Bloodborne - Story Explained

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[Music] [Music] the thermarian race existed centuries prior to the events that occurred in the city of yharnam yet the echoes of what took place on a labyrinth deep underground still resonate in the present day a never-ending ripple that impacts the livelihood of every animite and arguably puts the entire existence of the human race in question thummerians were a race of advanced human beings that had obtained the knowledge of the eldritch truth a state of existence that the great ones inhabited before acquiring this knowledge the themarians carved out a labyrinth deep below the city of yharnam this labyrinth was known as a labyrinth of the meru notice that the term used is carved rather than discovered a labyrinth this is intentional as the details of the central themeary chalice states the old labyrinth was carved out by the thumerians this is a significant detail as it implies that the themarians did not mistakenly stumble across underground ruins but rather built his subterranean civilization deep underground demonstrating that they were extremely intelligent and had superhuman abilities prior to encountering the great ones it is within these tombs that the thumerians came in contact with the great ones this marked humanity's first encounter with multi-dimensional beings that can exist across several planes of existence attempting to fathom the great one's motivations or agendas was pointless as understanding them was beyond our comprehension or as master willem puts it our eyes are yet too open but we'll delve more into that later on great ones were essentially gods in the eyes of mere humans and the thumerians worshiped them as such the early thumerians were servants of the great ones and both species coexisted in harmony the thimero civilization evolved over time forming a hierarchical structure with a monarch in the position of power the themeroo eel root chalice states that the marine monarch was traditionally a woman who assumed a name with classical roots this statement raises the question of why a woman specifically and what is meant by assumed a name with classical roots the latter is easier to answer as choosing a name fitting for a monarch would suggest that the themero did not have a royal family and that the monarch was elected resulting in them needing to choose a name appropriate for the title as for the former it isn't entirely clear why a woman was chosen to rule but perhaps a theory could be formed based on a blood contract made between the great ones and ithamerians let me explain the great ones are unique beings when comparing different great ones there is no clear similarity between them what constitutes a great one surely being part of one species would result in some overlap or likeness perhaps they cannot be placed in a tangible construct after all we aren't expected to understand them what we do know is due to their unique nature they cannot breed with one another resulting in them impregnating humans in order to reproduce the ring of betrothal states in the age of the great ones wedlock was a blood contract only permitted to those stated to bear a special child as stated by the ring the great ones chose ethemerian to bear their child the woman who was chosen in this case was queen yarnam this relates back to the question of why a woman was chosen to rule it could be argued that based on who the great ones choose to bear their next child the marians would elect that person as their next monarch the blood contract was the gift of the blood of the great ones gifted to queen yharnam enabling her to conceive a great one this act put into motion what would be known as the collapse of a civilization the blood rapture ruin states this rune resonates with servants of the queen carrier of the child of blood who yearn for their queen's blood with little hope of requirement for them they find solace in blood rapture that serves as a surrogate for their desires this implies that once the blood of the great one coursed through the veins of queen urnum the themerians began to take notice of the power of the blood and the healing factors it possesses the overwhelming desire to commune with the great ones led the thumerians to succumb to the bloodlust and take the queen's blood by force in their blood-drunken state the themarians take queen jarnam's life and with that the life of her unborn child murgo the chalice reads curses are caused by inciting the anger of the great ones and used to hex others it is made apparent that murdering the child mergo incited anger and the great ones setting the curse of the blood upon the thumerians anyone who becomes enticed by the blood would succumb to their beastly instinct transforming into the physical manifestation of what they had become and thus began the scourge of beasts and the downfall of the mario the great ones ascended into another realm of existence abandoning the thumerians to live out the rest of their existence as guardians of the slumber and great ones inevitably the plague of beasts grew larger and spread like a disease crumbling down the thumerian civilization many years later a group of scholars from bergenworth academy discovered the remains of thumeria deep below the tombs of viano the scholars sent two prospectus to investigate the buried secrets that lay beneath the prospectors would go on to discover references in the underground to an ancient land named laran which fell to the beastly plague this was a sign of what's to come for any who meddle with the old blood the fall of lauren was a precursor to the fall of ryan however the warning was not heeded and the old blood was taken as they descended deep into the labyrinth they also unearthed the remnants of the god-like beings those who were left behind it isn't far-fetched to say that everything sacred in yharnam can be traced back to birgenworth birgenworth was an old learning institution located deep within the forbidden forest away from the city of yharnam but this was no ordinary school the institution was occupied by some of the greatest minds and the scholars at byrgenwerth were wholly dedicated to advancing the evolution of humankind and achieving higher planes of thought the two key figures at byrgenwerth were master willem the head of the academy and lawrence his well-respected and reputable apprentice we'll discuss these two individuals in greater detail as they are pivotal to the events that unravel following the discovery of the old blood the priorities of byrgenwerth shifted the scholars studied the great ones intensely and the more knowledgeable they became the more they desired to ascend to the great one status the idea that humanity could evolve beyond what was thought possible drove the scholars to commit unconscionable acts in the name of evolution master william adopted a peculiar method that consisted of gaining insight through accumulating more rise carol's eye ruined states i symbolize the truth master william sought in his research disillusioned by the limits of human intellect master willem looked to beings from higher planes for guidance and sought to line his brains with eyes in order to elevate his thoughts news reached master willem of a mysterious creature washed ashore in a far away village commonly known as the fishing hamlet master willem was intrigued by this finding sending a group of his students to investigate the excluded village in hopes of gaining further insight and advancing the research of the great ones on the shore laid a corpse described as a large blend of a fish with bright white skin and blue scales a great one named cars it was unclear how coz had died or washed up in the village however it was surmiseable that cars had experienced a maternal death as the great one was in the late stages of its pregnancy when the cops was exposed some say that the godlike being was revered by the residents of the fishing hamlet who were mutated by a cosmic power testament to the true capabilities of a great one even in death upon the hunter's arrival in the village chaos emerged as the hunters began experimenting on the mutated villages in the most horrifying ways imaginable with no sympathy or regard to human life the helpless villagers fought back as a means of defending themselves but it was to no avail the hunters used force to perform dissections in the villages tearing apart the inhabitants and obtaining all manner of eyes from them the vile acts were further elevated as the hunters butchered the corpse of cause anatomizing her body and extracting her eldritch blood and along with it the umbilical cord of the orphan of course murdering the unborn fetus in the process whilst the body of a great one is that of immortal the mind of a great one is everlasting and from the plains of a cosmic realm koz unleashes her wrath upon those who seek to relish blood and eyes casting them to the nightmare realm where they would participate in a never-ending hunt a fate that no hunter could escape upon visiting the hunter's nightmare the fission hamlet priest best illustrates the magnitude of the acts committed by the wrath of mother cause mercy for the poorest child mercy oh please atonement for the wretches lay the curse of blood upon them and their children and their children's children forever much richer following the experiments that took place civil conflict arose between master willem and his apprentice lawrence master william and lauren's motives are concordant they both aim to evolve humanity and seize the power of the great ones however their means to that end clash with one another whilst lawrence was assured that experimenting with the old blood would accelerate the process of ascension master william's teachings emphasized we're in blindfolds encouraging his students to search within themselves as they needed to line their brains with eyes in order to view the world from an alternate perspective that of the great ones allowing them to unmask more insight master willem was convinced