Um, Actually: Horror Edition Spooktacular [Full Episode]

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[Music] from the ring to the thing nerds are passionate about a lot of stuff but there's something they love above all else and that is correcting people this is um actually [Music] a very spooktacular episode of um actually it is our guests today we have Beck's Isidora yeah we have just a garage and we have Oscar Punto a cobweb and I am your host Mike Trapp well we are very excited to do a very spooky all horror episode of I'm actually here it's all horror all horror today Jess you've played before but Oscar and Betsy not the game is very simple I have here a stack of incorrect statements but the things you know and love in this case horror movies that's up to you to identify what is incorrect buzz in and correct me you have to proceed your Corrections with the phrase um actually if you don't I won't give you the point and you can interrupt me at any point as soon as you hear something wrong you're you're allowed to just jump right in there alright well here is our first statement Robert Englund played the iconic horror villain Freddy Krueger in seven films starting with the original a Nightmare on Elm Street in 1984 while he did voice Freddy for 2011 s Mortal Kombat video game England's last onscreen portrayal of Freddy wasn't Freddy vs. Jason the role was given to Jackie Earle Haley for the 2010 a Nightmare on Elm Street remake um actually nightmare lobster was in 1983 no no you can't curse you can tell ya mom's not around damn kids I don't think that wasn't his last time portraying Freddie uh that's correct so I'll give you the point unless anyone can tell me what his last screen portrayal as Freddie was actually Saturday night laughs incorrect it's not as wild as you think though as well because oh um actually a pizza who's [Laughter] feeling pizzahut after Freddy vs. Jason I'm gonna go ahead and give you the point and then I'll just tell you your guesses you were joking but you weren't like crazy far off England's last on scooper trail he reprised the role of Freddy Krueger for a dream sequence in an episode of ABC's the Goldbergs if there's an episode called mr. knife he hands and I can't say Freddy Krueger yeah he initially was sort of hesitant but then the creator director of the shows would kind of like reached out it was a big fan please do this and he agreed to do it so so yeah technically the last time Robert Englund appeared on-screen as Freddy Krueger was in the Goldburg that point good job this is about get out Roman Armitage founded the order of the coagula out of racist anger at his loss to legendary african-american athlete Jesse Owens at the 1936 Olympics nearly every character we meet and get out has direct ties to the order of the coagula among the few exceptions of the protagonist Chris and an array of different police officers that include Chris's best friend rod um actually he's not a police officer he works for the TSA that's correct I can sleep I like a supportive you or [Applause] celebrating each other today yeah friendship teamwork that never split up like you learn together yeah these TSA he's not not a police officer talk about being a sore loser that you have to invent a whole crazy up brain swap and procedure to get over that you know I didn't know that what the Jesse Owens stuff yeah it's like peppered in in the beginning when they're walking around the house there's like pictures on the wall oh my grandpa and that's why he's such a good runner yeah outside well how does running work does all right well this next one is about the fly at the end of David Cronenberg's film the fly Seth Brundle appears in his fully realized horrific brundlefly form he then tries to use the telepaths to merge himself with his love interest ronique wife and their unborn child but a last-minute escape results at him instead melding with the DNA of his cat Oscar um actually it was his dog no damn it is it with another bug actually was it when they were in the tube was it not a dog or a cat was it a bug it was not a bug okay there was a fly that cured me - homeopathy it's like the thing is you like treats like a small amount of another fly totally cures the fly I think it's New York so what right like a rat or something alright we'll go ahead and call it then no points for this one it is true in the short story there are like bits of cat hair in there in this short story that the fly is based on he does Mel with his cat in the current bird version at the last second like Ronnie gets out and brundlefly melds with just pieces of the transporter in itself he sort of crawls out and is sort of this like half mechanical like like fly person it raises the weird questions like why wasn't that a part of it in the first place you were using the transporter first yeah why yeah why is it only now that you like sort of meld with this thing like because the rules couldn't it suddenly went out the window it's not DNA it's just like things you know just found in there yeah I wonder if at the time there's the Terminator and the Robocop and I just thought this will be cool well no points it's okay it's fine we're killing it we're killing like at chuck-e-cheeses the fictional children's theme restaurant in the game five nights at Freddy's has a band of animatronic anthropomorphised animals made up of Freddy fazbear Bonnie the bunny Helen Henny and foxy the pirate Fox unlike a chuck-e-cheeses these animatronic critters turn homicidal at night and freely roam the halls