Can You Beat Elden Ring WITHOUT Attacking? (Pacifist Run)

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Yea you can

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Open-Secretary-8868 📅︎︎ Apr 05 2022 🗫︎ replies
[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] can you be elven ring without attacking at a glance this question sounds absurd i thought the same thing at first but maybe it's not this game has a mechanic called spirit summoning which allows you to summon enemies to fight for you with this ability it seemed at least theoretically possible that these summons could kill each boss without me needing to do a single point of damage myself on top of that there's a surprising number of tools beyond just something i can make use of too i had no idea if a full playthrough like this was possible but i wanted to at least make it as far as i could so here's my journey playing as a pacifist and elden ring first i chose the prophet class since it's the class with the highest faith stat faith would be a key part of my build for the entire run because healing incantations affect nearby allies and making frequent use of them would be essential to keeping the spirits i summon alive i also chose the fang imp ashes as my keepsake so i'd have a solid starting option for spirit summoning and look at this little guy look at his face he doesn't want to hurt anybody he's great with that i was in the game died to the tutorial boss woke up in limb grave and then ran over here to unlock leveling in my horse after that i immediately fast traveled to the church of ella so ronnie could give me the spirit calling bell i now have the ability to summon spirits but i wanted to gain a few quick levels first normally i'd run over to the big screaming dragon in caled and kill it with a bleed weapon to get a huge chunk of runes but that wasn't an option on a pacifist run instead i decided to fight this night cavalry on the bridge nearby i couldn't kill myself but gravity could enemy felled indeed that was enough for 19 levels which i split between vigor and mines before leaving kaelid i wanted to get a few more easy runes by killing the bosses in celia if you jump just right on this wall you can get over the boss door and enter the arena without walking through the boss fog this allows you to fight the boss without them fighting back they'll just stand there and take it so i summoned my imps and sat back to watch funnily enough this took two attempts because the first time i tried this the imps pushed one of the bosses behind the fog wall at the back of the arena so they couldn't hit him anymore but yeah second temp i got him and a few thousand more runes i then went back to limgrave to prepare a bit more most of my time was spent riding around collecting golden seeds and sacred tears but i also managed to feed a couple more bosses along the way first check out this bear fight yep turns out if you mash out this bear's grab attack it'll fall through the floor and die once again i'm not killing these guys gravity is next you can actually summon blythe for this fight against the bloodhound knight if you spoke to him first in the miss wood ruins blythe is so strong that he can just solo this boss easily it wasn't even necessary for me to provide any healing right there you are not to work for it but it's done i also spoke with rodrika to get the jellyfish ashes i wasn't sure if i'd use them but i wanted the potential option for later with that i was ready to take on the first major boss markets naturally i summoned rajya to help he might be a mage but he apparently multi-classed into being a tank because he can take a beating i also went with my fanged imps since they can inflict bleed bleed is extremely powerful because it does a flat percentage of damage every time it procs on bosses that amount is 10 of their maximum health next i just had to keep roger and the imps alive long enough with my healing for them to kill margaret this is where the skill part of this run comes in keeping someone's alive with healing is this fun little mini game where i had to make sure i was close enough for them to receive the heal but far enough away so that i didn't get interrupted by the boss's attacks it's this bouncing act that took a bit of getting used to but it was really rewarding when i managed to pull it off consistently sometimes i would keep my distance but sometimes i would just get in there behind the boss and hopefully reach my allies this was tough i failed again and again and again and again i thought maybe if i just landed my heels a bit better i could do it i got really close a couple times but i decided i needed just a little extra boost to push me over the edge maybe like the buff from the commander standard the commander standard is a weapon that has a skill which boosts the attack and defense of nearby allies by 20 for 30 seconds and i could get this by defeating commander o'neal in the caled swamp could i do this without attacking though absolutely accidents happen you know if i decide to hang out near some swamp geysers and commander o'neill just happens to follow me and get himself killed in the process i'm just an innocent bystander and this worked perfectly i got the weapon with no issue i ran back to margaret for round two with the weapon buff this time i was landing my heels the damage seemed good but it was just barely not enough to finish the job it was time to upgrade my amps i took the side path around the castle and ran into leonia in case you didn't know this triggers rodrika to go back to the round table hold and with her there i now have the ability to level up my summons could i level up my imps several times in steamrolled market yes but that seemed like less fun so i only upgraded them once okay margaret again round three and this time i finally got him it really came down to the wire next i ran straight to godric and side note i committed to playing as a pacifist