Bloodborne is the Best Souls Game

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the orphan is 10 times harder than anything in dark souls 3. yeah like i said it's been about five years here so i don't remember how hard some of the bosses were i remember when i first started this i struggled with the uh was it cleric demon what the [ __ ] is it called the giant like bird thing that drops from the ceiling father g i remember him uh i don't really want to put like too much into the character we'll just do another officer greg play through i'm not going to put a ton of effort into it i'll just run it i just want to [ __ ] play the game this is young officer greg before he became a full-fledged detective i suppose oh it's [ __ ] right i remember these little guys officer greg's looking good so i remember there's no reason to kill this first thing in the room over here it's actually better to just die to it so i can go get my sock cleaver thanks to some forest but even still i'm gonna kill it let's [ __ ] go [ __ ] oh [ __ ] i'm really [ __ ] what it's at 30 fps it's it's throwing me off it's the fps fault oh i dodged into the [ __ ] table saw cleaver what's better the pistol of the blunderbuss does anyone recall because i don't almost everyone in the chat is saying pistol so i'm gonna assume pistol is the right call this is not my first time playing bloodborne not even close it's my favorite from software souls game i just haven't played it in years literally five years literally five years do a skill build for the rockio it's the most fun weapon to use huh skill builds are really fun all right that what makes them really fun what makes the skill build so much better super fast weapons i'm fine for whatever build chat really wants me to do so whatever you guys are feeling them down for how about we just go through this for now like this and i'll just stockpile all of my [ __ ] and then we can decide can you respect in bloodborne i don't remember no you can't okay so we really have to make sure we choose something at least decent oh man that guy just [ __ ] my ass real hard what holy [ __ ] god jesus christ all right really gotta get warmed up here my god yeah i had so many huge twirls is there no item over here either that was just a waste r1 r1 l1 r1 that's the combo all right so what build should i go for huh what are we feeling got a decent bit of blood echoes chicago evelyn build what do i have to do duncan you usually have very good taste what i have to do for that blood tinge skill it's some of the highest damage in the game so what do i need for the builds you just recommended chicage is blood tinge you get chicago and evelyn mid-game in the optional castle area i'm not doing ludwig's holy blade apparently that one's [ __ ] busted and i don't want people to start whining like they did when i used uh twin blades let's just keep going like this for now and then figure it out a bit later i can't level up anyway so i committed a little hard all right i got [ __ ] up that was embarrassing thank you prime monkey when do i shoot to get the uh perry mid attack i thought i did when he did the charge but i guess not you got me [ __ ] up i ran out of jesus what the [ __ ] oh he's [ __ ] me up come back wait this brick guy is [ __ ] blasting me holy [ __ ] so how the [ __ ] do i do the uh backstab no you can't on the stairs oh [ __ ] me the red jeweled brooch father g has it yeah father g went wild killed his wife i do recall what shall we do for the rest of the game honestly for now though it looks like just strength plus skill is going to be the best option for me all of these seem to be like strength skill and yeah the whirling blade looks really cool what's the al what's the one op weapon dankin is that ludwig's blade we'll do whirling saw i've decided what do i put my points in strength okay let's run it [Applause] [Music] oh [ __ ] oh [Applause] oh [ __ ] bad roll i can't see oh my god oh boy i'm falling apart [Applause] [Music] that was rough man we got him vitality and endurance are most important now uh so you're a coward i see i see man people really do whine about everything what do you mean strength build op [ __ ] you talk about they're not make it in oh this is a cheese strap i don't feel good about this but i also don't like fighting both of them at the same time either it don't [ __ ] tell me there's nothing back here oh my god what a waste oh hunter's garb is here surely i can't be wrong three times right hunter's garb is this way i know it's on like one of those beams nope wait is it the wrong area again what do you mean why saw blade it's the literal beginning of the game i can't spawn with the reddit approved weapon what do you mean okay here we go let's [ __ ] run it all right father g time all right let's go father g let's [ __ ] get it let's see if i can first try father g after all this time oh [ __ ] too late he's [ __ ] me up already oh my god all right hold on hold on he's kind of popping off nope that's the one that's the one i'm looking forward [ __ ] me man when do i do it on him i thought that was it jesus christ there we go first try father g down not bad if you had used music box weirdos and chat would have gone crazy if i used music box it would have been an absolute [ __ ] chaos and pandemonium in the chat yeah i never use anything like that just for that reason really and plus it's more fun to do it without but still oh you're right i forgot the red brooch you're right you're right i have not done bloodborne dlc so we're going to have to see how that goes because i haven't done that and apparently that's where it really ramps up oh i remember these guys very well didn't kill unlucky kill amelia then straight to dlc for whirling okay i'm not doing the full dlc right away i'm just grabbing whirling saw so that's going to be our main weapon also [ __ ] you the amount of times i heard that doing dlc going through dark souls 2 and 3 is i was like ridiculous everyone's like you're too low level and then i [ __ ] do it uh do i want to cooperate i imagine yeah i don't remember this guy very well beast hunting is a sacred practice may the good blood guide your way talk to the guy at central yharnam lamp for a weapon might not work at first though the guy the central yharnam lamp i don't think i have a guy there what where is it here we go all right whirling saw let's [ __ ] get it put bludgeons on your sock lever no i'm not gonna be using it for much longer now that i'm almost the dlc i'm just here for the [ __ ] whirling saw all right let's see if we can also get amelia first try we got father g first try you might want to open the shortcut i did oh don't tell me that wasn't the same gate oh [ __ ] all right that's fine it's fine it's fine oh good i just can't die here then [Applause] what oh i didn't know there was going to be like an explosion after [ __ ] oh my god get the [ __ ] up all right really unlucky i got [ __ ] stuck at the doorway not as smooth as the last one but that's okay all right i got it this time i'll beat it even with low damage no i will [ __ ] get it yeah this is i'm getting [ __ ] up on amelia and this is attempt number four so i don't need to r2 first before that okay alright r2 first what how did that hit that was mid-roll i'll lock on on the next visceral see if that fixes it dankin said that helped because apparently your hitbox is up they both hit what do you mean yeah blood starved beast is the other one i'm only doing this early because i really want the uh whirling saw well this is this is bad this is getting real bad now first attempt was the best one at least got her well under half this has just been rough ever since holy [ __ ] going all in [Applause] okay jesus [ __ ] christ i guess bad roll i thought that was good timing but i guess not why don't you lock onto the boss because i don't think sidestepping is as good as a roll oh [ __ ] god i hate not being able to roll out of a sprint holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] okay we're gonna do the whole fight locked on all three seconds of the fight wow oh my god i got [ __ ] hit by your knee that's so sad that is such a sad hitbox your [ __ ] knee blasted me i'm really debating upright upgrading i cannot [ __ ] decide i mean i almost got her on the last one it'll be fine it'll be [ __ ] fine yeah i have some beast blood pellets also i decided i'm just gonna upgrade this there's no point in struggling through it i'd really rather just get the uh the weapon i'm only going to bring it up too though that should be enough all right let's run it first try emilia oh good rng on the boys all right this is a good run [ __ ] i [ __ ] saw that coming oh my god maybe i need to stop with the transforming attacks i get locked down for too long it might not be worth it all right then i'll put the blood gym on if i can't get it here either but i feel like i do enough damage no i got hit by the thigh there we go first try all right let's get that whirling uh pizza cutter [ __ ] yeah does this deal is this to the dlc all right and then i need to get grabbed by the amygdala oh i can definitely fight these things that guy had my blood echoes for some reason that's going to be hard to run by oh my god i hate that just let me [ __ ] roll instead of jump out of a sprint [Music] holy [ __ ] almost got me with that holy [ __ ] he's got the boom hammer holy [ __ ] i want to wait for him to go back i'm going for it [ __ ] it go up to the bridge then left then drop back down i'm stuck under hitbox what according to dankin that's the right way i'm just going for the axe well then what wait what that one wasn't there last time was it what no what all right i thought he was closer oh she actually takes up the whole [ __ ] tunnel oh i got