Storage Unit LOADED With HIDDEN MONEY! Vintage JACKPOT! Storage Unit Finds BIG MONEY!

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money well what is this silver jewelry box oh this is what i come for 225 [Music] we are back here guys the 1030 antique gold mine of a storage unit we've been going through no telling what else is in these boxes let's do it [Music] first box of the day what do we have let's see oh the kitchen stuff is it high-end kitchen stuff let's take out this what is this that is a coffee hot beverage warmer it warms your cup up what's in this little guy here little tiny box ew's view right is you no ew that's like a wax warmer it looks like no it's got to be new the rubber band's still on the plug so a new little wax warmer some type of like teak kettle it looks like what's in this one here that's like old whatever it is is that a meat grinder that's exactly what it looks like to me though a meat grinder so overall like we said kitchen stuff so pulp this box from the front because they kept leaning further and further i'm like first sooner or later that thing's hitting the ground and we got to stop it before it does that let's see what's in it it looks like it might just be artwork it's got a sea shell in it look at that a seashell and some more carter's grove plantation williamsburg virginia and these all have price tags on them so again we are assuming yesterday they owned a shop probably very very likely check out that clock let's see what's in these these are definitely glasses of some sort yeah i don't think it's anything special i think it's just glass one more just to be sure but again guys if you want to see everything in detail make sure you head over to the jeevis family our second channel link's in the description we go everything go through everything in there a lot slower in full that's just another base so this is pretty much all glass can i point out just how many more boxes are in this unit look at the quantity here i mean this over here alone is probably i don't even know 50 60 look at that floor all the way up top of there and it goes back pretty far let's see what's in this box now i want to clear off that wall more wrapped up stuff huh what is that start it's like a little picture frame made in taiwan more glass i'm assuming let's just open one up and see what it is that looks like it could be crystal let's flick it right is that crystal i want to say no yeah it doesn't sound like it oh this looks like that vase that everyone has at their house and like the movies where it's like that is a 100 000 priceless victorian age base and someone always ends up breaking but it says aurora ashley home i guess you nearly sold it for four dollars that's not good what's the ball or there's a bowl upside down isn't it oh that's the um carnival glass everybody's talking about it looks like carnival glass to me doesn't it yeah look at the price inside of it 160 huh is that stuff really worth that much that's pretty it is pretty though don't get me wrong but 160 dollars for a bowl just seems a little steep to me what are these oh look it has like they're like religious thingies on them maybe that holds something but it's definitely the stand so they're just like little they stand like that this one just has oh there you go there's pictures on it as well okay these can't be prices because yeah well what 689 the case or something well what if it's 6.89 oh maybe i don't know this is just oh look it's like a basket made of glass a couple books of some sort they might just be albums i'm not sure let's check that out oh this is new yeah this is like a gift a journal thing yeah to the xerox box here what do you think's inside of this one was that a menu oh let's see what they bought here uh e-book and carnival glass it says they paid only 20 but this is from 2003 so that's been almost 20 years mother goose rhymes this looks old it looks really old that's interesting oh look this little guy oh it's like animals inside the egg let's put that right here what are these guys lanterns or candle holders aren't there yeah so a couple candle holders what's this doll look at that face let's see if we can find the carnival glass this looks like a little bun cake that's for yankee candle says on the bottom what's in the bag it's a swan or a goose or something nothing here this is heavy this is the pitcher but it says um crystal glass on it so that's kind of cool you can you can't hear the difference next box from that wall karen summer's shoes well how do we get another carriage unit i don't know that that is not no shoes to say that was the heavy shoes that ever felt those are shoes but look at that american bald eagle light switch cover that's kind of cool look at the newspaper look at that good old days when you just order rifles from a catalog look at that base it's laura ashley also some type of fancy glass they still have a price tag on it or i don't know what these mean i don't know if they're like case numbers 3.55 cents or where it goes in the store type thing i don't know let's just set it right there look at the old milk bottle that's cool it's like the ones where tom and jerry where they used to rip it off with like the milk off the inside of it i've relate everything to cartoons because i'm immature there's a flower pot what's this thing tea kettle or uh some kind of pop sugar in it oh maybe a sugar pot hey what's that what what what is it is this 180 push it oh that worked what are they jewelers uh 182 broadway street to john street what is it i mean they're earrings the earrings or cufflinks they look more like cufflinks yeah i think they're cufflinks i wonder if they're gold or anything it doesn't really specify then let's see what this is really quick or it's a bowl by it doesn't say about eight one eight eight one eight very