for the entire game not just boss fights that meant i had to run by pretty much every enemy encounter since summoning was only an option when this symbol was on the screen usually only around bosses but yeah godric i summoned nafeli for this fight and just like rajiere she was a huge help due to how tanky she was i also upgraded my imps to plus2 and went with them again as well and this worked decently well the imps were doing damage but keeping nathalie alive long enough was a problem and once she was dead the imps would just get deleted by godric they're pretty fragile i tried a couple more times but i realized the damage just wasn't high enough to kill godric in time so i had a choice upgrade my imps again or find a new strategy i opted for the latter option because i thought this video would be more fun with a variety of spirits and problem solving instead of just winning through raw stats i decided to go with the rotten stray summon which you can get from the edge of the swamp and caleb this little guy might look weak but he's a secret powerhouse because he can click scarlet rot after attacking something enough times in case you didn't know scarlet rot is essentially a powered up version of poison which does damage over time for three minutes with that in mind i summoned the rot dog without even upgrading him just to see how he'd do first attempt the dog died pretty much immediately but on the second attempt he managed to proc scarlet rot then i did my best to keep nephili alive for as long as i could eventually she died of course but it was fine i just stood back and watched as scarlet rott finish the job godric down now i had a few choices of where to go next but i decided my first priority should be unlocking a good spot to farm runes so i could reliably level up if necessary since i was running past all the enemies and skipping most side bosses the best place for farming was mogwin palace and you can unlock this pretty early on by following vari's questline he's the you are maidenless guy with the white mask i met him at the rose church and he gave me a few bloody fingers to invade people with from here i could progress by invading three players luckily these didn't need to be successful invasions where i killed the other players just an attempt was enough so i did that he gave me a white cloth i covered it with blood from the church of inhibition gave it back to him and boom i was now a cult member with access to the mogwin palace i then rode my horse down to the southeast part of the zone this is a somewhat infamous farming spot due to how early on you can access it how many runes you'll get from enemies here the most common method of farming is by shooting this giant bird with an arrow and making it run off a cliff nearby however i wasn't going to do this since that was a violation of my character's pacifist lifestyle instead i chose to get on my horse jump over this rock by the cliff and watch the little red guys roll off to their death was this slower than the bird method yes but it was still pretty decent and i got two thousand runes for each guy that fell back to the overworld next up on my list was get a better healing incantation i rode up to the altus plateau and this prompted brother coryn to leave the roundtable hold i then found him on the side of the road where he sold me great heal a nice little upgrade that heals about 50 more than the normal heal with that i was ready for my second demigod boss fight radon the cool thing with radon is that you can summon a bunch of npcs to help you not only that but you can re-summon them when they die so to beat this fight without attacking it was just a matter of staying alive and resuming as much as i could and while i did try that for a bit i realized quickly that this would take a fair bit of effort and i had a more fun idea in mind i got radon to follow me all the way to the western edge of his arena then i jumped up the side of the cliff using my years of skyrim expertise took a bit of patience but i eventually got redone to follow me and then radon may have mastered gravity magic but he did not master gravity itself another demigod down before leaving i rode over to the nearby catacombs and grabbed the radon soldier ashes i wanted to try them out on my next stop ray lucario i upgraded them to plus three for the wolf boss here and you know what they're actually not bad this was a good choice they did all the damage and i managed to keep their health mostly topped off with great heal for the entire fight with the red wolf defeated i could run up and get the item i came here for the ratagon icon talisman this slightly increases the casting speed for sorceries and incantations if i was going to be casting healing constantly this seemed like a necessity and then i left ray lucaria because i didn't even want to attempt for nala not only was she not necessary to fight at this point but her first phase alone seemed like it would be a nightmare to deal with for summons that would run around trying to target 20 different enemies anyway i wanted to get into lendl but to do that i need to beat the draconic tree sentinel at the entrance out of curiosity i let the radon soldiers take a crack at it but they got absolutely destroyed every hit staggered them for a few seconds so it felt like upgrading them wasn't going to cut it here so woof woof it's time for the rotten stray again on my level 1 playthrough i managed to get by this part with poison so i figured scarlet rot could work here too i brought out my plus three raw dog to see if that'd be enough the dog died pretty quickly though it managed to proc scarlet rot before dying so i just ran away and waited nearby to watch it finish the job all right close all i had to do was keep the dog alive a bit longer so we could get some more damage off i upgraded into plus five and tried again i upgraded him to plus six and tried again perfect at this point it seemed like