looking for victims okay so one of those ain't right [Music] actually Henny Penny is not a character from the five nights of Freddie that's correct you know her Helen Henny is Helen Henny is I want to say from chuck-e-cheese that's correct Helen honey is is from munches make-believe band which is the original like Chuckie Cheese she's a head she's like a chicken it's really scary that's why we forced kids to watch it while they eat pizza on their birthday true story I had a panic attack when I was when why when I went to Splash Mountain for the first time cuz the animatronics were so intense yeah part when the like rabbit family is crying oh yeah when Brer Rabbit dies I'm like freaking out we're getting to that I hate Heights too so like we're getting to the drop every nice bad dream I'm like I can't do this anymore there's a kid i I'm sure there's a video online somewhere me having freaking out because the kid is recording me beat like crying yeah this is yeah I was in my 30s too so like this just happened I do think scary video games are scarier than scary movies because you you do have to like make those choices and you are if it's like a Silent Hill is something you're walking ants is like well it's just fog and I just I were to go and I feel like I have to actually keep me the choice of like I'm gonna keep walking this direction into the fog and I hope I'm making the right choice here Resident Evil has made me have to take be like like I've had to be like mono take the controller it's so scary it's great you know it's terrible it's great five hands multiple times it was oh that's great I love it well this will bring us to our first shiny question of the game shiny questions are like shiny pokemon in that they're a little bit different a little bit rarer but they're worth the same number of points great so we're gonna play a little game called order up so on the other side of this board there are things that are all mixed around we want you to place them in the correct order in this case these are Halloween movies go ahead and flip them over and put these Halloween movies in the order they sure I want these on my freezer mat yeah if you want to take those magnets when you're done put them on your so once you run us through once through this order a little bit here so I did Halloween mm-hmm Halloween - okay Halloween three season of the witch which is really awesome it's the best one Halloween for Halloween five Halloween curse of michael myers.slc they're good in oscar i have diff different we'll see we'll see okay okay so I have Halloween of course at Halloween - naturally season of the witch after that then the return after that we have the the revenge then you know the curse and then I have resurrection after which is that's where it's differentiates and then H - after that then Halloween unrated Halloween - family is forever which I don't really remember that being the the tag but whatever and then this last one very good yeah well um Betsy and Jess you both have all of these correct Oscar yeah you did have those flipped around the correct order is so it is Halloween Halloween - season of the witch return of Michael Myers revenge of Michael Myers curse of Michael Myers resurrection then Halloween again then Halloween - again and then Halloween again um so three Halloween's to Halloween twos stuff all of us which one is your favorite oh the original the first the first one yeah it's so good what about you oh three season of the witch has nothing to do with my Michael Michael Myers Halloween the first one but Halloween three is so fun you being crazy and awesome and a kid dies in it you probably know more about this than I would but I heard that like it was Halloween was sort of like originally conceived as being like an anthology that's like cool yeah like wants to like release it'll be like a crazy spooky story every time it's in the LGB that it was like no we want Michael Myers ah yes more Michael you know it's um the guy who made black Christmas which is like the first modern slasher movie was planning to make a sequel and had a meeting with John Carpenter and it was like hey what did you think of having like an idea for a sequel he's like yeah I wanted to do a different holiday where the serial killer from Black Christmas kills and it's like I was thinking about putting it in Halloween during Carpenter was like that's a great idea the guy never did the movie but John Carpenter was like obsessed with it and he asked him if it was okay he can take that idea yeah sure go for it and then Halloween was born why would you think if they kept going with that we could have had Arbor Day and we made some mistakes in a previous episode and you caught them here's some of our favorite Corrections from you from our exclusive drop out discord James by rekhs says I'm actually in 5e you can be a cleric of an ideal or concept rather than a God has clearly stated in the official book Zanna thar's guide to everything that's right you can be a spiritual but not religious cleric grippers says um actually while Babylon 5 had two captains neither of them were widowers the first Jeffrey Sinclair was never married the wife of John Sheridan was thought to be dead but was found alive towards the end of season 3 very good I will give you one point that will tragically died several months now a lot of you on Twitter had a lot of thoughts about Disney sequels some of you pointed out that there have been other theatrical releases including Peter Pan return to Neverland The Jungle Book 