that his method of ascension was superior to that of lawrence's he despised the use of the old blood as he believed it to be dangerous and unreliable thus introducing his most important teaching of all the proverb of birgenworth or better known as the bergenworth adage fear the old blood i tell you i will not forget our adage we are born of the blood made men by the blood our eyes are yet to open fear the old blood i must take my leave by the gods fear it lords master willem doesn't inherently detest the old blood when he references the adage he further expands upon it stating we are born of the blood made men by the blood undone by the blood our eyes are yet to open fear the old blood the way this is spoken could be interpreted as master willem believing that the reason we are undone by the blood is due to humanity not being ready for such advancements not being enlightened enough essentially not operating at a high enough plane hence the term our eyes are yet to open this indicates that the use of the blood itself isn't intrinsically evil but rather we don't understand how this substance works and instinctively we should fear what we do not understand we should fear the old blood lawrence on the other hand believed that in order for humanity to evolve and go beyond its preconceived limits they had to research healing using the old blood the old blood had powerful healing properties that appeared to heal any ailment more importantly the blood had the potential to evolve humankind to an unprecedented state of life lawrence saw this blood as a marvel a gift to be utilized by the people lawrence wasn't alone as many of the students shared the same notion and sided with him as they grew tired of the ineffective methods of master willem this caused a rift between the scholars at byrgenwerth splitting the once colleagues into two opposing factions those who remained faithful to the teachings of master willem dubbed the loyalists and those who followed lawrence and took fate into their own hands labelled the radicals nevertheless master willem and lawrence parted ways and in pursuit of evolution lawrence founded the healing church the city of yharnam is most famous for its highly regarded and most sacred healing church a religious institution built on the discovery of the old blood as mentioned previously the two prospectors were dispatched to the thumerian labyrinth there they discovered a phantasm an augur of the great ones using this auger the prospectors were able to bear witness to ibritis daughter of the cosmos a great one who was left behind by her own kin this brief contact with a great one led to a deeper and more extensive investigation of the thumerian civilization for this reason the choir was founded by the school of mensis as a secular branch of the healing church formed by the most prominent members of the church with the sole purpose of communing with the brightest blood administration was first discovered by the choir as they would frequently conduct experiments on the willing and unwilling in an attempt to evolve and become one with the great ones to obtain knowledge that was beyond their comprehension the choir made full contact with the brightest once they discovered the great is chalice in the labyrinth below janum however the knowledge they received would drive them mad as the knowledge of a great one is not meant for immortal the school of mensis is located in the unseen village founded by members of birgenworth if they aim to understand the knowledge of the great ones and harness it for the advancement of humanity while the school of mensis resided in the village the choir was stationed in the upper cathedral ward in close proximity to their brightest many of the hunters within the healing church were doctors the white-garbed hunters represented the high-ranking doctors with the most experience whereas the hunters who don the black garb were elementary doctors in some cases these hunters would allow sickness to take place within individuals for research they would also do the opposite by going as far as executing those who showed no signs of symptoms of the infection as a preventative measure lastly the healing church also included nuns in their clergy according to the blood of adela the healing church nuns were chosen for their merit as vessels for blood and groomed as blood saints the mere chance of being treated with their blood lends legitimacy to the healing church and communion acting as a vessel the nuns gave their blood willingly another secretive branch of the church existed the executioners as stated by the wheel hunter badge martial agaris led a band of executioners and this badges crafted at their dedicated workshop the wheel symbolizes righteous destiny their workshop was a secretive enclave of mystical beliefs and heady fanaticism which served as the backbone of the executioner's unique brand of justice but garyus was a leader of this specific band of executioners there were most likely other executions that existed fulfilling the various whims of the church this faction had fanatical faith in the healing church this can be seen with the executioner alfred who also had profound faith in the institution even though he is surrounded in yharnam by the deeds of the church signifying the hold and manipulation the establishment had over its members they existed to slay the heretics and enemies of the church if the healing church ordered the death of someone the executioners would deliver it without question when asked about birgenworth and the vileblood alfred states the following ah there's something i want to tell you a bit of wisdom from the eminent master logarius once a scholar betrayed his fellows at byrgenwerth and brought forbidden blood back with him to cainhurst castle it was there that the first of the inhuman vile bloods was born the vilebloods are fiendish creatures who threaten the purity of the church's blood healing the ruler of the vile bloods is still alive today and so to honor my master's wishes i search for the path to cainhurst castle here we learn the history of the creation of the valve loads a betrayer birgenworth led a scholars provide forbidden blood to the residents of cainhurst's castle resulting in the first of the vile bloods alfred believes that the church's blood healing is pure although this couldn't be further from the truth this is all alfred needs to embark on his quest to slay the queen of the vilebloods the executioner garb states a tyre worn by the band of executioners commanded by the martyr logarius later became the basis for all church attire with its heavy draping of holy shawl although secretive in nature the executioner's outfit established the type of clothing all members of the church would come to wear a hunter's mark can be seen on the chest of the garb suggesting that the hunters were already established at this point the golden ardeo worn by the executioners represents luminosity ambition and an unflagging resolve to face impurity staring it down with stern golden spirit yet again referencing the strong faith of the executioners believing the denizens of kanha's castle to be tainted the healing church under martin lagaris's directive were dispatched to cainhurst castle legarius with his executioners would go to kindhurst and slaughter all of its residents coming to the realization that the queen annelise cannot be killed legaria stands in front of the entrance to her throne room becoming a martyr trapping annelise and preventing anyone from entering alfred would eventually succeed by reducing the queen to a mixture of flesh and blood fulfilling one of his most difficult objectives as an executioner equally ligarious through the acts of alfred has now accomplished his goal as a martyr alfred's maniacal laughter reveals his fanatical persona hidden behind the veil of a calm and charming individual representing the true ideals of the executioners there you filthy monstrosity what good's your immortality now try stirring up trouble in this sorry state all mangled and twisted with every inside on the outside for all the world to see turning back to lawrence upon the discovery of the blood he conceived an idea that would transform uranum he would harness the blood and distribute it across the city this process would come to be known as blood administration lawrence from this point onward devoted himself entirely to the blood his mission was to demand humankind for the better to become an advanced civilization just like the thumerians who came before with his vision clear it was time for lawrence to put this plan into motion and make his vision a reality leaving bergenworth behind lawrence formed the healing church lawrence would be the first vicar and he would use this organization as a means to administer blood to the people the blood that cured any sickness relieved any pain eradicated any disease lawrence promised his blood to the people not only would the blood heal them it would also enhance them into a superior being a being with exceptional physical prowess it appeared that lawrence had forgotten his words to his master willem although lawrence promised master william that he would remain fearful of the old blood he did not heed this message as lawrence indulged himself and the residents of january blood with no restriction blood administration would lead to the healing church becoming the pinnacle of yharnam the most revered and famous organization local residents and people from all over the continent journey to yharnam for the sole purpose of imbibing the miracle blood little did the church know that this newfound fame would be their undoing the blood did cure all ailments however there was a heavy price to pay citizens jaws snapped open rows of fangs jutted from their gums their spines curved and contorted their skin sprouted thick fur limbs extended and nails became claws even the vickers and clerics had come to the affliction becoming the most apparent of beasts as indicated previously the blood saints of the healing church acted