Anime Physics vs. Real Physics | Um, Actually [Full Episode]

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Yeah I did! That show should only do Venture Bros trivia

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Theorybuff9000 📅︎︎ Nov 24 2019 🗫︎ replies
(bouncy music) - From the BFG to the BFG 9000 nerds like a lot of things, but there's something they love above all else. That is correcting people. This is Um, Actually. (energetic music) Joining us on today's episode we have Tao Yang. - Hello, I'm very nerdy (laughs) - I promise. We also have David Gallegos. - I'm not supposed to be here. - And, Dani Fernandez - More like Yum, Actually. - Mm yum yum yum yum yum. Well, thank you to all three of you for coming to play with us today. Tao, you've played once before, but we have two new contestants here, which we love to see. The rules are extremely simple, these are a stack of statements, these are incorrect statements about the things that you know and love, it's up to you to find what is wrong, buzz in and correct me. All of your corrections must be preceded by the phrase, "Um, Actually", sort of Jeopardy-style, if you don't do that I won't give you the point, and you can interrupt me at any point as soon as you spot what's wrong, you can just buzz right in. Our first statement here is about Venture Brothers. The original Hank and Dean Venture are killed at the end of season one in a drive-by shooting, constructed as an homage to the climactic scene of the film Easy Rider. Fortunately, the 16-year-old twin brothers are resurrected as clones at the beginning of season two. (dings) - Um, actually. - Yes. - I just wanted to be the first one to- (all laugh) hit the buzzer, cause I have no idea what... (dings) - Dani. - Um, actually it was an homage to Stanley Ipkiss' character in The Mask. (laughs) - Man, people don't reference The Mask enough but no that's not-- - Thank you, that's why I was brought on here. - That is not what it was referencing. (dings) are you buzzing in, Tao? - But the incorrect thing is that it's referencing something? - No no, that is it is a reference to Easy Rider. - Okay great then I will guess something else then. - Please do. - Um, actually the characters in season one were already clones. - That's correct! - Whoa! (all laugh) - Yeah, I said that they were the original Hank and Dean Venture, but they weren't. They had actually- you find out later that they have died many, many times. From the first time we've seen them, they've only ever been a rough copy of whoever the original ones were. I like this a lot because it feels like a good way to address the sort of like, the clone trope in sci-fi because like, anytime you do that, it immediately it's kind of like time travel, where it immediately becomes like, "Well why aren't you doing that all the time?" It feels like you can use that to solve a lot of things. And here's one that's like "We are, "we literally are doing this all the time." They're just constantly dying. That point will go to Tao, and proving that you can totally guess your way into a right answer here. - Oh man, all right. - That was impressive. - Here's a Wonder Woman question. Wonder Woman first appeared in DC's All Star Comics #8 in 1941, and became the first widely-recognized female superhero. As is typical of DC heroes, Wonder Woman has had many iterations and aliases, including these: Dinanna Truthqueen, Diana Trevor, Wonder Girl, Yellow Lantern, Goddess of Truth, Miss America, Star Sapphire, Wonder Tot, Amazon Aurora, Princess Diana, and Diana Prince. (dings) Yes, David. - Um, actually this Yellow Lantern, that's incorrect. - That is correct. - Dang it, I know nothing. (dings) - Um, actually is it Miss America, that she's never been Miss America? - No, no. - Dang it! - She's my Miss America. (dings) - Um, actually I'm gonna go with Diana Prince, that was like a pop star or something at some-- - Incorrect. - Wow. - It's her literal name. (laughs) - That's the most real one there is. The fake it is in that long list of names, one of those is incorrect. The fake one is Amazon Aurora, which is a feature offered by Amazon web services. - I've used Amazon Aurora. - So you were actually familiar with Amazon Aurora but didn't pick it out of-- - The words flew by. - For sure, yeah. And you know she is an amazon, you could make an argument for those. Which is why we chose it. - Very tricky. - After the success