2 and Lion King 1 and a half now some of these were already brought up in the room during the live show others might be more spin-offs than sequels but I'm being very generous and will award you all points that will be released only on VHS well we'll move on to our next statement here we're back in I'm actually mode we're back with buzzers in hand and here we go poltergeist director tobe Hooper and producer Steven Spielberg decided to use real human skeletons rising out of a pool of mud rather than props to get a genuine scare out of actress Jobeth Williams and add a level of authenticity to the scene yeah um actually it wasn't human skeleton they were they were um actually it's not Jobeth Williams it is Jo Beth Williams okay oh god I wish his eldest anticipate that sweer actually if you want to get real specific I mean the plot of poltergeist it took the house was under a Native American burial ground and if you want to be authentic those skulls better be Native American or else sorry saying it's not authentic because they perhaps didn't use the skeletons of real they that's not what we're going for I also don't even know if there's any way to check on that um I'll go I'll go ahead and call it and I'll just remind everyone that this is a show where we're very pedantic and nitpicky so we said that the the reason that they used reused real skeletons was trying to get a real scare out of jo Beth Williams but in fact they didn't find out until much later that those were real scale ways the reason they use skeletons is because it was cheaper than using props they just dug them up these things are free no it was cheaper to use to use like like you could have her skeletons than it was to like make a realistic looking skeleton so yeah it was a budget decision not not one for scammers yeah the real scary thing is is big big budgets did she know going into it that those were no no one knew yes they said they found out afterwards that those were real someone's real bones were floating around in that scene and healthy native helping save some money that's what I want to I want names tell us whose bones they are you you should be allowed to find out if that's if it was like hey just so you know that was your grandmother who be used in that scene and like you know my grandma's in poltergeist what a great performance if I died and they use my bones you know I'm one in a sag card after that yeah can you will your bones to to entertain more like a like the way you could like you go I'd give your remains to science can you be like hey please use my body and like a cool movie you're like can you do like a horrible my body okay guys we only get one take here because we only have one that is going to my well for real life well no points for that one but we have fun we all have John Carpenter's The Thing takes place at an American research station in Antarctica where a creature has been discovered that can imitate other organisms the creature takes the imposter form of the characters benning's Blair Norris Palmer and windows all men since the only woman in the film is a corpse featured early in the movie um actually Oh actually you don't know if it's a woman or not [Laughter] yeah it you know I'm inclined to I might just give it to you uh so that corpse we don't really know there aren't a whole lot of women in this movie there is one credited actress in the movie do you know where where she is is it the dog it's not the dog is it the chest sound yes yes the voice of chest wizard the intent is that you will correct with the correct information I had a project a little bit but but yes voice of chest wizard as there's the one credited actress in in season of the wit mm-hmm like when he's calling the company that's Jamie Lee Curtis are you serious yeah that's fun that's a fun little crossover I thought I read somewhere it's all men and the thing because it was supposed to be mapping some of like the tensions towards like homosexuality in the oh we had that time period yeah oh and how like you don't onto a bit like McCarthyism you don't know who the commies right the gay person is among could be any I mean it's one person's interpretation well great that's other that's a point for Betsy yes the Evil Dead series revolves around horrors unleashed by an ancient book called the Necronomicon X mortis however in the first Evil Dead movie it goes by a different name than at or um de Montel they changed the name to Necronomicon X mortis and all of the subsequent Evil Dead films going so far as to retro actively change the name in flashbacks to scenes from the first movie that involved the book um actually I don't think that they retroactively lead change the name they do yeah okay yeah any other guesses yeah I'm actually the names are reversed so oh no no I'm God I'm actually the necro ex mortis is not called that it is called we're gonna call it then so no points for this one so we claimed that they changed the names Necronomicon ex mortis and all of the subsequent Evil Dead films but the Evil Dead remake returns to using the name the Tyrande Monto so they do go they like they retro actively change it they do all that but then in the remake they're like yeah the natural Germont oh so forget about that remake yeah that's fair yeah if somebody were to hand you a book and be like this book is evil would you read it I wouldn't touch it oh you wouldn't know get that away I think I would I mean like you would well here's the thing evil thank you how are you talking like like if they give you that book