lucky all right thanks to prime cream so what am i looking for a ladder you said that one over there tank it [ __ ] man the range on that is actually nuts holy [ __ ] that's you know i'm i'm gonna say maybe i like dark souls 3 more than bloodborne just because of this [ __ ] jump i don't remember this when i played it originally i don't recall jumping after every sprint going from sprint to jump sucks instead of sprint to roll it's always been like that i don't doubt that it always has i just don't remember it it's been five years but yeah that jump after sprinting feels [ __ ] horrible whoa jesus christ when you get to the tower slam l2 thanks to tier 1 viking are the prime biking up here i see that's pretty goofy i don't have enough skill to use buds saw yet i need three more skill levels uh you know what i might start putting some into vitality let's get this up to 20. oh my god i forgot why i did this in the first place was for skill oh no oh i [ __ ] forgot farewell the good news i'm prepping for late game why can't i use multiple thick bloods all right two more levels there oh i can't believe i [ __ ] did that i totally oh forgot god my little ass we'll just [ __ ] farm again i can't believe i [ __ ] did that i can't believe i did that i don't know man like i said i remember really struggling with blood starved beast so we'll see how it goes all right let's [ __ ] run it i'm not going to bother wasting fire paper [Music] alright [Music] [Music] god damn it [ __ ] just click let's [ __ ] get it oh what [Music] i hate that i will never get used to that not being able to roll out of a spread oh no [Applause] how do i get poison oh i'm stuck wow first try though i'll take it unlucky it could have been a lot smoother i'll take the first try though knows without even using my main weapon [ __ ] yeah i know to upgrade skill i won't forget again [Music] now do i want to put a blood gem on it which one is best is it a tempering blood gym this which everyone has the most damage all right so does this look good these two blood gems how do we feel all right let's run it then what's like an optimal combo with this thing hold l2 best combo oh okay favorite weapon sofa well i've only used sock lever up till now so we're going to try this i've never used this since this is a dlc weapon and i didn't play dlc so was there any point in doing this boss or just for the sake of it is there anything nearby i should go for or just head back you just get the chalice as all okay all right [ __ ] yeah the old lawnmower bill this pizza cutter is [ __ ] awesome the only problem is pretty slow up top and jump into it how the [ __ ] well how am i supposed to do that now will i die if i go for this let's try oh okay i wonder though okay not a very far jump does this no it doesn't line up oh i'm stuck okay oh jesus christ well this is so far the hardest thing in the game making this [ __ ] drop or jump [ __ ] told you i would [ __ ] yeah look at this wacky little area get three of those chords for a secret ending before the final boss fight i don't think i ever did the secret ending oh what the [ __ ] all right so be it okay that was pretty good so what what does that even take me to the new area this zone is hard chad was having to get killed by him so i i got killed by him okay good it did work wow this jail is not super well made holy [ __ ] okay [ __ ] yeah so why do you guys want me to do the alien side quest the crow lady side quest is there a good reward oh that did not stagger that is that is not getting it done i need some blood files okay now that i got this let's just head back i'll do the crow lady side quest is that a cathedral ward or is she back on those um [Music] rafts or whatever oh hello there blocking her face perfect where to next i imagine right to that area this is definitely the guy goddamn she just sold one holy [ __ ] we made it with our lives you're not bad at all yeah i [ __ ] carried that oh [ __ ] [Music] this is an in-game area is it i've been lied to them dark pearl is here and gives a shortcut to blood starved beast but already killed blood starved beast [Music] i bet they can't fit through this door oh my god i'm wrong but they can't fit through that door [ __ ] idiots close i accidentally [ __ ] jump attack [Applause] old hunter defector antle so where did they just spit me out [Music] oh it's an aoe attack oh got a lucky guard right there saw it coming i tried to run okay what uh i was mid i was mid-roll what there he is baby two tries all right and then this should go to plus five i don't think i can do plus six right not yet yeah i didn't expect the saw to be this good the saw is absolutely [ __ ] slapping bloodborne is on ps5 as well that's what i'm playing it on i mean it's ps4 exclusive so just cross play but jesus christ now to stand up this guy's nuts oh man what a waste this guy [ __ ] slapped me exit 5 