as blood vessels although unclear it is possible that during the plague the ash of blood turned the blood saints into bloodstarved beasts from their appearance we can surmise that the creature was skinned alive in order to extract the blood presence within allowing the beast to stay alive although flayed their anatomy similar to that of the female beast patients in aldeanum an interesting note is that the bloodstarved beast do not bleed blood but instead spill poison when physically harmed indicating the extent of which blood was extracted from their body to the point where none was left we now turn to vicar emilia a successor to the first vicar lawrence by examining her gold pendant ruling this item was passed down among the vicars of the healing church lawrence was the first to possess this pendant which was eventually passed down the various figures until it lay in the hands of amelia once merely transformed into a beast in the midst of battle she still clasped the golden pendant in her hand beckoning a golden light to heal her a gentle reminder of her previous duties eventually the scourge reduced motionamites to lycanthropic creatures initially the healing church covered up any outbreaks by forming the hunters workshop they would appoint german the first hunter as leader of this branch these hunters would discreetly eliminate the infected away from prying eyes erasing any trace of potential negative symptoms of blood administration the church would not allow their reputation to be stained with the blood of a few yonomites ultimately the church could not suppress the ever-growing infection one dreary night the very first pale blood moon appeared this moon rapidly hastened the transformation process from human to beast beasts began to roam the streets and euronamize turned out prolific raids the hunters could not cope with the countless hordes of beasts when fighting a beast you risked becoming one yourself as the hunters fell the church would have to create a new establishment the church formed the healing church workshop and appointed ludwig the holy blade as its leader ludwig would go on to become the first hunter of the church he was a benevolent member of the church who was famous in his own right the revered ludwig armed the citizens of yharnam with pitchforks and torches and led a frontal assault against the beastly populace although many yonomites were afflicted with the beastly illness they still tended to their duties this resulted in yharnamites in vibing blood hunting beats and then becoming beasts themselves this would cause him to be trapped in a never-ending hunt to cleanse jarnim of the illness amongst all the madness the healing church tools to blame outside is for the spread of the sickness although they themselves knew that the sickness was rooted in the blood due to the church's stature and influence the animes took little convincing they turned their hatred not only towards the beast but also any outsider who walked the streets of yharnam outsiders obese alike would be hunted with no discrimination this mentality can be seen when the yana might scream you are not one in here old yharnam was connected to central yharnam by a bridge its residents were infected by the ashen blood the healing church provided antidotes to the infected however this only provided temporary relief from the affliction the church abandoned hope for old janan unsealed the bridge this was to prevent the scourge spreading from aldeanum to central old january was beyond salvation in an attempt to curb the spreading of the beast the illness the bridge was sealed and the area was raised by the powdered kegs a workshop considered heretical by the healing church the powder kegs famous for their explosive weaponry and unparalleled firepower burned all the arnhem to the ground this bittersweet victory was the end of the powder keg hunters as they abandoned their duties and began protecting the beast of oldianum from any hunters the very beast they swore to destroy their change of hearts was a consequence of the guilt the powder keg hunters felt towards the people of old yardam be still prowl old jharnam to this day as the burning of the area did little to call the infected due to the outbreak across jarnam many members of the church went on to become hunters following in the footsteps of ludwig the church hunters would battle endlessly against the beasts eventually it would become difficult to determine the beast from the hunter many yonemites credit the church as the saviors that led the hunt the arnomites commanded the church for acting as a line of defense between the beasts and the people blissfully unaware that the healing church was fighting a sickness of their own creation once the beast plague was rampant outsiders venturing to yharnam were forced to take on a contract if they could not pay the price for blood administration this would mean any outsiders seeking the benefit of blood administration must become a beast hunter this rule was applied to any outsider who could not afford treatment and instead would provide payments through servitude one by one the healing church collapsed drowning in the blood that they had placed so much faith in the upper echelons of the church were not exempt from the scourge even lawrence himself was undone by the [Music] [Applause] blood german was the first of his kind the progenitor to all the hunters who came after his weapon and armor influenced the tools that all hunters would come to use this is further enforced by the description of his attire hunter attire of german the first hunter created before the workshop existed by making adjustments to everyday clothing and later became the basis for all hunter's garb the hunter's emphasis on engaging beasts with speed and therefore selecting lightweight attire no doubt traces back to german's own combat style german relied on speed rather than heavy armor as armour would provide little protection against the brute force nature of the beasts hunters relied on their agility and speed to outmaneuver their prey as they would be unable to win using strength alone the influence german had on the hunters is displayed here from his weapon the burial blade we learned that it was a trick weapon wielded by gurman the first hunter it was a masterpiece that defined the entire array of weapons crafted at the workshop its blade is forged inside a right said to have fallen from the heavens his weapon description establishes german as the first hunter its design and functionality represented the types of weapons that were forged at the workshop serving as a prototype of sorts german with the use of his weapon would hunt his prey hoping that one day they would find themselves no longer in the nightmare he saw the hunt as a dirge of farewell a lament for the dead referring to how german knew the truth that all beasts were once men in an attempt to provide the afflicted the salvation he would deliver death unto them hoping they would find peace both his weapon and attire alone shape the tools and clothing used by hunters old and new his methodology and approach to combat defined the hunter's core style when engaging beasts german and his hunters would base their operations at the hunters workshop under the guidance of the healing church built in an obscure location out of view from the everyday citizens of the arnhem few knew of their existence in comparison to ludwig and his band of holy blades who came after the hunter's workshop was originally the primary defense against the beasts later abandoned for hunters of the healing church moving forward german would develop a curious mania towards his first student lady maria his curious mania is represented by the doll which has constructed to represent his favorite student the doll has the same face body and height of maria in the hunter's dream the doll is alive and has an identical voice to maria once enough insight has been obtained the hunter can verbally communicate with the doll she exists to serve all hunters who walk through the dream from the doll set we learn the following a deep love for the doll can be surmised by the fine craftsmanship of this article and the care with which it was kept it borderlines on mania and exudes slight warmth the doll was created out of german's obsession and love for maria he tried to recreate her down to the most minute detail and paid great attention to its maintenance the doll set also sports a lumen flower brooch the same of which can be seen on lady maria's attire gurman's affection towards the doll if he had any at all seems to have diminished over time as he informs the hunter that they made it as they pleased with the doll perhaps over time he grew to learn that the doll may have had maria's physical features however it was void of her personality there does however appear to be somewhat of a connection between the doll and maria spiritually in the old abandoned workshop german's original workshop we discovered the following item a small hair ornament an accessory that would stand out most brilliantly against the head of grey's hair of course this is referring to the hair colour of lady maria suggesting that this was once hers when given to the doll she states the following what what is this i i can't remember not a thing only i feel a yearning something i never felt before what's happening to me tell me hunter could this be joy the doll then sheds a tear of joy it provides the hunter with the following tear stone potentially the doll has now felt some level of affection for the first time and is overcome with emotion the tears don't shed by the doll states the following a doll sheds neither blood nor tears and thus its nature remains unknown perhaps the doll did have some emotion and resembling personality traits of lady maria after all although she cannot cry we receive a tear stone she cannot bleed yet within the tear stone is a blood gem when inspecting the gem we discover that the doll's creator had wished for just such a friend or be it in vain if this is