that book right there yeah as there like I'd want the book to give me context clues as to what's gonna come out of it sure if it looks like something cause I'm looking it's like the set of bytes and we're all just gonna be like hang there reserve [Music] no I don't want them to like tear me up but if we just went to a bar set of lights are coming over for a little Netflix and chill hangout only know your boundaries I'd be cool with like Ghoulies like their party they're great coolies got to come out of toilets that's why I would hang out with Ghoulies you know who I would release killer clowns from outer space cuz they're kill people in the coolest way really fun ways yeah well we'll go ahead and this is our second shiny question um this is a little game we're calling under review we're gonna give you various movie reviews all of the same movie and see if you can identify what it is just from their critiques so Vincent Canby of the New York Times said this movie is neither scary nor funny it looks sort of empty and underpopulated like North Dakota Michael Wilmington of the LA Times said the writer director strains mightily to achieve cliche level but the movie isn't dumb enough to be fun later we thoughts from the Austin Chronicle the movie has been sitting on a shelf at Trimark studio yeah do you want to say together yes that's correct [Applause] guess I'll give you all a point for everyone yeah leprechaun you you just you were like you're grunting yeah and that really hills brat but that was her first movie I think - yeah yeah she's a bit of a Beverly Hills breath yeah it's kind of kind of crazy that's her first movie is neither funny or scary they're all accurate yeah it also is funny to be to describe Jennifer Aniston as the shannen doherty wannabe yeah there's like oh it's like I don't know if that totally tracked out if you look at the history but yeah well young yo got it it's this leprechaun leprechaun leprechaun leprechaun in space black on it in the hood leprechaun in the hood yeah the one in Vegas where that lady explodes yeah [Laughter] about having a perfect body he's like I'll give you a perfect value you're getting stuck in a doorway and you'll explode it's great that way folks we know a whole lot is so explain how this how this ironic wish works she wishes for a perfect body well yeah he's like bug give you new lips and like makes her get huge duck lips big old huge is she like trying she's like and then tries to make her way out of the room but her big butt gets stuck in the door and then she explodes the little tracks I I want like a little bit more more more irony in my ironic wishes you know like like you know it's like the feels like it's the sort of skirting the rules to be like oh you want a perfect body do you explode yeah they say the same wish master yes is leprechaun oh yeah merry but if you were to taste - leprechaun and wish master I think wish masters just a little bit higher on in sort of like wish fulfillment yeah well I guess everyone gets a point for that this is teamwork this ever happened before no no one ever seems up enjoy horses it's very funny that somehow the musical theater episode turned into the most intense competitive one ever and then the horror movie episode is like if you notice something that I got wrong in this episode you can correct me by tweeting at I'm actually show or by going to our exclusive drop out discord and correcting me there we like it we might even give you a point and feature your correction in a future episode great well here's our next statement yeah the devil is in the details in the book and film of The Shining the room number 237 refers to the room haunted by Lorraine Massie who killed herself in the bathtub there room 237 is directly referenced in multiple Jordan Peele works and there was even a critically acclaimed documentary on the shining titled room 237 yes Oscar um actually the room in the book and the movie are different they are different yeah do you do you have you I'll give you the point unless someone can tell me what the what's the room number I'm actually two seventeen seventeen yeah it's do you know why it was changed I don't oh no I don't know is it because like most hotels have a 217 and they were like it's close you're closer so the the when they were when they were filming The Shining they actively did have a room 217 and at the hotel they're like people aren't gonna want to stay in room 217 anymore if we do this so they changed it to a room number that didn't exist in the hotel we just room 237 yeah which is weird because I feel like I'd stay in a room 2 7 2 saying to me about the room yeah I had lunch at the Stanley Hotel once oh yeah it's great it was scary it's cool all right well Betsy scooped scoop - Oscar out of that point so here's our next one Mary Shelley's Frankenstein or the modern prometheus is told as a story within a story within a story an older Victor Henry Frankenstein recounts to a sea captain named Robert Walton about how as a young doctor he used the mixture of chemistry and alchemy to animate nonliving matter and create a monster in turn captain Walton writes a letter to his sister Margaret to tell of both his experience finding Frankenstein and the story the Frankenstein told him um actually he doesn't write to his sister he does they got a good relationship it liked to write letters to each other everyone just like can I check in and see everyone's lives go and you know Oscar um actually it's not a mixture of chemistry and alchemy they use electricity yeah