let you know yeah they'll let me know in the comments i'm sure he doesn't have a date on his foot and i don't feel like undressing him right now so maybe he's old too superman oh superman that's pretty cool does he have a date on his foot he does nope just dc comics hasbro that i feel weird on dressing figures just some bat woman or whatever is that her name i don't even know to be honest with you this is from 1997. so some of these could definitely have some real value they're sitting on the ground yeah without a fall this is this one this looks like um star trek guy yeah that's star trek you know why i know that family guy erb captain spot bb back to 1492. if you watch erb you're cool this is just like a king i don't really know who or what but these toys i think could be look at this i don't even know if it's like an old mcdonald's or burger king star trek toy that who's this oh bulbasaur i'm keeping that i kind of watch pokemon there's somebody shooting on a hoo so i'm gonna put it aside not enough dragon ball z was my stuff but i kind of like pokemon too whoa look at that is that an ant trap on them yeah the heck is that let's see if this is what it says at x-men from 2003. okay that's kind of cool i mean they're all i'm kind of scared that they're in that range where like they're old to know where nobody cares about them i'm not old enough to be collectible yet but my fingers are crossed because i know star trek star wars all that it looks like freaking indiana jones i don't know who um oh that's what that foot went to look get a football there it is where'd it go i just said it somewhere no that's a different colorful different color well it's me in here he's missing a foot there's batman that looks og right there that looks old but he doesn't have a date on him he's very weird feeling feeling like isn't it yeah i don't see a date on him now it just says nothing old batman let's see i see bobble heads too that elvis presley or something his leather jacket's in really bad shape you see that yeah but definitely a cool little figure all right let's keep going this is this guy it is letterman jacket jefferson high that's the foot that's the right color shoe don't you had a black shoe dinner yes i'm stupid i'm forgetful you know what it is when my mind wants to see something it creates it oh look happy days mrs c mm-hmm that's kind of cool there's a [ __ ] there's a round [ __ ] oh this big boy here look at that he is from the year i can't tell it's too and uh it doesn't say the only date on there it says 18 8 one eight nine four no doubt star wars is out in 1800s so yeah i don't know what that's exactly referring to what is this guys a bobble head let's see al capone that's pretty cool right there an al capone bobble head and yeah it just says he's made in ohio so american-made i know that matters with a lot of collectors they like us-made stuff let's keep going in here let's get this stuffed bear out of the way look at this star trek right here let me get to it really quick yeah it does doesn't it's in pretty beat up shape but it looks like it's older i bet you this is from the 90s that's pretty cool let me see if i can find a date on it anywhere this is in the box i gotta have a date really 2008 i'm very surprised now this looks it might be made to look like that either which way super cool who's this guy jefferson high again i don't know if it's the same character or multiple characters from the same tilt it up to me so i could see there you go okay how you doing so that's pretty cool and here we go with the there it is don't tell me you're wrong this time well i know it's a black shoe so you're right there this guy is that the joker oh yeah it is i wonder if he went on the dark knight yeah i think he did because it looks newer um i don't know does he have a hole in his foot yeah he does too well two of them look at that it might have two figures on it there might be a batman and a joker cool that's pretty cool for sure it's like a mr america type thing captain america that's it mr mirror mr america that there's somebody's shoes right here let's get into this this looks like cap spot beat me back to 14. so i can beat this man i get my job you never if you're a fan of star trek and you've never watched the epic rap battle of the history do yourself a favor go to youtube type it erb star trek or captain kirk and be amazed it's hilarious all right what is this guy he looks old yeah no idea who he is though he's missing a foot a couple more down here what else do we have who are you buddy oh that's pirates of the caribbean we got the other thing stuck in my head now and there's like a stand for one of them right there i see is that the flash i've never seen the flashlight's mask so if it is cool the horse huh look at this little car here little hot wheels from it says 64 continental from 2007 now i feel like the ones that are worth the money are from like the 60s and 70s but maybe that one's special to the guy that owned it [Music] and this guy yeah whoever that guy hey he is his boot doesn't say i don't know it is is that all that was in here this is the little star trek thing this used to come in a cereal didn't it yeah it says kellogg's in the back oh okay a couple more figures right here i see a horse but i don't know what else is there all right there's something to hold one of them what is this martial arts the ultimate collection of bruce lee let's see what's in these really quick that a fairy man i would say everyone always tells me to look at them because sometimes people put like jewelry like