referencing german as a doll's creator we can determine that he ultimately could not recreate laid maria and as a result the doll had no relationship with her own creator at one point in time the doll says hunters have told me about the church about the gods and their love but do the gods love their creations i am a doll created by you humans would you ever think to love me of course i do love you isn't that how you've made me would you ever think to love me her creator has constructed the doll to unconditionally love humans and she ponders if they could love her in return further referencing german's disinterest towards her jumping forward german is now eternally trapped in the hunter's dream along with the doll a parallel version of the old abandoned workshop in yharnam the hunter can discover german crying out in the hunter's dream oh lawrence what's taking you so long i've grown too old for this of little use now i'm afraid lawrence master willem somebody help me unshackle me please anybody i've had enough of this dream the might blocks all sight oh somebody please this is a hint of german enslavement to the moon presence a great one it is important to note that this hints at the length of time he had been trapped in the hunter's dream as he presumes lawrence is still alive unaware that he had already fallen and become the first of many cleric beasts willem at this point is docile towards the will of the great ones meaning he will never come to save german oblivious to the fact that no one is coming to help him german still cries out for help he wants to be freed from this nightmarish coil whatever the cost [Music] the tale of lady maria of the astral clock tower is one of morality restraint and in the end liberation lady maria was a vowel blood most likely born in kindhurst castle her hunter's outfit supports this among the first hunters all students of german was a lady hunter maria this was her hunter's cap crafted in kindhurst maria is distantly related to the undead queen but had great admiration for german unaware of his curious mania the undead queen mentioned here is most likely anneliese queen of the vilebloods from this information we can surmise that maria had the utmost respect for german who had trained the very first hunters before the healing church made ludwig and his holy blades official she would go on to become the very first student of german it should be mentioned that the healing church may have forbidden a vowel blood from joining the ranks of the hunters however she could have joined before the slaughter of the vowels at khanhurst castle perhaps lady maria concealed her identity from those around her as many would look down on her kind the description of the rakuyo laid maria's weapon of choice states the following hunt a weapon wielded by lady maria of the astral clock tower a trick sword originated in the same country as the kind host chicago only this sword feeds not off blood but instead demands great dexterity lady maria was fond of this aspect of the rakuyo as she frowned upon blood blades despite being a distant relative of the queen one day she abandoned her beloved rakuyo casting it into a dark well when she could stomach it no longer lady maria's roots in kindhurst has confirmed her the sword demanded great skill to use rather than reliance on the blood of the host an odd weapon of choice for a vile blood despite being a vile blood herself she avoided harnessing her innate power and instead chose to use a sword that demanded expertise and training choosing to dedicate herself to becoming a master hunter like german rather than relying on her power within her offhand weapon was the eveline a special pistol used by kindhurst knights the eveline uses quicksilver bullets just as any workshop firearm but the kindhurst variants relies more on blood tinge lovingly named after a woman and graced with an intricate design evelyns were adored by kinehurst knights the fire unwielded by maria also originated in kindhurst once again referencing her point of origin with her origin established we now move to the current location of lady maria the hunter's nightmare she is trapped in the nightmare as she has committed great sins just like the many of the hunters held in this plane of existence this can be attributed to the horrific events that took place in the fishing hamlet long ago there was a fishing hamlet in which a car's parasites washed up on the shore when the carcass of cars washed up on the coast its insides were teeming with tiny parasites unlike any found in humans within the carcass of cars parasites emerged and infected the village folk consequently the villages began to transform into beings that looked part human and part great one over time the people of the hamlet would grow to worship the great one like a deity once bergenworth learnt of this they dispatched hunters including lady maria to decimate the village slaughter its inhabitants and capture those afflicted the accursed brew states the following skull of a local from the violated fishing village the inside of the skull was forcibly searched for eyes as evidenced by innumerable scratches and indentations the hunters and scholars of bergenworth murdered and defiled the bodies of the hamlet residents in hopes of finding eyes and signs that the people had been touched by the great ones evidence of their communion with a higher existence shortly after lady maria was stationed at the research hall for a time a place used by bergenworth to conduct experiments on the people of the fishing hamlet via the injecting of brain fluid the purpose of these experiments was to ascend each patient to a status above that of a mere mortal maria was positioned to overlook these patients at this point urea still believes somewhat in the goals and tenets of the healing church and their ideology of becoming one with the great ones as the hunter navigates through the decrepit research hall patients can be heard stating the following ah lady maria lady maria please take my hand please help me don't let me drown eddie maria lady maria say something lady maria save me please i don't hear anything [Music] although maria oversaw operations here she acted as a caretaker for the people and showed them kindness she was the calm in the storm for the tortured patients eventually lady maria would abandon her duties choosing to confine herself to the astral clock tower perhaps the harrowing cries and defilements of the unwilling patience was too much to bear the guilt consumed lady maria as all the comfort she provided them was for naught as it was nothing compared to the fate that awaited them due to overwhelming guilt maria disposed of a rakuyo casting it into a well within the fishing hamlet representing her transition to a pacifist the astral clock tower is located past the lumen flower garden containing the living failures a result of the healing church's experiments on the patients in the research hall these creatures appear to be distantly related to the celestial emissary they are artificial great ones manufactured through experimentation once the hunter discovers lady maria in the astral clock tower she appears to be blood-soaked and deceased whether this was by self-inflicted wounds or not is unclear her sins committed in the fishing hamlet and research hall eternally trapped her in the hunter's nightmare punishment for her deeds a small photo can be seen next to maria a photo which is missing from the mantle piece in the hunter's dream perhaps a souvenir from her time at the hunter's workshop she states a corpse should be left well alone oh i know very well how the secrets beckoned so sweetly in this case she is potentially referring to cars showing her regret anguish and disdain for what happened at the fishing hamlet and its residents as everything began when the hunters disturbed the corpse of cars and the people of the fishing hamlet further evidencing her pain and remorse for the atrocities committed her eagerness for knowledge and discovering the truth is similar to that of the pale blood hunter the advice given to the hunter is to prevent them from following in her footsteps during the fight maria depends upon her dexterity and expertise to overcome her opponent however in the second phase she surrenders to her innate strength as a vowel blood as a desperate last resort to try and overcome her adversary this is the very thing she wanted to avoid using but she would rather use the power of the blood if it would mean stopping anyone from disturbing the village her innate power is not enough and she is defeated her death frees her from the nightmare after her death the doll states the following good hunter this may sound strange but have i somehow changed moments ago from some place perhaps deep within i sensed liberation from heavy shackles not that i would know how passing strange from her message we can determine that the doll is somehow connected to lady maria this statement also signifies maria's release and her soul-finding piece at last [Music] ludwig chose to don a large sword in his many hunts against the beast that played diana his holy blade was designed specifically to be used on larger beasts as the church knew the creatures would continuously devolve into larger nightmarish monstrosities this weapon was forged with this purpose in mind although german was the first hunter ludwig was the first official and publicly recognized hunter of the church this position granted unto ludwig would be one of the pillars to his success ludwig's most iconic weapon was the holy moonlight sword an arcane sword discovered long ago by ludwig when blue moonlight dances around the sword and it channels the abyssal cosmos its great blade will hurl a shadowy light wave the holy moonlight sword is synonymous with ludwig the holy blade but few have ever set eyes on the great blade and whatever guidance it has to offer it seems to be of a very private elusive sort as we can see from the description the sword was discovered and not forged a far cry from the other