of Final Fantasy VII, Squaresoft released the next game in the Final Fantasy franchise, Final Fantasy VIII. And whereas Final Fantasy VII's protagonist was named Cloud and wielded his iconic giant "buster sword", Final Fantasy VIII's protagonist was named Squall, and his signature weapon was a "gunblade" a weapon that would also return in Final Fantasy XIII, wielded by protagonist Lightning. (dings) - Um, actually Lightning, I don't think that's his name at all. - It is, yeah. - It is? - It is! - I know nothing of Final Fantasy. (dings) - Um, actually it's a keyblade not a gunblade? - A keyblade is Kingdom Hearts, so it is a gunblade. - I am a Disney baby. (dings) - Um, actually there was like a spin-off Final Fantasy game between seven and eight? - That's correct. (all cheer) Do you know what it is? - Between seven and eight, I'm gonna guess Final Fantasy Tactics? - That's correct! (all cheer) - That was a point for Tao. - We're not doing good. - I know, we gotta get him, really good. - It needs to be us first. (all laugh) - Guess better. - All right, our next question is a fan question so this was submitted to us by someone who just watched the show. While many have worn the mantle, we first meet a Marvel superhero named Ghost Rider through the character of Johnny Blaze, a motorcyclist and stunt performer who is bonded to the demon Zarathos. (dings) - Um actually, was it not Zarathos? - It is Zarathos. - It is Zarathos? - Yeah. (dings) - Um, actually it's not so much bonded as more like he made a deal with the devil. - It's like a light agreement, let's not say bonded, let's not bring labels into this. Like what are we, we're having fun here being like demon and Ghost Rider, can't we just like keep that going? - Right, it's an agreement maybe. (laughs) - No no bonded, we're gonna say that bonded-- - Bonded, okay. - Is an okay description of whatever this relationship is. (dings) - Um, actually it's not Johnny Blaze, I think. - It is Johnny Blaze. - Damn it! - You were a little close in guessing Johnny Blaze. What I was really going for was that he's not the first time that we meet a character named Ghost Rider. The first time we meet a character named Ghost Rider is not the Ghost Rider we know, it was a masked cowboy who was dressed all in white. He was very different from the Ghost Rider we know now, but that was the first time a character named Ghost Rider appeared. - It sounds like a very scary type of Rider. - Yeah. - I don't wanna meet that Ghost Rider. - It's funny you should mention that because his name was later changed to Night Rider but they changed that when they realized that that has certain connotations within the KKK and they're like "We shouldn't keep this this way." so they changed it to Phantom Rider. - (laughs) They changed it to Grand Wizard. (all laugh) - (beep) We need to actually do research before we change the name again, okay? No points for that one, but that's okay. There's plenty more statements to come. - We're not doing good. - I know, we're horrible. - This will bring us to our first shiny question of the game. (twinkling) - This is a game called Fictionary, I am going to give you the name of a monster or creature, or something from folklore. It'll be up to you to draw it to the best of your ability. I won't be judging the quality of the drawing, it can be as (beep) as you want it to be but I will be looking for a couple of key features that sort of define the monster that I'm going to ask you to draw. Your creature that I would like you to draw for this Fictionary is the Sea Monk. - The Sea Monk. (tense music) - There have been several different imaginings of what the Sea Monk might look like, but they all share a couple of features. If you get at least those things I'm looking for, well I just might give you that point. Tao's capping his pen. - Well I'm recapping. - Dani is locking in her answer, and David. - Good, we peer-pressured you. - Very good. All right, the way we'll do this, we'll go like one at a time down the line, just tell us a little bit about the Sea Monk and then once we've revealed them all I'll say who got a point. - I have a strong idea of who the Sea Monk is, it is a Shaolin monk who lives in the sea, you can see the little iconic dots on his head. - I thought those were spider eyes. (laughs) - I drew them very close to the eyes, this is Buddha's hand, iconic image and he draws his powers from. - Yeah, it