gives up space oh my god all right i'm a little surprised that that hit me here we go oh man outplayed this guy's nimble holy [ __ ] it's like bob from tekken god damn after you fight ludwig put on church clothes and talked to his head to get his blade okay i'm not gonna use ludwig's holy blade because it's the strongest weapon in the game and i don't want chat whining about that but i'll grab it anyway okay i gotta take a [ __ ] real quick give me two seconds i'll be right back and uh like i said i haven't read like any manga but i will start and no i'm not gonna read demon slayer i'm gonna wait for the anime oh holy [ __ ] okay thanks the prime ass diet didn't expect that i'll be honest jesus these guys do not get staggered holy [ __ ] son of a [ __ ] i'm coming oh not like this not not on the last guy i have some goddamn mercy so someone said i only need to clear the first two depths this is a tier one louie for an emblem that i can sell for 83k echoes where's that it's a dungeon someone found that just has someone died to the environment you get 80k souls it's just i'm not going to do that i thought it was just like a normal come chat or come jesus chalice dungeon thing is that a trap oh he just took it for me good man thanks olek it's extremely generous to sub or donate least i can do is say thank you serious of course i don't get tired of it [Music] oh [ __ ] i didn't see him wind up the aoe be careful oh look [Applause] [Music] hitboxes are confusing me let's get this to 35 and then i'll just pour into uh endurance all right am i all done with yes okay so let's go grand cathedral you can already skip to the final chalice with a glyph you need to go online though yeah i'm not doing that i'm not trying to like use any exploits or anything i'm not trying to speedrun the game i'm just taking my time enjoying it the only thing i speed ran was getting the pizza cutter because i decided that would be a fun weapon for us to play through with get some blood vial zero blood vials huh pretty good pretty good that's what i'm [ __ ] talking about baby zero blood vials yeah you know what [ __ ] it i'll just go buy a ton of blood vials [ __ ] this game so good yeah are you the best at all games not only am i the best at every video game but i also created every video game oh i actually kind of remember this ball she's like invisible right this is rough i can't hear [ __ ] anything using a single earbud [Applause] oh man poor thing [Music] [Applause] oh there's more than one i see you [ __ ] [Applause] this is nice what well [Applause] okay i'll take it let's get some more points into endurance is it worth it to just keep putting into strength now or just start going endurance for a longer like chainsaw mode soft cap is 40 okay let's just get let's just keep going strength for now where's the next boss that i need to get hey my man okay nice i did you farewell may the good blood was anything else i needed from him his blood i'm not gonna kill him my man okay so not very talkative then huh my instincts are very sharp so i don't think i'm gonna get hit by a single trap not really too concerned about that it takes a lot to pull the wool over my eyes [Music] sniff that [ __ ] out that that still hits somehow holy [ __ ] you guys [ __ ] me up jesus christ [Music] see what i mean traps just don't work on me i can just see right through that [ __ ] i know when it's coming and i can easily avoid it i'm just too [ __ ] smart how do you do a three on one chest match [Music] oh another easy trap dodge while looking at the chat my instincts are so [ __ ] sharp it's not fair to game designers like it's really not this game is so well made and yet none of it works on me the traps and [ __ ] it's just laughable when you put me in here jesus gothic that's terrifying hope everything's all right that wasn't a trap that was me coming down here to explore for new items i didn't fall victim to a trap oh yeah i should put on the church set you have to get to ariana before you beat rum though okay there's a lot i have to do before rom i see okay where's ariana you don't need ariana let's let's take okay all right all right okay okay let's let's just go right to ariana where the [ __ ] is she at my house alleyway of cathedral palace thank you okay well what's the right one is it is it yes for the storyline let's not go full you know rp or whatever like is this for the storyline i want it okay oh good come close dear okay now to the window guy okay [ __ ] there's so many moving parts okay i want to do aleene's quest line that's the main one i want to do what do i do next i've just talked to ariana i've already killed henry what is the next step so go to the jail the the bad guy takes me to okay thank you elemental what the [ __ ] oh my god okay this is the shadows fight down here i recognize this area oh [ __ ] oh that was a dumb idea i really thought i