makeshift weapons developed by the various workshops the church and the farming tools used by the citizens of yharnam it is also implied that ludwig kept the blade close to him at all times meaning very few gained the chance to view the sword closely the blade also appeared to be sentient a relic of the great ones perhaps discovered in the thumerian labyrinth not only did ludwig use the holy moonlight sword in battle but also the guidance rune a carol rune discovered by the old hunter ludwig along with the holy moonlight sword the rune confirms that the holy moonlight sword was found and not created through the use of the rune ludwig could see dancing sprites of light in the darkness and it provided him with unwavering courage that kept his fears at bay when confronting the beast of the hunt this is partly why he was revered as a hunter as his own parallel strength and determination was drawn from these artifacts and provided him with a will to fight through to the end as mentioned previously ludwig recruited the arnomites to fight the radiant sword hunter badge confirms this the radiant sword indicates the heirs to the will of ludwig these hunters also known as holy blades are what remains of an ancient line of heroes that date back to a very early age of honor and chivalry the badge signifies the legend of ludwig and the status he had achieved even after his deterioration and disappearance from the public eye civilians and hunters alike would fight in the name of ludwig as in their minds it was as much a duty for them to fight as it was for ludwig ludwig grew to become a hero amongst the hunters and civilians of yharnam alike according to the sword hunter badge ludwig was a cleric and clerics transformed into the most hideous of beasts referencing the fate of ludwig although he did not become a cleric beast as seen with lawrence the chief hunter emblem was used by the captain to signify the end of the hunt they would do this by waving the badge at the gates to signal the hunt was over and that the streets of yharnam were safe once more the captain referred to here could be ludwig as he commanded a group of core hunters under the guidance of the church people saw ludwig as a hero as the people would see his return from the hunt as a triumph a symbol of ceaseless courage his return to the gates would give the citizens peace of mind knowing that as long as ludwig and his holy blades roamed the streets they would be safe when the hunter encounters ludwig in the flesh his title is no longer ludwig the holy blade and is instead ludwig the accursed now a combination of man and beast he is found in the underground corpse pile specifically in the hunter's nightmare a place that traps blood drunk hunters and punish them for their bloodlust he is surrounded by the blood of the many hunters and bees he had slain causing a stream of blood to flow through the area just like any other hunter in the nightmare ludwig is trapped his body is merged with that of a horse twisted beyond recognition eyes can be seen lining his neck signifying that he had eyes on the inside increasing his insight to an astronomical level furthering his madness it is important to note that ludwig can be seen wearing the attire of the church implying that his final transformation into a beast happened while he was on duty potentially while accompanied by his horse in the case of ludwig his appearance is unique as the other inhabitants of yharnam transformed into wolf-like creatures with the clerics evolving into a much larger counterpart the arnamites did keep domesticated dogs to assist them in the hunt perhaps ludwig rode a horse into battle and through this ghastly unification he forever battled a nightmare with his companion once the hunter confronts ludwig and whittles his health down ludwig eventually falls to the floor his face submerged in the blood of those he had slaughtered in this moment he briefly returns to some semblance of his human past once he notices the moonlight blade an interesting note here is that if ludwig did ride a horseman on his hunts the sword would have been placed on the horse's saddle when ludwig undergoes the beastly transformation he is merged with his deed this could be why he forgets how the sword is on his back as it was on his hor's pre-transformation however this is speculation for the first time the hunter hears ludwig speak with pure clarity and no hint of his peaceful nature night in this phase ludwig stands on his hind legs a much more human-like pose he then poises himself with a jewel with the hunter at this moment we see the ludwig of legend the one who fought the endless onslaught of beasts and rallied the hearts of his people even as we battle ludwig in this state we can see his fighting ability and unparalleled skill with the sword the guidance rune urges him to fight on by revealing the surprise to him once more the pale blood hunter still overcomes ludwig and ludwig's decapitated head falls to the floor as his body dissipates once defeated the hunter may speak to ludwig if this is done without wearing any specific attire he states the following good hunter have you seen the thread of light just a hair a fleeting thing yet i come to it steeped as i was in the stench of blood and beasts i never wanted to know what it really was really i didn't once again the guidance rune is referenced he also confirms he did not know the true purpose of the sentient rune and chose to ignore it instead implying the rune may have had sinister intentions if the hunter speaks to him wearing healing church clothing he states the following tell me good hunter of the church have you seen the light are my church hunters the honorable spartans i hoped they would be ludwig confirms that he led and trained the hunters with his dying breath he still asks if his hunters are still fighting and if their reputation matches that of the chivalric warriors of his age ludwig is proud of the hunters and their legacy and cares for them deeply a trait which is uncommon amongst the various branches who saw hunters as disposable if the hunter says yes ludwig responds with oh good that is a relief to know i did not suffer such denigration from nothing thank you kindly now i may sleep in peace even in this darkest of nights i see the moonlight from ludwig's dialogue it appears that he began to be criticized at some point this is due to his descent into beast hood either way even as he lays dying he cannot help but speak of the moonlight on the other hand if the hunter responds with no ludwig will say the following oh my just as i feared then a beast-possessed degenerate was i as my detractors made eminently clear this enforces a theory his transformation into beasthood is one of the reasons many hunters detracted from him and how his reputation wavered although in the end he was still revered as a legendary hero amongst the church hunters of old when speaking to simon after the fight he'll reveal some interesting information to the pale blood hunter here this is ludwig's guiding light the blinding thread that led and misled that consummate hero [Music] the poor brute after the death of ludwig we learn the true reason why ludwig descended into madness the guidance rune gave ludwig the courage to fight on but ludwig's ultimate strength was his greatest weakness and ultimately it led to his downfall [Music] on the night of the hunt an outsider arrives at yousefka's clinic agreeing to bear arms and partake in the endless hunt in exchange to being treated via blood menstruation described as a unique but common treatment in yharnam yusefka is a doctor working under the healing church overseeing the clinic in central yharnam visiting the clinic allows the hunter to interact with yusefka and it's made clear that she cares deeply for her patients as she states out on the hunt then i'm very sorry but i cannot open this door [Music] i am yosefka the patients here in my clinic must not be exposed to infection this is worth keeping in mind as upon revisiting yusefcker at a later point she seems to have a conflicting personality asking the hunter to send survivors to her clinic directly contradicting what she had previously said in addition her tone of voice is suspiciously different this is due to yusefka being replaced by an impostor upon his second visit revealing that the real yusefka and her patients had become vessels for the imposter's experiments once the hunter is able to enter the clinic the imposter is seen lying on an operating table suffering from an unknown pain her position on the table coupled with her dialogue hint at the fact that she was impregnated by a great one but unlike others who were non-consensually impregnated the imposter did this intentionally as it was the goal of her experiment with the intent of elevating humanity into kin a one-third umbilical cord can be retrieved from the imposter following her death on the operating table expressing that provost willem sought the cord in order to elevate his being and thoughts to those of a great one by lining his brain with eyes the only choice he knew if man were to ever match their greatness insinuating that she had been influenced by willem's research leading her to conduct her own experiments unfortunately at the cost of the real yusefka and her patients in the city of yharnam no one is safe from the temptation of the old blood or the desire of wanting something greater the urge to level with the great ones to observe those who come to the bloodlust one mustn't look beyond father gascoigne a victim of the old blood although father gascoigne didn't yearn for godhood he did surrender to the bloodlust father gascoigne was a priest explained by his name following the scourge of beasts he joined the healing church as a hunter and fought for an honorable cause father gascoigne was a family man caring for his wife viola and his two daughters as he fought through the incessant nights he began to be affected by the bloodlust resulting in him forgetting his family and fostering an obsession with