nice design this thing which is that's metal it's not going to break is that i have no idea i can't even begin to tell you look it's got something to spin on the top of it it must go with something else in here i would think like what's in this this is no let's just another cup or something it's got a tag on it come here it doesn't say what the price is it's just a warning tag yeah so look on the bottom it says home interiors on there got us a big old box here barely fit through there oh all right what is that a clown okay first we have an angel and it's got like a cone thing on the bottom of it so it goes on top of the tree what is this i don't know if it's empty or something really light looks like they're in there you know they look like to me okay they're empty but it looked like this i thought it was gonna be those things are like what do they call where one goes inside the other and it gets smaller and smaller and smaller and smaller i don't know what they're called but it says cookies from the crowd you expected me to read it yes i did that's just an empty bucket christmas beads look there's frosty frosty buried in the beads this is nothing so this must be the christmas decorations i don't want to go through christmas decorations look there's a penguin and there's some other random christmas stuff overall christmas decoration is not our thing let's mix it up go throw a bag instead of a box because why not all right let's see what's in here so we got a is that like fur look at this it's got fur on it a fur purse let's see if it has a brand on it what's this little paper this is very bad see about this is their bank routing number and account number if i was a thief this would be a very bad thing to leave in your purse before you store it but this is kind of cool it's got like fur on it like i said some kind of animal it looks almost like deer maybe oh look card money money no just a card let's see the rest of it the rest of its clothes isn't it what's this first oh yeah oh yeah see this is beautiful right right made in usa it's some kind of walled says this just looks like rich people stuff there's like dimes right here this is what like the where like the movies you watching like the 30s to the ball and have this on you know you just look when you see this you assume status they have millions in the bank if you wish nothing like that the rest of it though just looks like jeans and shirts and just clothes let's take the corner box right here before i get into it guys take two seconds please leave this video a thumbs up it helps us out so so like a lot so much and of course subscribe if you're new because we buy units all the time let's see what's in here yeah i think this is all pictures isn't it yeah look he's still alive no whoa what is this [Applause] it's just like a it's meant to have a picture at the end of it but it doesn't look if you look at it can you look through it guys does that work yeah oh cool see the picture if there's a picture yeah okay there's a lot of cards paperwork and stuff like that in here this looks like this is going to be somebody like i said paperwork and stuff like that box of personal stuff couple little figures and hey that's the um same bus we found before there was like a bigger wooden version of it last time what's this wooden thing right here welcome with the pineapple because nothing says welcome like a pineapple for some reason really weird but overall yeah this is just personal stuff we can kind of see what's in this tote but not exactly let's unravel a few things these are like those popcorn tins you get for christmas the top's only for some reason high quality burner covers that's what those are those are burner covers this is yeah really burner covers it looks like a top of a popcorn pan to me all right if you say so strawberries yeah decorative decorative strawberries this yeah there you go what's that now you've been saying everything what's this one what is a glass with a cloth over it no it's not glass plastic oh plastic wait you put a tissue box in it and the tissues come out the top oh you pick yourself now another fancy vase like how many vases do people have like this around their house like on average how many vases that have served no other purpose besides decoration you have in your house i'm curious uh what's this didn't we find one just like this before yeah because somebody a lot of people said that it could be sterling they used to make brushes like this they were sterling silver but it's not marked anywhere so we have no idea let's see what this one is looks like a little mini umbrella doesn't it yeah that's strange let's see what this one is and then again if you want to see the rest of it slowly in more detail it's going to be all to our second channel this unit's going to make a lot of videos on that second channel uh this one you can see part of the bottom but overall it's just a cup this looks like a bunch of stitched sweaters but we're not gonna pull them out if that's what they are maybe the powerpoints compel you know but yeah a nice little cloth or not cloth one i'll say this is clock frost i hate when two things are similar and they sound similar like these look hand stitched don't they all these sweaters here legitly look like they were made from home like i bet they have tags in them actually they do so they weren't what brand is it house never heard of your house before is charles expensive don't let no idea okay yeah those are all sweaters and across so i just took the other one of these blue toad to put it on the truck because it was just closed and we're not going to go with the clothes but this one was way too heavy to be closed so i knew it wasn't they got this old doll it's missing her arms are gone but they're in the bag so that oh this is what i come for what's the oh