a ring or something in the bottle other than that oh what's the little pin i don't know what that is this thing yeah that just says p p that's it but other than that that's all that's in this box but that box could be a potential massive gold mine i just have no idea right now but when we get home we'll do some research and i will let you know this unit is now completely worth it you see what i found the old mouse's that have the ball who used to do this don't lie who used to do that in school take this little thing out and play with it i know i can't be the only weird okay that did that but you know what i'm keeping this and throwing the mouse away because this is nostalgia okay i've been kind of putting this off the whole unit like i said because it looks like trash but let's make sure there's nothing in there now if it's something epic it's gonna look like it was like we left to the side for a reason i swear to you i have not looked in here at all why should it be like a bag of like a thousand dollars like no ah that'd be nice this paperwork this is paperwork yeah i see rated teeth or something dust um randomness here candle see this might be junk a lot of been right with our intuition it looks like jump all around jump yeah okay now i know it's junk so the only things left are these there's no more boxes left let's get these out the back first i told you the tag said mirror on it so carefully that might be real heavy i'm gonna take one at a time boom hello so that's a very nice mirror actually that's easily 20 bucks at least okay marketplace do they go together i don't know do they put together in any way no there's nothing on the back besides the thingy to hang out on the wall okay that's it but are they all the same hi let's see here this one's new look all right well i mean being that he was in like fashion i mean i guess whatever studio he took pictures in he just kind of you know did this yeah and i'm gonna assume the third one here is the same thing that was new too no the tag's not on the front for some reason but i mean realistically how can a mirror be used you don't touch it it's just dusty is the price tag on the new one oh let's see it's a good question um i don't see one now but i guarantee you like at least 20 bucks a piece because i mean yeah the little flimsy ones are 10 bucks nowadays so that's at least 60 dollars if not more we'll look it up and that might be worth like 40 50 who knows last thing in the unit is the kind of thing i've been making myself wait for these frames let's see that was personal that's not a good start and that one's art baby that's what i was looking for maybe it's the same guy beloved is the face of my father no it's sharon wilson that's different but that's definitely live paint and stuff it's not a print right there so that could be worth money arts hit or miss it's either five bucks at a flea market or a thousand dollars at our house you never know this one that's like a decor piece isn't it still nice though that's this way yeah there you go cool from kirklands see the tag no price tag on it though this last one now 20 big ones that's 20. no look at that oh you probably can't see because it's dark but that's a 150 dollar price tag that's a math heavy it's pretty heavy oh it's a mirror map oh what a mirror map that's kind of cool look over here you see it says some stuff here i don't want to turn it sideways essay i don't know it looks like a different language well it's a world map i'm assuming uh not quite yeah oh it is oh okay this is this right here or the continents yeah i was looking right here so the the green is the ocean yeah kind of backwards the water yeah that's why it threw me off so that gets 150 bucks at the store probably still get at least 50 60 for it now so that's not bad at all now comes the hard part let's get this stuff packed up let's get it home and let's go through everything in more detail and then we'll let you know what you missed and show you the final pile of money stopped at a gas station and grab a drink and i just had to put that on video because there's nothing i agree with more than that statement right there all right guys it is like 1am we literally got home in like right before 6. we've been going through this unit editing for a long time but everything has officially been gone through now so there's no more secrets what you're looking at right behind us i'm not going to really show you in detail this is just the yard sale pile this is also a few things from other units mixed in there so we're planning on having a yard sale this saturday i'm kind of on a fence on it's thanksgiving weekend and we're people going to be out or are more people going to be away you know you guys should let us know what's your opinion on that we're going to try it no matter what i showed you the mirrors there's three of them they're going on facebook marketplace for 30 bucks a piece because i see much smaller ones going on there for like forty dollars that are like way smaller and crappier looking than that so i should be able to get 30 apiece on those very easy so that's an easy 90 bucks let me show you also that stuff is also a facebook marketplace yes the art in the mirror let me show you so so total in all ones except for one two we found 17 in cash or bills but you know we stopped at the gas station away home got some beef sticks and some soda so about 11 of it's gone but i still found one two dollar bill and i have one one left and all the rest of it the other 14 was all ones which is kind of weird i have one one in my wallet still