could get away with it jesus they all just came at the same time whoa why did he just summon [Music] he summoned a giant snake oh well it didn't really work for him eh [ __ ] yeah first try again pizza cutter is actually kind of nutty [Music] farewell good mate and get some more blood vials just in case no i played the [ __ ] out of this when it came out okay that looks good okay that looks good to me [Music] whoa what the [ __ ] i didn't expect that can okay so this guy can tank through anything holy [ __ ] jesus christ come on [ __ ] finally this guy is hard this guy [Music] [ __ ] yeah [ __ ] yes i've got him figured out now he doesn't like the lawnmower yeah who said this guy was hard but did you play the game with your eyes closed or something seems pretty easy to me nice [ __ ] yeah oh [ __ ] i just summoned someone i wasn't even paying attention is it olek damian looking cool as [ __ ] it's like something at a howl razor just in case [ __ ] this is so cool do i just attack him i thought he talked oh okay i'll put him out of his misery yeah i'm rocking him in that chair do i just jump into this i think so i oh [ __ ] i remember this fight do what the [ __ ] that spider one-shot me okay i i thought i could absolutely tank at least one [ __ ] shot clearly not these guys hit so hard oh my god okay i didn't realize he'd spawn a whole new wave i thought i'd like overwrite the other one okay we'll be fine we'll be fine i don't feel like doing ad control holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] this guy does so much damage oh my [ __ ] god i can't tank a single attack pretty good dps oh almost [ __ ] now i know i can't really get through his ads what okay didn't even see it what okay that still hit oh my god this guy's a monster oh i'm done there we go [ __ ] yeah [Music] god damn did not think that would take four tries [Music] oh so wait this is the last part of the lean's quest there's a lot of hype around this boss we'll see what the [ __ ] it's just a man oh what the [ __ ] oh wow all right that's a lot of damage that is that really is a lot of damage okay two shot holy [ __ ] i'm gonna try again okay all right i got him on this one so far in all three attempts i've gone for chainsaw i won't do chainsaw this time that son of a [ __ ] what the [ __ ] that gun is pretty tough not gonna lie so this is the hardest boss in the game then this guy in the base game yeah wow what the [ __ ] oh my god there's no way he can be staggered that would have absolutely staggered that was timed perfectly holy [ __ ] what the [ __ ] holy [ __ ] no misclicked he can heal too whoa he's throwing pottery at me now no [ __ ] way how i hit him and his shot still went off what do you mean i'm not gonna bother healing okay really wait what no [ __ ] way i don't think you can actually parry up here i'll do it again but i'm pretty sure i timed it right the first time let's see oh good run good run i caught the very tip of that you're right you can parry him not a whole lot of damage with that two-hand hey wait what i had full oh my god holy [ __ ] okay [Music] foreign [Music] there we go god damn that is the most attempts of any boss in any souls game so far where to next go back to elene where she at is she still outside grand cathedral but not it wasn't even like hard by mechanics it was hard because the gun kills in two shots sometimes one depending on how close other than that though pretty easy fighting to no no is that the end of her quest line did you do the optional optional kanehurst area after this sure where's cainhurst area don't think i ever did that if it only comes from this you need the summons from the clinic talk to ariana okay now what okay so him wick him wick lamp then can i kill the alien it's a friend is it a friend that's a [ __ ] lie god kill her okay [Music] oh umbilical cord baby there's a blue pillar in an open field and you go to the bus stop ah there i'm guessing yeah it is a cool weapon you can get the best gun in the game here kind of useless considering i'm just two handing the pizza cutter but yeah yeah maybe i can switch builds around sure i don't know why people are getting into semantics what makes it not a boss just because it didn't have a health bar at the bottom of the screen and instead just had an mpc health bar it's a hunter fight okay and just because it's a hunter fight means it is now impossible for it to also just be considered a boss fight i don't really understand the big difference it's not a normal enemy it's a unique enemy hey these things are in the dlc oh wow i'm back [Music] what what the [ __ ] oh my god these things are [ __ ] nuts still look what the [ __ ] what [Music] still alive oh my god what the [ __ ] is going on my god they're actually just [ __ ] nuts what's on the back of my head oh it's that guy up there this blow dart did no damage uh this definitely looks like