the rotten stray might work for everything except no he wouldn't because the next boss was the spirit of godfrey and i'm no scientist but i had a feeling poison wasn't gonna work on a ghost so i left to get a couple more options for spirit summoning in the city of knockron however before i left lendl i made one quick stop to pick up the deathbed dress this is a chess piece that passively heals nearby allies this effect is very minor with something like 2 hp per second but hey every bit helps and as an extra bonus check out the fashion this sad man was rocking that dress on to nakron here i picked up the great shield soldier ashes this is what i would use for the next fight before i left though i wanted to also grab the mimic tier since i had a feeling there was potential there too to get to that i need to defeat the mimic boss fun fact with this guy you could unequip all your weapons and armor before starting the fight and the mimic will spawn in with nothing after doing that i just sat back and watched my dog kill him no need for me to even heal since the mimic was only doing one damage per hit after that i ran deeper into nakron unlock this fog wall with a stone sword key and grab the mimic to your ashes just a couple more things before i was ready for godfrey first i grabbed the two fingers prayer book from the fortified manor in lentil to give to the turtle pope with this i learned the lord's teal which is a tier three version of heal i also picked up blessings boon blessings boon is an incantation that heals nearby allies for 90 seconds i believe it's 8 hp per second so between that and the death bed dress my summons would get 10hp back per second before even accounting for the other healing lastly i upgraded my great shield soldiers to plus six and i was good to go it was godfrey time these shield guys are incredible and i highly recommend giving them a shot even for normal playthroughs there's five of them and they each hold a great shield that allows them to block while attacking as long as they're facing the target correctly and not getting hit from behind they take almost no damage i did step in to heal every now and then but for the most part i just stood back and watched their damage output being low didn't matter because they just weren't gonna die god free down this wasn't even close after the fight i grabbed blessing of the archery from the queen's bedchamber this functions identically to blessing's boon but it's 12 hp per second instead of eight with that i was ready for morgot and in case you didn't know you can actually summon melina to help with this fight she's an interesting summon they gave her the same moveset as the black knife assassins so she'll dodge around quite a bit she also has this big aoe healing tree move which is incredibly helpful if it comes in at the right time i decided to go with the great shield soldiers again to fight alongside her things seemed to be going pretty well healing wasn't too much of an issue and they were blocking everything but then morgot decided to do this move yeah couldn't exactly outhill that one no problem though i just used margaret shackle next time to cancel that move whenever he started it up and this worked great until phase two because in phase two he has that same move but market shackle no longer works on top of that he also has a lot more elemental attacks that the great shield guys weren't too good at blocking so alright seeing the great shield soldiers weren't gonna work for this one who can i count on who had always been there for me that's right it's rot dog time again my first attempt went pretty well the dog managed to stay alive until the beginning of phase two i tried to keep melano alive too but she got focused down pretty hard soon after then it was just me morgot and the scarlet rot slowly killing him maybe if i just you know hid here i could do this oh [ __ ] yeah unfortunately my dodging skills were knocked apart and i died though it's very possible scarlet rot would have run out anyway on the next attempt it was going about the same but then melania came in with clutch timing on her healing tree right at the start of phase two which went a long way in keeping her and the dog alive from there i just kept frantically healing as much as i could and i got him with both melna and the dog surviving to the end next it was on to the mountaintops of the giants the next major boss was the fire giant this guy has something crazy like 25 000 health but i wasn't worried turns out you can actually just get him to die from fall damage if he follows you up on this cliff here so he'll walk off and take no damage uh-oh so now's a good time to mention that this was all recorded on patch 1.03 and i believe one of the changes they made was fixing the bug where he could fall to his death this was pretty bad however i wasn't about to give up i had options option one was to summon alexander to help with the fight unfortunately doing this disabled my force so that seemed like a terrible choice option two was to ignore alexander and just use my summons to fight the giant straight up but that massive health bar made this also feel impossible option 3 is a bit crazier i could escape the boss arena on horseback with some precise jumping there's a fog wall that's supposed to prevent this but they didn't quite make it wide enough from there i could ride alongside the edge to this point right here for some reason i could summon spirits in this one small spot picture it like a tiny semi-circle what's also strange is that elevation was a factor for remaining in the summoning zone if i got off my horse i could no longer summon anything and one more complication some of the giant's attacks could still reach me so i'd have to use my dismount iframes to avoid it but then get back on my horse to remain in the summon zone so here's the plan i would summon a spirit with a ranged attack to shoot at the giant while i stood next to