hunting beasts he who fights with monsters should be careful lest he thereby become a monster if the hunter visits father gascoigne's residence they are able to communicate with his children and are given a tiny music box as the music box is the sole object that reminds father gascoigne of his family and returns him home after a long blood-filled night the children explained on this night both their mother and father are yet to return home at this point the hunter is presented with multiple options they can inform the younger sibling of the existence of yusefka's clinic in which she would become another victim of the impostor's experiments turned into a celestial minion or road in chapel a safe haven for all survivors who seek refuge of course the moral choice would be the latter crossing paths with father gascoigne will ensue with a battle as the once honorable man had finally succumbed to the bloodlust showing little signs of humanity left within him towards the conclusion of the fight father gascoigne mutates now into a physical manifestation of the beast he had become during this fight the hunt is able to make use of the music box distracting gascoigne with a memoir of his family in order to inflict further damage on him after the battle is won examining the environment will discover viola's body laying motionless revealing that on the night of the hunt viola had left the house in search of gascoigne only to arrive too late and be met with the beast in the form of the man she loved little did she know her failure to accompany the music box with her that night would lead to her death at the hands of her once beloved husband exasperating the already tragic tale is the realization that father gascoigne's youngest daughter is killed by money to ball in the same night whilst attempting to reach urden chapel this is revealed when the hunter slays the money to ball only to find a bloodied white ribbon belonging to the innocent child delivering the white ribbon to the older sibling will lead to her death at the hands of a brick troll a waffle end to the gascoigne bloodline succumbing to the bloodlust had become a familiar occurrence in the city of yharnam giving purpose to those such as eileen the crow a hunter of hunters with the city becoming ever more corrupted by the blood those employed to oppose the scourge of beasts had become victims of it themselves to level the playing field hunters such as eileen are sent upon end to those who had suffered a similar fate to father gascoigne eileen provides hunters who are on the brink of losing their sanity a dignified death forbidding them from transforming into beasts this is known as a sky burial resulting in a deceased being laid to rest in an elevated position and left for the crows to feed off of their blood cleansing the body from the corrupted blood within it symbolized by eileen's name and her outfit matching that of a crow eileen is found carrying out her duty as she takes the fight to father gascoigne's hunting partner henrique who is said to have gone mad following her triumph against henrique eileen can later be found incapacitated outside of the grand cathedral revealing that she had been out fought by the bloody grove cainhurst a hunter who had succumbed to the bloodlust making him a target for eileen who in her old age can no longer be as effective in combat this prompts the pale blood hunter to take matters into their own hands bravely dueling the bloody crow and laying him to rest doing so will reward the hunter with a crow hunter badge an item passed on from generation to generation to honor those who hunt defected hunters in addition eileen will express some final words of gratitude before disappearing from yharnam never to be seen again don't you ever listen to your elders no matter you did save my life my eyes grow heavy let me rest a while [Music] whilst the healing church was being formed master william anticipated the repercussions of using the old blood he feared that his former student lawrence would make contact with the great ones and possibly summon them back into the waking world causing history to repeat itself master willem completes his final great ritual on rom one of his loyal students he utilizes the umbilical cord they had previously acquired from the great one cause and lines rom's brain with eyes ascending her to become a newly formed kin great one a kin great one refers to immortal who had transformed into a grey one they are not fully formed and therefore in fairy and power to innate great ones this is seen with rom as when faced with a hunter she desperately slams the ground around her and profusely directs projectiles towards the hunter with no real strategy rom is also accompanied by a group of miniature spiders to defend the creature further evidencing her lack of competence rom is placed in a small pocket dimension deep below the moonside lake with the sole purpose of shielding the physical world from the beckoning of the moon presence a note left behind in a lecture building states the nameless moon presence beckoned by lawrence and his associates pale blood it is hinted that lawrence and the healing church did indeed attempt to commune with the moon presence through the menses ritual although rome is described as vacuous meaning she wielded a lack of intelligence or rational thought she is said to have the knowledge of the aldrich truth rom places a barrier that prevents any human from seeing the true nature of the world masking a horrid reality with a false sense of existence a note in the bergenworth academy reads the spider hides all manner of ritual certain to reveal nothing for true enlightenment not need be shared defeating the vacuous spider beckons the blood moon to descend revealing the true nature of the world rom's ability to manipulate the perception of reality is void of existence stripping back the force orchestrated reality to reveal the true horrors that resided in yharnam the amalgamation of all the sins committed by those who dead commune with the great ones the loss of rome and her ability to shadow the world from the mensis ritual summons the spiritual presence of queen yarnam who can be seen at the bottom of the moonside lake following the hunter's battle with rome the queen is seen distressed knowing from experience what the great ones are capable of especially now that they can operate freely without rom's protection the importance of maintaining rom's presence is at the utmost priority as further expressed by the shadows of yharnam being tasked with stopping anyone attempting to step into bergenworth territory the shadows of yharnam are servants of queen yarnam placed as a barrier for those who seek to disturb birgenworth the blood rapture ruin reads this rune resonates with servants of the queen carrier of the child of blood who yearn for their queen's blood with little hope of requirement this statement solidifies them as servants of the queen and although this could be confused with them being servants of queen annelise the fact that they appear in the nightmare of menses along with queen yarnham clarifies that the ruin refers to queen yarnum this will be further analyzed at a later point the dread left behind by the school of mensis is clearly illustrated by the condition of yahagul unseen village inspecting the environment it is transparent that things had gone wrong as dead menses callers can be seen scattered around the landscape wagons of corpses occupying the streets as well as crowds of petrified people phasing through concrete structures the destruction left behind displays the tail of the mensa scholars occupying the city of yahoo and making it home to their experiments these experiments were not to be taken lightly as ritual items such as bloodshot eyeballs inflicted organs backbones and corpses were required many stage coaches can be found in yahar ghoul displaying the many ways the ritual items were transported from all over yonham the same coaches can be found in hemwick suggesting that many of the items were retrieved from there the mensa scholars were not alone in this expedition as the evidence suggests that they sought the help of the witches of hemwick the witches were ride collectors and they likely helped gather bloodshot eyeballs and direct them to yahagul defeating the witch of hemwick provides the hunter with a bloodshot eyeball described as material used in a holy chalice rite an exquisite eyeball removed quickly after death or perhaps even before strengthening this argument is the presence of executioners in hemwick who were giant servants of the school of mensis upon closer inspection they can be seen wearing yahagul attire suggesting that they were sent to hemwick by the scholars in order to aid in gathering the required ritual items also aiding the school of mensis was archibald the school's tomb prospector archibald was obsessed with the artificial reproduction of lightning bolts inspiring him to develop items such as bolt paper and the tinnitus it's implied that archibald worked mainly within the walls of yargul as the majority of his inventions reside there whilst his creations were not fully appreciated at the time of their inception they would later be put to use by the school of mensis due to their effectiveness against celestial beings such as the kin driven by his desire to create the blue sparks of the dark beast archibald raided tombs where dark beasts lived providing him with the equipment and knowledge he needed to create the sparks himself regrettably at the cost of bringing to life his most dangerous creation yet dark beast pal paul is described as a giant skeletal beast with electricity emitting throughout its entire body following its resurrection the dark beast broke out of its cage in an attempt to escape capture only to find itself trapped within the locked gates of yargul perpetually living in a prison until it was one day met with a hunter the dark beast wasn't the only victim of experimentation as in the lumed flower garden in the upper cathedral ward the