Police called magnet fishing and Deadly finds magnet fishing uk #39

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[Music] so [Music] morning guys and welcome to the latest video so we're back in stafford for another epic adventure hang on a minute dave something doesn't feel right here i mean we've got something new but we're wearing something old i know what to do give us a second one sec that's better steve it's much better than this day so guys new era for us check this out we are now affiliated with online magnets uk is number one it's an epic time for us we're so happy to have moved on to uh online magnets and feeling steve i'm feeling really excited about this dave and to top it off to go with this new launch of us being with online magnets we've managed to get our hands on a 200x from the expert range which we will be giving away to celebrate we're going to send you all the details for that it'll be on facebook coming up very soon um i'm buzzing absolutely buzzing steve so uh today we're going to be testing out the beast as well from online magnets uh i can't wait to see what that does in the water um we're back in stafford for part two let's do this steve let's do this guys let's get out there so if you ever want christmas decorations pulling up as we are near that time of the year don't ask dave to untangle your christmas tree lights for you many issues don't ask him to put them away because he put that away this morning it was fine looking in there absolutely screwed first truck of the day i'll see this afternoon um while we're here the size difference on those two oh it was pulling together and they the size difference on those two so i thought they were the same size and i actually thought this one was bigger but more maths more to collecting dave you've left some p in the bucket bottle cap budweiser [Music] poured in is i think it's like these um bits that go on desks and things like that where you can um change the uh the size of things the angle of the dangle ah so can it extend it maybe yeah that's the one so that's my first one well i'm pleased to tell you i am now ready for action really i am i've untangled this bad man i'm going to try and use it so wish me luck people looks a bit tangled in me oh no don't say that so while dave's been doing that we've had two christmases and we've come out at the fourth lock down and we're ready to uh hug each other he's talking about that there's chuck jackson yeah so first chuck with the new beast magnet and i've already pulled out a chaff car so yeah and a bottle top and a nail let's go again there you are with the power of the point so just pull this in i think that's just a piece of random metal can't really make anything out looks if it's got a hinge maybe so it could have been off a hinge off a door but uh yeah shape was interesting when it came in keep going right then so little nail medium name huge now can that spark dave [Music] oh so we have a nasty already nasty pasty first decent find with the beast and as you can see that's a fair old knife for our birmingham fans so wow so there you go nice very easy about that so another another knife to the collection for the stashwater raiders so both me and steve as you can see in the distance down there pulled in pipes steve's got a longer pipe with me but it's not always about the length people i'm just saying it's not always the lengths that gives you the strength sometimes it's the girth that moves the earth [Music] look at so um let's imagine dave that we are hobbits and i am dildo dagging no bilbo baggins that's the one and this is gandalf's walking stick oh yeah look at that it's even got like the crook there or a giant shepherd's crook i won't mess with gandalf yeah so yeah if we were hobbits that's i mean that's that's a fair bit of pipe or the rebar she's down there but on there as well pulled in a cheeky screwdriver not bad um might be another dippers and scrappers this weekend looks like a giant safety pin now i've just found a little baby law as you can see there a little tiny one that's what steve would say [Music] seems to get a lot of that down here another bit of bent bar there the back that's going to go in a bin find another screwdriver a metal plate the old trusty chaff can and just a couple of bottle caps um nothing special there but it's very clean here so we're going to move on to the next bridge i think [Applause] so looks like the base off a sign it's quite weighty that is as well you can see there but yeah that's just come in with the beast so that's yeah doing well dave's pulled down in cheeky little air back goes over the back of the moped or something you've got your clip there to get down your shopping or blankets or whatever it is you're going to use but that's a pretty cool find take a moment to reflect cheeky little lure there that dave's caught two hooks on it nasty time to move on to net bridge let's do this steve let's do this guys we're going to go more into the town where the pedestrian bridges are getting my teeth in and hopefully we can find something else yeah go for it buddy wow just stabbed me it's on my face there's got a fly on his nose gone now he's gone it was making love to his eyeball it was like i love the iris lag lag is nice yeah so for some reason i'm doing like catalog poses like we got new merch like catalog pose in it we've moved on to another bridge today a foot bridge this time which is a bit bouncy it's a bit bouncy in it it looks good though yeah it's this little pedestrian bridge so we're going to chuck off the sides this time and not off the banks so this is gonna be a new one for us it's all about the new stuff happening this time around you know last week it was uh our first time on the river this week um it's the first time off bridges and our first damaged magnet made sad times sad times although it does just you know gives me more incentive to buy a new one so yeah who who needs to keep using old magnets let's uh let's do it oh it doesn't