congratulations to the stork that's something for the baby oh it's their baby shoes oh never mind it looked like it was gonna be a jewelry box that's all that's in here there's a bunch of baby shoes in here look they're old though yeah definitely that's cool definitely so some baby stuff a little weird feeling bean baby frog seashells again no that's not one of these sand dollars sand dollar that's what it's called and this is a seashell and these are seashells in here this one's like a hulk it's been like polished there's like a clam that's been cleaned and polished that's cool it's just strange but cool somebody's kid but look it's all got that like sterling looking no obviously i don't know but like silver toned handles to him what's this little guy just to my hubby the man who makes my life complete who warms my heart and my cold cold feet little clock here what is it oh wines look it has a manual wind on the back that's kind of cool paladin jewels let's go a little deeper is it all jeans in here might be all close on the bottom but it definitely didn't feel like it was all closed so we had to go through it okay all the way down the rest of it is just jeans i'm gonna start pulling from the top up here instead of the bottom because the top's easier to get to let's hope that's not xmas can actually candles i'll take candles these are candles aren't the candy cane don't be electric please be a real candle i hate electric candles it's so stupid oh yes no it's electric i don't like decorative candles i want candles that have a good scent but yeah this is actually exactly what it says just a bunch of boxes of electric candles let's get this box off the top hope that's not what's in there something perishable because if it's been in here for this long it's going to be awful okay no it's not they just use the box i don't know if this is actually somebody or this is like a decorative piece look at that i'm keeping that this oh let's see can i have green screen no this is a party like we found this company before like a lot we found like an organizer that had a bunch of these before so i'm guessing it's some type of yeah like that something for a party like it either holds drinks heats food and stuff like that we found like over that one unit it was like all party light all the way through see look at this first off you got a cart and you can be pulled interesting what's this another decorative vase of course now this one's fancy looking this one's a loss yeah if it's fancy it's a boss if it looks regular just a vase what's this right here home interiors it's never been oh yeah it has been cut teacups lastly there's this wood thing what is that backdoor friends are best all right let's see this little box right here tape cooperates easily with me what do you think we got it's like a flower doesn't it uh so these are flowers these could be like special this has been from like a wedding or even a funeral or something like that cross two and some more flower maybe something like this will tell us what it is it's just another pineapple a mirror i'm gonna find one here and put you on it every time at least what's up this little angel picture frame let's see if this tells us anything else about what it could be no everything's flowers yeah everything's just pink flowers literally i'm gonna open one more and that's it for now the rest will be on the second channel uh it's a little it looks like an old school milk bottle that's been painted in a cross put on it little box little boxes are interesting i don't know why i like little boxes more than big ones you would think it'd be the other way but no a redskins bear you know redskins stuff could be worth money now because now they're just the washington football team herod's flock what's in this thingy right here just more decorative stuff this is lena lil blossoms and butterflies not for food use so it's decorative only this newspaper looks older though like when was this wrap you think this definitely looks older than the 2002 this is um 1999 so this is 22 years and stuff probably been sitting in here cool 22 years this stuff's almost been here as long as i've been alive almost well that's weird feeling that's cool though it feels cool what's this seashell something and an angel and another one of these this looks like some type of key king neptune would give you yeah um another decorative base looks like one we found before it does it's laura ashley i'm pretty sure i said that name earlier too another little box here let's see what the just paper shipping label all right not even taped in any way let's see what we got in this box what do you got on your bookshelf i'm gonna guess decorative basis yeah whoa that's actually kind of cool check that out is this made like that or that dirt no it's made like that yeah it's actually just meant to look dirty no maker on it anywhere but they're so cute that's cool uh oh look a little farmer it's like a farmer probably yeah it might be this one has something on the bottom it says eight eight zero homeco h-o-m-c-o so at least that has something on it let's see if it's actually a whole set no i'm serious there's only two more in here they seem like the old pepsi candid stuff is so like vintage there's a little character with a dog or sheep or goat thing yeah it's got orange okay this one has a different sticker handmade len wild l-e-n-w-i-l-e a-r-d-a-l-t len while our adult art wear it's weird because it definitely looks like a set but then i've already pulled out two different stickers and one unmarked what's this one gonna say something also completely different this one just says five four two five one and nothing else weird they're all look like you can't tell me that's not a set but they all have something to fit on the bottom that's just weird let's go back in the technology time