hunter is faced with what remains of the healing church experiment the celestial emissary the great one conceals itself as a celestial minion until threatened by the hunter where it then quadruples in size revealing its true appearance the creation of the celestial emissary began in the research hall where orphans were captured and used for experimentation with the goal of communing with the brightest daughter of the cosmos the orphanage key reads the orphanage shadowed by the grand cathedral was a place of scholarship and experimentation where young orphans became potent unseen thinkers for the healing church the orphans would be forced to consume infested water containing microscopic life which in return solidified their brain fluid this led to the majority of the patients losing their sanity driven to madness by the immoral experiments the patients were looked after by lady maria an old hunter she seeked those who showed the most potential and tasked them with tending the lumen flower garden believing that the flowers would allow them to forget their suffering and evolve at a faster rate at last nothing became of those patients coming ever so close yet just far enough from reaching the final transformation of becoming a great one an exception to this was the celestial emissary who managed to maintain its sanity long enough to cultivate the power of the cosmos reaching its full potential and transforming into a great one with the rise of the blood moon comes along the resurrection of thumerian beings in the form of chime maidens having them appear in yahoo suggests that they were present and in some way involved in the menses ritual beckoning the blood moon summons the chai maidens to begin performing blood rise to summon the dead and control them to attack those who are seen as a threat the sinister chalice description states the bell ringing woman appears to be a mad thummerian solidifying that the arthur marians the chime maidens although awakened in a different era are still driven by the same goal of contacting murgo they can be seen summoning a vessel in an attempt to provide meigo's formless self a physical presence to latch onto the vessel is known as the one reborn described as a result of a failed experiment conducted in yahoo as mentioned previously the school of mensis aimed to advance humanity by attempting to propel themselves into a higher plane of existence viewing this as a logical evolutionary step for mankind they were prepared to go to any length to achieve this goal without any remorse for those they may affect the school of mensis attempted to use murgo's umbilical cord to commune with the great one murgo although murgo was this still born of queen yarnum the great one still existed in the nightmare realm following its death in the waking world similar to how koz was able to curse the fish in hamlet following its death merger's umbilical cord states every great one loses its child and then yearns for a surrogate this chord granted menses audience with mergo but resulted in this soul birth of their brains the description of the chord refers to the mensis ritual it isn't entirely clear what the ritual entailed however it is apparent that it was a demanding and painful process this can be hypothesized based on seeing mikalash one of the scholars involved in the ritual shackled to his chair suggesting that for him to remain seated during the ritual he needed to be tied down due to the strain it can have on the body mikalash is also seen wearing a cage on his head the purpose of the menses cage is to channel moonlight that facilitates contact with the great ones of the dream as explained by the item description referring back to the description of the umbilical cord it proposes that the ritual does work to a degree as the chord grants mklash and his peers the ability to commune with mergo however this comes at a hefty cost as it results in the still birth of their brains referring to mikalash being eternally trapped in the nightmare of mensis mikalash is seen aimlessly wondering the halls of murgo's loft muttering to himself like a madman whose sanity had been stripped away a sorrowful end to a key figure in the events that unfold in yharnam after all it is the menses ritual that beckoned the great ones into the waking world and set in motion the events that led to the destruction of yahagul exploring deeper into the nightmare of menses it is made evident that this nightmare was constructed to reflect a specific part of the meru this is reinforced by the appearance of queen yarnum in the nightmare she can be seen standing atop of murgo's loft helplessly weeping whilst gazing upon the top of the castle where murgo's wet nurse resides in this scene the queen's stomach can be seen stained in blood reflecting her tragic history of being betrayed by the blood-crazed thummerians who killed her and her unborn child murgo what is presented can be explained as her consciousness living in a dream world designed to resemble the castle where she had planned to birth murgo eternally mourning her child's death in addition to this the cries of the trapped spirit of mergo can also be heard within the nightmare and can only be silenced by defeating murgo's wet nurse bringing an end to the cursed nightmare followed up with the queen herself bowing to you as a sign of gratitude before her consciousness is released from the nightmare queen yarnum's story is one of tragedy and loss however she does not suffer in solitude as sharing that dread is ariana woman of pleasure who bears a similar fate ariana can first be encountered in the cathedral ward mistaking the hunter for a customer and turning them away building trust with ariana grande the hunter access to her blood received as a gift the blood of ariana is described as such blood taken from ariana cathedral ward woman of pleasure a member of the old healing church would know that her blood is similar indeed to precisely what was once forbidden this statement informs that ariana's blood resembles the once forbidden blood referring of course to the vile blood but what does this mean the resemblance of blood suggests that ariana may have been a descendant of queen annelise who was known to consume yharnam's forbidden blood and if she wasn't directly related to the queen it would still suggest that ariana possesses vile blood in her genes what nourishes this idea is the fact that ariana sports a dress of a cainhurst noble woman one not too different from queen anneliese once the blood moon hangs low oviana ariana begins to express being in pain and states the following there's something wrong with me it hurts my stomach it hurts terribly at this point she'll refuse to give the hunter any more blood and she won't be heard from until miklash has been slain in the nightmare of mensis returning to the cathedral ward ariana isn't seated in her usual location but instead found in a sewer-like room at the bottom of urdun chapel at the end of a trail of blood ariana is seen weeping after birthing a celestial infant a child of a great one this reveals that the formless great one erden had impregnated ariana explaining the pain that was abruptly bestowed upon her clarifying this is the description of the one-third umbilical cord dropped by the infant of the hunter chooses to kill it the chord reads every great one loses its child and then yearns for a surrogate and urdon the formless great one is no different to think it was corrupted blood that began this aldrich liaison this description is consistent to that of murgo's cord with the addition of erden being mentioned as the culprit to ariana being impregnated similarities can now be drawn between queen janam and ariana as both were bearers of vile blood were involuntarily impregnated by erden and lost their child in the process this conveys a cycle that constantly repeats itself throughout history a great one yearns for a child loses said child yearns for a new one and the cycle repeats based on the revelations that unfolded with the presence of the blood moon it is made clear that amongst the waking world also exists nightmare realms as evidenced by the nightmare of mensis mentioned earlier nevertheless this is not the only alternate realm that exists in this world as the hunter's journey leads to the discovery of the nightmare frontier and the hunter's nightmare the nightmare frontier is occupied and ruled by the great one amygdala a dream world that originates from the ancient land of laurent in the nightmare frontier an ailing loranchalis can be retrieved which reads the tragedy that struck this ailing land of loren is said to have its roots in the scourge of the beast this references the origins of the scourge of the beast which was detailed earlier expressing that the fall of laran was due to the excessive use of blood healing causing the denizens to turn into beasts eventually leading to the land being devoured by the sun the final nightmare realm discovered is the hunter's nightmare as previously explained the hunter's nightmare originated from the creation of cause as a means of punishing the old hunter's blasphemous acts in the fishing hamlet setting foot in a nightmare a hunter is able to experience events of the past viewed through a twisted and skewed lens this is justified as the great ones likely recreate these existent locations from memory certain to take some liberties when portraying areas they don't recall correctly or environments they perceive differently from humans elucidating why the geography in nightmare realms can be illogical at times this realm consists of a recreation of the cathedral ward and central yharnam in addition to the healing church's research hall lady maria's clock tower and needless to say the fishing hamlet exploring through these environments is what leads the hunter to discover the history and stories of important figures such as ludwig the accursed lady maria of the astral clock tower and most tragic of all what had become of lawrence the first vicar all these figures who had shaped