sound for all magnets so uh let's do this guys let's get on with that let's do a little bit of time let's do this guy let's do let's proceed david yes let's please test speed yeah let's just do it so first chuck off the bridge a really good one we've pulled in um what looks like barbed wire or razor wire lovely and we've got some rebar and some pipe pretty cool oh it's a good job it's not metal underneath there it says dung it is metal underneath there dave now what we've got is a predicament ladies and gentlemen dave has got stuck to the bottom of the bridge so he's going to have to walk around and try and pull it down and dave's gonna have to swing off that bridge i would never good job the bottom of this bridge that could have been emotional what few issues is in like donate the bridge [Laughter] lesson there people watch them don't take for granted that the bottom of the bridge ain't metal so uh yeah so after me having a good laugh at dave um i'm gonna try to pull my magnet in now they're getting stuck to the bottom of that uh bridge where it's a bit metal [Laughter] oh well that is heavy um right let's let's get it off the magnet and see shall we um yeah i mean i'm not 100 but it does look like it's off a car maybe the suspension um a ball joint or something like that off this where the cv joint and things are i'm not 100 sure because i'm not a mechanic that was pretty heavy that [Music] um just a stone um a bit of a a bolt there and a bit of a hook yeah pulled in oh that's quite heavy with all that stuff i'm pulling a bar there and i've also pulled in spike and a hook and some headphones which i think could be um i can yeah they're not apple but very similar there you go some cheeky headphones though nice i have ah mate what the oh mate i've got one of these chinese stress balls yeah listen to that that's so cool i just feel so distressed now oh so happy and uh what used to be off the sign i think well it looks a bit i don't think i can make up what's on there but morning you okay come on through it's okay i thought this was illegal no well that's what river canal said we can't move you on nothing we can do about it mine there you go [Music] there you go so that's our first uh our first karen of the uh now i shouldn't use the term carrots it's derogatory against all karen's but that's the first time we've had people moaning about it and they've took a photograph off us as well saying oh it's illegal they're going to report something canals and rivers trust now of course if it was illegal and we shouldn't be doing it then the police would have had us every time we hunted in uh are gone so all good there's a couple of pence on there and a caster by the looks of it very old rusted up caster so after getting stuck on the bridge i decided to stay under there for a little bit [Music] loads of fence posts coming in this one's a bit of a spike metal bracket and then on the magnet as you can see all sorts of cans chaff cans bars bottle caps and uh yeah a bit of everything oh we have a development people so uh oh i'm no spaghetti arms mate maybe i was a little premature then but i could have sworn for a second steve got caught on that bridge as well hmm i wonder um putting a tripod well it's a it's a bipod looks like you're doing a really nice clean job there thank you very much so that was really nice so steve had a really bad experience i came on the bridge we had a really good experience that's what i'm going to say um but that lady appreciated what we were going to do still yeah and so you see the contrast we will get the odd person and we are taking stuff away we don't leave anything behind you want to take a photograph of this outside the bins full yeah so i mean if they want to take photos you know hope they enjoy them um well yeah at the end of the day because people do leave stuff and they're the ones who are a pain we're not them guys and another great big piece of flat bar a lot of bars and stuff yeah unless they can serve food uh just pull this in guys it looks like it's a lock and a bike chain uh extra strong steel it didn't do the job did it because it obviously ended up in there so there you go that is the correct battery to use in most situations youth drew a sound yes give the thing as a bridge a little cleaner get rid of all the messages and we're going to be extra meticulous just in case karen and uh this is off a door a fire door so that's your uh your bracket so when your door closes and opens there you go fire door i bet that bloke knew all that health and safety is like oh yes yes that's a an isc 5 model which was out in the 1980s on the go so another challenging location here steve she's got barrier to get over an outrage could be quite interesting that's it mate um i'm just looking for i mean there's a gate there but it's got a padlock on it which is a shame but uh so here it goes getting well done mate well done how'd you feel dave now you've broken the uh stafford record of fence jumping late i feel quite good because i've just found 15 feet oh mate that's like prize money for you this is how a man with arthritis in his back gets over a great big fence like this drumroll oh look at that like a commando well done steve [Music] shake that glass jar lid and shake that there we go there you are there you are another fence folks guys we're gonna took this to stephen and uh we have the duozo big brother ultimate power ultimate power so this is the big one of the little one that i found earlier yeah he has to stop doing this on i'm just mental and some weird gold little bad boy disc don't know what that is any idea stephen resident expert check it out hmm [Music] no no i thought it might be like a like after radio attacks or something yeah i have no idea but the patrick of batteries this was a little battery not like the big battery but that's that is another one of these and i have a penny too went a bit transylvanian at the end i was just thinking like um when you watch christmas films and you've