it and healed to check if this was even possible and that the summons would target the boss correctly i summoned the jellyfish and luckily yes this might work before attempting this properly i made a quick detour to the ancestor spirit and sio4 river so i could unlock the ancestral follower as a summon it seemed like a decent option for a ranged summon i upgraded him and brought him back for the fight this kind of worked the damage was low but consistent keeping him alive was an issue at first either because attacks that reached him were infrequent enough for me to heal however he got pushed back a little farther each time and he made no effort to reposition to get back to me eventually he was all the way behind a rock and i couldn't get to him without leaving the summoning zone to make matters worse at around 25 health gone the fire giant adds fire moves to his moveset and this was a lot to juggle all at once i kept trying though this time i summoned the jellyfish and you know what i'll use her name her name's irelia as per the item description aurelia could poison the giant with the added bonus of floating back toward me whenever she got pushed back i also decided to bring the flame protect me incantation to reduce fire damage by 60 for the later parts of the fight this whole process was very very slow but it was kind of working until of course aurelia decided to hang out a little too close to the edge are you [ __ ] kidding me all right all right it happens maybe it was just a fluke amelia i swear to god i swear to god oh my god i'm gonna cry yeah after the third time this happened i decided to pack it in and what was even more demoralizing was the knowledge that even if i did manage to get to phase two i'm pretty sure i would get teleported back into the arena with my spirit summon who would immediately get destroyed so that's it i couldn't beat the fire giant and there was no way to get to pharaoh missoula or was there there was actually a very useful glitch i could take advantage of if you've seen the any percent speedrun of this game you're probably already familiar with it the wrong warp glitch i'll give a quick rundown but essentially this would just let me teleport to the start of fair missoula where you typically go after defeating the fire giant step one rest at the four belfry site of grace step two touch the warp point that teleports you to the side island of pharaoh missoula step 3 use the memory of grace item which usually sends you back to your last sight of grace but very quickly open up your map to teleport to the stormhill shack set of grace before it finishes step 4 you should now be falling beneath the map so quickly quit the game step 5 reload your game and you should now be at the start of fear missoula i managed to get this on my first try so i'm not exactly sure how strict the timing is but if you fail you can just retry until you get it so yeah i made it and my reward for doing this was getting to fight the godskin duo oh boy fortunately i could summon bernal to help with this fight i attempted this fight a couple times with the great shield soldiers and the rotten stray but i soon realized i needed something better among other things the black flame attacks of the gods can do it were just melting my summons and bernal i decided to get a stronger summon and upgrade to plus 10. so first up on my to-do list was to get more end-game upgrade materials for my spirits and one source of those was the consecrated snowfield normally you have to collect two halves of a medallion and defeat a pretty tough boss to get there but there's actually an easy way to skip this if you come up here on the mountaintops of the giants and jump off this part of the cliff you'll fall all the way down into the consecrated snow field naturally you'll die but you'll have the option of respawning at a nearby stake of america then boom you're in after collecting some glove wart for upgrading my spirits i decided that my spirit of choice would be black knife tieche she's pretty consistently considered one of the best summons in the game and i figured now is the time to use her only problem was that to reach the area where i could get her i need to complete ronnie's questline this was going smoothly enough at first until i reached red phantom blithe it was necessary that he dies because this is what would trigger ronnie giving me a key that i need to progress however i couldn't summon spirits in this area my first idea was to use bewitching branches on the basilisks before the blythe encounter using these on enemies causes them to become your ally for three minutes but it does do a single point of damage so this wasn't allowed my second idea was maybe i could just get him to walk off a ledge there was an elevator nearby and i figured i could lure him into falling down the hole this did not work either though as the game would not allow him to fall down on his own there was still hope though rejection this is an incantation that pushes enemies back that's a good question n64 donkey kong but it actually doesn't because the threshold for what isn't allowed is anything that deals direct damage and rejection causes no damage so i didn't kill blythe gravity did beautifully formed with that done the next roadblock was estelle i expected this to be a fight that would take me a while however it wasn't too bad with the ancestral follower he was able to land head shots pretty consistently for extra damage so it only took a couple tries this is also where i started using the golden vowel incantation to give my summons extra damage and defense and one more thing i used the shibri's woe talisman to help keep aggro on myself while my summon was getting shots off i'm not sure if this really helped much due to the way boss aggro works but i wanted to mention it basically bosses will usually target whoever is damaging them so if i'm standing around doing no damage shabiri's woe probably isn't