the boss arena and i have like no shortcuts here there's no way that i'm supposed to run this whole way back every time no [ __ ] way you are you so you what the elevator is still super far away i got the elevator just really [ __ ] far away it's the worst run back in the entire game holy [ __ ] let's see if i can get him first try i i'd really like to spin these blood echoes but i really don't feel like running this back let's see if i just get lucky with a first try oh my god i hate that i hate that i hate that that not being able to roll out of a sprint is the most frustrating thing in all of seoul's history there's an aoe attack that he's building up oh okay that's a very big aoe okay also lingers i see god [ __ ] damn it such a long road back that's super dumb how far that run back is holy [ __ ] where are my blood echoes farewell i also have a couple more runes and gyms that i need to put on oh never mind there we go oh that one's very good let's run it like this first i can also upgrade it i just need one more chunk they they're not selling chunks i guess [Music] oh my god that's so [ __ ] sad i probably would have had that i think i could have easily had that rolled into the [ __ ] tower i'm coming in hot oh boy oh my god i can't roll out of a sprint i keep doing that i keep doing that that is at least the millionth time in this [ __ ] run-through that i've done that oh why god what [Music] [Music] so jesus just go in the air what okay i'm lucky [Music] i hate playing it like this but this run back this run back to him is such a [ __ ] i really don't feel like doing it again that's a three tries not bad this gave me a shin flashbacks how just on second phase i just waited for the easily punishable move that's all i don't see you i don't see what's wrong with that it's not like a cheese strap it's just a slow strap put the crown on what's the crown do just look cool i do look pretty [ __ ] cool not much is it another boss no oh oh i am annalise queen of castle cainhurst but i imagine i swear the oath whoa offer blood drag what is that covenant item oh okay yargool haven't i done everything in yargol it finishes alfred's questline i thank you profusely i will depart immediately but first whoa [ __ ] yeah [Music] i might just pour it all into strength up to 50. farewell me and by might i mean i'm just doing it now who is this guy friend oh not a friend are you [ __ ] [Music] okay [Music] i don't know why this guy's joined the gang squad but i got him what [Music] all that for just a single madman's knowledge oh god why i thought i was sprinting clearly not whoa that looks cool oh let's [ __ ] get it i hate that i hate not being able to roll out of a sprint i really do i'm stuck let's go wild i wonder if i can just chop this to death wow that is a lot of damage yeah the lawnmower strat's really good against this guy oh rough okay a huge aoe i guess i didn't see that at all just okay what do you mean okay okay okay wow i thought this guy was like a joke of a boss but he's actually kind of popping off oh i can't move holy holy [ __ ] [ __ ] someone said there's a remake of power knight power knight wasn't really like this power knight was a super casual nice secret level does have a boss what boss i'm trying to do all bosses what is it that's the first person to say i missed a secret level with a boss yeah yeah i remember this totally [ __ ] forgot about this place what uh what frenzied me okay christ singing it doesn't have line of sight and i'm still getting i'm dead i don't understand that enemy how do i avoid the frenzy okay luckily my sedative was used even though it didn't stop the frenzy holy [ __ ] what the [ __ ] i didn't even see that thing there i thought that was just oh my god i thought that was just a statue do i have a least favorite boss in bloodborne uh yeah this common enemy that does perpetual [ __ ] frenzy not exactly a boss but much much worse than a boss is this the amygdala yes stuck very good oh jesus christ should have used the [Music] beast i love how the second i [ __ ] use this all of a sudden i can't get a tax off [Music] [Music] i'm really taking it to him i'm shocked that hit that's okay first try that was a pretty easy boss he never even like protected his [ __ ] legs is that everything in here i feel like i didn't experience everything from nightmare frontier first try amygdala was overwhelmingly in favor of doubters 6.4 mil doubters to 1.8 mil believers believers [ __ ] cash out big man why that guy [Music] oh my god okay yep bloodborne's my favorite from software game oh celestial emissaries here nope that was easy another first try back-to-back first tries amygdala and celestial emissary [ __ ] yeah i'm just a monster uses the cheesiest weapon that was easy if i was using literally any weapon in the game you'd say the same thing a hundred percent unless i'm using bear fist chat says