the course of time now forever trapped in a dream world reserved for those who have a thirst for blood nearing the end of the nightmare the hunter is forced to overcome one last obstacle the spirit of the orphan of cause lingering in the fishing hamlet tethered to its mother's corpse until slain freeing the trapped spirit and severing its ties from the nightmare realm will bring satisfaction to cause implying that by killing the spirit of the orphan of course the child can return to the ocean free to traverse the cosmos without restriction this act alone urges cost to lift the curse and bring an end to the hunter's nightmare ah sweet child of course it turns to the ocean the bottomless curse a bottomless sea accepting of all that there is and can be connecting both the nightmare frontier and the nightmare of mensis is the lecture hall serving as a hub that bridges the gap between realms it's likely that the lecture hall is a section of the bergenworth institute one that had been wrapped up in the conflict between the school of mensis and the great one murgo resulting in it existing among the nightmare realms caused by miklash and his colleagues strengthening this theory is the fact that the school of mensis originated in birgenworth with mikalash himself being his student and admirer of master willem aside from serving as a means of accessing the nightmare realms the lecture hall holds valuable information that reveals a change of heart from lawrence following his failed expedition notes that can be found within the lecture building deduce that at a point in time lawrence had an epiphany a new purpose the wailing echoes of all the lives lost due to his ignorance and recklessness would not prevent his descent into madness at last finding his true calling lawrence admits failure in the form of a note left behind in the hopes that someone would follow his footsteps the note reads master willem was right evolution without courage will be the rune of our race hunt the great ones hunt the great ones the note informs of a method to transcend the hunt hunters must face the great ones and most importantly the moon presence a great one who manipulates all that reside within the hunter's dream as mentioned the moon presence controls every aspect of the hunter's dream including the host of the dream german the first hunter the dream was created by the moon presence to adhere to its goals the goal of killing other great ones it isn't entirely clear why it aims to do so could it be interlaced with putting a stop to the scourge of the beast the moon presents motivations remain a mystery to all beings all except lawrence who somehow elicited key information from the moon presence when he beckoned the great one into the world inspiring him to write the note left behind hunt the great ones haunt the great ones to confront the power of a great one such as the moon presence is easier said than done and although it may appear to be impossible a second note within the lecture building provides a more practical approach to defeating a great one the note simply states three-third umbilical cords although incredibly vague the note implies that one must consume three-third umbilical cords of a great one in order to resist the power of the moon presence who will attempt to enslave those who defy it with this knowledge the hunter can now face the hunt returning to the hunter's dream reveals a visual change in what has now become a familiar home to the hunter the dream refuge is seen burning up in flames signifying the end of the hunt the hunter is then faced with three possibilities one being submitting to german the host of the dream and allowing him to free the hunter from the wretched nightmare a final swift death to awaken the hunter in the real world resulting in a host of the dream german remaining shackled to the dream realm eternally living alone in a small pocket dimension to serve all hunters passing through alternatively the hunter can resist german opting to face the first hunter in an attempt to free him from the nightmare and become the new host choosing this path will confuse german as why would one volunteer to imprison themselves in the dream prompting german to say the following [Music] dear oh dear what was it the hunt the blood or the horrible dream oh it doesn't matter [Music] it always comes down to the hunters helper to clean up after these tonight gammon joins the hunt choosing to free german conveys the respect and care that was built between german and the hunter throughout this journey sacrificing oneself in favour of saving another in the end german is freed and the moon presence appears the great one who controls the dream the moon presence enslaves the hunter and employs them in place of german as the new watcher of dreams the final possibility follows a similar trail to that of freeing german however when faced with the moon presence the hunter must implement the strategy left behind in the lecture building to consume three-third umbilical cords this allows the hunter to withstand the power of the great one and become immune to its influence due to becoming a great one themself lacking the strength to defeat other great ones the moon presence chooses to manipulate the strongest hunter of an era tasking them with guiding hunters through the nightmare to slay all other great ones if the hunter chosen by the moon presence is defeated and passed their prime the moon presence will crown the victor as its new puppet now that the hunter stands as an equal they can defeat the moon presence in battle in the wake of the fight the hunter transforms into a celestial being illustrating the elevation into godhood the once mortal human finally transcending the limitations of humanity and becoming a newly formed great one reaching a state that countless people have sacrificed their humanity and the world around them for a millennia in order to obtain their desire to live out the fantasy of being holier than thou all the events that transpire throughout this world point to humanity's insecurity and their need to maintain control their own inability to accept being inferior to another species leads to their demise people are seen going to great lengths to elevate themselves back to the top of the food chain and feel that sense of sovereignty that they had prior to the arrival of the great ones at the cost of their own morality and their fellow human beings dating back to the themarian civilization it is made evident that humans and the great ones could have maintained a symbiotic relationship if not for human greed overwhelming greed led to the thumerians devouring their queen's blood disrupting their relationship with the great ones while simultaneously birthing the scourge of beasts indirectly the great ones caused the death of their worshippers as they did not anticipate the greed of man and the length they would go to to imbibe the blood themselves from this perspective it is humans who had inflicted this plague upon themselves as seen with lawrence willem and mikalash perhaps humanity should accept its insignificance in the universe as clearly there are more advanced species present ones that humans cannot possibly understand or relate to on the other hand why accept human limitations when the goal of ascension is obtainable as evidenced by the hunter's journey however does that truly put humanity in a better position who's to say that once a human has become a great one they will maintain their care for the world or even human lives the truth is there are no happy endings in the world of bloodborne as even once the hunt is conquered if the hunter is to choose to submit to german they will awaken in the world with no memory or recollection of any knowledge they had obtained whilst on the hunt everything relating to birgenworth the healing church nightmare realms great ones and even the hunt itself will all be forgotten as if it never existed and the cycle repeats the same is to happen if the hunter takes german's place the hunt repeats once again leaving the hunter a slave to the cycle lastly as mentioned if the hunter transforms into a great one there are no guarantees that they will maintain their ability to relate to the human world or care for it as the hunter is a human no more as disheartening as this revelation may be humanity has survived for centuries and continues to do so on hope alone the hope of one day bringing an end to the scourge of beasts and descending to a higher plane of existence where humans no longer live under the threat of the great ones the hope that a world such as this can become a reality is what drives hunters to bear arms and fight in the darkest of nights and to seek the pale blood were it not for fear death would go unlamented seek the old blood unharmed by the plague of beasts i can even die human oh you are a sick puppy you drink the blood of arthur town and now this and you talk of beasts you hunters are the real killers atonement for the wretches by the wrath of mother cause the men is close it will be a long hunt tonight the night and the tree will long tonight the game joins the hut farewell good hunter may you find your worth in the waking world and so the hunt begins again it isn't fair it just isn't fair [Music] you
Channel: The brother's code
Views: 177,956
Rating: 4.9691629 out of 5
Keywords: bloodborne, great ones, paleblood, hunter, father gascoigne, cleric beast, vicar amelia, blood-starved beast, darkbeast paarl, rom, the one reborn, martyr logarius, celestial emissary, micolash, gehrman, the first hunter, moon presence, dark souls, elden ring, yharnam, nightmare, lady maria, ludwig, laurence, master willem, kos, hunter's dream, mergo, doll, pthumerian, story, lore, explanation, summary, explained, seek the paleblood, a bloodborne saga, cainhurst, game, story explained, wet nurse
Id: 9-wYtwCihr4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 78min 7sec (4687 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 13 2021
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