it is a mixture of chemistry oxidation yeah no um actually he didn't want to make a monster [Laughter] regardless of his intense II did baby well he made a monster or did he maybe dr. Frankenstein is the monster but we'll we'll stick with the sure he made a monster he made a living corpse that's fine look we can we can analyze this but at the end of the day that's a walking corpse any other guesses um actually that's not the title of Frankenstein its Mary Shelley's Frankenstein that is the what movie okay okay I'm gonna go ahead and call it so uh the UM actually here is at the time that Frankenstein created Frankenstein's monster he was not a doctor he was still a university student so it would be incorrect to say that he as a doctor created this monster he's just uh he's still he was still working on his degree yeah that's a hell of a thesis though yeah wait so he made the monster and then still became a doc apparently yeah yeah well he's like what I could do doctor is easy compared to this I made life yeah this in the bag Wow it does feel like if you had to like prevent that before a thesis board or it's like so you made a monster you explain this a little bit more depending on your interpretation maybe I'm the monster but yes you know we did make a monster yeah well uh new points Batman and this will bring us to our last shiny question [Music] this is a game called what's wrong with this picture so on the other side of this there is an image that we have modified in some way to make it incorrect it's up to you to identify what's wrong with the picture first person to do so will get the point all right go ahead and flip yes [Laughter] look she's showering hair's gonna get it again places our hairs dry it's like alfalfa okay okay like we see the shadow right like that's that's what happens in the movie yeah um actually is he left-handed actually that's the silhouette of et's head I'm actually you never see this shot do you never see a shot with you don't see the shot of the silhouette of the of the mom that's correct or the the the were correct enough is this shot that we have it's sort of like a false memory that a lot of people have but you don't actually see the silhouette um you know this this image through the shower curtain we'll go ahead and show you what it actually is in the film that's what it looks like it's not until she opens up the the curtain that you see the like the knife in hand but they're never in the same shot together yeah it's like cut back and forth there you go so that point goes to Oscar nice well we only have one more question left have a night where we just we should just read this this feels like that yeah yeah hey guys in 20 years if none of us have been killed by a murderer let's all get together get stabbed by something like that yeah now our last question as always concerns real life skills this has nothing to do with horror movies at all this is just something that might be like a valuable piece of information for you to know um spiders perform a vital role in the ecosystem and most of them pose no threat to humans even those spiders that are dangerous rarely bite humans that said the thought of being bit by a highly venomous spider tends to creep most folks out who knows there might even be one in this room right now here are unlabeled images of six spiders you may encounter in North America one of them is considered dangerous enough that you need to seek medical attention get bitten can you tell which one oh my god go ahead and flip it over this is scarier than real life I hate oh that one was like oh I don't like that one at all um actually this one okay so that is correct do you get any idea what that spider that is the brown recluse it's the Chilean recluse because I don't want to keep them away from I gotta get them out of here yeah yes so picture here car we have the Chilean recluse they live dangerous where here there in North America but they're not really too late they're from Chile hey bugs travel these big fuzzy yeah what are the other names the other ones we've got we have the tarantula we have the yellow sac we have the marbled orb-weaver [Applause] we have the the jumping spider and then this fun little fellow down here is the giant house spider ah how are we talking it like you know like like okay that's stupid like that big thing well our final score here is six three and three making Betsy our winner I feel good about this yeah I feel very good it's a very heartwarming episode thank you all for playing with us today and thank you for watching join us next time for even more pedantic Corrections here on um actuary and that's it for this preview of um actually if you liked it there's a whole lot more waiting for you on drop out drop out TV to start your free trial today I'm Mike Trapp reminding you to get your pets spayed and neutered and get your zombie pets obliterated zombie pets they're not the pets you loved anymore they're gone they're gone kill them kill me
Channel: Um, Actually
Views: 347,645
Rating: 4.8954949 out of 5
Keywords: Collegehumor, CH originals, comedy, sketch comedy, internet, humor, funny, sketch, trivia, monsters, stephen king, mike trapp, oscar montoya, jessica ross, betsy sodaro, Um Actually, nerds, poindexters, game shows, games, halloween, scary, video games, animatronics, movies, horror, spooky
Id: zvN9SndnLVk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 19sec (2179 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 31 2019
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