the same [ __ ] in every single souls game [Music] i'm stuck in this box fancy frenzy attacking okay that was huge i haven't seen that what in the [ __ ] is that in a full sprint what yep i went right and there is a massive [ __ ] hitbox on the right i i'm [ __ ] oh you got me [ __ ] up i missed all of that missed that hitbox is the silliest [ __ ] hitbox in the entire game so far that [ __ ] was so goofy holy [ __ ] gotta go to the place where you killed one reborn that was yargol advent plaza i believe this does seem like it's going to be rough here what is hitting me where is this frenzy what the [ __ ] is hitting me with friends not this guy what okay move what the [ __ ] it's still not good what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] is going on jesus it's one shot let me throw out a goddamn attack what was hitting me oh my god oh my [ __ ] god these things are nuts i cannot believe the range on the little spiders what the [ __ ] that's what's been hitting me [ __ ] it i'm doing it oh my god [Music] i'm done wow what is the [ __ ] range oh my god this spider is busted holy [ __ ] okay never mind accidentally can you please [ __ ] move the shortcut all right i want to kill the spider i want to kill a spider badly [Music] i hate doing this i'm backed up now i have to there we go in the cheese position we [ __ ] got him baby didn't drop anything well all that for nothing what a [ __ ] piece of [ __ ] enemy oh my god this boss is [ __ ] dog [ __ ] by the way yeah a lot of people don't like this boss very much i vaguely remember this boss fight okay very good very good you almost fall off the ledge [Music] i'm coming busy what man this boss fight area is huge jesus christ that piece of [ __ ] oh you son of a [ __ ] how the [ __ ] do i stop him from using the goddamn mirror okay hold on oh [ __ ] man what in the [ __ ] what [Music] too easy [ __ ] yeah what in the [ __ ] happened there this thing just going wild on me hey there's the chunks oh more chunks [ __ ] yeah [Music] whoa this guy's got some moves [ __ ] me whoa what wait what just happened i sit down i have max blood vials i've never even seen that before is it the wet nurse let's go oh what the [ __ ] what is the range on the other one oh my god where oh what the [ __ ] where's my umbilical cord there it is three umbilical cords acquired baby so just start munching okay everyone's saying yes plus 10 baby let's go okay so dlc time oh god that came out so oh my god this guy's boston i'm stuck no i see no [ __ ] way i spam dodge this guy's fast why the [ __ ] i don't know i i don't i don't even know how it's [ __ ] hitting me i'm not running past him holy [ __ ] why is everyone such a coward who plays these games oh my god oh my [ __ ] god finally holy [ __ ] okay all right [Applause] [ __ ] did i miss the visceral attack [Music] hmm ah you were at my side all along whoa all right [Applause] that's a one shot okay so i can't roll through that i see oh wow i rolled to the side what the [ __ ] this guy has one good move it's a one shot and the hitbox is huge i was off to the side really good phase one there because of no charge oh i thought that was a visceral offering okay phase two was really [ __ ] easy did he even attack okay okay six tries i think that wasn't bad okay can i kill him yeah holy moonlight sword baby [ __ ] yeah is this another boss fight back to back [ __ ] yeah what is this thing oh god i couldn't move no no i don't want to run all the way back it's so far oh wait never mind i got a lamp and luckily i'm good oh hey what the [ __ ] i'm the only one allowed to do this this guy is absolutely popping off on me okay what do you mean oh they don't respawn okay really looking good let's just use everything baby all right [Music] this boss looks really similar to cleric beast oh ah [Music] you gotta be [ __ ] kidding me oh my oh my wow why how oh god damn there we go that wasn't too bad how many tries was that i think seven second phase was really [ __ ] easy just like with ludwig i don't know what's up with the dlc bosses in easy second phases but i'll [ __ ] take it man here he comes up through my inside but gently what the [ __ ] is she talking about i like it very poetic see a bunch of dudes in their chairs here we go living failure is it this guy oh what the [ __ ] jesus christ he's feeling himself getting blasted by this guy [Applause] oh god oh no [Applause] i'm not damn it i'm actually about to use all [Music] i'm feeling it now let's do recent points god [Applause] not bad it cost me four or yeah 14 blood vials though not clean there's a lot of hype around maria frida is really probably one of my favorite bosses so if she can beat frida i'd be really impressed a corpse should be left well alone frida was based on her really from your wild curiosity wow okay jesus i feel like since it's a human boss my chainsaw will work really well