doing much but yeah cell was down and i can make my way up to uh wait a minute oh yeah i need to get the key from the ray lucario grand library i'll just fast travel there real quick and right i never killed ranala cool all right [ __ ] it it's ronaldo time i chose lutel the headless to help with this fight since she's just a good all-around summon solid damage health and she blocks like i mentioned earlier the reason i didn't want to do this fight was because my summons wouldn't target the correct enemy good news though i learned that i could destroy the golden barriers on the girls crawling around with rejection doing this three times causes ronaldo to fall to the ground for a few seconds but it's the same issue my summon usually wouldn't target her because of the other enemies crawling around after about 10 minutes of almost no progress i realized that i needed a better plan though i got a hand to luteal for her comedic timing nice nice why did you turn away go back oh my god now i know some of you are already frothing at the mouth this is my chance i get to correct a youtube guy in the comments by telling him that he forgot something he should have just used the curse blood pot but see i'm actually going to correct your correction preemptively so yes there's a consumable cursed blood pot item if you throw it at an enemy your spirit summons will automatically target that enemy and ignore others sounds perfect right well take a look at this footage did you see it one damage one damage that's a one damage too much so no i wasn't going to use it so quick correction this is me from the future now i found out that you can actually throw the pot at the ground next to an enemy and they'll still get the debuff without taking damage from the pot itself so while i did not end up using this method i technically could have um it's kind of inconsistent though and if the enemy or boss is moving you're probably gonna hit them but for a boss that's not moving like ronaldo when she's just sitting on the ground this actually would have worked instead i thought about solving the renault problem in terms of probability the issue was that my summon could be targeting one of 20 different enemies at once those are pretty bad odds when i needed them to target the right one my solution was to choose a spirit summon that gave me multiple allies i decided to go with the demi humans because there were five of them and i assume they do more damage than the great shield soldiers took a lot of patience on my part but this eventually did the trick for phase one my logic of having multiple allies was correct phase two was also basically a non-issue because of how much pressure the demi humans were able to keep on ranalla i just kept healing until we won with ronaldo defeated i unlocked the chest grabbed the ring and went back to where i defeated astel so i could continue and then finally i made it the only thing standing between me and getting black knife ties was defeating the ringleader boss in this ever jail and i can't summon spirits in here cool so yes after all that work i failed to realize that you can't summon spirits forever jail boss fights genuinely funny to crush my hopes the last minute after all the hoops i had to jump through i mean that in my defense i barely use summons on my first playthrough so i never picked up on this but wait there's a ledge in this boss room maybe i could push him off with rejection nope the game wouldn't allow it this time and there you have it i was back at square one for needing to defeat the godskin duo awesome i decided to just jump in and go for it with lutel like i mentioned earlier she's very good at staying alive while still pulling her weight both her and bernal were pretty tanky but the key was keeping them alive which was easier said than done things would usually be going okay up until the gods can duo brought their black flame attacks these attacks did crazy damage and my allies made no attempts to avoid them i kept trying again and again and again for a couple hours sometimes i'd get close but it seemed like there was just no way to heal enough to keep them alive i had a few ideas like trying to pull away the big one at the start of the fight but that didn't work because sometimes my summons would just switch targets and come over to me i needed something else one idea which i learned after my last video was that the godskin duo are very susceptible to sleep if i could just put one to sleep i wouldn't have to worry about both bosses at once however this seemed like it wasn't going to be an option either there were sleep pots and sleep arrows but both did damage and i was committed to not bending the rules it looked like the end of the run no not yet i had one more idea i ran down to the consecrated still field to grab the treasure out the back of one of the carriages saint trina's torch the weapon skill on this torch allows you to blow a flame that puts enemies to sleep and guess what it does zero damage i was allowed to use this so i went back to the gods can duo to test it out it did a pretty good job of putting them to sleep now all i had to do was get lucky with the positioning of my summons so that they wouldn't attack and wake up the one that was sleeping after a bit of patience i managed to do exactly that and i even had time to fully heal my summons before going for the second one then it was just a matter of repeating this couple more times healing throughout the fight and there you go i beat the god skin duo without attacking i felt really good malakath was up next though to get a feel for how rough this was gonna be i tried fighting him with lutel phase one went very smoothly but phase two was too much lutel just got deleted i needed more than good healing to win this one so before grinding it out any further i wanted to grab the blasphemous claw item this would allow me to parry some of malachi's attacks during the second phase to create