always got that bloke that lives in the woods what are you doing by my log cabin go away here very big piece of metal here with the stone stuck to it there we go we're rolling they see me rolling a little bit of metal could it be old railing i don't know 22p two tens two tens and a two i don't think i've ever seen nothing i pulled them out like there's one p like that 2p put their 20p sham on bridge number four and we're pulling in 22 pay hey up now it's one day right because we have a magnificent creature coming up the canal a b-e-a beautiful swan there once was an ugly duckling [Music] [Music] um i have no real idea and i know it's not um it's not soccer i kind of have an eye an idea-ish something electrical obviously um is it a motor or something i have no idea to the point where i can be confident to say but it looks electrical so that's what we're sticking with i think it might be off the back of a telly i think maybe a back of a telly or a monitor the old crt things on the back of the tv screen i think can't be hundred percent i ain't sure if you know let me know okay okay final bridge of the day then so let's see what goodies we can bring in [Laughter] super strong not near the magnet there we go let's get some lego guys so uh pair of [ __ ] not a pear tin opener nice and a two piece so we pulled in a fork and a grate of some kind it looks like it was off a shopping tribute or something to start with but wow that was heavy nothing crazy but more coins another battery i think so plenty of pennies coming out today and uh five pieces tends to be scored and uh police have just driven back and giving us a wave so that's uh that's like 10 nil to you uh karen they say this another trusty old uh scaffold clip just there it's all about you david virtually brand new five pence as well there's a couple there a lot of bars coming in stafford as well as the pennies lost count a big shout out to the people of stafford that have kindly sponsored the staffs water raiders over the last two missions to stafford the money he provided will go to a fantastic cause with dave and steve uh be a fund 2020 so it's much appreciated just consulted steve on this one just pulled it in so it's either a moped stand but i thought it was a jack because of the top as you can see there interesting though yeah hi yeah hey thank you okay what are you doing yeah don't take it away it's more of people that leave it you know what um surprised because it's quite pleasing to be honest we've just pulled out a great big car but all it is that they're saying here if you can take it away you've got no issues with your guys doing it it's the ones that really pulled them by leaving them [Music] [Music] what you got there monkey so it looks like a really loud battered old wooden side roadside yeah without the bit in the middle nice and that was that was good actually so we've just seen the police had a good chat with them explain magnet fishing um more than happy to let us continue i did say we were on a curfew and the wife is expected to back soon i'm knackered now but yeah another street side have to get that broke up mate put it in so we have uh another piece of pipe and all that is some stones a couple of coins and a battery it's a little dvd player yeah random there you go it doesn't look that old either i don't know more compact style not like the bigger one is it is it dvd or is it like a hard drive dvd that is so i think that's a hard drive like a recording install video broadcasting oh no it's just set top box absolutely so it's good job steezy exciting bloody clue i thought it was a dvd player but there you go set top box digital video broadcasting yeah there you go really cool another knife just come up there guys second one of the day as you can see nasty stainless steel from china yeah the second one of the day penny as well let's have a look at that i've got one like that in the house i'm gonna have it off you again [Applause] double find me it's like a double fine here we go guys so uh double fine you heard that clip on snap so steve we've come to the end of the video what a day we've had down here for many reasons an exciting day it has been we we've had we've actually put this planet by the weirdos we've had really lovely people we've had one couple that decided that because they don't like something we shouldn't be doing it we've had the police actually come out ask us tons of questions about what we're doing the cctv people have actually called them on us to come and have a look but you know it's been it's been crazy and but you know off what a day what had they uh really enjoyed it we found a few nasties along the way some crazy finds we've got lots of scrap to take away um the beast has performed really well today um i've i've enjoyed using it it's heavier than all the magnets i've used but that's because it's bigger and it's got more power looks because not to get onto the tiny yeah it's been a crazy day so uh guys hope you enjoyed the video please like and subscribe as usual um and don't forget guys use sw r10 for 10 off your purchase online magnets we're on instagram and facebook as well so guys from me and him and me and him we'll see you next time [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Staffs Water Raiders
Views: 7,349
Rating: 4.8473282 out of 5
Keywords: Magnet fishing uk, Magnet fishing adventures uk, Online Magnets The Beast, Deadly finds magnet fishing uk, river magnet fishing uk, police called magnet fishing, magnet fishing gone wrong, magnet fishing gone wrong *police involved*, angry people magnet fishing, jackpot magnet fishing, criminal finds magnet fishing, stolen gear magnet fishing, crazy river magnet fishing, try not to laugh magnet fishing, crazy magnet fishing uk, staffs water raiders, angry locals magnet fishing
Id: eyQu9jkLxos
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 4sec (2104 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 15 2020
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