looks like he's not allowed to eat donuts, salt or maybe that is, is that some sort of male/female symbol? - Thank you, thank you yes exactly what I was drawing. And yeah, this is salt or beer. (laughs) And this here is, it looks like a catcher's mitt but I think I drew it as supposed to be meat. - Got it, got it. - Vegetarian, no alcohol, no sex. - All right, that is your Sea Monk, very good. David, let's take a look at your interpretation. - Sea Monk, correct? - Yes, the Sea Monk. - It's a monk of the sea. Half of his body is that of a merman, so he can swim. He has no hands, cause he lives in the ocean, and he pretty much looks like a monk to me. Traditional beads. - He looks like Will Smith, the genie. - (laughs) He does look like Will Smith's genie. - He was my inspiration, I'm not going to lie to you. - Dani, let's take a look at your Sea Monk. - Well mine is a Sea Monk when he transforms into this scary monster of the sea. He has all the features necessary to be qualified, as in eyes, he also has a mouth and he has two ears just like the Sea Monk. Yeah, this is him, he's kind of covered in algae and sludge. He might look like a ghost from Pac-Man or Darth Vader. But I also added sea birds and seagulls. - Looks like a Pokemon. - Yeah, there's something kinda funny, which is like, there are parts of your drawing that are not far off, and there are also parts of your drawing that are not far off. Tao, you're way off, I don't know what to do about that. Let's take a look at what the Sea Monk should look like. - I think I win. - I did the eastern-- - That's true, though you are correct that is a Sea Monk but it is more of a western monk rather than an eastern monk. - Would be pro-beer. - Would be very pro-beer. - With both mouth eyes squigglies. - You got the mouth eyes squigglies-- - The two ears! - Sometimes they're interpreted as having sort of like a head like a Bishop's hat, which is kind of similar to this weird blobby-head that you have. And you have the arms that are very similar to these fins. - And this, and this hair-do. They both have hair-dos. - Usually they have sort of a monk tonsure that sort of-- - It's helmet shaped. - You have like the inverse of the correct hairstyle where it's like hair in the middle, and nothing on the side. - This is from folklore, or is this is from a TV show? - Yeah, you'll sometimes see it on maps, like when they would draw like here there be dragons, they would have sea monsters and things like that. Sometimes you would see these Sea Monks also kind of like out in the oceans, like hey, if you're a sailor and you're going exploring just be careful 'cause there's gonna be some Sea Monks. - So they're dangerous? They're dangerous creatures. - I mean, they're dangerous. I don't know for sure, if I had to guess, I would say they'd probably try to drown you, that's what most things in the sea-- - Or convert you. - Yeah honestly, probably more dangerous. The number of people killed by-- - Evangelicals? - By like Christian colonialists vs fish? Probably more the former, but yes. So now I'm trying to decide if I want to award anything for this. - You said you weren't going based off of how good it was. - I was not going on quality. - That is close, it's monk. - But mine is the sludge that is that man. - The thing is, out of these three drawings here, it's just so similar. - I got the attributes right. - I don't know if you, I bet he eats meat and beer, he probably does stay away from sex, I'm guessing. - There's a stick figure, a Pokemon, and an actual rendition of the Sea Monk. - That is Will Smith, I'm sorry. (laughs) - Will Smith as the Sea Monk. - I might say David, that you have enough features that I'm looking for. You did go for more of an Asian monk than a western monk. I think I'm gonna give it to David, and we will go ahead and collect these boards. But I love all of these drawings, except for Tao's. - Wow. (sparkling music) - Well I said I would, and I did. I made a bunch of mistakes and you caught them, here are some of our favorite corrections from you. @BloodlePoodle says Um actually, Flowey's true name is Asriel Dreemurr and the flower is just Asriel without a soul. One point for you. @nnesk says the year 1200 in Chrono Trigger should be 12000 BC. We dropped off a zero, we'll put it in the future. And from our exclusive Dropout Discord, botbot94 says Um actually, Orson Welles' last movie wasn't Transformers