machine an xps dell like what is even in here just this little thing for your stuff look at the little windows button on the remote this used to have a mouse these are probably the good computer mouses when you used to be able to take the ball out and play with a little ball in them for grammar people is it computer mice or mouses somebody told me that you can't say mice when you're talking in computer terms it doesn't make sense and i'm like mouse's ice i don't know it's weird but this is why english language is hard this is why we're the worst language yeah we're so confusing this is like different probably the drivers and stuff to back then you probably had to install the mouse and the keyboard and all that but yeah old school computer stuff right there what do you think microwave box or spring hill box bring him all right spring hill better be good i'm suing you it's bad you see this halloween no that's okay this is what i don't want to say halloween's good yeah not decorations and they're telling the truth pumpkins they're old they are old let's see if we find a date on these they paid five bucks for them who knows how long ago no date of course seems to be a theme dracula a witch where's frankenstein it's like the closet trio there pumpkins what's this guy um these are what all the people that type hate comments on the youtube videos that's just like 100 that's what they look like right there 100 and you got a couple halloween themed candles but yeah just like have pumpkins and stuff on it oh it doesn't work but halloween decorations i'm reaching for a little box because little boxes are where little gems are hidden like this guys they just proved me wrong didn't they wrong these pictures it's a picture envelope with no pictures in them nice and well i just got proven wrong this is all old school music notes yeah it might be something maybe yeah but not what i was hoping for i was up for jewelry so the box that was up here was just like easter card there's a whole box with like six little easter cards in it uh yeah we're not showing that let's get the one we skipped over this is probably what good stuff is that yeah more decor um hey antiques this is antique antique antique sign that's kind of cool actually i don't know i wonder what kind of metal that's cast in it oh look i said it's right on the back oh no it doesn't really say what it is it just shows it has different things to represent the season four seasons this is winter so they're probably all right here aren't they yep i see them all in there so we have all of those what's this guy laura ashley like whoever this is this person really like them it's another dish really like their stuff and there's the other one of those and well this is a bunch of cushions yeah i think it's just cushioned so those don't get broken this is now your choice top or bottom it better be a good box bottom bottom this one or this one uh the bread machine one in there nothing's actually been in there so far so i don't know if this will be the exception it is you got a bread machine so we can make whole wheat bread specialty we can make light medium rapid french sweet dough cake a quick bread and jam all right i guess james type of bread nowadays uh i don't know what that's worth it seems interesting i like to make some homemade bread since you said bottom i'm going top all right see what if whatever's in this box is better than the bread machine you can prove me out prove me wrong anything is going to be better than the bread the bread machine's cool and you know what i would say you win no i think you win you got a moroccan i need two though where's the other one let's see oh oh they're rocks oh they're rock eggs that's cool this color is like one of the most satisfying colors in existence it really is i don't know what it is about it one maraca a couple fans hmm you gotta get the big one oh this one yeah all right hold on oh it's dance oh i don't think it's an actual fantasy i'm judging you right now okay thank you if i had that hat in this fan you would instantly think of a multi-millionaire 100 overall look there's another egg we missed three egg rocks a couple baskets and a couple fans and one maraca before i pull out another box can i point out now that i can see this tables tag look at this this is an antique mahogany pie lust or crust table they were selling for 225 who knows when some of this antique furniture i've been looking up on ebay like i had no idea they go for those kind of prices but like one of the ones yesterday it said 150 on it i looked it up and they're going for two and three hundred so it really just depends and like the stool that was mark 150 was only going for about 110 so it just depends on what it is which box should i grab this guy well this says easter basket plastic eggs are they telling the truth i don't know they've been pretty honest so far this weight i think they're telling the truth i think there's an easter basket those are easter baskets and plastic eggs yes they are this is like legit what's his name you don't need better type basis they steal from people right here this is the one they open up look at that yep that's a legitimate picnic basket here so let's just get all the baskets out of here yesterday penn oil was interesting it was toys let's see if pennzoil is interesting again what bottoms coming out of this one oh what is that coral coral that's actually kind of cool though it feels so i don't know i feel like it's trying to grab me it's interesting and i pulled that out of the one unit on the second channel people in the comments helped me out so that's cool look at this for another sand dollar oh we're definitely gonna have a cool lot on one of our auctions now these are the cool kind of these are the ones i used to love to look for i was the kid the ones that like