big openings this item is dropped by bernal after he invades you but to get him to invade i had to kill ricard in the volcano manor so that's where i went next gonna skip over this fight with the godskin noble because this is just a much easier version of the fight i just won after that it was time for ricard this is a gimmick fight where you're expected to use the weapon in the boss room the serpent hunter spear now i wasn't allowed to hit him with this but if i equipped it my mimic could this is a good time to mention why i haven't used the mimic up until now in case you didn't know patch 1.03 heavily nerfed the mimic by reducing its damage i believe it's just as tanky as it was before but the damage nerf was substantial enough that seemed like a weaker option than the other summons though since this fight revolves around the serpent hunter spear mimic was the way to go attempt one went pretty poorly with the mimic just running into the lava and not even getting halfway through phase one luckily i could make this way easier i just fully upgraded the spear you may not have realized this yourself since the fight is pretty well balanced around not upgrading your spear but it's a thing so i upgraded it and tried again this went much better but it was still tough because my opportunities to heal were so limited my mimic spent most of its time in the lava lake before and if i attempted to get close to heal the lava would interrupt my casting before it went off my mimic would need to survive mostly on its own so i put a bunch of heavy armor on and tried one more time this worked great not only did it beat ricard but it had plenty of help to spare maybe the mimic wasn't as bad as i thought with ricard dead i went back to fair missoula to get invaded things seemed to be going well i was just gonna lure him up on this ladder and then knock him off oh apparently fromsoft added some very strict boundaries to prevent this exact scenario i had to fight him on this walkway and there was no ledge to knock him off i tried jumping on the railings but he would never follow there was no way to knock him off i gave this a real effort though it seemed like i had to accept that this just wasn't gonna work i had to fight malakath with just a summon and nothing else i tried again with lutel but this was as close as i could get with what felt like near perfect playing on my part that's when i remembered how the mimic surprised me with ricard maybe the mimic would work its raw damage had been nerfed yes but the damage from status effects was unchanged for example bleed i can make a bleed build for my mimic were the heaviest armor and maybe just maybe that would be enough so i teleported back over to mogwood palace to get grinding after many hours i had done it here's the final build dual katanas each upgraded to plus 25 with the bleed infusion the katana in the main hand had the bloodhound step because i thought that might help survivability my relevant stats were 60 vigor 40 dexterity and 40 arcane and in case you didn't know bleed scales with arcane so that's why i leveled it lastly here were the talismans i used basically anything that would make my mimic more tanky if you're curious how i got this one here you go so yeah i was ready for malaka let's see who that went was it time to quit is this the best i could do hell no i ran it back i learned i was patient and i found openings where i could heal and then i did it bleed is just that strong and the mimic is just that tanky somehow this actually worked i almost couldn't believe it up next was the city of ashe sir gideon the all-knowing more like sir gideon the dead guy got him i just summoned my mimic and spam rejection this was very easy and i had fun sending him flying across the room after that i grabbed her tree heel from the queen's bedchamber this is the most powerful heal in the game and it's just stupid strong watch this yes it's kind of silly to be honest two bosses left now first up was godfrey the first elden lord this actually wasn't bad at all i beat him first try like i said before bleed is that strong and the mimic is that tanky and with urge for heal i was easily keeping the mimic alive i think i went overkill on the leveling i very likely could have done this at a lower level due to how comfortably i cleared this only the final boss remains before going in i decided to change my weapon i'm pretty sure both the radagon and the elden beast are immune to bleed but they're not immune to black flame attacks so i switched the twin blades and equipped the black flame tornado weapon art and just to make my mimic extra unkillable i got the lord's divine fortification an incantation from the round table hold which reduces holy damage by 60 which is the main source of damage for both of the final bosses it was time [Music] [Music] so yeah i got this on my second try i really can't overstate how powerful er tree heal was for keeping my minik alive and there you have it elden ring can be beaten without attacking a single enemy and without dealing a single point of direct damage i truly didn't expect to beat this run when i started i just thought it'd be fun to show you all how far i made it i love how fromsoft throws all these tools in their games for ridiculous runs like this to be possible and just because it was bothering me i went back to kill the fire giant so yes even he's beatable with the setup anyway thank you very much for watching subscribe for more from soft shenanigans and have a good one [Music] you
Channel: Iron Pineapple
Views: 5,890,471
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: elden ring, dark souls, soulslike, souls like, iron pineapple, review, gameplay, guide, commentary, funny, build, challenge, pacifist, sl 1
Id: yKoJQhB1JAk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 31sec (1771 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 03 2022
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