the movie of 1986, but rather an independent film called Someone to Love released in 1987. While that was his last movie, his last role was in Transformers the movie, since he recorded that after Someone to Love. (sparkling music) - [Mike] Conan the Barbarian creator Robert E. Howard sometimes referenced his friend H.P. Lovecraft's Cthulhu mythos in his work like when Conan dreams of nameless old ones, a reference to The Great Old Ones, also called Elder Things or Gods. It's conceivable that Conan takes place in the same universe as Cthulhu, since it is set in the Chalcolithic age, thousands of years before most of Lovecraft's stories take place. (dings) - David. - Um actually, I don't think H.P. Lovecraft was friends with that other guy. - They actually were, - Frenimies? - No, good friends, they were like pen pals, they were buds. - A lot of male friendship it's hard to tell. - That's true, that's true. - Maybe they were in love? Maybe it wasn't friends, maybe they were just in love. - That's true, we'll award you the point because you've questioned the very relationship but no. (dings) Yes? - Um actually, the time period that Conan takes place is not thousands of years before H.P. Lovecraft? At most it's like, a thousand. - Most of Lovecraft's stories are sort of set in like modern day, like the time that he was writing, so no, the Conan the Barbarian stories were like years and years and years before. (dings) - Um actually, he doesn't prefer to be called Barbarian anymore, he prefers to be called pre-civilized. - (laughs) That's a great answer, but no. - Are we sure? - I'm gonna call this one and say no one got this one. Conan takes place during the Hyborian Age. Which is a fictional era, it's some sort of like vaguely defined period where just stuff was happening. - Like Game of Thrones, you know we still have like wagons, but also dragons? - Yeah, exactly. But that is true that he did incorporate stuff from H.P. Lovecraft into there. It's like look, we're taking place in a time when anything could sort of happen, so sure why can't there be sleeping horrific monsters that just sort of like take place? That are just sort of gods at this time, and that's just all part of it. - They had a lovely bromance. - A lovely bromance, yeah they were like long-time pen pals, I don't know a whole lot of the details. - There's something there. - Well, we will move on to our next statement here, which is another video game question. Look, not everyone's parents let them have a Nintendo. Some folks were only allowed to play educational games on their computer like Reader Rabbit, Math Blaster, Rainbow Islands, The Super Munchers, Mario is Missing, Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego, Treasure Mountain, and Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing. (dings) - Um actually, that Mario game isn't educational? - It is weirdly, right? It's a weird Mario educational game for your computer. - Teaches you about like geography and like countries and stuff? - I could not tell you what this game is about but we can get that information and let you know. Mario is Missing, that's a good guess. (dings) - Um actually Rainbow Island is not educational, or is not a game. - What are you saying? - Does not belong in this list. - (laughs) And why doesn't it belong in the list? - It's not a game, or is not educational... - Which one, Tao? - I'm gonna go with it's not a game. - Rainbow Islands is a game. (dings) - Um actually Rainbow Island isn't educational. - That's correct. - Yes! - Oh, I've been scooped! - Rainbow Islands is the sequel to Bubble Bobble. - Did you play Mario is Missing, did you know that, or were you just guessing based on the title? - I think I've seen videos of it, to fall asleep. - I'm sorry, what? - Yeah, I probably just watch videos of like off-brand Mario game retrospectives, and I use it to fall asleep. - So you're just like "I'm tired, Mario is Missing is on." - Yeah I go like this, and I have my phone right in front of me. - How often do you drop your phone on your face when you're trying to fall asleep? - Multiple times. Also I drop my phone just because it's big. (laughs) It slips out of my hands. - That's so much nicer than me, I normally put on like SVU and it's like people being murdered and that like takes me to bed. - Yes, I have a very nerdy person going like, "Well here are all the Mario games you haven't heard