clothes in it look like they have teeth it looks like a shark mouth about to bite you yeah look at this what is this thing i don't know that's just cool whatever it is it's soft kinda but like it feels like it's grabbing you too it feels like it might be like swished coral that's like the most stereotypical seashell ever and this is like some petrified wood is that what it's called i don't know driftwood i was about to say driftwood but i don't know and some more seashells so that's kind of cool put that in here let's see what's over here oh this is big but it's broken a lot of little ones that's what it is it's not broken it's a lot of shells look at this pour some of these out don't break my coral oh look yeah it's not broken it's just a bunch of smaller ones like a bunch look at that that's just interesting what that's fossil isn't it it is look at this yeah look at that now that's cool just asked this the other day if we've ever found fossils but i guess we can also say this rock is a male right yeah sorry i'm in mature deal with me i love you guys love me back uh you're trying to be all smart know what's in you trying to make those kind of jokes heart something heart look at these price tags how old do you think these are legitimate like they're handwritten price tags they're not even printed and there's just a few more shells in there whoa look at this big boy here come here big man now that is a shell he looks like he could talk to you can i have something to eat no no if you don't get that reference i'm sorry google spongebob conch shell and your life will be complete in this bag oh look at that that almost looks like a tentacle but this bag's all i'm gonna pull out a couple just to show you all shells as well look at that cool well we restocked on seashells they just stole all our seashells from the other unit and this one's like no we got some more for you don't worry i think these are better yeah these look cooler definitely the other ones are like basic shells these are these are pretty cool let's see what's in this little box before i do can i point out the fact that we got a nice record player here nice look at that does have a brand on it can you see anything uh brand's down there but it's too dark all right we'll go through that another time let's see right here for now oh this looks random look at these little dictionaries dictionary that's what it says everybody's dictionary over 33 000 words that's it those are old look i don't even want to take it out of the bag right now but yeah what if it's only 33 000 because it's old that would be crazy gosh that would be really what is this it's something lego tree charistic eucharistic liturgies yeah and i want to look at it because some of the books i was surprised looking at the prices yesterday so i was getting like 20 25 bucks for some of these books on ebay pre-owned this one's only from 1969 so not as old as the other ones that were like 100 years old but that what's this what do you think's in there my dad's older than that book [Laughter] i'm sure he appreciates daddy watching this right now sorry dale you're watching this what is this i can't even tell you what i i don't know i have no idea maybe like a shave an old-school shaving kit that's weird looking never seen anything like that what's that oh look hand drawn looks like duck um what's this in here oh that looks that fancy they come into their house and they have that on the counter with like some mints in it you know they got money this is so many assumptions based off of nothing but movies that i'm making so if you have this stuff and you're not rich it's okay we are supposed to have that effect on it yep silver jewelry box oh nothing in it but it's nice cool let's see we got a couple purses here what brand is this liz claiborne i think she's decent right they weren't like overly expensive i think we sold them for like 10 or 15 bucks on poshmark last time i think she was kind of mean was she what what did you say yes and when you pulled the thing out you said she i think she's decent well this one's only uh sixteen bucks per annual but it's brand new you're gonna love looking at this while you're editing and seeing your facial expression can't wait i can't wait america number eight oh look it's calorically junior bear that's kind of cool look at this little doll for oh look oh it doesn't it says thrift store tag on it but i just wanted to look it up like i want to find what's stored everything i see has tags on it but none of them have a name like a store i can look up and see what happened i mean my guests like a lot of other small stores they probably went under during the coveted crap so that would be my guess if i had to take one but i just don't know royal the luton floral collection um look at that it's like a little flowers and an old wooden clothespin it's what you have to use to keep yourself awake in cartoons right yeah everything i'm referencing today little darkness but that's all that's in this spot if you want to see what's in the other ones you have to come back next time peace
Channel: Treasure Hunting With Jebus
Views: 37,844
Rating: 4.9400206 out of 5
Keywords: storage unit finds, storage unit finds 2021, storage unit finds car, storage unit finds guns, storage unit finds money, storage unit finds mrbeast, storage unit finds pokemon cards, storage unit finds reddit, storage unit finds shoes, storage unit finds videos, storage unit auction finds, storage unit business, storage unit wars, storage auction, storage wars episodes, real storage auction, self storage, found money, how to make money, treasure hunting with jebus
Id: lVivJrnbCAA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 7sec (1687 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 10 2021
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