okay so whatever we have a lot of ones all ones which is kind of sketchy based on other stuff we found can i also say if you remember this video i said oh look at sd card i don't put that in my pocket it's bad it's like legitimately 25 plus people just completely naked men and women so they're different too they're not internet pictures you can tell they're taking on a crappy phone like years ago so their personal pictures i don't know what's going on i also want to ask i know we got some viewers from the uk these we found these bank of england built i just want to make sure these are basically how the money is now and it's not some older collector bill or something like that because i know their money's worth i think i think one pound is worth like 1.3 us dollars so this is nine pounds so if it's in the us it'd be like 12 bucks if this is relevant let me know and make sure it's not no old collector type things we found one of these staples right one million dollars million dollars yeah i wish it was real can i tell you one thing i kind of freaked out for a second you know little things that hotels give you where they put the room keys in in the back of that and one of those i found a 500 gift card but it had 93 cents on it i was like no way because the pin wasn't scratched either i was like he forgot about it but no 93 cents but we did find an ihow gift card that has like a little over 15 on it so hey next time we go out for a unit grab some sausage bacon and a drink right right and the other car has like a dollar something on it so we literally have like 17 bucks we're going to spend at ihop this stuff is the stuff that's good from there it doesn't awesome it doesn't look good right now but it's a lot though it's a lot so the toys the ties we're getting back into the live auctions probably not this coming saturday after thanksgiving or probably the one after that we want to get back into doing it every saturday or every other saturday or something like that to get stuff sold because we're getting a lot of messages and comments you guys want to buy stuff and i feel bad and i kind of miss being live for a few hours it was fun so we're definitely planning on getting back into that so the barbies will be a lot the action figures will be a lot the ties might be a lot and some of the clothes you'll see on our poshmark account some of the other stuff you want to see on ebay everything's going everywhere but obviously the big thing for the unit still this monster bucket here this is all the chain from the unit i guarantee you that's at least 40 pounds to 50 pounds worth of change i don't know what do you think yeah i'm saying 40 pounds yeah i'd say 35 40. so my question is last time we did a video we put the change in the coin starter i got like 200 000 views really quick so apparently you guys like those i think that should come next so we can see exactly how much change was in just this unit if you guys want to see that video next let me know down in the comments the only other thing we got these are all the blah blah clothes you know what i mean we are going to keep the towel for the yard sale but for some reason in california at least people always used to buy our towels they picked their clothes to take the towels out and i think this dude stole hotel towels or else he just has like 70 white towels for some reason but we're gonna set all the towels out for a buck a piece and hopefully they'll sell and this is all the trash not really much honestly um what was the word i'm thinking of considering how big the unit was so overall really really good the only thing i said that you didn't really see was just more change i found a margarine container full of change a little purse full of changes not an envelope full of change envelope full of change and then of course just more dollars and uk money and stuff but i'm willing to bet that's at least what would you say and change what would be your guess oh gosh my guess what do you have a guess yet that is so hard 50 bucks i'm gonna say like 420 400 yes you crazy our bucket in california's only three something and it was like a hundred pounds okay i'm going to say like 150 bucks i don't know but i think next time we'll catch that i hope you're right there's a lot of silver yeah there is a lot of quarters you do got that the one in california was a lot of pennies so it makes sense we're going to cash it in next video because it's even close to what we paid for the unit hey we got it in literal cash back but anyway that's it for this crazy unit there's a lot more going off the next couple weeks so we're hoping to get back in this hardcore reselling buying units like crazy and just getting back to uploading as close to every day as it possibly can so if you enjoyed the video leave it a thumbs up subscribe if you're new and until next time peace out [Music] you
Channel: Treasure Hunting With Jebus
Views: 71,817
Rating: 4.9438443 out of 5
Keywords: found money, money found, hoarder storage unit, abandoned storage unit, storage hoarders, storage unit finds, hoarder unit, hoarders, hoarding money, finding cash, finding money in storage unit, found money in storage unit, storage wars, storage finds, i bought an abandoned storage unit, money found in storage unit, cash found in storage unit, most money found in storage unit, treasure hunting with jebus, found cash, found cash money
Id: CZkbHE1sxq4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 43sec (2623 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 26 2020
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