yeah oh [ __ ] this is this is sad oh that's sad i'm sorry maria is that like an aoe attacker [Music] i couldn't move oh what i thought she was gonna like dash so unlucky god damn it oh her first phase i can easily just chainsaw okay but after that she becomes very stagger resistant [Music] no reason to be greedy okay two tries all right very cool boss though i agree all right so there's one more boss in dlc oh this is a whole zone i thought it was just straight to orphan you can get maria's weapon in the well i mean i won't use it i'll grab it [ __ ] it i'm here okay where is it is it up there how [ __ ] do i get up oh there's another guy right there i can't move that guy's [ __ ] nuts oh my god all right the shark is absolutely harder than like half the bosses no no [ __ ] way how many bosses are left there's one more left in dlc and then i think i only have one left in the main game too or one or two i don't remember i'm gonna waste all my blood vials on this guy i thought that would kill almost out of blood vials here no [ __ ] way what i'm pretty sure he respawns man but we'll see and not on purpose [ __ ] dude he's still alive he didn't have a chance to drink the lead potion this time i'm assuming this is a shortcut ah here we go oh nice barely even a walk might as well grab blood vials and put on those blood gems before i forget do i get souls for killing them [Music] no i just feel like an [ __ ] oh this looks [ __ ] cool yeah bloodborne's a bit faster i think it's rotary poor guy i'm going for it [Applause] aah wow oh that hit me on the back holy [ __ ] oh it's so unlucky i dodged late first attempt not bad no oh my god i didn't see him throwing that left [Music] i'm stuck oh my god i got [ __ ] stuck in him oh god i got one shot by that oh [Applause] [Music] oh my god [ __ ] unlucky dodge the wrong one hey whoa that killed me wait what i had almost full health [Applause] okay all right i mean whatever i guess i couldn't get up okay [Applause] oh my [ __ ] god i guess [Applause] he's i thought he was transforming he's so over the threshold okay there it is why am i not healing yeah good there we go [Applause] [Music] what a bad one oh oh [ __ ] finally holy [ __ ] what was that 28 that's the most in all of the souls games for me 28 attempts i think [ __ ] rough man absolutely not even close hardest boss in the soul series so far and by so far i mean definitively because i've done 100 of bosses and souls now that was the only boss i hadn't done well this dlc every boss in the dlc i hadn't done because i never did the dlc i think i only have like two bosses left outside of dlc yeah this dlc was fantastic dlc lived up to the hype orphan of coss even more so exit 5 gift subs atlanta refuse offer let's go tonight gammon joins the hunt i wonder oh no oh [ __ ] okay i'm getting a little too confident here god i'm over leveled for this going through the dlc made me nutty [Music] didn't stagger him [Music] [Music] did a lot of damage jesus i'm kind of just brute forcing him i haven't learned any of his attack oh what the [ __ ] i thought [Music] what is going on i'm getting [ __ ] up by him now jesus christ german okay i need to stop [Music] oh it's a one shot oh no i was in full health damn i thought i could just tank it jesus chairman jesus christ he's just always barely out of range [Music] uh god damn how do i do true ending does it just happen on its own okay i don't know if i ever did true ending i've beaten this a few times back when it came out and i don't recall doing true ending so maybe i haven't though this does look familiar [Music] okay i'm just gonna go really hard on this one oh that is going pretty hard oh i'm stuck oh boy what's going on um yeah that's how we [ __ ] do it baby i only saw two attacks from that guy yeah i know onyx now that i've beaten bloodborne we're gonna tune into ludwig's stream the conclusion twitch history 100 bosses again i've now seen every boss in all of the souls series oh good hunter hey that's sweet thank you lindsey you doing dlc i just did dlc just did all of it orphan was rough not queen yharnam what's queen yarnham oh there's unique chalice dungeon bosses how unique can they be i bet they're probably just reskins though i did the first chalice dungeon it wasn't a unique boss it was just a larger version of another enemy i thought yeah queen yarner might not be a reskin but i also don't really feel like going through every chalice dungeon just to get to her all right [ __ ] great game man still probably my favorite soulsborne and i still think it's harder than any of the dark souls games
Channel: penguinz0
Views: 7,005,092
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 0qSuWT90tLw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 112min 44sec (6764 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 30 2021
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