of." - Do you feel like it affects your dreams? I guess either of you. - Yeah, it definitely (laughs) - It makes me dream nice things. - Except for the fact that Mario is missing, you can't find him. - That's true. But then Luigi gets to be the star for once, you know. - He has Luigi's Haunted whatever the fail. - Haunted mansion? - Yeah. - As he should! He's like the best wing man for Mario, he's always propping Mario up. - Yeah, he does a lot and he doesn't ask a whole lot in return. - I know. - Luigi, favored character by younger siblings everywhere. (all laugh) Dani scooping that point, that'll be for you. - Thanks, I got on the board. - Here's a question about Full Metal Alchemist. Alchemy follows a fundamental principal called Equivalent Exchange made up of two fictional scientific laws, the Law of Natural Providence states that a material can only be transformed into something else with the same basic physical composition, the Law of Human Transmutation forbids using alchemy to transmute people or their souls. (dings) - Um actually you can transmute people. - You can, yeah. It is not a law that you can't do it, it's just sort of a social moray that you should not do that. - Taboo. - Yeah, it's a taboo but it's not a law of the way alchemy works. The other law is the Law of Conservation of mass, which also just happens to be a real physical law that just also happens to work with alchemy, which is that you can't increase or decrease the mass of the thing that you are transforming via alchemy. That's a point for Dani. This will bring us to our second shiny question. (sparkling music) This is a game that we call Acronym Bee. This will work a little bit like a spelling bee, in that we'll kind of like move down the line rather than having like one thing that everyone is answering. So in just a moment, on this screen here there is going to be a series of acronyms. And it'll be up to you to tell me what they stand for, so we'll start with Tao, we'll kind of move down the line. We'll keep going as long as people are getting them right if someone gets one wrong, then that one will move on to the next person to try and answer correctly. This particular Acronym Bee is all about online gaming terminology. So, let's load up that first one, Tao, what does this stand for? - Massively multiplayer online RPG. Role-playing game. - Great, very good. David. - Downloadable content. - Correct, Dani? - Oh no. - It's a boy band. - I know, oh that's so funny, I don't play games online. It's cool, I have my own games, I have my N64 still in my heart, and still connected to my TV. (tense music) Left friend game? - That is incorrect. Tao, do you know this one? - Looking for group? - That is looking for group. - Player versus player? - All right, we'll jump back to Tao-- - What, no I can't get this one? - You're out of the Bee. - Oh, I'm out? - You're out once you get one wrong. - Oh I didn't know that! - I'm sorry, so we'll keep whittling down-- - I was like "what, no I know this one!" Okay nevermind, I'm out. - Tao? - Non-playable character. - That's close enough. - David. - Can I say that on... (all laugh) - What are you thinking of saying? Like, we didn't put anything offensive in here, I hope not. - That is a D, right? DPS? - That is DPS. - Don't know it. - You wanna just take a stab? - Dude prone sauce. (chuckles) - It is not dude prone sauce. (buzzer) Tao, do you know this one? - Damage per second. - It is damage per second! All right that will make Tao the winner but Tao do you wanna see if you can rack up these other ones? - Yeah, I'll keep going. Area of effect. Ooh, out of mana? - Yep. - Free to play. Damage over time. - That's correct, that's all we've got left. That point will go to Tao. - Thank god all the time I spent playing World of Warcraft amounted to something. (all laugh) - They said it wouldn't account for anything, and in fact it got you one point in a game that awards you absolutely nothing. (sparkling music) Hey look, I'll make mistakes, I'll say wrong things, and you can tell me about it. If you wanna correct me, you can tweet @UmActuallyShow or go to our exclusive Dropout Discord and correct me there. If we like what you have to say, we might feature it in a future episode. (sparkling music) This next question is about Dr. Horrible's Sing-along Blog. - Oh boy. - Dr. Horrible has used his doctorate in engineering to build a variety of evil inventions including a transmatter ray for stealing gold from a vault, a freeze ray that can stop time, and a death ray that would probably kill someone, but it malfunctions, so we never know for sure. (dings) David. - Um actually there is no freeze ray that stops time? - There is a freeze ray that stops time. (dings) - Um actually his doctorate isn't in engineering? - That's correct. Do you know what it's in? - Is it in chemistry? - It's not, but I'll give you the point unless someone else can tell me what his doctorate is in. - Doctorate in evil? - No, but you're shockingly close. I'm still gonna give it to Dani, Dr. Evil has a doctorate in evil, Dr. Horrible has a PHD in Horribleness. Which you were extremely close. - I've been robbed. - If you had come in first with that, I probably would have given it to you, but the fact that you were trying to scoop Dani I'm gonna keep that point for Dani. Not a doctorate in engineering at all. - Horribleness, same right? Am I right? - Sure. (all laugh) - Sure, fine. - Whatever you wanna say. - Look I know it's a fictional thing but it's kind of weird if your last name is Horrible then you also go in to get your degree in horribleness, that's a nice convenient sort of, you know you found the job that was perfect for you and that's great. This next question is about The Twilight Zone. In Will the Real Martian Please Stand Up two state troopers detain a group of seven bus passengers and their driver at a diner, suspecting one of them is an alien in disguise. The investigation yields no results though, and eventually they all leave and soon thereafter are killed when a bridge collapses, and it is revealed that Haley, the diner's cook, was the Martian all along. (dings) - Um actually they're not all killed? On the bridge. - Well you know, that wasn't what we were going for but that's technically correct. So I'm going to allow it. - I haven't seen the episode in so long. - Yeah, there is something else that is wrong here, but in fact yeah. One of the folks in the diner does come back and is sort of like, "everyone went over and they all died." but that person doesn't. Can you spot the other thing that's wrong? - It wasn't two state troopers? - No, there were two state troopers. (dings) - Um actually Haley wasn't the one? I don't know what I'm doing. She wasn't the Martian? - No, it was a "he". - He wasn't the Martian. - He is not the Martian, - It's a patron there. - It's a patron, it is the passenger who comes back. - Yeah yeah yeah. - The passenger is the Martian, but it's revealed that Haley is from Venus. So they're both aliens, but he sort of takes off his cap and shows like a sort of like big fake looking third eye. - It's like painted on (laughs) - It's this like really rubbery looking it's like "aha did you see this?" - So what you're saying is I was correct. - No. - You are correct, but I already said I was gonna give that point to Dani. - Give two points, you could share. - Yeah so Haley, not the Martian. Another one did survive, that was the Martian who survived. Well we'll move on to our next question which is our last shiny question of the game. (sparkling music) This is a game we're calling Find the Fake, so on the other side of this card, there's going to be six images. Five of these are real Superman villains, real villains that have been featured in Superman comics, one of them is something that we just made up and commissioned an artist to draw, so it's up to you to identify which one is fake. First person who can identify the fake one will get the point, so buzzers at the ready, and flip. Tell me what the fake one is. Which one is fake? (tense music) (dings) Dani? - It's the rainbow dude. - Down here in the lower left? That is incorrect. (buzzer) - No! (dings) - David? - Horse guy, I mean horse with the cowboy? - That is also incorrect. (buzzer) (dings) Tao? - I'm gonna go with, in the middle the pick-up artist, - The pick-up artist? (all laugh) - In the green suit. - Mystery the pick-up artist. (laughs) (buzzer) Nope, that is also a real Superman villain. (dings) - Is any of them actually regular guy on the bottom? - Hipster businessman? Nope, that's also a real-- (dings) - It's mayo man, it's the mayo dude. That he just looks like if a can of mayonnaise came alive. - I squirt mayo out of my armpits! That is also incorrect! (dings) - Um actually, um actually! The joker, that guy in the far right with the crown, Burger King guy. - It's truly the only one left, we've guessed all of the other ones. - But I clicked it and I said it. - I'm going to allow it. That is a character we have named The Candy King, but that is not a real Superman villain. - Who is the yellow guy? - That is Microwave Man. - Damn, Mayo Man. - Mayo Man. Mayo and Microwave man do not get along at all. We have Microwave Man, this is the Rainbow Raider, The Puzzler, is The Puzzler the one in the lower right? (all talking at once) - Maybe he's like the Crossword Puzzler. - Well, just every Sunday at lunchtime, I do my crossword puzzle, I don't know why Superman hates me, he just does. In the top middle is Toy Man, and the bottom middle down here is Terra Man. By pure process of elimination that goes to David, but I like to allow it on these ones because nothing makes me happier than when the last one guessed is the fake one. (shimmering music) Man, that's not even a puzzle. That's a game. - Not all villains have to be like destroying the world, they could just wanna beat Superman in checkers. - He destroys his self-esteem, so that's even worse. - Its an emotional war that he's waging on Superman. It feels like you shouldn't get to say you're a super villain if you just want to like occasionally beat Superman in checkers. - He's dangerously good. - This will bring us to our last question of the game, (video game sound) our last question as always concerns real-life skills so nothing to do with the things we've been talking about, just something that might be valuable for you in your day-to-day life. It's time to learn to do your laundry. Generally hot water is best for whites, and cold is best for colors, though the colder the water, the harder it generally is to remove stains. For cotton clothes, jeans, and linens, a normal wash is usually okay. The delicate cycle is good for lace items and soft sweaters, and the permanent press cycle helps prevent damage to stretchy fabrics like spandex, Lycra, and elastine. (dings) - Um actually that statement sounds true. (laughs) - Well, despite whether or not it sounds true, there is something wrong about it. (dings) - Um actually you should hand wash lace. - I honestly had that thought too. - I mean, you could hand wash lace, but you could maybe get away with having it in the delicate cycle as well. I like that you like looked at the camera though, as being like "Right? Huh? Everyone?" - I was with you. - That's probably more correct, but the delicate cycle exists. (dings) Yes, David? - Um actually the permanent press does not whatever you said. - Do the thing I said? (laughs) - Obviously no one does their laundry here. - That is correct, the permanent press should not be used for stretchy fabrics. It's a medium heat low tumble setting for fabrics that you're trying to get the wrinkles out of them. And in fact, I think that can be damaging to things like spandex, so you don't want to use the permanent press for those things. - We learn something new every day. - That makes our final score 3-3-4, which makes Dani our winner for this episode. - Oh really? I was looking at you! (laughs) I was like congratulations! Oh shoot, that was an accident. - Look, the game is unpredictable, the points, they're dirty sometimes. People guess their way into answers, but hey that's the way the game goes. So four points for Dani making you our winner for this episode, David and Tao tied for second place with three points each, ba-boom. That's it for this episode, join us next time for even more pedantic corrections here on Um, Actually. (energetic music) (sparkle sound) That's it for this preview of Um, Actually. If you enjoyed it, I have good news, there's a lot more of it over on Dropout. Go to and start your free trial today. Fun fact, I'm not wearing any pants right now. (hip-hop music)
Channel: Um, Actually
Views: 632,464
Rating: 4.8620481 out of 5
Keywords: Collegehumor, CH originals, comedy, sketch comedy, internet, humor, funny, sketch, clones, wonder woman, dc comics, comics, tv shows, final fantasy, marvel, mythical creatures, dani fernandez, david gallegos, Um Actually, mike trapp, tao yang, game shows, games, poindexters, trivia, nerds, superman, villains, sci-fi, aliens, video games
Id: spSxQjDguzM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 40sec (1900 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 23 2019
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